John Hix (Hicks, Hickes) 1600s- 1700s Workpage

John Hix (Hicks, Hickes, also Hux) 1600s- 1700s Workpage- Virginia

[John Hix, various John Hix (Hickes etc.) mainly in Virginia.

1) A John Hix (married ? Saran Preston) was the doorkeeper at the House of Burgess in 1692 -documented. The marriage to Sarah Preston is not documented- and he left no will.
   i. Son of John (undocumented b. c. 1700 lived in Goochland, Cumberland Co.)
2) John Hicks (d. 1732) m. Denias? Christiana Hicks (see will) and they have children.
3) Captain Robert had as son John (Moved to NC in 1741; d. 1761 in Anson Co. so William d.1779.] documented and he left will.
4) John Hicks m. Rebecca Rives (see will)
5) From:  Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his descendants in Carroll County, Tennessee.
6) John Hix m. Eizabeth (Johnson) d. 1748 Goochland (will)
7) John Hicks m. Mary Harris? d. Goochland 1772

8) John Hux m. Gray

Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: John Benington who settled in Virginia in 1642;
Elizabeth— m. John Bennington, 1818.

Reuben Barney
John Hix

 [in 1772, was the brother of this David, and all of this group of Hicks remained in close proximity.521 The will of John Hix, 1748]

John Hicks that died in 1748 only named his son, David, in the will, however, John Hicks that died in 1772, was the brother of this David, and all of this group of Hicks remained in close proximity.521 The will of John Hix, 1748, of Goochland was made Dec. 9, 1747 and probated May 17, 1748. He named his wife Elizabeth and to his son David, at the wife's death, the land and the rest of the estate was divided among all his children  his wife's children and a grandson, James Johnson Hix. The executor was a son, Thomas Jolly Hix. [Children not named]

 The witnesses were Isaac Johnson, James Turner, and Henry Turner.522 Members of family owned and dealt in land in Louisa County. The inventory of John Hix, dec'd, was valued at L 38/6/7 by Thos. Woodlow, James Johnson, Isaac Johnson, and recorded on July 9, 1748. 523 In 1754, the list of Wm. Burton listed Elisabeth Hix, David Hix, 1 tithe. On April 20, 1 758, David Hix of Goochland County sold Daniel Johnson for L 30 Virginia money, 100 acres on the branches of Geneto Creek and borders with Henry Turner, Sam'l Richardson, and Wm. Johnson's line, being land and
6) Another John Hicks (b. 1679, d. ca. 1730) mar. Eleanor Butler (whose maiden name may have been Ellison, not Butler) and had ch. including the Robert Hicks who was baptized in NY in 1713, mar. Sarah Revis (Reavis/Reeves/etc. - another very confusing surname), and raised a large family in Granville Co. NC; this is the Hicks-Doughty line of Hempstead, NY.


 Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia: Page 653

Surry Co. deposition concerning suit of Peter deberry and Wm. Thomas about Mary Harris:

 "Ellinor, wife of John Hickes, aged 46, deposed to the same. 7 June, 1704." (b. 1658)

****5.  JOANE "JANE"5 GRAY (THOMAS4, EDWARD3, RALPH2, EDWARD1) was born Abt. 1618 in Virginia.  She married JOHN HUX.  He was born Abt. 1612, and died Bef. 04 May 1668 in Virginia.

Notes for JOHN HUX:
   John Hux gave his age as 40 in a deposition, 7 November 1652, and as 46 in a deposition 9 May 1659 (Surry Co., VA Deeds, Wills &c 1, 1652-72, pg's. 9, 131). He married (2) Mary ___ and died before 4 May 1668 when his widow appointed John Harlow, whom she subsequently married, as her attorney (Surry Co., VA Deeds, Wills &c 1, pg. 302).
Children of JOANE GRAY and JOHN HUX are:
10.    i.    MARY6 HUX, b. Aft. 1634, Virginia; d. Bef. 02 May 1693, Virginia.
    ii.    WILLIAM HUX, b. Aft. 1634, Virginia.

Notes for WILLIAM HUX:
   William Hux left will, 31 October 1676 - 1 May 1677, giving his land to his nieces Susannah and Mary Ironmonger (Surry Co., VA Deeds, Wills &c 2, 1671-84, pg. 132).

John Hux 1 was born 2 in London, England. He died 3 in 1668 in ,Surry, VA. He married 4 Joan Gray in 1638 in Surry County, Virginia.

    Other marriages:  , Mary

Joan Gray [Parents] 1 was born 2 in 1618 in Of, Surry, VA. She died 3 in 1668 in Of, Surry, VA. She married 4 John Hux in 1638 in Surry County, Virginia.

They had the following children:
              M     i     William Hux 1 was born 2 in Of, Surry, VA. He died 3 in 1677 in ,Surry, VA.
              F     ii     Mary Hux


**** John Hickes Witness to a 1654 will: The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography - Volume 30 - Page 38 by Philip Alexander Bruce, ‎William Glover Stanard - 1922 - VIRGINIA. GLEANINGS IN. ENGLAND. Contributed by Reginald M. Glencross,

Witness will in Princess Ann Co. to will

176 Worplee Road, Wimbledon, London, S. D. 20, England. ... Witns. Jo. Treise, Phillipp Peare, John Hickes Proved 27 Oct. 1654 by Mary B. relict & extrix. Alchin ...


**** 1667 land John Hickes [Early Virginia Families Along the James River: James City- Page 70; 1974:




****Historical Southern Families - Volume 3 - Page 185
Mrs. John Bennett Boddie - 1959
Cockerham's Will:  Dureing her Widowhood but if she marry my Estate to be Devided among my Children and leaving John Hix and my wife Executors to pay and receive any Debt this being my last Will and Testiment and in the year .

The Evolution of the Southern Backcountry: A Case Study of Lunenburg County ...
 By Richard R. Beeman

In that sense an individual like John Hix, who in 1748 had worked for a middling planter named Henry Cockerham but who by 1769 had acquired 395 acres and two slaves of his own, was an exception. Even among that top quarter who ...

