582. I Am Going Where the Blood Flows Stronger
From Julian P. Boyd, as collected from Rosebud West, a pupil of the school at Alliance, Pamlico county; undated, hut c. 1927-28. "Negro fragment."
1 1 am going where the blood flows stronger,
I am going where the blood flows stronger.
Way over yonder in the j^romised land.
2 I wonder where is my dear old mother.
Way over in the j^romised land.
Who will rise and go to my father.
Way over in the promised land?
3 ^^li< g'^^O'- gloO'' ballelujah !
Oh, he's way over there in the j)r(imise(l land.
I am going where the blood flows strt)nger.
Oh. yes. I am s^oiii^; wIumc the blood flows stronger,
Oh, Lord!
4 I know those anj^els are ha\in|^ a jjjood time.
J'lating of honey and drinking of wine.
\\ a\- over there in the ])romised land!
5 1 le is hca(Hng them with his mi^dit\- hand.
\\ ay over there in the promised land.
Oh, I am going wliere the hhiod flows stronger.