Arise, Arise- N. Fitzgerald (VA) 1918 Sharp E

Arise, Arise- N. Fitzgerald (VA) 1918 Sharp E

[My title, from English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians I, 1917 and 1932. Collected by Cecil J. Sharp including tunes contributed by Olive Dame Campbell; Karpeles; ed. The 1932 notes follow.

R. Matteson 2016]

Texts without tunes:— Gavin Greig's Folk-Song of the North East, i, art. 54.Broadside (no imprint). Journal of American Folk-Lore, xx. 260; xxix. 200.Cox's Folk Songs of the South, p. 348 (see also further references).
Texts with tunes :—Christie's Traditional Ballad Airs, i. 225. Journal of the Folk-Song Society; i. 269; iii. 78. Songs of the West, 2nd ed., No. 41. Folk Songs from Somerset, No. 99 (published also in English Folk Songs, Selected Edition, i. 72, and One Hundred English Folk-Songs, p. 106). Folk-Songs of England, v. 12.Journal of American Folk-Lore, xxv. 282 (tune only); xxx. 338 ; xxxv. 356. W. R. Mackenzie's Ballads and Sea Songs of Nova Scotia, No. 99. Sturgis and Hughes's Songs from the Hills of Vermont, p. 30.

E. [Arise, Arise] Sung by Mr. NAPOLEON FITZGERALD at Beechgrove, Va., May 24, 1918
Hexatonic (no 3rd).

1. Arise, rise, you slumbering sleepers,
 A rise, rise 'tis almost day.
Go open your doors, your doors and your windows,
And hear what a true love doth say.

2 O who is this that knocks at my window,
That speaks my name so familiarly?
'Tis James, 'tis James, your own true lover,
That wants to speak one word with thee.

3 Go away from my window, you'll waken my father,
He's lying now a-taking his rest,
And in his right hand he holds a weapon
To pierce the one that my heart loves best.

4 Go away from my window, you'll waken my mother,
Such tales of love she scorns to hear;
You'd better go court, go court some other,
She kindly whispered in my ear.

5 I won't go court, go court some other,
For what I say I mean no harm;
I want to win[1] you from your mother,
And rest you in a true love's arms.

6 O down in yon valley there grows a green willow,
I wish it was across my breast;
It might cut off all grief and sorrow
And set my troubled mind at rest.

1. wean (see Ramsay, Tea Table Miss., 1725)

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