3C. The Venomous Black Snake- Gallup (RI) 1929

3C. The Venomous Black Snake- Gallup (RI) 1929

( Springfield Mountain)

Contrlbuted by Mr. Clarence Gallup, providonce, Rhode Island, October 14, I909.

1. On Springfield mound there once did dwell,
An honest nan, - I know him well;
'Twas Deacon Jones, only son
AJrd he was scarcoly twenty-one:--
Sing hunble, bunble, skit_it_aty_bumbLe
Mose-aye-Lincum-do .

0n lrflonday morn youn6 John did go
Dowr to the field some hay to ilor;
Ee scarce had mowrd orer iraff thai fieldr
when a vonomous black snako bit him on do heor c
Sing hunble, bumbler sktt-it-aty_fqp61"
Mos e-ayo-Llncum_do.

His good old fathere standlnr by,
Leanlnr on a whits-oak nigh,
llcfed up a stiok - witn afi his might,
Ee boat that venomous black snako white:
Slng humble, bumblo, skit-it-aty_fous161.
Mo se-aye-Linoun-do.

n0 fatherl doare put down that stiok,
Run to the house in doublo quiok,
.And tell Swoot MoIl to come and see
tfhero the venomous braok snake hath bit me ;rl
Sing hunble, bumbLe, skit_it_aty_bunble

Lawe G16. See NC II 499.


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