Early Hicks (Hix) Immigrants-- Mainly Virginia (Hix, Hicks mainly before 1800)
Refer wills: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~vabrunsw/hicks/wills/index.htm
[This is a workpage of Early Hix lines. Some spellings: Hix Heckes, Hechs, Hecks, Hixe Hyx, Hycks, Heckes, Hicke, Hicks, Hux. Much of this information is not authenticated and is collected for various sources online.
[Attached to this page are early Hick (Hix) lines in Virginia and North Carolina:
1. Robert Hicks the taylor (father Captain Robert Hix b. 1658) m. 1. Winnifred Evan
Captain Robert Hicks (Robert Hicks Jr.) m. Frances) (Surry)
2. John Hix b. 1685 Rebeckah Rieves (Rebecca Rives)
3. John Hixe (b. 1658) Sarah Preston - son Nathaniel
4. Samuel Hix (b. 1695) Diana Willis] (Henrico/Goochland Co.)
5. John Hicks and Denias Christiana (Sussex Co.)
6. Robert Hicks/ Katherine Ragsdale m 1701. (son Joseph? died Goochland in 1735)
7. Robert, William and Thomas Hicks leave NY and arrive in Granville Co. NC in the late 1740s.
8. Robert, Clerk of Court, Chowan Co. NC in late 1600s.
Map of Colonial Virginia Showing original Shires

Map showing Virginia circa 1676 at the time of Bacon's Rebellion. Jamestown, the location of the Governor's house and the House of Burgess (est. 1619), was in James City County.
Nathaniel Bacon of Henrico Co. led an armed rebellion of settlers against Governor William Berkeley. Bacon complained about Indian attacks and governments Indian fur trade agreements. When Berkley and the House of Burgess (ruling body) refused to grant Bacon a commission to fight the Indians, Bacon and 500 men came to Jamestown and pressured the House of Burgess into granting his commission. After months of conflict Bacon and his men set fire to Jamestown, forcing Berkeley to retreat across the river. Bacon died of dysentery in October 1676 before reinforcements from England could arrive. After a several armed merchant ships came from London, the rebellion, with new leadership, ended-- and the men returned home. Berkeley, who had failed to address the demands of the colonists, was recalled to England after an investigation.
Early Random Hicks mostly from Internet- proceed at you own risk!!!!
Hix John James City County 1704 [Doorkeeper from 1659 to around 1704]
Hix Joseph James City County 1704
1704, John Hix owned 115 acres in James City Co. (S) James City County, McCartney, 1997, P565.
Hix Robert Prince George County, 1704
Hixs John Prince George County, 1704
1657 Mary Hickes (Hicks) received land Westmoreland County, near Indian town.
1659 Mary Hicks, widow of Peter Ware, York Co.
Peter Ware Jr. one child from marriage.
It has been reported that Sir Baptist Hicks was one of the four founders of the East Indian trading Co, and his wealth fiancés the Jamestown settlement.
Sir Baptist Hickes, knight b. about 1585 is listed on the 2nd Virginia Charter dated 5/23/1609, he was elected counsel for said company of adventurers and planters in VA. This can be seen by doing a search for Second Virginia Charter from any search engine. A letter dated 2/28/1610 and signed by Baptista Hickes, states the cause of failures in VA, and religious, political, and economic arguments for the support of the colony with a reference to the new govt in VA under Delaware and Summers. This can be seen at VA State Library Archives www.vsla.edu under the VA Colonial Records Project. I have reason to believe that Sir Baptist(a) Hickes was the father of Mary Hickes b. 1614 who married Peter Ware b. 1614 in Dublin, Ireland. Peter was the son of Robert Ware who married Jane Wade (dau. of Sir William Wade (Waad) also listed on the 2nd VA Charter and elected counsel), and the grandson of Sir James Ware b. 1568, Auditor-General of Ireland, from Yorkshire, England.
In 1611 Sir Baptist and William Hicks his nephew were at Jamestown, Sir Baptist went back to England in 1628 and die there in 1629, because he had no earies his property in American was taken by the crown. In about 1629 the Governor of Virginia sent out the Rev. Hicks and Evans to convert the Indians.
One of first documented Samuel Hicks (also Hixe, Hix, Hickes) to arrive in New England was Samuel Hicks (Hickes), son of Robert Hicks (b. 1578 in London, Middlesex, England and d. Plymouth MA 1647) who came with his mother and three other siblings to Plymouth MA in 1623, two years after his father arrived. Samuel was born August 18, 1611 in England and married Lydia Doane in Plymouth in 1645. We know Samuel contested his father will and it was settled in court and also that his youngest brother Ephraim suffered a "violent death" in 1649. From his marriage Samuel several children, among them a son named Samuel after his father who was born the 14 of June, 1671.
The census (1607 Tax rolls) of Virginia Colony (Jamestown) lists Baptist Hicks (son James?; grandson Thomas) in 1607, and William Hicks was added in 1611. Related to Sir Robert Hix.
The Hicks that came to Surry Co. and Goochland, Virginia spelled their names usually Hix (or Hux or Hickes or Hicks) and eventually Hicks. From "The Hicks Family Journal" by Tom Keel: "On May 25, 1637, Samuel Hix arrived from England and stepped upon the shores of the Rappahannock River on the Potomac. According to the information contained the 'The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina' by John Henry, Mattie Hicks and Barnabas B. Hicks, copyright 1991. Samuel Hix was the first in the line of the Watauga River, North Caroline Hicks families. This Samuel Hix was also the first of the line of Hicks who followed the migration routes from Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and westward. By the time Samuel arrived, the population of the Virginia colony was approximately 5,000, including two or three hundred Negro slaves."
This romantic conjecture does not provide a line to the Samuel Hix father of David Hix, who moved with his eldest son "Big Sammy to settle under the shadow of Beech Mountain NC in Valle Crucis (The Valley of Cousins). Here are some early candidates:
A John Hux (b.1612, or 1613) as he gave his age as 40 in a deposition Nov. 7, 1652 (Surry Bk. 1, p. 9), who married Joan [Jone] Gray (b. 1618 d. bef. 1648). They had issue; Thomas [2] and he remarried Mary after Joan's death and they had issue: Mary who married an Ironmonger.
A James Hicks (indentured servant) also came in 1637 sponsored by Oliver Sprye of New Norfolk Co. Se also: "The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660" by Peter Wilson Coldham and Hotten's Emigrants to America. Genealogy Virginia Immigrants & Adventurers 1607-1635; McCarthy. Marriage records: http://hicksgenealogy.com/wvmiscrecords.html#Marriage
The Bristol Registers of Servants: Sent to Foreign Plantation December 22 1658: Henry Hicks of Tytherington [Wilts], to same, 6 yrs Virginia, to John Morgan [upholsterer]. This is purported (in some online charts) to be the father of Samuel Hix (b.1695) of Goochland. However is this is the line it's his grandfather, not his father.
Excerpts from the Charles City County Records (1655-1666) from The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1935), pp. 347-354
The Trials of Barbara Hux
Barbara Hux had memorable contacts with her chirurgeon as well as with the hand of the Law. She first emerges in the extant record, Oct. 4, 1658 (p. 157):
"The Court hath ordered that Tho Huxe, Barbara Huxe, Nicholas Marsellis, Bridgett Willyard, Ann Townsend & Jane Bayly shall personally appeare at James City to give evidence on behalfe of his highnesse the Lord Protector against one Thomas Till a person then and there to be tryed for the suspicion of a felony."
But later, after the Restoration, Barbara felt the sting of the authorities upon her own proper person: "Barbara wife of Thomas Hix for severall uncivill carriages as appearing to the Court to be forthwith conveyed by the Sherrifs officer to the whipping post and there punished with 20 lashes on her bare back."
Her chirurgical experiences followed, not necessarily as an outcome of the legal lashes.
"Ordered that Thomas Hux* pay to Robert Busby Chirurgeon in full of an account exhibited in Court for paines means accomodacon & diett 500 ld tobacco."
On October 19, 1664, was aired in court (p. 524) the problem of the gold ring:
"Whereas John Taylor complayneth to the Court to have lost a gold ring out of the house of Tho: Huxe & alledgeing that Robt Busby hath been knowne to weare the same ring hath prayed in his peticon that the said Busby may declare upon oath how he came by the sd Ring whereupon the sd Busby haveing accordingly made oath in Court that he recd the Ring of Barbara the wife of the sd Huxe for a cure of her hand or arme is therefore this suite dismist with Costs."
So Goody Hux (as she is entitled in one reference in the records) came out with flying colors and her husband, from the Busby tilt, with tobacco in his pocket.
"June 3, 1656 (p. 551) Whereas Robt Busby charging Tho Hux two hundred pounds of tobbo & Cask in account for his wifes accomodacon at his brothers house in the time of her cure recovered Judgment for the same. And whereas it appeareth that the sd Hux paid to Tho Busby, the owner of the house & the said accomdacon the sd 200 lb tobbo Itt is therefore ordered that the sd Robt Busby render and repay the sd Hux the sd 200 lb tobbo & cask with cost of this suite als exec.
*Thomas Hux (name sometime spelled Hix in the record), of Merchant's Hope, was the husband of Barbara Hux. Their daughter Mary was baptized at Martin's Brandon, June 15, 1660.
At this period there was a John Hux in Surry County (Surry Record Book I, p. 131), who, on May 9, 1659, made affidavit that he was 46 years old, and that he had married Jone (Joan) Gray, daughter of Thomas Gray, Senr., and sister of Thomas Gray, Junr. The Quit Rent Roll of Prince George County, 1704, shows a Robert Hix with 1,000 acres, and a John Hix with 216 acres. There was a tailor, Robert Hix, living in the county at this time.
Thomas Busby was doubtless the Indian interpreter whose name is found in the Surry records. But no Busbys are found on the Surry Quit rent roll of 1704. On the Prince George County roll, however, appear Capt. Thomas Busby and Thomas Busby, Jr., each with 200 acres.
[House of Burgess 1625]
Francis Wyatt Gov. 1625
Francis Epps
John Utley- Utly 1619
Thomas Harwood, 1632
Hen. Lee 1652- York
William Harris- Henrico 1652
1658 William Batte- Eliz. City,
Francis Willis Glouchester]
Random Hick (Hickes) Hix Early Immigrants
Indentured Servants --
Wm. Corker of Surry County, received 1850 acres, for transporting 17 persons, and among them was John Hix.
1. Since the Assembly, which was so largely made up of persons who themselves held servants, would certainly not fix the legal term for a period shorter than that normally provided[41] for in the indentures, we may assume that usually the servant secured his freedom within four or five years after his arrival in the colony.
2. Moreover, the servants were almost universally of very tender years. Seldom indeed would a dealer accept one over twenty-eight, and the average seems to have been between seventeen and twenty-three.
1. Richard Hicks 26 years old (b. 1662) - accomptant (Accountant?) Carolenia (Carolina?) Ship: Joseph & Ashton date departure April 17, 1684 by sponsor John Smith of London- merchant; Note: Servant from "the countie of Mongomery [Montgomery, Wales] Accomptant.
2. William Hicks Whitney, Oxon Pennsylvania August 1, 1728 sponsor James Gerald or Gerreld Bishopsgate, London vintner
3. John Hicks; Agent- Jasper Jenkins; Date of Indenture: July 5, 1677; 4 years; Destination: Virginia; Ship: Susanna
4. Anne Hicks Agent: William Creed; Date of Indenture: November 18 1662; Indenture Length: 4 years Destination: Virginia
5. Giles Hicks Agent: Edward Millsom; Date of Indenture: October 22 1666 Indenture Length: 4 years; Destination: Virginia
6. John Hicks (second John Hicks) Agent: John Hodges; Date of Indenture: October 29 1666; Indenture Length: 5 years
Destination: Virginia
7. Elizabeth Hicks agent : Edward Lappage; Date of Indenture: November 3 1666 Indenture Length: 5 years; Destination: Virginia
Feb. 2, 1643: A John Hicks distinguishes himself in the battle of Cirenchester; in charge of a parliamentary force.
Dec. 22, 1658: Henry Hicks sails from Bristol for Virginia as an indentured servant to John Morgan, Upholsterer, for 6 years. He listed his home as Titherington, Glouchestershire. [Henry Hicks possible father o
Sept. 5, 1659: Thomas Hicks (Hix) sails from Bristol for Virginia as an indentured servant to John Morgan as an upholsterer's apprentice for 7 years. He lists his home as Cromhall, glouchester-shire, which is adjacent to Titherington. Both towns are about 10 miles north of Bristol.
JOHN HICKS, THE MERCER (England, not Virginia)
(Note: Glouchestershire was known for it's clothing industry, particularly wool production; John was a cloth merchant, a mercer)
1659: John Hicks, Mercer, refuses to accept the office of Councellor and is fined and sentenced to be gaoled. Upon second thought he decides to accept the appointment.
1661: John Hicks is elected Sheriff
1671: Hicks is elected Mayor
JOHN MORGAN [A John Morgan married a Hicks daughter from MA]- 1652 William Bentley, a 24 year old grocer in Bristol deposes the accusation made by John Morgan, upholsterer to Richard Sheares concerning a mister Stubbs of Bristol.
1682 John Morgan Is imprisoned a second time for refusing to take the oath of allegiance. Judith Watkins is said to be his wife. They live on Temple St., Bristol.
John Morgan, the upholsterer, and wife Judith Watkins lived on Temple St., Bristol. He was imprisoned at least two times for refusing to take the Oath of Allegiance (the second time was in 1682) and he "suffered considerably from distraint upon his goods."
Thomas Hicks of Cromhall Parish is mentioned as being descendent of an "ancient family".
Sir Baptist Hicks, Lord Viscount of Campden, and Sir William Hicks of Beverston, were also branches of this family.
Because of the proximity of Titherington to Cromhall it is presumed that the two immigrants, Thomas and Henry mentioned above, are descended from this "ancient family".
Sir Henry Hicks of Beverston, is said to be the present Lord of the Manor and castle of the parish and descended from the same Hicks family, as follows:
Sir Michael Hicks purchased the manor in 1610-12
Sir William Hicks created Baronet in 1619
Sir Henry Hicks 1696
A Sir Michael Hicks is said to be the present Lord of Great Witcomb Manor
The earliest mention of any Hickses in the Virginia colony are found in the Chancery Patent rolls. A John and Thomas Hicks are listed as merchants in 1634.
Prior to 1640: Stephen Hickes (b.Sept. 23, 1620;d.1640), son of Michael and Judith, from St. Michael's Parish, Southampton, England to Elizabeth City, Virginia
Prior to Sept. 3, 1665: John Hicks, John Evans, and John Harris with Sisters More, Stoakes and Martha Moggs are dropped from the church membership for failure to attend meetings, having gone to New England.
Sept. 3, 1665: Church minutes for the Bristol (England) Baptist Church list John Evans, John Hicks and John Harris as having left for New England several months previously, Along with Sisters More, Stoakes and Martha Moggs. The harassment of the group by officials of the Church of England, chiefly through imprisonment of several members, is mentioned as a reason for the 6 members leaving for the colonies. A Brother Tho. Rieves is referred to as being one of three Deacons.
On September 5, 1659, Thomas Hix of Cromhall, England, sailed from Bristol to Virginia as an indentured servant of John Morgan for 7 years apprenticeship. The towns of Titherington and Cromhall are located approximately 10 miles north of Bristol. Crom-hall, Beaverston, Campden and Witcombe are sites of great manors owed by the "ancient" ,and wealthy, descendants of Sir Michael Hicks, of Witcombe, Glouchester-shire. In 1696, family members included Sir Henry Hicks, Sir Baptist Hicks, and Sir William Hicks.
At this point we can only say that Capt. Robert Hicks' parents probably came from England between the 1630's and 1660's and may have come for one of two reasons:
The earliest Hickses were involved in the tobacco trade which flourished in the colony in the fertile soil of Henrico county as both ship Captains and growers. These were most probably Anglicans, and were undoubtedly, fairly well to do.
The Hickses migrating during mid-century were probably avoiding persecution of various sects by the Church Of England, and were predominately Baptists and /or persons of modest means who were seeking the promise of a better life in the new world.
Capt. Robert Hicks' wife was Winifred Evans, daughter of John (b.1649) and Mary Evans (b.1647). In 1665 they would have been 16 & 18 respectively. Is this that same John Evans?
Stephen Hickes died 1639 in Elizabeth City Co., Va.; He was the son of Michael & Judith Hickes of Southampton, England, date of immigration unknown:
Hopewell sailed in 1637 from Exeter to Virginia, the captain was John Cobbold.
James Hicks 1637 by Oliver Sprye New Norfolk Co.
Samuel Hicks 1637 by Peter Roy/William Jacob Isle Of Wight Co.
William Hix 1638 by Richard Wilcox James City Co.
John Hickes 1642 by John Brooch Charles River Co.
Richard Hickes 1650 by John Cox Glouchester co.
Richard Hickes 1653 by Jno. Hansford Glouchester Co.
Jeremy Hicks 1654 by Randall Chamblett Northumbrian Co.
John Hicks (Hux?) witness 1708 will of John Gray Southwarke Parrish
Robert Hix, the Tailor and his son, the Indian Trader
[Capt. Robert Hicks' wife was Winifred Evans, daughter of John (b.1649) and Mary Evans (b.1647). In 1665 they would have been 16 & 18 respectively. Is this that same John Evans?]
Robert was the son of Robert Hix transported in 1654 by Hugh Lee. A deed in 1701 to John Poythress notes that his neighbor was Robert Hix, Sr., the taylor, who purchased land from Hugh Lee. (See Hugh Lee) He may have been the father of Robert, the trader, and John, Thomas, and Henry Hicks. In Capt. Robert Hicks' wife was Winifred Evans, daughter of John (b.1649) and Mary Evans (b.1647). In 1665 they would have been 16 & 18 respectively. Is this that same John Evans?, Robert Hicks was arrested for appearing in the Charles City court in a state of drunkenness. 200 acres were sold to Robert Hix by John Fitzgerald in February, 1693, and then 600 acres was granted to Robert in April, 1694.
By 1690, Robert Hix married Winifred the daughter of John Evans. Evans gave them two tracts totaling 1,670 acres which lay between the Appomattox and the Blackwater Creek. The first was 560 acres in 1690, which adjoined General Wood’s land. Then his father-in-law 1,120 acres on the south side of the Appomattox. Robert then claimed 600 acres for transporting twelve people. Robert Hix (Hicks) was included in the trading partnership of Jones, Crawly and Evans in 1714.
60 acres were conveyed to Robert Hix by Peter Jones, Jr. in, 1708, and recorded in Prince George County. 260 acres were sold to Robert Hix by Joshua Irby and Elizabeth, his wife in 1708 and recorded in Prince George.
In 1714 he was the Captain of Fort Christiana, which was located in the area that became Brunswick County. He assisted in the survey of the dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina. His homestead became known as Hick’s Ford and was located at today’s town site of Emporia.
In 1724 Robert Hix, who may have been the third of that name, patented 140 acres on the north side of the Myery Branch in Surry County. In 1730, Robert Hix patented 2,610 acres on the north side of Meherrin River, adjoining Henry Wyches and extending by the side of the Myery Branch at the mouth of the meadow. In March, 1726 Robert Hix of Lawns Creek Parrish of the County of Surry, sold to John Fitzgerald of Bristol Parish, County of Prince George, 1,120 acres on South side of Appomattox River in Bristol Parish. Robert Hix, and Frances Hix, his wife, appeared and relinquished her right of dower. (1713-1728, page 968, Prince George County, Virginia.) This appears to be the land originally purchased from Fitzgerald. It was near Hopewell.
Robert Hix was the father of 13 children: Daniel, Robert, Jr., George, John, Mary, Tabitha, James, William Francis, Rachael, Charles, Martha who married a Beddingfield and Elizabeth who married a Lanier. George and John Hicks settled in Old Cheraws, South Carolina. This was done in part to improve his ability to continue trading with tribes in the area after the South Carolina government sought to restrict Virginian’s access to the fur trade within the South Carolina colony. Robert’s main trade was with the Cherokee, and some of his family married Cherokee of Georgia. It is unclear if he is also the Robert Hix who married Ruth Ragsdale May 18th, 1701/2 in Henrico County.
His will was filed in Brunswick in February, 1740 and notes his son Charles, who received 650 acres at the Indian Fort adjacent to Nathaniel Edwards and 150 acres in the for of Reeves. James received the home plantation after his wife died and the remainder of the 2,610 acre patent. George received a tract adjacent to his land. His son-in-law, Richard Ransom, received 150 acres lying in the Fork of Reeves. Benjamin Hicks, the son of Daniel who was deceased, received 150 acres in the fork of Reeves. He noted his daughters Martha Beddingfield, Frances Ransom, Elizabeth Hicks, Rachel Hicks, Mary hicks, and Tabitha Hicks. His grandson, John Beddingfield, received Robert’s interest in the Mill on Genito’s Creek. His wife, Frances was the executrix and the witnesses were Ann Poythress, Charles Rose, and John Chapman.
The origin of Robert Hicks, Indian trader of colonial Virginia, is not known. He is first identifiable from the Charles City Co. land records where his father-in-law, John Evans, gives Robert and his wife, Winifred Evans, two tracts of land totaling 1375 acres between Appomattox River and Blackwater Creek, one in 1690 and the other in 1694. It is believed that Robert was born in Charles City Co., Va. In the 1650's. If this is true then the Robert Hicks listed as one of 40 persons buying land in Charles City Co., April 8, 1654, as a transportee of Hugh Lee from England, could very possibly be Father of Capt. Robert and the immigrant of this very prolific family. There are , of course, some other possibilities as a study of the immigration records will show. (Future plans include links to these records)
Robert Hicks, nicknamed "Robin", was born circa 1650 (perhaps in Prince George Co.?). He married 1st Winifred Evans, daughter of John and Mary Evans. He married second, a woman named Francis, or Frances, dates unknown, and they lived in Charles City Co., Va., near the present day city of "Hopewell". His land extended along the Blackwater River east of the James. Nothing is definitely known of Robert's origins at this time, other than the fact that upon the death of one of his grandsons, in 1795, Col. George Hicks Jr., a South Carolina newspaper mentioned George's "English Descent" in his eulogy.
Robert's very large family settled throughout southern Virginia. Land records of this time and area indicate that a John, Thomas, and Henry Hicks were contemporaries of Robert's and perhaps were relatives of his. Also settling north of the James River were the Bryants, Ervins, Kings, Hills, Isbells (Asbells), Evans, Masons, Hollemans and Williams, all of whom can be traced through North and South Carolina wherever the Hicks family migrated.
Robert is thought to have fathered these 13 children:
1. Daniel who married Edith 2. Robert, Jr. Who married Elizabeth Ervin 3. George who married Sarah 4. John who married Obedience 5. Mary who married a Mr. Irby 6. Tabitha who married Thomas Jacobs 7. James who married Martha 8. William 9. Francis who married Richard Ransom (Ransone), of Gloucester Co. 10. Rachael who married Matthias Davis 11. Charles who died 1745 without heirs 12. Martha who married a Mr. Beddingfield 13. Elizabeth who married a Mr. Lanier
In the 1660's and 1670's, Robert developed a lucrative commercial business trading with the Indians throughout Western Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. Some of his family married into the Cherokees in the area of Broomstown, (northern) Georgia, by 1730. These descendents became important leaders in the Cherokee Nation. Robert traded with all the Indians of these states, but dealt primarily with the Cherokees and their branch nation known as the "Catawbas". Once, when New York trappers were captured by the Catawbas and held for ransom, the Govenors of New York and Virginia sought Robert's help. He dispatched his two oldest sons, Daniel and Robert Jr., to negotiate the captives' release. Upon their successful return, they were given an award by the Virginia House of Burgesses.
In 1714, the Virginia government built Fort Christiana on the Meherrin River and they appointed Robert as Captain of the Fort's paid militia, known as the "Rangers", and it's 12 indian scouts. Robert subsequently moved most of his family into this area. Governor Spotswood gave the family exclusive trade rights in western Virginia in return for their service. The family residence was known as "Hicks' Ford" and was located where the present day city of "Emporia" is found today, in Greenville Co., Va. In 1728, Capt. Robert was appointed to the large expedition that surveyed the boundary between North Carolina and Virginia.
Robert's success with the indians did not make all of the colonial fathers happy. Many of them wanted this trade for their own states. South Carolina authorities resorted to harassing him and seizing a lot of his goods. In an effort to improve his influence in the area, Robert moved several of relatives into South Carolina. Two sons, George and John, settled in "Old Cheraws" and Colleton Co. Respectively, between 1707 and 1741. They were followed by several other relatives. Captain Robert Hicks died in 1739 (his will was proved Feb. 7, 1739).
George's (Cheraw's) son, Col. George Jr., served in the Revolutionary War, along with other members of this family. Other family members may have moved into the Onslow Co. Or the Halifax-Bute-North Hampton area of North Carolina. One of these was Lewis Hicks, possibly a grandson of Robert's, who served as an ensign in the colonial navy during the war, sailing out of Wilmington. It is this man who we may be related to. Lewis wrote Gov. Caswell of North Carolina in 1777 resigning his commission due to reoccuring lung/respiratory problems. He stated his regret that he was unable to perform his duties properly and voiced his concern as to whether he would survive the approaching small pox season. He survived, apparently, and became one of Onslow Counties three sheriffs, after the war. He is listed as a land owner in Brunswick Co., Va., in 1772, and a taxpayer for 1800.
Lewis was the son of James Hicks ( born 1700, died 1761), in Brunswick Co., Virginia. Nothing is known of this man other than the fact that he married a Martha (Fathey?) and they had eight children: Lewis, John, Benjamin, Patty, Francis, Mary, Robert and James.
On April 6, 1773, the younger sister of Winifred Hill, Sarah, and a Lewis Hicks were married with Henry Hill, her older brother, and James Seawell (sowell) as witnesses. Soon, Winifred married George King and they eventually moved to Chesterfield District, South Carolina. Some of the Hicks family were married by the Reverend John King, a Baptist minister. He married Lucy and Benjamin Sowell and George Hicks. Rev. John King was married to Sally Hill.
It appears that Lewis died (or disappeared?) circa 1792-1794 at the age of 37-38 (or Lewis and Sarah separated? Divorced?) and (his widow? Ex-wife?) Sarah moved "next door" to Winifred and George King, in South Carolina. Sarah is listed on the 1800 census with a little girl born about the time that Lewis died (left?). In accordance with family tradition, the Rev. John Hicks was orphaned and raised by the (George?) King family (who apparently were his uncle and aunt). Sarah is not found on the 1810 census. Since Lewis was listed on the tax records of Brunswick Co., Va., in 1800, either this is not our ancestor or it is possible that Sarah and Lewis separated/divorced for some reason, leaving our John an "orphan", at least from his known parent. The fact that little is known of Lewis may be due to some defect of character on his part that the family would not have wanted made known. If divorced, I assume that would have been humiliating and never talked about. Sarah appears to have died in 1806 leaving her children to be raised by her sister's family, George and Winifred King. Lewis' will was proved in 1820, if indeed, this is the same person.
This information was taken from:
Virginia Land Records Colonial Records Two letters from Barnabas Hicks dated Dec. 9, 1980 and Sept. 26, 1996 Census records of the states Marriage records of Virginia Family tradition dating from Rev. John Hicks' children and King family descendents
Source for land granted to 40 transportees of Hugh Lee:
Patent to Hugh Lee, dated April 8, 1654, for 2000 acres, named Aberconaway, Charles City County, for transportation of 40 persons, including Richrd, Sparkes, Hen. Neale, Jno. Crew, Andr. Crew, Richd. Dennis, Wm. Marsh, Morris Joyce, Hen. Allaman, Jno. Browne, Wm. Bernard, Tho. Clark, Tomasin Harris, Jno. Browne, Phill. Pledge, Mary Browne, Jno. Cox, Richd. Warren, Tho. Michell, Jno. Drennett, Barbara Petingall, Cha. Bartlett, Wm. Taylor, Jno. Floyd, Tho. Stanley, Joan Liswell, Sara King, Rebecka Love?, Sara Swetland, Jocabus Jonson, Eliz. Cooper, Tho. Woods, Tho. Dance, Jno. Burges, Tho. Ory?, Addam Bradshaw, Robt. Hyme?, Martha Gibbs, Robt. Hicks, Jno. Allen, and Tho. Alford, on South Side Appomattock River, on North side the 3rd branch of the Black Water; nigh Warrick Path. Virginia Patent Book 6, page 510.
Captain Robert Hicks's Timeline
1670 Birth of Robert Southwark , Surrey, England
1670 Birth of Martha Bedingfield Brunswick, Virginia
1695 age 25 Birth of George Hicks Charles City, Virginia,USA
1700 Age 30; Birth of John Hicks, Sr. Prince George, Virginia, US
1700 Age 30 Birth of Tabitha Jacobs Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
1700 Age 30 Birth of Frances Hicks Surry, Surry County, Virginia, United States
1700 Age 30 Birth of Robert Hicks, III; Surry, Virginia, USA
1700; Age 30 Birth of Daniel Hicks, Sr., Surry, Virginia, USA
1710 Age 40 Birth of Thomas Hicks Edenton, Chowan, North Carolina, USA [Wrong line? Thomas son of Robert Hicks, of Court- not same Robert]
1720 Age 50 Birth of James Hicks Virginia
Thomas Hicks. October 20. 1722; probated August 24, 1724;
Christopher Sutton, Son of Joseph Sutton, sisters Hannah and Abigail Hicks, Parish of Brishington. Old England.
Related to Robert Tatum son-in-law of John Hicks-rives: ?
January 30, 1773 Robert Tatum and Amy; daughter of Charles Gee
Willis family in Goochland/ The Willis/Hicks families
(Samuel Hicks and Diane Willis) (Henry Hicks and Betty Willis)
Henry Willis- the person Willis Hicks is named after?
The following submitted by GaryH117@aol.com:
In the mid 1720s, William and Robert Willis appear in Goochland Co., VA in the Tuckahoe Creek area. This county was formed in 1727 from Henrico where they had previously resided. Brothers?, Father/Son? Lack of necessary records make it difficult to sort the out the family. It does appear they had connections with other families who had lived or were living in King William, New Kent and Hanover Counties, VA. In that area, Francis appears by 1681 and later an Edward. By 1705 are found William and Stephen and eventually Robert. But the riddle of their genealogy has not been resolved. Some seem to have been artisans engaged in carpentry, shoemaking, coopering and the like. Our progenitor, Henry Willis, first appears in Goochland County records in 1748. How long he had been a resident or if he had been born there is unknown. Whether he had just moved there or had just become a tithable is uncertain. If the latter was the case, he would have been born 1731/32. Not much is known of William except that he was a resident in 1731 and 1740 and had a son, William, Jr. One of them was an overseer on the plantation of William Mayo. More is known of Robert, (son of Robert(?)), who married Mary Price and later Agnes, whose surname is unknown. He died about 1749. His children were: Robert Willis married Hellender Nailine; Zene Willis married A. Hix; Anne Price Willis; Betty Willis married Henry Hicks(?); William Willis; Price Willlis; Williamson Willis. There may have been others. He was a carpenter. David Willis appears in Goochland records in 1743; he died ca 1749. He had sons Edward and William and possibly a daughter, Jemima who married John Woodall. He worked as a shoemaker. He is believed to have been a kinsman of Edward (ca 1660-1735) of Hanover County. Other Willises appear briefly in the records before moving on to other parts. They were Richard, Thomas, Edward, Major. So the ancestry of Henry Willis is questionable. Was it William? Was it Robert? David does not seem likely. In 1762, when Henry sold his land on Tuckahoe Creek, Edward Willis (probably son of David) witnessed. When he arrived in Orange Co., NC, some children of Robert, residere there but they didn't stay long, moving on to SC and GA.
Last Will of Henry Willis Jr.
Caswell County, North Carolina
Deed Book Page 405 1821
In the name of God Amen, I Henry Willis of the County of Caswell and State of North Carolina being weak in body but of Sound mind do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following (Viz)
First it is my wish that my debts should be paid out of the money I have on hand. The rest of the money on hand I wish to be laid out in purchasing Two horses for the use of the plantation.
I wish my daughters Betsy Smith, Polly Heritage and Joice Chandler to have Two hundred & fifty dollars in cash within twelve months after my decease.
I wish the plantation on which I live to be kept up by my Two Sons Henry Willis Jr. and Anderson Willis, Who are to have charge of my Negroes, horses and stock during my Wife’s lifetime or Widowhood for her Support and children now living with her, after her death or marriage I wish an equal division to take place of my property between all my Children. That portion of my estate which I I give to my daughter Polly Heritage I wish to be placed in the hands of Mr. Francis Smith or some careful person for the benefit of her and her children.
My small tract of Land over the Creek I wish to be Sold and such other property as my Executors shall think best to enable them to make out my Daughter’s legacy above mentioned.
I appoint my Sons Nicholas Willis, Henry Willis and Anderson Willis my Executors to this my Last Will. Witness Whereof I do Set my hand and Seal this 31st October
Henry x Willis
Witnesses: Jno. L . Graves
William Russell (Jurat)
Ro. P. Buchanan (Jurat)
State of North Carolina; Caswell County January Court 1821
The Execution of the foregoing Will of Henry Willis deceased was duly proven I Open Court by the Oaths of William Russell and Robert P. Buchanan Two of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be recorded. At the Same time Nicholas Willis, Henry Willis Jr. and Anderson Willis the Executors therein mentioned, Came into Court and duly qualified to Execute the Same and letters Testamentory issued according by.
Alex Murphey Cl.
Transcribed By: Latham Mark Phelps -- 2004
[From Ancestors and Kin: by Mary Kennedy Reynolds, 1991 [Most of this research is accurate- some isn't; She didn't figure out that David was Samuel Sr.'s son.
R. Matteson 2014]
Henry Hicks may be our earliest known Hicks ancestor. According to The Complete Book of Immigrants, page 262, on December 22, 1658, Henry Hicks of Tetherington, England, was bound for six years to John Morgan, upholsterer, of Virginia. This fact is recorded in Bristol Record office, England.
On October 4, 1675, according to Virginia Land Grant and Patent Book No. Six, page 563, Thomas Cocke received a land grant of 1983 acres on the north side of the James River in Charles City County Virginia, for the transportation of persons, including Henry Hix/ Hicks.
Twelve years later, on April 20, 1687, according to the Virginia Land Grant and Patent Book Seven, page 556, Thomas Cock, Junr. in Virina Parish, Henrico County, Virginia, reeived a grant of 671 acres for transportation of persons, including Henry Hix/Hicks.
Henry Hicks had at least one brother, Stephen Hicks, whose wife's name is unknown, but they had at least one son, Daniel Hicks, who was married to Joan Hicks. They resided in St. James of Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia. Daniel's will of November 24, 1734 named a daughter, Winifred Hicks who married James Bates. They lived first in Goochland County, Virginia, then moved to Halifax County, North Carolina.
Samuel Hicks, Sr. was probably a son of Henry Hicks. On January 1, 1717 Samuel Hicks witnessed a deed from Robert Napier of Henrico County, Virginia to Nicholas Cox of Charles City County, Virginia. This deed was recorded in the 1714-1718 Deed and Will Book of Henrico County Virginia on pages 240-243. Samuel had to be at least 21 years old in order to witness a legal document.
On December 5, 1726 John and Hannah Price of Henrico County, Virginia, sold 69 acres of land to Samuel Hicks of the same county. The property was located in the fork of Tuckahoe Creek ' and Samuel was already residing on the property. The deed was recorded in Deed Book No. 1, Part 1, Henrico (later Goochland) County, Virginia.
Samuel Hicks and others made an appraisal of the estate of Samuel Butler and the appraisal was recorded in Will and Deed Book 1 of Goochland County, VA on May 16, 1732. Major Robert Willis, who presented the appraisal, was Samuel Hicks' brother-in-law.
We do not know when Samuel Hicks married, but we do know that his wife's name was Dianah Willis. The name Willis would be given to Samuel and Dianah's descendants in the years to come.
For a long time I thought my great, great grandfather was named "Willie Bishop Hicks" or "William Bishop Hicks" but then when I learned through John T. Odom what Samuel's wife's maiden name was, then I knew that he was "Willis Bishop Hicks".
On June 5, 1732/33, according to Will and Deed Book 1 of Goochland County, VA Samuel Hicks, planter of that county and state, mortgaged his 69 acres of land for five shillings sterling money of Great Britain. In the mortgage, mention is made of a quarry being on the property.
The 1747 List of Tithables in Goochland Co. VA named three white males age 16 and over in the home of Samuel Hicks, Sr. These were: Samuel Hicks, Snr; his eldest son Henry Hicks; and his son Samuel Hicks, Jnr. Since his youngest son Absalom Hicks, was born about 1733, he was obviously under the age of 16 on June 10, 1747.
Listed on this same 1747 List of Tithables was Goulden Hicks who lived near the Barnett families. According to Goochland Co. Court Minutes Book 6, p.226, in a case of "trespassing", Goulden is named as the defendant. This case was dismissed during the March Court in 1747. From the same source we learn that both Samuel Hicks and Dianah Willis Hicks were charged by Thomas Farrar with "trespassing[ ]
On April 4, 1764 Samuel Hicks, Snr. and his wife Dianah Hicks sold the 69 acres of land which were located in the fork of Tuckahoe Creek, whereon the same were residing. Samuel had acquired the 69 acres of land on December 5, 1726. John Farrar was the purchaser of the 69 acres of land. The transaction was recorded in Will and Deed Book 8, Goochland County, Virginia.
Sometime during the year of 1764 Samuel and Dianah Hicks moved to North Carolina. We know this from the records of Granville Co. NC. On October 22, 1764, Robert Harris, Snr. Esquire, brother and executor of the estate of Captain Sherwood Harris, Snr., for an unknown sum of money, granted 100 acres of land to Samuel Hicks, Snr. This land was located on Tabbs Creek, Granville County, NC. Two of the witnesses to the deed were Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris Hicks, his wife.
Absalom was of course, the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and he was married to Mary Harris, daughter of the above mentioned Captain Sherwood Harris and wife Jane. Captain Harris, who died in 1763, owned land on Tuckahoe Creek, St. James Northam Parish, Goochland Co. VA during the years 1753-1755.
On November 29, 1769, Granville CO. NC, the Tax List of that county gave the names of Absalom Hicks and Samuel Hicks, Jnr. along with their father, Samuel Hicks, Snr. All three were listed again in 1770, but in 1771 Mary Harris Hicks replaced her husband, Absalom Hicks, who died in March, 1770.
Samuel Hicks, Sr. was born in the late 1690's and died before November 1772, which is when his will was proved. He was survived by his wife Dianah Hicks and the following children:
1. Agnes Hicks; married Jacob Woodall.
2. Dianah Hicks; married Nathaniel Whitlow.
3. Samuel Hicks, Jr.
4. Henry Hicks
5. Absalom Hicks.
[6. Goulder]
[7. David]
Besides mentioning his wife and four children, Samuel Hicks, Sr. made gifts to five of his grandchildren: Nancy Hicks Whitlow, daughter of Dianah and Nathaniel; Solomon Whitlow, son of Dianah and Nathaniel; David Hicks, son of Samuel Hicks, Jr.; James Woodall, son of Agnes and Jacob; and Bishop Hicks, son of Absalom Hicks.
Absalom Hicks was the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and Dianah Willis. He was born in Virginia. He was under the age of 16 in 1747, so he was probably born around 1733. He married Mary Harris, daughter of Sherwood Harris. Mary was born cl740 so the marriage probably took place in the late 1750's.
Absalom died in Granville Co. North Carolina. His will was dated February 8, 1770 and proved during the April term of Court the same year. He left all of his estate to his wife Mary. One of the witnesses to the will was Sherwood Harris, Jr., Mary's brother.
For a long time I thought that Bishop Hicks was the only son of Absalom Hicks and his wife Mary Harris Hicks, since Bishop was the only son of Absalom's who was mentioned in the will of Samuel Hicks, Snr. However, John T. Odom gave me copies of two affidavits proving that Absalom had two other sons: Absalom, inr. and Harris Hicks.
During the 1832 Fall Term of the Granville Co. NC Superior Court, James Gisham, Snr. in a signed affidavit under oath, stated that Jeremiah Frazier Snr. gave a mare, two cows and calves to Harris Hicks in order that Harris Hicks would serve as a substitute for him in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Said mare, cows and calves were carried and left with Bishop Hicks, the brother of the said Harris Hicks, who was then deceased. (Note: Bishop Hicks died near Horse Creek, Wake CO. NC in September of 1798. James Gisham signed his affidavit on September 7, 1832.
During the 1832 Fall Term of the Orange Co. NC Superior Court, on September 11, 1832, Solomon Whitlow in a signed affidavit, under oath stated that he was age 70 years the 22nd of April, 1832, and that he was a resident of Person County, NC. Solomon Whitlow declared that he remembered the facts as follows:
"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover Co. VA and settled on Tabbs Creek in Granville County, NC; that his mother (Dianah Hicks Whitlow) was the sister of Absalom Hicks (Snr.) who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and mother, about one mile and a half from where the said Absalom Hicks (Snr.) died (in 1770) and left three sons: Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks.
Bishop Hicks was bound apprentice to Thomas Norman and Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks were bound to Harry Melton to learn the art and mystery of a blacksmith; that before the completion of his apprenticeship, the said Harris Hicks, contrary to the wishes of his master, eloped from him and enlisted as a soldier in the Army of the United States."
The affiant, Solomon Whitlow, stated that Harris Hicks was substitute for a term of three months duty for Jeremiah Frazier, Snr; he (Solomon Whitlow) knew that the said Harris Hicks received a mare, 2 cows and calves for taking his (Jeremiah Frazier Snr.) place in the army.
He (Solomon Whitlow) also remembered that Harris Hicks performed part of another term of duty as a substitute for David Hicks, his uncle; David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. The previous term of Harris Hicks had just expired and he (Harris Hicks) was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation.
This affiant (Solomon Whitlow) was a soldier with the said Harris Hicks in the tour of duty in Charleston. After the war his old master Harry Melton wanted Harris Hicks to come and work in his blacksmith shop and learn more about the trade; Harris Hicks declined.
So, from the above affidavits, plus the Douglas Register of Goochland Co. VA, we know that Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris Hicks had three sons and three daughters. They are not necessarily listed in chronological order..
1. Jeannie (Jane) Hicks, born April 20, 1760.
2. Dianah Hicks, born December 5, 1761.
3. Agnes Hicks; married Thomas Parham on April 19, 1785 (Granville Co. NC Marriage Records)
4. Absalom Hicks. Jnr. married Elizabeth, last name unknown and they had:
A. Absalom Hicks III F. Hannah Hicks
B. Willis Hicks G. ELiza Hicks
C. James Madison Hicks H. Sarah Hicks
D. Young E. Hicks I. Martha Hicks
E. Susannah Hicks J. Jennette Hicks
5. Harris Hicks; married Temperance Sears April 10, 1784 in Granville County, NC. They had nine children.
A. Absalom Hicks, born June 10, 1786. Married Sarah Ann Allen in Warren Co. NC December 7, 1809. Stephen Hester was the bondsman.
