Drowsy Sleeper- Hedy West (AL) 1963 REC

Drowsy Sleeper- Hedy West (AL) 1963 REC

[From her Vanguard album, Hedy West, 1963. Her album notes follow. This is a hybrid version of three ballads; 1) Drowsy Sleeper 2) Johnson Boys 3) inserted between Johnson Boys stanzas is "Spanish Lady." The "handsome man" line was changed by West to "rebel man."

R. Matteson 2016]

  West's liner notes:   Grandma and Uncle Gus learned Drowsy Sleeper from Virgie West while he was courting their older sister, Molly. I have supplied a segment of the third verse (5th and 6th verses), which was incomplete when I learned it.

Drowsy Sleeper- Sung by Hedy West, 1963, learned from Vergie West in Alabama.

[banjo intro]

Awake, awake, you drowsy sleeper
Awake, awake, it's almost day,
How can you sleep and slumber
With all them pretty girls running away.

Yonder stands a couple of ladies
With their faces white as snow
Go and court 'em for your duty
Make them answer, "yes or no."

[banjo fill]

Madam I have gold and silver
Madam I have house and land
Madam I've a world of treasure
They are all at your command.

I don't want gold and silver
I don't want your house and land
I don't your world of treasure
All I want's a rebel[1] man.

Rebel boys were made in honor
They know how court a maid,
Hug 'em, kiss 'em, call them "honey,"
Rush up pretty boys don't be afraid.

Yankee boys were raised in ashes
Don't know how to court a maid;
Turn there backs and hide their face
Sight of a pretty girl makes 'em afraid.

1. handsome (Spanish Lady)

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