467. Two Little Niggers Black as Tar

Two Little Niggers Black as Tar


From W. T. Huckabee, Jr., Trinity College student, December 5, 1919,
with music and note : "Sung by Negro street workers, eastern N. C."
As in White ANFS 194 (without music). Cf. No. 461 A, stanza 5.

Two little niggers hlack as tar.
Tryin' to git to heaven on a 'lectric car.
De street car hroke, down dey fell ;
'Stead a going to heaven they went to h — 1.


'Big Black Nigger Black as Tar.' Communicated by Cousor from

Bishopville, South Carolina. Whether it is a memory of something
heard in North Carolina does not appear.

Big black nigger, black as tar.

Try to get to heaven in a 'lectric car.

Car wheel broke, dat nigger fell ;

He did miss heaven, but he sho' hit hell.



Two Little Niggers Black as Tar


'Two Little Niggers Black as Tar.' Sung by W. T. Huckabee, Jr., Trinity
College, Durham, December 5, 1919. For similarities in text cf. Ill 535,


Two lit - tie nig - gers black as tar, Try - in' to git

to heav'n on 'lee - trie car. De street car broke,

down dey fell; 'Stead a 'goin' to heav'n dey went to h. .1.

Scale: Mode III. Tonal Center: c. Structure: aa^ab (2,2,2,2) = aa^ (4,4).
The tonal center is the lowest tone.

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