B. Jane Hicks, born July 1, 1788. Married Mills Taylor in Granville Co. NC on February 18, 1808.
C. John Hicks, born May 20, 1790. Married Polly Lamar in Granville Co. NC on October 23, 1816.
D. Elizabeth Hicks, born September 1, 1794. Married to Joseph Howell in Granville Co. NC November 26, 1819. Ransom Smith was the bondsman.
E. Willis Hicks, born May 4, 1897. Married Polly Harris in Granville Co. NC September 10, 1817. Bondsman was Anderson Sears.
F. Mary "Polly" Hicks, born January 20, Granville Co. NC. Married Ransom Smith on November 29, 1820, Granville Co.
G. Robert Hicks, born October 17, 1802. Married Sarah Grisham in Granville Co. NC on December 21, 1821
H. William Hicks, born August 29, 1805. Married Jane Creth in Granville Co. NC on May 17, 1825.
I. Peyton Hicks, born March 7, 1808. Married Eliza Jourdan in Halifax County on April 13, 183
6. Bishop Hicks, sixth child and third son of Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris.
Note: In the first mentioned affidavit above, I wonder if the person giving the affidavit was James Grisham, rather than James Gisham.
Bishop Hicks (not to be confused with Willis Bishop Hicks) was the son of Absalom Hicks. John T. Odom, Mena, Arkansas believes that Bishop was born shortly after Absalom and Mary Harris Hicks moved to Granville County, NC. When Samuel Hicks (Absalom's father) wrote his will, the only child of Absalom's that was mentioned was Bishop Hicks. The will was dated 1770 so Bishop was at least 21 years old that year.
Bishop Hicks married Catherine "Caty" Jeter around the year 1780. Caty was the daughter of Samuel Jeter and Mary Dudley and was born ca. 1759, making her approximately 21 years old at the time of her marriage to Bishop.
By 1790 Bishop and Caty were living in Granville County, NC. They were listed in the Census in that county, and also witnessed a deed in Granville County that year.
On August 4, 1795, Samuel Jeter (Caty's father), distributed his property by deeds of gift. He gave Caty two slaves, Lucy and Delia. He also gave a slave named Bob to his grandson James Hicks, Caty and Bishop's son,"reserving the use of said Bob to Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty until grandson James comes of age of 21 years".I thought James might have been the oldest son but John Odom says that Anderson was the oldest.
Bishop Hicks was not listed on the 1796 Tax Polls, Granville County, which means that by that time they were in Wake County.
The Jeter Mosaic by Grata Jeter Clark states that "after Samuel Jeter's death Mary Dudley Jeter moved to Wake County, North Carolina where her daughter Catherine "Caty" Hicks and her son Dudley Jeter then resided".
Land records of Wake County show that Bishop Hicks acquired a large tract of land on Horse Creek, Newlight District in that county. He died intestate in September of 1798. The attached Estate papers of Bishop Hicks show that he was by no means a poor man. He owned at least 450 acres of land and his seven slaves were valued at $1700.00.
Willis Bishop Hicks was the youngest child of Caty and Bishop having been born approximately eight months prior to his father's death. In the Hicks Family Bible his date of birth was recorded as January 22, 1798.
On March 28, 1801, Caty Jeter Hicks, Bishop's widow, married Jehu Lowery. Wake County Probate Records show that Jehu and Wm. Allen were guardians of Caty's minor children.
According to Settlement of Estate Records, Book Nine,1809-11, Wake County, the tract of land near Horse Creek, Newlight District, owned by the late Bishop Hicks, was partitioned among eight heirs, as follows: Mary "Polly" Allen (wife of William Allen), Martha "Patsy" Allen (wife of Benjamin Allen), Jeter Hicks, Josiah R. Hicks, Willis Bishop Hicks, James Hicks and Caty Lowry.
You will note in the Estate Papers that Jeter is sometimes called Jethro and sometimes Peter; Willis Bishop is sometimes referred to as William B. Hicks.
Caty Jeter Hicks had a brother, Barnett Jeter, who apparently never married. When he made his will August 31, 1823, Caty and her children were among those tho were named as heirs to a portion of his estate. The children were listed as Anderson Hicks, Jeter Hicks, James Hicks, Josiah Hicks, William (the usual error) Bishop Hicks, Patsy Allen and Polly Allen.
The information on the seven children of Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty was provided by John Thomas Odom, a descendant of Mary "Polly" Hicks, wife of William Allen.
1. Martha "Patsy" Hicks
2. Anderson Hicks
3. Mary "Polly" Hicks
4. James Madison Hicks
5. Josiah Rux Hicks
6. Jeter Hicks
7. Willis Bishop Hicks
Additional from Kennedy
4. CATHERINE JETER, born c. 1759. Married BISHOP HICKS.
It is believed that Sherwood Harris, Sr. is one of the ancestors of the Hicks and Kennedy families. He lived in Goochland County, Virginia but may have been born in Hanover (formerly New Kent) County, Virginia.
Sherwood Harris, Sr. was a first cousin of the Robert Harris who was a member of the Virginia House of Burgess from Hanover Co. and a brother of Robert who was a State Senator of North Carolina.
It is not known when Sherwood and his family moved to North Carolina, but on October 21, 1756 he sold a tract of land located in Goochland County, Virginia.
Records in North Carolina show that Sherwood owned land on Fishing Creek. He was a Captain in the Granville County Militia.
Sherwood Harris, Sr. was probably born between 1715 and 1718. Mr. Odom believes that he was married twice, the second time to Jane, last name unknown. His will was dated June 15, 1763 and proved during the August court term in Granville Co. NC. In the will he mentioned his wife Jane, along with his six children: Sherwood, Jr., Sarah, John, Elizabeth, Ann and Mary Hicks/Hix. He also mentioned his son-in-law, Absalom Hicks. The executors of Sherwood Harris, Sr.'s will were his wife, Jane Harris, and his brother, Robert Harris, Sr.
Ancestors of John Sr Hix by Robert N. Hix
Generation No. 1
1. John Sr Hix, born 1716 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA. He was the son of 2. Joseph Sr Hix and 3. Susanna Peawde. He married (1) Elizabeth.
Generation No. 2
2. Joseph Sr Hix, born 1686 in Blisland Parish, James City, Virginia; died in Hanover Co., VA. He was the son of John Hixe and Sarah Preston. He married 3. Susanna Peawde 1704 in James City , VA.
3. Susanna Peawde, born Unknown; died Unknown in Hanover Co., VA. She was the daughter of William Peawde.
Notes for Joseph Sr Hix:
To Joseph Hix all the King's land joining on his own land being 100 a; part of 400 patented by David Gwyn & on Adam Rutherford the sd. Gwyn and others in Hanover Co. & to take and inclusive patent for the whole. 13 June 1733 [Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, 1721-1739 pp304]
More About Joseph Sr Hix:
Fact 1: Bet. 1737 - 1751, Deed land to "Puda" Hix (Peawd) in Chas. City Co., Va , ccOrsser Bk. 1737-1751,p
Fact 2: 13 June 1733, Additional 400a Land patent from the Council of Colonial Virginia
More About Joseph Hix and Susanna Peawde:
Marriage: 1704, James City , VA
Children of Joseph Hix and Susanna Peawde are:
i. Peawde Hix11, died in Louisa Co., VA1; married Temperance Dumas in Louisa County, VA1; born 1; died 1.
More About Peawde Hix and Temperance Dumas:
Marriage: Louisa County, VA1
ii. Mary Hix
iii. Robert Hix
iv. Susanna Hix
v. Anderson Hix
vi. Daniel Hix, born 1704 in Blisland Parish, James City Co., VA; died 1735 in Goochland Co.,VA; married Joan 1725.
Notes for Daniel Hix:
Daniel Hix, Goochland Deed Book #2, Page 111
In the Name of God Amen. I Danie Hix being very sick & weak of body but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almight God. I do apoint this my last will & Testment first I give & bequeath my Soul to God that gave it in sure & & certain hope of a Glorious Resurection through the merits of Jesus Christ next I give my body to be decently inter'd at the discretion of my Exect.
Item I leave all my moveable Estate to my well-beloved wife Joan Hix at her discretion and at her disposall during her widowhood but in case she should marry then to be equally divided between her my well-beloved wife and my two well
beloved daghters Lucy Hix & Winefred Hix.
Item. I leave my two negroes Bobb & Allice to my said well beloved wife to be kept at her discretion during her widowhood but
in case she my said wife should marry or dye then I give and bequeath my negro girl called Allice & her issue if ever she has any to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix to her & the heirs of her body lawfully begotten ... wife and in the same manner I Give and bequeath my negro man called Bob to my youngest daughter Winefred Hix to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten.
Item. I give to and bequeath to my well-beloved Cousen Archer Hix my whole set of Troopers Arms.
Item. I give and bequeath to my oldest daughter Lucy Hix my plantation whereon I now live and such part of the land adjoyning to it lying between Tuckahoe & my Spring Branch running up the Spring Branch to the Spring from thence to the head of the Cottonpatch Branch and so down the sd. Branch to my line which part of my land and Plantation I do give to my said daughter to her & her heirs for ever.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my sd. daughter Lucy Hix one hundred & fifty acres of land on the Deer point (?) Branch to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I Give & bequeath to my youngest daughter Winefred Hix the remaining part of my land I now live on and all the appertenances thereunto belonging to her and heirs for ever and in case both should dye without Issue then all my land to fall to Archer Hix.
Item. I do apoint my well-beloved wife Joan Hix sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament during her life and in case she my said wife should dye before my sd. daughters should marry or be of lawfull age in such case I do appoint Capt. James Holman to do and act as Executor of my Estate according to this my last will and Testament this XXXVI day of Dec. one thousand seven hund. thirty four.
Daniel Hix
Signed & sealed in presence of us JWilliams, Henry Holman, Wilminten H. Harris At a Court held for Goochland County July 15, 1735. This will was proved by the Oaths of John Williams & Henry Holman and was thereupon admitted to record. Test. H. Wood
More About Daniel Hix and Joan:
vii. Joseph Jr Hix, born 1707 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA; married Harmon.
viii. Nathaniel Hix, born 1709 in James City Co., VA; died 1766 in James City Co., VA; married Charity Watkins 1724 in James City Co., VA.
More About Charity Watkins:
Fact 1: 1768, Named in a law suit being an heir of Robert Watkins
Property: in Surry Co., VA.
More About Nathaniel Hix and Charity Watkins:
Marriage: 1724, James City Co., VA
ix. William Thomas Hix, born 1714 in James City Co., VA.
Notes for William Thomas Hix:
19 Nov. 1775 " Wm Hix of Hanover Co., VA, St Martins Par., buys from Josiah Burton, of Northampton Co., NC. for 50 # tobacco, 400 a. in Cumberland Co., VA. Witnesses: Wm Trigg, Nowel Burton, Jno. Burton, Jno. Farmer. Cumberland Co. DB 1, 1749-1752 pp234.
More About William Thomas Hix:
Fact 1: 02 June 1734, Shirley & Rebecca Watley of St. Martin to Wm. Hix 100A adj: Sam Reynolds, Capt.
Property: Isaac Winston, & John Wright
1 x. John Sr Hix, born 1716 in James City Co., VA; died in Hanover Co., VA; married Elizabeth.
xi. Henry Hix
1. Brøderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 2, Ed. 1, (Release date: November 29, 1995), "CD-ROM," Tree #6244, Date of Import: Jul 16, 1998.
Descendants of John Hixe
Generation No. 1
1. DOORKEEPER JOHN1 HIXE1 was born 1658 in England1, and died 1720 in Williamsburg, James City Co., VA1. He married SARAH PRESTON1 1681 in James City Co., VA1. She was born Abt. 1660 in James City Co., VA2.
Robert N. Hix, December, 1999, notes that "...Sarah is the daughter of John Hixe of James City Co., Va. She married Martin Martin in New Kent Co., Va. 10 Feb. 1698/99 in St. Peters Parish. Martin and Sarah removed to what is now Washington Co., Va. where they died. Children of Martin and Sarah: Amesen b. 1706; Anne, b. 1708; Valentine, b. 1710; & Lucy, b. 1726." There are records, too, of others.
Also from Robert Hix, see above: "John Hixe was a doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses. The 'e' was dropped from the name after his arrival in Va. John's sons filled his position after John.... Doorkeepers were exempt from taxes. John Hixe was married to Sarah Preston.... (he) died 1720 in Williamsburg, Va. His son John died 1778 in Goochland Co. There is a John Hicks that died in Cumberland County in 1776. There is also the son of Jesse Hix, John who lived in Cumberland Co., Va. and was born after 1786. It was thought he went to Ky. but this has not been proven...."
He also writes that "Nathaniel's father was John Hixe. Born in England in 1658. He had a deed in James City Co. and was married there in 1681. He married a Sarah Preston. John Hixe died in 1720 and his grave stone is in Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Va." (Editor: I have been there but was unable to find this stone.)
One lister has this I found cached on the web, but no current source: "John Hix (b 1658) lived at Warrany Creek in Henrico Co VA. On 4 Mar 1692 he was doorkeeper for the House of Burgesses at Williamsburg. In 1720 a John Hix was buried in the churchyard at Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg. John's wife is thought to have been Sarah Preston. Their children were:
Joseph m Susanna Peawd
Sarah m Martin Martin
Nathaniel (d 1735 Goochland Co VA) m Rebecca
The Jamestowne Society in 2004 does not carry John Hix as a qualifying ancestor. This might mean no one has applied under him, or that they do not recognize the lines as proved, or, perhaps, they have no record of him at all.
What a doorkeeper did I hardly know, but a traveler in 1783 noted the scene in Richmond after the transfer of the Virginia House to that city. (See: Travels in Virginia in Revolutionary Times, Chapter V., Dr. Johann David Schoepf, Surgeon to the Hessian Troops, 1783, p 54)
"During my stay at Richmond the Assembly was in session. A small frame building serves as House of Assembly, and with a change of properties as ballroom and banquet room. The term is used, 'the Assembly sits.' This does not seem to me to be precisely descriptive. The members appeared to me to be anywhere rather than in their seats, and to be discussing anything except laws to be framed. The doorkeeper was busy, and in the vestibule there was an uproar. The vestments of the members are diverse -- boots, trousers, Indian leggings, great-coats, the usual coat, and short jackets. In other words, each one wears what he pleases. The members from the West are greatly inconvenienced in coming so far. They even speak of establishing a separate government for the West, as in the province of New York, where there is a Governor at New York and another at Albany. If this is done, the West will very likely become in a short time an independent State. The pay of members has recently been fixed at 18 Virginia shillings or 3 Spanish dollars per diem. During the war they preferred tobacco (50 pounds) to currency. At a vote, the Speaker calls for the Ayes and Noes, and judges with a critical ear which side has made the majority of sounds. If the predominance is a matter of doubt a division is called."
On the Hix GenForum page, May 14, 1998, Tom Hicks posted: "I have information (unconfirmed) on a John Hixe who came to James City, VA from England with his two brothers and married a Sarah PRESTON. His two brothers returned to England. John and Sarah had five children; Sarah, Nathaniel, Joseph, Thomas, and John. Nathaniel married Rebeckah JOHNSON and moved to Goochland, VA. Their children, names in order of birth, Elce, Ann, Archibald, Sarah, Amos, Stephen, and Edith. Do you have anything more on this, my line is possibly Nathaniel?"
In November 2006, Bill Davidson, <tunnelm@verizon.net>, kindly sent these notes --
"I was looking at your Hix infomation on the Internet, and I thought that you might like to have the following information. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone else who may be interested in it.
"Thomas Hix appears on at least two records in Charles City Co., VA (CCCo) in the 1730s or so with David Davidson. These records are available in one or more of the transcription/abstract books written by Ben Weisinger (ed.: Benjamin B. Weisinger, III) on that county. I
certainly suspect that this Thomas Hix was the known son of John Hix and Sarah Preston.
"This David Davidson (died in CCCo in 1756; wife unknown) was the son of an older David Davidson and his wife Sarah Unknown, and this older David Davidson died in James City Co., VA (JCCo) in 1687 (also per Weisinger's transcriptions/abstracts). There was also a William Davidson who also died in JCCo in 1687, per Bruton/Middleton Parish records, but it is not clear how/if William Davidson was related to David Davidson. The older David Davidson was born in Holland, per his surving naturalization record from 1686, and he owned land in JCCo by at least 1682, per a land deed. This land, just west of the Chicahominy River, became part of CCCo in 1720."
"An Edward, David and William Davidson, almost certainly from the above family in JCCo/CCCo (per my research), were on the Goochland Co., VA tithe list in 1746 (as were several members of the Hix family). All three of these likely Davidson brothers were then in Buckingham Co., VA on the 1764 tithe list there. William Davidson then moved from Buckingham to Pittsylvania Co., VA by the late 1760s, and his land became part of Henry Co., VA in 1776/1777 (and that land then became part of Patrick Co., VA in 1790/1791). William Davidson had sons that included Goulder, Richard and John Davidson, and all of those names had been used previously in the Hix family (and none of them had ever been used before in the Davidson family). The name "Goulder" is obviously very unusual, and a Goulder Hix (sometimes shown as Golder or Golden) had also been on the 1746 tithe list in Goochland. Based on the above, I am quite confident that the William Davidson in Goochland/Buckingham/Pittsylvania married a Hix woman (but which one)?"
"The above-mentioned son of William Davidson named Richard Davidson married Ann Ward in Henry Co., VA in 1783. In 1802, Richard Davidson provided surety for the marriage of Avice Davidson and James Dove. I assume that Avice was Richard's daughter. I wonder if that daughter's name came from the Hix family (your website mentioned an Elce)?" (ed.: That is entirely possible. I do not know.)
"The Edward Davidson in Goochland in 1746, and in Buckingham in 1764, moved to Bedford/Campbell Co., VA by the 1780s. After he died in Campbell Co., VA in 1794, there was a subsequent division of his slaves to his various son-in-laws. One of those son-in-laws was Merry Webb. In working with Webb researchers, it is now certain that this was Merry Webb, Junior who was the son of the older Merry Webb and his wife (who was the daughter of Martin Martin and Sarah Hix). Researchers knew that Merry Webb, Junior had married an Elizabeth, but until I provided the above information, no one knew that her maiden last name was 'Davidson.' Edward Davidson was married to Agnes Mosby (probably his second wife, but almost certainly the mother of Elizabeth Davidson), and they had a son named David Mosby Davidson. As I recall, there were later men named David Webb and Mosby Webb in the family of Merry and Elizabeth (Davidson) Webb, Junior. Best regards, Bill Davidson"
Burial: Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, VA3
Some say her father was Joseph Preston. That she was a Preston at all is questioned, however.
Children of JOHN HIXE and SARAH PRESTON are:
2. i. SARAH2 HIX, b. Abt. 1675, probably Williamsburg, James City Co., VA.
3. ii. NATHANIEL HIX, b. Abt. 1682; d. Bef. 20 May 1735, St. James Parish, Goochland Co., VA.
iii. JOSEPH HIX4, b. Abt. 1684.
iv. THOMAS HIX4, b. Abt. 1686; d. Aft. 17305.
Notes for THOMAS HIX:
See the notes under John Hixe from Bill Davidson in November 2006.
v. JOHN HIX6, b. Abt. 1688; d. Abt. 1778, Goochland Co., VA.
4. vi. (UNK) HIX, b. Abt. 1690.
5. vii. (UNK) HIX, b. Abt. 1693.
Descendants of John Hixe Generation No. 2
2. SARAH2 HIX (JOHN1 HIXE)7 was born Abt. 1675 in probably Williamsburg, James City Co., VA8. She married MARTIN MARTIN9,10 10 February 1698/99 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent, VA. He was born Abt. 1668 in prob. Lancaster Co., VA, or perhaps on the Isle-of-Skye, Scotland11,12,13,14, and died 20 March 1744/45 in Henrico Co., VA15.
Martin is a processioner at St. Peter's New Kent Co., Va. in 1689. He apparently moved to Henrico Co. prior to 1735, where he patented 358 acres on the south side of the James. He owned land in New Kent Co., Va., in 1689 along with Henry, Thomas, and William Martin. (Vestry Book, St. Peter's Church.) The last mention in the Vestry Book of Martin Martin is 1698. The Parish Register contains the marriage of Martin Martin to Sarah Hix 10 Feb 1698/9. The children are listed with baptismal dates. The ten year gap in the children may mean that they are not the children of the same man.
A note at the site of: Bud Martin, <budm303@earthlink.net>, 7172 Swadley Ct., Arvada, CO 80004 says that Martin Martin was born 1665 in Isle-of-Skye, Scotland, and died March 20, 1744/45 in Goochland County, VA. He married SARAH HIX February 10, 1697/98 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, VA, daughter of JOHN HIXE and SARA PRESTON.
One site claims that Martin came south from Boston.... Pauline, <hummingbird@igalaxy.net>, said her source is an LDS one: "Ancestral File (TM) SHZQ-0V The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM), June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998...." I have seen this nowhere save there and have no corroboration at all. (April, 2003)
In November 2001, I added information from the John R. Martin unpublished manuscript, "Valentine Martin of Cumberland County, Virginia," written about 1965. It was very kindly sent to me by Nancy Ann Rupp of Kentucky, another Martin descendant. A copy of the work is in the Logan County, Kentucky, library located in Russellville, Ky. about 20 miles from Bowling Green, Ky. It is also in the DAR Library in Washington, D.C.
But none of these points can top the post-it note at my RootsWeb WorldConnect site on Dec 15, 2011, from Ian Martin at his address bluelanyard@hotmail.com . He notes that Martin Martin was born in Virginia, not elsewhere, and that his parents are George Martin and Unity Susannah West of the well-known West family. While I usually consider "found" well-known ancestory more likely to lack the best documentation, I find here a plausible connection and seek sources from all. But, below I will report Martin Martin's ancestry as this posits.
No, I have changed my mind after more pondering, and now believe it is not likely that Martin Martin is the child of George and Unity West Martin. See, especially, the note below:
That George is the father of Martin Martin is a new finding for me, seen at Dusty's site on RootsWeb WorldConnect
http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=scruffy3&id=I10371 But based on doubts of this, I will unhook these parents from Martin Martin.
On Jun 23 2011 "John R." posted a note at the Martin Family GenForum pages which argues pretty well against the conjecture that George and Unity West Martin are Martin Martin's parents:
Message 28956: (there is some I have dropped from the end which should be of interest to some; it further supports the thesis that we do not know Martin's parents)
QUOTE: My question is for those who say that Martin Martin, who married Sarah Hix on February 10, 1698/99 in St. Peter’s Parish in New Kent County, Virginia, was the son of George Martin and Unity “Susannah” West. Isn’t Martin Martin too old to be the son of George and Unity?
George Martin and Unity West were apparently born in the mid to late 1650s and were married in about 1676. However, Martin Martin is listed on a prosessioning order dated May 4, 1689, which presumably includes only landowners age 21 or over. If so, then this Martin Martin must have been born in or before 1668, at least eight years before the marriage of George Martin and Unity West and at a time when Unity was only about 11 years old.
If there is a second older Martin Martin different than the one who married Sarah Hix, why would he not be the father of the younger Martin Martin? Or why couldn’t the younger Martin Martin, if there were two, be the son of one of the three other Martins named in 1689: Henry, Thomas or William?
I notice that the earlier Internet posts that have Martin Martin as being born in the Isle of Skye in Scotland had a birth year of about 1665 to 1668, while posts that have Martin Martin as a son of George Martin now have a birth year of about 1678. Apparently the birth year change was needed to come after George and Unity’s marriage in about 1676 but ignores the 1689 processioning order.
I realize recent DNA evidence appears to link Martin Martin to other early Martins and places his birth in Virginia and not in Scotland. I do not know who Martin Martin’s parents are in Virginia but do see a major problem with Martin Martin, the 1689 prosessioning order, and his being listed as the son of George Martin and Unity West.
Perhaps I am missing something but I think the May 4, 1689 prosessioning order in the Vestry Book of St. Peter’s precludes George Martin and Unity West as being the parents of Martin Martin. If there were two Martin Martins, why is the younger Martin Martin attached to George Martin and not to the older Martin Martin or to the other Martins?
The Vestry Book of Saint Peter’s, New Kent County, Va. from 1682-1758 may be viewed online at the link below. The May 4, 1689 processing order lists more than 200 names. By my count there are 63 names before the name Henry Martin is listed, then 12 names to Thomas Martin, then 15 names to Martin Martin, then 7 names to William Martin. Then there are more than 100 names listed after William Martin. [http://vagenweb.org/newkent/vestry1.html]
Children of SARAH HIX and MARTIN MARTIN are:
i. AMESON3 MARTIN16,17, b. 06 April 1706, New Kent Co., VA18.
I have seen her as Amelia.
6. ii. ELIZABETH ANNE MARTIN, b. 09 August 1708, New Kent Co., VA.
7. iii. VALENTINE MARTIN, b. 18 June 1710, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA; d. Bef. 28 July 1760, Cumberland Co., VA.
iv. THOMAS MARTIN, b. 04 June 1720, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA19,20.
v. LUCY MARTIN21, b. 20 August 1726, St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA22.
3. NATHANIEL2 HIX (JOHN1 HIXE)23 was born Abt. 1682, and died Bef. 20 May 1735 in St. James Parish, Goochland Co., VA. He married REBECCA JOHNSON24,25 170926, daughter of EDWARD JOHNSON and ELIZABETH WALKER. She was born 08 November 1688 in St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA27,28, and died in Goochland Co., VA29.
Posted by: Maria Bobo, 1999, on the Hix page inb GenForum: An abstract of the will of Nathaniel Hix can be found in Goochland County, Virginia Wills & Deeds (1728-1736) by Benjamin B. Weisiger III. Deed Book #2 (1734-1736), p. 89. Will of Nathaniel Hix of St. James Parish, Goochland Co. To eldest son, Arc'hl Hix, after his mother's death, all my land. To each of my children, Geo., An, Amas, Sarah, Stephen and Edith, items. To wife Rebecker, all rest of estate and she to be executrix. Dated 28 Nov. 1728. Wit: James Homan, Charles Jordan, Edward (M) More. Signed: Nathaniel (N) Hix. Proved 20 May 1735.
I have typed the entry verbatim. "An" may be "Ann" and "Amas" may be "Amos" as posted in a previous message. No daughter named "Elce" is listed; perhaps she predeceased her father (?).
These same Goochland deeds also have a deed dated 16 June 1730 involving Marmaduke Hicks/Hix and his wife, Agnes. There are also a few deeds for Daniel and Joan Hix dated August 18, 1730. Daniel's will is also in Deed Book #2, p. 111, dated 26 Nov. 1734 and recorded 15 July 1735; wife Joan, daughters Lucy and Winefred. Do you know how these Hix were related to John Hixe?
For her children, see Nathaniel's will.
This note from Mary Pazur, <marynpazur@mindspring.com>, July, 2002,
"Hello Pat, I found your entry for John Hixe on FTM. Do you know if Rebecca Johnson, who married Nathaniel Hix, was the daughter of Edward Johnston and Elizabeth Walker ? If this is the case, my 6th great grandmother on my mother's side and my 7th great grandmother on my father's side were sisters.
The dates and places seem to match. Penelope Johnson was b. 1684........Rebecca was born 1688. Any information that you can provide will be most appreciated. Mary Nelson Pazur" (Editor; I don't know the answer to this but will put the query here...)
i. ARCHIBALD3 HIX, b. Abt. 1704.
ii. GEORGE HIX, b. Abt. 1706.
iii. ANN HIX, b. Abt. 1708.
iv. AMOS HIX, b. Abt. 1710.
v. SARAH HIX, b. Abt. 1712.
vi. STEPHEN HIX, b. Abt. 1714.
vii. EDITH HIX, b. Abt. 1716.
4. (UNK)2 HIX (JOHN1 HIXE)30 was born Abt. 1690.
Child of (UNK) HIX is:
8. i. FRANCES3 HIX, b. Abt. 1735; d. September 1795, Bedford Co., VA.
5. (UNK)2 HIX (JOHN1 HIXE)31 was born Abt. 1693. She married DAVID OR WILLIAM DAVIDSON31, son of DAVID DAVIDSON and SARAH [--?--]. He was born Abt. 1680 in prob James City Co., VA32.
These brothers, one of whom married a Hix daughter, are in the records copied by Weisinger and noted under John Hixe.
In 2010, this note posted at my site from Bill Davidson at >tunnelm@verizon.net<
"It is my "best educated guess" that it was William Davidson who married a Miss Hix, versus his apparent father David Davidson "II" (David "II" died in Charles City Co., VA about 1756). It was William Davidson who first used given names that were taken from the Hix family (Goulder, Richard and John). Of course, it COULD be that David Davidson "II" had, in fact, married a Miss Hix, and William then used those "Hix given names" because of his mother's family (but those "Hix given names" were NOT also used by the apparent brothers of William Davidson).
"David Davidson "I" (born in Holland and died in James City Co., VA around 1687) was married to a Sarah (as you state), and I would not be surprised if Sarah was a Miss Hunt or a Miss Hamblin. A William Hunt and a Thomas Hamblin assisted Sarah Davidson with the estate of Sarah's deceased husband David "I" in 1688. There was also a man named Stephen Hamblin in the above Hamblin family, and David Davidson "II" had a Stephen Davidson as the executor of his will in 1756 (Stephen Davidson was probably a son of David "II"). If David "II" was not married to a Miss Hix, perhaps he was married to a Miss Hamblin."
Children of (UNK) HIX and DAVID DAVIDSON are:
9. i. EDWARD3 DAVIDSON, b. Abt. 1712; d. 1794, Campbell Co., VA.
ii. DAVID DAVIDSON33, b. Abt. 171434.
10. iii. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, b. Abt. 1716.
[after this it goes away from Hix line]
William Hicks, b. abt. 1750
William Hix, shown as land owner in Amherst Co. VA
11-19-1767 on Pedlar River
11-13-1767 on Roberts Creek, branch of the Pedlar River
4-15-1771 on Huff's or Hough's Creek
7-6-1778, mentioned on land purchase by Ambrose Rucker, that Hicks owned adjacent property
Joseph Hicks, b. abt. 1772 in Amherst Co. VA, died abt. 1835 in Garrard Co. KY
Marriage Bond: Know all men by these presents that we Joseph Hix or Achilles Ballinger are held and firmly bound unto Henry Lee Esquire Governor of the Common Wealth of Virginia in the just sum of fifty pounds current money to be paid to the said L. The consideration of the above obligations is such that where as here is a marriage shortly intended to be solimmized between the above bound Joseph Hix batchelor & Lucretia Childress spinster each of Amherst County. If therefore there be no lawful ...
Source: Amherst County VA Courthouse
CHILDRESS, Lucretia m Joseph Hicks 3 Nov 1792
Joseph Hix (ABT 1721 - ) Spouse ABT 1721 Anne
Children of Joseph and Anne (?) Hix
1. John 19 Jul 1742 Albemarle Co. Va
2. William 22 Dec 1744 Albemarle Co. Va
3. Joseph 29 Aug 1755 Albemarle Co. Va
4. William 29 Feb 1765 Albemarle Co. Va
Wilson Hix born oct. 12 1795 only son of John Hix died in 1803
Appomattox va. W.d Hix son of Wilson m. Sears had 11 children
1. John Hixe (1600-)
| 1.1 Joseph Hix
| | 1.1.1 Samuel Hix (1680-)
| | 1.1.2 Nathaniel Hix (1682-)
| | 1.1.3 Joseph Hix (1684-)
| | 1.1.4 Henry Hix (1686-)
| | | John Hix (-1775)
| | | Joseph Hix
| | 1.1.5 Daniel Hix (1696-1763) & Joan
| | | Lucy Hix (1722-1763) & Thomas Tilman (1720-1813)
| | | | Daniel Tilman (1743-1820) & Joan
| | | | Elizabeth Tilman (1744-1787) & William Walton
| | | | Winifred Hix Tilman (1745-1819) & Richard Moon (-1819)
| | | | Lucy Hix Tilman* (1748-) & Jesse Mills
| | | | Lucy Hix Tilman* (1748-) & Daniel Perkins
| | | | Thomas Tilman Jr.* (1720-1800) & Susan Moon (1744-1763)
| | | | Thomas Tilman Jr.* (1720-1800) & Hannah Morris
| | | Winifred Hix (1729-1790) & James Bates (1721-1785)
| | | | Fleming Bates (1747-)
| | | | William Bates (1749-)
| | | | Samuel Bates (1752-)
| | | | Stephen Bates (1754-)
| | | | Daniel Bates (1756-)
| | | | Sarah F Bates (1759-)
| | | | James Bates (1761-1847) & Lavina Frances Nance (-1857)
| | | | Nathaniel Bates (1763-)
| | | | Matthew Bates (1765-)
| | | | Charles Bates (1768-)
| | | | Elizabeth Bates (1770-)
| | 1.1.6 William Hix
| 1.2 Nathaniel Hix
There are any number of men by the name of Sherwood HARRIS in & around the Granville Co., N. Car. area. My Sherwood HARRIS came from Hanover & Goochland counties in Virginia to Granville Co., North Carolina. My Sherwood HARRIS made his will on 15 Jun 1763 & it was proved in the August court of Granville Co. in 1763. It is on file as Will #101 in the clerk's office of Granville Co. He identifies Absalom HIX/HICKS as his "loving son-in-law" the husband of his daughter Mary [Harris] HIX. This is my direct line. Has anyone untangled the Sherwood HARRIS puzzle? According to the records of the DAR, it is difficult to recognize who is who. I would like to know if anyone can show the ancestry of my Sherwood HARRIS? He identifies his wife in his will as Jane. Some family researchers suggest that her name was Jane HUDSPETH. Was that her maiden name or did she marry after Sherwood's death to someone named HUDSPETH? I have suspected that the latter was the case?!? The happy couple of Absalom HIX/HICKS and Mary HARRIS were living in Goochland Co., Va. when at least two or more of their children were born. Two of their daughters Jeani HIX/HICKS & Diana HIX/HICKS were listed in "The Douglas Register" of Goochland Co., Va. Has anyone researched this family and have you found any source implying or indicating when they were married? I would be glad to visit with anyone who has information on the above families or other associated lines. I have alot of information to share if others are working on these lines. thanks, dave
ELIZABETH HICKS with possibly a sister Caroline in any of those Bible and other records you have seen? My Elizabeth was born 8 Dec. 1763, probably in Granville Co., NC and married Valentine Tudor in Oxford, Granville Co., NC 20 Oct. 1784. A Caroline ("Aunt Carrie"), thought to be her sister, lived with them later in Madison Co., KY.
Daniel Hix father of Lucy Hix d. may 5, 1763; Daniel Thomas b. 1740 Elizabeth april 29, 1744, Winnefred and lucy m. August 6
Winnifred and James Bates Nov. 22, 1747 son born Fleming, William b. Nov. 23, 1749
The will of Daniel Hix was made November 26, 1734, and Daniel was in the service at the Siege of Augusta.
Daniel Hix died testate, in Goochland. 1811?
Hanover County, VA 1706 - 1786 Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish
P. 383 (305) At a Vestry held for Saint Pauls Parish Nov'r 19th 1759. "Ordered into one Precinct for Processioning the Lands of Matthew Pate, Thomas Baker, Edward Lankford, William Allen, Sherwood Harris, John Raglands Orphans, William Davis, Henry Hix, Rob't Sydnor, Tortunatus Sydnor, Wm. Sydnor, William Grimes, Barbary Winston, and John Darracott, and that Matthew Pate and William Grimes see the said Processioning Perform'd and return their proceedings according to Law." "In Pursuance to the within Order we the Subscribers have Peaceably and Quietly procession'd the Lands Abovemention'd, The Land Mentiond Robert Sydnor's, now Mrs. Jennings likewise the Land that was Thomas Baker's now John Kings. Examined: William Grimes and Matthew Pate."
St. Paul’s Parish
divided into various precincts for processioning. Among them were Precinct 9, including “the lands of Matt. Pate,
John Baker, Edwd. Langford, Sherwood Harris, John Ragland’s
orphans, Wm. Davis, Henry Hix, Widow Sidner, Barbary Winston, John Darracott.”
(The Valentine Papers
, Vol. xx, p.1740)
Free African Americans of North Carolina, Virginia, and South ..., Volume 1:
a "M" taxable with Henry Hix (Hicks) in 1805 [PPTL 1782-92, frame 762;
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 112
Henry Hix in 1751, owned land as recorded in St. Paul's Parish Vestry Book (in New Kent County until 1720, and it fell into the new county of Hanover)
James Thomasson b. 1765 m. nancy Hix 1797 Bedford Co. Va.
Henry Hix (born 1682)
Joseph Hix was living in Southwest VA c. 1760s when his neighbor's family was attacked by Black Wolf
posted ancestry:
James M. Hicks/Hix, b. c1774, born in Goochland Co., VA., who was a head of household in Lincoln Co., NC., by 1810. He remained in Lincoln Co., NC., through the 1870 census and was age 95 at that time. On the 1860 census he gave Goochland Co. VA., as his place of birth.
He may possibly have been living in the home of "John Hicks" in 1800, in Lincoln Co., NC., who was the only Hicks named as a head of household in that county at that time. John Hicks and the other 'male' in his home at that time were both in the same age group (free white males 16 to 25). This is the age group that James would have fit into and they may have been brothers. No others were shown to be in the home.
A neighbor to John Hicks household in Lincoln Co., NC. in 1800 was a man named John Yates. John Yates died by 1805 as a lawsuit regarding his estate is found in the records for that year naming his apparent heirs.
Two involved in the suit were named as Margaret Hicks (also called Peggy in other records regarding this suit) and Susy Hicks (who I believe was Susannah Hicks, who was named in other records as the name of the wife of James M. Hicks).
My theory is that John Hicks and James M. Hicks were brothers, and John was the older of the two. I believe they were living together as bachelors in Lincoln Co., NC., in 1800 together in one home, and living next door to John Yates. I believe both John & James Hicks married daughters of their neighbor, John Yates, "Margaret married John" and "Susannah married James." This part is theory, but circumstantial evidence supports it.
James M. Hicks and wife Susannah had at least 6 males and 2 females the ages to be their children by the 1820 census. I also believe Susannah died after the birth of the last child, born by 1820 and was not in the home on the 1820 census. The males who I believe for sure were five of their six sons were named:
Miles Hicks, born c1809 (records on his birth vary from 1807-1813
David Hicks, born c1811
William Hicks, born c1813
Joseph Hicks, born c1814
Singleton Hicks, born c1816
The daughters I'm not sure of, but they may have been named Phoebe and Epsey, as they later appear in marriages in this county and fit the age profile.
Miles remained in Lincoln Co., after his brothers William, David, and Joseph moved to McNairy Co., TN., with William going first, then David, then Joseph. Singleton also went to McNairy Co., TN., by 1860, but returned to Lincoln Co., NC., by 1870.
William was in McNairy Co., by 1831, and David and Joseph were on the census there by 1850. These three remained in McNairy Co., until their deaths.
I would like to find out their father, James M. Hicks', line in Goochland Co., VA.
Other names common in our line besides those named above, which I believe come down from the Hicks ancestors are: Marcus L., & Violet M. Hicks.
--response==James Hicks you list here through his son Miles. Miles' son Adolphus Pinkney Hicks had a daughter, Elizabeth May Hicks, who married John Meekin Lockman on Feb. 14 (rather romantic, no?) 1903. Their son Harlan was my great grandfather.
1 John Hicks 1705 – 1776 m. Mary Elizabeth Ervin 1717 – 1776
John Hicks Jr. 1728 –
Henry Hicks c. 1730 – of Goochland m. Betty Willis b. 1736 on Oct. 24, 1756
Henry Hicks 1756 –
Harmon Hicks 1760 –
Elizabeth Hicks 1762 – 1820
Jesse Hicks Birth ABT. 1730 in Cumberland County, Virginia m. Mary Grubs. Children:
Nansie b. Mar. 4, 1770. Bapt. Mar. 22, 1770
Sally b. Mar. 13, 1772. Bapt. Apr. 26, 1772
Susan b. May 20, 1774. Bapt. Jul 3, 1774
John Casie, b. May 11, 1776. Bapt. Jul. 21 1776
Nathaniel Hicks 1732 – 1801
Claiborne Hicks 1763 –
David Hicks (Birth 1745 in Goochland, Virginia- Death 1784 in Goochland, Virginia) David Hicks m. Sarah Lee on 5 Oct 1772
Sarah Lee Birth 1741-12-30 in Stafford, Virginia
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Nansy born Oct. 5, 1772. Bapt. Ap. 11, 1773
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Elizabeth born Feb. 18, 1775. Bapt. May 7, 1775
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Abba-Lee Reeves born Mar. 26. 1777 Bapt. May 11, 1777
David Hicks 1779 – ?
Stephen Hicks
Birth 1738 in Goochland, Goochland, Virginia, United States
Death 1763 in Halifax, Halifax, North Carolina, United States
Marries Agnes Hancock on 24 Aug 1758 - St James Northam Parish, Goochland, Virginia; 4 children:
1. Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancock, a son named Nathaniel, b. May 5, 1759. Bapt. Jul. 1, 1759
2. Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancock, a daughter named Winifred, b. Sep. 1, 1760. Bapt. Oct. 5, 1760
3. Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancoke (sic), a daughter named Edith, b. Jan. 24, 1762. Bapt. Apr. 9, 1762
4. Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancoke (sic), a daughter named Mary, b. May 9, 1763. Bapt. Jun. 26, 1763
James Hicks [John/Denias line]
Birth 3 Sep 1735 in Sussex, Sussex, Virginia, United States
Death 16 Aug 1787 in Sussex, Sussex, Virginia, United States
Elizabeth Clements Birth 1735 in Sussex, Sussex, Virginia,
Death 1804 in Sussex, Sussex, Virginia, United States
Marriage to James Hicks 1765
Winifred Hix
Birth 18 Jan 1729 in Goochland, Halifax, Virginia, United States
Death 7 Feb 1790 in Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, United States
James Bates
Birth 7 Mar 1721 in Skimeno, York, Virginia, United States
Death 9 Nov 1785 in Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, United States
son Fleming 1747
son William 1749
Son Samuel 1752
Son Stephen 1754
Son Daniel 1756
Joseph Hix m. Sarah Lestor, Sept. 3, 1797
Joseph Hix Birth ABT 1770 in Amherst County, Virginia,
Sarah Lestor b. 1780 –
son Cornelius Hix 1799 –
This book follows one descendant line of John HIX, Sr. (1735-1840). who married Sabella RICE(?), William Hix 1770- 1839
James Hix died in Pittsylvania Co. in April 1776 wife Francis, brother Benjamin of Brunswick Co. children Miles, Patsy, Nancy, Elizabeth [Will]
1701 John butler given 930 acres Stephen Hix- Thomas Thrower for transporting Humphrey Hix
John Hixe b. 1658 and Sarah Preston were wed in James City County, VA in 1681, and the next year they acquired land in that same county. The VA Patent book shows the acquisition as: “Patent to John Hicks, … October 22, 1682, for 183 acres, James City County, beginning on the South side of South swamp over against the mouth of Preston’s [S]pring [B]ranch.”
