558. Can't Cross Jordan

558. Can't Cross Jordan

[This spiritual is sometiems titled, "They've Taken my Lord Away" and the song notes in Brown (below) say is a version of "You Got to Cross It for Yohself" which is usually titled, "Lonesome Valley."

Some biblical facts about "crossing Jordan":

1. Israelites could not cross Jordan by themselves. If they had tried they would all have been drowned and washed into the Dead Sea.
2. When we come to the River of death we can't cross alone. If we try we shall be swept into the bottomless pit.
3. Israelites could cross because God was in their midst
4. We will be able to cross that river only if God and Christ are with us when we cross The Jordan River.
5. David said Ps. 23:4 "yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."]

558. Can't Cross Jordan

The song is related, in part, to "You Got to Cross It for Yohself," Jackson WNS 183, and it is composed largely of spiritual commonplaces.

'Can't Cross Jordan.' From Miss Pearle Webb, Pineola, Avery county, August 1922. Recording, Pineola, N. C, 1922. With stanza 4 compare 'As I Went Down in the Valley to Pray,' No. 553.

1. Can't cross Jordan and you can't go around,
Can't cross Jordan and you can't go around,
Can't cross Jordan and you can't go around,
If you've got no Jesus you'll be sure to drown.

Chorus: They've taken my Lord away, away, away,
They've taken my Lord away, away.
Oh, tell me where you've laid him.

2. What kind of shoes does a Christian wear?
What kind of shoes does a Christian wear?
What kind of shoes does a Christian wear?
Slippin' and a-slidin' through the air.

3. I'll tell you how them hypocrites do, (tres)
They serve the Lord and the devil too.

4. As I went down in the valley to pray, (tres)
I met old Satan upon my way.

5. I've done been down and I've done been tried, (tres)
I've been to the river and I've been baptized.

6. Oh, don't you hear them horses' feet, (tres)
A-rambling down the golden street?

7. Ezekiel was a man and free from sin, (tres)
Heaven's door was open and Ezekiel walked in.

B. No title. From Miss Jennie Belvin, Durham, July 1922. Recording, Durham, 1922. Contributor notes: "Negro." One stanza (with no textual indications of repetition) and chorus.

Can't cross Jordan, and can't go around;
If you ain't got grace you sholy will drown.

Chorus: Uh — they done taken my Lord away — ay,
Uh, they done taken my Lord away.
Show me where to find Him.

558. Can't Cross Jordan

'Can't Cross Jordan.' Sung by Miss Pearl Webb of Pineola, Avery county; recorded at Boone, Watauga county, September 9, 1939. Other titles given are : 'They've Taken My Lord Away,' and 'They Led My Lord Away.' Observe the rhythmically different exploitation of the same melodic material as found in measures 5-8 and 10-15.



Can't cross Jor - dan and you can't go 'round,


Can't cross Jor - dan and you can't go 'round, Can't cross


Jor - dan and you can't go 'round, Got no Je - sus


you'll be sure to drown. They've tak - en my Lord a

way, a - way, a - way, They've tak - en my Lord — a way.
Stanza 2

Oh, tell me where to find— him.

Stanza 3 Stanza 4 (5 in text) Stanza 5 (4 in text)


Stanza 6

Stanza 7

For melodic relationship cf. **ANS 102, beginning of our chorus and measures 1-5 there (only the melodic line, not the rhythmic design) ; *WNS 182, No. 54, measures 1-2 with our 3-4.

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abcdefg (2,2,2,2,4,2,2).
As over-all form we would have: abed (4,4,4,4).


This record, according to the catalogue, was destroyed in transit to the Library
of Congress.

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