Goochland - JOHN[1] HIX m. Elzabeth (Johnson?) d. 1748
[Item] It's likely he married Elizabeth Johnson and his grandson in the will is David's son

[Item] The late Harold Johnson researched the families of Joseph Johnson and his brother, Isaac Johnson. In his research notes, Harold Johnson had:
"1733, June 20. Daniel Johnson; Joseph Johnson(1); John Hicks...Goochland Co. Pat 300a. On the North side of James Riv., adj land of Michael Johnson; lines of Robert and Benjamin Woodson; on the N. side of Mill Cr. and the S. side of E. branch of Jinetoe Cr.and on the N. side of Mill Cr. Book 15 pg 37."

[Item- Will of John Hicks] Pg. 422: Will of John Hix presented by Thos. Jolly Hix, his executor. Proved by the oaths of Isaac Johnson and John Turner, witnesses thereto. Ct. appoints appraisers Isaac Johnson, James Johnson, Thos. Wadlow, Wm. Burton. (May Ct. 1748)  [Goochland County, Virginia, Will Book 5, Page 407; Written: December 9, 1747; Recorded: May 17, 1748
                       Will of John Hix
    In the name of God amen I John Hix of ye County of Goochland calling to mind that all flesh must die and at present being much afflicted with calamities tho of perfect sense and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say imprimus I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth my land & all my real and personal estate that I am possess with
during her life and after here my said wife’s decease I give and bequeath unto my son David Hix my land that I am now possessed with to him and his heirs forever.  Item.  I ordain and desire that after my said wife’s decease then the remainder of the estate be divided equally between all my children and my said wife’s children and grand son James Johnson Hix each an equal part also ordaining that if my said wife should die when the children being yet small that then the children and also the estate to be and remain in the possession of my executor until the children be raised able to maintain themselves.  Item.  I appoint my son Thomas Jolly Hix executor to this my last will and testament.  In testimony whereof I set my hand and seal this 9th day of December anno domini one thousand seven hundred and forty seven.  Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us.
Isaac Johnson    James Turner    Henry Turner            John Hix [seal] ]

                   Children of John and Ellizabeth were:

[In one chart attached to David, son of Samuel- David married Mary JOHNSON, in 1775 in Granville Co, North Carolina. This is probably this line;]

             JAMES JOHNSON[3] HICKS

   [note- probably this line]  JEFFERSON [3] Johnson HICKS [probably a son John Hicks d. 1748, son David] (born on 15 Nov 1787 in Granville Co, North Carolina -died on 3 Dec 1860 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA). Jefferson married Martha BOOTH. Jefferson next married Nancy Cook (or Good) REAGAN on 19 Jul 1832 in Madison County, Georgia. Nancy was born on 19 Jul 1832 in Granville Co, North Carolina, died Dec 1890 in Tallapoosa County, AL, USA, and was buried in Liberty Methodist Church, 9 miles East of Goodwater, AL, USA.



Pg. 439: On the petition of Gideon Hix, son of Elizabeth Hix, it is ordered that he be exempted from paying County Levies." (June Ct. 1748)


View Tree for William Hicks

William Hicks (b. Abt. 1730)
William Hicks (son of Elijah Hicks)51 was born Abt. 1730 in Bartimore, Baltimore, MD.

Children of William Hicks are:

    +Richard Hicks, b. Abt. 1750, Sullivan County, TN.

John Hicks (b. Bet. 1745 - 1750, d. Bef. 1830)
John Hicks (son? of Shadrach Hicks)88 was born Bet. 1745 - 1750 in MD88, and died Bef. 1830 in Sevier Co, TN88. He married Elizabeth Douthit on Abt. 1771 in MD88.

Notes for John Hicks:

John Hicks, 1745/54 - bef 1830

There are volumes of research regarding the Hicks family and some disagreements as to the earliest ancestors. Probably the most valuable information comes from the book, "The Hicks Family of East Tennessee" by Evan Hicks and also newspaper articles published in the Madisonville Democrat from 1921-1922 by Charles Wesley Hicks. It is these two resources that are relied upon here to give a brief glimpse into the the ancestry of the Hicks family. Most of the research agrees that the Hicks line were originally from England, settled first in Maryland, then in Virginia, and then in TN. Legend has it that three Hicks brothers bearing the unusual names of SHADRACH, Meshach, and Abednego moved from VA and settled in TN around 1782. The source of these names is the Book of Daniel which presents them as three Hebrew youths who refused to worship the golden image set up by King Nebuchadnezzer. For refusing to obey, they were cast into a fiery furnace, but God delivered them unharmed.

JOHN was born in Maryland and married COMFORT MALONE (1730/55 - before 1830) around 1771. They later moved to VA. JOHN served in the Revolutionary War with the 4th Battalion, 3rd Regiment from 1781-1783. It was probably in 1790 that JOHN, COMFORT, and their children moved into the newly opened TN territory and settled in a log cabin along Boyd's Creek. Their cabin was not far from McGaughey's Station, a refuge consisting of a stockade and fort. indian raids were frequent, and families often sought refuge there. COMFORT tells of being in the fort on one occasion when all had gathered for protection. Because of the small number of men to make a defense, they feared the impending atttack of the Indians. It became a question of whether they should remain in the fort and fight or leave and try to hide in the woods. An old Quaker woman spoke up and said, "If we be in the woods and they be in the woods, they be sure to find us." They all decided to stay in the fort and, fortunately, the Indians decided not to attack. JOHN and COMFORT had nine sons: Abendego, Meshach, Isaac b. 1772, SHADRACH b. 1775, John, Abraham Russell b. abt 1781, Charles B. b. 1783, George M. b. 1788, William b 1791; one daughter, Sarah b. 1795.

More About John Hicks and Elizabeth Douthit:
Marriage 1: Abt. 1771, MD.88
Marriage 2: Abt. 1771, Maryland.88

Children of John Hicks and Elizabeth Douthit are:

    +Shadrack Hicks, b. 1775, VA88, d. Jul 1846, McMinn Co, TN88.


Shadrack Hicks (b. 1775, d. Jul 1846)
Shadrack Hicks (son of John Hicks and Elizabeth Douthit)88 was born 1775 in VA88, and died Jul 1846 in McMinn Co, TN88. He married Elizabeth Nash on 13 Mar 179988.