1. Sarah Hix (1680-?),
2. Joseph Hix (c1682-1711),
3. Nathaniel Hix (c1684-1735),
4. Thomas Hix (c1686-?), and
5. John Hix (c1688- d. c1778).
In Charles City County, VA, Thomas Hix and David Davidson helped produced the will inventories/appraisals, or were witnesses/security on wills, for Gibby Gibson and Poynes Maylord (1727 and 1728). A John Lide was also involved with one of these wills, and he had other associations with David Davidson. Does anyone have information on this Thomas Hix? Was he related to the Hix men who were in Goochland County, VA by the 1735-1746 tithe lists there (starting with Marmaduke "Duke" Hix and then DDuke, Junior," William, Stephen, Archibald, Henry, Goulder, etc
Marriage Records Virginia Counties
Ann Hicks m. John Shiflett, Nov. 14, 1798 (#29)
Betsy Hicks m. Tandy Suddareth, Dec. 4, 1799 (#29)
David Hicks m. Jemima Temmal, Dec. 31, 1799 (#29)
John Hicks m. Nancy Davis, February 5, 1785 (#29)
Judah Hicks m. John Pierce, October 25, 1792 (#29)
Hicks in the North Carolina Census Pre-1790 (Contributed by Bob Hix)
1755 Tax list - NC Early Census Index
HIX, SAMUEL Beaufort Co.
1768 Tax-
HIX, JONAS Rowan Co.
HIX, JESSE; Dobbs Co.
HIX, JESSE Dobbs Co.
HIX, JAMES Rutherford Co.
HIX, THOMAS Rutherford Co.
HIX, JOHN Caswell Co.Gloucester District
HIX, JOHN Bertie Co. Pughs Company
HIX, DANEL Montgomery Co.
1790 Census Information
Bertie County (Contributed by Bob Hix)
HIX, JOHN Burke County
HIX, JAMES First Company
NC 1790 Federal Census Index Caswell County (Contributed by Bob Hix)
HIX, DANIEL Nash Dist.
HIX, DAVID Nash Dist.
HIX, REUBIN St.Lawrence Dist.
Chowan County, Edenton District (excluding town of Edenton)
Hicks, William
Hicks, Job
Hicks, Patrick
Cumberland County, Fayette District (excluding town of Fayetteville):
Howell Hicks, 1 white male over 16, no females, no slaves Edgecombe County, Halifax District:
John Hicks, 1 white male over 16, 4 females Granville County
Hillsborough District:
David Hicks - no other info available
Samuel Hicks -no other info available
Magland District:
Wm. Hicks, Jun. - no other info
Thos. Hicks - no other info
Knap of Leeds District:
Robert Hicks - no other info
Montgomery County (Contributed by Bob Hix)
NC 1790 Federal Census Index
Northampton County, Halifax District:
Thomas Hicks, 1 white male over 16, 1 male under 16 and 2 females Pitt County
HIX, DAVID Rutherford County
HIX, WILLIAM Fourteenth Company
Halifax District:
John Hicks, 1 white male over 16, 5 males under 16, 4 females, 1 slave
Susanah Hicks, 1 white male under 16 and 1 female included as head of household Wayne County
1800 Census Information
HIX, FIREBY Randolph Co.
HIX, JOSEPH Randolph Co.
HIX, JOSIAH Randolph Co.
HIX, RUEBEN Randolph Co.
HIX, WILLIAM Randolph Co.
HIX, JOHN Stokes Co.
1810 Census Information
HIX, CHARLES Anson County
HIX, JOHN Anson County
HIX, S. Ashe County
HIX, GEORGE Burke County
HIX, JACOB JR. Burke County
HIX, JESSE Burke County
HIX, A. Columbus County
HIX, HENRY Iredell County
HIX, WEST Jones County
HIX, JOSHUA Montgomery County
HIX, DANIEL Person County
HIX, ELIZA Rowan County
HIX, LEWIS Rowan County
HIX, JOHN Rutherford County
HIX, JOHN Surry County
HIX, ROBERT Warren County
HIX, WILLIAM Warren County
1815-1818 Tax List Information
HIX, DAVID Ashe County
1815 HIX, SAMUEL Ashe County
1818 HIX, JOHN JR. Warren County
JOHN Mc Crarys District
HIX, JOHN SR. Warren County Mc Crarys District
HIX, MARK Warren County Traviss District
HIX, WILLIAM Warren County Griers District
HIX, ZEPHANIAH Warren County Mc Crarys District
1820 Census Information
HIX, CHARLEs Edgecombe County
HIX, DANIEL Rutherford County
HIX, JOHN Rutherford County
HIX, JOHN SR. Rutherford County
HIX, QUEEN Rutherford County
HIX, THOMAS Rutherford County
1830 Census Information
HIX, DAVID Ashe County
HIX, DEBORAUGH Caswell County
HIX, EDGEUFILL Montgomery County West Side Piper River
HIX, ISHAM Montgomery County East Of Yadkin River
HIX, JAMES Lincoln County
HIX, JOHN Rutherford County
HIX, MILES Lincoln County
HIX, QUEEN Rutherford County
HIX, REBECCA Wayne County Capt. Barnes District
HIX, SARAH Wayne County Capt. Hamilton District
HIX, WILLIAM Ashe County
HIX, WILLIAMLincoln County
1840 Census Information
HIX, ELI Ashe County
HIX, ISHAM Montgomery County E Pee Dee River
HIX, JESSE Randolph County
HIX, JOSHUA Montgomery County W Pee Dee River
HIX, MARY Ashe County
HIX, SAMUEL Ashe County
HIX, SARAH Haywood County No Township Listed
HIX, WILLIAM Ashe County No Township Listed
HIX, CATHARINE Guilford County
NC 1850 Federal Census Index
HIX, CHARLES Wilkes County
HIX, CORNELIUS Randolph County
HIX, ELIZABETH Guilford County
HIX, ELIZABETH Watauga County
HIX, HENCHER Randolph County Ashborough So. Divis
HIX, HENRY Wilkes County
HIX, JOHN Wilkes County
HIX, LAVINA Randolph County Ashborough So. Divis
HIX, LITTLETON Caswell County Yanceyville
HIX, MARY Henderson County
HIX, MARY J. Ashe County
HIX, MATHEW Cleveland County
HIX, NANCY Wilkes County
HIX, REBECCA Randolph County Ashborough So. Divis
HIX, RHODA Montgomery County
HIX, RICHARD L. Davidson County
HIX, SALLY Guilford County
HIX, WILLIAM Guilford County
1860 Census Information
HIX, ABRAM Forsyth County
HIX, ALEY Wake County
HIX, ALLEN H. Wilkes County
HIX, ASA J. Iredell County Statesville P.O.
HIX, BRAIN Wake County Auburn P.O.
HIX, BRAZEL Chatham County
HIX, BUDD Wake County
HIX, BURTON Wake County
HIX, CHARLES Wilkes County
HIX, DANIEL JR. Forsyth County
HIX, DAVID Person County Bushy Fork P.O.
HIX, ELI Chatham County Goldstons P.O.
HIX, ELIZABETH Chatham County; Marleys Mills P.O.
HIX, HARDY; Wake County
HIX, JAMES Person County; Hurdly Mills P.O.
HIX, JAMES R. Randolph County; Reed Creek P.O.
HIX, JESSE Wake County Rolesville P.O.
HIX, JOHN Chatham County Mud Lick P.O.
HIX, JOSEPH Chatham County Brush Creek P.O.
HIX, JOSEPH Wake County Wakefield P.O
HIX, JUDA Wilkes County Wilkesboro
HIX, LARKIN Chatham County Goldstons P.O.
HIX, MARGARET Wilkes County Elkville
HIX, MARY Wilkes County; Hunting Creek
HIX, MASON Wake County; Rolesville P.O.
HIX, MATHEW Wake County Wakefield P.O.
HIX, PEYTON Wake County Raleigh P.O.
HIX, RICHARD L. Wilkes County
HIX, RICHMOND; Chatham County
HIX, SPENCER; Chatham County
HIX, THOMAS Forsyth County
HIX, THOMAS Wilkes County
HIX, W. W. Davidson County Jackson Hill
HIX, WILLIAM Wake County
HIX, WILLIAM G. Wilkes County
1870 Census Information
HIX, ALLEN Wilkes County
HIX, BETTIE J. Greene County Hookerton Township
HIX, CHARLES Wilkes County Elk Township
HIX, CLEMANT Davidson County Conrad Hill Township
HIX, CONRAD Caldwell County Lenior Township
HIX, CORNELIUS Randolph County New Hope Township
HIX, DANIEL- Forsyth County- Lewisville Township
HIX, DAVID- Northampton County Kerby Township
HIX, EMILY Randolph County- New Hope Township
HIX, FLETCHER Randolph County New Hope Township
HIX, FREDRICK- Forsyth County- Lewisville Township
HIX, HENRY Davidson County Lexington Township
HIX, HENRY Iredell County Turnersburg Township
HIX, JOHN Forsyth County Lewisville Township
HIX, JOHN Forsyth County Vienna Township
HIX, JOHN Wilkes County Mulberry Township
HIX, JORDAN Davidson County Boone Township
HIX, JUDITH Wilkes County Wilkesboro Township
HIX, KIZZIAH Randolph County New Salem Township
HIX, LUCINDA Caldwell County Little River Townshi
HIX, LUNDA Montgomery County Cheeks Creek Township
HIX, LUNDY- Montgomery County; Cheeks Creek Township
HIX, MARTHA- Forsyth County Lewisville Township
HIX, MARY Randolph County Columbia Township
HIX, MATILDA Caldwell County Buffalo Township
HIX, PERMILIA Randolph County New Salem Township
HIX, R. L. Wilkes County Wilkesboro Township
HIX, RICHARD Iredell County Turnersburg Township
HIX, THOMAS Forsyth County Lewisville Township
HIX, THOMAS F. Rowan County Unity Township
HIX, WESLEY Randolph County Browers Township
HIX, WILLIAM G. Wilkes CountyWilkesboro Township
Mary P. Hicks m. Joseph Tenwell (or Temmell), August 15, 1794 (#29)
Nancy Hicks m. William Epperson, June 21, 1785 (#29)
Nancy Hicks m. Adam Drumhiller 24 April 1813 (#25)
Rachel Hicks m. Stephen Shiflett, Jan. 16, 1795 (#29) (See Orange County)
Elizabeth Hicks m. Francis Feagans 3 Oct 1826 (#25)
Joseph Hicks m. Lucretia Childress, Nov. 3, 1792 (#29)
Sarah Hix m. James Taylor Dec. 31, 1793 (#29)
Elizabeth Hicks m. Nicholas Spring on Aug. 25, 1796 by Revd. John McCue (source 1)
Lucy Hicks m. David Henderson on Mar. 30, 1809 by Rev. John McCue (source 1)
Cena Hix m. John Robertson Jan 12, 1792 by Joseph Mitchell (source 4)
Farthing Hicks m. Peggy Weeks 25 Jul 1803 (#25)
Jacob Hicks m. Barbara Harshbarger, widow of Henry, March 14, 1816 (# 31) (Barbara Kilmere, daug of George Kilmere m. Henry Harshbarger on Nov. 9, 1813)
John Hicks m. Peggy Simpson, Jan. 17, 1800 (# 31)
Captain Isaac Hicks m. Ann Booth, April 22, 1782 (#29)
Elizabeth Hicks m. Captain W. Hardaway, Jr. October 25, 1784 (#29)
Frances A. Hicks m. Edward Davis 11 Nov 1837 (#25)
Frances Hicks m. Durham Hall, Nov. 23, 1778 (#29)
Francis B. Hicks m. Mary M. Davis 23 Feb 1824 (#25)
James Hicks m. Judith Collier, Nov. 26, 1787 (#29)
Jean Hicks m. Lewis Peebles, Jan. 25, 1779 (#29)
Jesse Hicks m. Mary Callis Hudgins, February 4, 1790 (#29)
John Hicks m. Anne Harrison, Nov. 25, 1771 (#29)
John Hicks m. Rachel Williams, Jan. 24, 1780 (#29)
Jordan Hicks m. Lucy Pettit, April 22, 1799 (#29)
Judith Hicks m. Edmund Collier, Jan. 7, 1796 (#29)
Mary Hix m. William Atkinson, August 26, 1782 (#29)
Nancy V. Hicks m. William Walker, Nov. 21, 1797 (#29)
Rebecca H. Hicks m. Edward Thrower 8 Nov 1847 (#25)
Sarah Hicks, m. Robert Hardaway, Nov. 24, 1783 (#29)
Tabitha Hicks m. Samuel Bracey, April 1, 1785 (#29)
Tabitha Hicks m. Benjamin Goodrich, may 25, 1789 (#29)
Thomas Hicks m. Jean Hampton, Dec. 24, 1794 (#29)
Campbell County:
Arthur Hicks m. Thomas Hazelwood, May 23, 1792 (#29)
Rebecca Hicks m. Jonathan Race, Jan. 16, 1789 (#29)
Richard W. Hicks m. Mildred Hawkins, Jan. 25, 1790 (#29)
Sarah Hicks m. Nathaniel Huggard, Sept. 5, 1796 (#29)
Seany Hicks m. John Robinson, Jan. 21, 1792 (#29)
Caroline County:
Albert Hicks m. Margaret Webster 10 Aug 1848 (#25)
Nancy Hicks, m. George ?, March 3, 1800 (#29)
Chesterfield County:
Elizabeth Hicks, m. William Ross, 4, 1785 (#29)
John Hicks m. Fanny Turner, Jan. 18, 1797 (#29)
Moley Hicks m. Elias Brooks, March 11, 1780 (#29)
Cumberland County:
Catherine Hicks m. Sylvanus Stokes, Sept. 21, 1755 (#29)
Fauquier County:
Naomi Hicks, m. John Edmonds, Jr. June 5, 1793 (#29)
Fluvanna County: Mary Hicks m. John Stodgell, Nov. 7, 1785 (#29)
Franklin County:
William Hix m. Rebecca Boles, dau. of Jesse Boles on Nov. 18, 1797 (source 4)
Frederick County:
Abigail Hicks m. Augustus White, 25 August 1791 (#29)
Eli Hicks m. Charity Anderson 14 March 1817 (#25)
Lucy Hicks m. Jacob Miller, Sept. 15, 1798 (#29)
Lucy Hicks m. Jacob Miller, Sept. 14, 1798 (#29)
Phoebe Hicks m. Abraham Haskett 30 Apr 1818 (#25)
Samuel Hicks m. Agnes Latty, July 29, 1793 (#29)
Agnes Hicks m. Jacob Woodhall on 5 Oct 1763 (# 9)
Capt. Hicks in this parish & Sylvanus Stokes in Cumberland m. on Sep. 21, 1755 (# 9)
Cary Hicks m. Beverly Clark on Nov. 17, 1766 (# 9)
Cisley Hicks m. Mitchell Whitlock, April 12, 1791 (#29)
David Hicks m. Sarah Lee on 5 Oct 1772 (# 9)
Diana Hicks m. Nathan Whitlock on Sep. 7, 1756 (# 9)
Eliz: Hicks m. Jo: Gerrant in 175_ (# 9)
Henry Hicks m. Betty Willis on 24 Oct 1756 (# 9)
James Hicks m. Ann Bellamy, May 17, 1773 (# 9)
Jean Hicks m. Jo: Gerrand in 1751
Jesse Hicks m. Mary Grubs on 4 Mar 1770 (# 9)
John Hicks m. Caty Herndon, Dec. 21, 1795 (#29)
Mary Hicks m. Charles Nichols on Jan. 5, 1775
Meshack Hicks m. Ann Dawson on May 5, 1765 (# 9)
Meshack Hicks m. Elizabeth Moreland, June 16, 1787 (#29)
Moses Hicks m. Elizabeth Johnson, July 4, 1786 (?) (#29)
Nancy Hicks m. Bucker Carrell, Dec. 26, 1791 (#29)
Nancy Hicks m. William Singleton, Dec. 15, 1800 (#29)
Sam. Hicks m. Eliz: Woodlook in 1751
Sarah Hicks m. Thomas Shoemaker on 30 Jan 1756 (# 9)
Stephen Hicks m. Agnes Hancock in 1758
Unity Hix m. Will Thompson of Louisa - 4 miles - on Ap. 18, 1786 (# 9)
William Hicks m. Elizabeth Harris, May 11, 1778 (#29)
Winifred Hix m. James Bates on 22 Nov 1747 (# 9)
Greensville County:
Larany Hicks m. Charles Haithcock, Dec. 13, 1794 (#29)
Mrs. Mary Hicks m. Braxton Robinson, Sept. 26, 1799 (#29)
Halifax County
David Hicks m. Nancy Childress, May 23rd, 1798 (#29)
Moses Hicks m. Susanna Childress, Nov. 20, 1798 (#29)
Thomas Hicks m. Elizabeth Taylor, Sept. 22, 1787 (#29)
William Hicks m. Alcey Dews, Oct. 7, 1800 (#29)
Henrico County
Jesse Hix m. Polly Buckner, March 20, 1799 (#29)
John Hix m. Sarah Grubs, Nov. 25, 1785 (#29)
Robert Hix m. Kathrine Ragsdaile May 18, 1701 (#29)
Henry County
Elizabeth Hicks m. Washington Lanier, "date not given" (#29)
Isle of Wight County:
Thomas Hicks m. Mary Gwaltney, June 8, 1786 (#29)
Jackson County:
Mary E. Hicks m. A.S. Tidd on 4 Sept 1850 (#25)
Lee County:
John A. Hicks m. Sarah Martin on 16 Apr 1899 (#30)
Mary Hicks m. William G. Glass on 6 Feb 1859 (#30)
Louisa County:
George Hicks m. Lucy McGehee, February 11, 1799 (#29)
Solomon Hicks m. Judy Reynolds, Jan. 14, 1799 (#29)
Unity Hicks m. William Thomasson, April 17, 1786 (#29)
Agnes Hix m. Stephen Smith, Nov. 19, 1795 Lunenburg (#29)
Ann Hix m. Samuel Bugg, June 1, 1757 Lunenburg (#29)
Ben Hix of Chesterfield S.C. m. Lucy Brooking on 15 Jun 1786 - William Lucas, sec. (src # 11) Mecklenburg. Benjamin from Chesterfield County, SC (src. #13)
Charles P. Hicks m. Margarett Joyce on 4 Dec 1840; bond: R.B. Baptist (#13)
Daniel Hicks m. Fanny Delony. Bond dated Sept. 18, 1788, Cumberland Parish (#3) dau. of Henry Delony (src. #13)
Daniel Hicks m. Frances Delony, Sept. 18, 1788 Mecklenburg (#29)
Daniel Hix m. Susannah Jeffries on 12 Apr 1784 (src # 12) bond: John Jeffries (#13)
David Hicks m. Nancey Thompson 23 Jan 1795 - George Thompson, sec.- Mecklenburg (#11)
Duamar (Duannar) Hicks m. George Bailey 21 Oct 1799, Bartholomew Medley, sec.Mecklenburg (#11)
Elizabeth Hix m. James Hester on 4 Sep 1767 (src # 12) Mecklenburg
Elizabeth Hix m. John Hawkins, Nov. 1, 1790 Lunenburg (#29)
Hastin Hicks m. Martha Crenshaw, 1 Jun 1813. bond: Wylie Crowder (#13)
Isaac Hicks m. Frances Lucas 10 Mar 1807 - John R. Lucas, sec. (src # 11)
Isaac Hicks m. Lucy T. Mason 28 Oct. 1815. Bond: Christopher Haskins, Jr. (#13)
Jacob Hicks m. Jincey Gordan 31 Oct. 1794 - Arthur T. Winfield, sec. Mecklenburg (#11)
John Hicks m. Gracey Coleman 22 Jun 1789 - Petters (Pettus) Phillips, sec. Mecklenburg (#11) Grace daughter of Cluverius Coleman (src. #13)
Jesse Hix m. Sarah Bugg on 26 Nov 1774 - Sam'l Bugg, sec. Mecklenburg (src # 11) Dau. of Samuel Bugg Sr. and Martha Bugg. (src #13)
Joseph M. Hicks m. Mary E. Yancey on 22 Feb 1851; con: James Yancey (#13)
Lucy Hix m. William Bugg on 7 Nov 1773 - Amos Hix, sec. (src # 11)
Mary Polly Hicks m. Josiah Stovall in 1768
Nathaniel Hix of Georgia m. Frances Burton 9 Oct 1783 - Sherwood Bugg, sec. (src # 11) dau of Samuel Bugg, Sr. and Martha Bugg (src. #13)
Sally Hicks m. Alro Taylor, February 23, 1797 Lunenburg (#29)
Sherwood Hix m. Ann Gordon on 18 Jan 1782 Mecklenburg - Walter Leigh, sec. (src # 11)
Thomas Hix m. Elizabeth Belville (Bevill?) on 13 Dec 1796 Mecklenburg - Francis Neal, Sec (src # 11)
William A. Hicks and Mary E. Coleman on 11 Sep 1834. Bond: William G. Coleman. con: William G. Coleman, guardian of Mary, daughter of Thomas Coleman, dec'd.
Orange County:
Rachel Hicks m. Stephen Shiflett, Jan. 18, 1795 (#29)
Patrick County:
Martha Hicks m. Ephraim Puckett 8 Feb 1811 (#25)
Pendleton County:
Jane Hicks m. Aaison Bumgardner on 22 Mar 1832 (#25)
Pittsylvania County:
Claiborne Hicks m. Elizabeth Keesfe, Nov. 19, 1787 (#29)
Powhatan County:
Edward Hicks m. Sally Blanks, June 30, 1787 (#29)
Elizabeth Hicks m. William Jessee, Jan. 4, 1785 (#29)
James Hicks m. Frances Stratton, Oct. 20, 1788 (#29)
Jesse Hicks m. Mary Merriman, Sept. 9, 1786 (#29)
John Hicks m. Frances Tucker, Nov. 22nd, 1792 (#29)
Sally Hicks m. WilliamTucker, Sept. 20, 1797 (#29)
Prince Edward County:
Archibald Hicks, m. Nancy Woodson, February 16, 1797 (#29)
Richmond County:
Mary Hix m. Richard Lewis, March 3, 1738 (#29)
Rockbridge County:
Margaret Hicks m. Robert Lawson, Jr. January 30, 1800 (#29)
Rockingham County:
Joseph Hicks m. Ann Kyle on 23 Oct 1798. Bond by John Kyle. Dau. of Henry (dec). Minister: John Walsh
Joseph Hicks m. Cecilia Harrison on 8 Sep 1807. Minister: Wm. Bryan (source 5) Cecilia's parents were John Harrison and Betsy. Siblings were Thomas [aka Thomas Jr.], Jane, Phoebe, Mary, Amelia and an unnamed daughter who married Michael Dashner.
Southampton County:
Charles Hicks m. Mary Stevenson, August 15, 1786 (#29)
Charlotte Hicks m. Shadrack Demory, February 8, 1794 (#29)
Lucy Hicks m. Evans Wrenn, April 6, 1783 (#29)
Sarah Hicks m. Adam Walfram 16 Sep 1783 (#25)
Sarah Hicks m. Adam Wolfram 11 Sep 1783 (#25)
Edwin Hicks m. Elizabeth Bullock 21 Jan 1845 (#25)
Susanna Hicks m. Francis Riggan 2 Jan 1826 (#25)
Tempy Hicks m. Alexander Booth, June 24, 1800 (#29)
Cherry Hix m. Jesse Belts (?) Dec. 31, 1788 (#29)
Mary Hicks m. Enoch Morris, Jan. 4, 1790 (#29)
Rhoda Hicks m. James Briggs, August 17, 1791 (#29)
Sarah Hicks m. Thomas Johnson, Jan. 18, 1788 (#29)
Thomas Hicks m. Rebecca White, Nov. 25, 1783 (#29)
William Hix m. Susanna Morris Nov. 19, 1787 (#29)
Goochland County, VA: (All of these are from Source #9)
Absalom Hicks & Mary Haris (sic) - a daughter named Jeanie b. Ap. 20, 1760. Bapt. 1760 Jun 1
Absalom Hicks & Mary Harris - a daughter named Diana b. Dec. 5, 1761. Baptized 1762 Mar. 7
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Nansy born Oct. 5, 1772. Bapt. Ap. 11, 1773
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Elizabeth born Feb. 18, 1775. Bapt. May 7, 1775
David Hicks & Sarah Lee - a daughter named Abba-Lee Reeves born Mar. 26. 1777 Bapt. May 11, 1777
Henry Hicks & Betty Willis - a son named Henry b. Oct. 24, 1756 Bapt. Feb. 27, 1757
Henry Hicks & Betty Willis - a son named Harmon b. Mar. 5, 1760 Bapt. May 4, 1760
Harry Hicks & Eliz: Willis - a daughter named Eliz: born Jan 21, 1762 Bapt. Aug. 15, 1762
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs, a daughter named Nansie b. Mar. 4, 1770. Bapt. Mar. 22, 1770
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs, a daughter named Sally b. Mar. 13, 1772. Bapt. Apr. 26, 1772
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grub (sic), a daughter called Susan b. May 20, 1774. Bapt. Jul 3, 1774
Jesse Hicks & Mary Grubs a son named John: Casie, b. May 11, 1776. Bapt. Jul. 21 1776
Meshack Hicks & Ann Dawson, a daughter named Betsey b. Dec. 25, 1766. Bapt. Apr. 19, 1767
Meschack Hicks & Ann Dawson, a duaghter named Nancy on Oct. 27, 1769. Bapt. Mar. 25, 1770
Sam: Hix & Eliz: Woodlock, a son named Frederick, b. Mar 12, 1756, Bapt. Jun. 7, 1756
Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancock, a son named Nathaniel, b. May 5, 1759. Bapt. Jul. 1, 1759
Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancock, a daughter named Winifred, b. Sep. 1, 1760. Bapt. Oct. 5, 1760
Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancoke (sic), a daughter named Edith, b. Jan. 24, 1762. Bapt. Apr. 9, 1762
Stephen Hicks & Agnes Hancoke (sic), a daughter named Mary, b. May 9, 1763. Bapt. Jun. 26, 1763
Surrey County, VA: (c=christening date, b=birth date)
Children of Wm Hicks & Mary _____ of Surrey, Albemarle Parish, VA
Naamah Hicks c. 15 Dec 1745
Sarah Hicks b. 29 Oct 1751
Elizabeth c. 12 Apr 1741
James Hicks b. 3 Sep 1735
Jemima Hicks b. 31 Jan 1747
Mary Hicks b. 19 Dec 1738
Micajah Hicks c. 16 Dec 1753
Tubal Hicks c. 01 Jan 1744
William c. 11 Sep 1748
William c. 17 Aug 1760
Source Notes:
#1: "First Marriage Records of Augusta County, VA 1785-1813", by Col. Thomas Hughart, ©1962
#2: "Scotch-Irish in VA" by Chalkley
#3: "Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg County, VA 1746-1816 Births", by Landon Bell, ©1930
#4: "Over the Mountain Men - Their Early Court Records in SW VA", compiled by Anne Lowry Worrell, ©1983
#5: "Rockingham County Marriages 1778-1850" compiled by John Vogt and T. William Kethley, Jr. ©1984
#6: "Rockingham County, VA Minute Book, Part #1", compiled by Constance A. Levinson ©1990
#7: "Rockingham County, VA Minute Book, Part #2", compiled by Constance A. Levinson ©1990
#8: "Rockingham County, VA Court Records, 1778-1786", compiled by Constance A. Levinson ©1985
#9: "The Douglas Register", compiled by Wm. Douglas, ©1928
#10: "Early Settlers of Mecklenburg County, VA, vols.1 & 2" by Katherine B. Elliott, ©1965
#11: NSDAR Marriage Records of Mecklenburg County, Microfilm roll #1784
#12: "Mecklenburg County, VA 1736-1890" compiled by Nicholas Murray, no pub. date
#13: "Mecklenburg County Marriages, 1765-1853" compiled by John Vogt & T. Wm. Kethley
#15: "Mecklenburg County, VA Tax Lists for 1782 & 1784" compiled by Don Simmons, pub. 1987
#17: "Virginia Land Records", Indexed by Gary Parks, ©1982
#23: "Greenbrier Co. Vital Records 1860-1890" - microfilmed by the DAR
#25: Internet look-ups from the VA Marriage Index, 1740-1850 forwarded by C. Schneider
#26: "A Thousand Names from the Annal of Giles and Mercer Counties"
#27: "Early Virginia Immigrants, 1623-1666", by George Cabell Greer, ©1960
#28: Virginia State Library Website - Land Office Patents and Grants Database
#29: "Virginia Marriage Records", microfiche, author unknown
#30: "Ancestry.com" "West Virginia Marriages, 1863-1900"
#31: "Early Marriages, Wills and some Revolutionary War Records, Botetourt County, VA", by Anne Lowry Worrell, ©1958
#32: "West Virginia Church Membership File" by Mosteller
[on-line chart] Descendants of John Hicks
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN2 HICKS was born Abt. 1670 in Virginia, and died 1729 in Surry/Sussex Virginia. He married REBECKAH RIEVES Abt. 1710 in Surry/Sussex Virginia. She was born Abt. 1690.
Notes for JOHN HICKS:
Will of John Hicks, dated the 30th day of September, 1728, and proved August 20, 1729.
To son, Robert Hicks, tract I live on and it is desire that son shall go and live with my son-in-law, Edward Tatum, until he is 18 years of age. To two son, John and Daniel Hicks, tract on Stephens Branch in Brunswick County. Desires that son, John Hicks should live with son-in-law, John Rose, until he arrives at the age of 18 years. To son, Joshua, Hicks a copper kettle, the rest of the estate to wife Rebeckah Hicks. Wife, Rebeckah Hicks, named as Executrix, with her brother, George Rieves. Witnesses were Ursilla Rieves, Elizabeth Rieves and Christopher Tatum. [Wills and Deeds Book 1715-1730, page 963, Surry County, Virginia.]
Wills and Administrations of Surry County, Virginia, 1671-1750; 1980: under Hawthorne, John- "John Hicks to sell the slaves and to wife and all my children. Wants land at Maratick River and now called North Carolina to be sold. Wife and John Hicks, Exers. 5 Apr., 1720. Prob.: 19 Oct., 1720. Wit: Robt. Jeffry's, Geo. Rives,"
2. i. ROBERT3 HICKS, b. Abt. 1715, Surry/Sussex Virginia.
ii. JOHN HICKS, b. Abt. 1717, Surry/Sussex Virginia.
iii. DANIEL HICKS, b. Abt. 1719, Surry/Sussex Virginia.
Generation No. 2 ROBERT3 HICKS (JOHN2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1715 in Surry/Sussex Virginia. He married MARY Abt. 1740. She was born Abt. 1720.
In the name of God Amen I Robert Hicks of the parish of St. Andrews and the County of Brunswick being in health and sound memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following: Imprimis My will and desire is first that all my just debts be duly paid and discharged. Item I give and bequeath to my son Nathan Hicks five pounds current money of Virginia to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Paul Tatum my coopers tools to him and his heirs forever. [ note that Robert had
been sent to live with John Tatum per John Hix Will. LS.]
Item I give and desire all the remainder and residue of my estate not before given in legacies to be sold by my executors hereafter named and money arising from such sale after paying my just debts to be equally divided between Paul Tatum, Mary Hicks, Tabitha Hicks, James Vaughan, James Bruce and Lewis Peebles, and lastly I constitute and appoint my son-in-law Paul Tatum my whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament. Brunswick County Court 28th January, 1782.
[ The fact that Nathan was willed money instead of land supports the idea that he was not in Virginia, but in Georgia.LS.]
Note that Robert of John was willed the land in Surry/Sussex county, his brothers the land in Brunswick county,
and Robert ended up in Brunswick county. LS.
Child of ROBERT HICKS and MARY is:
i. NATHAN4 HICKS, b. 1743, Surry/Sussex Virginia; [ m. NAYEHI WOLF; b. Abt. 1743, Cherokee Nation Georgia.]
Now in my opinion, all this line needs is for the
researchers at the Cherokee end to add the reason or
proof for Stating that Nathan's father was Robert of Sussex.
William Hix 1731 – 1812
Elizabeth Holloway 1726 –
Jane Ferrill
Jesse Hix
Birth 1764
Death August 1829 in Kentucky, USA
Susannah Peawde and Joseph Hix
The surname Peaud/Peawde was of French immigrants. Joseph Hicks married Sussanah Peawde, and son Peawde Hicks, wife
Temperance Dumas, lived in Louisa county Va, children David, William, Unity.
Stephen Hicks & Elizabeth Cox who said that stephen hicks/ elizabeth cox was the son of samuel hicks/ frances wyatt.
My Peter Mallett lived next door to your Patsy Hicks in 1820 Wilkes County, NC. Peter Mallett moved to Hawkins County, NC and was found there in the 1830 census and in 1829 in a deed. My suspicion has been that he was related or associated with Patsy Hicks. Peter's oldest child was born just before 1820. I wonder if Peter and Patsy were the two free colored individuals living with James Hicks in 1810 Wilkes County, NC?
The story I heard was Henery Hicks was killed in the rescue of his wife and son. The his son died of typhoid fever a couple of years later. So that ends that link for me.
I do know he died in Rowan and David his brother came to settle his estate in 1761. David appears in 1778 in Surry County purchasing land. He finally leaves Surry and goes to the area which became CAtawba county
1760 Yadkin Valley NC
No episode from Fenimore Cooper's Leatherstockings Tales surpasses in melaneho1y interest Harry Hicks's heroic defense of his little fort on Bean Island Creek. Surrounded by the Indians, Hicks and his family took refuge within the small outer palisade around his humble home. Fighting desperately against terrific odds, he was finally driven from his yard into log cabin, which he continued with dauntless courage. With every shot he tried to send a redskin to the happy hunting-grounds; and it was only after his powder was exhausted that he fell, fighting to the last, beneath the deadly tomahawk. So impressed were the Indians by his bravery that they spared the life of his wife and his little son; and these were afterward rescue by Waddell when he marched to the Cherokee towns in 1761.
Posted by Wilma Moore:
I am searching for a possible connection between the Hix family of Hanover Co., VA, to Thomas Lovelatty/Lovelady of Hanover Co., VA and later Rowan Co., NC. On 22 Oct 1760, in Rowan Co., NC, Thomas Lovelatty/Lovelady and David Hix were given letters of administration concerning the estate of Henry Hix, deceased. The inventory was returned 22 April 1761. Research indicates that a Henry Hix had land in St. Pauls Parish, Hanover County, Virginia in 1734.
I am currently working on a Samuel Hicks (1683-1774) who was born in Tuckahoo Creek, Goochland Co, VA. His wife was Diana Willis, dau of Capt Francis Willis and Sarah Jane Lewis in Plymouth MA
He is an ancestor of William Morrell Hicks (1776-1849) who migrated from NC to Perry co, IN about 1811-17
There were several SAMUEL Hicks, differnt time frames , etc.
Peter Hicks who was born in 1769 and lived in Spotsylvania Va?
United States Census, 1880 for Robert Hicks
Name: Robert Hicks
Residence: Byrd, Goochland, Virginia
Birthdate: 1811
Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Relationship to Head: Self
Spouse's Name: Elisa J. Hicks
Spouse's Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Father's Name:
Father's Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Mother's Name:
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia, United States
Race or Color (Expanded): White
Ethnicity (Standardized): American
Gender: Male
Martial Status: Married
Age (Expanded): 69 years
Occupation: Farmer
NARA Film Number: T9-1367
Page: 226
Page Character: D
Entry Number: 981
Film number: 1255367
Household Gender Age
Robert Hicks M 69
Spouse Elisa J. Hicks F 65
I am a desc of Wm Hicks Sr, (1776-1849)
I have the list of my lineage from him and down to the present. Are you interested?
I believe that a David Hicks, son of Samuel Jr (?)my be father and grandfather of my William.
State of Georgia, Raban County
This day personally come Henry Hicks before me Obadiah T. Dickerson acting
Justice of the peace for said county, and made oath in due form of law, that he the
deponent, enlisted in the state of Virginia at Cumberland Court House under
Captain George Nicholas, of the second Regiment Virginia. Then were received
after the resignation of Captain George Nicholas, by Captain Sanford, who
discharged him from his command, by his time expiring which he enlisted for
which was five years.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th of December 1830.
Signed: Henry Hicks, Obadiah Dickerson, JP.
I do hereby certify that Henry Hicks whose name is assigned to the above
affidavit stands fore as a man of truth and honesty....
This 26th day of April 1831, John....J P.
Macon County S.C. Tennessee River, 25 January 1832. (now in N.C.)
Sir, Having some neighbors who were soldiers of your state in the war of the
revolution, and they say are entitled to bounty land from Virginia. I here with
send you their proof of servise to examine, and if they are entitled to a bounty,
Sir you will draw it from the register or from whom it comes and send them by mail
to Tennessee River S. Carolina. Feeling it is the duty of every Republican to do
anything in their power for our old Patriotts and Soldiers. Sir the cause of my
addressing you and troubling you with this is I did not know of any agent that acts
for such carracters, Sir any fees or expense inform me and I will remit it by mail
immediately. signed: Bennett Smith.
His Excellency, Governor of Virginia, Richmond.
Land claim, received February 8th 1832.
Land claim, registered 7 April 1832.
Advise to be rejected 14 June 1832, June 1832 rejected.
The census of Virginia Colony (Jamestown) lists
Baptist Hicks in 1607, and William Hicks 1611.
The Thomas Hicks that I asked about,his father was James and his father was Baptist.
Most researchers say that Baptist was related to Sir Robert, but I haven't seen any thing on William and his
descendants or ancesters.
Samuel migrated to Granville, NC from Goochland CO, before 1764. David was one of his sons amd I hope he is the father of Wm M Hicks Sr 1776-1849
Thomas Hicks was born about 1744 in Caroline Co., VA.
Lived on the South Fork of the Potomac River in VA. An
overseer of roads and Capt. in the Hardy County Militia
1786. Thomas Hicks may have lived in Hampshire Co.,VA
and was listed in the 1782 Census.
Robert Hicks (1650-1739) and he had several sons with two different wives including Nathaniel and John Hicks (1713-1772) John had three older brothers too that he did not trace their descendents." I interested to learn if you have a typo here, or if not ,if the author gave his reason for saying that Robert Hicks's son John lived 1713-1772. Although definitive proof has proved elusive, based upon a considerable amount of circumstantial evidence, the general consensus I've seen among most Hicks family researchers of this group of the surname in Virginia is that Capt. Robert Hicks's son John Hicks was John Hicks Sr. of Anson County, North Carolina who died in 1760, not in 1772; although John Hicks, Sr. of Anson did, interestingly enough, have a son named John Hicks who did die in 1772.
The date of birth you have for John is also much later than is usually given for John Hicks of Anson, though perhaps would be about right for his son John Hicks; although I don't recall ever having seen a date of birth for the son.
I've also never recall seeing Robert's son John as being listed as the 4th son of the second marriage. He is usually listed as either the eldest son, or the 2nd eldest son behind George Hicks Sr. who was John Hicks, Sr. of Anson's neighbor across the border in South Carolina and with whom he, John of Anson, along with his family, had considerable dealings and associations.
Considering that John Hicks of Anson was held with considerable esteem in North Carolina also would seem to make it unlikely that if John of Anson was the 4th son of Robert as you have written as it would be unusual for a younger son to have been named by the Governor of North Carolina as one of the first group of Justices to preside over the county. I'm not sure of the earliest date for him in North Carolina, but if memory serves me, it was in the 1730's when the area of Anson was still a part of Bladen County, NC. Also, his appearance in North Carolina appears to coincide with the disappearance of Robert's son John from the records in Virginia.
I'd appreciate any comments you might have and if the author of the book you mentioned gives any further evidence as to why he states that Robert's son John died in 1772.
I have book that was written by somebody who chronicled a few families involvment in the civil war (Hicks was one of the three families) and he had a family tree in there for Robert Hicks (1650-1739) and he had several sons with two different wives including Nathaniel and John Hicks (1713-1772) John had three older brothers too that he did not trace their descendents. I think there were a good many Hicks from James River valley that we may never know their lineage.
My ggg Elijah Hicks was born in Richmond County, GA (Augusta) in 1799. The other Hicks in the area in this timeline were the Hicks descendants of John Hix of Goochland County, Virginia. And these Hicks' were also born in Richmond/Columbia Counties. How many Hicks families were in Augusta during this time frame? Not many from what I have discoverd. I have been in contact with many of John's descendants but no one wants to claim my Elijah! I have also been told it is impossible that my Hicks tie into the Robert Hicks of Brunswick County. I know it is my work to discover my gggg but I cannot find him listed in taxes, grants, wills or anywhere else. His name seems to end with the 1827 Georgia Land Lottery
I'm interested in learning the maiden name of Sarah, wife of William Hicks of Anson County, son of John Hicks, Sr., Esq. (d. 1760) and wife Obedience of Anson County, NC (Formerly of Brunswick County, Virginia.).
Sarah previously was the widow of Isam Young, son of Francis Young and wife Obedience of South Carolina as shown in various land records, one of which recorded that in 1745 Francis Young was granted a tract of land on the Peedee River in Craven County, SC and that Francis died intestate and the land passed to his son Isam (Isham) Young. Isam Young also died intestate and land then passed to his infant son, but the infant son also died shortly afterwards. The land then passed to Francis Young's four daughters (Mary, wife of James Gillespie; Rebecca, wife of Edward Holmes; Ester, wife of Edward Young; and Obedience, wife of John Flowers.). When Obedience and her husband sold their share of the land in 1765 it was stated to be free of claims EXCEPT for the right of dower held by Isam's wife Sarah who had married William Hicks.
One source, unsubstantiated with written documentation, claimed Sarah was a "Sarah Roe" and another source, also unsubstantiated with written documentation, went further and claimed she was the daughter of a Robert Roe (d. 1756) and wife Dorothy; BUT my investigation showed that the aforementioned Robert Roe who died in 1756 had two daughters, Dolly (or Dorothy) and Elizabeth, but I found NO evidence of a daughter named Sarah.
William Hicks and his wife Sarah are believed to have had at least four children:
1: Sarah Hicks (b. 14 Nov. 1757-12 Sept. 1810) who married Samuel Curtis (8 Jan. 1751-24 Jan 1846)
2. Charles Hicks who some sources show marrying Susannah Curtis, daughter of Nathaniel Curtis who was killed in the Revolution in 1780).
