547. Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

This is related to No. 30 in White ANFS 89-90. Botli are free
adaptations, with ad(Htional details, of the idea of the familiar hymn
'Rock of Aj;:es.' The first line is close to the first line. of some
versions of "Florella (The Jealous Lover),' Vol. II, No. 250.


'Way Down \'()ndcr in tlie Lonesome Valley.' From Miss Jewell Kob-
hins, Pekin. Montgomery county (later Mrs. C. P. Perdue, Gastonia).
There is a phonograph recording dated Pekin, N. C, 1921.

1 Way down yonder in the lonesome valley
Clef' for me, clef for me,

Way down yonder in the Icjnesonie valley,

Clef' for me, clef for me.

Way down yonder in the lonesome valley,

Let God's bosom be my pillow.

Hide me over the rock of ages,

Clef for me. clef for me.

2 What you gon" do when the wcnd's on fiyer,
In dat day, in dat day?

What you gon' do when de worl's (jii fiyer,

In dat day, in dat day?

What you gon' do when de worl's on fiyer?

Let God's bosom be my pillow.

Hide me over the rock of ages,

Clef for me, clef for me.


No title. With music. From an anonymous contrilnitur ; without ad-
dress or date. One stanza, fairly close to No. 30 in White ANF.S 89;
also to Jackson WNS cix.

(3 my lovin' mother, wlien the world's on fire.
Don't you want God's bosom to be your pillow?
O lie me over and the Rocks of Ages,
And the Rocks of Ages that was cleft for me.

No title. From E. D. Cavenaugli, a Trinity College student (A.B.
1921) ; on the same sheet with 'Johnny Was a Baptist,' No.^ 540. One
stanza, differing from B only in "loving" for "lovin'," "hicle" for "lie,"
"rock of ages" for "Rocks of Ages," and "clif " for "cleft."

Rock of Ages


'Way Down Yonder In the Lonesome Valley.' Sung by Miss Jewell Robbins,
Pekin, Montgomery county, in 1921. The singer, using the text of the second
stanza, changes nevertheless the second, fourth, and eighth lines to those of
the first stanza. Compare this song with F-434. As only one stanza was
recorded, it is not possible to determine whether or not the shortening in
measure 14 was intentional or accidental. Compare, however, the preceding
measures 2 and 12. For additional texts cf. JAFL xliv 423, No. 9; WNS
225, No. cix; and ANS 60.



2. What you gon' to do when the worl's on fiyer?-



Clef for me, clef for me, What you gon' to do when the


worl's on fiyer? Clef for me, clef for me, What you


gon' to do when the worl's on fiyer? Let God's bos - om


low. Hide me — be my- pil





rock of a




Clef for me, clef for me.


For melodic relationship cf. **NSNH 66-7, observe points of cadences
and similarities in the general melodic line.

Scale : Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center : e-flat. Structure : abaib^a^cdb
(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = aa^a^b (4,4,4,4). It should be noted that the ending of b
is the same as that of a. 


'Jacob's Ladder.' Sung by Bascom Lamar Lunsford, Turkey Creek, Buncombe
county, in 1942. Another title given : 'Hide-a Me.' The beginning of our
tune reminds one of 'Old Time Religion.' The text is almost identical with
that in NSNH 66-7. Some textual similarity can also be found with the A


version of our song. The melodic line of 'When the World is All on Fire'
is the same as that of 'I Came from Alabama' in Stephen Foster's 'Oh,
Susannah.' Compare also 'Every little rung gets higher and higher' in
F-472, and F-434.


When this world is all on fire, — Hide - a

Hide - a me, When this world is aU fire,-
Hide - a me. When this world is all on fire,- Let God's bos - cm be

my pil - low. Hal - le - lu Rock of A - ges, Clef — for me.

For melodic relationship cf. **NSNH 66-7 last four measures.

Scale : Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center : g. Structure : aba^c (2,2,2,2) = aa^
(4,4). In the smaller subdivision it should be noted that c is related to a. 


'O, My Loving Mother.' Title given by anonymous singer. The ms score
shows no date or place. Cf. F-434,


O my lov - in' moth - er, when the world's on fire, —

Don't you want God's bos - om to be your pil - low?

O he me and the Rocks of A - ges, The Rocks of A - ges that was cleft for me.

For melodic relationship cf. ***FSoA 137; ANS 60; and WNS 225.

Scale: Hexachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: aa^bcdb^cid*
(2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) = nmmi (4,6,6) = inverted barform.

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