John Hixe (1658) and Sarah Preston? (Virginia)

John Hixe (1658) and Sarah Preston? (Virginia) [John "Joseph" Hix]

For proven lines start at the extensive family of Nathaniel[2] Hix (Proven); Sarah (m. Martin Martin) (proven); Daniel[3] Hix (Proven). Nathaniel's son Amos[3] and grandson Nathaniel[4] married into the Bugg family and a group of families led by Nathaniel[4] moved from Meckenberg County, Virgina to Richmond Co., Georgia in the mid- to- late 1700s.

[This is another early family line in Virginia given by many online charts. There is no documented evidence as far as I know that Sara Preston married John Hixe, the doorkeeper at the House of Burgess. So everything on this chart is unproven- yet we know there was a John Hix and likely a son John Hix Jr. that were doorkeepers. What do we know about this John Hixe (Hix, Hickes, Huchs, Hux)? From The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 7, we find this land patent (prepared By W. G. Stanard):

August 15, 1637. (530) John Hicks, 200 acres in the county of James City, on the south side of James river, and bounded also by Cross creek, and the land of William Reynolds. Due: 50 acres for his own personal adventure, and 150 for the transportation of three persons: Jon. Rawlings, Jon. Hodson and John Moore. Granted by Harvey, August 15, 1637.

The name is Hucks and this has been printed as "Hicks" and published several times. The spelling of names was known to be wrong, as some of the land patentees did not know how to spell and simply signed with an X. There is a Hux (Hucks) family and we find them there in the 1600s, a John Hux, a Mary Hux, a Thomas Hux, and a John Hux Jr., son of John and his second wife, Mary Hux. This family from Surry County was, if not wealthy, secure, for when John died he had house, land and tobacco- a form of currency in colonial Virgina. As I recall John was first married to Joan Gray. It was this
John Hux in Surry County (Surry Record Book I, p. 131), who, on May 9, 1659, made affidavit that he was 46 years old, and that he had married Jone (Joan) Gray, daughter of Thomas Gray, Senr., and sister of Thomas Gray, Junr.

Thomas Hux and his wife appeared in court in 1656. Thomas Hux (name sometime spelled Hix in the record), of Merchant's Hope, was the husband of Barbara Hux. Their daughter Mary was baptized at Martin's Brandon, June 15, 1660.

In my opinion John Jr. (c. 1664) may be the John who married Denias Christiana whose Will is dated 1721, proved 1732. This is based on the conjecture that John Jr.'s name became Hicks. This is a Surry/Sussex line that is not associated with Robert, the Taylor and his son Captain Robert, (b 1658) whose line is documented.

In 1642 John Hickes was sponsored by John Brooch, Charles City County and was awarded land.
He would be at least 18 at this time so he was born circa 1624.  John was one of the doorkeepers in the 1659-60 session.

As early as 1665 a John Hickes (Hix), owned land in Charles City Co. [This Land bounded "from dockmans to toriham [or "tersham"] and so to the line of John Hix". - Virginia Colonial Abstracts: Charles City County court orders 1655-1658, 1658-1661, 1661-1664, 1664-1665. Fragments, 1650-1696 by Beverley Fleet]. In 1682 he has a land patent for 183 acres at the mouth of Preston's Spring Branch.  In 1692 and again in 1697 he applies and is awarded place of doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses, founded in 1619 in Jamestown, Virginia. In 1699, the seat of the House of Burgess was moved from Jamestown to Williamsburg.
So he worked there in Dec. 1700 along with Morris and Benington. In 1704, John Hix owned 115 acres in James City Co. (S) James City County, McCartney, 1997, P565.

It is possible that John, the doorkeeper, had a son John Hix (Jr.) who became doorkeeper for the 1700s sessions or he simply worked until he was in his late 70s and retired about 1704. His wife (unknown) could be born c. 1640s and according to undocumented claims she was Sarah Preston. A number of Prestons [four males] came to Virginia from London in 1635 including William Preston, who brought his daughters--a Sara was 8 years old. A Joseph Preston, 20 years old, (reportedly Sarah's father) was one of the males. Joseph bought 100 acres of land from Thomas Hampton on the North side of a branch of Tyascon (Tiascum), March 8, 1658. This land was sold in 1882 to Mary Wade who purchased 483 acres including Preston's acreage. This proves that Preston bought land near Hix's land and that they were both there at that time in James City County.

There is an association with this line and the Samuel Hix line in Henrico/Goochland that has emigrating ancestor Henry [Kennedy 1991]. Assuming that we accept Nathaniel, Sarah and John (and possibly others- George d. 1735,  m. Joan attributed to Robert Hicks m. Ruth Ragsdale- but there's no proof) as children without any documentation (that I'm aware of), we have Nathaniel and John moving to Goochland and living near Samuel along Tuckahoe Creek (named after an Indian village and edible root).

Following is some of the documented evidence confirming John Hix and his family. We know that members of his family held the position of door-keeper for nearly 200 years!

1) According to records at the House of Burgess, John Hix, petitioned and was awarded the position of Doorkeeper starting in 1659 and 1660 until 1693, Then he, or possibly his son of the same name served as doorkeeper from 1695-1702. This is likely the John Hix who owned land in Charles City County in 1665.

1682 John Hickes given 200 lbs tobacco for taking up a runaway (slave).
1682- The Petition of Lazarus Thomas, Rich Morris, John Hix & John Clerke praying to be received as doore keepers to the house being respectively read, were all of them granted & each of ye said persons ordered to give their attendance accordingly. [By Virginia. General Assembly. House of Burgesses]

1704, John Hix owned 115 acres in James City Co. (S) James City County, McCartney, 1997, P565.
By 1705 there is no Hix (Hicks) found as doorkeeper - Hix (Nathaniel) appear again in the 1750s.

Additionally subsequent generations were employed as door keepers:  Nathaniel Hix, petitioned and was awarded position of door-keeper from 1758-61, and again was 1761-65. This is not his son, Nathaniel, but a 3rd generation Nathaniel- probably still the same family. [This mat be Nathaniel, a son of Absalom Hicks, who married Mary Harris in Goochland Co. VA  circa 1760.]

William Hicks was a claimant and a doorkeeper:  1752-58, claimant, 343, 426. 1761-65, claimant, 52, 53, 75. 1766-69, door-keeper, 144, 190, 228; reimbursed, 174. 1770-72, door-keeper, 101, 121, 139, 155. 1773-76, door-keeper, 8, 32, 75, 176.

1762 Session: Ordered, That James Lavie, Thomas Francis, Nathaniel Hicks and John Broadrib, be continued in their respective Offices of Doorkeepers to this House, and that they give their Attendance accordingly.
1762: Several claims of Thomas Toombs and William Hicks [and others], for taking up Runaways [servants] therein mentioned, were severally presented to the House and received.

That fifty-five acres of land conveyed by Frederick Jones to the justices of the peace in the county of Lee, and their successors,
for the use of the said county, as the same are already laid off into lots and streets, are hereby established a town, by the name of “Jonesville;” and Frederick Jones, William Ewing, Peter Fulkerson, James Campbell, Joseph Blackemore, Nathaniel Hicks, David Chadwell, Daniel Young, Benjamin Shap, and Moses Cotterell, gentlemen, are appointed trustees thereof.

1779 Daniel Hix is doorkeeper
1787 Ordered, That William Drinkard, Daniel Hix, John Hix and William Drinkard, jun. be appointed door-keepers to this House,

2) In 1697: Mr Speaker, and house of Burgesses; John Hix, humbly sheweth:

That understanding there is a vacancy in one of the Door Keepers places, he humbly prays the houfe will be pleafed to confider his p'sent condition, being low, as to admitt and receive him with the fame, for his better support and maintenance, and he doth promife humbly to officiate therein with all diligence and fidelity.

3) Thursday December year 1700: The Petition of Richard Morris, John Benington and John Hix to continue Doorkeepers to the House being read. they were each of them admitted to a Door keepers place. In 1701; Richard Morris, John Remington, John Hicks & Anthony Evans were door-keepers.

4) Rent rolls for James City county for the year 1704 - John Hix 115 acres, Joseph Hix 100 acres. Rent rolls for Prince George County 1704 - Robert Hix 1,000 acres, Jno. Hix 216 acres. John Hix was a doorkeeper at the House of Burgesses.

5) Journal of the House of Delegates of the State of Virginia November 9, 1782.
Ordered, That John Creagh, William Drinkard and Daniel Hicks, be appointed door-keepers to this House, and that they give their attendance accordingly.
A petition of John Hicks, for the same; and also, Resolved, That the said door-keeper be chosen by ballot, immediately.
The House accordingly proceeded to ballot for the said door-keeper; and the members having prepared tickets {or the person to be appointed, and put the same into the ballot boxes, Messrs. Richard Lee, Wilkinson, Dandridge and Southall, were nominated a committee to examine the ballot boxes, and report to the House on whom a majority of votes should fall.
The committee then withdrew; and after some time, returned into the House and reported, that they had, according to order, examined the ballot boxes, and found a majority of votes to fall on John Hicks. Ordered, That the said John Hicks be appointed a door-keeper to this House, and that he give his attendance accordingly.

6) MONDAY, October 23, 1786: Ordered, That William Drinkard, John Hicks, Daniel Hicks and William Drinkard, jun. be appointed doorkeepers to this House, and that they give their attendance accordingly.

7) and finally: 1828; To John Creagh, William Drinkard, Daniel Hicks, and John Hicks, door-keepers to the House of Delegates, each, . . . To William Hicks and Thomas Paul, door-keepers to the Senate, each, . .

Clearly this position of Doorkeeper stayed (except for a break in 1705) in the family for over 150 years. The names John Hix as well as William Hix, Daniel Hix and Nathaniel Hix appear-- and much later, 1828, a Daniel and a John Hix are door-keepers to the now House of Delegates.

This land patent appears to be the same John Hix (Hicks) -Note: there are several John Hix (Hicks) in Virginia, one early record dates 1637, a John Hicks -indentured servant.

1) Patent to John Hicks, dated October 22, 1682, for 183 acres, James City County, beginning on the South side of South swamp over against the mouth of Prestons spring branch.  Virginia Patent Book 7, page 183.

Along with the earlier reference we know John Hix is an early land holder. But is it his John Hix? There is no will that I'm aware of and John Hix, doorkeeper, is not recognized by the Jamestowne Society (2004) as a qualifying ancestor. If we accept his line  (researched extensively by Robert Hicks), we know that two of his sons, Nathaniel and John go to Goochland Co. in the early 1700s and die there. There are a large group of Hix there (Samuel Hix) on Tuckahoe Creek. Are they related? Without a will and better records I'm not sure.

Is there another John Hix in Charles City County? Possibly. If John Hix is a land holder in 1665 --he would be born before 1645 and possibly could be the father. Or, the legend that Hix arrived from England with his two brothers may be-- a legend.

After the chart immediately below (showing 2 generations only), will be random notes.

