Young Man and Maid- Lunsford (NC) 1935 REC
[From Columbia University Library Recordings 1935; Disc 5, No. 1. Also Jones, Minstrel of the Appalachians.
R. Matteson 2016]
Young Man and Maid- sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, recorded 1935.
1. Young man and maid, please lend attention
To these few lines I'm goin' to write,
For there never was no truer ever mentioned,
Concerning a fair and beauty bright.
2. There was a young man courted a young lady,
He loved her dear as he did his own life,
He often vowed and declared unto her,
That he would make her his lawful wife.
3. When his parents came to know this,
To break it up they both did strive,
Saying, "Son, oh son, why be so foolish?
She is too poor to be your bride."
4. He fell on his knees before them,
"Oh, cruel parents, pity me.
How can you keep me from my heart's desire,
When She is all the World to me?
5. When the young lady came to know this,
She walked through fields and meadows brown.
She walked till she came to some deep, low waters,
In a lonesome grave where she sat down.
6 She pulled out a silver dagger,
And pierced it through her tender breast.
Saying, "Here I lay my youthful body,
Down in this lonesome grave to rest.
7. Her true love being on the waters near her,
He chance did hear her dying groans.
He ran, he ran like one distracted,
Saying, "I am lost, I'm left alone."
8. He picked up the bloody dagger,
And rolled her over in his arms.
Saying, "Darlin', Darlin' What can save you?
For you must die in all your charms."
9. She turned her dark blue eyes upon him,
Saying, "Alas, true love, you've come too late.
Prepare to meet me up in heaven,
Where all our joys will be complete."
10. He picked up this bloody dagger,
And pierced it through his tender breast
Saying, "Here I lay my youthful body
Down in this lonesome grave to rest."
11. Oh cruel parents, oh take warning,
Never try to part sweethearts.
As you may know and to be sure,
They'll destroy their lives for each other's hearts.
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