Lost Henry- Allie Long Parker (AR) 1958 Hunter A

    Lost Henry- Allie Long Parker (AR) 1958 Hunter A

[From Max Hunter Collection Cat. #0272 (MFH #589)  Minor editing.

Listen: http://maxhunter.missouristate.edu/songinformation.aspx?ID=0272

This is a rare version of the composed ballad (dating back to around 1810 in the US) which has been mixed with the traditional ballad. Allie Long Parker was a singer and collector for Parler and Hunter.

R. Matteson 2016]

LOST HENRY- - As sung by Allie Long Parker, Eureka Springs, Arkansas on November 5, 1958.

Come back, come back, my dear lost Henry
Come back, come back, I'll go with you
Go way down yonder, in that lone valley
And there we'll spend our months and years.

We'll eat of nothing but weeping willow
And drink of nothing but flowing tears
He being on the roadside near her[1]
A hearing of his true love's voice.

He ran, he ran, like one distracted
Saying, my love you are quite low
O, go love, and ask your mother
If you this night, my bride can be.

If she says no, come quick and tell me
It'll be the last time, I'll trouble you
O no, O no, I won't go ask my mother
For she lies on her bed of rest.

And in one hand she holds a letter
That tells about my poor disgrace
Then, go love go, and ask your father
If you this night, my bride can be.

If he says no, come quick and tell me
It'll be the last time I'll trouble thee
O no, O no, I won't go ask my father
For he lies on his bed of rest.

And in one hand he holds a dagger
To kill the one that I love best
Then, he pulled out a silver dagger
And pierced it through her lily white breast.

These words she spoke, just as she staggered[1]
Farewell my love, I'm going to rest
Prepare to meet me on Mount Zion
Where all our joys will be complete.

Then, he picked up the bloody weapon
And pierced it through his own true heart
Saying, let this be a fearful warning
To parents who, true lovers part.

1. This and the next stanza are part of the composed ballad.

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