It will be noted that Nathaniel is in Goochland in the early 1700's with other Hix families (Samuel Hix family) including other Hix names of Marmaduke,
John, as well as Nathaniel's children,  Archibald, his wife Elizabeth,  Stephen and Amos. Nathaniel's will was presented (written in 1728) in court by his wife Rebecca in 1735 after his death.

This important proven relationship should be noted, Nathaniel (d. 1735) is the uncle of Daniel (d. 1735 m. Joan) both in Goochland. That Amos and Achibald are cousins of Daniel. This means that they are likely related to Samuel Hix through Samuel's unknown father who is Nathaniel's brother and possibly Daniel's father. The Author of Francis Clark says Daniel is the son of Robert/Ruth Ragsdale, and- if true- Nathaniel and Robert are bothers. Kennedy in 1991 says Henry is father of Daniel and Samuel's father and that Henry has a brother Stephen. It's possible John, the doorkeeper, is the father of Nathaniel and that he has other sons, perhaps Robert, Stephen and/or Henry.

The questions about this line are: 1) who was Sarah Preston? 2) How do we tie John Hixe doorkeeper to his children without a will?

R. Matteson 2014


                                Descendants of John Hix (Hixe)

                                        Father of John Hix

 1) JOHN HICKES (HIXE, HIX, possibly HUX), b. abt. 1622 (ENGLAND, probably Bristol)- Arrives 1642 at around age 20, possibly associated with Captain William Farrar, Ragsdale family. Owns land in Charles county before 1665, probably was awarded land earlier. Received Doorkeeper position at House of Burgess 1659-1660 session, continues until 1693.

2) JOHN HUX[2] (JR.) son of JOHN HUX[1] b. about 1613 d. 1668 Surry Co. m. Mary (2nd wife) Issue: MARY and JOHN JR. Hux Sr. died in 1668 and wife Mary remarried her attorney JOHN HARLOW.

3) From Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia: Page 653; Surry Co. deposition concerning suit of Peter deberry and Wm. Thomas about Mary Harris. "Ellinor, wife of John Hickes (b. 1658), aged 46, deposed to the same. 7 June, 1704." This is similar to the previous (2.) inquiry.

              Generation No. 1 John Hix, Doorkeeper, and Sarah Preston?

JOHN HIXE[1], DOORKEEPER, was born 1658 in Charles Co. (others have England), and died 1720 in Williamsburg, James City Co., VA[1]. He married SARAH PRESTON[1] 1681 in James City Co., VA[1]. She was born Abt. 1660 in James City Co., VA[2].
[Item] This could also be the line of John Hix (Jr.), who would would be born circa 1650s with children born c. late 1670's. He would be the same generation as Captain Robert (b. 1658 proven), who was in Charles City County with his father Robert (The Taylor), and his Uncle John Evans. It's important to understand that Robert (The Taylor) John Evans and John, the doorkeeper are all of the same generation b. circa 1630s and that all were in Charles City County, which is bordering Henrico (Goochland) where Nathaniel and the next generation Samuel and Daniel are found in the early 1700s. The possibility exists that Robert (The Taylor) and John Hix (The Doorkeeper) are brothers or related. Since John was a doorkeeper in 1659 and John was a doorkeeper in 1702 the possibility exists that this could be John and John Jr.

[Item] On the Hix GenForum page, May 14, 1998, Tom Hicks posted: "I have information (unconfirmed) on a John Hixe who came to James City, VA from England with his two brothers and married a Sarah PRESTON. His two brothers returned to England. John and Sarah had five children; Sarah, Nathaniel, Joseph, Thomas, and John. Nathaniel married Rebeckah JOHNSON and moved to Goochland, VA. Their children, names in order of birth, Elce, Ann, Archibald, Sarah, Amos, Stephen, and Edith. Do you have anything more on this, my line is possibly Nathaniel?" [This is the apparent source of the rumor establishing Sarah Preston as wife of John Hix.]

[Item] On-line researcher Robert N. Hix, December, 1999, notes that "...Sarah is the daughter of John Hixe of James City Co., Va. She married Martin Martin in New Kent Co., Va. 10 Feb. 1698/99 in St. Peters Parish. Martin and Sarah removed to what is now Washington Co., Va. where they died. Children of Martin and Sarah: Amesen b. 1706; Anne, b. 1708; Valentine, b. 1710; & Lucy, b. 1726."

[Item] The Jamestown Society in 2004 did not carry John Hix as a qualifying ancestor. Sarah Preston? is not authenticated. John Hix is documented by land holdings in Charles City County and his position at House of Burgess-- but not his family. His will has not been recorded, nor his son (assuming his son was another John Hix). The only good candidate for a son that has a recorded will is John Hix m. Denias Christiana (Surry/Sussex) who gave his will in 1721 and died in 1732.

[Item] Also from Robert Hix, see Item 2 above: "John Hixe was a doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses. The 'e' was dropped from the name after his arrival in Va. John's sons filled his position after John.... Doorkeepers were exempt from taxes. John Hixe was married to Sarah Preston.... (he) died 1720 in Williamsburg, Va. and his grave stone is in Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Va." (One interested researcher went to Burton Church and said: I have been there but was unable to find this stone.)

[Item] Robert Hicks, on-line contributor, writes that "Nathaniel's father was John Hixe." This Nathaniel (b. abt. 1685) m. Rebecca and moved to Goochland with his large family and died there in 1735. Other children are given as Joseph m. Susanna Peawd; Sarah m. Martin Martin; John who d. Goochland?; Thomas; and some given Samuel Hix of Goochland b. 1680 as a son.
[Item] In November 2006, Bill Davidson contributed these notes: "Thomas Hix appears on at least two records in Charles City Co., VA (CCCo) in the 1730s or so with David Davidson. These records are available in one or more of the transcription, abstract books written by Ben Weisinger (ed.: Benjamin B. Weisinger, III) on that county. I certainly suspect that this Thomas Hix was the known son of John Hix and Sarah Preston.
                     Children of JOHN HIXE and SARAH PRESTON are:

      1. ROBERT HIX[2], b. Abt. 1681. m. Katherine (Ruth) Ragsdale, at St. John's Church, Henrico Co. Va. in 1701. children GEORGE d. 1735 Goochland Co. (will).
[Item] This line is unproven.
[Item] Robert Hix married Katherine Ruth Ragsdale May 18, 1701 Henrico Co. (Goochland)
[Item] Captain William Farrar was surety for the marriage bond. [Marriages of Henrico County, 1680 - 1800]
[Item] Robert has son named Daniel [Eugene Thomas Hays - Hays and Breeze Ancestors]. The will of Daniel Hix was made November 26, 1734, and Daniel was in the service at the Siege of Augusta. His will probated July 15, 1735. 

                                    Robert and Ruth had issue:

                (a). DANIEL [3]Daniel Hix b. 1696 Goochland, VA m. Joan Irwin (Irvin?) (b. 1697) in 1720.
                    Notes: Nathaniel Hix is his uncle, Amos and Achibald are two cousins, died in Goochland in 1735.
            [Item] Will of Daniel Hix, proved 1735 in Goochland.
            [Item] Daniel is cousin of Archibald, Nathaniel's son. (proven 1735)
            [ item] Author of Francis Clark gives Daniel as son of Robert. This is unproven. They have two known children:
                         i. Winnifred m. Thomas Tilman
                         ii. Lucy m. James Bates

    2. SARAH[2] HIX, b. Abt. 1680, probably Williamsburg, James City Co., VA. m. Martin Martin c. 1698
       Notes: Five children, see line through son, Valentine. Also in Henrico Co.

    3. NATHANIEL[2] HIX, b. Abt. 1682; d. Bef. 20 May 1735, St. James Parish, Goochland Co., VA. m REBECCA Johnson
      Notes: Extensive family in Goochland with Amos and his son Nathaniel of Meckenberg Co., Va. married into the Bugg family. Both familes moved to Georgia in the mid-to-late 1700s.
    4. JOSEPH[2] HIX, (b. Abt. 1684) m SUSANNA PEAWD (b.  ) in 1704 in James City Co. Daughter of William Peawd.
      Notes: Undocumented, this was attributed by Robert Hicks, Hicks researcher on-line. This is apparently the Joseph Hix is referred to in Kennedy (1991). The Pweade line is very sketchy with William owning land-- little known about this family. There is a Pweade (Pewid/Pewit/various other names) Hicks that come from this line.
                 ( a). JOHN [3] HIX born 1716 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA. m. ELIZABETH [Undocumented. This may be John/Denias Christiana's son, John.]
                              i. GIDEON

    5. THOMAS [2] HIX , b. Abt. 1686; d. Aft. 1730. [Undocumented, attributed by Robert Hicks. The name is wrong.]
         Notes for THOMAS HIX: From: Colonial Wars and the Southern Frontier by George Williams Hicks: Both Robert and Thomas Hicks, in 1715, had deeds for land along Bear Creek, just south of modern Lynchburg.

     6. JOHN HIX [2], b. Abt. 1688; d. Abt. 1778, Goochland Co., VA. [Undocumented, attributed by Robert Hicks. It would make sense to have a John Jr. There are two wills in Goochland for John that are not documented with other lines, a 1748 will and a 1772 will. The 1772 will is John, the father of Meshack and Shadrack, who are from an outside northern line as I remember.]
        Children: Nathaniel, John, and Frances Hix. John then married Dr. Morning (Winn) Hix. Named his children in his first marriage quoted above in his will in Lundenburg Co., VA.
                              Generation No. 2: Children of John and Sarah

ROBERT[2] HIX (JOHN[1]) m. Katherine Ragsdale in Virginia in 1701. Well known William Farrar is witness.
   Notes: Virtually no information about this union.  Daniel is attributed as son by author of Francis Clark.
              DANIEL [3]Daniel Hix b. 1696 Goochland, VA m. Joan Irwin (Irvin?) (b. 1697) in 1720.
                    Notes: Nathaniel Hix is his uncle, Amos and Achibald are two cousins, died in Goochland in 1735.
              [Item] Will of Daniel Hix, proved 1735 in Goochland.
              [Item] Daniel is cousin of Archibald, Nathaniel's son. (proven 1735)
              [Item] Author of Francis Clark gives Daniel as son of Robert. This is unproven. They have two known children:
                         i. Winnifred m. James Bates
                         ii. Lucy m. Thomas Tilman

SARAH[2] HIX (JOHN[1] HIX) was born Abt. 1675 in probably Williamsburg, James City Co., VA8. She married MARTIN MARTIN9,10 10 February 1698/99 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent, VA. He was born Abt. 1668 in prob. Lancaster Co., VA, or perhaps on the Isle-of-Skye, Scotland11,12,13,14, and died 20 March 1744/45 in Henrico Co., VA15.
[Item] Martin is a processioner at St. Peter's New Kent Co., Va. in 1689. He apparently moved to Henrico Co. prior to 1735, where he patented 358 acres on the south side of the James. He owned land in New Kent Co., Va., in 1689 along with Henry, Thomas, and William Martin. (Vestry Book, St. Peter's Church.) The last mention in the Vestry Book of Martin Martin is 1698. The Parish Register contains the marriage of Martin Martin to Sarah Hix 10 Feb 1698/9. The children are listed with baptismal dates. The ten year gap in the children may mean that they are not the children of the same man.

