22E. Frog Went A-Courting- Dennis (KY) 1922

22E. Frog Went A-Courting- Dennis (KY) 1922


(The Frog and the Mouse)

Taken from a manuscript song book compiled by Miss Camilla Dennis the singing of sohool ohildren at Elndmanr Knott Corntyr Kentucky, 1922-23. Tune supplied by Mrs. John Harrington Cox. Music noted by Miss Lydia Hinkel.



Frog went a-oourting he did ride
Sword and buckler by his side.

He rodo down bY tho rnil.l-slde door
To hsar his saddle squoak and fo&ro

flo rodo dom, to Lady Mousicf s houe et
The o1d mouse was not at homo.

He took Lady Mousle upon hLs knee
"Pray, Miss Mousie, will You marrY me?"

The old mouse oane home at last,
Shook her blg fat sldos and laughed and laughed.

Who will make the weddlng gown?
01d lflss Rat fron Rupkln Toun,

Tlhore w111 the weddlng breakfaet be?
Itay dorm yoader ln a hollow tree.

flhat w111 the weddlng breakfast be?
A frled nosqulto and a roasted flea.

Firgt oqme ln was a bunble beer
A fiddl.c buokled on hts kaec.

Next onrne ln were two lltt1e ants,
Flxtng around to have a dancs.

lfext oamo ln ras a llttle flea,
To danoe a JlS for the bunble bee.

Next oano ln was a blg blaok enake,
Passtng around th€ weddlng oakco

Next oame ln was a blg blaok bog,
0n hls baok was a whlekey Jug.

Next oqne in wa s a blg Tom oat,
Swallowed up nouse and growled at the

Frog Junpod up and wlnked hls eyar
Wlehed to hell the oat woulC die,

Added stanzas fron a varlant I

Not wlthout Unolc Ratr s consent,
I I 11 not narry the Presidont.

Unole Rat has gono to tonm
To buy his nleoe a wodding gottr.

Shat w111 be the weddlng govm?
Pieoe of an ear of an old gray hound.

What will the wedding dlnner bs?
1\ro soup beans and a blaok-eyed poa.

Flrst came ln was a littLe old ohlok,
Ate so muoh it nade hin sick.

Next oam€ ln nas a llttle old fly,
/rto up a}l the weddlng Ple.

Next oamo ln was a lltt1e o1d Plg,
Said, "BY garbl letf e have a Jlg.n

Next o&me ln was a bunble beo,
Fiddle and bow uPon his knee.

Toad took Lady ldouele dowa to dwelL'
Down at the botton of an old deep well'

Toad went swiwnlng aoroas the laker
He got ssrallered bY a rater snake'

Peasr oold bread a-layint on the shelfr
If ye unnt any more yo oan slng lt yoursolf'

The lndioatlon that text and tuno for 228 are fron different souroes shows why 'with' of nusio text is not present in regular text (Herzog).

See NC III 154.


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