 Includes NotesNotes for Shadrack Hicks:


Shadrach was probably named after his grandfather. He preferred to be called by his nickname, "Shade." This SHADRACH was your 6 X great grandfather on the Hicks side. He was born in VA, but moved to TN with his family as a young man. He married ELIZABETH "BETSY" NASH, your 6 X great grandmother. Unfortunately, not much is know about the NASH family, so no further information will be included here, although she is always given the honor and respect due to our grandmothers. SHADRACH and BETSY eventually settled near Madisonville TN and spent the rest of their lives there.SHADRACH was a shoemaker by trade. SHADRACH and BETSY had seven sons: John, Meredith b 1804, George b. 1805, Talbert b 1808, Garrett b. 1810, Isaac b. 1813, Lorenze Douthart; two daughters: RUTHA JANE b. 1799, Sarah b. 1795

Quoting from notes by Marian Watt:
"Death: Contesting the will of Shadrach Hicks, Monroe Co TN Chancery Records 1832-1887. In a letter from Don Raper 1992 that was given to Connie Brooks. From Raper's letter we gleaned info and were able to find the family on a number of census records. Also in Raper's letter were the following notes. 'Shadrach came from Westmoreland County, ENG. Came over the Atlantic to Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore. By 1785 he was in an area known as the Long Island of the Halstone on the Halstone river in the State of Franklin, 11 years before TN became a state...As it turns out, this Shadrach that came from ENG was the grandfather of Shadrach b abt 1875.

"Death: Monroe Co Chancery Court Records 1832-1887 #388 Elizabeth Hix (Hicks), widow and heirs of Shadrach Hix dec'd v. Guilford Cannon and others. Filed 28 Jan 1847. File contains original deed 1 Mar 1843 Douthett Hicks of McMinn Co to George B Hicks of Monroe Co. File contains original deed 25 Nov 1843 Douthett, Shadrach, and George B. Hicks to Giilford Cannon for land in McMinn Co on road from Calhoun to Monroe Co where Shadrach now lives. The original bill is in fragments. Shadrach Hix, shoemaker, died in McMinn Co July 1846 intestate leaving Elizabeth Hix widow and children Douthette f McMinn Co, Talbot, George B, and Garrett Hix, Ruth whose husband William Raper is dead, Mahala wife of Samuel Cartwright, Marady Hix, all citizens of Monroe Co, and Isaac and John B Hix of Bradley co. Defendant James Hix is minor son of George B. Hix. 1847, witness John C Robinson, 21, says his father is dead. 1847 Ruthy Raper is 47, suit over land.

"Shadrach in area by 1785 (known as the Long Island of the Halsone River.

"Shadrac Hicks paid taxes in Sullivan Co TN in 1796 and 1797

More About Shadrack Hicks and Elizabeth Nash:
Marriage: 13 Mar 179988

Children of Shadrack Hicks and Elizabeth Nash are:

    +Isaac Hicks, b. 1813, Monroe Co, TN89, 90, d. date not given, Cleveland, Bradley Co., TN90.

John Hix Long Island , NY

A Harkrader - Hathaway history - Page 96

Charles Briggs Hathaway - 1991
HERODIAS LONG was born somewhere in England about the year 1623. Several years later her father died, and her mother brought her to London where, in March 1637 at the age of 13 or 14, she was married to John Hicks.

Fissures in the Rock: New England in the Seventeenth Century

Richard Archer - 2001
When her father died, Herodias Long's world changed quickly and forever. ... at home, her mother sent her bereaved daughter to London, where at Saint Faith's, the underchapel of Saint Paul's, she married John Hicks on 14 March 1637.

(first husband, surname Hicks): Hannah, Thomas;

First marriage: John Hicks
William Coddington's 1644 account of the separation of Herodias from John Hicks

Herodias Long was born in England about 1623, but her place of nativity is not known. One possibility for her place of origin is Somersetshire, where in early 1639 John Aylesford, who owned land in Little Ockenbury, and in the Barbadoes, left a legacy of five pounds to Odias Long.[1] According to her testimony in court many years later, she was sent to London following the death of her father, and here, unknown to her friends, she married John Hicks.[2] She was 13 or 14 years old when they were married at Saint Faith's Church ("under Saint Paul's"), and their marriage licence was dated 14 March 1636/7.[3] Shortly after their marriage, to her "great grief," they immigrated to New England, and settled in Weymouth in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.[4] Here they lived until about 1640, when they moved to Aquidneck Island, probably settling in the town of Newport. They had two children together, but soon after moving to Rhode Island differences arose between them, and Herodias separated from Hicks, and consummated a relationship with George Gardiner, with whom she lived for the next 20 years as his common law wife. Hicks went off to live with the Dutch, and was in the process of obtaining a divorce from her in Rhode Island in December 1643, when he sent a letter from Flushing, New Netherland to Rhode Island magistrate John Coggeshall.[5] Hicks also eventually obtained a divorce from her in New Netherland, charging her with adultery.[5]

It appears that Herodias had been in an abusive relationship, based on a 7 March 1644 court case where John Hicks of Newport was "bound to the Peace by the Governor [sic], Mr. Easton, in a bond, for beating his wife Harwood Hicks..."[4] (Easton was actually an Assistant, not the Governor.) In her later testimony, Herodias states "...that the authority that was then under grace, saw cause to part us, and ordered that I should have the estate which was sent me by my mother, delivered to me by the said John Hickes; but I never had it, but the said John Hickes went away to the Dutch, and carried away with him the most of my estate; by which means I was put to great hardship and straight."[4] In his letter to Coggeshall, dated 12 December 1644, John Hicks wrote, "...the Knott of affection on her part have been untied long since, and her whoredome have freed my conscience on the other part, so I leave myself to yor advice if there may be such a way used for the finall parting for us."[6]

n the early 1670s Porter made large conveyances of his Pettaquamscutt lands to the Gardiner children of Herodias, and also made a conveyance to Herodias' son Thomas Hicks of Flushing, New York.[12]