[Item] A note at the site of: Bud Martin, <>, 7172 Swadley Ct., Arvada, CO 80004 says that Martin Martin was born 1665 in Isle-of-Skye, Scotland, and died March 20, 1744/45 in Goochland County, VA. He married SARAH HIX February 10, 1697/98 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, VA, daughter of JOHN HIXE and SARA PRESTON.

[Item] One site claims that Martin came south from Boston.... Pauline, <>, said her source is an LDS one: "Ancestral File (TM) SHZQ-0V The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM), June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998...." I have seen this nowhere save there and have no corroboration at all. (April, 2003)

[Item] In November 2001, I added information from the John R. Martin unpublished manuscript, "Valentine Martin of Cumberland County, Virginia," written about 1965. It was very kindly sent to me by Nancy Ann Rupp of Kentucky, another Martin descendant. A copy of the work is in the Logan County, Kentucky, library located in Russellville, Ky. about 20 miles from Bowling Green, Ky. It is also in the DAR Library in Washington, D.C.

[Item] RootsWeb WorldConnect site on Dec 15, 2011, from Ian Martin at his address . He notes that Martin Martin was born in Virginia, not elsewhere, and that his parents are George Martin and Unity Susannah West of the well-known West family. [Undocumented] George Martin and Unity West were apparently born in the mid to late 1650s and were married in about 1676. However, Martin Martin is listed on a processioning order dated May 4, 1689, which presumably includes only landowners age 21 or over. If so, then this Martin Martin must have been born in or before 1668, at least eight years before the marriage of George Martin and Unity West and at a time when Unity was only about 11 years old.

If there is a second older Martin Martin different than the one who married Sarah Hix, why would he not be the father of the younger Martin Martin? Or why couldn’t the younger Martin Martin, if there were two, be the son of one of the three other Martins named in 1689: Henry, Thomas or William? The Vestry Book of Saint Peter’s, New Kent County, Va. from 1682-1758 may be viewed online at the link below. The May 4, 1689 processing order lists more than 200 names. By my count there are 63 names before the name Henry Martin is listed, then 12 names to Thomas Martin, then 15 names to Martin Martin, then 7 names to William Martin. Then there are more than 100 names listed after William Martin.
    Children of SARAH HIX and MARTIN MARTIN are:
         i.     AMESON3 MARTIN16,17, b. 06 April 1706, New Kent Co., VA18.
     Notes for AMESON MARTIN: I have seen her as Amelia.
        ii.    ELIZABETH ANNE MARTIN, b. 09 August 1708, New Kent Co., VA.
        iii.   VALENTINE MARTIN, b. 18 June 1710, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA; d. Bef. 28 July 1760, Cumberland Co., VA.
      iv.   THOMAS MARTIN, b. 04 June 1720, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA19,20.
      v.     LUCY MARTIN21, b. 20 August 1726, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA22.

NATHANIEL[2] HIX (JOHN1 HIXE)23 was born Abt. 1682, and died Bef. 20 May 1735 in St. James Parish, Goochland Co., VA. He married REBECCA JOHNSON24,25 170926, daughter of EDWARD JOHNSON and ELIZABETH WALKER. She was born 08 November 1688 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA27,28, and died in Goochland Co., VA29.
   Notes for NATHANIEL HIX:
[Item] An abstract of the will of Nathaniel Hix can be found in Goochland County, Virginia Wills & Deeds (1728-1736) by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Deed Book #2 (1734-1736), p. 89. Will of Nathaniel Hix of St. James Parish, Goochland Co. To eldest son, Arc'hl Hix, after his mother's death, all my land. To each of my children, Geo., An, Amas, Sarah, Stephen and Edith, items. To wife Rebecker, all rest of estate and she to be executrix. Dated 28 Nov. 1728. Wit: James Homan, Charles Jordan, Edward (M) More. Signed: Nathaniel (N) Hix. Proved 20 May 1735.  "An" may be "Ann" and "Amas" may be "Amos" as posted in a previous message. No daughter named "Elce" is listed; perhaps she predeceased her father (?).

{Item] Goochland County, Virginia, Will Book 2, Page 89; Written: November 26, 1728; Recorded: May 20, 1735.
                                Will of Nathaniel Hix
    In the name of God amen I Nathaniel Hix of Goochland County and St. James Parish  being sick & weak of body but of perfect sense and memory thanks be given  to Almighty God for the same and calling into mind that we must yield unto death whensoever it shall pleas[e] God to call, do constitute and appoint this my land will and testament.  I give and bequeath my Soul unto almighty God my Saveir [sic] and Redeemer to have forgiveness of all my sins and comitt [sic] my body to the Earth to be buried in such decent and Cristan [sic] manner as my Executors shall think fit and as for my Estate I will and bequeath as follows:
    I give and bequest all my land unto my oldest son Arc[bd?} Hix after his mother’s decease.
    I give five shilins [sic] current money to every won [sic] of my children Elce [?}. An. Amos. Sarah. Stephen & Edath [?]
    I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Rebeckor [sic] Hix all the remaining parts of my Estate in ginarall [sic] to her disposal.  I conestete [?] and apint [sic] my well beloved wife Rebecker Hix my hole [?] and sole Executrix of his my last will and testam’t _____
    Witness whereof I have set my hand and seall this 26 day of November Ano dom. 1728.
                                his    Nathaniel Hix [seal]      mark
Teste    James Holman    Charles Jordan    his  Edward M More [?]  mark
     At a court held for Goochland County May 20th 1735.  This will was proved by the oaths of James Holman & Charles Jordan two of the witnesses hereto & was admitted to record.]
Pg. 376: Will of Daniel Hix presented by James Holman, the executor. Proved by the oaths of John Williams and Henry Holman, witnesses thereto. (July Ct. 1735)

    Notes for REBECCA JOHNSON:
[Item] For her children, see Nathaniel's will. This note from Mary Pazur, "Do you know if Rebecca Johnson, who married Nathaniel Hix, was the daughter of Edward Johnston and Elizabeth Walker?" If this is the case, my 6th great grandmother on my mother's side and my 7th great grandmother on my father's side were sisters. The dates and places seem to match. Penelope Johnson was b. 1684........Rebecca was born 1688. Any information that you can provide will be most appreciated."
      i.    ARCHIBALD[3] HIX, b. Abt. 1704. Elizabeth Scott
      ii.    GEORGE HIX, b. Abt. 1706.
      iii.   ANN HIX, b. Abt. 1708.
      iv.   AMOS HIX, b. Abt. 1710. m. Ruth Bugg.
      v.    SARAH HIX, b. Abt. 1712.
      vi.    STEPHEN HIX, b. Abt. 1714.
      vii.   EDITH HIX, b. Abt. 1716.

                        Generation 3: Grandchildren of John[1] and Sarah

DANIEL[3] HIX (ROBERT[2], JOHN[1]) Daniel Hix b. 1696 Goochland, VA m. Joan Irwin (Irvin?) (b. 1697) in 1720.
                    Notes: Nathaniel Hix is his uncle, Amos and Archibald are two cousins, died in Goochland in 1735.
            [Item] Will of Daniel Hix, proved 1735 Goochland Deed Book #2, Page 111:
In the Name of God Amen. I Danie Hix being very sick & weak of body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almight God. I do apoint this my last will & Testment first I give & bequeath my Soul to God that gave it in sure & & certain hope of a Glorious Resurection through the merits of Jesus Christ next I give my body to be decently inter'd at the discretion of my Exect.
Item I leave all my moveable Estate to my well-beloved wife Joan Hix at her discretion and at her disposall during her widowhood but in case she should marry then to be equally divided between her my well-beloved wife and my two well beloved daghters Lucy Hix & Winefred Hix.
Item. I leave my two negroes Bobb & Allice to my said well beloved wife to be kept at her discretion during her widowhood but
in case she my said wife should marry or dye then I give and bequeath my negro girl called Allice & her issue if ever she has any to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix to her & the heirs of her body lawfully begotten . . . wife and in the same manner I Give and bequeath my negro man called Bob to my youngest daughter Winefred Hix to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten.
Item. I give to and bequeath to my well-beloved Cousen Archer [Archibald] Hix my whole set of Troopers Arms.
Item. I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix my plantation whereon I now live and such part of the land adjoyning to it lying between Tuckahoe & my Spring Branch running up the Spring Branch to the Spring from thence to the head of the Cottonpatch Branch and so down the sd. Branch to my line which part of my land and Plantation I do give to my said daughter to her & her heirs forever.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my sd. daughter Lucy Hix one hundred & fifty acres of land on the Deer point (?) Branch to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my youngest daughter Winefred Hix the remaining part of my land I now live on and all the appertenances thereunto belonging to her and heirs for ever and in case both should dye without Issue then all my land to fall to Archer [Archibald] Hix.
Item. I do apoint my well-beloved wife Joan Hix sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament during her life and in case she my said wife should dye before my sd. daughters should marry or be of lawfull age in such case I do appoint Capt. James Holman to do and act as Executor of my Estate according to this my last will and Testament this XXXVI day of Dec. one thousand seven hund. thirty four.
Daniel Hix
Signed & sealed in presence of us J. Williams, Henry Holman, Wilminten H. Harris       
At a Court held for Goochland County July 15, 1735. This will was proved by the Oaths of John Williams & Henry Holman and
was thereupon admitted to record.       Test. H. Wood ]

[Item] Daniel is cousin of Archibald, Nathaniel's son. (proven 1735)

[Item] Author of Francis Clark gives Daniel as son of Robert. This is unproven.

[Item] Records in Augusta County, VA; From Chalkley’s Augusta County Records:  Vol. 2 - Tilman's heirs vs. Dawson---O. S. 259; N. S. 91---Bill, 29th July 1811. Complainants are, viz: Daniel Tilman, eldest son and heir of Lucy Tilman, by Thomas Tilman, Sr., her husband, and who was formerly Lucy Hix daughter of Daniel Hix, deceased; Thomas Tilman, Jr.; Richd Marr and Winifred (Tilman); Jesse Mills and Lucy (Tilman), and the heirs of William Walton and Elizabeth (Tilman) being children and heirs of Lucy Tilman and her husband Thomas. Daniel Hix died, testate, in Goochland. Daniel's wife was Joan. Lucy (Hix) Tilman died 1768 or 1763 and Thomas in 180_. Daniel devised a slave to his daughter Lucy and she was sold to Drury Christian, who is now dead, and said slave and increase are now in possession of Drury Christian's representatives, viz: John Christian, deceased, leaving Elizabeth Christian, his widow, and children, infants; wife of Pleasant Dawson (daughter of Drury); _____, wife of Henry Moorman (daughter of Drury). Answer of Dawson sworn to in Amherst. Will of Daniel Hix. Wife, Joan; daughters, Lucy and Winifred; cousin, Archer Hix, set of Troopers' Arms. Dated 26th November, 1734. Recorded in Goochland, 15th July, 1735.