3. Daniel Hicks (b. 1759) who married Sarah ______.
4. Benjamin Hicks
William's father John Hicks, Sr. (d. 1760) was appointed one of the first group of Justices of Anson County when the county was formed from Bladen County in 1749. Francis Young, father of Isam Young was a very prosperous land owner who had considerable property holdings in South Carolina and North Carolina.
It is family tradition that Sarah (Hicks) Curtis, daughter of William and Sarah (____)Young Hicks was a cousin of her husband Samuel Curtis's 2nd wife (Whom Samuel married in Tennessee around 1812, about a year and half after Sarah's death.), a widow, Elizabeth W. (Kennon) Alston (1778 - Sept. 1852). Elizabeth's first husband had been John Alston whom she married 28 Jan 1797 in Orange County, North Carolina. There are also claims by some researchers, again unsubstantiated with documentation, that the "W" initial in Elizabeth's name is for "Watkins."
I've been trying to "crack this nut" for about 30 years and would appreciate very much learning if someone else has had better success. THANKS --- JAY
I am of the understanding that the wife of William Hicks, son of John Hicks, Sr. and Obedience, was Sarah Elizabeth Rives. I was given the names of Sara, Charles, and Elizabeth as their children...there may have been other children as well.
Elizabeth Hicks was my ggg-grandmother, and she married John Geuin/Gewin. I have from the Anson County Register of Deeds, a copy of a land indenture dated 1750 between John Hicks to William Hicks. It pertains to a tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres, lying & being in Anson County in the Province of North Carolina, & on the North side of the Pee Dee River. I also have a copy of a land indenture dated March 22, 1797 between Joshua Prout to Charles Hicks and John Geuin (only it was spelled Gewing in the book) This land was in the state of North Carolina & County of Anson...on the So. Wt. side of the Pee Dee River. I have used these land transactions as evidence that William was the son of John Hicks Sr., and that Charles Hicks was a brother to my Elizabeth Hicks-Geuin/Gewin.
Stating that Nathan's father was Robert of Sussex. Please add your information.<<
No offense intended, but ...it ain't going to happen.
(a) There is no record that I have ever heard of yet that confirms it, and although you have no reason to believe me, I assure you, if there was such a record, I would either have been the person who found it or one of the first to have heard about it.
(b) The most that is known about Charles Renatus Hicks' father is what was reported by the Moravians: that he was a trader by the name of Nathan. [As far as I am concerned, he could have been a Hicks or a Hix. Anybody who wants to arm-wrestle over "the correct spelling" might want to take a look at the list of soldiers in Capt. Abraham Penn's company, which served together in Dunmore's War (1774) at http://cottrellgenealogy.com/LDW%20Penn%20command.htm, notice brothers Joseph Martin and Bryce Martin, and their fellow soldier Nathaniel Hix.]
(c) The attraction of the John/Robert/Nathan stuff that you have at this time is the fact that that information is (i)pretty well documented, (ii) it ends with a Nathan Hicks who is just the right age to have been Charles Renatus Hicks' father, (iii) and nobody knows for sure where that Nathan went [last sighted in Robert Hicks' 1785 will, found at [http://www.rootsweb.com/~vabrunsw/hicks/wills/hicks19.htm]
In any case, you and Larry Surface appear to both be knowledgeable about the families of John Hicks (d. 1729) of Surry County, VA and those of John's children including his son, "Capt. Robert Hicks the Younger" who died ca. 1737 in Brunswick County, VA.; and furthermore, judging on your reply to Larry's query, I would gather you have been researching this Hicks line for a considerable time; so I thought I'd cut into this thread and ask a question that's really outside of the general topic of the thread, but one which still involves the families in question. The possible Cherokee connection makes my question perhaps even a bit more interesting.
For many, many years I've suspected that John Hicks (d. 1729) and "Capt. Robert Hicks THE ELDER, Gent." (ca. 1658-ca. 1739) were brothers, son of a John Hicks whose name appears briefly in the early Virginia records, but who does not appear to have an extant will and testament in existence, if he did have such. "Solid Proof" of the relationship though has eluded me, although admittedly, I've not done "exhaustive" research on the two men, "Robert the elder" and John (d. 1729), respectively; although I've done considerable more on Robert than on his possible brother John. [The "elder" Robert's date of birth I derived from his age as given in William Byrd of Westover's (1674-1744), "History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina."]
My query to you is do you know of any proof to support the above supposition, or proof to the contrary?
Also, I find the possible Cherokee connection of Nathan Hicks, son of the "younger" Robert Hicks to be interesting in that the "Elder" Capt. Robert Hicks was both a famous "Indian Fighter" who for a time was commander of the "frontier" Fort Christiana, and as an "Indian Trader" of which he had considerable fame as well (Of which the same "many" were said to be quite jealous and which about there is supposedly considerable intrigue. Of this "intrigue I'm only slightly knowledgeable; although I know there are other researchers much more knowledgeable than myself on the subject. Some of "intrigue is said to even involved the governors of several of the colonies including North Carolina and South Carolina, and perhaps even Georgia (although I'm not certain about the latter) and their attempt to "break" the "Elder" Capt. Robert Hick's so-called monopoly on trading with the Indians. It's claimed that the "Elder" Robert's sons "John Hicks, Sr., Gent." (d. 1760) of Anson County, NC and "George Hicks, Sr., Gent." (1695-1762) of South Carolina, both moved to the border area of North Carolina and South Carolina to further their family's trading business with the Indians. How much of that claim of intrigue and all is true I have too little knowledge to offer an opinion, BUT if some of the above is true, it would make it seem plausible that Nathan Hicks, son of the Elder Robert's nephew(?) and namesake(?) Robert Hicks "the Younger" could have gone to Georgia to further cement the family's Indian Trading ties further down South and ended up marrying into the Cherokee nation, and in doing so, adding another block to the "intrigue."
My primary question though pertains to whether John Hicks (d. 1729) and Robert Hicks "The Elder" (d. 1739) were brothers.
--- Jay (My ancestor is John Hicks, Sr. (d. 1760) of Anson County, BELIEVED to be the eldest son John Hicks of Captain Robert Hicks the Elder. [There is some debate on whether there is sufficient proof of John Hicks of Anson's relationship to Robert "the elder." I myself feel satisfied that the evidence is strong enough to at least state that it is shown to be so by "A preponderance of evidence" especially in light of no evidence to the contrary. However, I can also understand why some might state there needs to be more solid proof, but then I'm ALWAYS desirous of more evidence <grin> as I've learned through the years little in genealogy is "Absolutely" proven!)
I usually don't post theories, but since you have broken
the ice, I also have the same theory, that Capt Robert and
John (d 1729) were brothers. Because of the reasons you
mentioned it is very logical.
And since we are theorizing, I think that John (married
to Sarah Preston) and John (married to Rebecca Rieves) were
one and the same John.
And stretching it even farther, I believe John and
Robert's father was the Robert shown on the early land
records in the same area.
1654 April 8 Robert Hicks Charles City Co., south side Appomattox River, north side 3rd. branch Blackwater (Creek), near Warrck Path (VPB#6,p.510) Virginia land records.
1694 April Robert Hicks Charles City Co., Parish of Bristol, south side Appomattox,adjoining John Evan's land
Virginia land records. (the father and son in parenthesis
are my guesses)
Sarah WAS a sister of Charles R. and William A. Hicks! Sarah Bathia FOREMAN, mentioned in another post to this thread, was the second wife of William Hicks and an entirely different person!
It is also correct that Sarah Hicks was married to Walter Scott (British Agent) and Robert Brown. Her death on 24 Sep 1816 in Chattanooga is noted in the Moravian Mission Diary of Spring Place (which I have). At the time of Sarah's death, her daughter- Margaret "Peggy" Scott (widow of James Vann) was a very active member of the Moravian Church at Spring Place, and the reason that her death was noted in their journal: "We received word that Peggy's mother died on 24 September at her home near Chattanooga".
In my family records (my 5th great-grandfather was Charles R. Hicks) I have Susan ("Susie") Brown- the daughter of Sarah and Robert Brown, shown as married to a David Wilcox- and children: Pauline, Jane and Thompson. Much of my other information on this branch of the family was extracted from the Guion Miller application of George Hammer Brown #557, (grandson of Susan, through daughter Rachel) which I have on microfilm #M1104-07.
Charles R. Hicks and William Hicks did not have a sister named Sarah. Sarah Hicks would have been the sister in law to Charles R. Hicks. Her maiden name is Foreman. She married William Hicks and had Eli, William Jr., Jay, Carrington, Abijah, Charles, Joseph, John, Ruth, Margaret, Eleanor, Anna, Sarah R., and Nancy. My records show they had a sister named Elizabeth Hicks b 1771 married to James Vann. She was married more than once, but no other spouses are listed.I have no other information on her.No other siblings.
I also do not have any information about Sarah ( Sallie) Foreman. It is possible that she had other marriages. Her father is NOT Nathan Hicks, Nathan is her father-in-law.
The daughter of Sarah and William, Sarah R.Hicks, born in GA May 1883, died Sept 25 1909. Married Spencer Seago Stephens abt 1858
I am a descendant of Jay. He is the father of Lydia Ann Hicks, who is the mother of Arthur Reagan, who is my great grandfather.
Hope this helps.
Elizabeth Brooks
WILLIAM Hicks. Well, I am looking for a William who could have fathered a William Morrell Hicks on 8/28/1776 in either VA or NC.
the NC gets in there because that is where Wm M. Jr, in 1805 was born. I cannot find any Info on Wm. M. Hicks sr, other than his father was also a William, but not necessarily with the middle name of Morrell.
Wm. Morrell Hicks Sr, born 1776 in N.C.
I am wodering if there is connection to Nathan Hicks , father of Chas. Renatus Hicks. I am almost positive that he is NOT a desc of Nathan , but has a lateral connection, e.g cousin , brother, nephew, etc.
Descendants of Daniel Hicks
1 Daniel Hicks b: abt. 1738 d: November 1837
+Frances Delonay m: 27 September 1788 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia
2 Edward Brodnax Hicks b: 11 July 1789 d: 27 November 1858
+Elizabeth Stone m: 03 October 1822
3 David Stone Hicks b: 11 May 1826 d: 1915
+Martha Eleanor Lewis m: 12 June 1862 in Brunswick County, Virginia
2 Martha Hicks b: 21 February 1791 d: 12 February 1861
2 Daniel Hicks b: 17 September 1792 d: 25 July 1841
2 William Hicks b: 22 January 1794
2 Rebecca Hicks b: 31 October 1795 d: 20 February 1854
2 Fanny E. Hicks b: 16 December 1797 d: 22 February 1854
2 Henry D. Hicks b: 06 January 1800
2 Thomas Hicks b: 09 November 1801 d: 26 September 1815
2 Robert Lewis Hicks b: 21 September 1803 d: 25 March 1805
2 Lewis Frances Hicks b: 01 October 1805
2 Robert S. Hicks b: 23 May 1807
I have made a special study of the Indian trader Capt. Robert Hicks and some of his descendants. This Daniel is a descendant of Capt. Robert's son Daniel(1693-1735) by his son Thomas who married Elizabeth Williams. The lineage is much too complicated to include here, but I would be glad to share this information. My email address is <janepeyrouse@charter.net.> When Daniel (d. 1735) his wife Edith (probably Fonville) took her children to Duplin County, NC, where she remarried. Thomas married Elizabeth in Carteret County, NC, in 1754. My ancestor George, a son of Capt. Robert by his second wife Frances left Brunswick County, VA, about 1740 and went to Craven County, SC. You may have noticed that the Daniel who died in 1857 fought in South Carolina during the Revolution under friends and associates of Col. George Hicks, son of the above George. To go into this story in the detail it demands takes some 30 or 40 pages of documented narration.
William Morrell Hicks Sr. born 1776 in VA?
Hi sfather was (?) a James Hicks who would not have been born past 1756.
I am looking for the line of Elizabeth Morral Hicks and Thomas Hicks, born in Va.,
moved to Kentucky and Indiana, their children were:
Samuel Born 1785
william, 1788
James 1790
Jesse 1793
Robert 1795
John Morral Hicks Born 1783
Morral D Hicks Born 1798
Also, there is a Morral reunion being held
June 16, 2001 at Princess Snowbird Park
Seneca Rocks, West Va. for the Descendants
of Samuel and Mary Davis Morral, Elizabeth
was one of their children
From The Library of Virginia, Reuben Hicks Bible, Brunswick County Virginia 1822-1871
Thomas Hicks and Sallie E. Lewis were married the 2nd day of May 1822
Reuben B. Hicks and Bettie A. Flournoy were married the 15th day of November 1871
John Hicks who is the son of James and Fathy Hicks be my John Hicks. He was born 1754 in Virginia, died October 28, 1837 and married Sarah Bowles?
He was a Pvt. in the Rev. War.
That is all the info I have on them. I do have their children.
In the will of James it mentions a son James as his first son.
It is my "theory" that James and Fathy Hick's sons, John and Robert, married two sisters, daughters of Benjamin Harrison, named Nancy and Rebecca. I believe that Robert and Rebecca Hicks had children named in my message #8121 (in this forum): Sons: Paschal Hicks, Abner H. Hicks, Hamlin Hicks, Isaac Hicks. Daughters: Tabetha Bracey and Frances James.
Reverend Jeremiah H. Hicks (husband of Susan C. Bond) was son of John Hicks and Sarah Chapman, and that John Hicks was son of Jeremiah Hicks and Mary Ann Harrison, and that Jeremiah Hicks was the son of John Hicks.
Eliza Jane Houchins (6) d/o Charles (5) & Sarah (Bruce) Houchins married Robert Hix Dec. 19, 1831 Goochland Co., VA.
Goochland Co., VA Henry J. Hall m: Lucy W. Brooks Dec. 16, 1833
Goochland Co., VA 1833 Chancery Suit: Betsy Houchins, James Houchins, William Houchins, Lancelot Hall & wife Lucy, James & Joseph Houchins, Robert Hix & wife Eliza Jane.
Goochland Co., VA Nov. 18, 1834. Chancery Suit
Betsy, James & William Houchins, Lancelot Hall & wife Lucy legatees of James Houchins dec'd & James & Joseph Houchins, Robert Hix & wife Eliza Jane legatees of Charles Houchins, against Edward Houchins legatee of James Houchins dec'd & Ellison, Cadmel, Margaret, Emily infant children of Charles Houchins, dec'd.
Goochland Co., VA 1840 census p.400, anc. 39
Hix, Robert
1m < 5 1835-1840 Charles J. - son
1m 5-10 1830-1835 unknown son or dec'd by 1850 or out of household by 1850
1m 20-30 1810-1830 Robert Hix
1f < 5 1835-1840 Sarah E. - dau.
1f 20-30 1810-1830 Eliza Jane Houchins Hix
Next door neighbors are Ann Carroll & Nathan. Smith. Other neighbors are Wm. Salmon, Wm. Houchins, Henry J. Hall, Martin Key, John Hall, G. Britt.
Goochland Co., VA 1840 census p. 400, anc. 39
H. J. Hall
2m <5 1835-1840 sons, A...iram & John Hall
2m 10-15 1825-1830 unknown males
1m 40-50 1790-1800 Henry J. Hall
2f 15-20 1820-1825 unknown females,
2f 20-30 1810-1830 unknown females, possibly the 2 Brooks women in 1850 census
1f 40-50 1790-1800 wife Lucy W. Brooks Hall
Next door neighbors are James Tibbs? & William Houchins. Other neighors are Wm. Herndon, Nancy Salmon, W. Philimon, Wm. Salmon, Robt. Hix, John T. Hall, Key, Randolph, Southworth, Smith.
Goochland Co., VA 1850 census p. 109, anc. 11
Hicks, Robert 39 1811
Eliza J. 35 1815 wife Eliza Jane Houchins Hicks
Charles J. 14 1836 son
Sarah E. 12 1838 dau.
Virginia P. 10 1840 dau.
Wm. Mishach 5 1845 son
Robert J. 1 1849 son
The 1850 census lists Robert Hix as having zero value of the real estate. This generally means someone other than Robert owned the land on which he & Eliza lived.
Next door neighbors are Henry J. Hall & Thom. Herndon. Other neighbors are Colley, Thom. Terry, John Britt, George Britt, Wm. Houchins & down the road Wilson M. Houchins.
Goochland Co., VA 1850 census p. 109, anc. 11
Hall, Henry J. 55 1795
Lucy W. (Brooks) 55 1795 wife
A???iram J. 14 1836 son
John H. 11 1839 son
Lucy M. C. 10 1840 dau.
Brooks, Eliza. E. 33 1817 unknown
Brooks, Mary Jane 30 1820 unknown
The 1850 census lists Henry J. Hall having $450 value in real estate.
Henry J. Halls next door neighbors are Robert & Eliza Jane (Houchins) Hall & Rufus Colly. Other neighbors are T. Herndon, C. Colly, T. Terry, Tyler, Bryce, J. Britt, G. Britt.
Goochland Co., VA 1860 census p. 864, anc. 18
Hix, Robert 50 1810
Eliza Jane 45 1815 wife, Eliza Jane Houchins Hix
Houchins, Emily M. 35 1825 sis/o Eliza Jane Houchins Hix
Hix, Sarah E. 21 1839 dau.
Virginia P. 17 1843 dau.
William M. 15 1845 son
Robert J. 9 1851 son
The 1860 census lists Robert Hix $200 value of personal property but zero real estate. Who owns the property on which they reside? Emily M. Houchins is listed having $7,000 value in personal property.
Next door neighbors of Robert & Eliza Hix are George G. Britt & William Pace. Other neighbors are Poore, Colley, William Webb, Fleming, Harris.
Goochland Co., VA 1860 census Fifesville P.O. p. 873, anc. 27
Hall, Henry J. 69 1791
Lucy W. 67 1793 wife Lucy W. Brooks
John J/F? 19 1841 son
Lucy M. C. 18 1842 dau.
Brooks, Martha 30 1830 unknown
Brooks, Mary J/F? 28 1832 unknown
The 1860 census lists Henry J. Hall having $1,500 personal property & $5,000 real estate, Martha Brooks $1,000 real estate, Mary Brooks $800 real estate.
Henry J. Halls next door neighbors are Albert V. & Emma S. (Houchins) Duvall (Emma being the d/o Wilson M. & Ann (Herndon) Houchins) & Marion Mayo. Other neighbors are Cooper, Edwards, Backin?, Clement, Kimbrow, Parrish.
Fluvanna Co., VA July 1, 1860, filed Oct. 30, 1861 Joseph Houchins - Will
Original Will is recorded & filed in Goochland Co., VA with papers of Eliza Jane Hicks chancery case against Henry J. Hall.
I, Joseph Houchins of the Town of Columbia & County of Fluvanna....1st executor to pay funeral expenses & debts. 2nd my friend Henry J. Hall in trust all of which I have possessed for the benefit of my beloved sister Eliza Jane Hicks & no one else & for no other purpose, to her & her heirs forever. 3rd I appoint Henry J. Hall the executor to my last will & testament. Wit: Jno. F. Miller, Thomas W. Woodson.
Goochland Co., VA Oct. 30, 1861 Joseph Houchins - Will attachment
Court Request for attestation of the Will of Joseph Houchins.
Goochland Co., VA Jan. 13, 1862 Joseph Houchins - Will Attestation, attachment
The deposition of Thomas W. Woodson attesting the will of Joseph Houchins dec'd taken before me S. B. Butler as Justice of the Peace in the County of Prince William.
Goochland Co., VA Jan. 20, 1862 Joseph Houchins - Will probate, attachment
Taking the attestation of Thomas W. Woodson & John Miller, Will of Joseph Houchins to be recorded.
Goochland Co., VA Sept. 16, 1862 Eliza J. Hicks Chancery Petition vs Admin. of Joseph Houchins Est.
Eliza J. Hicks complaining unto the court that Henry J. Hall refuses to carry out duties as trustee as made in the Will of Joseph Houchins, requests A. M. Hamilton appointed admin with the will annexed. (The remainder of the chancery petition is very difficult to read regarding a payment of $6,000, one section appears payment request to Eliza J. Hicks, another section payment to Comm. of VA Court.)
It appears from the census & court records, Henry J. Hall & Brooks women came into quite a bit of money & real estate after the death of Joseph Houchins & he was not carrying out his duty as Admin. & disperse the Est. to Eliza J. Houchins & her heirs. As we can see in the following census record of 1870, the value of property of Henry J. Hall & Brooks women had greatly deceased after the court case by Eliza Houchins. I'm going to assume, the Est. was divided between Eliza Houchins & her 5 possibly 6 children.
Goochland Co., VA 1870 census Bryd Township Pemberton P.O. p. 19, anc. 37
Hicks, Robert 60 1810
Eliza J. 55 1815 Wife Eliza Jane Houchins Hicks
William M. 26 1844 son
The 1870 census lists Robert Hicks having $722 personal property & $215 real estate.
Next door neighbors are Henry J. Hall & General Higgins. Others neighbors are Shelton, Riley, Sims, Warren.
Goochland Co., VA 1870 census Byrd Township Pemberton P.O. p. 18, anc. 36
Hall, Henry J. 79 1791
Lucy W. 75 1795 wife Lucy W. Brooks Hall
Catherine 30 1840 dau.
Brooks, Mary Jane 50 1820 unknown
Brooks, Martha E. 51 1819 unknown
Quarles, M??? 45 1825 unknown female
Quarles, Edmond 24 1846 unknown
The 1870 census lists Henry having $640 personal property & $215 real estate. Martha & Mary Brooks have zero real estate.
Henry J. Halls next door neighbors are James Philpotts & Robert & Eliza Hicks. Other neighbors are Orange, Barker, Riley, Smith, Higgins.
I have Martha Hix from Goochland Co, VA.
We own the land where she is buried in AL.
Please email me.
ID: I1122
Name: Martha Hicks
Sex: F
ALIA: Martha /Hix/
Birth: 1788 in VA
Death: BEF 6 DEC 1872 in Lawrence Co, AL 1
Burial: Byrd Cemetery, Lawrence Co, AL
1850 LCA Census, Martha 60 VA, Ths. J.?? Byrd 23 Ala, Octavous Byrd Ala 18.
In the 1850 Lawrence Co, Al. Slave Census, Ms. Martha Byrd had 41 slaves.
Martha is not in 1870 census?
Tombstone says "Died at age 84"
Last will and Testament filed Dec. 6, 1872 of Martha Byrd... to notify Minerva C. Edwards and husband R. P. Edwards who reside in Fayette Co, TX to appear... if they choose to contest will.
James Hix
Virginia Bedford
abt 1788
Druzilla (josie) Martindale
1804 Greenbrier Virginia
Child Eli Hix
DANIEL HICKS...1796, NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond Count, January Sessions 1796. William Wall, Esquire, Guardian of the orphans of Daniel Hicks deceased, having received notice of a judgment obtained by Stephen Parker against the administrator of Daniel Hicks deceased, for the sum of twenty four pounds twelve shillings six pence, and a further sum of seven pounds for cash, and that the said adm'r has fully administered the personal estate of the said Daniel Hicks deceased, prays that he have leave to sell or expose to sale three hundred acres of land lying on Marks Creek agreeable to law in such case make provided. Tod Robinson for J. Terry, Clk
This latter Daniel appears to have been the one who married the Widow Sarah Donaldson. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this last Daniel, would you?
As for the children of William and Sarah (the widow of Isham Young) Hicks, I know of your Sarah and have seen it alleged that they also had Charles, Daniel, and Benjamin. I am inclined to believe William and Sarah's son, Charles, was the same what was born in 1769 and gave an affidavit on William Jarman's behalf ( http://searches.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ifetch2?/u1/data/nc+index+92960841+F ). Possible??
The big question that I hope you can answer for certain one way or another is: Is there any chance that William and Sarah Hicks might have had a son named Nathaniel?
HICKS WILLS Brunswick Co., Virginia
Hicks, Sally
Widow and relict of Lewis Hicks, dec'd
Dated: September 25, 1820
Proved: March 26, 1821
Great nephew James B. Claiborne, only son of the late Dr. John Claiborne
Great niece Sally Lewis Rives, daughter of Willis Rives
" " Martha Eliza Rives, " " "
1/2 of husband's estate previously devised to Theophilus Harrison who had one child, Elizabeth L. Harrison who died unmarried and under age-gives that portion to Hinson H. Hall and Frances Eliza Wesson, daughter of Abner Wesson
will book 9, p. 147, http://www.rootsweb.com/~vabrunsw/varecord/h-names.htm; Carol A. Morrison;
Hicks, Lewis
Dated: April 8, 1805
Proved: September 25, 1820
Elizabeth L. Harrison, Martha Harrison, Theophilus Harrison, Sterling Harrison and Edmund Harrison, children of Theophilus Harrison, dec'd.
Witnesses: Drury J. Barner and Jordan Malone
Will book 9, p. 114, http://www.rootsweb.com/~vabrunsw/varecord/h-names.htm; Carol A. Morrison;
Chancery Proceeding
November 28, 1821
Suit in behalf of Sterling E. Harrison; Theophilus Harrison; Edmund Harrison; infant children of Martha (Harrison) Haynes, dec'd, Mary Ann, Cornelius and Charles Eaton, devisees of Lewis Hicks, dec'd.
Judgement for the plaintiffs: 1/2 of estate to the plaintiffs; 1/2 to devisees of Sally Hicks, dec'd.: Sally Lewis Rieves and Martha E. Rives, daughters of Willis Rieves
Hicks, James
Dated: Feb. 12, 1760
Proved: Feb. 23, 1761
Wife: [Martha] Fathy,
Sons: James, Lewis, John, Benjamin, Robert Hix
Daughters: Mary, Patty/Pattey, Frances Hix
Cousin: James Hicks (son of Robert's brother = ?)
Negroes: Dick, Jenny, Brandum, Sharpes, Andrew, Ned, Alston, Cato, Fillis, Nan, Da_ens, Hagar, Simon
Executors: Benjamin & Robert
Witnesses: John Stephens, Jr., Henry Vinson, Thos. Harris Williams
To Lewis Hicks when he comes of age: first two children of the increase of the negroe boy Andrew; plates, 3 dishes, 3 head of sheep, 3 cows and calvs, all my land on the uper side of the Hicks Branch that is already mentioned.
Hicks, James, Sr.
Dated: Mar. 20, 1789
Proved: Dec. 23, 1793
Wife: Judith
Sons: Charles, George, Vines, James, John, Isaac
Daughters: Sally Hardaway, Nancy Vines Hicks
Negroes: Cyrus, Isbel, Daniel, Tab, Dick, Sari, Will, Ted, Arthur, Nero, Sampson, Aaron, Joe, Frank, Jerry, Amey
Mountain land in Henry County to be sold to pay debts
Executors: sons Charles, John and Isaac
Witnessed: Myhill Collier, Zachr. Floyd, Christen Curtis
Barner, John Sr.
Dated: March 20, 1821
Proved: May 22, 1822
Wife: Elizabeth Barner; 332 acres land, slaves Isaac, Charles, Stephen, Phillip, Jackson, old Moll, Haney, and her children Tom, Faury and Helliz, and her future increase, livestock, provisions, furniture, crops, utensils
Son: Harrison Barner; tract of land occupied, negroes Sue and her children, Adam, Edmund
Son: John Barner, Jr.; land after wife's death, negroes Jackson and Jerry, Mack and Haney and her increase
Daughter Rebecca Harwell; negroes Moses, Mary and Suckey, and their increase
Deceased daughter Elizabeth Ann Cleaton; to her children; negroes Nancy and Lizzy and their increase
Deceased daughter Tabitha Hicks; to her sons and husband Miles of North Carolina, negroe Fillis and her increase; to her daughters Lucy, a negroe named Rose and her increase and a feather bed, and to Sally H. Hicks negroes named Delphy, Joseph and Candisto
Daughter Judith Pittello; loan of negroes Anthony, Vina and Jenney and their increase, then to her children
Daughter Lucy Marable; negroes Mark, Fostrey and Lizzy, and their increase
Friends and executors: Joseph H. Travis, William F. Brodnax
Witnesses: James W. Nicholson, William Buckner, Thomas H. Steod/Stelie, Burwell Barker
See Barner-Hicks (Miles) family Bible records
The following based on will an d Bible information
John Barner, Sr. + Elizabeth
1. Harrison Barner
2. John Barner, Jr.
3. Rebecca + Harwell
4. Elizabeth Ann + Cleaton
d. prior to 1821
5. Tabitha + Miles Hicks
5a. Lucy
5b. Salley H.
5c. Frank (Francis) Barner + Nancy J.
5c1 John B. Hicks
5c2 William Herry Hicks
5c3 Mary Francis Hicks
5d. Polly Glenn
5e. William Parker
5f. Edna
5g. Judith Glover
5h. John B.
5i. James
5j Isaac
6. Judith + Littleton Pittello
7. Lucy + Benjamin Marable
Francis B. Hicks
Dated: December 1, 1854
Proved: Nov. Term, 1863
Wife: Nancy J. Hicks
Sons: John B. Hicks, William Herry Hicks named as executors
Daughter: Mary Francis
Witnesses: James seward, Charles Turnbull, William Lett
Will book 18, p. 569, Brunswick Co., Va.
hicks/wills/hicks23.htm" TARGET="_new">http://www.rootsweb.com/~vabrunsw/hicks/wills/hicks23.htm
Seawell, Benjamin
Dated: August 8, 1778
Recorded: Nov., 1778
Wife: Lucy [Hicks] Seawell [Daughter of George]
Sons: Joseph, Thomas, last under age
Daughters: Mary Hill, Salley King, Elizabeth Mabry, Nancy Seawell, Rebecca Seawell, Mildred Seawell (under age)
Executors: Sons Benjamin & Joseph Seawell, and son-in-law, Green Hill
Witnesses: Benjamin, Jr., Derham Hall
Inventory of estate: Nov. 9, 1778
Will Book 2, p. 270, Brunswick Co.
Estate sale of Thomas Godwyn, deceased 7 Dec. 1734
Payments to:
Capt. Nathaniel Edwards; William Poole; Clement Read, Atty.; James Powers; Moses Dunkley, auctioneer; Patrick Smith; James Pitillon; John May; Thomas Eldrige; Thomas Hardaway; The Reverand Mr. Betty; Stephen Dewey; Capt. Fisher; William Maclin; Jno. Bartholomew, his 8th. part of the crop; Sir John Randolph.
Receipts: Capt. Nathaniel Edwards; Daniel Hix; Charles Ross; Charles King; and others.
Hicks, Charles
Dated: Sept. 6th. 1805
Partly proved: March 26th. 1821
Brother John Hicks, house and plantation on Avens Creek, bounded by Allan Laniers, Black's Ferry, Gees Bridge, Beech Lick Creek, William Spain, John Longbottoms, William Walker; Spring called Fur Spring toward Indian Branch.
Brother John's wife: Nancey, use of these lands and plantation during her widowhood.
Brother John's three sons: Benjamin H. Hicks, James Ransom Hicks, Charles Hicks, land and plantation after death of their mother, sold and divided equally.
Brother: James Hicks, residue of lands, bounded by Avens Creek, Indian Branch, William Walker, Buckner Overbey, David Moses, Reuben Malone
Brother James' wife: Judah (Judith), residue of lands during her widowhood then to their two sons: Thomas Hicks & James Hicks
Executors: John and James Hicks, brothers
Witnesses: Edward Winfield, John Saunders, Thomas Winfield, Frances Winfield
"Unrecorded Wills of Brunswick County" by Susan Sheppard, Vol. III, No.3, pp. 110-111, THE SOUTHSIDE VIRGINIAN, April 1 1985
Hicks, Daniel
Dated: Dec. 7, 1734
Proved: April 3, 1735
Wife: Edith
Sons: Benjamin, Thomas, Daniel, Jr.
Daughter: Mary
Executors: wife & John Hicks
Witnesses: George Walton, Robert Hicks, Sr., Francis Hicks, James Hicks p.168
Floyd, Josiah
Witnessed by James Hicks, Sr. and Jr., Chs. Collier on Dec. 21, 1790
Proved by James Hicks, Sr. and Jr. On Dec. 27, 1790
Hicks, Paschal
Dated: Jan. 18, 1850
Proved: June Term, 1853
Wife: Lucy
Daughters: Rebecca H. Thrower, Martha E. Hicks, Lucy Hicks, Sary Ann Hicks
Sons: William, Dudley D., Thomas J.
Executrix: wife
Has already provided for Thomas J. Hicks and Frances Davis
No witnesses
Proved by John S. Harris, Benjamin W. Davis who recognized Paschal's handwriting
Will book 16, p.213, Brunswick Co., Va.
Terry Sampson
The assumption that Anson Co. NC John and Obedience Hicks were son and daughter-in-law of Brunswick Co. Robert and Frances is a fairly safe one in my book. There is a record of John's sale of land to George Hicks, son of Robert and Frances, in 1747 or 1748, I believe. As I have it, John and Obedience had four children: (a) William who married Sarah, childless widow of Isham Young, by late 1750's; (b) John Jr. who married Frances and left two orphan daughters: Frances and Martha, when he died in early 1770's; (c) Frances, who married (1) Nathaniel Curtis and (2) William Hamer, and died by early 1790's; and (d) Mary, who married William Hamer's brother, John Hamer Jr. John Hicks Sr., husband of Obedience, died in early 1760's.
Jay Stein
Frances Hicks, daughter of John and Obedience married William Hamer first and then 2nd Nathaniel Curtis (d. 1780), not the other way around. I'm descended from issue of WIlliam and Frances as well as from Nathaniel Curtis by his first wife and in addition, from William Hick's daughter Sarah Hicks. <grin>
I've never heard anything about William Hicks having traveled with Daniel Boone although Robert Hicks of Virginia who I also believe to be the father of John Hicks is sometimes referred to as the Daniel Boone of his era. He was apparently quite a noted frontiersman and Indian fighter.
. WIlliam Hicks, by the way did have sons, including Daniel Hicks. I think there were three, though I'm going from memory here without notes to look at. Another son was Charles Hicks, I believe. The son Daniel Hicks was wounded in the same battle on the Pee Dee river in which France's second husband Nathaniel Curtis was killed in 1780. WIlliam's daughter Sarah was born in 1757 according to a bible record and Daniel was born around 1759, or so, I forget the exact date, but in his pension records he gives his approximate age, though he states due to the family Bible having been lost in a fire, he cannot prove his exact date of birth.
Had I checked my records before opining, I would have noticed that I have a death for William Hamer that precedes Nathaniel Curtis', and so I would have gotten the order of Frances Hicks' marriages correctly....As you note, her first husband was William Hamer, second Nathaniel Curtis.
You mention a pension record for Daniel Hicks which places his birthyear at about 1759. Would this Daniel happen to be the one from South Carolina who settled in Mecklenburg Co. VA and lived into the 1800's?
The reason I ask is because I came across another Daniel Hicks in the area: DANIEL HICKS...1796, NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond Count, January Sessions 1796. William Wall, Esquire, Guardian of the orphans of Daniel Hicks deceased, having received notice of a judgment obtained by Stephen Parker against the administrator of Daniel Hicks deceased, for the sum of twenty four pounds twelve shillings six pence, and a further sum of seven pounds for cash, and that the said adm'r has fully administered the personal estate of the said Daniel Hicks deceased, prays that he have leave to sell or expose to sale three hundred acres of land lying on Marks Creek agreeable to law in such case make provided. Tod Robinson for J. Terry, Clk
This latter Daniel appears to have been the one who married the Widow Sarah Donaldson. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this last Daniel, would you?
As for the children of William and Sarah (the widow of Isham Young) Hicks, I know of your Sarah and have seen it alleged that they also had Charles, Daniel, and Benjamin. I am inclined to believe William and Sarah's son, Charles, was the same what was born in 1769 and gave an affidavit on William Jarman's behalf ( http://searches.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ifetch2?/u1/data/nc+index+92960841+F ). Possible??
The big question that I hope you can answer for certain one way or another is: Is there any chance that William and Sarah Hicks might have had a son named Nathaniel?
I think that the Daniel Hicks (1758-1857) who served in the Revolution and lived such a long time was the great-grandson of Robert Hicks, the Indian trader, and his first wife Winifred Evans. Robert had two sons by Winifred, Robert(1691-1727) who married Elizabeth Ervin/Urvin and Daniel (1693-1735). Elizabeth's father was one of Robert's trading partners. Robert's second wife Frances lists their children in her will. George Hicks, born 1695, is supposed to be the oldest child of that second marriage.
Daniel Hicks (1693-1735) had four children by his wife Edith Fonville. After Daniel died, she moved to Onslow Co., NC, where she married Abraham Kibble. The Hicks children were Thomas (3 March 1724/5-1797) , Daniel, Mary, and Benjamin. Revolutionary Daniel was the son of Thomas.
Jane, there are several individuals named DANIEL HICKS (Hix, etc.), respectively, who served in the Revolutionary War from either Virginia, North Carolina or South Carolina. Now, it is certainly possibly that I have gotten my facts fixed up in my memory and I may be mistaken and have gotten confused as to what is in Daniel's pension file and what has been written about him, and it has been several years since I last looked at "Revolutionary Daniel's" Pension file, but my memory is that in the pension file it is stated DANIEL HICKS, who lived such a long time (ca. 1758-1857) and later applied for a pension in 1833 and died in Mecklenburg County, Virginia, ENLISTED FROM THE CHERAWS DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA and that the family Bible proving his (Daniel's) date of birth was lost in a fire. (I will try to locate my copy of his pension record and verify one way or the other and if I find it doesn't mention the Cheraws District or South Carolina, I will certainly post a correction. However, I'm not quite certain just where I have it filed, so it may take me a while to locate it and so if anyone reading this posting has access to the entire file and can check, please post.)
The fact that he enlisted from the CHERAWS DISTRICT in South Carolina which included all of the present day counties of South Carolina across the border from ANSON COUNTY, North Carolina region, is one of the reasons why he is generally believed to have been the DANIEL HICKS who was a son of WILLIAM HICKS; grandson of JOHN HICKS, Sr. (d. 1760) & wife OBEDIENCE of ANSON COUNTY, NC; and great-grandson of Capt. ROBERT HICKS and wife FRANCES of BRUNSWICK COUNTY, VIRGINIA and thus a "2nd cousin" to the THOMAS HICKS you mention. There is also additional evidence that DANIEL HICKS, son of WILLIAM HICKS (etc.), served in the Revolutionary War including accounts by contemporaries that he was injured at a small skirmish near the Pee Dee River between a group Whigs and a band of Tories. A kinsman of "Daniel Hicks, son of William," one NATHANIEL CURTIS (k. 1780), was killed in the same battle. [Nathaniel Curtis was married to Daniel's aunt, FRANCES (HICKS) HAMER CURTIS; and Nathaniel's brother SAMUEL CURTIS was married to Daniel's sister, SARAH (HICKS) CURTIS; and Nathaniel's brother ELIJAH CURTIS, Sr. was married to a cousin of Daniel's, SARAH (HAMER) CURTIS.
In addition, as briefly mentioned above, there are several men named DANIEL HICKS, respectively, who served in the Revolutionary War including a DANIEL HICKS in the 5th Regiment of the Virginia Continental Line, and a DANIEL HIX who served in the 1st Virginia Regt. There are also at least two other men named DANIEL HICKS, respectively, who served in regiments from North Carolina. If memory serves me, one of these was from SAMPSON CO. or DUPLIN CO. I forget at the moment from where the other Daniel enlisted and there may be others whom I'm just not remembering at all.
DO you have evidence or proof that DANIEL HICKS, son of THOMAS HICKS, grandson of DANIEL HICKS (d. 1735) and great-grandson of Capt. ROBERT HICKS and wife FRANCES was the DANIEL HICKS who enlisted in SOUTH CAROLINA? Or at least evidence showing either when Thomas's son moved to the CHERAWS DISTRICT in South Carolina, or why he would have enlisted from the CHERAWS DISTRICT and not from his home in VIRGINIA? [Note: The exact location of the border between North Carolina and South Carolina during the Colonial period was very much disputed by the governments of the two Colonies and many deeds found in the records of ANSON CO., are actually for land located in what was then the CHERAWS DISTRICT of South Carolina and visa versa and families in the area are commonly found in the records of both Colonies. Also, GEORGE HICKS, Sr., son of Capt. ROBERT and FRANCES HICKS, resided in the CHERAWS DISTRICT of South Carolina too.]
Francis Hicks born August 6 1739 Anson Co.N.C.
married John Hamer and they had a son John Hicks Hamer she died Dec 18 1791.I have John Hicks who married Obedience
was the son of Capt Robert Hicks and Francis ?
I saw your reference to William, son of John and Obedience Hicks, and would very pleased to know what your sources are for your theory that Daniel Boone's traveling companion, William Hicks, was the son of John and Obedience. The only John and Obedience I know of were the Anson County North Carolina couple, who had four children: William, John, Frances, and Mary. [The reason for my interest in the comings and goings of John and Obedience's William is that I am trying to determine whether or not he was my ancestor and not having much luck at it.] I am fairly certain that John and Obedience's William was alive in 1775, but have been under the impression that he was either (a) in Anson County North Carolina, (b) in Cheraws District of South Carolina, or (c) in St. George Parish/Burke County Georgia. So far as I know, John and Obedience's daughter, Mary, married John Hamer Jr. of Anson County. John and Obedience's son, John Hicks Jr., had two daughters: Frances and Martha. And the only documented daughter that John and Obedience's William had was Sarah, who married Samuel Curtis.
Daniel Boone's traveling companion, William Hicks. And I see the connection to the Rutherford Co. NC Hicks, but I think that line is different from John and Obedience Hicks' line. I have not seen anything that links the Rutherford Co. Hicks and the NC Anson Co./SC Cheraw's District Hicks. Make that connection for me and you'll send me back to the drawing board to come up with another theory to follow in search of my line (sigh).
William Hicks came through the Cumberland Gap in 1775 with Daniel Boone to explore Kentucky This might be the one you are looking for I believe this is the son of John Hicks and Obediance reason is his brother in law a Hart was with him Mary Hicks married a Hart.
do you have a John Hicks who m ca 1645 supposedly to a Rebeckah Rieves (Reeves). John died after Sep 30, 1728 in Surry co., Virginia. They had 7 children Robert b. 1675 Winifred Evans and Frances Raven, John, David, Joshua, Rebecca Daniel and finally abigail b. ca 1686 who married john rose before 1728.
Sept. 3, 1665: Church minutes for the Bristol (England) Baptist Church list John Evans, John Hicks and John Harris as having left for New England several months previously, Along with Sisters More, Stoakes and Martha Moggs. The harassment of the group by officials of the Church of England, chiefly through imprisonment of several members, is mentioned as a reason for the 6 members leaving for the colonies.
