Willie and Mary- Mrs. Muchler (MI) 1935 Gardner B
[From: Ballads and Songs of Michigan by Emelyn- Elizabeth Gardner and Geraldine Jencks Chickering, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press: 1939. Their notes follow.
R. Matteson 2016]
This is a widely distributed song which belongs to a large group of English and Scottish songs concerning the "Night Visit" (Charles Read Baskervill, "English Songs on the Night Visit," PMLA, XXXVI, 565-614). All the Michigan versions contain lines that tell of Willie's killing himself with the dagger and of Mary's following his example, a borrowing from "The Silver Dagger," which, Kittredge notes, occurs also in the Wehman broadside of this song JAFL, XXX, 338). Only A of the Michigan texts begins with the lover trying to arouse his sweetheart from sleep. A and E have a final stanza describing the feelings of the parents the morning after the tragedy For other texts and references see Cox, pp. 348-349, and Mackenzie, pp. 99-100. See also Eddy, No. 26; Greenleaf and Mansfield, pp. 55-56; Scarborough, pp. 139-142, Sharp, I, 358-364; and, for a somewhat similar song, Ord, p. 318.
B. Willie and Mary - Sung in 1935 by Mrs. Charles Mucbler, Kalkaska. A text very similar to A, with minor differences and the omission of stanza 8.
"O, who is at my bedroom window,
A-mourning there, so bitterly?"
" 'Tis I, 'tis I, your own true lover,
A-mourning here so bitterly.
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