Wake up, You Drowsy Sleeper- Oaks Fam. (KY) 1930
[From Victor recording 23795 made in Memphis, TN on 6-4-1930 by The Oaks Family. They were led by Charlie Oaks who was a blind street singer from Richmond, Kentucky. He recorded solo for Vocalion as early as 1924.
R. Matteson 2016]
Wake up, You Drowsy Sleeper- Oaks Family lead by Charlie Oaks (vocals and guitar), recorded June 4, 1930.
[Harmonica solo]
Wake up, wake up, you drowsy sleeper
Wake up, wake up, for it's almost day;
Stick your head out of the window
And see your true love march away.
Who is there that's come so early
Who is there that's come so soon?
Katie dear, it's your true lover
That's come so early and so soon.
[Harp break]
Katie, dear, go ask your parents,
If you may be the bride of mine,
And say "No," return and tell me,
And no longer will I pine."
Willie dear, it's no use asking,
They're in their room a-taking a rest
And in their hands they both hold daggers,
To kill the one that I love best.
I'll then take out my silver dagger,
And pierce it in my tender breast
Saying goodbye Katie goodbye darling
I'll die for the one that I love the best
I'll then take out this bloody dagger,
And pierce it in my lily-white breast,
Saying goodbye Katie[1] goodbye darling,
I'll die for the one that I love the best.
[guitar solo]
Oh may this day be long remembered,
Oh may this day be ne'er forgot,
To all your cruel-hearted parents,
Who try and keep two lovers apart.
1. It should be "Willie" and Katie is singing.
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