                     Daniel[3] and Joan have two known children:

                         i. Winnifred m. James Bates
                         ii. Lucy m. Thomas Tilman

AMOS[3] HIX (NATHANIEL[2], JOHN [1]) m. Ruth Bugg
[Item] The move is from Mecklenberg Co. Virginia to Richmond Co. Georgia in the 1700s. This involved Hicks, Bugg's family, Beddingfield, and others. The line goes from Amos[3] to Nathaniel[2] proven to John Hix[1] the doorkeeper. Remember the father of Nathaniel (reportedly John Hix) is unproven. What is proven is Daniel Hix (m. Joan) who died in Goochland in 1735 is Nathaniel's nephew, as stated in Daniel's will. Nathaniel died in Goochland about the same time. Also in Goochland is Samuel Hix b. 1695 who is a similar generation as Daniel. Amos[3] son is Nathaniel who marries Ruth Bugg and moves to Georgia by the time his son Nathaniel Jr. marries Francis Bacon in 1783.

[Item] Will of Amos HIX 1785/1786 Mecklenburg Co., VA Will Book 2, page 247
In the name of God amen. I, Amos HIX of Mecklenburg County, being in my perfect sences & memory, and calling to mind that all men must die, do hereby make this my last will and testament: First, I bequeath my soul to God from whence it came, & body to the earth to be buried in a Christian and desent like manner. As to my wordly (sic) estate my will & daesire is that it shall be divided amongst my children as follows, viz:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Shearwood HIX & to his heirs & assigns forever four negroes, slaves named Dick, Amy, Sterling and Rose with all their increase from the 22nd day of April 1784;
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John HIX & his heirs forever three negroes, slaves named Andrew, John & Barbary with all their increse from and after the 22nd day of April 1784, I also give and bequeath to my said son John HIX & his heirs & assigns forever two of my best beds & ferniture, six plates, six spons, 4 dishes & half a dowzen chars;
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Daniel HIX & his heirs & assigns forever three negroes, slaves named Ned, Moses and Betty with all their increase from & after the 22nd day of April 1784; Item, I give and bequeath to my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX & to their heirs & assigns forever all the remaining part of my household goods, the whole of my stocks of cattle, horses, sheep & hoggs, together with my crop of corn, tobacco and plantation utensils , which is to be equally divided amongst them, but it is to be remembered that in (blank) of this last gift that my said three sons, Sherwood, Daniel & John are to pay
the whole of the debts that may be due from the estate & are also to pay the whole of the taxes for the present year, and it is further remembered that my said three sons are to pay to each of sons Nathaniel & James HIX & to my grandson Sherwood BUGG , or to theirs (sic) heirs the sum of five pounds current money of Virginia;
Item, all the lands of which I may die possesed are to be sold to the highest bidder, lawfull notice being given of such sale for money or tobacco as may appear to be most eligible, & the (blank) or tobacco arising from said sale of my lands to be equally divided amongst my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX and my daughters Sarah JEFFRIES, Mary JOHNSTON, Elizabeth HESTER, Martha PHILLIPS & Lucy PERDIEU & to their heirs & assigns forever, but it is to be remembered that if my dauughter Lucy PERDIEU should be dead or should die between this & the 25th day of December next, that her husband or any of her children shall not become a shear in the sale of the lands above mentioned. I appoint my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX executors to this my Last Will and Testament. In witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this twentyfifth day of November 1785.
his Amos A Hix (LS) mark
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Thomas Vaughan Francis Lewis
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of February 1786 this will was proved by the oaths of Thomas Vaughan & Francis Lewis, the witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded & on the motion Sherwood HIX, Daniel HIX & John HIX the exors therein named, who made oath thereto & together with Edward WALTON, John MARSHALL & Field MOORE their securities, enter'd into & acknowledged their bond in penalty of three thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs. Certificate was granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due from (sic).
John Brown, Ct Clerk ____

[Item] AMOS[3] married MARY FRANCES BUGG in Lunenburg Co. VA?, aft 1756. He bought property in Lunenburg Co. VA, Aug 3, 1756. On 3, Aug. 1756 Amos Hix of Amelia Co VA purchased 1430A from Henry Howard, near Samuel Bugg in Lunenburg Co VA. Amos Witness Dec 13, 1756 in Lunenburg Co. VA. Note: Amox Hix witnesses following will:
(2) Lunenburg County, VA:
"BUGG, Samuel, Senr. Will Book 1, Page 249
Names: Wife - Sarah BUGG
Son - Jacob BUGG - negro
Daughter - Sarah TOWLER - negro and after her death to her children
Daughter - Agnes LEE - negro
Daughter - Ruth BUGG - negro and furniture
Son - Sherwood BUGG - 10 pounds money
Grandsons - John, Benjamin, Jesse and Sherwood BUGG - 10 pounds each
Son - Edmund BUGG - livestock
Son - Samuel BUGG - 20 shillings Steling
Son - Anselm BUGG - of my estate both real and personal
Lend all of my estate to my wife Sarah during her natural life, and at her
decease to be divided as stated.
Executor: Son Anselm BUGG
Witnesses: Amos HIX/HICKS /s/ Samuel (mark) BUGG
Will dated 13 Dec 1756 Recorded 1 May 1759
Note at bottom of abstract: "Anselm BUGG qualified as executor with Samuel YOUNG and Sherwood BURR his securities

[Item] Amos bought property in Lunenburg Co. VA, Jan 16, 1758. On 16 Jan., 1758 at Lunenburg Co he and his wife Mary deeded 300A on north side of Roanoke River to Nathaniel Hix. Amos served in the military in Rev War Mecklenburg Co. VA, bef 1782. In 1782 he made a claim in Mecklenburg Co VA for supplies to the Rev army. Of Amelia Co. directly before Lunenburg.

        Amos HIX and Mary Frances BUGG had the following children:

   i. DANIEL was born in Lunenburg Co. Va? Oct 8, 1761. Daniel died Jan 13, 1822 in Clark Co. GA, at 60 years of age. He married SUSANNAH JEFFRIES in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Apr 12, 1784. Susannah was born ca 1765. She was the daughter of Swepson JEFFRIES and Sarah HIX. She married MILES T. CROWDER in Mecklenburg Co. Va, Nov 5, 1806. Either Daniel Hix's death date is wrong, this marriage date is wrong, or the first marriage ended in divorce. Needs more research.
   ii. SHERWOOD was born in Lunenburg Co. VA? ca 1762. Sherwood died 1814 in Henderson Co. KY. He married SARAH ANN GORDON in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Jan 18, 1782.
   iii. MARTHA was born in Lunenburg Co. VA? ca 1763. Martha died in Mecklenburg Co?. She married DABNEY PHILLIPS . Dabney was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1760. Dabney died Sep 8, 1806 in Mecklenburg Co. VA.
   iv. JOHN was born ca 1764.
   v. ELIZABETH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married JAMES HESTER . James was born ca 1770.
   vi. JAMES was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770.
   vii. LUCY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. She married twice. She married WILLIAM BUGG . William died bef 1785. She married UNK PERDIEU bef 1785.
   viii. MARY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married WILLIAM W. JOHNSON ca 1785. William was born ca 1760. He was the son of Phillip JOHNSON. William died 1803 in Mecklenburg Co. VA. William served in the military in Mecklenburg Co. VA, bef 1782. He made a claim in Mecklenburg for 275 pounds of beef to the Rev Army. Lived at Buckhorn Creek in Mecklenburg Co,
   ix. NATHANIEL was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. He married RUTH BUGG . She was the daughter of Samuel BUGG and Sarah BACON.
   x. SARAH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA? ca 1770. She married UNK JEFFRIES .

ARCHIBALD[3] HIX (NATHANIEL[2] JOHN[1] b. 1704- 1796 in Goochland, Virginia m. Elizabeth Scott.
[Item] 1728: Nov 26, 1728 - named in his father, Nathaniel's Will

[Item] 1735: Archibald inherited his father's estate

[Item] 1779: Court 18 Nov 1779. Deed of B&S from John Scott and Ann his wife to Archibald Hicks was proved by Daniel and Stephen Hix and continued for further proof.

[Item] 1782: Court 19 Apr 1782, page 192. A List of Claims for property impressed in this county for public service, with the value thereof as ascertained by the Court. (It includes names, dates, property impressed, and values) Only names shown here include: Archibald hix and Daniel Hix

[Item] 1782: Court 19 Dec 1782. page 252
William Stratton, Archibald Hix, Thomas Tucker and William Tucker or any three of them, being first duly sworn before a Justice of the Peace of this county, are ordered to appraise in current money the slaves (if any) and the personal Estate of John Gillis deceased within this county and report the same and on page 254, a Deed of Gift from Archibald Hix to Edward was acknowledged by the said Archibald and ordered to be recorded.

[Item] 1784: Court 18 Mar 1784. page 364
Ann Sampson an Infant under age by Stephen Sampson her next friend, Plaintiff against Stephen Hix . . Defendant (In case of slander) It is considered by the Court that this cause be dismissed.

[Item] 1775: Will Written: 22 Oct 1775; Will Probated: 21 day of April 1796 Archibald Hix, Powhatan County, Virginia
Deed Book - p. 219 Will of Archibald Hix
"In the name of God amen I Archibald Hix of Powhatan County being of sound intelect and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life and the certainty of Death do hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby making and disannuling all my former wills in manner and form following imprimis.
I give to my son Daniel Hix twenty shillings.
I give to my son Jesse Hix twenty shillings with all my wearing apparel.
I give to my son Stephen Hix the tract of land whereon I now live to him his heirs and assigns forever also one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves a negro woman Biddy and child Nancy and their future increase.
I give to my son James Hix one negroe woman named Chloe with her child, Rebeckah and their future increase.
I give to my daughter Mildred Tucker, a negroe Woman named Kate with her daughters Jane and Phillis and their future increase also sixty pounds in cash to be paid by sons Stephen and James Hix.
I give to my daughter Elizabeth Hix four negroes to wit Hannah, Edith, Rose and Gilbert, with their future increase also four cows with their calves one feather bed and furniture and one third part of my household and kitchen furniture not heretofore given to others.
I give to my granddaughter Francis Hix one negroe girl named Tamer with her future increase and one feather bed and furniture.
I give to Judith Stratton one feather bed and furniture and five pounds in cash to be paid to her by sons Stephen and James Hix.
I give to my sons Stephen and James Hix all the stock of every kind that is not already given away the two thirds of my household and kitchen furniture not already given away my plantation utinsels of every kind and all the money I have at my death and what moneys may be due me at my death, and every other part of my estate not already by me disposed of making my two sons Stephen and James Hix answerable for all my debts and what money I have willed away.
It is my desire that my daughter Elizabeth Hix be allowed the free use of the least room in my dwelling house that has a fireplace in it so long as she lives single and no longer.
The negroes not particularly named in my will, Tom, Charles, Peter, Candace, Dorcas, Matilda, which negroe with their increase I give to my sons Stephen and James Hix let it be understood where I have given negroes, with their increase I mean all their increase after the date of this will and lastly,
I do hereby appoint my said two sons Stephen and James Hix executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affirmed my seal this twenty second day of October in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hudnred and seventy five.
Signed Sealed and published and.....His Mark..... Archibald Hix. Delivered in the presence of us William Tucker, William Stratton, R. Jenkins
At a court held for Powhatan County the 21 day of April 1796 This last will and testament of Archibald Hix deceased was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of William Tucker, William Stratton and R. Jenkens and was by the court ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Stephen Hix and James Hix the Executors therein named who made oaths thereto according to law and with William Poor and Edward Stratten their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penaly of Five Thousand Dollars conditioned as the law directs probate thereof is granted them in due form. Test. A.B. Crump Clk.