Historical Southern Families, Volume 20 by John Bennett Boddie
Rebecca Rives was born c.1692 and died after 1729. She married John Hicks who made his will in Surrey County, Virginia, 31 July 1738; and it was probated there 20 August 1739, naming his wife Rebecca Hicks and her brother George .
John Hicks
daughter abigail hicks m John Rose
Willian Rose before 1733
Amy Rose m. Williams
Extrs: wife and "her brother George Rieves". Dated last Day of September l728. Sgd: John Hicks. Wit: Artilla (her mark) Rieves Elizabeth (her mark) Rieves, Xr • Tatum. Proved Aug. 20, l729 by oaths of Christopher Tatum and Artilla Reeves
John Rose patented 300 acres lying on north side of Meherrin River at (Kelley's?) Path. l729: Surry Co., Va . April l5 ... 963-64): Will of John Hicks of Surry
WILL OF JOHN HICKS OF SURRY COUNTY Names: Son - Robert Hicks - tract of land John now lives on and his wearing clothes. Requests that son Robert should live with his brother-in- law Edward Tatum until he comes to age l8 years.
Our Turner and Walker families in Mississippi: our family ancestors from Europe to America and on to Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi by W.W. Turner, 2005:
William Rives born in 1636 came to Virginia in 1653 when he was 18. married in 1658 and had four sons. Timothy born 1690 in Surry. Timothy and Judith Rives had 5 children:
Ursula b. 1691
Rebecca b. 1692 m. John Hicks
Marriages of Surry County, North Carolina, 1779-1868
William Hicks and Ann Davis Dec. 31, 1799 Samuel Hicks best man
Samuel Hicks and lucy james Oct 14, 1809 James Hicks best man
WILL - HICKS, Daniel - Abstract of Will of Daniel Hicks, dated May 20, 1854, and proved December Court, 1857, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. One half of all estate to daughter Martha Hicks for life, and after her death to Henry Jones as Trustee for the sole and separate use and benefit of Martha Jones, his wife, and for the support and education of the children of the said Henry and Martha Jones and after the death of the said Martha to be equally divided among all her children by said Henry Jones. Residue of estate to Thomas L. Jones after the death of daughter, Martha Hicks. Thomas L. Jones appointed Executor. Witnesses were Wm. G. Garey, Jas. B. Dugger, and Thomas F. Goode. The will was proved on the oaths of Wm. G. Garey and Jas. B. Dugger. Peter Puryear was security for the Bond of $10,000 for Thomas L. Jones. (NOTE: The way the middle initial of Thomas L. Jones is written, it appears more like a "G" or a "S" than a "L").
Will Book 19, page 249, Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Denias Christiana Hicks
Birth 1662 in Charles City, Charles, Virginia, USA
Marriage to John Hicks 1658 – 1720
in 1681 Age: 19
Charles City, Charles, Virginia, USA
Thomas Hicks 1683 –
William Hicks 1684 – 1711 son William
Joseph Hicks 1686 – 1711
Christiana Hicks 1688 –
John Hix and family. I found a will dated 1721 in Surry Co, Virginia he has three son's Thomas,William,Joseph and a daughter named Cristiana his wife's name was Iso Denias Christian Hicks. William Hix jr born about 1729 and his ancestors of Surry, Va.
[Iso Denias Christian Hicks]
Christianna Gowen, [William3, Thomas2, Mihil1], regarded as a daughter of William Gowen and Sarah Gowen, was born about 1751, according to her tombstone. She was born in 1846 in Granville County, North Carolina, according to the DAR membership application of Mary Hamilton Haile, a descendant who lived in Savannah, Georgia in 1952. Sarah Foster Kelley, researcher of Nashville, Tennessee, regards Christianna Gowen as a namesake of Christianna Hicks of Surry County, Virginia. She was a daughter of John Hicks and Isodenias Christian Hicks. John Hicks named his wife and children in his will written March 25, 1721. Jack Harold Goins states that “Christiannah Gowen” was born in 1762 in Culpepper County, Virginia [without providing any documentation.]
The Hicks family is an ancient one in Charles City, Prince George and Brunswick Counties, descending from a certain Robert Hicks, who was living in Charles City County (later Prince George) as early as the last decade of the 17th Century. Robert Hicks (died 1739), of Prince George and later Surry and Brunswick Counties was a prominent Indian trader, and in November, 1714, was in command of a troop of rangers, and as such was paid for his services. (Surry Records, Order Book 1713-1718, page 43). He is referred to in the records as captain. His home was at Hick's Ford, on the Meherrin River, in Brunswick (now Greensville County; he was father of: James Hicks (died 1793), of Brunswick County; married Judith Collier, and had issue: Isaac Hicks (born 1755; died June 20, 1817), of Brunswick County; he served as captain of the 3rd Georgia Battalion, Continental Troops, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Mcintosh, and was made a prisoner at Briar Creek, March 3, 1779. He returned to Brunswick County, Virginia, after the War, and continued to reside there until his death; he married Nancy Cryer, and had issue: Rebecca Hicks (born 1784; died 1867), married Gilliam Booth, Jr. (born 1781; died 1821), of Dinwiddie County. (See Booth above.)
Reference: This descendant of the Hicks family is based on records of wills and deeds in Brunswick County, Virginia.
Judith Collier (wife of James Hicks [son of George]; see above) was daughter of Isaac and Ann (Vines) Collier; granddaughter of Charles Collier (died 1722), of York County, and great granddaughter of John Collier (died 1688), of York County. Ann Vines (wife of Isaac Collier) was daughter of Thomas Vines (died 1737), of York County; and granddaughter of Thomas and Mary (Hill) Vines, of York County. Mrs. Mary (Hill) Vines was the daughter of Thomas and Eleanor (Charles) Hill, of York County, granddaughter of John Hill, of Essex Lodge, York County, and great granddaughter of Thomas and Mary Hill, of Essex Lodge, York County.
Reference: William and Mary Quarterly. JONES.
Our Turner and Walker families in Mississippi: our family- Page 183, 2005: [Published - not reliable]
Captain Robert Hicks' settlement at Hicks Ford was the most remote of all the settlements during this time. He had twelve men at the fort with him, plus several black slaves, who were the first in the county. He also had Indians living at the fort. . .
When he died on 2 April 1690, John Evans named Robert Hicks as his son in law in his Will, and left him 560 acres of land. Winifred (Evans) Hicks had four children before her death in 1716. Robert Hicks then married Frances. . .
His first wife was Winifred Evans whom he married in 1689. She was the daughter of another Indian trader, John Evans, and his wife Mary Unknown. When he died on 2 April 1690, John Evans named Robert Hicks as his son in law in his Will,
The original name of "Hicks Ford" came from an Indian trader, Capt. Robert Hicks, who had settled around 1709 along the Meherrin River, a watercourse named for a local Indian tribe.
My line comes down thru Robert & Winifred Evans but I have reached a road block on John and Rebeckah. I hope you can help me. I received a "Descendants of Capt. Robert Hicks" eleven page summary from Jane Harton Peyrouse, 515 Forest Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28305-4601 that is quite complete taking the descendants of Capt Robert Hicks down 10 generations. Did I mention that I show John Hicks, the
[NY line] John Hicks b. 1605, d. 1672
Father: Robert Hicks, b. 1583, d. 1647
Mother: Elizabeth Morgan, b. 1583, d. 1607
Death: 1672 Long Island,Queens,New York,USA
Birth: 1605 Southwark, London, England
Family Marriage 1 : Herodias Long m. 1637 St Pauls, St Faiths Church, London, England, b. 1623, d. 1722
Father: John Hicks, b. 1605, d. 1672
Mother: Herodias Long, b. 1623, d. 1722
Death: 1729 Surry, Virginia, USA
Birth: 1685 Charles City,Virginia,USA
Robert Hicks
M, #P1523, b. 1583, d. 1647
Father: James Hicks, b. 1550, d. 1601
Mother: Phebe Allyne, b. 1557, d. 1657
Birth: 1583 Southwark,,Surrey,England
Death: 1647 Plymouth,Plymouth,Massachusetts,USA
Marriage 1 : Elizabeth Morgan , b. 1583, d. 1607
Robert Hicks
M, #P1490,
Father: John Hicks, b. 1685, d. 1729
Mother: Rebecca Rives, b. 1692, d. 1729
Birth: 1720 Albermarle,Sussex,Virginia,USA
Death: 1782 Albermarie,Sussex,Virginia,USA
Marriage 1 : Mary Courtney ,
+ Nathan Hicks, +, b. 1743, d. 1829
58. Daniel HICKS Rev. Soldier was born on 8 Oct 1761 in Hanover Co.,VA. He died on 22 Dec 1857 in Mecklenburg Co., VA. Rev. Soldier. He applied for bounty lands 14 Apr. 1855, agaed 95. S.C. Roster p. 443 says Daniel Hicks "while residing in Cheraw Dist, (The Tories having burned his father'ss house), enlisted during 1778 under Capt. Thomas Ellerbee & Col. George Hicks, in 1779. He volunteered under Capt. Tristram Thomas & Col. Lemuel Benton. Later he was under Marion."
While residing in Cheraw District, he enlisted during 1778 under Capt. Thomas Ellerbee and Col George Hicks. In 1779, he was under Ellebee and Col. Robert Lloyd. During late 1779 or early 1780, he volunteered under Capt. Tristram Thomas and Col. Lemuel Benton. Later he was under Marion. (Moved to VA) Gregg, p. 81. (SC Roster 443).
Daniel Hicks made application for pension 22 Aug. 1832, (Allowed). Residence at date was Mecklenburg Co. VA, aged about 70 years. He was awarded "twenty monthly, to commence on 4th day of Mar. 1834. Under Rev. Claim Act 7 June 1832," On 23 Feb. 1833, "Arrears to 4 Sept . 32, $99.90, allowanace ending 4/33, $33.33 for a total of $133.32.."
Rev. War Record Meckleburg Co., VA. p. 78 says Daniel Sr. B. 1761, Served S.C.Militia, placed Pension Roll 1833, #S-5533. Death notice of Rev. Soldiers of Richmond Inquuirer says d. Mecklenburg Co. VA 29 Dec. 1857. I have a copy of his pension application in my files, along with copy of his simple m. certificate from VA.. (Thomas E. Barton 31 Mar. 1989).
Clark Co. GA. Daniel Hick's Will; To beloved wife Susannah Hicks 100 acres of land whereupon I now live, 2 negros, 1 horse, 10 cows, 10 sheep, 3 sows and pigs, 500 lb pork, 50 barrels corn, half of hosehold and kitchen, furniture, half of tools. If she marries again above property to be sold and equally divided among children. Remaining land to be sold to pay just debts. To dau. Mary Hicks $200 extra for her board and schooling. to grandaughters, heirs of dau. Susanna Jackson $1 each, sd. dau. having already received her part of my estate. Remainder of estate to be equally divided among all ch., namely John J. Hicks, Nancy McCoy, Jane McCalpin, (McAlpine ?), Amos Hicks, Lucinda Stedaman, Elizabeth Matacks and Mary Hicks. Excr. John J. HIcks, Amos HIcks and Edward Studawin. 19 Oct 1818. Interlined before signed. Daniel Hicks. Test.: W.C. Dobbins, Robert "X" Hayfield, John Williams. Proved by W. C. Dobbins and John Williams 16 Jan. 1822. --Recorded 6 Febry 1822. John H. Lowe. Clk. (Ab. 1885, Chambers Co., AL., P.O.Drawer 1351, Auburn. AL).
It seems likely that the folowing article applies to our DANIEL HICKS;
"On reading at this board a report from Robert Hicks and Daniel Hicks (10) who at the Instance of Governor of New York were sent to Cattawbaw Indians to Demand the liberty of certain Prisoners of the five Nations taken by them It appearing to the Board that the said Robert and Daniel have diligently performed the Service requiered of them It is therefore ordered that there be paid to each of them out of his Majestys Revenue of Two Shillings p Hogshead the sum of Thirteen pounds Curent Money for their trouble in the said service. (VA Hist. Mag., p. 276, sic).
There are 26 listings of mention of the Hicks, HIX, family in the Personal Name Index to the Augusta Chronicle, 1800-1810. Names: Nath'l, Anselm B,, Benjamin, Edmund B., Isaac, Jack, James, James R., John, Nath, Nathaniel, Robert, Samuel, Wm. Some are mentioned several times, some only one. These may or may not be kin to our Daniel and Mary Hicks. (TEB, 8-1-98). He was married to Susannah JEFFERIES.
59. Susannah JEFFERIES was born on 15 May 1765. She died on 20 Feb 1843. Susanna Jefferson Hicks, Wid. R.S., drew land in Upson Co. GA. History of Upuson Co., p. 104 Dist. 489, p. 105, Susanna 'Hix", wid. Dist 555. ***Of special interest: James HIGHTOWER. soldier in late war p. 104 Dist. 583. He and John I. Hightower also listed on p. 105. Gone to GA, p. 179 mentions Daniel Hicks of Clark Co. Nathaniel Hicks of GA., a curier on staff pf Gen. Nathaniel Green. Under this: "James Hicks, b. GA 1799, m. Mary Hightower (Dau of Joshua Hightower of Laurens Co. GA, a Rev. soldier of VA; d. in GA. and Thomas Hightower, b. Amelia Co. VA, d. Green Co. GA, a Rev. Soldier." From Roster Rev. Soldiers in GA., Vol III.
Many of the Hicks, Hightowers and Trammells migrated to Arkansas as did Drakeford & Mary Hicks Trammell, gt.g. parents of Inez Hightower Barton, my mother. The Bolgers also came to Colorado Co, AR. Early VA Immigrants, p. 150, lists Hicks, Jeremy, 1654, Samuel, 1637, James 1637. Of which to say the Hicks were in America early, and that since the Hightowers, Hicks, Trammells, and Bolgers seemed to know each other at a verly early stage in American history. (Tom Barton 11-24-1998). Also seeThomas Trammell, Rev.Sol., p. 28. Children were:
Child i. Susanna HICKS died before 16 Jan 1862. m. Jackson, named in her fathers will as deceased. She had already rec. her part of estate.
child ii. John J. HICKS.
child iii. Nancy HICKS. m. McCoy. See will.
child iv. Jane HICKS. m. McCalpin or McAlpine. (from Will)
child v. Amos HICKS.
child vi. Lucinda HICKS.
child vii. Elizabeth HICKS. m. Matacks. See will.
child29 viii. Mary C. HICKS.
1683, April 16 Robert Hicks Westoree Parish (near Hopewell)
Sept. 3, 1665: Church minutes for the Bristol (England) Baptist Church list John Evans, John Hicks and John Harris as having left for New England [America] several months previously, Along with Sisters More, Stoakes and Martha Moggs. The harassment of the group by officials of the Church of England, chiefly through imprisonment of several members, is mentioned as a reason for the 6 members leaving for the colonies. A Brother Tho. Rieves is referred to as being one of three Deacons.
Indenture made the 22nd day of June, 1756, between John Hicks and Robert Rivers of Dinwiddie County, for 42 pounds, 10 shillings conveying by estimation 200 acres on both sides of Stevens Branch on North side of Maherrin River, and is part of the Patent granted to John Hicks of Surry County for 400 acres on the 28th day of September, 1728, and devised to his son, John Hicks, in the Last Will and Testament of John Hicks. Witnesses were William Vaughan, Thomas Vines, and Peter Smith. Presented in Court on June 22, 1756. Deed Book 6, page 60, Brunswick County, Virginia
The oldest proven Hix ancestor, John Hix (ca. 1735-1804), was born in Campbell Co., Va. He was married to Sibella Rice (b. 1742).
John Hicks, father of Captain Robert Hicks, married Rebekah Rieves, brother George Rieves; Will Surry Co
Flanary family, in-laws and outlaws: some Flanary, Poland, ... - Page 861 Donald Lewis Osborn:
Rebecca Hix (daughter of Nathaniel) was born circa 1780, and married Joel Benham, son of John and Mary (Hobbs) Benham. A few years ... Gabriel Hix was born circa 1822 in Lee County, Virginia, married, and had at least three children:
History of Summers County from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
By James Henry Miller, Maude Vest Clark
In the settlement of the territory of this country around New Richmond, there are a number of old families identified who have disappeared, and we have nothing but tradition. Among them are Mathias Kaylor, born February 10, 1748, in Germany; died at the age of ninety years. He settled at the mouth of Farley's Creek, opposite New Richmond, a little below. Katherine Kaylor, his wife, was born March 20, 1760, in Germany; married April 11, 1780. There are a few descendants of these German settlers yet in the county.
Michael Kaylor, a son of Mathias, was born April 26, 1784, and married Christiana Adkins, born September 27, 1785. Michael Kaylor at one time owned 1,700 acres of land on the Hump Mountain, extending to Lick Creek. Susan and Love Kaylor were twin daughters of Michael Kaylor, and were born August 30, 1781. Love Kaylor married John Hix, and was the grandmother of Robert Hix, the present overseer of the poor of Green Sulphur District.
William Kaylor a descendant of the original Mathias Kaylor, lived until he was killed, about two years ago, on the Hump Mountain, near Meadow Creek, when he was shot to death by one Bennett. He was tried in the Circuit Court of Summers County, in 1905, convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary for the minimum term.
John Hix, the original Hix ancestor of the honorable family of that name, was a native of Monroe County, Virginia, now West Virginia, and settled at Green Sulphur Springs. He was killed by a bull in 1807. near the residence of the Hon. M. Gwinn. John Hix, Jr., son of the John Hix above referred to, was born August 31, 1778, in Cumberland County, Virginia, and died on the farm on which Robert Hix now resides, near New Richmond. William and Andrew Hix were twin sons of John Hix, Jr., born July 27, 1823. Andrew died in 1900. He was a brave Confederate soldier under McCausland. William is still living, and is the father of Robert Hix. William Hix is one, if not the oldest, of the citizens now living in Green Sulphur District.
He has a wonderful recollection of things which are apparently ancient to the younger generation. He remembers distinctly seeing Indians, in his boyhood days from his father's farm, on their way to Washington City. He was then about fourteen years old, and it was about the year 1837. The three brothers, John, William and Andrew, each lived to be very old men. They were Democrats in politics before the war, and continued their affiliations with that party during their entire lives. William resides with his only son, Robert, who is one of the leading citizens of Green Sulphur District, one of the leaders of the Democratic party, member of the Executive Committee, and a very loyal citizen- but not an office-seeker, never having been a candidate for any office.
although he permitted the use of his name as deputy for Mr. O. T. Kesler, in his last race for the shrievalty.
In religious affairs Mr. Hix and all of the family are identified with the Missionary Baptist Church. Robert married a Miss Lusher, daughter of Thomas D. Lusher. John Hix, Jr., left the following family: Elizabeth, born October 13, 1804; Catherine, born November 27, 1806; Michael, born January 4, 1809; John, born December 5, 1811; Adeline, born July 18, 1816, who married John Duncan, who lives at Green Sulphur Springs. William and Andrew were twins, born July 27, 1823. William Hix married Jane Kincaid, September 17, 1845, and the following children were born to them: Martha, born July 7, 1850, now deceased; Robert,
born January 1, 1852; Susan, who married Mr. —- Edwards, born October 3, 1853; John L., born November 20, 1856, now deceased: Virginia, who married Robert Gwinn, born March 3, 1861; Minerva Ella married Charles Withrow, and was born Au.ci gust 3, 1853. The wife of William Hix died December 29, 1828. « , Michael Hix, living on the Hump Mountain, a son of Michael, who died during the war, is also of this family. He was a brave Confederate soldier and a good citizen, as was also Andrew Hix, his uncle, who was severely wounded during the war. One of his daughters married George W. Ayres. John Hix lived on the Swell Mountain at a very high point, where, at one time, the lightning struck his barn, killing one son and severely wounding another, Marion, who now lives near Hinton. John Hix was a president of the Board of Education of Green Sulphur District, as was also his son, James M. Hix, who now lives on Lick Creek— another of the soldiers of the Confederacy.
No one by the name of Hix was ever known to vote any ticket except the Democratic. Michael Hix, Sr., married Jeriah Duncan, who lived to be a very old lady, near Lick Creek, adjoining the S. I7. Taylor place.
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his descendants in Carroll County, Tennessee: family members of Michael Clark of England and Barbados, and his son Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia, the migration of his sons to Anson County, North Carolina and descendants to Henry, Weakley, and Carroll Counties of Tennessee:
The Hicks Family The line of Cary Clark, wife of Beverly Clark descends to John Hicks, died in 1772
John Hicks 1637
John Hicks witness will of John Gray Southwarke Parrish (1708) 1772, 1748
The Harris family were closely associated with John Hicks, father of Cary Clark. Listed in the Virginia Quit Rolls of land in James City in 1704,
Meshack hicks and Anna Dawson daughter nancy b. 10-27 1769. Meshack Rev. war pension
The Herndons of the American Revolution: #61, John Herndon (b. ca. 1746-d. ca. 1821) of Goochland County, Virginia, and his known descendants of the family in America
Mary Hix m. Rotal utley march 20, 1817
Catherine Herndon She married John Hicks, 21 Dec 1795, in Goochland Co.
John Hix 1810 census one male oe female born 1766-1784, 2 females born after 1800
Hays and Breeze ancestors: a genealogy of the parents of my father Ralph E. Hays : researched and compiled solely by the author, from records found in the United States at the National Archives, state archives, county court houses, in the U.S. census, and cemetery records
John Hix b. before 1730 daughter Sarah Hic m Samuel huff.
John Hix jr. 400 arces 1771 Pittsylvania Co - close to property William Hix
William Hix Sr. 1787 tax list William Huff
The William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 22 edited by Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Richard Lee Morton
Nov. 3, 1785.—
a. road by Mr. John Hix on Falling creek. Nov. 11, 1783.—John Hix of St. Paul to his son Joseph Hix 100
a. on Falling Creek adj. Jno. Hix, Wm Hix. Oct. 8, 1784.—John X. Hicks & Elizabeth his wife of St. Paul to Jas. Cross 390 a. on Leap Water & Falling Creek adj. Stephen Hanes, John Mead, Wm Hanes, Jeremiah Fraizier. Nov. 4, 1784.—John X Hix of St Paul to Sam1 Priddy part of land said Hicks lives on, adj. Jeremiah Frazer, s'd. Preddy, David Rowland, Sr. Dec. 6, 1787.—Joseph Hicks & Dorothy, his wife, David Hanes & Finch Ragland to Pettus Ragland 3 tracts—viz:—
(1) Joseph Hicks, tract 94 a. adj. land of said Pettus Ragland, Chas. Davis, Jno Davis & John King. decd, being land whereon s'd Joseph now lives.
(2) said Davis Hanes 2 a. across branch from Pettus Ragland.
Jan. 24, 1785.—Wm Hanes & Sally X his wife of St Paul to Richd Littlepage 99 a. S'd Hanes homestead adj. Xopher Hanes, Thos. Hanes, John Hix, Sam1 Bumpas.
I have a John Hicks b. 12MAR1759 in Henrico Co. VA, but other researchers state he married Lavinia Cole ca 1783 in Goochland Co. VA. This couple had one son named William, who fought in the War of 1812 and later settled in Hawkins Co. TN. Father John reportedly moved to Hawkins Co. TN about 1814 and died there in 1847.
This John appears to be the son of the John Hicks who died in Cumberland Co. VA in 1775 and probably the grandson of the John Hicks who married Rebecca Rives/Rieves. Grandpa John died in Surry Co. in 1729.
I don't know if John had a second marriage, nor do I have a Cheatum in my Hix database. This John would have been about 48 in 1807, so it probably would have to be a second marriage.
grandmother, Sarah Hix, who married Samuel Huff on 3 March 1773, VA.
I am trying at present to piece together a line of descent from John Hixe of James City County through his son Henry to my earliest documented Hix ancestor is is John Hix of Goochland County. I have a hunch and have been told many many other hix researchers that the Virginia Hix line(those who settled north of the James River) probably descends from John Hixe of James City. I have a tenative line for this descent and Samuel Huff is within that line. As you know for certain, Huff married Sarah Hix; she was most likely the daughter of John and Elizabeth Hix of Cumberland, previously Goochland County. AS I am finding out more, this is what I'm piecing together: Our branch of the Hix family was continually moving westward. While Goochland was formed from the frontier of Henrico, our ancestors had moved from James City to Charles City to New Kent/Hanover to Henrico (and perhaps Louisa) and into Goochland. Goochland at that time was very large and lay on the north and south sides of the James River. Cumberland county was formed from land that was previously Goochland as was powhatan. My ancestor John Hix who married Kitty Cheatum was probably very familiar with Powhatan county. The Cheatums were a Chesterfield county family, Chesterfield lies just east of Powhatan, and John and Kitty's son Abner married Kesiah Carter, d/o Jacob Carter who probably had ties to the Powhatan Carters. With the Goochland county Courthouse on the north side of the river, and with all of the marriages (John and Kitty, Abner and Kesiah) being recorded there, I believe that John settled just north west of the Courthouse. Abner and Jacob Carter also settled nearby. So, I find documentation for all these folks in Powhatan, Cumberland, and Goochland.
The connection to John Hixe is a little more probelmatic owing to the elusive nature of supporting documentation. John HIx married Sarah Preston who was d/o Joseph Preston. I have located deed abstracts confirming there land holdings which are located along the Chickahominy River. John HIxes son Henry is fairly well documented by other researchers. I have a gap between Henry and Peawd Hix of Louisa County who is most likey an Uncle or cousin of my ancestor John Hix. If I can span the gap, I will have proven that my ancestor is John Hixe of James City. Also, I am trying to locate a James Hix of the Pamamuck tribe who is mentioned as living in the area by Tiascund and Warrany Creek; this is the same area where John Hixe resided. If these two persons are the same person, then I have completed my trace to my earliest ancestor--JOhn HIx of the Pamamuck (Appomatuck) tribe, a tributary of the Pamunky.
Currently I am looking for and following up on source documentation. If you know of anything, please pass it on. If you have any question, email me at hicks03@aol.com, and I'll try to answer them.
Thomas Hicks born in Virginia married to Mary Gwaltney in Isle of Wight Co., Va, about 1786. They had one child I know of for sure named Elias Hicks, born 1787. Where I do not know. He married 1st Lucretia Lassiter abt 1807, they had 11 children.He married 2nd Margaret P. Outland abt. 1835. They had 3 children.
1. JOHN[1] HICKS was born Abt. 1776 in VA, and died Bef. 1820. He married NANCY (ANN) BENNETT September 18, 1810 in Brunswick County, VA, daughter of JOHN BENNETT and ELIZABETH SADLER. She was born Abt. 1772, and died Bet. 1860 - 1870 in DeKalb County, TN.
2. i. LEWIS P.2 HICKS, b. 1812, Brunswick County, VA; d. September 23, 1895, St. Francois County, Farmington, MO.
Generation No. 2
2. LEWIS P.[2] HICKS (JOHN1) was born 1812 in Brunswick County, VA, and died September 23, 1895 in St. Francois County, Farmington, MO. He married ELIZA ANN F. BENNETT Abt. 1831 in Supposedly 11 boys & 1 girl- Smith Co./1834 Dekalb Co., TN. She was born 1809 in TN, and died 1894 in Madison County, MO.
Children of LEWIS HICKS and ELIZA BENNETT are:
i. MATTHEW MONROE3 HICKS, b. November 16, 1833, Smith County/1834 Dekalb County, TN; d. January 20, 1899, Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO; m. MARTHA ANN NEWBERRY, June 30, 1853, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; b. March 03, 1837, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. October 03, 1894, (or Nov. 15th) Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO.
ii. JOHN H. HICKS, b. 1837, Dekalb County, TN; d. Bet. 1872 - 1880, Fell off a horse & hit his head.; m. HELEN SARAH CRANE, Bef. 1880, Before 1880 Census to B.C. Nance???? (Yes Children).
iii. EBENEZER RIGHT (DOC) HICKS, b. July 09, 1840, Dekalb County, TN; d. July 22, 1905, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO; m. (1) UNKNOWN BURRIS, Abt. 1862, #1 (?B); b. MO; m. (2)
SUSAN NEIGHBORS, April 21, 1871, #2 (SN) Ripley County, MO; b. MO; d. Abt. 1872; m. (3) NANCY (NANNIE) HARRINGTON, September 30, 1873, #3 (NH) (5 Children) Ripley County, Doniphan, MO; b. 1856, TN; d. October 05, 1889, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO.
iv. HENDERSON P. HICKS, b. 1843, Dekalb County, TN.
v. LORENZA P. HICKS, b. 1846, Dekalb County, TN.
vi. WILLIAM B. HICKS, b. 1847, Dekalb County, TN.
vii. JEFFERSON B. HICKS, b. 1849, Dekalb County, TN.
viii. ALFRED FREDONI (DONI) HICKS, b. January 24, 1851, Dekalb County, TN; d. September 29, 1938; m. (1)
ANNIE ELIZA REYNOLDS, November 03, 1881, #1 (AER); d. Bef. February 1888, (Died at a young age); m. (2)
ANNA CEMORE MCWILLIAMS, February 09, 1888, #2 (ACM) (or 2nd) Madison County, MO; b. September 17, 1868; d. May 10, 1917.
ix. CYPRIAN LAFAYETTE (CL) HICKS, b. May 11, 1853, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. May 01, 1904; m. PEARL MALCOM, March 19, 1893, Wayne County, MO.
x. ELIZA JOSEPHINE (JOSIE) HICKS, b. August 27, 1855, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. March 06, 1909, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; m. WILLIAM H. VAN BECK.
xi. CARROLL WILLIAM HICKS, b. 1859, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. 1934, (Fall of 1934) Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, MO; m. (1) MARTHA ELLEN (ELLA) COOK, June 29, 1882, #1 (MEC); d. Abt. August 23, 1884, Died just after giving childbirth.; m. (2) CELIA ADELINE SOLACE, Bef. June 1894, #2 (CAS); d. Abt. October 1946, Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, M
Looking for information regarding Nancy Hix b. about 1750 in Virginia--death before 1804 in Jackson, GA--Father was Nathaniel Hix b. about 1720 in Virginia--mother unknown. Spouse: Married Samuel Haggard b. about 1750 in Albemarle, Virginia, death about May 1811 in Jackson Co., GA-Will was probated 3 June 1811 in Jackson Co., GA
Children of Samuel and Nancy (Hix) Haggard
John; Patsy; James; Elizabeth; Nancy Ann; Samuel; Sarah; Johnathan (5th g grandfather); Gray, Frances, Hannah, Alfred L.; Susannah, and French
Believe them all to have been born in NC
Indenture made the 27th day of December, 1757, between Robert BULL and Ambross HARWELL, for 45 pounds, conveying 150 acres, land conveyed from Thos. BULL to his son, Robert BULL and being part of a tract of land taken up by the said Thos. BULL, the patent dated January 12, 1746. Signed by Robert BULL and Rachell BULL. Witnesses were Thos. JACKSON, John HICKS, and Samuel JACKSON. Indenture and Memorandum of Livery of Seizin were acknowledged in Court on December 27, 1757, by Robert BULL and Rachel, his wife. Deed Book 6, page 222.
John Hicks b 1610 England md 1636 Herodias Long
John Hicks born 12 July, 1773 NC, resided 1799-180
Nathan HICKS, b: 11/06/1743, Albermarie Parrish,
Hix, Collins, Word and Related Families 1990 Elsie Smiley Sullivan:
Oldest Hix ancestor, John Hix (ca. 1735-1804), was born in Campbell Co., Va. He was married to Sibella Rice (b. 1742). They had eight children. Four of their children migrated to Tennessee and settled in the community of Flat Creek in Bedford County.
Four families: Winn, Thomas, Ware, Garrett of the southern United States, from 1600s to 1993; Frederick Ware Huff
F.W. Huff, 1993
F. Mourning m. John Hix
Thomas Hix and John Winn in french and Indian Wars
With this I will close the Huff family and proceed to the records of Sarah Hix who married Samuel Huff, daughter of John Hix of Bedford Co., Virginia. John Hix was born ca 1730
Hix, Collins, Word and Related Families 1990
Elsie Smiley Sullivan - 1990 - No preview
The oldest proven Hix ancestor, John Hix (ca. 1735-1804), was born in Campbell Co., Va. He was married to Sibella Rice (b. 1742)
Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, Volume 3 1928
Capt. Robert Hix, Lieu David Crawley and other Indian Traders had sought help in Williamsburg, as indicated by a Colonial Council entry of April 28, 1708: "Whereas Complaint hath been made to this Board in behalf of Robert Hix, David Crawley and other Indian traders,
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 103:
Of the Virginia early immigrants, listed are: William Hix, 1638 by Richard Fludd, York County; Jeremy Hicks, 1654,
Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, Virginia, 1755-1800 edited by Jane Estelle Smith
William Turner m. Betsey [sic] Hicks daughter of John Hicks Jan. 23, 1778 William Hicks Surety
William Hix 1774 1839
The Frosts and Related Families of Bedford County, Tennessee -Wright Wilson Frost
1962 - Bedford County (Tenn.) - 3
Genealogy: A Journal of American Ancestry, Volumes 6-7
Farthing Hix and Rhoda Turner, dau. Isaiah Turner, 22 March, 1784.
Henry Haynes and Tabitha Turner, 20 May, 1784.
William Turner and Betsey Hix, dau. John Hix, 28 January, 1788.
Appomattox Virginia Heritage - Page 118 by S. Grose
"William Hix" arrives in Jametown in 1639. Charles City 1703 and Louisa Co. 1727 Archibald Powhatan Co, Wilson Hix b. 1795 only son of John Hix died in 1803. Mother remarried moved t okY. Rasied by two sisters in Appomatox
Wilson Hix was born on October 12, 1795, the only son of John Hix, who died in 1803.
Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg County, Virginia, 1746-1816: Landon Covington Bell, Landon C. Bell - 1930
Returns by Michael Mackie and John Hix, Processioners, 24th of March, 1772. Agreeable to an order of Vestry bearing date the 13th of Deer., 1771, we Michael Mackie and John Hix have processioned the following lines. Between Jona.
1681 James City County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location [1]
1. HIXE Sarah, b. 1680/1681, New Kent County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location
2. HIXE Samuel, b. Abt 1683, Goochland County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location
3. HIXE Joseph, b. 1684, Blisland Parish, James City County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location
> 4. HIX *Nathaniel, b. 1685, Saint Peters Parish, New Kent, VA Find all individuals with events at this location, d. Bef 20 May 1735, Goochland County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location
5. HIXE Daniel, b. 1685, Goochland County, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location
6. HIXE John, b. 1687
7. HIXE Thomas, b. 1689
google books: Love Kaylor married John Hix, and was the grandmother of Robert Hix, the present overseer of the poor of Green Sulphur District. William Kaylor a descendant of the original Mathias Kaylor, lived until he was killed, about two years ago, on the ..
Robert HICKS, Gentleman of Brunswick County, Virginia made his will 6 Mar 1738/39. He lists his wife, Frances, sons Charles, James, George, and grandsons Benjamin (son of his deceased son, Daniel), and John Beddingfield; daughters, Frances Ransom, Martha Bedingfield, Elizabeth, Rachel, Mary and Tabitha.
The will was proved 7 Feb 1739 in Brunswick County. Wife Frances Hicks was Executrix. Witnesses were Ann Poyghress, Charles Ross and John Chapman.
Will Book 2, page 3, Brunswick County, Virginia
Charles Hicks
James Hicks m. Martha
George Hicks m. Sarah
Daniel Hicks, m. Edith Fonville
Frances Hicks, m. Richard Ransom
Martha Hicks m. Beddingfield
Elizabeth Hicks
Rachel Hicks
Mary Hicks
Tabitha Hicks
Daniel HICKS of Brunswick County, Virginia made his will 7 Dec 1734. His wife, Edith, sons Benjamin, Thomas and Daniel and daughter Mary are mentioned.
The will was proved in Brunswick County 3 April 1735. Executors were his wife, Edith and John Hicks. Witnesses were George Wallton, Robert Hicks, Sr., Francis Hicks and James Hicks.
Deed and Will Book 1, page 168, Brunswick County, Virginia
Benjamin Hicks
Thomas Hicks
Daniel Hicks
Mary Hicks m. Joseph Williams
Online article Descendents of William Hicks (VA to KY)
Birth: Abt 1756
Marriage: 02 Jan 1784 (2 Jan 1784) - VA (Virginia)
Death: Oct or Dec 1822 (Oct 1822) - Garrard, KY (Kentucky)
Parents: William Hix Hicks
Spouse: Mary Swanger or Swango
HICKS, WILLIAM Ancestor #: A207037 Service: VIRGINIA Rank: CORPORAL Birth: CIRCA 1755 Death: 19 Dec 1822 JESSAMINE CO KENTUCKY Service Source: S*W8931 Service Description: 1) ALSO PVT; CAPTS WILLIAM MCKEE.
9. Judith Collier m. James Hicks, of Brunswick Co., Va., and had two daughters and five sons, four of whom were officers in the Continental Army, and two of whom were captured by the British at the battle of Brier Creek, Ga. Probably lived at Hicksford, in that part of the county subsequently set aside as Greensville Co. Issue :—
52, Capt. Charles Hicks, revolutionary patriot. 53, Isaac, 54, George, d. in Georgia. 55, John, d. near Bruce's Church, Brunswick Co. 56, James, d. near Jericho, Brunswick Co. 57, Vines, moved to Tennessee. 58, Sarah, b. 1762, m. Robert Hardaway. 59, Ann Vines, b. 1766, m. Dr. William G. Walker.
Pastor in charge of the M. E. Church, South, in the East Abingdon district, was born in Washington county, May 11, 1849. He married in Tazewell county, Virginia, October 3, 1872, Mary A. Bane, who was' born in that county, October 10, 1850. The issue of this union is seven children,born in the order named: Charles E.. N. E. May, Maud, William Bane, Marguerite A., Spiller, Ellen Stuart.
The father of William Ward Hicks is Rev. William Hicks, son of William Hicks from Maryland, whose father came from England. His mother is Elizabeth M., daughter of William Ward of Wythe county, Virginia, whose father came from Ireland. William Ward, of Wythe county, married a Miss Young of Tennessee.
Rev. William Hicks, pastor in the M. E. Church, South, was a prominent member of the Holston conference, and several times a member of the general conference. He was the Hayward county delegate to the North Carolina convention at Raleigh that passed the ordinance of secession, and during the war was chaplain of the 6th North Carolina Infantry. Before the war he was editor of the Herald of Truth; subsequently edited the HnMon Advoi-IIti', in Virginia; also served as superintendent of public schools in Bland county, Virginia.
The wife of Rev. William Ward Hicks is a daughter of William R. Bane, Esq. of Tazewell county, whose father, Howard Bane, came from Giles county to Tazewell county, the family of Scotch extraction. Her mother was Nancy, daughter of Howard Haven, of Tazewell county.
William Hix
(b. ABT 1727, d. JUL 1812)
Event: Type: Fact 1
Place: Father: William Hix, Sr., (last deed in 1765 in Cumberland Co., VA)
Place: 1755 land deed in Cumberland Co. from William Sr. to William Jr.
Place: 1810 in Bedford Co., VA
Land deeds in Cumberland Co., Virginia:
Nov 26, 1753 William & Elizabeth Hix to Samuel Melton 100 acres Soke Arse Run
Aug 25, 1755 William Hix, Sr. to William Hix, Jr. 100 acres
Aug 26, 1765 William Hix, Sr. to Samuel Melton 40 acres
Jan 25, 1779 William Hix (Jr.) to James Farmer 100 acres
Jul 28, 1783 William & Elizabeth Hix to John Ford 105 acres
A William Hix is listed for tithes in 1748 & 1749 and as grantee in Cumberland county deeds in 1750 & 1755. The wife is not named in the deeds for William Hix, Sr. in 1755 & 1765 nor the deed in 1779. Deeds in 1792 & 1793 mention Stephen and Daniel Hix. The Hix names of Daniel and Marmaduke first appear in Goochland County Order Book in 1730.
Bedford County tax lists have William Hix from 1782 through 1800 and a second William Hix from 1784 to 1788. Jesse Hix is listed beginning in 1786, the first full year he was married to Mary Board and son William was born? He didn't marry Jane Ferrell until the fall of 1787.
A William Hix was bond & witness for marriage of Martha Hix to Thomas Hazelwood on May 23, 1792 in Campbell Co., Virginia. Daughter of our William Hix?
A Phillip Hix died before 1820 in Bedford Co. Had a daughter Nancy who married a James Thomason on Apr 25, 1796 and a daughter Polly who married a William Durham on Feb 26, 1798 in Bedford county. There is a good chance that this Phillip was the son of our William & Elizabeth Hix.
Chappell Love of Mecklenburg County, Virginia, his ... - Page 63; Louise Winckler Boswell - 1974
ISAAC LOVE, the son of William Love of Lunenburg County, Virginia, and the twin brother of Jacob Love, appeared on the tax list in ... was struck the American Colonist at Camden when the British forces under the command of Lord Cornwallis defeated the American Army ... We do not have the military record of Martha's brothers, Henry Hix and Laban Christopher, but the older one Henry Hix volunteered .
The Final Irony - Page 174 by Katherine Lane Nichols - 1974
James haggard joined the British Army as a private but due to parental protest volunteered to become a colonist in Virginia. Upon arriving in America in 1689 ... was born 1755 and died 1810. He married Nancy Hix of Virginia and then Ruth Ayer of Georgia
A deed in 1701 to John Poythress notes that his neighbor was Robert Hix, Sr., the taylor, who purchased land from Hugh Lee. (See Hugh Lee)
Full text of "History of Hampton and Elizabeth City County, Virginia"
Page twenty-two In March 1642- '43 the Virginia Assembly gave a solemn ..... John Hicks apprenticed to George Minson to learn to read & write & the trade of a
The genealogy, with historical and personal comments, of the known descendants of Col. Benjamin Seawell, sr. and Lucy Hicks
Seawell, Benjamin Lee, 1863-
The American South: A History - Page 42
William J. Cooper Jr., Thomas E. Terrill - 2008
In the middle decades of the eighteenth century, Lunenburg County, Virginia, south of the James River in the area known as the Southside, offered substantial opportunity for new stsetlers In 1748 John Hix worked for a small planter, but by 1769 he had acquired 395 acres and two slaves.
Author: Seawell, Benjamin Lee, 1863-
Title: The genealogy, with historical and personal comments, of the known descendants of Col. Benjamin Seawell, sr. and Lucy Hicks, compiled and arranged by a great grandson, Ben Lee Seawell.
Publication info: South Pasadena, Calif. [Printed by L.C. Mock] 1935.
Description: 1 p. l., 139, [1] p. front. (coat of arms) illus. (incl. ports.) 23 cm.
Local note: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: Gift of J.T. Adams.
