537. Jesus Born in Bethlehem

Jesus Born in Bethlkhem

Despite its resemblance in (|uality to the old English carols, this
song seems not to be older than the middle of the last century. It
is fairly close to SharpK 11 293 (from North Carolina). See
lackson' WNS 174-5, who gives two songs with two stanzas cor-
responding to 2 and' 3 below; also, Jackson DESO 43; John Jacob
Niles, Tcu Chrislnms Carols from the Southern Appolaehian Moun-
tains, .Schirmer's American b'olksong Series, set 16 (New York,



1935 J, pp. 6-7; Annabel Morris Buchanan, Folk Hymns of America
(New York, 1938), p. 40 (from Marion, Va.) ; and Florence H.
Botsford, Botsford Collection of Folk-Songs (New York, 1930),
I, 28-9 (from Kentucky).

'Song of Jesus.' From E. Myers, Concord, Cabarrus county, with music.

1 Jesus born in Bethlehem,
Jestis born in Bethlehem,
Jestis born in Bethlehem,
And in a manger lay.
And in a manger lay.
And in a manger lay,
Jesus born in Bethlehem
And in a manger lay.

2 The Jews crucified him
And nailed him on the cross.

3 Joseph begged his body
And laid it in the tomb.

4 The tomb it would not hold it ;
He burst the bars of death.

5 Alary came weeping
About her lovely Lord.

6 'What's the matter, Mary?'
'They've stole my Lord away.'

7 They found Jesus living
Alive forever more.

8 He ascended to his Father,
Ascended to his Father,
Ascended to his Father,

To reign with Him on high,
To reign with Him on high,
To reign with Him on high,
Ascended to his Father.
To reign with Him on high.


Jesus Born in Bethlehem
'Jesus Born in Bethlehem.' Sung by E. Myers of Concord, Cabarrus county,
R.F.D., in 1924. The title is that given by the singer.



Je - sus bom in Beth - le - hem, Je - sus born in

Beth -le- hem, Je - sus bom in Beth - le - hem,
And in manger lay.
And in a man-ger lay.
And in a man-ger lay,
Je sus born in Beth - le-hem
And in a man-ger lay.


For melodic relationship cf. ***DESO 43; SharpK 11 293; AFSCh 181;
**FHA 40, measures 3-4 and 9-12; Botsford I 28; *BT 189; TChC 6.

Scale- Hexachordal. Tonal Center: b-flat. Structure: abacddac (2,2,2,
2,2,2,2,2) = aaibai (4,4,4,4) = Reprisenbar. The tonal center is the lowest

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