572. Good News — Chariot's Comin'

572. Good news — Chariot's Comin'

C'f. White ANFS 73 and 120; Jackson WNS Ixviii B. p. 19.:;: William Henry Smilh, Book of Spirituals ( Chicatio, 1937 I, I'l*- '^-lO.

I'Tdiii Newman I. White, Durham, Deceml)er lO, 1944, witli this note: 'There are several "good news' and 'cliariot' songs in my Amcr'nan Negro Folk Songs, but not this one. Omitted, probably becanse 1 had only a very fragmentary text for it and no definite source. All I now
remember — if I ever knew more — is:"

Good news — chariot's coniin',
Good news — chariot's coniin',
Cjood news — chariot's coniin',
And I (k)n't want it to leave me hehind.


Good News — Chariot's Comin'

'Good News — Chariot's Comin'.' Sung by Dr. Newman I. White, Durham,
December 16, 1944. See III 623.



Good news — char


ot's com - in'. Good news —

char - i - ot's — com -in', Good news — char-iot's com-in',

And I don't want it to leave me be - hind.

For melodic relationship cf. ***WNS 193; **NFS 38, No. rv.

Scale : Trichordal. Tonal Center : b-flat. Structure : aa^bc (2,2,2,2) ; b is
related to a, and c really only a rhythmically altered restatement of b. Every
phrase cadences on I. The tonal center is the lowest tone.

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