Descendants of John Hicks

    1 John Hicks
    = Herodias Long Marriage: March 1636/37, St. Faith's Church in St. Paul's, London, England
        2 Thomas Hicks
        = Mary Butler Marriage: 1659
            3 Thomas Hicks ⇒
            3 John Hicks
            3 Phebe Hicks
            3 Mary Hicks
            3 Jacob Hicks
            3 Sarah Hicks
            3 Elizabeth Hicks
        = Mary Doughty Marriage: 6 July 1677, Flushing, Queens, Long Island, New York
            3 Isaac Hicks ⇒
            3 Benjamin Hicks
            3 Charles Hicks ⇒
            3 William Hicks ⇒
            3 Stephen Hicks
            3 Mary Hicks
            3 Charity Hicks
        2 Hannah Hicks

    Birth: About 1660, Flushing, Queens County, New York
    Death: Between 30 April and 14 June 1712, Flushing, Queens County, New York
    Father: Thomas Hicks
    Mother: Mary Butler

    Partner: Deborah Whitehead
          Child: Thomas Hicks Born: Between 1691 and 1712
          Child: Augustine Hicks
          Child: Whitehead Hicks Born: Between 1691 and 1712
          Child: Stephenson Hicks Born: Between 1691 and 1712
          Child: Abigail Hicks
          Child: Deborah Hicks
          Child: Mary Hicks
          Child: Elizabeth Hicks
          Child: Hannah Hicks
          Child: Martha Hicks

    Birth: 1679
    Death: Between 3 August and 30 September 1745, Hempstead, Queens County, New York
    Father: Thomas Hicks
    Mother: Mary Doughty

    Partner: Elizabeth Moore
    Marriage: About 1703,
        * Child: Isaac Hicks Born: About 1710 ⇒
          Child: Samuel Hicks Born: Before 25 July 1717
          Child: Benjamin Hicks Born: About 1705
          Child: Margaret Hicks Born: About 1708
          Child: Henry Hicks Born: 1711
          Child: Mary Hicks Born: About 1714
          Child: John Hicks Born: 1716
          Child: Thomas Hicks Born: About 1719
          Child: Gilbert Hicks Born: 19 September 1720, Queens County, New York
          Child: James Hicks Born: 1722
        * This person is one of our ancestors.
Cumberland County/ Montgomery/Russell Co.

Generation #1
John Hicks B 1703 Goochland CO. Va. D 1776
Married Mary Elizabeth Ervin b 1707 Goochland Co. Va in 1725 Goochland/Cumberland co Va.

Generation #2
John Hicks b 1728 Montgomery co Va  married Elizabeth Brown August 6, 1789 (#29)  "Virginia Marriage Records", microfiche
Nathaniel Hicks b 1732 Cumberland co Va married Jane Scott
Claiborne Hicks b abt 1763 Married Elizabeth Keesee.
Elizabeth Hicks married a Rawlings in Cumberland co Va.
Henry Hicks B Cumberland Co Va.Married Betty Willis
Susannah Hicks
Jesse Hicks B 1730 Cumberland co VA Married Mary Grubs
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs, a daughter named Nansie b. Mar. 4, 1770. Bapt. Mar. 22, 1770
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs, a daughter named Sally b. Mar. 13, 1772. Bapt. Apr. 26, 1772
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grub (sic), a daughter called Susan b. May 20, 1774. Bapt. Jul 3, 1774
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs a son named John: Casie, b. May 11, 1776. Bapt. Jul. 21 1776

Generation #3
John Hicks and Nancy Hamly Son of John
Elias Hicks and Sarah Son of Nathaniel
Jane Gincy/Anderson Dau of Nathaniel
Hannah Hicks/Breeding Dau of Claiborne
Robert Reuben Hicks and Christina Powers son of Claiborne
As you can see this ties together most of the Hicks families that were in Russell County in the early 1800 together.

I show Hannah Hicks was the second wife of Spencer R. Breeding, b. May 1,
1759, died 1833.
His first wife was Elizabeth Finney.

Jan 22,1776 In Cumberland Co. VA.
Cumberland County Virginia Records Hicks/Hix
Cumberland County Willbook 2 1769-1792
Page 205 Will Of John Hicks Dated May 7, 1775 - Probated Jan. 22, 1776: Daughter Elizabeth Rawling; Lend to my wife, Mary during her life the land and plantation whereon I now live and all the rest of my estate; after her death, Land, etc. to be sold and the money equally divided between Henry Hicks, John Hicks and Mary Hicks and Nathaniel Hicks and Clayborn Hicks and Susannah Hicks and Jesse Hicks. Exrs.: Thomas Wilkerson and my wife Mary Hicks. Wit; Martin Allen, John Armistead, William Armistead.

That is the wording of the Will.
This is what I have on Reuben Hicks


Marriage 2 NANCY BLEVINS b: ABT. 1824

Your Question, was there two John Hicks?, well there were
more than two in the area as you probably know. To sort them
out is hard to do, but here is my opinion.
The John Hicks who married Elizabeth Brown had son John
Jr, as recorded on the 1809 and later tax lists. John Sr
moved on, and the John Jr shown beside him in Hawkins in
1840 is grandson John, son of William.
There is a third John Hicks on the Russell list of 1814
which may be a son of Claiborn, I don't know. As for proof,
no, I don't have any.
It turns out that the two John Hicks that I am looking
for are not these, so I did not dig deeper. Larry

Joseph Hicks Marriage 1 Sarah Suiter b: Bef 1766
    Married: 1 Mar 1784 in Montgomery County, Virginia
Rhoda Hicks b: 25 Mar 1783 in Montgomery County, Virginia
 Sarah Hicks b: Abt 1790 in Montgomery County, Virginia
Susannah 'Lucy' Hicks b: Abt 1793 in Wythe County, Virginia
 Lavina Hicks b: Bef 1795
Joseph T. Hicks b: Abt 1798 in Virginia
John Hicks b: Bef 1800


Hi Larry,
I have also thought that as well, but I'm looking for someone who has proof that John had the two marriages. Also, I looking for someone who know about Elizabeth Brown's family.

My notes on John Hicks: (have to determine if all of this information is for the same John Hicks or were there two?):

1776 - When John was seventeen, Apr 1776, John lived in Cumberland Co. about half a mile from the "Greenbreer Creek Church". There he enlisted in the Second Va. Regiment, recruited by Sergeant Ben Johnson. John's brother, Henry, had already joined the same Regiment and was doing garrison duty at Williamsburg, the capital.