Subject: Seawell family (Benjamin Seawell, d. 1778)
Virginia magazine, XVI., page 107
HARRISONS OF JAMES RIVER. Which Benjamin Harrison "qualified as County Lieut. of Brunswick Co. 5 July, 1739, took the appointed oaths and signed the test" (Brunswick Co. Records)? Was it the Wakefield-Brandon Benjamin Harrison, or Benjamin Harrison, of Brunswick Co., who made his will in 1789 which was proved in 1790. It names sons Thomas
Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Harrison, daughter Rita Cook (Mrs. John Cook), Harriet Reese (Mrs. Thomas Reese), Judith Collier (Mrs. Myhill Collier), Elyn Barnes (Mrs. John Barnes), Rebecca Hicks (Mrs. John Hicks), Mary Hicks (Mrs. Robert Hicks), grandsons Theophilus Harrison and Robert Harrison, granddaughters Judith Barnes and Elizabeth Hicks.
Sons James and Benjamin Harrison Executors. This last Benjamin was Mrs. Love's (Frances Harrison's) father. This Harrison family were kinsmen of President Wm. Henry Harrison, and of Major Richard Harrison, N.C. militia, Revolutionary Army (who married Anne Patillo, daughter of Pres. Henry Patillo, Provincial Council, N.C.), and his brother James Harrison, Revolutionary Army, S.C. (who married Elizabeth Hampton, sister of Gen. Wade Hampton and of Page 63.
Col. Henry Hampton of the Revolutionary Army), both of whom were from James River, Va., but I don't know in what degree. The Stubbs book makes the statement. I want to know who were the parents of Benjamin Harrison, who died 1789-90, and if he descended from Benjamin Harrison, the councillor, also the name of his wife? Family tradition states that the name of the wife of his son Benjamin was Martha Hicks, but one branch of the family questions this and claim that this Benjamin was Francis Harrison Love's father. Was Henry Harrison son of Councillor, who died 1732 twice married? And are the Sussex
Co., Va., Harrisons his descendants? His will leaves his plantation to his nephew, Benjamin Harrison, upon the death of Henry's wife, who was Elizabeth Smith, and I always supposed he had no children, but saw in the Times-Dispatch, that the Sussex Harrisons were descended from him. - Mrs. Mary H. Benning, 1420 Broad St., Columbus, Georgia. This Harrison family seems to come from a family of Harrisons in York County, Va., among whom the names Robert, Richard and James frequently occur. A full account of them has never been given - Editor.
Line of Thomas Jefferson
John Hicks, d. ca. 1631; m. 20 Feb. 1603/4, Lamesley, Durham, England.
General Assembly James City Nov. 10, 1682
Orders of public charge and levy
To John Hickes 1 ditto 200 John Warbleton ditto . .. 400
James City County
Private in Captain John Hickes's Company, Queens County Militia, 1738.
The Road to Reno: A History of Divorce in the United States - Page 41
Nelson Manfred Blake - 1962
... Southern colonies — Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia — the situation was similar to that in Virginia. ... In 1655 John Hickes of Flushing presented a petition to the colonial council alleging that his wife Hardwood Longh: ran
The descendants of Robert Harris: including families of ... - Page 16; 1999
Isle of Wight Co., VA, Deed Book 1, p. ... 420 Surry County / Ellinor the wife of John Hickes aged 46 yeares or thereabouts / Sworne & Examined saith: That shee this Depon1 well knew MARTHA SPILTTMER reputed Daughter of ANTHONY Ellinor, wife of John Hickes, aged 46, deposed to the same. 7 June, 1704.
Mary Hickes from danettetaylor
DescendantsBirth: 1605 in Rappahannock River, Rappahannock,Virginia,USA
SmartMatchesDeath: 1659 in New Kent,,Virginia,USA
Father: Babtista Hickes Mother: Elizabeth Hickes
Spouse: Peter Ware
Sex: F
Robert Hicks/Ruth Ragsdale m 1701
Elijah Ragsdale: born Virginia, November 1, 1778 to South Carolina, died Georgia May 1, 1858 : his antecedents and known descendants
There was a Kathe or Rathe Ragsdale in Henrico Co., Va. who m. May 18, 1701, Robert Hix, the explorer. She is possibly a daughter --Robert Hix
He married Ruth Kathe Ragsdale 18 May 1701 at Henrico, Virginia . Ruth Kathe Ragsdale was born at of Bristol, Henrico, Virginia Abt 1695 daughter of Godfrey Ragsdale and Rachel Rowlett .
Godfrey Ragsdale II 1644 - 1703 b: Bef. 1644 in Old Town, Henrico Co., Virginia
+Rachel Rowlett 1644 - 1703 b: Abt. 1644
sister : 8 Rachel Ragsdale 1660 - 1758 b: 1660 in Bristol Parish,Henrico Co., Virginia
+Richard Jones 1660 - 1747 b: 1660
brother: 8 Godfrey Ragsdale III 1676 - 1731 b: Bef. 1676 in Henrico Co., Virginia
......................... +Elizabeth Baxter 1680 - 1750 b: Abt. 1680
Captain William Farrar of the Virginia council, who was a kinsman of Nicholas Farrar (Ferrer), deputy treasurer of the Virginia Company of London. He was justice of Henrico county. 1677-1684.
In 1618 Captain William Farrar came to Virginia aboard the ship “Neptune”. His son, Colonel William Farrar, received a 2000 acre land grant in Henrico.
Caroline Co. person prop list 1783 : William Hix
Militia Virginia Thomas Hix 1763 Halifax Co.
John Hickes 1642 John Brooch Charles River 1654 had land Charles County & James City Co., 1667 land is held by John Hickes adjoining Curtis land.
Surry Co tithables George Williams and John Hickes june 10, 1689
Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia: A ... - Page 653
Ellinor, wife of John Hickes, aged 46, deposed to the same. 7 June, 1704.
The Invention of the White Race: The origin of racial ...
Theodore W. Allen - 1997 -
... to either £10 or the goods but not both, contrary to the terms of the original indenture.143 In June 1678, John Hickes[?] was taken up on the eastern shore of Virginia there was no "positive proof" of the charge, the court in the Virginia Eastern Shore county of Northampton ordered him ...
Early Virginia Families Along the James River: Their Deep Roots and Tangled (source)
t with one tithe, and he was in the St. James Northam Parish. His neighbors were William Barker and Thomas Farrar. I am interested in him because there was also a Golder Davidson who was in Henry and then Patrick County, VA in the 1780s-early 1800s. He was associated with a William, John and Richard Davidson there, and I believe that these men were descendants of a Davidson family that had been in James City County, VA, then Goochland County, VA, then Cumberland County, VA and then Buckingham County, VA. Edward, David and William Davi(d)son, members of that family, were also on the 1746 Goochland County, VA tithe list (Southam Parish), and I wonder if one of them married a Hix? The most likely candidate seems to have been William Davidson, since I do not believe that Edward or David had a child named Golder. Any information? Other Hix men I see on Goochland tithe lists are: Duke (1736; the rest are 1746) Marmaduke Hix, Marmaduke Hix, Jr., John Hix, Archer Hix, Stephen Hix, Thos. Jolly Hix, Gideon Hix, Samuel Hix, Samuel Hix, Jr. and Henry Hix. Thanks!
Per a post on RootsWeb, it seems that Golder (Goulder) Hix was a son of Samuel Hix, Sr. and his wife Diane Willis. Samuel Hix, Sr. was the son of John Hixe and Sarah Preston. Golder/Goulder had sisters named Diane Hix and Catherine Hix, an aunt named Sarah Hix and nieces (via Samuel Hix, Jr. and his wife Frances Wyatt) named Diana Hix and Agnes Hix. I assume that any of these women COULD HAVE married a Davi(d)son.
What do we have on the Cumberland Co Hicks/Hix family? Miller's Cumberland co.
(History of Summers Co) mention of a connection to Cumberland Co is surely a clue ..... otherwise why would he mention it ..... surely he didn't just pull it out of a hat.. I have a will for John Hicks of Cumberland Co, dated 7 May 1775, recorded 22 Jan 1776, names a son John ..... this John could be the first John Hicks/Hix who shows up in Greenbrier Co. I have not done any additional research on this family. So how do we prove or at least cite a good case of circumstantial evidence to suggest a connection? Shall we look for John the son mentioned in the will, and perhaps gather info on the other kids?
P. S. I also have some (disjointed) notes on a Sarah Hicks (widow of Wm), 1758, of Cumberland Co, and a Wm Hix Sr, 1765, a James & Anna Hix, 1765, and a Marmaduke Hix, 1776. in the Cumberland Co Deeds.
More is known of Robert, (son of Robert(?)), who married Mary Price and later Agnes, whose surname is unknown. He died about 1749. His children were: Robert Willis married Hellender Nailine; Zene Willis married A. Hix; Anne Price Willis; Betty Willis married Henry Hicks(?); William Willis; Price Willlis; Williamson Willis. There may have been others. He was a carpenter. David Willis appears in Goochland (later Cumberland?) records in 1743; he died ca 1749. He had sons Edward and William and possibly a daughter, Jemima who married John Woodall. He worked as a shoemaker. He is believed to have been a kinsman of Edward (ca 1660-1735) of Hanover County. Other Willises appear briefly in the records before moving on to other parts. They were Richard, Thomas, Edward, Major. So the ancestry of Henry Willis is questionable. Was it William? Was it Robert? David does not seem likely. In 1762, when Henry sold his land on Tuckahoe Creek, Edward Willis (probably son of David) witnessed. When he arrived in Orange Co., NC, .........
I looked at Marmaduke Hicks when last at the Library of Virginia. The first land grant I found for him was 1729 in Goochland County. Cumberland Cty was formed from parts of Goochland Cty in 1749. King William Parish records from 1700 to 1777 covered the area that is now Cumberland Cty. I was intrigued because I found surnames: Hicks/Hix, Willis, and Bailey in
abundance in the parish records. I am interested in Bailey/Baley because I once found an Amel Bailey in NC about the same time period as our Ammill, can't locate which county now. (We all know the scarcity of people named Amel/Ammill - pronounced "amul".)
From Goochland Deedbook #2, page 192, there is an entry from 1730 which lists Agnes as the wife of Marmaduke. Any info in the 1776 Marmaduke deed to indicate whether this is the same person? He would need to be about 70 years old by that time.
Also in Goochland records, I found references to wills for Daniel Hix, July 1735 and for John Hix 1748. I had missed Miller's reference to Cumberland County - thanks for bringing that to light. Maybe I wasn't on a wild goose chase after all.
Sorry, my notes from VA are sketchy - I was trying to look at various Hicks populations and ethnicity in the 1700's. These Cumberland folks were probably of English origin. Donna Hewett
Excerpts from the Charles City County Records (1655-1666) (Continued)
Source: The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 43, No. 4 (Oct., 1935), pp. 347-354
The Trials of Barbara Hux
Barbara Hux had memorable contacts with her chirurgeon as well as with the hand of the Law. She first emerges in the extant record, Oct. 4, 1658 (p. 157) :
"The Court hath ordered that Tho Huxe, Barbara Huxe, Nicholas Marsellis, Bridgett Willyard, Ann Townsend & Jane Bayly
shall personally appeare at James City to give evidence on behalfe of his highnesse the Lord Protector against one Thomas
Till a person then and there to be tryed for the suspicion of a felony."
But later, after the Restoration, Barbara felt the sting of the authorities upon her own proper person: "Barbara wife of
Thomas Hix for severall uncivill carriages as appearing to the Court to be forthwith conveyed by the Sherrifs officer to the
whipping post and there punished with 20 lashes on her bare back."
Her chirurgical experiences followed, not necessarily as an outcome of the legal lashes.
"Ordered that Thomas Hux* pay to Robert Busby Chirurgeon in full of an account exhibited in Court for paines means accomodacon & diett 500 ld tobacco."
On October 19, 1664, was aired in court (p. 524) the problem of the gold ring : "Whereas John Taylor complayneth to the Court to have lost a gold ring out of the house of Tho : Huxe & alledgeing that Robt Busby hath been knowne to weare the same ring
hath prayed in his peticon that the said Busby may declare upon oath how he came by the sd Ring whereupon the sd Busby haveing accordingly made oath in Court that he recd the Ring of Barbara the wife of the sd Huxe for a cure of her hand or
arme is therefore this suite dismist with Costs."
So Goody Hux (as she is entitled in one reference in the records) came out with flying colors and her husband, from
the Busby tilt, with tobacco in his pocket. "June 3, 1656 (p. 551) Whereas Robt Busby charging Tho. Hux two hundred pounds of tobbo & Cask in account for his wifes accomodacon at his brothers house in the time of her cure recovered Judgment for the same. And whereas it appeareth that the sd Hux paid to Tho Busbyf the owner of the house & the said accomdacon the sd 200 1. tobbo Ilb is therefore ordered that the sd Robt Busby render and repay the sd Hux the sd 200 lb tobbo & cask with cost of this suite als exec.
Thomas Hux (name sometime spelled Hix in the record), of Merchant's Hope, was the husband of Barbara Hux. Their daughter Mary was baptized at Martin's Brandon, June 15, 1660. At this period there was a John Hux in Surry County (Surry Record
Book I, p. 131), who, on May 9, 1659, made affidavit that he was 46 years old, and that he had married Jone Gray, daughter of Thomas Gray, Senr., and sister of Thomas Gray, Junr. The Quit Rent Roll of Prince George County, 1704, shows a Robert
Hix with 1,000 acres, and a John Hix with 216 acres. There was a tailor, Robert Hix, living in the county at this time.
Thomas Busby was doubtless the Indian interpreter whose name is found in the Surry records. But no Busbys are found on the Surry Quit rent roll of 1704. On the Prince George County roll, however, appear Capt. Thomas Busby and Thomas Busby, Jr., each with 200 acres.
Ancestors and Descendants of John Rolfe with Notes on Some Connected Families. The Fleming Family (Continued)
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 24, No. 3 (Jun., 1916), pp. 327-332
Nor was it only in a civil capacity that Wm. Fleming rendered service during the Revolution. When the county of Powhatan was formed from Cumberland he was appointed county lieutenant, his commission, signed by Gov. Henry, bearing the date July 31st, 1777. He probably held this office for several years, and as documents remaining show, rendered useful service. Among the few of his papers which remain is a subscription list taken in Powhatan county, for the purpose of paying bounties to
recruits and preventing a draught of the militia. It is as follows, the number after the names indicating the number of dollars subscribed: "We the subscribers hereby oblige ourselves to pay on demand, to the commander of the militia of Powhatan, the several sums of money set against our names respectively, to be by him equally distributed amongst such able bodied men as will engage to serve in one of the Virginia regiments on continental establishment, for one year, in order to prevent a draught of the militia for completing the sd regiments; provided that not more than 200 dollars, besides the public bounty, be paid to any one person so enlisting.
"Wm. Fleming 40, Cha. Fleming 30, Wm. Mayo 30, Jas. Bagbey 10, Samuel Hobson 10, Thomas Moseley 10, Robt. Hatcher 10, Wm. Tucker Jur. 10, Jos. Mayo 10, Thos. Harris 20, Robt. Smith 10, John Moseley 10, Littleberry Mosby 40, David Hughes 10, Joseph Thomson 10, Wm. Pointer 3, Pete Wilkinson 3, Jas. Wilkinson 5, Absalom Toler 4, Saml. White 3, Patrick Fitzsimmons 4, Danl. Hix 3, Rd. Crump 30, Robt. Richardson 16, John Moss, D. Creek 6, Chas. Rice 4, Saml. Woodson 6, John Porter 10, John Steuart Senr. 5, (GJeo. Mosby 8, Edward Mumford 20, James Pleasants 10, S. Hiyde Saunders 10, Jas. Drake 10, Henry Bagby
Burgesses in 1692-'93
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Oct., 1896), pp. 137-138
BURGESSES IN 1692-293.
Divers Burgesses to the number of thirty-three having met in the Burgesses Chamber, his Excellencies writt for Election of Burgesses for Gloucester Co., and return thereupon, was openly read.
Lazarus Thomas, Richard Morris, John Hix, and John Clerke, Doorkeepers.
Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in Illinois; Edwin S. Walker
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984), Vol. 8, No. 1 (Apr., 1915), pp. 46-54
...legislature which convened at Chillicothe, Ohio. He was appointed Major General of the Illinois militia, and in 1790 was made judge of the common pleas court. He died in Kaskaskia in 1832. John Hilterbrand and David Hix were soldiers under Clark, coming to Illinois in 1780, they settled on the east...
Records of Hanover County
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1 (Jul., 1912), pp. 47-63Published
There are only two old books in the Clerk's Office of Hanover county, Va. The oldest, designated the "Small Book" in these
inotes, covers the years 1734 and 1735, and contains orders, wills, deeds, etc. The other, "The Larger Book" of these notes, is a deed book for 1780-1790. The following are the abbreviations: adj.-adjoining; extor executor; adm.-administrator; s.-son;
(1-datughter or died; est.-estate; X-his mark; a.-acres. These notes were copied by me in the winter of I9I0-I9I1.- S. 0. Southall.
2 May, I734.-Chas. Hudson of St. Paul's to Henry Hix (Hudson patent in part April 7, 1732) on North E. Creek. I734.-Sarah Johnson release dower in 200 a. sold by her husband,...
Married sister of Katherine (Kathe married Robert 1701)
Richard Jones was born about 1660 in Prince George County, VA and died in 1747 in Brunswick, VA. He was the son of Richard Jones and Martha Llewelyn. It is believed he married about 1686 Amy Batte, daughter of Thomas Batte and perhaps Mary Randolph. Richard Jones was a militia captain and an Indian trader, a right that was given to him in 1712 by Governor Alexander Spotswood. Richard amassed a fortune in his trade with the Indians for beaver skins. In Ameia County, Richard obtained a patent for 1,623 acres in 1735. In 1736, the last patent recorded for Richard was for 650 acres in Brunswick County south of the Nottoway River. Richard married a second time to Rachel Ragsdale, daughter of Godfrey Ragsdale and Rachel Rowlette. He died in St. Andrew's Parish, Brunswick County, VA 8 Aug 1747-5 Nov 1747. At the time of his death, he owned about 1,500 acres of land and 22 slaves. Eight children were identified in his will.
Brunswick County, Virginia, Wills, Etc. (Continued)
Source: The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 22, No. 4 (Oct., 1914), pp. 368-378
Hicks, James R. 1807 7 218
Hix, Jeremiah 1810 7 426
Hicks, Nancy 1811 7 437
Records of Hanover County
Nath Wilkinson, John Watkins
The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 2 (Oct., 1913), pp. 114-130
NOV. 20, 1783.-Wm Hix & Sarah his wife to Pettus Ragland 51 a. road by Mr. John Hix on Falling creek.
Nov. 11, 1783.-John Hix of St. Paul to his son Joseph Hix 100a. on Falling Creek adj. Jno. Hix, Wm Hix.
Oct. 8, I784.- John X. Hicks & Elizabeth his wife of St. Paul to Jas. Cross 390 a. on Leap Water & Falling Creek
adj. Stephen Hanes, John Mead, Wm Hanes, Jeremiah Fraizier.
Nov. 4, I784.- John X Hix of St Paul to Sam' Priddy part of land said Hicks lives on, adj. Jeremiah Frazer, s'd. Preddy, David Rowland, Sr.
Dec. 6, 1787.-Joseph Hicks & Dorothy, his wife, David Hanes & Finch Ragland to Pettus Ragland 3 tracts- viz:
(I) Joseph Hicks, tract 94 a. adj. land of said Pettus Ragland, Chas. Davis, Jno Davis & John King. decd, being land whereon s'd Joseph now lives.
(2) said Davis Hanes 2' 2 a. across branch from Pettus Ragland.
(3) said Finch Y2 a. Jos. Cross, Pettus Ragland.
The First William Bird of Charles City County, Virginia (Continued)
Source: The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 42, No. 1 (Jan., 1934), pp. 41-46
Contributed by Robert Armistead Stewart
On April 20, 1663 (p. 373), as already noted, Wm. Bird and Otho Southcott were sworn Justices, and took their seats
on the bench beside Lt. Col. Drewe, Mr. John Holmwood, Theodorick Bland, Esq., Mr. Edward Hill, the younger (commissioned
April 22, 1661), Capt. Anthony Wyatt, Capt. Robt. Wynne, Capt. John Epes, Capt. Francis Grey, and Mr. Stephen Hamelyn (Hamlin).
One of the first cases that came to trial before the new Justice was that of John Beauchamp, merchant, versus Wm. House,
Minister, with a matter of tobacco at issue, and in this same staple Mr. House was heavily mulcted shortly afterwards in
consideration of an ecclesiastical lapse: "Whereas Mr. Wm. House minister hath openly confess in Court that he married
Reynath Anderson & Elizabeth Skiffen without lycence or legall publicaon of bands (sic) contrary to the law in force
the Court doth therefore fine & censure the sd Mr House to pay ten thousand pounds of good tobbo according to the sd
Law to be disposed according to Order of the next general Assembly."
On May 13, 1663 (p. 417) appeared on the docket the intriguing case of a negro "child of the family" drowned at the home of Mrs. Rollinson (ex-Sparrow), whose "murther" was laid at the door of the mistress of the house, by Capt. Anthony Wyatt and Elias Osborne.
The jury of inquest, Mr. John Tatem, foreman, Walter Holdsworth, Elias Osborne, Augustin Williard, Joseph Osborne, Rich. Price, Benj. Wade, Edward Beck, Theophilus Beddingfield, Tho: Stone, John Hix, and George Marshall, swore before William Bird their verdict : "We the above mentioned jury doe not find any wayes but that this child came accidentally to its death by examining the family causing them to touch the Corps we finde no otherwayes."
This "ordeal of the bier", with an accuser, Elias Osborne, participating as juryman, presents one of the three or four "trials by touch" discoverable in the extant records of seventeenth century Virginia. In Great Britain the last recorded instance came before the Scottish High Court of Judiciary in 1668.
The enlightened Court of Charles City County was obviously sceptical, and resolved "by their unanimous opinion that the
children of Mr. Charles Sparrow deed be not exposed to the danger of their mother who is accused for the murther of a negor child of her family." And Mr. Rawlinson (Rollinson) was continued guardian of the young Sparrows, with the distinct understanding that he keep them away from the danger of their mothers "lunatick violence." The current husband was doubtless repenting, though hardly at leisure, his matrimonial haste.
I have John Hicks of 1728 and Elizabeth Brown as the parents of John Hicks Jr. b. in Montbomery Co. Va. John and Nancy Hamly had the following children Claibourn 1806, Elisabeth 1814, Rebecca 1817, Elijah 1820, James Y. June 14 1822 and George W. Hicks 1828. My Line is from John Hicks Sr., brother Nathaniel Hicks and my GGG grandfather was Elias Hicks b. Russell 1795. [Dave Hicks]
Generation #1
John Hicks B 1703 Goochland CO. Va.D 1776
Married Mary Elizabeth Ervin b 1707 Goochland Co. Va in 1725 Goochland/Cumberland co Va.
Generation #2
John Hicks b 1728 Montgomery co Va ? married Elizabeth Brown.
Nathaniel Hicks b 1732 Cumberland co Va married Jane Scott
Claiborne Hicks b abt 1763 Married Elizabeth Keesee.
Elizabeth Hicks married a Rawlings in Cumberland co Va.
Henry Hicks B Cumberland Co Va.Married Betty Willis
Susannah Hicks
Jesse Hicks B 1730 Cumberland co VA Married Mary Grubs
Generation #3
John Hicks and Nancy Hamly Son of John
Elias Hicks and Sarah Son of Nathaniel
Jane Gincy/Anderson Dau of Nathaniel
Hannah Hicks/Breeding Dau of Claiborne
Robert Reuben Hicks and Christina Powers son of Claiborne
As you can see this ties together most of the Hicks families that were in Russell County in the early 1800 together.
The names of John Hicks of 1703 children are given in a will that was propated Jan 22,1776 In Cumberland Co. VA.
Cumberland County Virginia Records Hicks/Hix; Cumberland County Willbook 2 1769-1792
Page 205 Will Of John Hicks Dated May 7, 1775 - Probated Jan. 22, 1776: Daughter Elizabeth Rawling; Lend to my wife, Mary during her life the land and plantation whereon I now live and all the rest of my estate; after her death, Land, etc. to be sold and the money equally divided between Henry Hicks, John Hicks and Mary Hicks and Nathaniel Hicks and Clayborn Hicks and Susannah Hicks and Jesse Hicks. Exrs.: Thomas Wilkerson and my wife Mary Hicks. Wit; Martin Allen, John Armistead, William Armistead.
That is the wording of the Will.
This is what I have on Reuben Hicks
Marriage 2 NANCY BLEVINS b: ABT. 1824
: Bedford VA abt 1750
MEADOR, MEADOW, MEADOWS • Aug. 14, 1780; Barnes Holloway & Sarah Meadow, dt John; William Hix, Surety. • Nov. 17, 1785;
2 Tandy Suddarth
............ +Elizabeth Betsey Hicks m: 04 December 1799 in
Albemarle Co., VA
Tandy Suddarth who was living in Albemarle County during the early
1800s? He married Betsy Hicks in 1799.
John Hix (ABT 1715 - ) Mary
Children of John & Mary Hix
1. Mary 19 Jan 1736 Albemarle Co, Va.
2. Sarah 22 Dec 1737 Albemarle Co, Va.
3. Robert 3 Jan 1743 Albemarle Co, Va.
4. John 15 Aug 1748 Albemarle Co, Va. [Source Albemarle Parish Register 1717-1778.
Robert Hix (ABT 1720 - ) Mary [Children of Robert and Mary (?) Hix :
1. Amy 7 Mar 1742 Albemarle Co. Va
2. Nathaniel 6 Nov 1743 Albemarle Co. Va
Source: Albemarle Parish Register 1717 - 1778
Joseph Hix (ABT 1721 - ) Ann
Children of Joseph and Anne (?) Hix
1. John 19 Jul 1742 Albemarle Co. Va
2. William 22 Dec 1744 Albemarle Co. Va
3. Joseph 29 Aug 1755 Albemarle Co. Va
4. William 29 Feb 1765 Albemarle Co. Va
Source: Albemarle Parish Register 1717-1778
William Hix (ABT 1714 – AFT 1760) Mary [Children of William & Mary (?) Hix
1. James 3 Sep 1735 Albemarle Co, Va.
2. Elizabeth 24 Feb 1740 Albemarle Co, Va.
3. Tubal 22 Nov 1743 Albemarle Co, Va.
4. Hannah 15 Oct 1745 Albemarle Co, Va.
5. Jemimma 6 Dec 1747 Albemarle Co, Va.
6. William 13 Jul 1748 Albemarle Co, Va.
1748 July 13. Elizabeth Dowdy was godparent with James Hix and Nathaniel Jones for the birth of William Hix, son of William and Mary Hix. Albemarle Parish Record.
7. Mary 14 Dec 1749 Albemarle Co, Va.
8. Micajah 17 Nov 1753 Albemarle Co, Va.
9. William 5 Jul 1760 Albemarle Co, Va. [Source: Albemarle Parish Register 1717- 1778
Blansford Hix (1782 –1845) Son of: William 1760
The connection of Blansford to William (1760) is tenuous. William Hix was the only head of family shown in the 1783 Heads of Virginia Families. The Albemarle Parish Register shows two William Hix’s born in this era: William (1760) and William (1765), son of Joseph and Anne Hix. Of the two, William 1760 is the more likely father.
Blansford’s paternity of these children is based partly on his will: “Blansford Hicks, Book II- P – 301. Sep 13, 1844, written Feb 17 1845 Probated. Witnesses Jno Pryor, Stephen Bowles, Lewis E. Emmett, Geo. Haydon. Proved by Bowles and Pryor. Nichl Hicks and Wm P. Morris qualified; bondsmen: Bluford Hicks; Preston, Nelson, and Madison Hicks. UX. Polly; My single children to get same when they marry, as those previously married. Son Leroy; daughter Elizabeth, money given to her when she removed to the west; my minor children. Executors son Nichol. And Wm P Morris, Book 11, P. 307.”
Bransford (son) and Bluford (son) connected by their marriage registrations.
Blansford 19 Dec 1782; 23 Jan 1845
m. 3 Dec 1805 Mary (Polly) Peters b. 1785 d. 1862 Amherst Co, Va.
Children of Blansford & Polly (Peters) Hix
1. Leroy 1806- 1905 Amherst Co. Va.
2, Elizabeth 1807- 1876
3. William 12 Nov 1809- 21 Jan 1833
4. Nicholas 21 Aug 1813 23 Jun 1891 Amherst Co. Va
5. Bluford 1814 1890 Amherst Co. Va.
6. Preston 21 Jun 1817 16 Feb 1892 Amherst Co. Va.
7. Mary 1825 1862
8. Frances 1826 1851
9. Madison 5 Nov 1829 Amherst Co. Va 25 Sep 1912 Amherst Co Va.
10. Eliza Ann 1827
11 Bransford 1829 AFT 1880 Amherst Co. Va.
12. Virginia ?
Anonymous author of booklet sent in by Susan Freeman)
The Killingsworth family, 593-1983 A.D. - Page 410 LaFrona Foshee Mouser - 1986 -
Titheable- 1674-Uilliam Hux & John Iron living in household of Thomas Ironmonger 1678-from the area of Sunken Marsh to upper end of Surry Thomas Hux, Sr. 1 Thomas Hux, Jr. 1 (Jr. at this time did not always mean father/son relationship. It was used to distinguish two men
Ironmonger and connections updated: Iremonger-Ironmonger - Page 42; Elizabeth (Hogg) Ironmonger - 1972 -
The will follows j "In the name of God, Amen, I, William Hux of Surry County in Virginia, being very weake of body but in perfect sense and memory doe make this my last will and testament as followethi Item. I bequeathe my soule to God
Historical Southern Families - Volume 17 - Page 91 John Bennett Boddie - 1972 -
His son by a first marriage, Thomas Hux Jr., appears with his father in the tithables for several years, beginning with 1677, but may have been the second tithable (unnamed) in Thomas Hux's family in 1669, indicating his birth as being about 1648-1650.
Notes for Mary: From Surry Co., VA Court Records, (Deed Book I), 1664 thru 1671, Book II, by Weynette Parks Haun: 4 May 1668..."I Mary Hux widdoe doe Hereby impower & intreate yis. bearer my Loving friend John Harlow to be my Lawfull Atturney in all occasions either in Courte or other wise & in all Cases either to pay or receive Implead or deffend any Cause that concerneth me or my Estate untill I shall Signifie ye. Contrary & I doe hereby Conf1rme & Rattifie what soe ever my sd. Art. shall Lawfully doe or Cause to be done therein in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand..." Signed Mary Hux (mark H). Wit: Geo. Jordan (p44)
25 Jun 1668. .."John Harloe of Surry County boatewright & Mary Hux ye Relict of Joh. Hux dead. that a Marriage is to be had & consumated betwixt ye sd. Joh & Mary upon ye five & twentieth day of this Instant June or as sudainly after as they may or cann & whereas ye. sd. Mary Now in her widdow hood strandeth seized of a certaine estate Consisting of House land Cattle horses & house hold stuffe p:tly in her owne Right p:tely in ye. Right of her youngest sonne Joh. Hux & weareas ye. sd. Joh. Harloe hath Noe Children to p:vide for Nor any Considr:able estate to bring into equalize ye. sd. Mary her estate itt is for these & other good Considrations Indented & firmly agreed upon by ye. sd Joh. Harlow & reserved & excepted by ye. sd Joh. Harloe & reserved & excepted by ye. sd. Mary Now before Marriage as followeth vizt: That ye. sd. Joh. Harloe doth Condesend & bind him selfe unto ye. sd. Mary & Mr. Edward Morth (sic) her trusty .
Mary Hux widdoe doe Hereby impower & intreate yis. bearer my Loving friend John Harlow to be my Lawfull Atturney in all ... Hux his intendd. sonne in Law one whole yeares Scholeing att his owne charge & alsoe will pay & satisfie unto him when he shall attaine to ye. age of one & twenty yeares ye. some of seventeene hundrd. pds. of good tobb.
William Hux born about 1648 (William Hux Will 1693) living with Thomas Wicks (Hicks?) in 1669. Hux deeded 25 acres in 1673 to David Andrews, perhaps the 25 acres that his mother had been given from Thomas Gates's land (Surry Bk.2, p. 25).
John Hux was born 1612 or 1613 as he gave his age as 40 in a deposition on Nov. 7, 1652. His brother in law was Daniel Hutton
Historical Southern Families - Volume 17 - Page 88 John Bennett Boddie - 1972
She married John Hux, who was born in 1612 or 1613, as he gave his age as 40 in a deposition Nov. 7, 1652 (Surry Bk.l, p. 9) and as 46 in a deposition May 9,1659 (ibid, p. 131). The first deposition concerned a contract that Daniel Hutton (his ...
Joan2 Gray (Thomas1) was born 1618 in England or VA, and died Bef. 1648 in Surry Co., VA.
[John Hicks was witness to John Gray's will in Surry Co, 1708]
I certainly appreciate all the research notes that have been posted. I have one wall that I keep hitting over and over: John Hicks. Simply put, I have a tough time accepting that Claiborne Hicks (husband of Elizabeth Keesee) is the son of John Hicks (born 1703) .
While not impossible, it's difficult to accept that John and Mary Hicks had six kids while they were in their 20's, then waited 30 years to have a seventh child, Claiborne. This scenario presents a couple of problems, depending on which birthdate you settle on for John's wife, Mary.
Some of the Hicks descendants list her birth year as 1717, which would have made her around ten years old when the first of their children were born. Another researcher, for whom I have the upmost respect, solves that problem by listing 1707 as her birth year. However, it solves one problem while creating another - that would make Mary a more reasonable ago at the birth of her first six kids, but would require her to be 56 when Claiborne was born.
Whichever is the correct year for Mary's birth, that leaves us with the problem of "old man" John. Regardless of Mary's age, John would have been 60 when Claiborne was born. While those ages hardly put them in the same class as Abraham and Sarah, it still pushes credulity.
And then why would they "take a break" for few decades between children?
Another issue I have with the will is the order in which the children were listed: "Henry Hicks and John Hicks and Mary Hicks and Nathanil Hicks and Clayborn Hicks and Susannah Hicks and Jesse Hicks." While there is no ironclad rule as to what order the names should be listed, the most natural and logical method would have been chronological. However, Claiborne - which we all seem to believe was probably the youngest - is dumped there in the middle.
Is it possible with the plethora of Hicks roamng around Virginia in the late 18th century/early 19th century, that the Claiborne, born 1763 and husband of Elizabeth Keesee, is NOT the same Clayborn listed in John Hcks' will? Or could it be that this will is NOT the will of John HIcks, born 1703, as we all suppose?
[pg 113][Sussex Co. Deed Book "D" 1768-1772]
(p.79) 8 Oct 1768.... Jubal Hix of Johnston Co, North Carolina to Joseph Prince of Sussex Co
for 15 pounds.... 120 acres on south side of the Great Plowmans Swamp and bounded by a corner of William Brurrow, Thomas Waller, the Huckleberry Branch, Newsum Evans and Richard Hay. Land is part of a tract which belonged to William Hix and was willed by him to his son, Jubal Hix. Wit: John Vinson, Thomas Tomlinson and Drury Vinson Jubal Hix Rec: 20 Apr 1769
[pg 115][Sussex Co. Deed Book "D" 1768-1772]
(p.111) 17 Aug 1769.... Joseph Prince and wife, Mary Prince, of Sussex Co and Hannah Hyx
to Balam Hay of St. Andrew's Parish in Brunswick Co.... 140 acres on the branches of Ploughmans Swamp and bounded by Richard Hay, Jr., William Brurrow, Benjamin Hails, Nathaniel Newsum, Naamy Hyx's [Naama] line at Evans's Path and Richard Hay. William Burrow now lives on this land which was devised by William Hyx, decd, to his son, Jubal Hyx. Jubal Hyx sold the land to Joseph Prince. Rec: 17 Aug 1769
Surry County Records, Surry County, Virginia, 1652-1684 By Eliza Timberlake Davis
10 Sept. 1652 This bill bindes Mr. John hix to pay unto Mr. Brasure or his assignor in full seven hundred pounds of tobacco and askes on ye first day of November next, if not enough, made seize for satisfaction.
Virginia Ancestors and Adventurers edited by Charles Hughes Hamlin:
William Hix private 37 cooper (trade) Rev. war Goochland b. about 1740
JAMES (HIX) HICKS [Son of William]
BORN: in Sussex County, Virginia
DIED: 1788
MARRIED: Jan. 17, 1789 in Sussex County, Virginia
DIED: in 1804 in Sussex County, Virginia
BORN: Sep. 19, 1764 in Sussex County, Virginia
DIED: 1839 in Barnseville, Ohio
BORN: Oct. 30, 1789 in Sussex County, Virginia
MARRIED: March 26, 1817 in Belmont, Ohio
BORN: Jan. 29, 1791 in Sussex County, Virginia
MARRIED: Jan. 12, 1812
BORN: Jan. 9, 1793 in Sussex County, Virginia
MARRIED: March 15, 1815 in Barnseville, Ohio
DIED: Nov. 4, 1837 in Bloomingdale, Indiana
BORN: March 13, 1795 in Sussex County, Virginia
BORN: Nov. 10, 1796 in Sussex County, Virginia
DIED: March 21, 1874 in Morris, Illinois
BORN: April 25, 1801 in Sussex County, Virginia
MARRIED: June 6, 1833 in Barnseville, Ohio
DIED: 1841 in Barnseville, Ohio
BORN: 1815 in Barnseville, Ohio
DIED: March 18, 1881 in Barnseville, Ohio
Mary Elizabeth Hicks
BORN: Nov. 25, 1837 in Barnesville, Ohio
DIED: Feb. 25, 1921 in Joliet, Illinois
BORN: Oct. 2, 1841 in Barnesville, Ohio
DIED: Oct. 9, 1912 in Woodsfield, Ohio
MARRIED: April 1, 1899
BORN: Sep. 1, 1835 in Malago, Ohio
DIED: May 26, 1898 in Morris, Illinois
MARRIED: Dec. 25, 1860 in Morris, Illinois
NOV. 20, I783.-Wm Hix & Sarah his wife to Pettus Ragland 51 acres road by Mr. John Hix on Falling creek.
Nov. 11, I783.-John Hix of St. Paul to his son Joseph Hix 100 acres on Falling Creek adj. Jno. Hix, Wm Hix.
Oct. 8, I784.-John Hicks & Elizabeth his wife of St. Paul to Jas. Cross 390 a. on Leap Water & Falling Creek adj. Stephen Hanes, John Mead, Wm Hanes, Jeremiah Fraizier.
Nov. 4, I784. John Hix of St Paul to Sam' Priddy part of land said Hicks lives on, adj. Jeremiah Frazer, s'd. Preddy, David Rowland, Sr.
Dec. 6, 1787.-Joseph Hicks & Dorothy, his wife, David Hanes & Finch Ragland to Pettus Ragland 3 tracts-viz: (I) Joseph Hicks, tract 94 a. adj. land of said Pettus Ragland, Chas. Davis, Jno Davis & John King. decd, being land whereon s'd Joseph now lives. (2) said Davis Hanes 2' 2 a. across branch from Pettus Ragland. (3) said Finch Y2 a. Jos. Cross, Pettus Ragland.
Before the Gates of the Wilderness Road: The Settlement of Southwestern Virginia; Lyman Chalkley
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 30, No. 2 (Apr., 1922), pp. 183-202
...Skaggs, Joseph Hix, John Draper, George Baker, Joseph Hord, Levy Smith, Erasmus Noble, Samuel Peffer, James Coudon, Edward Vansell, Humphrey Baker, Anthony Bledsoe, James Newell and Alexander Page. Colonel Byrd, in 1758, built two forts at the command of the Colonial Government, Fort Chiswell, near the forks of...
Joseph B. Hix
Born: ABT 1772 - Amherst Co. VA
Marr: 5 NOV 1792 - Amherst Co. VA
Died: ABT 1835 - Garrard Co. KY
Father: William Hix , Sr.
Wife Lucretia Childress
Born: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
1. Flemon Hix
Born: 1794 - Kentucky
Marr: 1817 - Rebecca Green (other spouses)
Died: BEF 1870 - 2. Cornelius Hicks
Born: ABT 1796 - Garrard Co. KY
Marr: 1817 - Elizabeth Hicks
Died: ABT 1855 - Carroll Co. IL
(Contributed by MRS. N. E. CLEMENT, Chatham, Va.)
James Hix of Pittsylvania county, Parish of Camden, d. Jan. 28, I776, prob. May 23, 1776. Wit., Jno. Lohmon, Elisha Harboun, David Lanier, Thomas Jameson, Jno. Lindsay. Ex., wife Frances Hix and brother Benj. Hix of Brunswick county. Legt., wife France; Hix, leaves 4 negroes and lands. Mentions children Miles, Patsy, Nancy,
Elizabeth, Frankey, Dolly and the child my wife is now with.
HIX, Robert 1743
Son of John 1715
Register of St. James Northam Parish, Goochland County
Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Jul., 1906), pp. 24-36Published
James Bates & Winifred Hix had issue: Fleming b. Nov.
22, 1747; William Nov. 23, 1749; Samuel C. May 29, 1752;
Stephen C. March 4, 1754.
James Bates & Winifred Hix, Daniel b. July 6, 1756
Hanover County
NOV. 20, I783.-Wm Hix & Sarah his wife to Pettus Ragland 5I
a. road by Mr. John Hix on Falling creek.
Nov. II, I783.-John Hix of St. Paul to his son Joseph Hix ioo
a. on Falling Creek adj. Jno. Hix, Wm Hix.
Oct. 8, I784.-John X. Hicks & Elizabeth his wife of St. Paul
to Jas. Cross 390 a. on Leap Water & Falling Creek
adj. Stephen Hanes, John Mead, Wm Hanes, Jeremiah
Nov. 4, I784.- John X Hix of St Paul to Sam' Priddy part of land said Hicks lives on, adj. Jeremiah Frazer, s'd.
Preddy, David Rowland, Sr.
Dec. 6, I787.-Joseph Hicks & Dorothy, his wife, David Hanes
& Finch Ragland to Pettus Ragland 3 tracts-viz:
(I) Joseph Hicks, tract 94 a. adj. land of said Pettus Ragland,
Chas. Davis, Jno Davis & John King. decd, being
land whereon s'd Joseph now lives.
(2) said Davis Hanes 2' 2 a. across branch from Pettus
(3) said Finch Y2 a. Jos. Cross, Pettus Ragland.
Surry County Records, Surry County, Virginia, 1652-1684 - Page 120
Eliza Timberlake Davis - 1980
Bell Est, due in money Henry Frosson Madam Diggs Mrs. Mary Browne Eleanor Hux
Alex Hux 1648 by George Hardye Isle of Wight Co.
