583. I Belong to That Band

I Belong to That Band

The chorus is identical with two lines in a song of the same title  included in L. L. McDowell. Songs of the Old Camp Ground (Ann  Arhor, Mich., 1937), p. 39. The editor of this collection notes:  "This song, in very different form, hoth as to words and music, is  in the revised Sacred Harp . . . published in 191 1 under the title  of Original Sacred Harp. It is there credited to Mr. S. M. Denson.  who is still living in Alabama. My father told me positively that  he heard this song, about 1845."

From a MS marked "Hodgin, Southeastern N. C." ; without date.

1 I never saw the like since I heen horn —
People keep coming and the train done gone.


I belong to that hand,
Hallelnah. halleluah, hallekiah,
I belong to that hand,

2 Some come crippled and some come lame.
Some come hobbling in Jesns' name.

3 Clonds look heavy and it looks like rain.
Sun's drawing water from Emmanuel's vein.

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