549. Ain't Goin' to Worry My Lord No More

549. Ain't Goin' to Worry My Lord No More

[This spiritual, also known under the titles, "Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More" and "You Cain't Get To Heaven," was first Recorded in 1928 by Commonwealth Quartet, "I Ain't Gonna Grieve" (Conqueror 7079, 1928). Public domain music gives the date as 1865 without any documentation.]

549. Ain't Goin' to Worry My Lord No More

Stanza 2 of this corresponds in part to 'If You Get There before  I Do'; stanza 3, to lines in White ANFS 132. Compare the chorus  with that of White ANFS 118 (without music). (A text of the  latter song is in the Frank C. Brown Collection, as "Heard in  Marlboro county, S. C." ; it has been omitted on account of its  provenience. )

From Louise Lucas, White Oak, Bladen county, July 1922. Phonograph  recording, same place and date.

1. I'se gwine to heaven, I'se gwine to heaven,
I'se gwine to heaven on eagle's wings,
I'se gwine to heaven on eagle's wings.
Them that don't see me gwine to hear me sing—
Ain't gwine to worry my Lord no more,
Ain't gwine to worry my Lord no more.

2. If you get there before I do,
If you get there before I do,
If you get there before I do,
Punch a little hole and pull me through.
Ain't goin' to worry my Lord no more,
Ain't goin' to worry my Lord no more.

3. Went down in valley to watch and pray,
Went down in valley to watch and pray,
Went down in valley to watch and pray.
Jesus washed my sins away.
Ain't goin' to worry my Lord no more,
Ain't goin' to worry my Lord no more.

Ain't Gonna Worry My Lord No More

'Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More.' Sung by W. S. Sander, in 1919  or 1920. No place given. One catalogue gives the singer as W. H. Lander,  student, at Trinity College, Durham. For additional texts cf. SHIS 64;  ASb 250; JAFL XXVI 374-5, and SCS 14-5.


 O, down in the val - ley where I was told
The grace of  God   bet - ter than gold.
Down in the val - ley where  I was  told
Grace of God   bet - ter than gold

 Ain't gon - na grieve my Lord no more,
Ain't gon - na grieve my Lord no more,
Gon-na grieve my Lord no more.

For melodic relationship cf. ***SCS 14-5; compare our measures five  to fourteen with the chorus and part of the stanza there.

Scale: Heptachordal, plagal. Tonal Center: g. Structure: abcc^c^a^b (2,2,2,  2,2,2,2) 3= abai (4,6,4) ; a^ is rhythmically modified and omits the second  measure of a. This is not in any sense a three-part songform.

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