22D. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go- Williams (WV)

22D. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go- Williams (WV)


(The Frog and the Mouse)

Contributed by H. A. Williams, Fairmont, Marion County, July 12, 1923, who learned it ln his childhood. On the authorlty of tho chlef of the Musio Dlvlslon of the Library of Congress, he cites as the orlglnal, "The Marriage of ths Ffrogge and the Mous€e, " No. 21 ln Ravenoroft's Mellemata, lduetoal Phantisies fitting the oourt, oitie, and country humors," London, 1611.


Hexatonic, I/M.

a b c d b

A frog he would a-wooing go, m...m
A frog he would a-wooing go,
Whether his mother would let him or no, m....m.

Upon a tortoise he did ride,
A sword and pistol by hls side.

He rodo up to Miss Mousie's den,
And said, "Miss Mouse, are you wlthin?"

nOh yes, ldr. Frog, f slt and spln,
Just lift the latoh and walk rigLi Ln.H

5. He took Miso Mouse upon hlo lcns6,
And saldr rfMies Mouse, will you maruy me?rl

ilOh not wlthout Unole Ratr e oonsent
I would not narry the presldent. rl

tlust then ln oane Unc1o Rat,
And he had on a hlgh eilk hat.

Then Uncle Rat he went to towr
To buy hie l{ieoe a weddlng gowa.

0h whero shal} thc weddlng supper be?
Down ln the swamp in the hollow troe.

And who shall we ask as the weddlng gueets?
AII the ones that we 1ove besto

Therefs Ur. Toad and MLsses Bee,
And l[r. Rabbit and Mr. Flea.

The flrst that oamo nns a Littls mothr
And she spread out thc table oloth.

The next that oamo TraB a blg blaok snake,
And he brought ln tho wine and oake.

The next to como was a buslblebee,
And he had hls fiddle upon hls knee.

And then alon6 can€ Mieses Tlok,
She ate so muoh it mado her slck.

And then they aalLed in Dr. FIyr
He satd, "Miss Tlck, yourll surely dis.n

The next that cano was Mieses Skeeter,
My, but she oould danoe and teeter!

Then flew ln Miss Lady Bug,
She brought Miss Mouse a Iovely rug.

And then they went on their honey-moon,
And so ny story ends quite soon.


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