540. Johnny Was a Baptist

540. Johnny Was a Baptist

No title. With music. From E. D. Cavenaugh, Trinity College student  (A.R. 1921). For "Sign J on your ticket," see Scarborough TNFS  238-264 on railroad songs.


1 Johnny was a Baptist, O yes !
Johnny was a Baptist, O yes !
Johnny was a Baptist, Baptist, Baptist,
[ohnny was a Baptist. O yes !

2 He 1)aptised Jesus, O yes !
He Ijaptised Jesus, O yes !

He I^aptised Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
He baptised Jesus, (J yes !

3 Crying Lord have mercy, O yes !
Crying Lord have mercy, ( ) yes !
Crying Lord have mercy, mercy, mercy !
Crying Lord have mercy, C) yes !

4 Sign J on your ticket, O yes !
Sign J on your ticket, O yes !

Sign J on your ticket, ticket, ticket.
Sign J on your ticket, O yes !
Johnny Was a Baptist
'Johnny Was a Baptist.' Sung by E. D. Cavanaugh, Trinity College, Dur-
ham, in 1921. The title is that given by the singer. Cf. our song F-492.



John - ny was a Bap - tist, O yes! John-ny was a



Bap - tist, O yes! John-ny was a Bap - tist, Bap - tist.


Bap - tist, John - ny was Bap - tist, yes!

For melodic relationship cf. *TNFS 253, the constant repetition of "Oh,
Yes" ; otherwise very slight melodic relation, mostly, however, rhythmical.


Scale: Irrational (2,6), plagal. (2,2,2,2) = Reprisenbar. Tonal Center: e-flat. Structure: aa^ba

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