409. Nancy Till


Nancy Till

Sear's Index lists this simply as a "Negro song-." It is known
in Kentucky (Shearin 23). and the Archive of American Folk
Song has a recording of it made in Washington. Probahlv it is
nmch more widely known than this short account implies. Our two
texts are identical.

'Xancy Till." Reported by Kemp P. Lewis in 1915 or thereabouts as
set down in 1910 from the singing of Dr. Kemp P. P>attle of Chapel

1 Down in the cane])rake close by the mill

There lives a pretty girl and her name is Nancy Till.
She knew that I loved her. she knew it very long.
I'm going to serenade her. and this shall he tiie song :


Come. love, come, the boat lies low.

She lies high, dry, on the Ohio.

Come. love, come, won't you go along with me?

I'll row the boat while the boat rows me.

2 Open the window, love, oh, do.

And listen to the music I am playing for you.
The whisperings of love, so soft and low.
Harmonize my voice with the old banjo.

3 Softly the casement began for to rise.
The stars are a-shining above in the skies,
The moon is declining beyond yonder hill.
Reflecting its rays on you, my Nancy Till.

4 Farewell, love. I now mtist away,

I've a long way to travel before the break of day.
But the next time I come, be ready for to go
A-sailing on the banks of the Ohio.


'Nancy Till.' Contributed by C. K. Tillett of Wanchese, Roanoke
Island, in 1923. The text is as in A.



The tullowing fragment, contributed by V. C. Royster from Wake
county, with a note that it goes back before the Civil War, is perhaps
a memory of the same song :

Come, my love, and go with me,
J '11 take you down to Tennessee;
There we'll live a happy life,
Every da}' as man and wife.

Nancy Till


'Nancy Till.' Sung by C. K. Tillett, Wanchese, Roanoke Island, December
29, 1922. For other texts cf. MSON 88-9 and APPS 182E. Our melody be-
gins somewhat like 'Old McDonald Had a Farm.'



Down in the cane - brake close by the mill Lives a



lit - tie gal her name is Nan - cy Till. I loved her ht - tie


and I loved her long. Go - in to


8 - nade her, and


sing this song: The boat lies high, the boat lies low. She



lies high, dry, on the Ohio


Come, love, come,

Come and go with me,
I'll take you down to Ten - nes - see.

For melodic relationship cf. ***MSON 88-9.

Scale : Hexachordal. Tonal Center : d. Structure : abab^cdcdi (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
=r aa^bb^ (4,4,4,4). The tonal center is the lowest tone.

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