John Bennett Boddie
Historical Southern Families - Volume 17 - Page 91
John Bennett Boddie - 1972
When he and his wife Eleanor made a deed to Benjamin Harrison
His son by a first marriage, Thomas Hux Jr., appears with his father in the tithables for several years, beginning with 1677, but may have been the second tithable (unnamed) in Thomas Hux's family in 1669, indicating his birth as being about
by Benjamin Harrison July 4,1669 (Book 1, p. 340), and married as his second wife in 1674 Eleanor, widow of John Rawlings (O.Bk.l, p. 66). He last appears in the records Jan.l, 1679/80, when he and his wife Eleanor made a deed to 90.
High family notes: descendants of Thomas High, Surry ... - Page 695
1999 - Snippet view
Descendants of John Hux Generation No. 1
1. John1 Hux was born about 1612 in England?, and died Bef. 04 May 1668 in Surry Co., VA. He married (1) Joan Gray, daughter of Thomas Gray and Annis Valentine?. She was born 1618 in
John Hux of Surry in a deposition made in 1652 said he was about forty and in another one made seven years later in 1659 said he was about forty six. Martin Johnson was thirty in 1670 and thirty-three in 1672. Many other examples could be
Searching for the decedents of Jesse Hix of Prince Edward Co., VA.
Jesse Hix, b. 1747 in Goochland, Co., VA, d. 9 Sep. 1820 in Powhatan Co., VA., m the widow Merriman (nee Mary Flippin) in Cumberland Co., VA, 09 Sept. 1786 in Cumberland Co., VA.
John, Martha, James, Frank, Edward, Jesse Scott, Archer (Archibald) & Phillip. I need any information on these children except Jesse Scott and Edward which I have already.
Damaris Birdson 1797 will mentions Joseph Hicks; lucy Hicks
Rebecca Birdsong was the eldest daughter of John II and Damaris Birdsong. She was born about 1759 in Sussex County, Virginia. That she was a daughter of John II and Damaris was proven ...]
The descendants of Robert Harris: including families of ... - Page 292; 1999
DAMARIS BIRDSONG wrote her will on 4/9/1 797 and it was probated in Sussex County on 1 /6/1803 (Will F:332). She named her daughters REBECCA BLOW, LUCY HIX and SALLY CLARY and her sons WILLIAM, MILEY, BUTTS, JOSEPH ..
ITEM I Lend the use of my Plantation and Land whereon I now / live to my well beloved Wife DAMARIS during her Single life or / Widowhood, I also lend unto my said Wife DAMARIS BIRDSONG the / Labour of all my Slaves that is now on my ...
Frederick County, Virginia, Marriages, 1771-1825 - Page 53. 1941
by Eliza Timberlake Davis -
Miller, Jacob and Lucy Hicks, Sept. 14, 1798.
Bedford County, Virginia Will Book 1
Will Of John BOARD Sr.
Page 531
July 27, 1786
Wife: Jemima
Sons: Stephen, Absalom, James, William
Daughter: Mary HIX
Wittnesses: Thomas MEADOR, Jesse HIX, John Daniel, Nihemiah DOWELL
Recorded: September 24, 1787 Teste James STEPTOE
Patillo, Pattillo, Pattullo and Pittillo families - Page 26
Melba C. Crosse - 1972
In 1729 George Hicks of Surry Co., Va. conveyed a deed of lease to Wm. Byrd, Esq. of Charles City Co. for property on the southside of the Meherrin River in Brunswick Co. This deed was witnessed by Rob't. Munford, John Mayes and JAMES PETILLO and .
Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia: A history of the County ...
Arthur Bridger (d. 1662) sarah --will in Glochester court.
Sara Bridger and Benedict Hicks
Surry County, North Carolina, Wills, 1771-1827: Annotated ... - Page 21
Jo White Linn - 1992 -
May 11, 1778 Bill of sale from David ( + ) Hicks of Washington, NC, to Joseph Cloud, Jr., for L50, land on E side Peters Crk below Hicks fork.
of Prince George County, concerning parcel of land on Poplar Creek, which was granted to Daniel Hicks, by Letters ... Gift Deed from Robert Hix, Senr. of St. Andrews Parish in Brunswick County dated July 7, 1734, for "especially for and in
Historical Southern Families - Volume 8 - Page 74
Mrs. John Bennett Boddie - 1964
11, 1739 son James son-in-law Richard Ransome D. Elizabeth Hicks, m
Will of Elizabeth Hicks (Widow of Robert "Robin") July 28, 1739 D. Winifred, Elizabeth, Martha, Oct. 2, 1740 Sarah, Mary son Nathaniel Exec, son Nathaniel and Capt. John Turner
Marriages of Mecklenburg County [Virginia] from 1765 to 1810
Stratton Nottingham - 2009 - 76 pages
1784, Caleb Johnston sec. Note from Thos. Greenwood, father of Elizabeth.
Hicks (Hix), Ben, of Chesterfield Co., S. C. & Lucy Brooking, 15 June 1786,
William Lucas sec. Hicks, Daniel & Fanney Delony, 18 Sept. 1788, William Delony sec.
"The Hicks Family in Three Villages,"
Hanover county
Chas. Hudson of St. Paul's to Henry Hix (Hud- son patent in part April 7, I732) on North E. Creek. I734.
John Hux 1 was born 2 in London, England. He died 3 in 1668 in ,Surry, VA. He married 4 Joan Gray in 1638 in Surry County, Virginia.
Other marriages: , Mary
Joan Gray [Parents] 1 was born 2 in 1618 in Of, Surry, VA. She died 3 in 1668 in Of, Surry, VA. She married 4 John Hux in 1638 in Surry County, Virginia.
They had the following children:
M i William Hux 1 was born 2 in Of, Surry, VA. He died 3 in 1677 in ,Surry, VA.
F ii Mary Hux
High family notes: descendants of Thomas High, Surry ... - Page 693
1635 - 1645 in Surry Co., VA 11 ii. William Hux, born about 1645 in Surry Co., VA; died Bef. 0 1 May 1 677 in Surry Co., VA
Ironmonger and connections updated: Iremonger-Ironmonger - Page 42
Elizabeth (Hogg) Ironmonger - 1972 - Snippet view
The will follows j "In the name of God, Amen, I, William Hux of Surry County in Virginia, being very weake of body but in perfect sense and memory doe make this my last will and testament as followethi Item. I bequeathe my soule to God
Historical Southern Families - Volume 17 - Page 89; John Bennett Boddie - 1972
In 1669 William Hux was living by himself independently with a helper, Thomas Wicks, so he was probably born.
Hays and Breeze ancestors: a genealogy of the parents of ... - Page 156
Eugene Thomas Hays - 1993
... John Sanders, Thomas Preston, George Dixon, Peter Holland, Thomas Watts, John Booth, John Wrens, William Hix, James Kennedy, ... First a John Hix received 400 acres on both sides of the Great Cherrystone Creek on August 3, 1771 - Grant book or patents book 40, ... and Thomas Harlewood and Martha his wife, formerly Martha Hix, and Nathaniel Hubbard and Sarah His wife, formerly Sarah Hix,
Seventeenth Century Isle of Wight County, Virginia: A ... - Page 653
Thomas Blake of U. P. for love, etc., for son William Blake and Mary his wife give them 100 acres of land in U. P. 10 Apl., 1704. Thos. Tooke, John ... Ellinor, wife of John Hickes, aged 46, deposed to the same. 7 June, 1704. ... William Boddie and wife Elizabeth sell to George Williams 100 acres on Western Branch
Surry County Virginia Tithables, 1668-1703 By Edgar MacDonald
George Williams John Hickes- 2-- 1689 titables
Joseph Preston
Birth 1635 in England, Virginia, United States
Death 19 Jul 1717 in FRANKFORD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Sarah Preston
Birth 1662 in James City, Virginia, United States
Death Feb 1698 in James City, Virginia, United States
Thomas HIX
Birth 1690 in James City, Virginia, United States
Death 1710
THOMAS III Judge Hicks-Hix 1
Birth Abt. 1640 in Newport, Newport Co, RI
Death 28 Jan 1741 in Flushing, Queens Co., LI, New York
WILLIAM Hicks-Hix 2
Birth 1700
Death 1782 in Sussex Co., VA
Name: Thomas Hix
Spouse: Elizabeth Bevill
Marriage: 13 Dec 1796 - Mecklenburg County, Virginia
Hays and Breeze ancestors: a genealogy of the parents of ... - Page 155; Eugene Thomas Hays - 1993 -
John Hix was born ca 1730 or before. I compute this age from the following: On March 3, 1773 he signed a note to the county clerk of Bedford Co., Virginia giving his daughter Sarah permission to marry Samuel Huff of which I have a photostatic copy
Samuel Huff
Birth ABT 1750 in Middletown, New Jersey
Death Abt. 1815 in Tennessee
Marriage to Sarah Hix
1773 3 Mar Age: 23
Bedford Co., VA
Gen 8 John Hix son of John Hixe
Misc. Farmer
Children of John and ?
Mildred/Mildress b. 1744 Straigh Stone d. by 1814 Straight Stone/Gretna Pittslyvania PA m. by 1752 Pitts VA William/James Cornelius McHaney b. 1723 Ireland d. Jun 1814 VA (C: John b. 6Aug 1752 Pitts VA m. 15 Mar 1775 Halifax VA Elizabeth Lovelace Mitchel (C:Elizabeth,, William , Mary. Elizabeth, Adalina), James Cornelius Jr b. 8 Jan 1782 Pitts 19 d. Aug 1842 Henderson Co KY m. Patient Hurt (C: Creed, Dabnor, James Hurt, James Cornelius III, WIlliam Crutchfield, Mary Jane, John Harrison, Lafette, Mildred Hicks McHaney, Matilda,Robert Thompkins), Polly, Mary, Lelia Celia, Frankey)
John b. ca 1740 d. 24 Sep 1804 Campbell Co VA m. Sibella/ Lydia Rice (C: Rebecca, John Jr., Sibeller, Sabra, Sarah, William b. 1774 VA, Martha, Elizabeth), m. Sheila
Sabra d. 1823 Charlotte Co VA m. Joshua Morris
Alice b. ca 1742 m. James Rice Sr.
Marcelda b, 1744 m. Nathan Ready (C: Jenny, Mascilda, Sabra. Sally, Jane, Martha, Hiram)
William b. 1745 Pitts VA d. after 26 May 1827 Goochland Co VA m. ??Mary Elizabeth Harris (C: Nancy), m. 7 Oct 1800 Alecy Dews (C: Demarquis), m. 8 Nov 1803 Sarah (Sally) Collins (C: Alsa, Mary Ann, Judith, Nancy Collins , Betsey Ann, Sibby, Rebecca, John Collins, William Collins)
Judith (Juda) m. Jessie Rice Sr (.Parents William or Nathaniel) (C: David, Zepheniah, Becky, Zelley, Massey Alvis, Jessie Jr., Sarah)
Barsheba1 b. 1756 d. ca 1778 m. Richard Grinstead II b. 1850 Herrico VA d. 1840 Warren Co TN (C: Jasper, Naomi), he m. Elizabeth Warren b. 1760 Louisa Co VA d. Warren Co KY (C: Richard b. 1788, Barsheba b. 1792, Bartholomew Thomas b. 1796 d. 1877, Betsey b. 1799)
Jerushua b. 1752 m. ? Hicks
Annfidila b. 1754 m. Charles Webb (C: ?John)
?Frances m. Ambrose Meador
Most of the data came from Sabra's will
John b. 1714 England d. Straight Stone Pittslyvania, VA wife Sibella b. 1718
Joseph Hix in 1736 Hanover Co Rutherford Corner - William 1742
Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish - Henry Hix (1734) William (1734) Joseph (1740) Willson (1740) Edward (1743) Michael (1772) John
Henry Hix in 1784 Estate 10 Oct 1778 Dan River land Grant
The children came from Campbell Co marriage records. Others without clear identification are: Richard W, Leany (mother Mary Hix)
Goochland marriages: Abner 1814, 1817, William 1817, John 1807, Nancy 1800, Nathaniel B 1804
Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia, 1733-1815 - Page 40; 1979
May 29, 1807 John HIX and Kitty Cheatum, dau, of John Cheatum. Sur. John W. Payne. Wit. William Turner. Married 11 July by Rev. Lewis Chaudoin . p 9716 December 1799.
MOURNING WINN was the wf. of John Hix. See will of Thomas Winn. Lunenb., Va. lii-75.
The oldest proven Hix ancestor, John Hix (ca. 1735-1804), was born in Campbell Co., Va. He was married to Sibella Rice (b. 1742).
Nathaniel Hix
Born in Lee, Virginia, USA on 1728 to Amos Hix and Mary Frances Bugg. Nathaniel married Ruth Bugg and had a child. He passed away on 1742 in Virginia, USA.
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 104 2004:
Listed in the Virginia Quit Rolls of land in James City in 1704, were John Hix, 115 acres, and James Hix 100 acres.
and signed by John (IH) Hix, and recorded on August 4, 1730.[520]
Captain Robert's 2nd Wife
Esther Frances Luten
Birth 1673 in Charles City, Charles, Virginia
Death 7 May 1744 in Brunswick, Virginia
John Meshach Hicks 2 Marriage to Ann Dawson
Birth ABT 1742 in Virginia
Death 1826 in Goochland, Virginia
Mary Harris 1
Birth 1726 in Hanover County, Virginia
Death 1770 in Woodford Co.Kentucky
John Hicks 1
Birth 1710 in Brunswick County, Virginia
Death 1772 in Woodford Co.Kentucky
William Ryves 1
Birth 1636 in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England
Death 1695 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
m. Elizabeth Pegram
Birth 1645 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
Death 1719 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
Timothy Rives 2
Birth 1670 in Surry, Virginia, USA
Death 15 Dec 1716 in Surry, Virginia, USA
Rebecca Rives Rieves 3
Birth 1692 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
Death 1729 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
other related ? Rives;
Robert Rives
Birth 1662 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
Death 1734 in Surry, Surry, Virginia, United States
They had eight children: Charles Hicks was born in 1770 in Anson County, North Carolina.
John Hicks, son of John b.1773 m. Elizabeth Bird c. 1798 and then Catherine Latham c. 1822.
ROBERT (ROBIN) HICKS, discussed Indian trade w william Byrd at Westover on several occasions [See Byrd diary]. Settled roanoke River in Brunswick (Surry Co.). after 1730 bought 2610 acres on Miry Branch, north side of Meherrin river in Surry.
Williams Hicks is the son of JOHN HICKS, Sr., Esq. (d. 1760) and wife OBEDIENCE (_____) HICKS of Anson County, NC.
1748 On 27 Feb, John Hicks of Anson County, planter, to Henry Somerlin ... 200 A on NE side of Great Pee Dee ... Philip Hensons line ... plantation where John Goodwin formerly dwelt ... granted to John Hicks. [8]
The first husband was John Hicks, by whom she had two daughters, Frances and Martha.
Quaker Meetings | Anson County, NCGenWeb
Jan 29, 2014 - The rector of Prince Frederick Winyaw in Georgetown, SC, made several pilgrimages up the Pee Dee to hold services, baptize the young and perform marriages. Mary and Frances Hicks, daughters of John Hicks, one of the first Justices of the Peace in Anson County, were baptized in SC (?) during one of these excursions. These two young ladies married John (V) and William, the sons of John Hamer (IV) who was the first sheriff of Anson County.
John Hicks married Ann Harrison, daughter of Benjamin Harrison on November 1771, and witnesses were James Hicks, ...
John Hicks Hamer, 1765-1842: His Antecedents, Descendants ...1949
John Hicks Will, Father of William, son of Capt. Robert
Item I give unto my son William Hicks one feather bed with furniture to his & his heirs forever.
Item I give unto my Daughter Frances Hicks one feather bed with furniture to her & her heirs forever.
Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Hicks one feather bed and furniture to her & her heirs forever. Item I give unto Sarah Hicks my Grand Daughter one gray mare branded on the near shoulder K & on the near buttock with my own Proper brand to her & heirs forever with her Increase.
Item I give unto my son John my sorrel Stallion.
Item I give unto my Daughter Francis one Sorrel mare being the mare that I had of Jacob Libhino & al the residue of my stock of houses cattle sheep & hogs I Desire they may be disposed of to
pay my Just Debts & I do appoint my well beloved
sons William Hicks and John Hicks to be my whole & sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament
OF NORTH CAROLINA, ANSON COUNTY I, E. A. Hightower, Clerk of the Superior Court of and for the County of Anson, N. C., do hereby certify the
Adesboro John Hick m. Obedience Hicks, May 1761
Frances- daughter
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 115
... and his son Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia, the migration of his sons to Anson County, North Carolina and ... John Hicks married Ann Harrison, daughter of Benjamin Harrison on November 1771, and witnesses were James Hicks,
John Hicks is named justice of the peace for anson co. 1748
Charles Hicks was born in 1770 in Anson County
Benjamin Hicks, George hicks, and william Rives.
His son, William Rives, was born in 1636 and immigrated to Virginia in 1653 when he was age 18. ... He was part of the survey party that established the boundary between
m John Hicks m Frances Tatum = 6 children Virginia and North
Samuel Kelso/Kelsey, 1720-1796: Scotch-Irish immigrant and ...
Mavis Parrott Kelsey, Mary Wilson Kelsey - 1984 - Snippet view - More editions
She married John Hicks who made his will in Surrey County, Virginia, 31 July 1738; and it was probated there 20 August ... George Rives was born c.1698 and died 1 June 1746 in Surrey County, Virginia. ... acres from Theodrich Blend with his wife Frances who was probably the daughter of Christopher Tatum (no proof).
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN1 HICKS was born Abt. 1776 in VA, and died Bef. 1820. He married NANCY (ANN) BENNETT September 18, 1810 in Brunswick County, VA, daughter of JOHN BENNETT and ELIZABETH SADLER. She was born Abt. 1772, and died Bet. 1860 - 1870 in DeKalb County, TN.
2. i. LEWIS P.2 HICKS, b. 1812, Brunswick County, VA; d. September 23, 1895, St. Francois County, Farmington,
Generation No. 2
2. LEWIS P.2 HICKS (JOHN1) was born 1812 in Brunswick County, VA, and died September 23, 1895 in St. Francois County, Farmington, MO. He married ELIZA ANN F. BENNETT Abt. 1831 in Supposedly 11 boys & 1 girl- Smith Co./1834 Dekalb Co., TN. She was born 1809 in TN, and died 1894 in Madison County, MO.
Children of LEWIS HICKS and ELIZA BENNETT are:
i. MATTHEW MONROE3 HICKS, b. November 16, 1833, Smith County/1834 Dekalb County, TN; d. January 20,
1899, Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO; m. MARTHA ANN NEWBERRY, June 30, 1853,
Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; b. March 03, 1837, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. October 03, 1894, (or Nov. 15th) Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO.
ii. JOHN H. HICKS, b. 1837, Dekalb County, TN; d. Bet. 1872 - 1880, Fell off a horse & hit his head.; m. HELEN
SARAH CRANE, Bef. 1880, Before 1880 Census to B.C. Nance???? (Yes Children).
iii. EBENEZER RIGHT (DOC) HICKS, b. July 09, 1840, Dekalb County, TN; d. July 22, 1905, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO; m. (1) UNKNOWN BURRIS, Abt. 1862, #1 (?B); b. MO; m. (2)
SUSAN NEIGHBORS, April 21, 1871, #2 (SN) Ripley County, MO; b. MO; d. Abt. 1872; m. (3) NANCY (NANNIE) HARRINGTON, September 30, 1873, #3 (NH) (5 Children) Ripley County, Doniphan, MO; b. 1856, TN; d. October 05, 1889, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO.
iv. HENDERSON P. HICKS, b. 1843, Dekalb County, TN.
v. LORENZA P. HICKS, b. 1846, Dekalb County, TN.
vi. WILLIAM B. HICKS, b. 1847, Dekalb County, TN.
vii. JEFFERSON B. HICKS, b. 1849, Dekalb County, TN.
viii. ALFRED FREDONI (DONI) HICKS, b. January 24, 1851, Dekalb County, TN; d. September 29, 1938; m. (1)
ANNIE ELIZA REYNOLDS, November 03, 1881, #1 (AER); d. Bef. February 1888, (Died at a young age); m. (2)
ANNA CEMORE MCWILLIAMS, February 09, 1888, #2 (ACM) (or 2nd) Madison County, MO; b. September 17, 1868; d. May 10, 1917.
ix. CYPRIAN LAFAYETTE (CL) HICKS, b. May 11, 1853, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. May 01, 1904; m. PEARL MALCOM, March 19, 1893, Wayne County, MO.
x. ELIZA JOSEPHINE (JOSIE) HICKS, b. August 27, 1855, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. March 06, 1909, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; m. WILLIAM H. VAN BECK.
xi. CARROLL WILLIAM HICKS, b. 1859, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. 1934, (Fall of 1934) Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, MO; m. (1) MARTHA ELLEN (ELLA) COOK, June 29, 1882, #1 (MEC); d. Abt. August 23, 1884, Died just after giving childbirth.; m. (2) CELIA ADELINE SOLACE, Bef. June 1894, #2 (CAS); d. Abt. October 1946, Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, MO.
Nancy HIX b.6 Nov 1743, Albermarle, Virginia. Died about 1800, Jackson, GA, married Samuel L. Haggard abt 1767, Surray, NC. he was born 1749/1750, Albermarle Co, Virginia, died 3 Jan 1811, Jackson, GA. There is nothing further about her family, other than their children, their son, James Haggard is I believe my line.
Will of Thomas Hicks Duplin Co. NC
Information from Dan Hicks
Richard Hix/Hicks was in the War of 1812 and died in 1815 at the Battle of New Orleans (in Camp). Zilphia (Brake) Hicks (daughter of Jacob Brake) received a land pension in 1817 (50 acres by Ill Will Creek Kentucky). I have no birth or marriage dates or locations. Looks like Richard's family was around VA, NC, & Kentucky. Problem is there are similar names but dates that are just too scetchy far apart to make a good match. Mostly from N.C.
Children of Richard & Zilphia Hicks Md: around 1800 Edgecomb County N.C.
WILLIAM2 HICKS, b. Abt. 1792, South Carolina.
William Hicks is my line of genealogy.
Thomas Hicks m. Mary Gwaltney Isle of Wight Co. 1786
James Gwaltney
Thomas Hicks born in Virginia married to Mary Gwaltney in Isle of Wight Co., Va, about 1786. They had one child I know of for sure named Elias Hicks, born 1787. Where I do not know. He married 1st Lucretia Lassiter abt 1807, they had 11 children.He married 2nd Margaret P. Outland abt. 1835. They had 3 children. I have found Elias in Stewart Co., TN abt 1820. I have a list of his children and birth dates and some death dates and in some cases marriages. These lists were in my father-in-laws papers when he died, so I do not know where the list came from..I would like to place these individuals in a locality. Our direct line we are searching is through Andrew Jackson Hicks, the youngest child of Elias Hicks and Margaret P. Outland.
Captain Isaac Hick Ga. rev .war claims
Brunswick Co. Affadavit 1858
This day Thomas Hicks appeared before me, a justice of the peace for the county of Brunswick, and made oath that Isaac Hicks died in V the county aforesaid on the 20th ‘day of June, 1817; that Thomas Hicks and Reuben Hicks qualified as his executors, and that the said Thomas Hicks is now the surviving executor—the said Reuben Hicks being dead.
Given under my hand this 1st day of November, 1856.
Will of Robert Hicks (1746-1801) Northampton County, North Carolina
Legatees ~
1. wife, name not given
2. son, James Hicks
3. son, John Hicks
4. son, Thomas Hicks
5. granddaughter, Molly Hicks
6. "my four daughters" - two are not named
7. daughter, Peggy Meriman
8. daughter, BECKY TARVER
Exrs. Sons, Thomas, James, and John
/s/ August 22, 1800
/p/ March Court, 1801
Wits. John M Binford, William Hicks, and David Marrimoon
State of North Carolina
Northampton County
... to my son THOMAS HICKS the land and plantation he now lives on, the sd
land to contain 1/3 of all my land
... to son JAMES HICKS plantation whereon he now lives so as to contain
one-third of my land and sd. JAMES to pay my Extrs. 10 pounds Va. Money
... lend son JOHN HICKS 1/3 of my land, it being the Plantation whereon I
now live and at his death I give it to his Child or Children
... if sons cannot agree on division of my land, each son to choose a man
who will choose another man and sd. land to be laid off for my sd. sons
... to all my sons and daughters (names not given) and
... MOLLY HICKS, daughter of my son THOMAS, cattle each
... to my wife (name not given) use of my Plantation whereon I now live
for her lifetime and she is not to interfere with my son JOHN's interest
... to daughters PEGGY MERIMON and
... BECKY TARVER 20 shillings each
... residue of estate at wife's death to go to my 4 daughters and my
sd. grand daughter
Northampton Co., NC WB 2, 1792-1808, Will 489, p. 215.
Abstract transcribed from Northampton County, North Carolina 1759-1808,
Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, by Margaret M. Hofmann (1975, reprint
1984, Weldon, NC: Roanoke News Company), p. 112.
Rebecca Hicks, b. circa 1778 in Viginia, married MICAJAH WELLS TARVER, son of Billison Tarver and Selah (Salley) Vassar.
Cozart, Lillie Hicks (b. 18 Mar 1866 - d. 2 May 1908)
Daughter of Benjamin and Isabelle Hicks, (2nd) Wife of James T. Cozart
Cozart, Magnolia Ellen Hicks (b. 24 Aug 1868 - d. 24 Sep 1912)
Daughter of Benjamin and Isabelle Hicks. (3rd) Wife of James T. Cozart
Hicks, Abner (b. 8 Oct 1777 - d. 26 Dec 1857) m. Elizabeth Harris. Son of William Hicks. Lived here 80 years.
Hicks, Ashton Abner (b. 25 Apr 1871 - d. 3 Jul 1901)
Youngest son of Benjamin and Isabelle Hicks
Hicks, Benjamin W. (b. 15 Oct 1828 - d. 30 Dec 1899)
Son of Abner Hicks. Hoc Cursum Aetatis: A strenuous life: True to himself, honorable among men, having reverence for God.
Hicks, William (b. 5 Mar 1749 - d. Jul 1799)
Here lies the body of William Hicks, he bought this land from the Earl of Granville.
Will of Wm Hix July 11, 1779} I William Hix of the County of Sussex in VA being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is aoooined for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent manner at the disretion of my execuors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection. I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate. Where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give devise and dispse of in the following manner and form. First I give to my wife during her life the plantation where on I now live. After her death, to my son Kinchen Hix, if he dies without child then to my son Thomas. Secondly- to my wife one feather bed and furniture together with all my household and kitchen furniture only. To my daughter Mary Hix I give one feather bed and furniture. Also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix I give one feather bed and furniture. Likewise to my daughter Mealy Hix one feather bed and furniture. Likewise to my son Kinchen Hix one feather bed and furniture. Also to my son Thomas Hix one feather bed and furniture. Likewise to my son James Hix one large pot and hand mill.After her death, the remainder part of my house-hold goods and kitchen furiture to be equally divided between MealyHix and Thomas Hix. Thirdly to my daughter Mary Hix one cow, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix one cow, also to my son William Hix one cow. Likewisw to my daughter Jane Furbush Hix one cow and to my son Thomas Hix one horse called Jack with my bridle and saddle and the remaining of part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Hix. I likewise constitute, make and ordain my son James Hix the whole executor of this my last Will and Testament. I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other prior testamente and Wills and exacuted by me in anywise before Will and bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in witness where of I have here unto all my hand and seal this eleventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred seventy nine, William Hix sighed sealed and published pronounced and declared by the said William Hix as his last Will and Testament, in the oresence of who in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names--Robert Hix, Clements Hix, Mary Barker. At a court held for Sussex County, the 21st day of Febuary 1782 the last Will and Testament of William Hix deced was exhibited in court by James Hix the Executor-therein named proved by the oath of Mary Barker and by the affermation of Clement Hix and Robert Hix, Quakers. The witness there- to and ordered to be seconded and on the motion of the said executor who made oath according to law and with Clement Hix, Robert Hix and Jesse Wallis his securities entered into and acknowledged thier bond in the penalty of ten thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate there of in due form---Jn Cocke circute court.
Sir Ellis Hicks (1315), Captain John Ward (1598), John ... - Page 243
Eugene Clifton Hicks - 1982
1746-1857). "In the name of God Amen I William Hicks of Granville County and State of North Carolina being in perfect mind and memory do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, Viz, Imprimis & first I give or rather
Family Puzzlers - Issues 376-427 - Page 395
Mary Bondurant Warren - 1975 -
John Tatum Jr.
1st m. MARTHA HICKS, dau. of WILLIAM HICKS of Granville Co., N.C. 1782; 2nd REBECCA STOVALL. There are said to have been 15 children by these two marriages. John's will was signed in Lincoln Co., Ga., and names a dau. SUSANNAH
William Hicks will May 19, 1796 named slave Flushing after Flushing ,long Island NY.
Additional proof that this Robert and William Hicks of Granville County were the two men who returned in June 1758 to Long Island for a brief stay is that in North Carolina Archives can be found the original of a surety bond among the Estate
Southern Kith and Kin: A Record of My Children's Ancestors
Jewel Davis Scarborough - 1958
William Hicks m Mourning Hunt, May 27, 1778; Bondsmen: Wm. Hicks and John Seary. From: Granville County, North Carolina, Marriages,
The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 1
edited by James Robert Bent Hathaway
Arthur Kavanaugh, of Surry County, Va., to Thomas Hicks. 200 acres on branch of Indian Town Creek, as per patent in mv name, dated August 11, 1707. Deed dated July 19, 1715. Test.R. Hicks, Jon Gordon.
John Plowman, and wife Margaret, to David Hicks. 640 acres called by the name of Norfolk, and Merry Hill, containing 380 acres; July 19, 1715. Test, Matthew Gwin, Lawrence Sarson. 640 acres a patent.
Kibble, Abraham, Onslow, Dec 6th, 1750; April 2nd, 1751. Sons J ames and Thomas, daughter Leuse, step-son Daniel Hix, wife Edith and Joseph Williams Executors. Test, Thos. Jenkins, Joseph Loyd, William Loyd.
Hicks, Patrick, Chowan, Augt. 18th, 1792. Son Job, wife Elinder, cousin Samuel Hicks (son of William), wife Nicholas Stallinga and cousin William Hicks Exrs. Test, Myles Stalings, Mary Stallings, Pinah Byrum, John Stallings.
Hix, William, Chowan, Jan'y 19th, 1825; March Term 1825. Wife Dealey, and daughter Mary Stephenson, James Williams and Paul Bunch Exrs. Test, Henderson Simpson, Samuel Simpson.
1795 marriages
Barnaba Coffield and Siabre Hix. Aug. 14. Fred'k Simpson.
William Kirby and Mary Hicks. June 13. Barnaby Coffield.
John Hixe 1658-1720 m. Sarah Preston, children: Sarah, Thomas, John, Daniel, Henry, Nathaniel, Marmaduke, Hubbard, Richard, Joseph Sr., Samuel Sr. 1680-1764 m. Diane Willis, Children: David, William, Goulder, Henry Sr., Frederick, Diana, Catherine, Willis?, Joseph Jr., Samuel Jr. ?-1789 m. Frances Wyatt, children: Diana, James, Willis?, Agnes, David, William, Absolom Sr. 1740-1770? m. Mary Harris, children: Bishop, Harris, Jeannie, Diana, Nathaniel, Willis?, Absolom Jr. m. Theodosia Wynn. This is the extent of my dbase for Absoloms ancestry
My ancestor was James M. Hicks/Hix, born c1774 in Goochland Co., VA. He moved at some point in his life to Lincoln Co., NC.. I found him there by the 1810 census and their is also a record of 1805 regarding the estate of John Yates, des'c, naming James Hicks and wife Sussanah Yates (daughter of John). I believe James was likely in Lincoln Co., prior to this, possibly living in the home of a brother named John HIcks, who was a head of household living next door to John Yates in 1800. Two males 16-25 were in the Hicks home.
John HIcks seems to have disappeared by the 1810 census, when James then began to appear. I believe John died or moved away.
The 1860 census of Lincoln Co., NC., had the information that James was born in Goochland, VA. (I'm not sure if the census recorder specifically asked what county and state, but he apparently provided it and that was what was recorded. I am looking to find the Hicks/Hix family of Goochland which my ancestor came from.
Nancy Hix b. 6 nov. 1743 in Albermarle co. Va. Married abt 1767 to a Samuel Haggard in Surry co. SC. And d. abt 1800 in Jackson, Ga. one son named James
Please e-mail me at painzx3@excite.com to help me add more or to see what else i can help with...ohoh Nancy's Dad was Nathanial b. abt 1720 in Va.
Anna HICKS, identified in the will of Nathaniel Hicks as his daughter Anna HAGGARD. Nancy was often used as a nickname for Ann (or Anna?). Nathaniel's will was written in 1819 and proven in July 1823 in Franklin Co. GA. Presumably, Nancy was still living then.
Nathaniel was a son of Absalom HICKS, who married Mary HARRIS in Goochland Co. VA in 1760. He married Elizabeth BRATCHER, but I do not have a date for this marriage. Nancy was probably born ca 1781 in Surry Co. NC. I don't have a date for Nancy's marriage to John Samuel HAGGARD.
I just signed on to this site, I have some info on Nicholas Jarratt married Elizabeth Hamlin of Surry Co., Va. He was born about 1666. His father was Henry Jarratt or Gerrard born before 1645 in Charles City County Va. married a Susan (Unknown Last name)
Lee Clarke
Jospeh Preston 100 acres- 1658 (Sarah's father ?
Thomas Luten's will was dated Feb. 16, 1729, and in it he mentions his son-in-law ROBERT HICKS who married his daughter Esther. . ."Robert Hicks and son Henderson Luten are to be executors of that part of my estate given me by Madam ...
Robert Hicks
Born 1669 Charles City, Virginia,
Died 07 Oct 1737 Brunswick, Virginia,
Esther Frances Luten
Born 1673 Charles City, Virginia,
Died 1744 Brunswick, Virginia,
Daughter Elizabeth Hicks
Born 1720 Prince George, Virginia,
Died 1789 Surry, North Carolina,
Robert Hicks who helped found Edenton NC. My records state he was married Esther Luten who was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Luten. Robert and Esther and had one son, Daniel who married Lucy Sage Butler. Daniel had several children, William, Robert, Reuben, George, John, Nancy, Susannah. All of the children were born in North Carolina. My ancestor is George, who had George Jr and James B (my ancestor) and on down. James B had two wives and two families. My great grandfather is Elijah Jackson Hicks who married Rebecca Haworth.
The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 1; edited by James Robert Bent Hathaway
(Taken from the Secretary of State's office, Raleigh, N. C. Executed and probated prior to 1760. All wills probated before 1700 were filed with the Secretary of the Colony and recorded by him. Not until after 1760 were the wills recorded in the counties where the testator lived. This list is alphabetically arranged for the convenience of the reader.)
*Rohert Hicks, of Sandy Point, Chowan Precinct. November 25, 1733; January Court, 1734; son Thomas, son in-law Daniel Halsey, wife Esther Hicks, my children.
*Note.—Robert Hicks married Esther Luten. daughter of Thomas Luten, Esther is mentioned in the will of Mrs. Esther Pollock as a legatee, and possibly bore her name. Robert Hicks was Register of Chowan Precinct. Books B and C in the Register of Deeds' office at Edenton are in his handwriting. He owned the land on which a portion of the town of Edenton is built. One of the streets bears his name.
David Hicks. September 9, 1732; probated D cember 23, 1732; son-in-law Tims. Ashley, Jr, daughter Lucretia, wife Elizabeth.
Thomas Hicks. October 26, 1722; probated August 24, 1724; Christopher Sutton, Son of Joseph Sutton, sisters Hannah and Abigail Hicks, Parish of Brishington. Old England.
Mary daug. of Robert Esther m. john Dunstan, [boddie]
I don't think either of the above John Hicks families have been connected to the Robert Hicks of Edenton and Sandy Point, Chowan Co. NC; this Robert was the precinct registrar of Chowan Co. NC and does appear on many deeds. He married Esther Luten and had two children, Thomas (b. ca. 1710, mar. Elizabeth Jordan; this is my line) and Mary (mar. Daniel Halsey). I placed the marriage of Robert Hicks and Esther Luten about 1686 in Chowan Co. NC and believe that Esther was one of the oldest children of Maj. Thomas Luten (and Mary Currier?). Esther Luten was probably b. ca. 1673 and still alive in 1754. I saw Larry's mention of Africa McGregory d. 1711 as the first wife of this Robert Hicks, but I have no info on her or any children she may have had and have not yet studied this possibility. But note that this Robert Hicks left a will in Chowan Co. NC dated 25 Nov 1733 which was probated January 1734, so I don't believe he died in 1738 or 1739 as stated elsewhere, unless thes!
e will and probate dates have been given incorrectly (the ref. is NC Hist. and Gen. Register, v. I, p. 49; note that an abstract of this will in Boddie's Historical Southern Families v. 5 is partially incorrect). The descendants of this Robert's son Thomas Hicks include the Hicks families of Montgomery Co. NC and Hickman Co. TN, and most of the Hicks families of Fayette Co. IL and Carroll Co. TN (18th district, not those in the 8th district). This line is connected to Jordan and Butler families in several different generations.
I am descended from Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Jordan also.My line goes:
Thomas b 1709 m. Elizabbeth Jordan
Daniel b 1739 m Lucy Butler
Littleberry b 1765 m Agnes Jordan
Gilbert b 1807 m Elizabeth Allen
Aug. 3, 1763; Bond #2515 Hicks, Sarah (dau of Robert & Sarah Hicks) bm Bell, Thomas bondsman Parrott, Benjamin
Sarah Hare Robert Hicks
1762: Daniel Hicks. Comfort (wife); John, Robert, Sarah, ELizabeth, Lucy & Argless;
Daniel Hicks Comfort Hicks
Abstracts of the Records of Onslow County, North Carolina, ...
North Carolina. County Court (Onslow Co.), Zae Hargett Gwynn - 1961 -
Daniel Hicks to Richard Ogden for 50 pounds 50 acres on south side of Saw Pitt Branch on east side of Schoolhouse Branch, to Mill Dam Branch, including plantation whereon Hicks now lives, which is part of tract granted to Edward Mashburn
Thanks for your input. I see some new info in your research. Especially that Winifred Evans was Captain Roberts mother rather than his first wife. But what about the Robert Jr who is attributed to Robert and Winifred, and married Elizabeth Ervin? That would leave Robert and Winifred with two Robert Jrs.
I also have John (spouse of Rebecca Rieves) and Robert (spouse of Frances) as brothers, and sons of Robert (the tailor).
Since you are tracking Roberts, please let me know if you find the parents of Robert Hicks who married Susannah Thompson in montgomery Virginia in 1793. He would have been born around 1765-1770 and I believe has at times been confused with the Robert of your line of the same age. (son of Daniel).
Your conclusions about Samuel agree with mine. He moved from Goochland Va, no one has yet proved his parentage that I know of, although there are many guesses out there. Since he moved to the same area as William, I am wondering if the families are related.
As you said, more research needed.
Message Board Post:
Hi Larry - I note that Capt. Robert and his wife Frances may have had a son that some researchers call Robert III, but I don't have him in my database. Some researchers, such as the one noted below, refer to Capt. Robert as Robert Jr. This Jr. and Sr. terminology can be very confusing if the same given name is used in multiple generations; period records can appear to be inconsistent, since a person who is called Robert Jr. at one point in his life may later be called Robert Sr., and in some localities the Sr. and Jr. may not be father and son, but simply the older and younger of two people with the same name. Accordingly, the prenome used in period records may disagree (sometimes) with that assigned by the researcher (it might be better to distinguish them using birth or death dates). At one point in the history of Fayette Co. IL, there were 5 different individuals named James Hicks; they had to be distinguished by nicknames (if people thought to do that at the time), b!
ut were at times unable to be distinguished from one another.
My notes say Capt. Robert's son Robert is listed at the NC and VA Geneal. Exchange website at http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/vafdking1, if it still exists, and I have a local file of info from that website that includes the following 5-generation lineage agreeing with your statements (the square brackets [ ] enclose my comments added today; the rest of the info is not my data and may require verification):
I. ROBERT HICKS SR married WINIFRED EVANS at Charles City, VA. He was born at Charles City, VA.
A. ROBERT HICKS JR married FRANCES (--?--) at VA. He was born at Charles City, VA. He died after 6 Mar 1738 at Brunswick, VA. [this is Capt. Robert - his descendants include individuals from prominent NC families including Seawell/Sewell, Hill, and Bennett and so are relatively well-documented; the problematical Ransom surname is also found here, but may actually be Ransone, which I understand to be a separate and distinct family, not an alternative spelling of Ransom - another place where careful research is required]
1. ROBERT HICKS III married ELIZABETH URVIN, daughter of NATHANIEL URVIN [the spelling is more likely Ervin, Irvin, or Irving] and ELIZABETH PETERSON, at Brunswick, VA. He was born at Surry, VA. He died after 20 Mar 1735 at Brunswick, VA.
a) NATHANIEL HICKS married (--?--) PETERSON, daughter of CAPT. BATTE
PETERSON and (--?--), at Brunswick, VA. He was born at Brunswick, VA. [there were several people named Batte Peterson - the one who died around 1752 married as his 2nd wife Frances Hicks, the dau. of Capt. Robert Hicks and Frances House]
(1) ROBERT HICKS mar. ANGELINA GOODWIN, daughter of WILLIAM GOODWIN SR; they were divorced. He married MARY GREENWAY. He was born at Brunswick, VA. He died in 1796 at Greenville, VA.
The noted website and other locations include many more descendants of Robert Sr.
I have no info on the Robert Hicks who mar. Susannah Thompson.
Message Board Post:
My Littleberry was a brother to Reuben Hicks. I have Reuben born 1739 Rockybock, Chowan County, N.C. Died 1807.
Littleberry , born 1755 Wyliesburg, Charlott County, Va. Died 1844 Hickman County, Tn.
Sons of Daniel Hicks, born 1739 Rockybock, Chowan Cty, NC
Robert Hicks, b 1570 England
Littleberry and Reuben. This information was given to me byTerry Sampson, email zie@worldnet.att.net
I have not corresponded with Terry in several years so I hope this email address is still valid. Terry did extensive research on the Hicks side of our family. Let me know if you can't get in touch with him. I had a stroke in May and I am not quite up to snuff as yet but I will dig thru my "stuff" and see what I can find to back up the info I have given you if you can't get in touch with Terry.
According to the 1810 and 1820 Clay Co, KY census, Robert was born between 1765 and 1775.
He was on the 1792 and 1795 Montgomery Co, VA tax lists and married Susannah Thompson 22 Nov 1793 in Montgonery Co, VA.
Robert was on the 1800, 1801 and 1802 Russell Co, VA tax lists.
