29. The Blind Child's Prayer- Edwards (WV) 1927

29. The Blind Child's Prayer- Edwards (WV) 1927


Communicated by the Hon. J. S. Lakin, Charleston, Kanawha County,
July 8, 1927, Sung to hin by Miss Pearl Edwards, Pond Gap. Music
arranged by Miss Pauline Hawes.



They tell me, father that to-nlght
You wed a ne€w-made brlde,
And that you olasp hor in your arms
T{here my dear mother died.

And that she lald her graoeftrl head
Upon your nanly breaet,
T[hero ono wtro now lles aold ln death,
In hor last hours did rest.

They say her nano i s lilary, too r
The name my nnother bore,
But fatherr ls she klnd and true'
Llke the one you loved before?

3nd, fathorr 1s her footstep Llght,
Her voice so mook and nlld?
And , father, do you thlnk she'11 love
Tour bllnd and helplees child?

P1ease, fatherr do not bld ne Goln€,
To greot your rt,es-ts&de brlder
I oannot greet her ln tha roon'
Where my dear mother died.

Eer plcture r s hanglng on the wall '
Eer books ars lyrng noar,
And theror s the harp her flngers touchedr
And therers the vacant ohair.

The ohair by whloh I used to kneel,
To say ny evenlng prayer;
l{o, fatherr that would break my heart,
I oonnot greet her thore.

But when I ory myself to sl,eep'
And now I often do,
Then gently to ny ohamber ore€pr
My nother new and fouo

Then bld hor press one gentle klss,
Upon ny aohing browl
Just a6 dear nother used to dor -
Fathere youtro weeplng trorrr

I know I lovo your father dear,
But how I long to go to wheret
All le llght, and I am suror
Theretll be no blind onas there.

Now let mo knoel dorYn by your sLdo,
To our dear Savlor PraYr
That Godf s rlght hand may Lead you both'
0f er lifer s long weary wagr

The pray€r was offeredr aod s, song,
tlrm r,€ary no'wprr sho sald,
(ne ploked her up aII in his arms,)
And Laid her head upon the bed.

And ae ho turned to leave the room,
Ono joyful ory rvas given;
Ee turned to oatoh the last sweet smile,
His blind ohild wae in heavea.

They burled her by her nothert s slde,
.And raleed a marble fair,
0n lt lnsoribed theee sinple words
"Thore t 11 be no blind onos there."

See NC II 592.


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