Drowsy Sleeper- Mrs. Glasscock (WV) 1955 Musick

Drowsy Sleeper- Mrs. Glasscock (WV) 1955 Musick

[From: West Virginia Folklore, Volumes 5: 2, by West Virginia Folklore Society, Winter 1955, by Ruth Ann  Musick.

R. Matteson 2016]

IX. The Drowsy Sleeper --sung by Mrs. Howard Glasscock of Wetzel County, W. Virginia. Learned from Aunt Dakota Crithfield. Collected by Ruth Ann  Musick.

1. "Oh, who is this at my bedside window,
Oh, who has come to trouble me?"
"It is I, it is I, your own true lover;
It is I, who have cane to trouble thee."

2. "Oh, Molly, go and ask your mother
If my sweet bride you ever shall be;
If she says 'No', I'll go and leave you
And never more will I trouble thee."

3. "Oh, I need not go and ask my mother;
 For she lies on her bed or rest,
And an open letter lies  beside her,
To show to the one that I love best."

4. "Oh, Molly, Molly, melancholy,
You caused my poor, stern heart to break,
For it's you I love and I love no other;
I've crossed the sea just for your sake."

5. If it's me you love, and you will forever,
And crossed the sea just for my sake,
It's I'll forsake both father and mother,
And go with you and forever stay.

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