  Children of Archibald Hicks and Elizabeth Scott:

     i. JOHN[4] Hix b. 1744 in Virginia m. Sibella Lydia Rice b. 18 Nov., 1742 in Halifax, Virginia
            (a) John Hix b: 1768 in Virginia
     ii. JAMES Hix b. 1750 d. 1837
     iii. DANIEL Hix
     iv. JESSE Hix
     v. STEPHEN Hix
     vi. MILDRED Hix
     vii. ELIZABETH Hix

                          Generation 4: Great-granchildren of John and Sarah

DANIEL[4] HICKS (AMOS[3], NATHANIEL[2] JOHN[1]) was born in Lunenburg Co. Va. Oct 8, 1761. Daniel died Jan 13, 1822 in Clark Co. GA, at 60 years of age. He married SUSANNAH JEFFRIES in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Apr 12, 1784. Susannah was born ca 1765. She was the daughter of Swepson JEFFRIES and Sarah HIX. She married MILES T. CROWDER in Mecklenburg Co. Va, Nov 5, 1806.

SHERWOOD[4] HICKS (AMOS[3], NATHANIEL[2] JOHN[1]) was born in Lunenburg Co. VA. ca 1762. Sherwood died 1814 in Henderson Co. KY. He married SARAH ANN GORDON in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Jan 18, 1782.

SARAH[4] HIX (AMOS[3] NATANIEL[2], JOHN[1]) was born ca 1740. Sarah died bef 1788 in Mecklenburg co. VA.
She married SWEPSON JEFFRIES in VA, ca 1765. Swepson was born in Brunswick Co. VA? ca 1738. He was the son of John JEFFRIES and Ann SWEPSON. Swepson died ca 1803 in Mecklenburg Co. VA.
Sarah HIX and Swepson JEFFRIES had the following children:

   i. SUSANNAH[5] HICKS SWEPSON was born ca 1765. She married twice. She married DANIEL HIX in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Apr 12, 1784. Daniel was born in Lunenburg Co. Va? Oct 8, 1761. He was the son of Amos HIX and Mary Frances BUGG. Daniel died Jan 13, 1822 in Clark Co. GA, at 60 years of age. She married MILES T. CROWDER in Mecklenburg Co. Va, Nov 5, 1806. Either Daniel Hix's death date is wrong, this marriage date is wrong, or the first marriage ended in divorce. Needs more research.

   ii. ELIZABETH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1768. Elizabeth died ca 1848. She married THOMAS BURNETT in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Aug 4, 1785. Thomas was born ca 1765.

   iii. SWEPSON was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1770. Swepson died ca 1848. He married ELIZABETH COLEMAN in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Mar 6, 1788. Elizabeth was born ca 1770.

   iv. SARAH was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1772. Sarah died ca 1848. She married EDMUND BUGG in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Dec 13, 1792.

   v. MARTHA was born in Mecklenburg Co. Va ca 1775. Martha died ca 1848. Note: If these 1848 death dates are correct, it appears likely the cholera epidemic was striking in VA also.

   vi. JANE was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1777. Jane died ca 1848. She married BROCKETT BARNES in Mecklenburg Co. VA, May 11, 1797.

   vii. LUCY was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1780. Lucy died ca 1848. She married JOHN BROWN in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Nov 22, 1800.

   viii. ACHILLES was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA Sep 3, 1783. Achilles died 1850 in MO?. Had Achilles gone to MO also or did Susanna leave after he died? He married SUSANNAH PRICE WILLIAMSON in Charlotte Co. VA, Mar 27, 1804. Susannah was born in Charlotte Co. VA Jan 14, 1783. She was the daughter of Cuthbert WILLIAMSON and Susannah WHITE. Susannah died Oct 1, 1870 in Franklin Co. MO, at 87 years of age.
   ix. JOHN was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA ca 1784. John died ca 1855. He married REBECCA RICHARDS in Mecklenburg Co. VA, Sep 8, 1806.



These brothers, one of whom married a Hix daughter, are in the records copied by Weisinger and noted under John Hixe.
Bill Davidson:  "It is my "best educated guess" that it was William Davidson who married a Miss Hix, versus his apparent father David Davidson "II" (David "II" died in Charles City Co., VA about 1756). It was William Davidson who first used given names that were taken from the Hix family (Goulder, Richard and John). Of course, it COULD be that David Davidson "II" had, in fact, married a Miss Hix, and William then used those "Hix given names" because of his mother's family (but those "Hix given names" were NOT also used by the apparent brothers of William Davidson).

"David Davidson "I" (born in Holland and died in James City Co., VA around 1687) was married to a Sarah (as you state), and I would not be surprised if Sarah was a Miss Hunt or a Miss Hamblin. A William Hunt and a Thomas Hamblin assisted Sarah Davidson with the estate of Sarah's deceased husband David "I" in 1688. There was also a man named Stephen Hamblin in the above Hamblin family, and David Davidson "II" had a Stephen Davidson as the executor of his will in 1756 (Stephen Davidson was probably a son of David "II"). If David "II" was not married to a Miss Hix, perhaps he was married to a Miss Hamblin."

Children of (UNK) HIX and DAVID DAVIDSON are:
9.     i.           EDWARD3 DAVIDSON, b. Abt. 1712; d. 1794, Campbell Co., VA.
      ii.           DAVID DAVIDSON33, b. Abt. 171434.
10.     iii.           WILLIAM DAVIDSON, b. Abt. 1716.


I am trying at present to piece together a line of descent from John Hixe of James City County through his son Henry to my earliest documented Hix ancestor is is John Hix of Goochland County. I have a hunch and have been told many many other hix researchers that the Virginia Hix line(those who settled north of the James River) probably descends from John Hixe of James City. I have a tenative line for this descent and Samuel Huff is within that line. As you know for certain, Huff married Sarah Hix; she was most likely the daughter of John and Elizabeth Hix of Cumberland, previously Goochland County. AS I am finding out more, this is what I'm piecing together: Our branch of the Hix family was continually moving westward. While Goochland was formed from the frontier of Henrico, our ancestors had moved from James City to Charles City to New Kent/Hanover to Henrico (and perhaps Louisa) and into Goochland. Goochland at that time was very large and lay on the north and south sides of the James River. Cumberland county was formed from land that was previously Goochland as was powhatan. My ancestor John Hix who married Kitty Cheatum was probably very familiar with Powhatan county. The Cheatums were a Chesterfield county family, Chesterfield lies just east of Powhatan, and John and Kitty's son Abner married Kesiah Carter, d/o Jacob Carter who probably had ties to the Powhatan Carters. With the Goochland county Courthouse on the north side of the river, and with all of the marriages (John and Kitty, Abner and Kesiah) being recorded there, I believe that John settled just north west of the Courthouse. Abner and Jacob Carter also settled nearby. So, I find documentation for all these folks in Powhatan, Cumberland, and Goochland.
The connection to John Hixe is a little more probelmatic owing to the elusive nature of supporting documentation. John HIx married Sarah Preston who was d/o Joseph Preston. I have located deed abstracts confirming their land holdings which are located along the Chickahominy River. John Hixes son Henry is fairly well documented by other researchers. I have a gap between Henry and Peawd Hix of Louisa County who is most likey an Uncle or cousin of my ancestor John Hix. If I can span the gap, I will have proven that my ancestor is John Hixe of James City. Also, I am trying to locate a James Hix of the Pamamuck tribe who is mentioned as living in the area by Tiascund and Warrany Creek; this is the same area where John Hixe resided. If these two persons are the same person, then I have completed my trace to my earliest ancestor--JOhn HIx of the Pamamuck (Appomatuck) tribe, a tributary of the Pamunky.
Currently I am looking for and following up on source documentation. If you know of anything, please pass it on. If you have any question, email me at, and I'll try to answer them.


 [posted Robert Hix]
John Hixe son Joseph Hix ( spelled Hicks in Hanover) raised one of them. Robert I think and later his son Robert. Joseph is believed to be the oldest son of John Hixe. He married Susannah Piewd. Nathaniel Hix married Rebecca Johnson dau of Edward and Elizabeth from Scotland.

Nathan's father was Joseph Hicks and mother was Susan Pewed. He married Mary Dumas and lived in Surry, Virginia.

Frances is not an unusual name in the Hix line. If you are looking for the natural born Hix I have two in my database in this time frame but one died after one year. James Hix and Frances (Stratton) Hix had a daughter Frances. Archibald Hix in his will named a Frances Hix in his will whom I carry as the wife of his son Daniel Hix. Daniel's son Archibald married Nancy Woodson in PE and they had a child Frances born 1820 and died in 1821. In this line alone there are four different Frances Hix

John Hix and ??? Hix ( first marriage) had three children; Nathaniel, John, and Frances Hix. John then married Dr. Morning (Winn) Hix. Named his children in his first marriage quoted above in his will in Lundenburg Co., VA. We believe this line is from the Tuckahoe Creek bunch and therefore are related but cannot give you documentation on the first marriage at this time.

John Hix was from VA and was married to Morning who applied to the House of Burgess for money to research her "cure" for cancer. His John Hix and his son Thomas Hix, who married Elizabeth Beville in Goergia. They had a child named Parky Pride Hix. Any help is appreciated.
I am searching on information on Robert (P?) Hicks or Hix, born in Goochland County, Virginia around 1811. He married Eliza Jane Houchins on December 19, 1831, and had five children, one of which (William Meshach Hicks) is my great grandfather.

 I am descended from Rachel Huff 1774 Bedford Co., VA, who married Samuel Decatur Hays b. 1772 Bedford Co., VA. In various trees and posts, Rachel is shown as daughter of Samuel Huff Sr. and Sarah Hix. I would like to verify parents of Rachel Huff and find out more about them and their ancestry.
I have seen various postings and trees from some years ago, which mention Sarah Hix, b. possibly 1755 in Bedford Co., VA as wife of Samuel Huff Sr.. I see also there are a number of women named Sarah Hix in VA and NC born during the time period 1735-1756, so would like to know I have the right Sarah.
Robert, in 2000, you replied to a post about Sarah Hix married to Samuel Huff, with Sarah's father possibly being John Hix, and you suggested looking for him in Albemarle Co., Goochland Co., or Louisa Co., VA. Do you have possible birth/death date(s) for John Hix and to your knowledge is John Hix verified as Sarah's father? Do you have any clues as to Sarah's mother? (I see a John Hix married to a Sarah Preston in several posts).

