464. That's W'here My Money Goes


That's Wiikkk IMv Money Coks

From Miss Doris Overton. Durham, July 1922. Dr. White notes:
"Probalily modern minstrel — I remember learning it as such about lyoo-

That's where my money goes,

To huy my bahy clothes.

I'd do 'most any old thing

To keep that woman in style.

She's w^orth her weight in gold.

My coal-black Venus.

Sav, bcjys, that's where my money goes.






That's Where My Money Goes

That's Where My Money Goes.' Sung by Miss Doris Overton, Durham,
July 1922. The music certainly corroborates Dr. White's statement, III


That's where my mon - ey goes, To buy my ba - by clothes.

I'd do 'most an - y old thing To keep that wo - man

in style. She's worth her weight in gold. My coal - black

Ve - nus. Say, boys, that's where mv mon - ey goes.

Scale: Hexatonic (4), plagal. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: abac (2,2,2,2)
= aai (4,4).

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