Molly- Zula Calico (AR) c.1928 Parler D

 Molly- Zula Calico (AR) c.1928 Parler D   

[From Ozark Folksong Collection; Reel 363, Item 7. Collected by Parler in folklore class.

R. Matteson 2016]

Molly- sung by Zula Calico of Huntsville, Ark. on August 20, 1958. (Learned about thirty years ago from some schoolmates who learned it from their grandmother.)

Oh, who is that at my bedside window
Coming here to bother me?
It is your own true lover, Molly,
Oh, won't you rise and follow me?

Oh Molly, Molly, go and ask your father
 Whether my bride you shall ever be,
And if he says no, come back and tell me
And then no more I'll bother thee.

I dare not go and ask my father
For he is on his bed of rest,
And in his hands he holds a dagger
To slay the man that I love best.

Oh Molly, Molly, go ask your mother
Whether my bride you shall ever be,
And if she says no. return and tell me
And then no more I'll bother thee.

I will not go and ask my mother
For she is on her bed at rest,
And in her hands she holds a paper
To prove the man that I love best.

Oh Molly, Molly melancholy[1],
You have caused my heart to break,
For in your heart you love another
And in my grave I'd rather be.

1. See Robert's version from In the Pines.

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