23. Aunt Jemima's Plaster- Bowman (TN) c.1845

23. Aunt Jemima's Plaster- Bowman (TN) c.1845


communicated by Miss  Lyle Hatoher, Beokley, Ralelgh county, Maroh 1, 1925. obtained from Mrs. J. W. Bowman, who learned it as a girl in Taylorsville, Tonnessee, where she was born in 1837.



1. Aunt Jonlrna she was o1d,
But very kind and clever;
She had a notlon of her o'wnt
That she would marry ne€ver,
0f all rrankindr she dld declare,
that none should be her mastor;
Sho nade hor llvlng, day by day,
By selling of a plaster.

Sheepskln and beeswax
Make this awfuI plaster;
The more you try to get lt off,
The more lt stloks the faster.

2 Jemima had a slster tall,
And if sbe kept on growlng,
She mtght havo been a giantossl
In faot, thsre is no knowing.
AlL of a sudden she becano
0f hor own hel.ght the nasterr
And all because upon each foot,
Jemlma put a plastor.

A neighbor had a Thonas-oat1
That ate llke any glutton;
It never oaught a nouss nor rat,
But stola both mllk and nutton.
To keep lt hone the nelghbor trled,
But net er oould be its master,
Untll she stuok it to the floor
Wlth Aunt Jeninaf s plaster,

lfow if you have a dog or cat,
A husbandl wlfer or lover,
That you ruould like to keep at home,
this plaster just discovor.

See NC II 628.


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