Mammy in the Kitchen
From Eugene C. Crawford, a Trinity College student (later address
Enfield, N. C), December 3, 1919, with note: "As sung by Negro sol-
diers in France." Cf. White ANFS 355 (without music).
Mammy in the kitchen cookin' pink beans ;
Daddie on the ocean dodgin' submarines.
497 Mammy in the Kitchen
'Mammy in the Kitchen.' Sung by Eugene C. Crawford, Trinity College,
Durham, December 3, 1919.
Mam -my in the kitch-en
a - cook - in' pink beans; Oh,
the - cean — dodg - in' sub - ma - rines. dad - dy on
Scale: Hexatonic (6). Tonal Center: c. Structure: mmin (2,2,4); again a
miniature barform. The tonal center is the lowest tone.