536. Jacob's Ladder

Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 28.12 records that Jacob "dreamed, and behold a ladder
set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and be-
hold the angels of God ascending and descending on it." The
passage provided the theme of one or more of the early spirituals,
sung by whites and blacks. 'Climb Jacob's Ladder' was one of
three songs rejected by Allen (Slaz'c Songs, 1867) because it was
found in Methodist hymnbooks. Of the songs on the theme in our
collection, one is briefly narrative with a chorus; the others are
choral, with several variations of the idea of climbing a ladder.
For general reference, see White ANFS 59-60, Allen SS 96, Combs
FSMEU 224. SharpK 11 295. The C version below is fairly close
to 'We Are Climbing, Climbing Jacob's Ladder' in Emily Hallowell,
Calhoun Plantation Songs (Boston. 1901). p. 33. Cf. 'Don't You
Grieve after Me.'

'Jacob's Dream.' From R. S. Russell, Roxboro. Person county ; undated.

Jacob drempt he seed a ladder.
Climbing up the sky.
Angels gwine up and down it,
Climb up, children, climb.


Climb up, ye little children.
Climb up, ye older people ;
Climb up to the sky.
Go up in six and sebens.
Now am your chance for heben.
Climb up. children, climb.


'Climb Up Jacob's Ladder.' With music. From Walter J. Miller, a
student in Trinity College. December 5. iQKj; learned from bis father,
"as sung in the 1830's." Printed, without music, by White in ANFS 60.

^ The "(Etc.)" appears in the informant's MS, implying tliat there is
further repetition — perhaps anotlier stanza, after the pattern of i and 2:
but no more is given.


R K 1. 1 c; 1 (I r s s N (". s 595

Cliinl) up Jacob's ladder, hi^lier and hii;hcr,
■\\av in dc Kiiii^doni.

Satan is a liar .and you needn't d'pend upon luni.
'Way in de Kinj^dom.


'Jacob's Ladder." Gmtriluitod hv Miss (ii-rtrudr Allen, Taylorsvillc,
Alexander county (later Mrs. VauRht) ; undated hut pn.hahly c. 1922-23.

1 We are clinil)in,ij^ Jacob's ladder.
We are clinibini,^ Jacob's ladder.
We are climbing Jacob's ladder.
And our work is done.

2 Every little round gets bigber and bigber.
Every little round gets bigber and bigber,
Every little round gets bigber and bigber ;
Lord, I can't stay bere.

3 Going be in Heaven witb Paul and Silas,
Going be in Heaven witb Paul and Silas,
Going be in Heaven witb Paul and Silas ;
Lord, I won't stay bere.

"Negro Fragment." From G. B. Caldwell, Monroe, Union county ; with-
out date. With the second and third stanzas cf. stanzas 3 and 4 of the
song in White ANFS 120.

1 Pni gonna climb up Jacob's ladder,
Pm gonna climb up Jacob's ladder,
Yes,"Lawd, some of tbese days.

2 Pm gonna ride in tbat golden cbariot,
Pm gonna ride in tbat golden cbariot,
Yes, Lawd, some of tbese days.

3 I'm gonna eat at de welcome table,
I'm gonna eat at de welcome table,
Yes, Lawd, some of these days.

Jacob's Ladder


'Climb Up Jacob's Ladder.' Sung by Walter J. Miller, Trinity College,
Durham, December 5, 1919. For additional texts cf. ANS 104 (third
stanza); BANS I 59; SCS 47; OFS 11 336; OBC 120-1 ; NSSUS 117,
NWS in; and ASoWS 7.


Climb up Ja - cob's lad - der, high - er- and high - er,

'Way in de King - dom. Sa - tan is a li - ar — and you

need -n't d' - pend up - on him. 'Way in de King -dom.

Scale: Hexatonic (4), plagal. Tonal Center: f. Structure: abcb^ (4,2,4,2);
c is partially related to a.


'Jacob's Ladder.' Sung by Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Pensacola, Yancey county,
September 1929. Observe how this melody actually illustrates the "rungs
of the ladder going up." This reminds us of the same illustrative use in the
sacred compositions of the sixteenth century interpreting "ascendit" and
"descendit." Cf. also SCS 47.


2. Ev - 'ry lit - tie round is high - er and high - er, Ev - 'ry
lit - tie round is high - er and high - er, Ev - 'ry lit - tie

round is high-er and high - er; Lord, I'm on my — way.

Scale: Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: aa^a^b (2,2,2,2).


'Climbing Jacob's Ladder.' Sung to this editor by W. J. Mainer, Weaver-
ville. Buncombe county, August 1945.


2. Ev - 'ry lit - tie rung goes high - er and high - er,
Ev - 'ry lit - tie rung goes high - er and high - er, Ev - 'ry lit - tie
rung goes high - er and high - er; Lord,- I'm — on my way.

Scale : Mode III, plagal. Tonal Center : f. Structure : abac (2,2,2,2) =: aa*

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