Since there were some posts suggesting Sarah's father as John, Joseph or Jesse Hix, am I on the right track looking for John? Seems there are several men named Jesse, Joseph, and John Hix, within possible time period, in Va or NC.

I am unable to visit locations to search original records, so am limited to what I can access online, and the generosity of other researches. I would appreciate any direction you could give.

I am also interested in finding the ethnicity of these folks. There several references to Native American ancestry. Have found some Native Amer. relatives in Hays line by marriage, but not have not yet verified any by blood in my line.

William Hix from Goochland Co., VA. William born abt 1743-44 and died abt. 1836 Goochland. He had the following children: John, Abner, Ailcy and Nancy Hix. His wife was Ann and he fought in the Rev. War. My descent is from Abner and his wife Jane Holland. If anyone else is researching this line I would love to connect and share information. Robin

Goochland Co., VA Chancery Suit - box 1834
Agreement entered into this 2nd day of January 1836 between Elizabeth Hicks, widow of Meshac Hicks dec'd of one party & Meshach Hicks, John W. Ford & Eliza his wife who was Elizabeth Hicks, Nancy Carroll, Sally Hicks, Richard Taylor & Sukey his wife, Henry J. Hall & Lucy his wife. All of whom are devisees under the will of Meshac Hicks dec'd. Witnesseth that in consideration of the said devisees agree to pay in read money to the said Elizabeth Hicks aforesaid the sum of four huindred dollars and to give her the bed & furniture which she calls hers & a chest, she agrees to surrender and release unto the whole of the devisees all her interest in the real & personal estate of her dec'd husband except the negro woman Iris & all her children which were given her in the will, and that the estate may be devided or ??? of agreeable to the will of her husband with the exception of the aforesaid articles which are to be her own ??? hereafter as she may think proper. In testamony whereof the parties have here?? set their hands & a??? ?? date above written: Meshach Hicks, John W. Ford, Nancy Carroll, Sally Hicks, Richard Taylor, Henry J. Hall. Witness: Frederick Hicks

There is no doubt that Meshack Hicks & his wife Elizabeth Moreland were living in Goochland Co VA when he died, therefore the Meshack Hicks b. 1751-1760 I'm pursuing in Warren Co TN cannot be he. It appears, too, that the Elizabeth Hicks on the 1830 census was Meshack's widow. I'd like to see the will he left. I still believe there is a connection between the Warren Co Meshack and the Goochland Co Meshack--perhaps his son by Ann Dawson? We have still yet to determine the older Meshack's age. If he was married to Ann Dawson in 1765, then he likely was born sometime before 1746, which makes him older than the Warren Co TN Meshack.
Thank you again for your help in this matter.
Fay Clark

Meshack of Goochland is still on the Goochland tax role of 1802.
1802 John (of Meshack) 1011 Hix
John (of William) 1000(no slv)
William 1102
Meshack 1304
John 1124

Meshack Sr is still on the Goochland census of 1810 and 1820.
1810 census Hix
Wm 00101-00101-01
Jhn 00010-20010-00(no slv)
Msk 20001-00501-05
Jhn 20010-11011-02
Wm 00010-20100-06

Meshac Hix (45+ yrs old) on the 1810 Goochland Co census may be Meshack Hicks b. 1738 d. 1816. The Meshack Hix on the 1820 census was one of two males in the household 26-44 years old and appears to be the one who died in 1826. Meshack Hicks who married Elizabeth Moreland was definitely older than 45 in 1820. And the Elizabeth Hicks on the 1830 census is too young to be Elizabeth Morerland. Can you add anything that would help clarify the confusion?

I'm not an authority on Meshack, but here are my thoughts:
Your assumption that Meshack is one of two males 26-44
could be mistaken. My assumption was that he is the male
45+. This because on the 1810 he is already 45+, and I
found no will of a Meshack in Goochland before 1826.
If your assumption was correct there should be two
Meshacks on the 1802 tax. Of course, your guess is as good
as mine.

The Elizabeth on the 1830 census 60-69 I'm assuming is the
Elizabeth Harris who married William Hicks in 1787.


Goochland Co., VA 1850 census p. 109, anc. 11
Hicks, Robert 39, 1811
Eliza J. 35, 1815 wife Eliza Jane Houchins Hicks
Charles J. 14, 1836 son
Sarah E. 12, 1838 dau.
Virginia P. 10, 1840 dau.
Wm. Mishach 5, 1845 son
Robert J. 1, 1849 son

I have been unable to identify his parents, but I suspect he may be a son of John Hix and Christiana “Kitty” Cheatum (Chittum). It appears he was born in 1811, which would put him after Mary Polly Hicks Proffitt and before William Abner Hicks.
My reason for connecting these two is that several of William Abner Hicks’ children and grandchildren are buried in the Corinth Church Cemetery in Goochland. In the same cemetery are buried Robert’s daughter, Virginia Poore, and William Meshach’s wife, Sarah Saunders Hicks. Two of the three offspring of William Meshach Hicks (as well as some grandchildren) are also buried here. (The third William Meshach child is my grandfather, William Berton “Bert” Hicks, who is buried in Riverview Cemetery in Richmond with his in-laws, Charles and Mattie Ready.)
I’d be grateful for any help filling in the blanks.

 2b. John Hixe (Hicks) b. 1658 who married [Sarah Preston] once chart has Rebecca Reeves- this is undocumented. One of their sons was Natheniel Hix (Hicks) and some charts have Samuel Hicks b. 1680. [I don't think Samuel is in this line but a Samuel b. 1680 is reported to be in this line and also the father of David. However these, and many more Hicks were in Goochland at the same general time, other names include Thomas, Willis, John, Daniel, Henry, Nathaniel, Marmaduke, Hubbard, Richard. There may be more than one Samuel. Henry, Goulder, and Willis are in this line. So I'm interested in looking at the important Hicks lines in that area.]

      John Hixe 1658 – 1720; m. Sarah Preston (1662 – 1698) in 1681. Spouse died in Virginia; John Hixe came from England with his two brothers- they returned. The e was dropped from his name in America. Doorkeeper at the House of Burgess. Their children:
          1. Nathaniel Hix (Hicks) (b. 1688 d. 1735) m.  Rebeckah Johnson (daughter of Edward Johnson) was born Bef. 1698 in St Peter's Parish, New Kent, VA, and died in Goochland VA. She married Nathaniel Hixe 1709, son of John Hixe and Sarah Preston. Children of Rebeckah Johnson and Nathaniel Hixe are:
       i. Edith Hix.
       ii. Elce (Elsie) Hix, born 1712 in James City Co VA; died in Montgomery VA. She married John Cox 1732.
       iii. Ann Hix, born 1714 in James City Co VA. She married (1) Richard Ligon 1733. She married (2) Samuel Bugg June 01, 1757 in Lunenburg Co VA.
       iv. Archibald Hix, born 1722; died 1796.
       v. Sarah Hix, born 1720.
       vi. Amos Hix, born 1721-1727 in James City Co VA; died 1786 in Mecklenburg Co VA.
                In his will he listed 5 daughters: Sarah Jeffries, Mary Johnston, Elizabeth Hester, Martha Phillips, Lucy Purdue; and 4 sons: Sherwood, Daniel, Nathaniel and James
       vii. Stephen Hix, born 1732 in James City Co VA. He married Agnes Hancock August 1758 in St. James Northam Parish, Goochland VA.
                Here's Nathaniel Hix will with wife Rebecca/Rebbekah Johnson listed, along with children: From the LDS Film #031653 Goochland Virginia Deed Books 1-3; Nathaniel Hix, Will, Book 2, Page 89.

In the name of God Amen. I Nathaniel Hix of Gugland (sic) County and of St. James Paresh being sick and weak but of perfect sense and memory thanks be given unto Almighty God for the same and calling into mind that we must yeald unto death whensoever it shall please God to call and constitute and appoint this my last will and testament. I give and bequeath my Soul unto almighty God my Savior and Redeemer to have forgiveness of all my sines and comitt my body to the Earth to be .. in such desant and Cristan manor as my exectitors shall think it and as for my Estate I will and bequeth as I Give and bequeath all my land unto my oldest son Arcbd Hix after mothers decease. I Give five shilins corent money to every won of my children, Elce, An, Amos, Sarah, Stephen & Edeth. I give and Bequeth the unto my well beloved wife Rebecker Hix all the remaining parts of my Estate in ginarall to her disposall I constitute and apoint my well beloved wife Rebecker Hix my ... and sole Exectrix of this my last will and testem. In witness whereof I have set my hand and seall this 26 day of November Anno Dom. 1728.
Nathaniel [N-his mark] Hix
Teste. James Homan
Charles Jordan Edward [M-his mark) M...

At a Court held for Goochland County May 20th, 1735, this will was proved by the Oaths of James Holman, Charles Jordan two of the witnessess thereto & was admitted to Record. Test. Henry Wood

[Item] Will of Amos HIX 1785/1786 Mecklenburg Co., VA Will Book 2, page 247
In the name of God amen. I, Amos HIX of Mecklenburg County, being in my perfect sences & memory, and calling to mind that all men must die, do hereby make this my last will and testament: First, I bequeath my soul to God from whence it came, & body to the earth to be buried in a Christian and desent like manner. As to my wordly (sic) estate my will & daesire is that it shall be divided amongst my children as follows, viz:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Shearwood HIX & to his heirs & assigns forever four negroes, slaves named Dick, Amy, Sterling and Rose with all their increase from the 22nd day of April 1784;
Item, I give and bequeath to my son John HIX & his heirs forever three negroes, slaves named Andrew, John & Barbary with all their increse from and after the 22nd day of April 1784, I also give and bequeath to my said son John HIX & his heirs & assigns forever two of my best beds & ferniture, six plates, six spons, 4 dishes & half a dowzen chars;
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Daniel HIX & his heirs & assigns forever three negroes, slaves named Ned, Moses and Betty with all their increase from & after the 22nd day of April 1784; Item, I give and bequeath to my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX & to their heirs & assigns forever all the remaining part of my household goods, the whole of my stocks of cattle, horses, sheep & hoggs, together with my crop of corn, tobacco and plantation utensils , which is to be equally divided amongst them, but it is to be remembered that in (blank) of this last gift that my said three sons, Sherwood, Daniel & John are to pay
the whole of the debts that may be due from the estate & are also to pay the whole of the taxes for the present year, and it is further remembered that my said three sons are to pay to each of sons Nathaniel & James HIX & to my grandson Sherwood BUGG , or to theirs (sic) heirs the sum of five pounds current money of Virginia;
Item, all the lands of which I may die possesed are to be sold to the highest bidder, lawfull notice being given of such sale for money or tobacco as may appear to be most eligible, & the (blank) or tobacco arising from said sale of my lands to be equally divided amongst my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX and my daughters Sarah JEFFRIES, Mary JOHNSTON, Elizabeth HESTER, Martha PHILLIPS & Lucy PERDIEU & to their heirs & assigns forever, but it is to be remembered that if my dauughter Lucy PERDIEU should be dead or should die between this & the 25th day of December next, that her husband or any of her children shall not become a shear in the sale of the lands above mentioned. I appoint my sons Sherwood, Daniel & John HIX executors to this my Last Will and Testament. In witness whareof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this twentyfifth day of November 1785.
his Amos A Hix (LS) mark
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Thomas Vaughan Francis Lewis
At a court held for Mecklenburg County the 13th day of February 1786 this will was proved by the oaths of Thomas Vaughan & Francis Lewis, the witnesses thereto, & ordered to be recorded & on the motion Sherwood HIX, Daniel HIX & John HIX the exors therein named, who made oath thereto & together with Edward WALTON, John MARSHALL & Field MOORE their securities, enter'd into & acknowledged their bond in penalty of three thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs. Certificate was granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due from (sic).
John Brown, Ct Clerk ____