1777 - Both brothers, John and Henry, were discharged and made their way to Botetourt County (Note: It may be that they went there because they had close relatives in the area, specially, the family of Lucy Hix Tilman(RIN 7447) ) Formed in 1769 from Augusta, Botetourt orginally encompassed virtually all of far southwestern Va.

1777 - Oct John joined a militia coompany being formed by Capt. Howland under Col. Wm. Breckenridge in John Slaughter's battalion which later became part of the famous "Illinois Regiment" established by the Va. Legislature under the command of Colonel George Rogers Clark (brother of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition sent to the Pacific Coast by President Thomas Jefferson). George R. Clark came from southwest Va. but lived in Ky. at the time. Authorized by Patric Henry, then Gov. of Va., Clark began raising troops along the Va. frontier even before the Legislature had a chance to act.

With his company, John marched to the juncture of the Tennessee and Ohio Rivers to join up with the main body of Clark's expedition -- but Clark remained at Pittsburg and Louisville until the late spring of 1778. John, and his fellow toopers from the Va. Frontier, lost patience and returned to their homes. These militiamen, believing that they were recruited only to establish forts along the Ohio River and the Mississippi, simply left their encampments when they learned that their mission was one of combat, i.e., to "reduce the British forts at Kaskasia and at Kahokia" (both in present-day Illinois).

John returned to southwestern Va. (probably the area of Botetourt/Montgomery County) and in 1779 enlisted again, this time under Capt. John Stevenson and served at Seven Mile Fork of the Holston River in Va., guarding against Indian attack. He also served at Pepper Station on the New River in what is now Montgomery Co., Va., and then in the Powell River valley. John's brother, Nathaniel, was then living in the Powell and/or Clinch River Valley.

John was discharged by Capt. McNally on Dec. 9, 1779 at the Blackamore Fort on the Clinch River in Va.

After the Revolution, John returned to the Montgomery County area on the New River and lived in Virginia (at various places?) for about 25 years, altogether. He lived for a time (unspecified) at a place in North Carolina which he described as the head of the Yadkin", probably Caldwell or Wilkes County (the same area where his brother (?) lived, according to the U.S. Census, in 1790). Then he moved to eastern Tennessee around 1814 and lived near his son William in Hawkins County for 16 years.

In 1830, he went to Washington County, Indiana, to visit his grandchildren living there among other families of the Watauga and Holston River areas (NOTE: Washing Co., Indiana was established for Bounty Land Grants to veterans of the "Illinois Regiment", Commanded by Gen. George Rogers Clark).

John's grandchildren in Washington Co., Ind. included Nathaniel Hicks, born in Hawkins Co., Tn. in 1813; Nathaniel's wife, Elizabeth, born in Tn. in 1818; and his children all born in Indiana and a Mary Finn who was born in Virginia in 1794

1807 - July 7 Russell Co., Va. book 4 page 90, John Hicks and Elizabeth to Henry Kirk, 140 pounds, 50 acres, same land as Book 3, page 549. John and Elizabeth both signed. (Is Henry Kirk related to Daniel Kirk who mrried Sarah Caldwell, dau. of Seth Caldwell?)

1807 Aug 4, book 4 page 96 Russell Co., Va. John Cummings transfers all rights and title to Phillip Trout, John Davis, John Hicks and Nathaniel Hicks of Little Cedar Creek for $200.00 Wit: Edward Campbell, James Sergent, John Deverport.

1811 - Sept 3, Russell Co., Va. book 4 page 437 - John Gibson and wife, Margaret, Charles Hicks and wife, Rebecca, to Harry Smith, 30 acres, $333.00. On waters of Sinking Creek, part of a tract of land granted to Richard Price of patent dated 21 November 1792 and part of a tract of 140 acres granted to Samuel Vanhook and by Vanhook and Price conveyed to Samuel Hendrics, 28 February 1797 and conveyed by Hendrics to john Gibson and by the said John Gibson to John Gibson and Rebecca Gibson 5 September 1809. John, Charles and Rebecca signed, Margaret made "X".

1815 - Jan 5, Russell Co., V. book 5, page 204 - John Hicks, Sr. to John Bates for $200.00, 50 acres on Little Cedar Creek, being part of a tract relinquished by James Cummings to said John Hicks, Phillip Trout, John Davis and Nathaniel Hicks in 1807. John signed.

Went to Hawkins Co., Tn. between Jan 5, 1815 and Aug 2, 1815.

1815 - August 2, Russell Co., Va. bk 5 page 384 - John Hicks of Hawkins County, Tenn. to John Bates for 50 pounds 26 acres being part of a 400 acre grant to William Vaughan 17 may 1793. Conveyed to Phillip Trout in 1806 and part of a deed relinquishing a tract by James Cumings. Bordered by Cummings and Vaughan. This tract ordered conveyed to Hicks by Russell County at July term 1815 by the Guardian of infant heir of Phillip Trout, decd. John Hicks signed.

1815 - August 8, book 5, page 404 Russell Co., Va. - William Thomas to John Hicks of Hawkins County, TN. for $350.00, 120 acres of 400 acres granted to William Vaughan 17 May 1793. Subsquently conveyed to John Johnson and sold in 1810 for taxes with Thomas being purchaserer in November 1815. William signed.

1816 - August 9, Russell Co., Va. John Hicks of Hawkins County, TN to John Bates for $350.00, 120 acres. The above land (Book 5, page 464) John signed.

