28B. A Little Rosewood Casket- Hamrick (WV) 1925

28B. A Little Rosewood Casket- Hamrick (WV) 1925


Communicated by Miss Jessie McCue, Hookersville, Nicholas County
June, 1926. Obtained from Mr. Bert Hamrick. Music is noted
Miss Lydia I. Hinkel.


In that little rosewood caskot
That is restlng on my stand,
Is a package of old letters,
tlrltten by a oherlshed handr

WllI you go and get them, sister ?
Wl}I you road then orer to ne?
For oft tlnes I rve trled to read themr
But for tearg I oould not Bo€.

Read those precious lines so slowly
lhat Ir11 not miss eYon onor
For those oherlehed hands that wrote them,
His last work for me ls done.

You have Bot thon non, dear sister,
Come sit dorrn upon my bed,
And press gently to your bosom
Thls poor throbblngr achlng head.

TeIl hin how I n€vor blamed him,
?hough to no hots proved untrue;
ToII hinr that f|ll neter forget hlm
T1II I bid this world adleu.

Tell hin that I never blamed hlm,
Not an unklnd word uas spoke;
Tellr oh, te}l hfunr slstere tell him
that my heart ln coldness broke.

Whon I rn dead and in ny ooffin
And ny ehroudt s around me boundt
And my llttIe br:d ls roady
In the oold and sllent ground.

Plaae his letters and his looket,
Place together ot er ny heart,
But the llttle rlng he gave ln€ r
From nny flnger nsver part.

You have finlshed Borre dear sister,
Will you read then o'er again?
IThiLe I llsten to you read then,
I trill l.ose aLl sonse of pain.

While I liston to you read them,
I will gentlSr fall asl.eepr
FalL asleop to r,nke with Jesus,
0h, dear sister, do not w€€po

See NC II 631.


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