480. Hard Times


Hard Times

Perrow JAFL xxviii 140 prints a song from Mississippi with
chorus corresponding- to that below and one stanza corresponding
to stanza 2. See also 'I Went to Atlanta.' in Lawrence (iellert's
Xcgro Songs of Protest (New York. 1936), p. 9.

No title. Contributed by Miss Lucy Cobl), Cliapcl Hill. The text
appears in Miss Cobb's unpublished Duke University M.A. thesis.


Times git tin' mighty hard,
Money's gittin' mighty scase.
Soon's I sell my cotton 'n' corn
I'm gwiner leave dis place.

1 Big hee makes de honey comb.
Little bee gits de honey ;

Nigger man makes de cotton 'n' corn,
White man gits de money.

2 White man goes to college.
Nigger goes to de field ;

\Miite man larns to read and write,
Nigger learns to steal.

3 Nigger in de kitchen.
White man's breakfast hot ;
One eye on de table, boys,
Other eye on de pot.


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