21. The Fox- Jones (WV) c. 1850

21. The Fox- Jones (WV) c. 1850

21 - THE FOX

Contributed by Dean C. R. Jones, Morgantown, Monongalia County,
Apri1 10, 1926. Obtained from hls father, Mr. Uriah Jones, Grafton, Taylor County, who learned it more than seventy-flve years before from a boy namod Elza Guseman, who camo from Preston County.


Mixolydian, heptatonic.

Tho fox made a start one dark rainy night
And prayed for the moon to afford him light,
. . .
Before he reaohed the town-Or the town-O, the town-o.

He came to a farmer's yard,
Htrcre duoks and Eeose wcrCI all around:
nWhack, whaok, whaokr the bost of You
Shall greese ny beard-0r my beard-0r my beard-0.

3. He seized the old black duok by the neck
"And threw her over on the flat of hls baok;
The old black duok says 'reuaok, quack, quack,
Her lege a-tlngling dorun-Or doyn-O, down-0.

4. Old mother Whtddle stt ck Jurnped out of be d
And run to the window and poked out hor head;
trJohn, John, John, tho old duck is gonoof
The fox ran through the torua-0r the torrn-0r the town-O.

5 John junpod up and ran across the htll
And bLow hts horn both Loud and shrllL:
frWhaok, whaok, whaok, I I m in my den
With the young ones nine or ten-O, nlno or ten-0, nine
or ten-0.n

6 The fox carved it up with a knife or fork,
. . .
 . . .
And the young ones picked bones-O, the bonag-O, the bones-0.

See NC III 178.

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