Awake, Arise, You Drowsy Sleeper- (PA) 1945 Bayard

Awake, Arise, You Drowsy Sleeper- (PA) 1945 Bayard

[No source given. Fragment from: UNRECORDED FOLK TRADITIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA  by Samuel P. Bayard
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1 (JANUARY 1945), pp. 1-14. Published by: Penn State University Press.

R. Matteson 2016]

 War songs, love songs, religious pieces and work songs, murder ballads and fabliaux in verse, with themes that embrace all the elemental human situations, jostle each other in the Pennsylvania songsters' repertories. They speak out in the most varied tones, from the love-language of the old-world aube:

 Awake, arise, you drowsy sleeper,
 Awake, arise, it's almost day!
 Go put your head out of yon window,
 And hear what your true lover says.

 Oh, who is at my bedroom window
 Disturbing me so long before day?
 'Tis I, your own true loving jewel?
 Arise, my love, and come away

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