Drowsy Sleeper- Wise Jones (AR) 1958 Hunter B

Drowsy Sleeper- Wise Jones (AR) 1958 Hunter B

[From Max Hunter Folk Song collection: Cat. #0003 (MFH #128)
Listen: http://maxhunter.missouristate.edu/songinformation.aspx?ID=0003

The version by Lula Davis (Mrs. T.M. Davis) in the Ozark Collection is significantly different. However this is the version as  sung by Mrs. Oliva Hauser, who, if my memory serves me correctly is her sister (or daughter?).

R. Matteson 2016]


Drowsy Sleeper- As sung by Wise Jones, Fayetteville, Arkansas on March 25, 1958. Wise Jones is a student at the University of Arkansas. He learned this song from Lula Davis (Mrs. T.M Davis), Fayetteville, Arkansas (?).

Wake up, wake up, you drowsy sleeper
Wake up, wake up, for it's almost day
How can you stand to sleep and slumber
When your own true love is goin' away

Who is this at my bedroom window?
Who cries and cries, so mournfully
Tis I, tis I, your own dear Edward
Coming once more for t' trouble thee

O, Mary dear, go ask your Mother
If you my bride can never be
And if she says no, come back and tell me
And I'll no more will trouble thee

O, no, I'll not go ask my Mother
For she lies on her bed at rest
And in 'er hand she holds a letter
That tells her of your own disgrace

O, Mary dear, go ask your Father
If you my bride can never be
If he says no, come back an' tell me
And I'll no more will trouble thee

O, no, I'll not go ask my Father,
For he lies on his bed at rest
And in his hand he holds a weapon
To kill th one that I love best

O, Edward dear, go court some other
And whisper love words in 'er ear
O, I'll not go court some other
For your the one that I hold dear

If I could climb the highest tree tops
If I could rob the richest nest
If I could court the fairest lady
But never the one that I love best


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