Thomas LANIER b c1722 md Elizabeth HICKS in 1742, issue: Robert LANIER, b
1742; Molly, b 1744; Sarah, b I748, md 1) Col. Joseph WILLIAMS, 2) bro.
Robert WILLIAMS; "Betty"Elizabeth Hicks LANIER b 29 Sep 1750, md Col. Joseph
WINSTON; Caty LANIER, b 1752; Patsy, b 1754; Rebecca LANIER, b 1757, md Col.
Joseph WILLIAMS, bro of Robert WILLIAMS; Thomas LANIER, b 1760; Susanna LANIER, b
1763; Lewis LANIER, b 1765; Fanny LANIER, b 1767; William LANIER, b 1770.
Thomas LANIER moved to Greenville Co, NC, where his will was probated Aug 1805.
(Wheeler's "History of NC)
I-1-7-4. Arty CHILDERS b 1837 Ky d/o Goolsby; md Reuben HICKS b 1837 Ky (A
Hicks Settlement in Clay Co, Ky families from Buncombe Co, NC came c1810)
Children: per 1870 Carter Co, Ky census
1. Christena HICKS b 1857 Ky
2. Nancy HICKS b 1858 Ky
3. Joseph HICKS b 1859 Ky
4. David HICKS b 1860 Ky
5. Clarinda HICKS b 1861 Ky
6. America HICKS b 1861 Ky
7. Robert HICKS b 1865 Ky
8. Martin HICKS b 1866 Ky
9. Elizabeth HICKS b 1869 Ky

Will of Joseph Hix, Lunenburg Co. VA 1785

Lunenburg Co. VA, Wills, Book 3, Page 214
[Salt Lake Film #32,380]
In the name of God amen, Joseph Hix of Cumberland Parish in the County of Lunenburg being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect sense and memory praise is to be given almighty God , do hereby make and ... this my present last will and testament in manner and form following, Viz. first and principally I commend my soul ......and as touching the disposall of such temporal estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do give and dispose of them as followeth, first my will is that my son Isaac Hix shall have the fifty acres of land whereon he now lives, the other fifty whereon I now live I give to my Daughter Rebecker Hix as for what creatures I have, to be equally divided at my decease among them all but my Fatha Hix to have her third part out of the creatures as for the rest of my estate I do desire that she may have her use of it during her life and at her decease to be equally divided.

I do also apoint and loving wife Fatha(?) Hix and my son Isaac Hix to be the executors of this my last will and testament this the ninthteen Day of June 1785. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us
Humphry Garrett
Mason Garrett Joseph Hix

At Court held in Lunenburg County the 4th day of August 1785.

Will of John Hix, Lunenburg Co. VA--1795

"In the name of God Amen: I John Hix Senr. of the
County of Lunenburg and Parish of Cumberland being of
sound mind and memory but calling to mind the uncertainty
of human life, do hereby make, constitute, publish and
declare this my last will and Testament, revoking all
others, and I do hereby annul and make void all others.
First it is my will and desire that after my decease, that
my body be buried in a decent Christian like manner and
the worldly goods which it hath been pleased God to bless
me I dispose of as follows:
Item, it is my will and desire that all my just debts be
amicably adjusted and paid by my executrix hereafter named.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mourning
Hix my negro woman named Anaka(?) and her riding mair (sic)
and saddle and bed and furniture to her and to her disposal
forever also I lend unto my beloved wife Mourning Hix, the
land and platation whereon I now live during her widowhood
or natural life and at the death or marriage of my said wife then
the said land and plantation whereon I now live to be equally
divided between my two sons William and James to them and
their heirs forever, the lower part of my land lying next to Colo.
Anthony Street to include my dwelling houses to be my son
James' part of my said land.
Item, I lend unto my beloved wife the following negroes, to
wit: Hannah, Will, Milley, Anselm & Giles(?), Sarther or
Luther(?), Reuben, Daniel, Lyddy, Chloe, Fanney, Cely(?),
Susy (or Lucy) & Milley a child of Hannah's together with
all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep and all my
plantation, tooles, also all my household and (???)
furniture during her widowhood and at her marriage or if she
should not marry, at her death, then I give and bequeath all my
above named negroes together with all my personal estate
whatsoever together with all the increase to equally divided
between my nine children to wit: Elizabeth Hawkins, Aggey
Gee, Sally Gee, Martha Blankenship, Susana Hix, Thomas Hix,
Nancy Buell/Bidell/????, William Hix and James Hix, to them
and their respective heirs forever.
Item, before the division above it is my will and desire that
there be raised by my executrix the sum of Fifty Pounds out of
my personal estate and paid to my son Thomas Hix.
Item, it is my will and desire that the land or other property
which I have in my life time given or lent to my sons Nathaniel
& John and my Daughter Frances Haggard, I give and bequeath
unto them and their heirs forever. And I do hereby constitute and
appoint my beloved wife Mourning Hix Executrix and David Gee
and my son James Hix my Executors of this my last will and
testament, anulling and revoking all others do hereby publish
and declare this my last will and testament in witness whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 19th day of
February 1795 in the 19th year of the republic (???) signed
sealed and declared before us as the last will and testament
of John Hix.
Anthony Street John Hix-Seal
Molley Street
Waddy Street
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 6th day of December
1796, the last will and testament of John Hix deceased was
exhibited in court by Mourning Hix the Executrix named in
the said will and the same was proved by the oaths of two of the
witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on
the motion of the said executrix who made oath awarding (??)
to her certificate is granted for obtaining probate of the said will
in due form she giving security whereupon she together with
Joseph Winn and John Hix her securities entered into and(???)
bond for that purpose as the said decree & (???) reserving
liberty for the executors named in the said will to join in
probate when they shall think fit. Test. William Taylor.
This is  a crazy line for Richard Hicks- through John

(s/o M/M HICKS)
b. c1636, Of Charles City, Va
d. 1729, a93y Surry Co., Va
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
Married: c1657, Charles City, Virginia
Miss Rebeckah Unknown (AFN:1DGB-HCJ) [REF:#002]
Miss Rebeckah RIVES/REVEES/REECE [Q-6441]
(d/o Unknown Parents
b. c1638, Of Charles City, Va.
d. Unknown.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 6 Children born to this Union: [REF:#002]
(All born in Charles City, Virginia) [REF:#002]
 1. 1st Son: Robert HICKS  (AFN:1DGB-HFX)  b. c1658, d. 1739   
+2. 2nd Son: John,2 HIX    (AFN:1DGB-HDQ)  b. c1660, d. 1722, a62y  
 3. 3rd Son: Daniell HICKS (AFN:1DGB-HG5)  b. c1662, d. 1735   
 4. 4th Son: Joshua HICKS  (AFN:1DGB-HHC)  b. c1664,   
 5. 1st Dau: Miss HICKS    (AFN:1DGB-HJK)  b. c1666,
 6. 2nd Dau: Miss HICKS    (AFN:1DGB-HKR)  b. c1668,   

