Drowsy Sleeper- Evelyn Ramsey (NC) 1979 REC

Drowsy Sleeper- Evelyn Ramsey (NC) 1979 REC

 [From Digital Appalachia, recording. Evelyn Ramsey sings  Drowsy sleeper at her home in Sodom Laurel, Madison County, NC for  a group of high school students from Paideia school in Atlanta. The group is led by John Sundale. Evelyn's father, Morris Norton is also present.

R. Matteson 2016]

Drowsy Sleeper- sung by Evelyn Ramsey at her home in Sodom Laurel, Madison County, NC, 1979.

Awake, awake, you drowsy sleeper
Awake, awake, it's almost day,
How can I[1] lie in sleep and slumber
And your true love going far away?

Oh say my love go ask your mama,
If you a bride of mine can be, [full recording not available- stops here]

1. you

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