470. What You Gwina Do When the World's on Fire


What You Gwina Do When the World's on Fire?

From K. W. Litaker. Trinity College student, December 5, 1919. "heard
in cotton fields, Cabarrus County, N. C," with music. As in White
ANFS 282 (without music).

W'hat you gwina do when the world's on fire?
Fm gona jump in a hole o' water.
What you gwina do when the water gets to boilin'?
Fm a gona kick and squeal and hollo.



What You Gwina Do When the World's on Fire?

'What You Gwina Do When de World's on Fire? Sung by K. W. Litaker,

Trinity College, Durham, December 5, 1919. Compare our text with that


of FSoA 137 and NSNH 66-7. Likewise with the second stanza of III 605,
No. 547. One of the 'economical' structures : two measures thrice repeat-
ed, constitute the whole song.

What you gwin - a do when the world's on fire?-

I'm gon - a jump in a hole o' wa - ter. What you

gwina do when the wa - ter gets to boil - in'?


I'm a gon - a kick and squeal and hoi - lo.
Scale: Irrational (2,3,4), plagal. Tonal Center: b-flat. Structure: aaaa (2,2,2,2)
— aa (4,4). The tonal center is the highest tone. Circular tune (V).

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