Bedroom Window- Greta Brown (NS) 1928 Mackenzie
[From: W. Roy Mackenzie; Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia 1928; reprinted Folklore Associates, 1963, pp. 99-100;
R. Matteson 2016]
WHO IS AT MY BEDROOM WINDOW?- From the singing of Miss Greta Brown, River John, Pitou County.
1 "O who is at my bedroom window,
Disturbing me from my night's rest?"
"It is, it is your own true lover,
The very one that you love best.
2 "Go, Maggie dear, go ask your father,
See if our wedding bride may be.
If he says 'No,' love, come and tell me,
And I'll no longer troubled be."
3 "It is no use of asking father,
For he is on his bed of rest,
And by his side a silver dagger
To stab the one that he loves best."
4 "Go, Maggie dear, go ask your mother,
See if our wedding bride may be.
If she says 'No,' love, come and tell me,
And I'll no longer troubled be."
5 "It is no use of asking mother,
Foe she is on to set us free.
You'd better go and court some other,
For you cannot marry me."
6 "I can climb the highest mountains,
I can rob the eagle's nest,
I can go and court some other,
But you're the one that I love best."
7 She drew the dagger from her pocket
And buried it deep, deep in her breast,
Sang adieu to her cruel parents:
"I'll die with the one that I love best."
8 He drew the dagger from her bosom
And buried it deep, deep in his breast,
Sang adieu to her cruel parents,
And she died with the one that she loved best.
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