Second Generation!
2. John,2 HIX/HICKS; (AFN:1DGB-HDQ)  
(2nd s/o John,1 HICKS & Mother: Rebeckah UNKNOWN)
b. c1660, Charles City, Va
d. 1722, a62y Surry Co.,, Va.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
At a21y he married: c1681, Charles City, Virginia to
19 year old Miss Denias Christiana Unknown;(AFN:1DGB-H59)  
b. c1662, Charles City, Va
d. Unknown.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 4 Children born to this Union: [REF:#002]
(All born in Charles City, Virginia) [REF:#002]
 1. 1st Son: Thomas HICKS     (AFN:1DGB-H7P)  b. c1682, d. 1711, a29y
+2. 2nd Son: William,1 HIX    (AFN:1DGB-JBH)  b. c1684, d. 1711, a27y  
 3. 3rd Son: Joseph HICKS     (AFN:1DGB-H8W)  b. c1686, d. 1711, a25y   
 4. 1st Dau: Christiana HICKS (AFN:1DGB-H94)  b. c1688,   

Third Generation!
2. William,1 HIX/HICKS; (AFN:1DGB-JBH)  
(2nd s/o John,2 HICKS & Mother: Denias C. UNKNOWN)
(1Gs/o   John,1 HICKS & Rebeckah UNKNOWN)
b. c1684, Charles City, Va
d. c1711, a27y Surry Co., Va.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
At a20y he married: c1704, Surry Co, Virginia to
18 year old Miss Elizabeth Unknown; (AFN:1DGB-JCP)  
(d/o Unknown Parents)
b. c1686, Charles City, Va
d. Unknown.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 4 Children born to this Union:
(All born in Surry Co., Virginia)
 1. 1st Son: John,3 HIX    (AFN:1DGB-JF4)  b. c1705, d. 1776 a71y   
+2. 2nd Son: Richard,1 HIX (AFN:1DGB-JDW)  b. c1707, d. aft 1771 a64y
 3. 3rd Son: Joseph HIX    (AFN:1DGB-JGB)  b. c1709, d. 1787 a78y   
 4. 4th Son: William,2 HIX (AFN:1DGB-JHJ)  b. c1711, d. 1763 a52y

Fourth Generation!
2.  Richard,1 HIX/HICKS, Sr.; (AFN:1DGB-JDW)  
(2nd s/o William,1 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Elizabeth UNKNOWN)
(1Gs/o   John,2 HICKS & Mother: Denias C. UNKNOWN)
(2Gs/o   John,1 HICKS & Rebeckah UNKNOWN)
b. c1707, Surry Co., Va
d. Unknown [REF:#002]
d. after 1771, a64y in old Tryon Co, NC. [now Rutherford Co, NC] [Q-6441]
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
At a19y he married: c1726, Of Prince George, Virginia to
17 year old Wife Unknown; (AFN:1DGB-F14)  
b. c1709, Surry Co., Va
d. Unknown.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 4 Children born to this Union: [REF:#002]
(All buried Prince George's Co., Virginia) [REF:#002]
+1. Son: Richard,2 HIX (AFN:1DGB-K0L)  b. c1727, d. 1812, a85y  
 2. Son: William,3 HIX (AFN:1DGB-F3J)  b. c1729, d. 1793, a64y
 3. Son: James HIX     (AFN:1DGB-F4Q)  b. c1731, d. 1788, a57y
 4. Son: Robert HIX    (AFN:1DGB-F5X)  b. c1733,   

Fifth Generation!
1. Richard,2 HIX/HICKS, Jr.;(AFN:1DGB-K0L)  [SFA-FG 1683]
(1st s/o Richard,1 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Unknown)
(1Gs/o   William,1 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Elizabeth UNKNOWN)
(2Gs/o   John,2 HICKS & Mother: Denias C. UNKNOWN)
(3Gs/o   John,1 HICKS & Rebeckah UNKNOWN)
b. c1727, Prince George's, Va
d. c1812, a85y Rutherford, Nc
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
At a20y he married: c1747, Rutherford Co, NC. to
18 year old Miss Mary Unknown; (AFN:1DGB-K1S)  
(D/o Unknown Parents)
b. c1729, Prince George's, Va
d. Unknown
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 10 Children born to this Union: [REF:#002]
(All born in Rutherford Co., North Carolina) [REF:#002]
1.  1st Son: Richard,3 HIX   c1748-1815 a67y m. c1772 Wife Unknown, 2Ch.
2.  2nd Son: William,4 HIX   c1750-1800 a50y m. c1778 Edith,1 Unknown, 2Ch.
3.  3rd Son: James HIX       c1752-          Not Traced! NOT in 1812 W&T
4.  1st Dau: Prudence HIX    c1754-          m. c1767 Richard SCRUGGS, Sr. ?Ch.  
5.  4th Son: Christopher HIX c1756-1789 a33y Not Traced! NOT in 1812 W&T   
6.  5th Son: Thomas HIX      c1758-          Not Traced! NOT in 1812 W&T  
7.  2nd Dau: Dicy HIX        c1760-1843 a83y m. 1783 Martin MARTIN, 10Ch.   
8.  6th Son: Edith HIX       c1762-          m. Mr. DURHAM, ?Ch.
9.  7th Son: Ellis HIX       c1764-          Not Traced! NOT in 1812 W&T
10. 8th Son: Robert HIX      c1766-          Not Traced! NOT in 1812 W&T

Tryon and Rutherford NC. Deed Record Feb 09 1778
Deed Bk. A pg. 29, Tyron NC.
John Thomasson Senr. convey to RICHARD HIX, Jr. [a51y] some 300 acres of land. This indenture made the ninth day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight between Richard HIX Jr. of the County Tryon and State of NC of the one part and John Thomason Sen. of said county and state of the other part.
Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of seventy pounds proclamation money ...doth sell unto the said Richard HIX, Jr ....a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county and province aforesaid on both sides of Rocky Brance it being a branch of Floyd's Creek,..........

