418. Old Zip Coon

Old Zip Coon

The autliorslnp of 'Zip Coon,' "one of minstrelsy's earliest and
most characteristic and popular songs," was a matter of dispute
among George Nichols. Bob Farrell, and George W. Dixon. "It
resembled a rough jig dance, called Natcliy under the Hill, and
was said to have originated among the boatmen, gamblers, river
pirates, and courtesans who congregated freciuently for a real 'hoe-
down' at a rendezvous near Natchy." Farrell sang it at the Bowery
Theater in New York in 1834.. (Carl Wittke. Tambo and Bones,
a History of the American Minstrel Stage [Durham. N. C.. 1930],
pp. 16. 33.) There is a fairly early version of it in Cliristy's Negro
Songster (New^ York, 1855), pp. 177-80, which reads "sandy hol-
lar"' for "sandy hook." See also J. Foster Damon, Series of Old
American Songs (Providence, R. I., 1936), for the earliest printing
and for further details about the origin of 'Zip Coon.' Professor
Damon suggests that "some lost spiritual is the probable source" of
the tune, and states that the tune was used later for 'Turkey in the



Straw.' See also The Popular Xational Songster, etc. (Philadel-
phia, 1845), pp. 177-80.

'Old Zip Coon.' From Miss Amy Henderson, Worry, Burke county,
c. 1915.

1 I went down to Sandy Hook t'other afternoon.
I went down to Sandy Hook t'other afternoon,
I went down to Sandy Hook t'other afternoon.
And the first man I met there was old Zip Coon.


Old Zip Coon is a very learned scholar,
Old Zip Coon is a very learned scholar,
Old Zip Coon is a very learned scholar.
He plays upon de banjo Cooney in de holler.

2 Old Sukey Blue-skin fell in love with me.
She 'vite me to her house to take a cup o' tea.
What do you think Old Suke had for supper?
Chicken foot, sparrow-grass, apple sass and butter.

3 Did you ever see the wild goose sail upon the ocean ?
The wild goose motion is a very pretty motion.

And when the wild goose winks he beckons to de swallow ;
Den de wild goose holler goggle, goggle, goller.

4 Oh ! my old Mistis she is mad with me

Because I wouldn't go with her and live in Tennessee.
Marster build a barn there and put in all de fodder.
This thing and that thing and one thing another.


The John Burch Blaylock Collection has a version practically identical
with A.


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