487. Old Aunt Dinah

Old Aunt Dinah

This is described by the contributor as a "Negro hollow" ; pos-
sibly it is a yodel. It has not been found elsewhere.

'Negro Hollow.' Contributed in 1921 by Elizabeth Janet Black of Ivan-
hoe, Sampson county. With the music.

Old Aunt Dinah, ho pee, ho pee,

Old Aunt Dinah, ho pee, ho !

Gwine away to leave yer, ho pee. ho pee,

Gwine away to leave yer, ho pee, ho !




Old Aunt Dinah
'Negro Hollow.' Sung by Miss Elizabeth Janet Black, Ivanhoe, Sampson
county, 1921. Cf. JAFL lxvii 73-7, No. 263; also Mellows 165, second
stanza. The repetition of the first four measures, which are identical with
those of F-446, makes up the whole of this song. Again an extremely
economical use of material.


Old Aunt Di - nab, ho pee, ho pee, Old Aunt Di - nah, pee,


ho! Gwine a - way ter leave yer, ho pee.


ho pee, Ciwinp a - way ter leave yer, ho pee, ho!

Scale: Tetratonic (4). Tonal Center: g. Structure: aa^aa^ (2,2,2,2) = aa
(4,4). The tonal center is the lowest tone. 


487(1) 'Negro Hollow.' Sung by Mrs. C. C. Murphy, Ivanhoe, Sampson county. No date given. As mentioned in the preceding analysis, this tune has the first four measures in common with the previous version. But, at least, there  is another phrase which is new ; the structure shows a peculiar similarity : the  first two measures are repeated and so is the following phrase of four measures.


or Aunt Di - nah, ho pee, ho pee, 01' Aunt Di - nah,

ho pee, ho! Go - in' fer to leab yer, leab yer.


leab yer, Go - in' fer to leab yer, ho pee, ho!


Go - in' fer to leab yer, leab yer, leab yer, to leab ho ho!

Go - in' fer to leaD yer, ho pee,

Scale : Hexachordal. Tonal Center : d. Structure : aaiba^bai (2,2,2,2,2,2)
= abb (4,4,4) = nmm = inverted barform; in the over-all form, b is some-
what related to a. The endings of all three phrases are the same. 

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