31A. Temperance Song- Sisson (CA) 1927

1A. Temperance Song- Sisson (CA) 1927 Edit Settings For this Content Instance


Communicated by Miss Margaret Lynn, Los Angelos, California, who had it from Miss Blanohe Sisson, muslc noted by Miss Lynn.

At early dawn I saw a man,
Stand by the beor saloon;
His €yss wero sunk, hls lips wore parched,
0h, that's the drunkard's doom.

His litt1e bgy stood by hts side,
And trembled ae he sald 3
"Doar fathor, mother lies siok at home,
3nd eleter orles for bread.,,

He arose and staggorod to the bar,
As he had dono boforer
And bogged of the 1andlord, nGiver oh give,
Just give ne one gLass taor€orr

Tho landlord grantod hle requost,
Ho drank from the poisoned bowl,
Ho drank whilo tho wife and ohilrlren starvod,
He ruined his poor soul.

Three years had passod, I went that wa;rr
4 crowd stood by the door;
I asked the oaus6, aad on€ repllod,
ttThe drunkard ls no llof€otl

I saw tho hearso drivo slowly away,
No wifo, no child was there,
They to a better land had flown,
Beyond this world of oare.


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