Amos did not marry Sarah Hix, he married Mary Bugg and then Sarah Bugg or so it is said. I cannot find marriage bonds for either marriage). Amos' will was filed in Jan 1786, Mecklenburg Co, with wife Sarah. The two Bugg wives are thought to have been 1.Mary Frances Bugg, d/o Samuel Bugg and Sarah Bacon. The second was the d/o John Bugg and Susanna Frances Burleson. The first three children of Amos were by Mary Frances Bugg. The rest are by Sarah Bugg, I think. No where in the will of Amos Hix, Mecklenburg Co. VA 1785/1786 does it refer to his wife. VA will book 2, page 147,148,149
       2. Joseph Hicks 1684– 1711 m Susanna Peawd (son of Stephen?)
       3. Sarah Hix 1675 – 1780 m. Martin Martin daughter m. Merry Webb
       4. Thomas 1686- aft. 1730
       5. John Jr. 1688 -abt. 1678
       6. Samuel Hix (b. 1680 m. Diana (some say Willis- confused with the other documented Samuel b. 1695)


146. Doorkeeper John Hixe523, born 1658 in England524; died 1720 in Williamsburg, James City Co., VA525. He married 147. Sarah Preston 1681 in James City Co., VA526.

      147. Sarah Preston527, born Abt. 1660 in James City Co., VA528.

Notes for Doorkeeper John Hixe:
Robert N. Hix, December, 1999, notes that "...Sarah is the daughter of John Hixe of James City Co., Va. She married Martin Martin in New Kent Co., Va. 10 Feb. 1698/99 in St. Peters Parish. Martin and Sarah removed to what is now Washington Co., Va. where they died. Children of Martin and Sarah: Amesen b. 1706; Anne, b. 1708; Valentine, b. 1710; & Lucy, b. 1726." There are records, too, of others.

Also from Robert Hix, see above: "John Hixe was a doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses. The 'e' was dropped from the name after his arrival in Va. John's sons filled his position after John.... Doorkeepers were exempt from taxes. John Hixe was married to Sarah Preston.... (he) died 1720 in Williamsburg, Va. His son John died 1778 in Goochland Co. There is a John Hicks that died in Cumberland County in 1776. There is also the son of Jesse Hix, John who lived in Cumberland Co., Va. and was born after 1786. It was thought he went to Ky. but this has not been proven...."

He also writes that "Nathaniel's father was John Hixe. Born in England in 1658. He had a deed in James City Co. and was married there in 1681. He married a Sarah Preston. John Hixe died in 1720 and his grave stone is in Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Va." (Editor: I have been there but was unable to find this stone.)

One lister has this I found cached on the web, but no current source: "John Hix (b 1658) lived at Warrany Creek in Henrico Co VA. On 4 Mar 1692 he was doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses at Williamsburg. In 1720 a John Hix was buried in the churchyard at Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg. John's wife is thought to have been Sarah Preston. Their children were:
Joseph m Susanna Peawd
Sarah m Martin Martin
Nathaniel (d 1735 Goochland Co VA) m Rebecca

The Jamestowne Society in 2004 does not carry John Hix as a qualifying ancestor. This might mean no one has applied under him, or that they do not recognize the lines as proved, or, perhaps, they have no record of him at all.

What a doorkeeper did I hardly know, but a traveler in 1783 noted the scene in Richmond after the transfer of the Virginia House to that city. (See: Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times, Chapter V., Dr. Johann David Schoepf, Surgeon to the Hessian Troops, 1783, p 54)

"During my stay at Richmond the Assembly was in session. A small frame building serves as House of Assembly, and with a change of properties as ballroom and banquet room. The term is used, 'the Assembly sits.' This does not seem to me to be precisely descriptive. The members appeared to me to be anywhere rather than in their seats, and to be discussing anything except laws to be framed. The doorkeeper was busy, and in the vestibule there was an uproar. The vestments of the members are diverse -- boots, trousers, Indian leggings, great-coats, the usual coat, and short jackets. In other words, each one wears what he pleases. The members from the West are greatly inconvenienced in coming so far. They even speak of establishing a separate government for the West, as in the province of New York, where there is a Governor at New York and another at Albany. If this is done, the West will very likely become in a short time an independent State. The pay of members has recently been fixed at 18 Virginia shillings or 3 Spanish dollars per diem. During the war they preferred tobacco (50 pounds) to currency. At a vote, the Speaker calls for the Ayes and Noes, and judges with a critical ear which side has made the majority of sounds. If the predominance is a matter of doubt a division is called."

On the Hix GenForum page, May 14, 1998, Tom Hicks posted: "I have information (unconfirmed) on a John Hixe who came to James City, VA from England with his two brothers and married a Sarah PRESTON. His two brothers returned to England. John and Sarah had five children; Sarah, Nathaniel, Joseph, Thomas, and John. Nathaniel married Rebeckah JOHNSON and moved to Goochland, VA. Their children, names in order of birth, Elce, Ann, Archibald, Sarah, Amos, Stephen, and Edith. Do you have anything more on this, my line is possibly Nathaniel?"

In November 2006, Bill Davidson, <>, kindly sent these notes --

"I was looking at your Hix infomation on the Internet, and I thought that you might like to have the following information. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone else who may be interested in it.

"Thomas Hix appears on at least two records in Charles City Co., VA (CCCo) in the 1730s or so with David Davidson. These records are available in one or more of the transcription/abstract books written by Ben Weisinger (ed.: Benjamin B. Weisinger, III) on that county. I
certainly suspect that this Thomas Hix was the known son of John Hix and Sarah Preston.

"This David Davidson (died in CCCo in 1756; wife unknown) was the son of an older David Davidson and his wife Sarah Unknown, and this older David Davidson died in James City Co., VA (JCCo) in 1687 (also per Weisinger's transcriptions/abstracts). There was also a William Davidson who also died in JCCo in 1687, per Bruton/Middleton Parish records, but it is not clear how/if William Davidson was related to David Davidson. The older David Davidson was born in Holland, per his surving naturalization record from 1686, and he owned land in JCCo by at least 1682, per a land deed. This land, just west of the Chicahominy River, became part of CCCo in 1720."

"An Edward, David and William Davidson, almost certainly from the above family in JCCo/CCCo (per my research), were on the Goochland Co., VA tithe list in 1746 (as were several members of the Hix family). All three of these likely Davidson brothers were then in Buckingham Co., VA on the 1764 tithe list there. William Davidson then moved from Buckingham to Pittsylvania Co., VA by the late 1760s, and his land became part of Henry Co., VA in 1776/1777 (and that land then became part of Patrick Co., VA in 1790/1791). William Davidson had sons that included Goulder, Richard and John Davidson, and all of those names had been used previously in the Hix family (and none of them had ever been used before in the Davidson family). The name "Goulder" is obviously very unusual, and a Goulder Hix (sometimes shown as Golder or Golden) had also been on the 1746 tithe list in Goochland. Based on the above, I am quite confident that the William Davidson in Goochland/Buckingham/Pittsylvania married a Hix woman (but which one)?"

"The above-mentioned son of William Davidson named Richard Davidson married Ann Ward in Henry Co., VA in 1783. In 1802, Richard Davidson provided surety for the marriage of Avice Davidson and James Dove. I assume that Avice was Richard's daughter. I wonder if that daughter's name came from the Hix family (your website mentioned an Elce)?" (ed.: That is entirely possible. I do not know.)

"The Edward Davidson in Goochland in 1746, and in Buckingham in 1764, moved to Bedford/Campbell Co., VA by the 1780s. After he died in Campbell Co., VA in 1794, there was a subsequent division of his slaves to his various son-in-laws. One of those son-in-laws was Merry Webb. In working with Webb researchers, it is now certain that this was Merry Webb, Junior who was the son of the older Merry Webb and his wife (who was the daughter of Martin Martin and Sarah Hix). Researchers knew that Merry Webb, Junior had married an Elizabeth, but until I provided the above information, no one knew that her maiden last name was 'Davidson.' Edward Davidson was married to Agnes Mosby (probably his second wife, but almost certainly the mother of Elizabeth Davidson), and they had a son named David Mosby Davidson. As I recall, there were later men named David Webb and Mosby Webb in the family of Merry and Elizabeth (Davidson) Webb, Junior. Best regards, Bill Davidson"

More About Doorkeeper John Hixe:
Burial: Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, VA529

     Notes for Sarah Preston:
Some say her father was Joseph Preston. That she was a Preston at all is questioned, however.
Children of John Hixe and Sarah Preston are:
      73     i.           Sarah Hix, born Abt. 1680 in probably Williamsburg, James City Co., VA; married Martin Martin 10 February 1698/99 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent, VA.
          ii.           Nathaniel Hix530, born Abt. 1682; died Bef. 20 May 1735 in St. James Parish, Goochland Co., VA; married Rebecca Johnson 1709531; born 08 November 1688 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA532,533; died in Goochland Co., VA534.
     Notes for Nathaniel Hix:
Posted by: Maria Bobo, 1999, on the Hix page inb GenForum: An abstract of the will of Nathaniel Hix can be found in Goochland County, Virginia Wills & Deeds (1728-1736) by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Deed Book #2 (1734-1736), p. 89. Will of Nathaniel Hix of St. James Parish, Goochland Co. To eldest son, Arc'hl Hix, after his mother's death, all my land. To each of my children, Geo., An, Amas, Sarah, Stephen and Edith, items. To wife Rebecker, all rest of estate and she to be executrix. Dated 28 Nov. 1728. Wit: James Homan, Charles Jordan, Edward (M) More. Signed: Nathaniel (N) Hix. Proved 20 May 1735.

I have typed the entry verbatim. "An" may be "Ann" and "Amas" may be "Amos" as posted in a previous message. No daughter named "Elce" is listed; perhaps she predeceased her father (?).

These same Goochland deeds also have a deed dated 16 June 1730 involving Marmaduke Hicks/Hix and his wife, Agnes. There are also a few deeds for Daniel and Joan Hix dated August 18, 1730. Daniel's will is also in Deed Book #2, p. 111, dated 26 Nov. 1734 and recorded 15 July 1735; wife Joan, daughters Lucy and Winefred. Do you know how these Hix were related to John Hixe?