Richard,2 HICKS, Will & Testament 1812
Rutherford Co. N.C. Willbook A pg 261 Proved Jan 1812
Mentions wife Mary HICKS,
7. 2nd Dau: Dicey (HIX) Martin,
8. 3rd Dau: Edithe (HIX) Durham
grandson Berryman Hicks [Ch. 2nd s/o William,4 & Edith HIX]
grandson William Hicks [Ch. 2nd s/o William,4 & Edith HIX]

Possible Record Problem!
Children NOT listed in Fathers W&T 1812
1. 1st Son: Richard,3 HIX; age 64y, liv KY.
2. 2nd Son: William,4 HIX, d. 1800, a50y
3. 3rd Son: James HIX, a60y (Not Traced!)
4. 1st Dau: Prudence (HIX) SCRUGGS, a58y
5. 4th Son: Christopher HIX, d. 1789 a33y (Not Traced!)
6. 4th Son: Thomas HIX, a54y (Not Traced!)
9. 5th Son: Ellis HIX, a48y (Not Traced!)
10. 6th Son: Robert,2 HIX, a46y (Not Traced!)

Sixth Generation!

1. Richard,3 HIX; AFN:1DGB-K21) [SFA-FG 3141]
(1st s/o Richard,2 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1748, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. 1815, a67y Cumberland, Ky  
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
At a64y NOT listed in Fathers 1812 W&T
At a24y he married (bfr 1772) Rutherford Co., NC. to
Wife Unknown;
b. c1750, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. 1815, a65y Cumberland, Ky  
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 2 Children born to this Union:
   1.1 1st Dau: Sarah,    c1772-1846 a74y m.
   1.2 1st Son: Richard,4 c1774- Not Traced!

2. William,4 HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K37) [SFA-FG 1686]
(2nd s/o Richard,2 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
(1Gs/o   Richard,1 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Unknown)
(2Gs/o   William,1 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Elizabeth UNKNOWN)
(3Gs/o   John,2 HICKS & Mother: Denias C. UNKNOWN)
(4Gs/o   John,1 HICKS & Rebeckah UNKNOWN)
b. c1750, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. 31 Oct 1800, a50y, Rutherford Co., NC.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
He d. 1800, was NOT listed in Fathers 1812 W&T
At a28y he married (bfr 1778) Rutherford Co., NC. to the
18 year old Miss Edith Unknown;
b. c1760, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. Unknown,
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 2 Sons born to this Union:
  2.1 1st Son: Barymond,  *1778-1839 a60y m. *1799 Elizabeth DURHAM
  2.2 2nd Son: Williamn,5 b. c1780
See Biographical Profile: Rev. Berryman HICKS for Continuation!

3. James HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K4F) [REF:#002]
(3rd s/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1752, Rutherford Co., NC.
Not Traced! a60y NOT in Father's 1812 W&T

4. Prudence HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K5M) [REF:#002] [SFA-2430]
(1st d/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1754, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. Unknown,
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
a58y NOT in Father's 1812 W&T
At a 16y she married (bfr 1770) Rutherford Co., NC. to
Richard SCRUGGS, Sr. [PED-REF:#102]
(s/o M/M SCRUGGS Parents)
b. c1742, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. Unknown (to me)
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
They had at least 1 Son born to this Union:
   4.1 Son: Richard SCRUGGS, Jr. b. c1770 m. c1795 Mary DOBBINS, 1Ch.

5. Christopher HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K67) [REF:#002]
(4th s/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1756, Rutherford Co., NC.
d. c1789, a33y Rutherford Co., NC.
Buried: Cemetery Location Unknown (to me)
Not Traced! d. c1789 NOT in Father's 1812 W&T

6. Thomas HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K72) [REF:#002]
(5th s/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1758, Rutherford Co., NC.
Not Traced! a54y NOT in Father's 1812 W&T

7. Dicy HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K88) [REF:#002]
(2nd d/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1760, Rutherford Co., NC. [REF:#002]
b. c1755, Rutherford Co., NC. [SFA-REF:#147]
d. 24 Jun 1837, a82y Spartanburg Dist., SC.
Buried: New Pleasant Bapt Church Cemetery, Cowpens, Cherokee Co., SC.
(where a headston marks her grave.(Vol 1., Map 08A)
At a28y she married (bfr 1783) Rutherford Co., NC. to
Martin MARTIN; (ARW)

8. Edith HIX; (AFN:1DGB-K9G) [REF:#002]
(3rd d/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1762, Rutherford Co., NC.

9. Ellis HIX; (AFN:1DGB-KBN) [REF:#002]
(6th s/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1764, Rutherford Co., NC.
Not Traced! a48y NOT in Father's 1812 W&T

10. Robert,2 HIX; (AFN:1DGB-KCV) [REF:#002]
(7th s/o Richard,3 HICKS/HIX & Mother: Mary Unknown)
b. c1766, Rutherford Co., NC.
Not Traced! a46y NOT in Father's 1812 W&T

Source & Reference Notes!

   JOHN,1 HICKS (AFN:1DGB-HBB) Pedigree
   LDS-Microfilm:  NONE (1995)
   LDS-Submission:  AF95-106527
   LDS-Microfilm:  NONE (1997)
   LDS-Submission:  AF97-121189  

   ID: I1413
   Name: Berryman HICKS
   (s/o William & Edith HICKS)
   Birth: 01 Jul 1778 in Spartenburg, Co. SC
   According to Richard Hick's Will Berryman Hicks was his grandson.
   Assuming he was Wm.'son so as I have found no other sons for Richard
   As per Date obtained also mother's name

More on the Hux line Thomas Hux becomes Thomas Hix m. Rawlings and is a father of John Hix -Rives:

Thomas Sr. Hux was born in 1629 in Gloucestershire, England. He died in 1673 in Surry, Virginia. He married Eleanor Rawlings.
Eleanor Rawlings [Parents] was born in 1630 in Virginia. She died in 1670 in Surry, Virginia, USA. She married Thomas Sr. Hux.
Thomas Hicks    1635 – 1694
 Thomas HUX Sr. was married to Elinor and was bonded in 1674 to deliver property to Mary and John, children of John RAWLINGS dec'd. Mary's share if she married went to John. John's share if he died before of age was to revert to Thomas. Elinor HUX nee RAWLINGS thus would receive her family's personal property through her husband Thomas.
Elinor Rawlings wife
John (Hux) Hicks Father of Thomas?
    1613 – 1668
Jane Gray mother
    1619 – 

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