449. I'm Gwine Away to Georgia

I'm Gwine Away to Georgia
From Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Montgomery county (later Mrs.
C. P. Perdue), with recording.

1 I'm gwine away to Georgia.
U'm^ gwine away to roam.

U'm gwine away to Georgia, chile.
Fer to make it my home.

2 The turkle dove is a hollerin'
'Cause he hears my sad cry,
U'm gwine away to Georgia now
Fer to live till I die.


I'm Gwine Away to Georgia
'I'm Gwine Away to Georgia.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins, Pekin, Mont-
gomery county, July 1922. Textually, the first stanza is identical with that
of No. 248B (III 272). Musically, only the general line of the initial two
measures shows any relation. Cf. F-217.



I'm — gwine 'way to Geor - gia, U'm gwine 'way to roam, U'm


gwine 'way to Geor -gia, chile, For to make it my home.



For melodic relationship cf. **SharpK ii 14, general melodic line;
FSSM 40, intervallic progressions of measures 3-5.

Scale: Mode III. Tonal Center: d. Structure: aa^a^a^ (2,2,2,2) ^ aa^
(4,4). The tonal center is the lowest tone.


'I Once Loved a Young Man.' Sung by Mr. and Mrs. J. Trivette, Heaten,
Avery county, July 30, 1939. There is no text given beyond that of the
previous version as found in III 527, but the second, third, and fifth stanzas of
No. 248E (III 273) are practically identical with the first, second, and third
of our present version. Besides this, our first and second stanzas are identical
with the second and third of SharpK 11 14, No. 78. Also, the last line of our
third stanza is identical with that in iii 81, No. 50C (cf. F-58). Cf. here
FSSH 278, No. 89, second stanza, last line. Basically, there is some relation-
ship in the first part of the melodic line with that of the previous version
(F-414). Cf. JAFL XXII 249.


I once loved a young man  dear as my life,


And — he oft-times did prom-ise to make me — his wife.


What I've come to by be - ing-


his My ba - by is in - side- me, I'm bed,
My — hus - band a - gam - blin', Lord I

For melodic relationship cf. *SharpK 11 14, No. 78.

Scale : Hexatonic (4) , plagal. Tonal Center : d. Structure : aa^a^b (2,2,2,2)
= aai (4,4).

2nd stanza:
He fulfilled his promise ;
He made me his wife.
And see what I've come to
By being his wife.

3rd stanza:
My baby is inside me,
I'm sick on my bed.
My husband a-gamblin'
Lord, I wish I was dead.

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