     Notes for Rebecca Johnson:
For her children, see Nathaniel's will.

This note from Mary Pazur, <>, July, 2002,

"Hello Pat, I found your entry for John Hixe on FTM. Do you know if Rebecca Johnson, who married Nathaniel Hix, was the daughter of Edward Johnston and Elizabeth Walker ? If this is the case, my 6th great grandmother on my mother's side and my 7th great grandmother on my father's side were sisters.
The dates and places seem to match. Penelope Johnson was b. 1684........Rebecca was born 1688. Any information that you can provide will be most appreciated. Mary Nelson Pazur" (Editor; I don't know the answer to this but will put the query here...)

          iii.           Joseph Hix535, born Abt. 1684.
          iv.           Thomas Hix536, born Abt. 1686; died Aft. 1730537
     Notes for Thomas Hix:
See the notes under John Hixe from Bill Davidson in November 2006.

          v.           John Hix 538, born Abt. 1688; died Abt. 1778 in Goochland Co., VA. [Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 114 The Power of Attorney was made to Randolph Harris and the land was sold to Isaac Winston.[583] William Hix who married Elizabeth Harris, [on May 11, 1778] was the son of John who died in 1772 [584]. Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia, 1733-1815; Elizabeth Harris, dau. of Harrison Harris. witness Moses Hix, Mary Hix (Wife of John Hix) gives consent.
          vi.           (unk) Hix539, born Abt. 1690.
          vii.           (unk) Hix540, born Abt. 1693; married David or William Davidson; born Abt. 1680 in prob James City Co., VA541.
     Notes for David or William Davidson:
These brothers, one of whom married a Hix daughter, are in the records copied by Weisinger and noted under John Hixe.


                           by Landon C. Bell
                                Part 2

261. Hix, Joseph 6-19-1785; 8-11-1785; W.B. 3/214
  Mentions: Wife: Tatha [sic] Hix
            Son: Isaac Hix
            Daughter: Rebecca Hix
  Executors: Tatha Hix, Isaac Hix
  Witnesses: Humphrey Garrett, Mason Garrett

260. Hix, John 2-19-1795; 12-19-1796; W.B. 4/159
  Mentions: Wife: Mourning Hix
            Sons: William Hix, James Hix, Thomas Hix, Nathaniel Hix,
                  John Hix
            Daughters: Elizabeth Hawkins, Aggey Gee, Sally Gee,
                       Martha Blankenship, Susanna Hix, Nancy Bevill,
                       Francis [sic] Haggard
  Executors: Mourning Hix (wife), James Hix (son), David Gee
  Witnesses: Anthoney [sic] Street, Molley Street, Waddey Street.


Ancestors of John Sr Hix [dates wrong]

Generation No. 1

       1. John Sr Hix, born 1716 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA. He was the son of 2. Joseph Sr Hix and 3. Susanna Peawde. He married (1) Elizabeth.

Generation No. 2

       2. Joseph Sr Hix, born 1686 in Blisland Parish, James City, Virginia; died in Hanover Co., VA. He was the son of John Hixe and Sarah Preston. He married 3. Susanna Peawde 1704 in James City , VA.
       3. Susanna Peawde, born Unknown; died Unknown in Hanover Co., VA. She was the daughter of William Peawde.

Notes for Joseph Sr Hix:
To Joseph Hix all the King's land joining on his own land being 100 a; part of 400 patented by David Gwyn & on Adam Rutherford the sd. Gwyn and others in Hanover Co. & to take and inclusive patent for the whole. 13 June 1733 [Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, 1721-1739 pp304]

More About Joseph Sr Hix:
Fact 1: Bet. 1737 - 1751, Deed land to "Puda" Hix (Peawd) in Chas. City Co., Va , ccOrsser Bk. 1737-1751,p
Fact 2: 13 June 1733, Additional 400a Land patent from the Council of Colonial Virginia

More About Joseph Hix and Susanna Peawde:
Marriage: 1704, James City , VA
Children of Joseph Hix and Susanna Peawde are:
              i.       Peawde Hix11, died in Louisa Co., VA1; married Temperance Dumas in Louisa County, VA1; born 1; died 1.

More About Peawde Hix and Temperance Dumas:
Marriage: Louisa County, VA1

              ii.       Mary Hix
              iii.       Robert Hix
              iv.       Susanna Hix
              v.       Anderson Hix
              vi.       Daniel Hix, born 1704 in Blisland Parish, James City Co., VA; died 1735 in Goochland Co.,VA; married Joan 1725.

Notes for Daniel Hix:
Daniel Hix, Goochland Deed Book #2, Page 111

In the Name of God Amen. I Danie Hix being very sick & weak
of body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almight God.
I do apoint this my last will & Testment first I give & bequeath my
Soul to God that gave it in sure & & certain hope of a Glorious
Resurection through the merits of Jesus Christ next I give my
body to be decently inter'd at the discretion of my Exect.

Item I leave all my moveable Estate to my well-beloved wife
Joan Hix at her discretion and at her disposall during her
widowhood but in case she should marry then to be equally
divided between her my well-beloved wife and my two well
beloved daghters Lucy Hix & Winefred Hix.

Item. I leave my two negroes Bobb & Allice to my said well
beloved wife to be kept at her discretion during her widowhood but
in case she my said wife should marry or dye then I give and
bequeath my negro girl called Allice & her issue if ever she
has any to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix to her & the heirs of
her body lawfully begotten ... wife and in the same manner
I Give and bequeath my negro man called Bob to my youngest
daughter Winefred Hix to her and the heirs of her body lawfully

Item. I give to and bequeath to my well-beloved Cousen
Archer Hix my whole set of Troopers Arms.

Item. I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix my
plantation whereon I now live and such part of the land adjoyning
to it lying between Tuckahoe & my Spring Branch running up the
Spring Branch to the Spring from thence to the head of the Cottonpatch
Branch and so down the sd. Branch to my line which part of my land
and Plantation I do give to my said daughter to her & her heirs for

Item. I Give & bequeath to my sd. daughter Lucy Hix one hundred & fifty
acres of land on the Deer point (?) Branch to her and her heirs forever.

Item. I Give & bequeath to my youngest daughter Winefred Hix the
remaining part of my land I now live on and all the appertenances
thereunto belonging to her and heirs for ever and in case both should
dye without Issue then all my land to fall to Archer Hix.

Item. I do apoint my well-beloved wife Joan Hix sole Executrix of
this my last will & Testament during her life and in case she my said
wife should dye before my sd. daughters should marry or be of lawfull
age in such case I do appoint Capt. James Holman to do and act as
Executor of my Estate according to this my last will and Testament this
XXXVI day of Dec. one thousand seven hund. thirty four.
Daniel Hix

Signed & sealed in presence of us JWilliams, Henry Holman, Wilminten H. Harris       

At a Court held for Goochland County July 15, 1735.
This will was proved by the Oaths of John Williams & Henry Holman and
was thereupon admitted to record.       Test. H. Wood

More About Daniel Hix and Joan:
Marriage: 1725

              vii.       Joseph Jr Hix, born 1707 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA; married Harmon.
              viii.       Nathaniel Hix, born 1709 in James City Co., VA; died 1766 in James City Co., VA; married Charity Watkins 1724 in James City Co., VA.

More About Charity Watkins:
Fact 1: 1768, Named in a law suit being an heir of Robert Watkins
Property: in Surry Co., VA.

More About Nathaniel Hix and Charity Watkins:
Marriage: 1724, James City Co., VA

              ix.       William Thomas Hix, born 1714 in James City Co., VA.

Notes for William Thomas Hix:
19 Nov. 1775 " Wm Hix of Hanover Co., VA, St Martins Par., buys from Josiah Burton, of Northampton Co., NC. for 50 # tobacco, 400 a. in Cumberland Co., VA. Witnesses: Wm Trigg, Nowel Burton, Jno. Burton, Jno. Farmer. Cumberland Co. DB 1, 1749-1752 pp234.

More About William Thomas Hix:
Fact 1: 02 June 1734, Shirley & Rebecca Watley of St. Martin to Wm. Hix 100A adj: Sam Reynolds, Capt.
Property: Isaac Winston, & John Wright

       1       x.       John Sr Hix, born 1716 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA; married Elizabeth.
              xi.       Henry Hix


Sarah Preston, born Abt. 1662 in Williamsburg, James City Co., VA. She was the daughter of 1542. Joseph Preston.
Sara Preston, born 1662 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co,

Joseph Preston(1635 - 19 Jul 1717) m.
Ann Taylor(18 Mar 1651 - 4 Dec 1732)

b. 1635, England
d. 19 Jul 1717, Frankford, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

1. Preston, Sarah - Birth/Chris: ... 1662 at ...
2. Preston, Joseph - Birth/Chris: ... 1686 at ...
3. Preston, Nathaniel - Birth/Chris: ... 1688 at ...
4. Preston, Thomas - Birth/Chris: ... 1690 at ...

The information I have says that Sarah Hix (daughter of John Hixe & Sarah Preston) was born in 1665 in James City Co, VA. Therefore, I don't think Joseph Preston could have been born any later than about 1625 (but that's only a guess of course). Joseph Preston was from James City Co., VA.

Joseph bought 100 arces from Thomas Hampton on the North side of a branch of Tyascon (Tiascum), March 8, 1658

On a branch of Tiascum, which 463 ac of land, together with one hundred acres more belonging to Joseph Preston.

Joseph Preston (20) was tranported from London to Virginia by the ship, Thomas in 1635 (The Complete Book of Emigrants: 1607-1660 by Peter Wilson Coldham) also Ship Abraham brought George Preston (20), Lawrence Preston, then Henry Preston 1642.
William Preston 44 , Marie 34 his wife and three girls came in 1635 sara preston was only 8 (b. 1627).

i. Thomas5 Preston III b. ca. 1673 3. ii. James Preston b. ca. 1675 iii. Sarah Preston b. ca. 1677 iv. Esther Preston b. ca. 1679 3.

Husband:        Thomas Preston
Birth/Chris:         ... 1615 at ...
Death/Burial:        ... 1674 at ...
Wife:        Elizabeth Harrison
Birth/Chris:         ... 1617/1619 at ...
Death/Burial:        at ...
Married:        ... 1637 at ...

1. Preston, Thomas - Birth/Chris: ... 1641 at ...
2. Preston, Elizabeth - Birth/Chris: ... 1643 at ...
3. Preston, Sarah - Birth/Chris: ... 1645 at ...


Lucy[4] Hix Tillman b 1722  in Prince George County, Virginia
Marriage     abt. 1739     to Thomas Tillman, Sr.
Death[1]     5 May 1763     Goochland County, Virginia    
Winifred Hix Bates B. Jan. 18, 1729  in    Goochland, Halifax County, Virginia
Marriage     11 November 1746     Goochland, Goochland County, Virginiato James M. Bates
Death[1]     7 February 1790     Halifax County, Virginia

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