592. I Mean to Go to Heaven Anyhow

I Mean to Go to Heaven Anyhow

In phrasing and structure this resembles 'Going to Heaven Anyhow,' No. 1009 in Songs of the People, edited, compiled, and
arranged by Max T. Krone (Chicago, 1937).

"Negro fragment." From Julian P. Boyd, as collected from Rosebud West, a student in the scbool at Alliance, Pamlico county ; undated, but c. 1927-28.

I I mean to go to heaven anyhow.
Anyhow, anyhow, anyhow !
My Lord, I mean to go to heaven anyhow !
Jesus died, oh, he died on the cross,
To set every sinner free.
Oh, yes, dear Lord,
I mean to go to heaven anyhow.


^■()U toKl luiillu'i- wlii'ii she was living;

Wtu wimld treat Ikt chilluns i^oud. yuu know,

lint >iiK-f she has hcen dead

\'(nr\e (h-i\en u> t'roin your door.

lUit anyhow, J mean to ,i;(> to hea\en,

Oh, yes, my L.ord,

I mean to go to heaven anyhow !

You know that Jesu^ bled on the eross,

And 1 mean to go U) heaven anyliow.

Oh, ves, He died on the cross,

And I mean to go to heaven and meet my mother,

( )h, ves. 1 mean to go to heaven.

(_)h, ves, 1 mean to go to heaven anyhow!

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