The Silver Dagger- Fred High (AR) 1951 Carlisle

 The Silver Dagger- Fred High (AR) 1951 Carlisle

[Ozark Folksong Collection Collected by Irene Carlisle Transcribed by Nathaniel Lucy Reel 127, Item 4 The Silver Dagger; Also recorded by Max Hunter in 1953 as "Who is that at my false window?" His text is used.

Not in Fred High's book.

R. Matteson  2016]

The Silver Dagger -Sung by Fred High of High, Arkansas on May 31, 1951; a better text was recorded by Max Hunter in 1953 which appears below.

O, who is that at my false window
A-making of such pitiful moans?
O, who can it be but love-lie Willie
Jest escaping from a storm.

O, Mary dear, go ask your mother
If my wedding bride that you shall be
If she says no, return and tell me
And I no more, will trouble thee.

O, Willie dear, go court some other
And whisper love all in her ear
My mother says, she cain't do without me
My mother says, she needs me here.

O, Mary dear, go ask your father
If my wedding bride that you shall be
If he says no, return an' tell me
An' I no more will trouble thee.

O, Willie dear, I dare not ask him
He sleeps, he sleeps and takes his rest
In his right hand he holds a weepon
For t' kill the man that I love best.

Then Willie picked up the silver dagger
An' he pierced it through his own white breast
Adieu, adieu, adieu kind Mary
Your love Willie, has gone to rest.

Then, Mary picked up the silver dagger
An' she pierced it through her own white breast
Adieu, adieu, adieu kind parents
My love Willie and I, have gone to rest.

When their parents came to know this
They strifed both night and day
Says, see what a cruel deed we've done
We've robbed the life of two precious jewels
Whose body now lies mouldering in their tomb.


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