The Arkansaw Traveler- Sanders (WV) 1924

The Arkansaw Traveler- Sanders (WV) 1924

(0ld-Time Fiddler's Tune)

Communicated by Miss Frances sanders, Morgantown, Monongalia county, June, 1924, who noted the music. She writes: "The Arkansaw Traveler," is one of the favorites of the old-time fiddler's tunes. It is played in every part of the country, always with elaborate embellishment, and variations by those with skill enough to perform them. It is probable that no two fiddlers play it exactly alike, for it ts always in an easily recognized form. The story connected with this tune is that a traveler was going along a hot, dusty road when he heard the strains of tho flrst part of "The Arkansaw Travoler." Approaching the houso, he saw an unkempt man sitting ln front of a dilapidated hut, sawing upon a fiddle. His only answers to the travsler's quostions rere short node of the head untll the stranger mentloned tho faot that he know the sEeond haLf of tho tuno. Aftor
he had playod lt, the ol d man oal l ed lustily to his woman'r to put the kettlo on for they would hava conpany for supper. Tha remalnder of the tino ras taken up with questlons and answerc. The stranger asked the old nan why he dldnr t fix hle roof. The old m&a replled
that when it *as raining it wae too wet and whep, it nasart raining he dldn't need to.



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