He was on the 1807 Clay Co, KY tax list and in the 1810 and 1820 Clay Co, KY census.
Robert's children Mary(1794) married to George Ingram and James (1797) were probably with his 1st wife who must have died before 1800.
Since Robert and Winifred's 1st child Joseph was born about 1800 they were probably married about 1800 in Russell Co, VA.
Robert died 8 Oct 1845 in Vera Cruz, Douglas Co, MO and Winifred probably died between Robert's death in 1845 and the 1850 census in Wright Co, MO.
Is there any documentation supporting the idea that Robert of Chowan's son Thomas moved to Lunenburg Virginia, and Grandson Daniel from Charlotte Virginia to Montgomery NC, as most of the researchers believe?
All the Daniels I have found so far in southern Va seem to be from families already there.
I am trying to separate a Robert (b 1765-1770) from your family's Robert (b 1770)
I am seeking information on James Hicks , died before 23 May 1776, in
Pittsylvania Co., Va. He married Frances Coleman, daughter of Daniel
Coleman and Unity Carroll. Date of marriage is not known.
Another John Hicks (b. 1679, d. ca. 1730) mar. Eleanor Butler (whose maiden name may have been Ellison, not Butler) and had ch. including the Robert Hicks who was baptized in NY in 1713, mar. Sarah Revis (Reavis/Reeves/etc. - another very confusing surname), and raised a large family in Granville Co. NC; this is the Hicks-Doughty line of Hempstead, NY.
Historical (For the Torch Light)
Early Times In Granville County
By Mrs. Cicero W. Harris
The names of many of the men whose lives I purpose to write in this series
of brief sketches have never appeared in history. Others, have been barely
mentioned, while Chief Justice Henderson, his no less gifted brothers, Judge
Jno.Williams, Rt. Rev. Jno Stark, Ravenscroft, and hosts of true-hearted
patriots and intellectual giants who lived in Granville “in the brave days of old”
have received meagre tributes from a posterity that should be proud, even at
this late day to honor them. Many of the facts I will give were related to me
by two venerable gentlemen who treasured the traditions of Granville’s
glory, and who knew personally, nearly every individual of local or national
prominence in the county. These facts were given to me interspersed, it is true,
with fairy tales and ghost stories, either around the fireside on winter
evenings or under the shade of Granville’s mamouth oaks in the summer time, but
they are indelibly impressed on my mind. In spite of the glamour experience
throws around the reminiscences of happy childhood, and the imaginary company of
elves and visitors from the spirit land in which these facts were presented
to me, I am sure that I can repeat them almost verbatim. They made a lasting
impression on my mind, and the same facts cannot now be procured from any
other living person. Since hearing these incidents of the former times of
Granville, these legends of a historic period, now so “pathetic with the tender
grace of a day that is dead.” I have had access to several quaint books which
have thrown some light on the ante-Revolutionary record some of the largest
families among your readers. I begin with
Capt. Robt. Hicks
a landed gentleman, who lived about a mile from Oxford in 1770 on a
plantation recently owned by John Taylor, Esq. The house stands on an eminence and
overlooks what was then known as Hick’s Mill. His family came from England to
Brookland New York and lived in that city in the locality which to this day is
known as Hick’s Street, until they came to Granville county and bought land
near Oxford. In the Mother-Country for many generations they were
distinguished for their ungovernable pugnacity,, one of them Sir William
Hicks--Baronet--having won the approbation of King William by several deeds of splendid
daring. Capt. Robt. Hicks is made the subject of my first biography because I
think in common justice he, with another Granville commander, did enough at the
battle of Guilford Court House to wipe out forever, the stain which the
retreat of the North Carolina militia from that historic field, has thrown on the
escutcheon of the State. When the militia turned and fled before the
red-coats, Capt. Hicks stood firm and faced the enemy alone with his sword in one
hand and the flag he had taken from the frightened ensign in the other, and
fought single handed until the enemy were about to surround him, and his men had
gone a considerable distance from him. Then, by a rapid movement, he escaped,
and shared the dangers of the first Rebellion to the end. He was an
uncompromising Whig, and his compatriots and fellow soldiers declared he never knew
the meaning of the word fear.
William Hicks who married Sarah Elizabeth Rives possibly Reeves.
Joseph Hicks B: about 1784
D: before 12 April 1824 Rockbridge Co., VA
1. son of Joshua and Jean\Jane Hicks;
2. married Polly Campden on 27 Aug 1812 Rockbridge Co., VA by D. Blair [Polly's Father Benjamin Campden]; [Polly 2nd Married 12 April 1824 bond & license date only]
3. father of one known child, Sarah N. Hicks who married David W. Hall on 31 Jan 1833 Rockbridge Co., VA by Allen D. Metcalf, Presbyterian minister.
Indicated as her parents on the marriage record are Polly Childress and Joseph Hicks, deceased.
He buried,at the breaking out of the Revolution, somewhere on his plantation or near his mill, a pot of gold and silver coin. That money is still buried. It has never been taken from its hiding place, and some enterprising negro--conjurer, or perhaps some northern firm, in which search of Granville’s mineral wealth, will yet find the “pot of gold.” Capt. Hicks concealed this portion of his wealth on account of the hatred of several Troy families in the vicinity toward him. His sudden death of heart disease prevented the secret of its hiding place from being know. It is suppose to be in the dam at Hick’s mill pond. The family are scattered far and wide, though a number of his descendants are yet to be found in Granville. One of his sons a Professor, in a
medical college in New Orleans, another went to Arkansas, and another, Dr. Jno. R. Hicks, one of the best and purest men, recently died at his residence. Ravenswood, near Williamsboro. Another son went to Mississippi. Both in Mississippi and Arkansas the grandsons of this Old Granville gentleman and soldier, have filled some of the highest and most responsible offices in the gift of a common wealth. I have no doubt that they sometimes think of the old homestead near Oxford, and I have heard that a favorite family name with some of them is Granville. The homestead is now owned by a slave whose wife belonged to a family of Negroes that composed a part of the marriage dowry of one of Capt. Hick’s daughters, and Aunt Sukey now reigns mistress in a home from which her mother’s young mistress went eighty years ago a bride! What a strange commentary on her the times we live in ! The old man who spilled his blood for his country and in the cause of liberty, now sleeps, by the sufferance of the children of his former slaves--in the old family burying ground. I venture to digress a moment, and remark that this family tendency to fight-- of course, not without good cause--was most strongly developed in Dr. Jno. R. Hicks late of Granville Dr. Hicks was a gentleman whose manners in the social circle were distinguished for gentle courtesy : was a physician, the most timid child loved and trusted him, and his prayers by the invalid’s bedside were most impressive, as a friend he was sincere, constant, and affectionate, but to the day of his death no man in Granville would have dared to provoke him beyond a certain point, for no gladiator in the forum could wield a surer blow, and no young knight errant in quest of an opportunity to test his prowess was ever readier to strike when he thought the occasion called for it.
Ila, James M. Hicks b. Sep. 21, 1822 d. F3b. 20 1899 Henderson N.C. Married Sarah Unknown Children- Nancy D. Hicks b. abt. 1863
- Margaret A. Hicks b. abt. 1864
Father-Thomas Hicks b. March 13, 1724 Brunswick County, Va.
d. April 1, 1797 Duplin County, N. C.
Mother-Elizabeth Williams b. Mar. 30, 1736 Hanover Co,Va.
d. Apr 22, 1798 Duplin Co., N.C.
1-Daniel Hicks b. 1755 Onslow Co. N.C.
d. 1812 Sampson Co, N.C.
married-Serene Williams b. 1757 Onslow Co.N.C.
d. 1789 Sampson Co.N.C.
Six children
2-Thomas Hicks b. 1757 Onslow Co, N.C.
d. Unknown
married-Elizabeth Brewer b. abt. 1763 Wake Co, N.C.
d. Unknown
3-Robert Hicks b. abt. 1759 Onslow Co, N.C.
d. Unknown
4-Lucinda Hicks b.Abt.1760 N.C
d. Abt. 1820
married-Thomas Jones b. abt. 1750 Virginia
d. Abt. 1810 Mudcreek, N.C.
5-Mary Jane Hicks b. abt. 1767 Onslow Co, N.C.
d. Nov. 7, 1857 N.C.
married-John Jones b. abt. 1764 Virginia
d. Mar. 1860 N.C.
eight children
Father of James M. Hicks is;
Thomas Hicks 1724 - 1787 /Elizabeth Williams
Daniel Hicks 1688 - 1735 /Edith Fonville
Robert Hicks 1658 - 1738 /Francis Raven
John Hicks 1636 - 1729 /Rebecca Rives
John Hicks 1607 - 1673 /Herodias Long
Robert Hicks 1580 - 1644 /Margaret Winslow
(may have wives wrong/ multiple marriages)
My 5th great grandfather was Daniel Hicks 1755-1812.
James M. Hicks was brother to my 5rd great grandfather
Daniel Hicks 1755-1812
The family of Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Williams came from The tri-countys of Onslow, Duplin and Sampson Counties of North Carolina. The information I gave came from the online postings to Rootsweb.com and Familysearch.org. It isn't found in one place but in many scattered bits and pieces. James M. Hicks can be found in the 1880 McDowell County, North Carolina Census. I Believe that the James Madison Hicks and James M. Hicks are the same person. It took some hard digging to post information I have and I am sorry it did't meet everones standards. If it were't for the people who take the time to answer queries posted, there would not be any information online.
"Thomas Hicks" reads as follows: "there were at least six Thomas Hicks in NC; in 1742 there are Thomas Hicks in Onslow and Edgecomb Cos. By 1743 we have added a Thomas Hicks in Carteret Co. By 1750, one of the Thomases had moved to Duplin County. However, there is still a Thomas in Edgecomb and Onslow, which would seem to eliminate them from!
consideration; none then in Carteret. In 1757 we add another Thomas Hicks to Duplin. One lives northeast of the town of Beulaville, the other lives southwest of Beulaville. By about 1762 it would appear that there is yet another Thomas Hicks living southeast of the town of Faison, and we again find a Thomas Hicks in Carteret. By then, however, some of the other Hicks families living in Carteret could have a son by the name of Thomas. There are still Thomases in Onslow and the Edgecomb/Granville Co. area."
Researchers have probably associated facts and dates pertaining to one Thomas Hicks with another of the same name. For example, you will find that Thomas Hicks who married Elizabeth Williams and Thomas Hicks who married Thankful Weeks are sometimes shown as being born on the same day, 13 Mar 1724, suspicious at the least. Thankful's husband Thomas wrote his will 16 Apr 1775, and from other records is shown to have died before 1777, while Elizabeth's husband Thomas purportedly died sometime in 1797 (although James C. Hicks says it was 1 Apr, other dates are also seen; I have read that there is a government supplied military marker at his grave in the Routledge Cemetery, Duplin Co. NC, which reads "Thomas Hicks musician, Rice's Company NC Troops Rev. War. Born 3 Mar 1725. Died 2 Apr 1797. Capt of NC Company 1754 (Spanish Alarm) In Colonial Assembly 1744 - 1779.").
James Madison Hicks in not the son of Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Williams of Sampson County, North Carolina.
He is not the James Madison Hicks born 1814 in the Edgefield District of South Carolina and son of Edward S. Hicks.
He is not the James Madison Hicks born Sep. 1, 1816 in Essex, Massachusetts, son of Joseph Hicks.
He is not the James Madison Hicks, born Oct. 19, 1830 in Wayne County, Arkansas, who marries Annetta Caroline Shultz.
He is also not the James Madison Hicks, Jr. who was born abt. 1852 in Arkansas. (believe him to be son of James Madison Hicks)
He maybe the James M. Hicks listed in the 1880 McDowell County, North Carolina Census.
He maybe the James Hicks (born abt. 1829 in North Carolina) who married Sarah Sally Greene in 1853, the daughter of Arthur and Nancy Sparks (who has 9 children).
He also maybe the James Madison Hicks who was born September 21, 1822 in Person County, North Carolina, the son of Elijah Hicks and Elizabeth Farmer, and the same James Madison Hicks that married Nancy Mary Francisco in abt. 1847, and Sarah Edith Green in 1853.
From the National Archives of Veterans Records:
Statement made and sworn by Sarah Hicks, Claim NO 15060 widow of James M. Hicks Co K 5th TN VOL Mexican War, that she and James were married and had been husband and wife from date 21st day of March 1850 until the soldier's death, that he had no other marriages and she was his widow. Document signed and dated 30th day of May 1899.
James Madison Hicks enlisted in 5th Reg TN VOL Carter County, Tennessee 28 Feb 1848. Mustard out June 1848, due to illness.
Document dated 9 day of August 1866, James M. Hicks solemnly swears support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and UNION....
Over the next years James and family move from North Carolina to Missouri and Arkansas. There is a connection with the Stroud family that lived in North Carolina and also moved to Arkansas and Missouri. I have researched the Stroud family in those states and have not been able to make the connection in the mid 1860's.
In the Pension Application Record State of Missouri the information stated that 1 Jan 1861 Hicks was residing in Marion County Arkansas and in Jan 1864 he moved to Hickory County, Missouri. Had papers destroyed by Rebels and was applying for new pension certificate. This document was signed by among others Jesse Stroud.
There are other documents signed by James C. Stroud and Jessie Stroud, Hickory County, Missouri 1868.
NO 6298 North Carolina Asheville pension date 1851, 8.00 reduced to 4.00 on 11th June 1853.
He receives his pension in McDowell County, North Carolina where he is living, 27 June 1877, for 4.00 and 1885 the rate was 6.00.
There are many land transfers in the north part of McDowell County that he is a party too.
The census records list June of 1860 James and wife with three of thier children living in Carroll County Arkansas, Jefferson TWP. There was a Tabitha Seabolt widow age 47 born TN living beside he and the family. Over the years the name Tabitha keeps turning up. Maybe a sister or other relation???
By 1870 he and the family and four children are in Mitchell County, North Carolina. The fourth child was Margaret and according to her family her birth was in Arkansas.
Note: Margaret (known as Aunt Mag) marries in 1889 into the Stroud family. This has nothing to do with the connection in the mid 1800's.
The 1880 North Carolina Census lists him finally in McDowell County age 58 with wife and two children. James lists that both of his parents are born in North Carolina, but we know that census records may be incorrect.
Sarah Edyith Green born 1833 and died 1922 ( I have a copy of her obit) was the daughter of Arthur and Nancy Sparks Green of Bear Creek area of Mitchell County, North Carolina. I have also researched the Green family and her siblings trying to find out who was James M. Hicks.
I know sometimes there is not much validity to handed down information, but my father who was born in 1924 and is still living with excellent mind said his grandfather made a statement that his wife's great-grandfather Old Jim Hicks went out west, married amd returned to North Carolina with and Indian woman. That would be James M. Hicks parents. There are others in the family with similar stories. One family has stated that they have scene a picture of the Indian lady setting in a large chair, with a blanket around her shoulders.
So many unanswered questions, who was JAMES MADISON HICKS? What was his connection to the Stroud family and why did he make several journeys from Western North Carolina to Missouri and Arkansas? Is there a Indian connection and who was Tabitha?
I hope this information will help in connecting with someone out there.
Will Susannah Tiller (isle of Wight) Son Major, Daughter Mary Rives r: Jan. 22, 1727 wit. Robert hicks Jr.
* Thomas Arvine (Erwin/Urven) d. abt 1676 Old Rappahanock Co VA
m. Ann _
* William Irvine d. abt 1718 Essex Co VA
m. Mary _ d. bef May 5 1743
Mary m.2nd John Taylor Duke
* Nathaniel Arvin/Urvin
Moved to Prince George Co VA, thereafter to Surry Co VA
m. Elizabeth _ d. abt 1736 Brunswick Co VA
* Amy Irvin b. abt 1699
m. Thomas Wilson Sr Mar 4 1723 VA
Descendants of Amy Irvin and Thomas Wilson
* Elizabeth Irvin b. abt 1701
m. Capt. Robert Hicks
* Thomas Hicks
* James Hicks
m. Martha _
* Elizabeth Hicks
m. Robert Rives
2nd husband of Elizabeth Hicks:
m. William Fox
* Rebecca Fox
m. Howard Peebles
* Harriet Peebles
m. William Frederick Jarratt
* Benjamin Tyus Jarratt
m. Ella Livingston
* Albert Lawrence Jarratt
m. Martha Christine Bradford
* Bradford Livingston Jarratt
* Tabitha Hicks
m. Thomas Jacobs
* Thomas Jacobs Jr
* John Jacobs b. aft 1733 d. bef Mar 6 1754
Genealogy of Yancey, Medearis, and Related Lines - Page 32; 1958-
From Mrs, Elizabeth Hummel of Durham N.C. (a descendant of William Hicks, brother of Robert Hicks, Sr. of 1792 will) : "Robert Hicks marries a Reives, "Rives", Sarah and she lived with him the rest of his life or he married another Sarah. . .
Robert Hicks m. Miss Raven issue: John Rives Hicks of NC
William Reeves was recorded as early as February of 1718 in Chowan County, North Carolina where he and his son-in-law Robert Hicks were said to have been traders among the indian tribes in addition to being property owners. Accordingly it is not unreasonable to believe that his first wife, as well as Margaret who is believed to be a second wife, could have been Native American and therefore considered "mixed-race".
Message Board Post:
Looking for information on the William Hicks that was Cherokee Principal Chief listed on Cherokee Nation Chiefs In Early Times from 1827-1828.
I have an ancestor William Hicks that was born around 1800 in South Carolina that was said to be Cherokee Indian, but was wondering if he could be the same one that wa the Cherokee Chief.
It is said that there were some Hicks brothers, children of William Hicks, that were on the Trail of Tears. He died in 1870 in Jefferson County, Alabama.
My William Hicks married Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Connell. Peggy was born in 1809 and died in 1850. They married in 1850 in South Carolina.
They had eleven children: John E., James M., Sarah Elizabeth, Nancy Kizzah, Edmond, Joicy, Daniel, Mary, Franky, Euphania Lucinda, and George Washington.
If any one can help me with this line, it would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone knows who the parents of the William Hicks that married Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Connell were, would you please help me out with that? Cannot seem to go any further with my search than William Hicks and Peggy Connell.
Gina Lollar
Hicks Family Chronicles and Connections
By Thom Montgomery, Ph. D. COPYRIGHT 28 FEBRUARY 2009
The earliest lines of the Hicks Family are somewhat in question. The lineage we follow is the most likely at this time, based on an account given in his Civil War questionnaire and declaration by Charles W. Hicks of Tennessee.
The alternative lineages are:
[1] There is an alternative lineage which is sometimes given, descending from Robert of Southwark, Surrey, England, the Plymouth colonist we follow later. It runs as follows:
John and Herodias Long Hicks,
to John and Rebecca Rives Hicks;
to Robert and Mary Courtney Hicks;
to Nathan and Na’Ye’He’ [Nancy Wolf] Hicks [a Cherokee of the Wolf clan]
to Meshack Hicks.
This family was almost entirely in Virginia and Georgia.
A second alternative is from an entirely different branch of Hicks families:
A second alternative runs thusly:
George Hicke of Yorkshire,
to Thomas Hicke and Elizabeth Turton, at Rothwell, near the River Dolphin,
to John Hicke and Sarah Preston,
to Nathaniel Hix and Rebecca Johnson,
to Amos Hicks and Elizabeth Scott
to Meshack Hicks. This family was almost all in Virginia.
While researchers vary on their documentation, the fact is that there were several Meshack Hickses in the Virginia area at the time we are studying. The confusion is rampant. We chose the line we chose because a Hicks boy, Charles W. Hicks, a known relative, after the Civil War outlined what his father had told him.
Charles W. Hicks was told that his family were from England and had come to Tennessee by way of Maryland and Virginia.
The lineage we have outlined below is the only one that fits that marker.
We shall see what future research uncovers.
• Sir Ellis Hicks. Was knighted by Edward, the Black Prince, on the field of Poitiers, on 9 September 1356, for bravery in capturing a set of colors from the French: he had a son:-
• John Hicks. [Seems to be missing a generation here] Died in 1492, of Tortworth, Gloucestershire, England, and had a son:-
• Thomas Hicks. Died 1565. He married Margaret Atwood and had a son:-
• Baptist Hicks. Born 1526. He married Mary Everard, daughter of James Everard, and had a son:-
Born about 1550 in Southwark, Surrey, England.
Married Phebe Alyne about 1582
Children: Robert Hicks
The following data is taken from The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England,1620-33
ORIGIN: London
MIGRATION: 1621 on Fortune
FIRST RESIDENCE: Plymouth [Massachusetts]
OCCUPATION: Fellmonger (in England).
FREEMAN: In the "1633" list of Plymouth freemen, among those admitted before 1 January 1632/3 [ PCR 1:3]. In list of 7 March 1636/7 [PCR 1:52]. In the Plymouth section of the 1639 Plymouth Colony list of freemen, with the annotation "dead" [PCR 8:173].
EDUCATION: His inventory included "3 books" valued at 8s. His widow, Margaret, signed her will.
ESTATE: In the 1623 Plymouth division of land, "Robart Hickes" was granted one acre as a passenger on the Fortune, and his wife and children were granted four acres as passengers on the Anne [PCR 12:5, 6]. In the 1627 Plymouth division of cattle Robert Hicks, Margaret Hicks, Samuel Hicks, Ephraim Hicks, Lydia Hicks and Phebe Hicks were the sixth through eleventh persons in the twelfth company [PCR 12:13].
Assessed 18s. in the Plymouth tax list of 25 March 1633 and 12s. in the list of 27 March 1634 [PCR 1:9, 27]. "Robert Hickes" was thirty-seventh on the list of Purchasers [PCR 2:177].
On 10 February 1629 Robert Hicks purchased two acres on the north side of town from Steven Dean [PCR 12:7]. On 29 August 1638 Clement Briggs acknowledged his sale of "one acre of land in the upper fall near the second brook" to "Mr. Rob[er]te Heeks" [PCR 12:34]. On 9 December 1639 "Mr. Rob[er]te Hicks" rented five acres at Reed Pond to John Smyth for three years, Smyth to fence the east side of the land [PCR 12:51]. On 13 July 1639 George Sowle acknowledged his sale of two acres of land to Robert Hicks of Plymouth [PCR 12:45]. On 20 July 1639 John Barnes of Plymouth, yeoman, acknowledged his sale of four acres of meadow at High Pynes to Mr. Robert Hicks [PCR 12;45]. On 11 February 1639[/40] Mr. Robert Hicks of Plymouth, planter, sold to Samuell Hicks his eldest son all his house, outhouses and garden in Plymouth, together with four acres of land and eight acres of land and all the meadow at the Heigh Pynes and Iland Creek, and all his right title and interest in the land, and three cows [PCR 12:54]. On 7 April 1642 Mr. Robert Hicks sold two acres of marsh at Heigh Pines to Mr. William Bradford [PCR 12:79]. On 7 May 1642 Mr. Robert Hicks sold seven acres of upland at Iland Creek to William Brett of Duxbury [PCR 12:80]. On the same day he acknowledged his deed to John Reynor of three acres of marsh meadow at Heigh Pynes [PCR 12:80]. On 9 October 1645 Mr. Robert Hicks sold to Georg Partrich a parcel of marsh meadow consisting of two acres [PCR 12:115].
In his will, dated 28 May 1645 and proved 15 May 1648, "Robert Hicks of Plymouth ... being full of infirmities of body" bequeathed to "my son Ephraim all that my dwelling house barn and buildings with the gardens ... in Plymouth," also "all those three fields one lying on the north side of the said town of Plymouth ..., the second which I lately purchased of Mr. John Aldin and the third called the south field"; "but my mind and will is that my executrix hereafter named shall have and enjoy three rooms in the said house during her life she keeping herself unmarried, viz. the hall and chamber over and cellar underneath, and also that my said son Ephraim shall pay her the thirds of the said lands during her life and widowhood"; to "my said son Ephraim all my lands lying at Iland Creek on Duxbery side except two lots of upland of twenty acres apiece lying next unto Mr. Kemp's lands, which I hereby give and bequeath unto John Banges my grandchild"; to "my executrix ... the rents of the said land not set and let forth for six years yet to come if she shall so long live, but all the rest of my lands ... I give unto my said son Ephraim"; "I give unto John Reyner the son of Mr. John Reyner our teacher fifty acres of the purchased lands accruing ... to me as a purchaser of my share of lands lying at Seawams or Secunck if the said Mr. John Reyner his father do remain at Plymouth"; to "Samuell my eldest son" fifty acres; to "my said son Ephraim" fifty acres; to "John Watson" fifty acres; to "John Bangs" fifty acres; to "the younger of Mr. Charls Chancy's sons which his wife had at one birth when he dwelt at Plymouth" fifty acres; to "my said son Ephraim" household goods; to the Town of Plymouth one cow calf; to "William Pontus" 20s.; to "John Faunce" 20s.; to "Nathaneell Morton" 20s.; to "Thomas Cushman" 20s.; "Margaret my loving wife" sole executrix and residue; Mr. John Howland, Mannasses Kempton and Thomas Cushman overseers; to John Howland and Mannasses Kemton 10s. each for a remembrance; to Joshua Prat "a suit of my wearing clothes with a pair of shoes and stockings"; to Samuell Eddy a pair of wearing stockings; to "my said son Ephraim ... my four oxen, paying my loving wife ... the thirds of the profits of the lands as is before mentioned ... and to draw her twenty loads of wood yearly to her house in Plymouth during her life" [ MD 8:144-46, citing PCPR 1:1:703].
The inventory of the estate of "Mr. Robert Hicks deceased the 24th of May 1647 taken the fifth of July in the year aforesaid also exhibited upon oath the 4th of May 1648" totalled £39 13s., with no real estate included [MD 8:143-44, citing PCPR 1:1:69].
On 23 January 1648 John Rogers of Duxbury bought the rent of lands improved by Mr. Robert Hicks now deceased from Ephraim Hicks of Plymouth [PCR 12:155-56].
On 1 May 1660 "Gorge Watson," on behalf of his son John Watson and nephew John Banges, requested that, because "Samuel Hickes" was mistakenly entered in the court records as purchaser of lands at Cushenah and Accoaksett, etc., and it should have been "Mr. Robert" Hickes, it be corrected; the matter was referred to a later court [PCR 3:186]. On 3 October 1662 "Samuell Hickes" was offered an equal division with others in the lands of Mr. Robert Hickes at Accushena, Coaksett, etc., but he declined [PCR 4:27]. Margaret and Samuel could not agree on the division of goods in Robert's estate and the matter was taken to court 7 June 1661 [PCR 3:217].
On 7 October 1662 "Margarett Hickes of Plymouth, widow, as sole executrix to my husband Mr. Robert Hickes," confirmed his bequest of fifty acres to "Elnathan Chauncye the younger of the twins of Mr. Charles Chauncye" [MD 17:240-41, citing PCLR 2:2:107].
On 22 March 1663[/4] "Mistris Hickes" and "Sam[uel] Hickes" were granted Lot 7 in the Plymouth lands at "Puncateesett Necke" [ PTR 1:64].
In her will, dated 8 July 1665 and proved 6 March 1665/6, "Margarett Hickes widow of the town of Plymouth" bequeathed to "my son Samuell Hickes" £5; to "my daughter-in-law Lydia Hickes" 30s.; to "my son Samuell's children" 10s. each "there being seven of them"; said legacies to be paid by "son Samuell Hickes" from his debt "he having already received a large portion of that which God hath given me not only in lands but also in goods and chattels which was not only my husband's and son Ephraim's estate formerly but also given to me by will at my son Ephraim's death"; to "my grandchild John Banges" 40s.; residue to "the children of my son-in-law Gorg Watson and my loving daughter that is deceased Phebe Watson," also said estate to be "at the dispose of my son-in-law Gorg Watson"; "my son-in-law Gorg Watson and my friend Captain Southworth" overseers [PCPR 2:2:32, abstracted in MD 16:157-58].
The inventory of Margaret Hickes, taken 5 March 1665[/6], totalled £53 12s. 6d. and included no real estate [PCPR 2:2:33, abstracted in MD 16:158]. On 6 March 1665/6 "Gorge Watson" was granted administration on the estate of "Mistris Margarett Hickes, deceased" [PCR 4:117].
BIRTH: By about 1578 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH: Plymouth 24 May 1647 (from inventory). (Savage and Pope both give this date as 24 March, apparently based on the abstract of the inventory published in 1850. On the original the month of death is in the upper right corner of the page, and is worn, so that only "Ma" can now be read on microfilm. Bowman saw this as May, and his reading is followed here.)
MARRIAGE: By 1603 Margaret _____; she died at Plymouth between 8 July 1665 (date of will) and 6 March 1665/6 (probate of will) .
CHILDREN (first eight baptized at St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Surrey)
i THOMAS, bp. 19 February 1603/4; bur. 23 April 1604.
ii JOHN, bp. 12 October 1605; no further record.
iii SARA, bp. 25 October 1607; bur. 24 February 1617/8.
iv RICHARD, bp. 17 September 1609; no further record. [Richard’s baptism is recorded in the Wandsworth Parish Register, Surrey, England, on 21 September 1609.]
v SAMUEL, bp. 18 August 1611; m. Plymouth 11 September 1645 Lydia Doane [PCR 2:88], daughter of JOHN DOANE.
vi LYDIA, bp. 6 September 1612; m. by about 1633 EDWARD BANGS.
vii PHOEBE, bp. 15 March 1614/5; m. by about 1636 George Watson (their daughter Phebe m. Jonathan Shaw on 22 January 1656 [ PVR 662]).
viii MARY, bp. 11 May 1617; bur. 14 September 1619.
ix EPHRAIM, b. Plymouth about 1625; m. Plymouth 13 September 1649 Elizabeth Howland [PCR 8:8], daughter of JOHN HOWLAND; Ephraim Hicks d. 12 December 1649 "a violent death" [PCR 3:202] and his widow m. (2) Plymouth 10 July 1651 John Dickenson [PCR 8:13].
COMMENTS: The major breakthrough on this family was made when Robert S. Wakefield discovered additional baptismal entries in the St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, register [TAG 51:57-58].
Several sources give Robert Hicks two wives: Elizabeth Morgan and Margaret Winslow. No record has been found of any marriage for Robert Hicks, and his only known wife was Margaret; the argument that Margaret was a Winslow has little basis [TAG 54:31-34].
Clement Briggs of Weymouth, fellmonger, deposed 29 August 1638 that
about two and twenty years since this deponent then dwelling with one Mr. Samuell Lathame in Barmundsey Streete in Southwarke a fellmonger and one Thomas Harlow then also dwelling with Mr. Rob[er]te Heeks in the same street a fellmonger the said Harlow and this deponent had often conference together how many pelts each of their master pulled a week. And this deponent deposeth and saith that the said Rob[er]te Heeks did pull three hundred pelts a week and diverse times six or seven hundred & more a week in the killing seasons, which was the most part of the year (except the time of Lent) for the space of three or four years. And that the said Rob[er]te Heeks sold his sheep's pelts at that time for 40s. a hundred to Mr. Arnold Allard, whereas this deponent's Mr. Samuell Lathame sold his pelts for 50s. per hundred to the same man at the same time and Mr. Heeks pelts were much better ware [PCR 12:35].
On 13 July 1639 Robert Hicks of Plymouth, "citizen & leatherseller of London," by a bill dated 6 July 1618 was indebted to Thomas Heath, citizen & cooper of London for £180, which amount was demanded by letter of attorney made by Hannah Cugley but Hicks showed an acquittance of all debts to Heath, having paid it long ago [PCR 12:43].
On 6 March 1649[/50] administration of the estate of Ephraim Hickes was granted to Margaret Hicks and Thomas Willet [PCR 2:148]. The nuncupative will made by Ephraim to Mr. Thomas Southworth was set aside, Ephraim being "not in a capacity in regard of his said manner of death to make a legal will" [PCR 3:202]. The court ordered that Ephraim's estate be set aside for the benefit of his mother, "Mistris Margaret Hickes," but the order was not recorded and Margaret had to go back to court many years later to insist it be recorded, 3 December 1660 [PCR 3:203].
BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1938 Louis Effingham deForest compiled a comprehensive summary of all that was known about Robert Hicks at that date [ Moore Anc 295-308]. (This summary includes children Elizabeth and Daniel, for whom there is no evidence.)
Born 12 October 1605, St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England [some say 25 October 1607]
Married: Herodias Long 14 March 1637, St. Paul’s, London, England.
Died 14 June 1672, Jamaica, Queens, New York
Children: Thomas Hicks, [by Herodias Long]
There are those who say that John divorced Herodias Long, and then married three additional times:
2nd wife: Florence Carmen or Fordham – 7 April 1661
3rd wife: Elizabeth Morton - November 1661
4th wife: Rachel Taylor Starr – 22 January 1662.
This represents either incredibly bad luck, or indicates a second or third John Hicks.
Born ca. 1659, Great Neck, Long Island, New York
Married Mary Doughty. She was born in 1658 at Flushing, Queens, N. Y. and died in 1713 at Nassau, Queens, N. Y.
Died 26 January, 1749, Hempstead, New York
Children: William Hicks b.1678; Isaac Hicks, b. 1695.
Born about 1678 at Flushing, Queens, N. Y.
Married Clarinda Jane Ferguson of Baltimore, Md. about 1695. She was born about 1674 and died about 1715. Died 11 November 1710 at Baltimore, Md. The couple had a son, Nehemiah Hicks.
Born about 1705 at Johnsville [?] Maryland
Married Philliazana Hitchcock of Baltimore 12 June 1725 [She was born about 1708 and died in 1769] Died 1769 at Baltimore, Md.
1. Isaac Hicks, born about 1729. No more known.
2. Samuel Hicks, born about 1732. Moved to Washington/Sullivan Counties TN.
Married Elizabeth Wood [?] 1751
3. Solomon Hicks born about 1734. Moved to Washington/Sullivan Counties TN
4. Nehemiah [2], Born 30 September 1735, Baltimore, Md., Married [2] Elizabeth Robinson, 17 October 1774.
5. Shadrach Hicks, b. c. 1738. Moved to Washington/Sullivan Counties TN. Shadrach was born in Rockingham County, Virginia, and moved to Tennessee in the late 1700s, where he died at Sevier County. He married Elizabeth Hicks and they had a son, John B. Hicks. John B. Hicks married Elizabeth Douthit, and they had a son Meshack, born about 1800.
6. Meshack Hicks b. c. 1740, Moved to Washington/Sullivan Counties TN, by 12 August 1782 when he filed for land and then to Warren County, TN by 1812 where he appears on the Warren County Tax List. Meshack Hicks, born in Rockingham County, Virginia, moved to Russell County, Virginia, and fromthence to Washington and Sullivan counties, Tennessee.
7. Abednego Hicks, b. c. 1742. Moved to Washington/Sullivan Counties TN by 13 August 1782. Abednego Hicks also moved to Tennessee, but his marriage, if any, and progeny, if any, are unknown.
Born about 1740
Meshack Hicks, born in Rockingham County, Virginia.
Moved to Russell County, Virginia, and from thence to Washington and Sullivan counties, Tennessee by 12 August 1782 when he filed for land and then to Warren County, TN by 1812 where he appears on the Warren County Tax List.
May be the Meshack Hicks who married Elizabeth Harris.
Had children John and William.
There are those who say that this is the Meshack Hicks who moved to Dade County, Georgia, where he died after 1840. This would make him 100 or more years old at the time of his death, a not likely scenario.
William Hicks, born circa 1793, VA, occupation farmer, married circa 1809, in Tennessee, Sarah "Sally" Magness, born Sep 1794, NC, (daughter of George Magness and Mary "Polly" Durham) died circa 1890, DeKalb Co., TN. William died after 1850, Warren Co., TN. The couple had eight or more children.
The couple were divorced in 1854. DeKalb County, TN chancery court records tell us the following:
“Sarah Hicks vs. William Hicks: Complainant and defendant have been married more than 40 years. The defendant, some three years since, maliciously and without any reasonable cause, abandoned complainant and has refused to live with or provide for her. The bonds of matrimony are dissolved. 27 October 1854." In her old age, Sally lived with a daughter, Becky Scott, in DeKalb County near her brother's home.
I. Rebecca "Becky" Hicks born 3 May 1810, DeKalb Co. TN, occupation housewife, married in (DeKalb Co.,TN), James Scott, born TN. Rebecca died 20 May 1851, DeKalb Co.,TN, buried: Rebecca Scott Cemetery, DeKalb Co.,TN.
II. Abram C. Hicks born 1815, Warren Co.,TN, married (circa 1844), in (Warren Co.)TN, Elizabeth born 1824, (Warren Co.)TN.
A. Isaac C. Hicks born 1845, Warren Co.,TN.
B. Mary Hicks, born 1847, Warren Co.,TN.
C. George Washington Hicks born 1849, Warren Co., TN, occupation lawyer & judge, married Mary Cayce, born Franklin, TN.
1. George W. Hicks, Jr. born (Franklin, TN), died before 1956.
2. Ola Hicks born (Franklin, TN), died CA.
3. Willie Hicks born (Franklin, TN), died before 1956.
4. Dana Hicks born (Franklin, TN), died before 1956.
III. Perry Green Hicks born 1818, (DeKalb Co. TN), about whom, more later.
IV. Rebecca Hicks born 1820
V. Achilles D. Hicks born 1824.
VI. George W. Hicks born 1826.
VII. Female, Name Unknown born 1828.
VIII.James D. Hicks born 1832.
IX. Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Hicks born 20-MAR-1834, TN-KY-NC, occupation nurseryman, married (1) 24-MAR-1856, in Warren Co., ,by S. Green, JP, Sarah Webb, born 24-MAR-1837, TN, (daughter of Byars Webb and Rebecca Williams) died 01-SEP-1868, DeKalb Co., TN, buried: Concord Cemetery, Warren Co., TN, married (2) 03-JAN-1869, in DeKalb Co.,TN, by P. G. Magness, MG, Emsy/Enza Webb, born 05-MAR-1825, (DeKalb Co.), (daughter of Byars Webb and Rebecca Williams) died 16-JUN-1901, DeKalb Co., TN, buried: Fuston Cemetery, DeKalb Co., TN. Benjamin died 20-JAN-1902, DeKalb Co., TN, buried: Fuston Cemetery, DeKalb Co., TN. Lived and reared in his family in DeKalb Co., TN.
A. Emma B. Hicks (daughter of Benjamin Franklin) "Ben" Hicks and Sarah Webb) born 1857, (DeKalb Co.)
B. Franklin Hicks (son of Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Hicks #19479 and Sarah Webb) born 1863, (DeKalb Co.)
C. George P. Hicks (son of Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Hicks and Sarah Webb) born 1865, (DeKalb Co., TN), died DeKalb Co., TN., killed by a horse.
D. Sterling Price Hicks (son of Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Hicks and Sarah Webb) born 00-JUN-1868, DeKalb Co., TN, died 03-JAN-1942, DeKalb Co., TN, buried: Fuston Cemetery, DeKalb Co., TN.
X. John C. Hicks #19478 born 1836, Warren Co., TN, Farmer married 14 Jun 1856, in Warren Co., TN - not returned, Mary M. Linn born (circa 1836), TN.
John does not appear in the 1860 Warren County Census. John does appear in the 1870 Warren County Census, page 208, as 'John W. & wife, Milly.'
Born about 1818 in DeKalb County, TN.
Married in DeKalb Co. TN, Annie Asher, who was born 10 Jun 1820, in Tennessee, and who died 21 Jan 1887, DeKalb Co., TN. Perry died circa 1849, in Arizona, fighting in the Mexican War.
Perry Green Hicks was a private in Roberts’ Company of the 1st Tennessee Mounted Militia in the Seminole [Florida] War.
He also served as a private in Ferris’ & Cherry’s companies of Lauderdale’s Battalion of Tennessee Mounted Infantry in the Cherokee war.
A recently published military history states:
“In the wake of the Indian Removal Act of 183O, the United States Army engaged in a seven year struggle against the Seminole Indians in which it found itself unprepared to fight a guerrilla war.” Perry went anyway.
Perry also went on to fight the Cherokees. This war had its origins in the 18th Century and the discomfort and antagonism of their neighbors continued up until the fateful “Trail of Tears.” Hicks men were involved on both sides of this conflict.
Several of the Cherokees of this time period were of Hicks descent. Such as the descendants of Nathan Hicks, son of Robert Hicks and Great-great grandson of our immigrant Robert Hicks, who had married Na’Ye’He’ Wolf, and who fought beside Chief Bowles in the first Cherokee War.
The Cherokee government especially its principal chief, John Ross, took steps to protect its national territory. Ross joined Charles Hicks and Major Ridge in the "Cherokee Triumvirate" and received recognition for his efforts in negotiating the Treaty of 1819. He then continued his work by making legal moves for the Cherokees as president of the constitutional convention.
Perry Green Hicks, having fought the Seminole and the Cherokees, was enlisted to fight as a private in the Mexican War Perry was appointed as postmaster for Hollandsworth on 27 April 1849, but he appears to have died in service. His widow, Anna, filed a claim for benefits on 7 August 1850. She got her pension, $3.50 monthly [paid semi-annually] from December 1852 through March 1855. We have not been able to locate a record of the pension beyond that.
The couple had three children:
America Victoria Hicks was born 2 December 1839. She married Harvey Patterson of DeKalb County, TN
Bernard Napoleon Hicks was born 27 November 1840, son of Perry Green and Anna Hicks. He grew up near Smithville, DeKalb County, Tennessee.
George Dallas Hicks, born about 1843.
110. George Rives (William , Timothy , Richard , John Robert , Robert ) was born in 1660 in Surrey, Va. He died after Sep 1719 in Prince George, Va. George was employed as seaman - trader in Coast of America.
He was a trader who braved not only the perils of the sea, but thepirates who infested the coast of America in the latter half of theseventeenth and early part of the eighteenth centuries. There were 2,000 or more pirates between Maine and Florida. In addition there wereas many more who used the Bahamas as their base of operations. GeorgeRives' deposition was given on Sept. 8, 1719 in the County of PrinceGeorge, as follows: George Rives, age 59 years or thereaboutsdeposeth that in the month of April last while he was trading in theProvince of South Carolina, he did both see and oftentimes didconverse with a runaway malatta (sic) man slave named Jack, belongingto Samuel Harwood, the younger, of Charles City County, VA. The saidslave came into that Province in the company of Mr. Robert Hix, andother traders, as the traders informed this deponant that the saidmalatta slave man there goes by the name of John Bunch, and would havereturned home to his master, but was forcibly detained in the Provinceby one, Capt. How, and other traders there. This deponent furthersaith that he very well knows that said runaway slave to belong to thesaid Harwood and for some years past did live upon the plantation onthe poplar swamp under him, and futher saith not. This 8th day ofSept. 1719. Signed with his X. Mr. Robert Hix was a well knownIndian Interpreter and trader in Virginia at that time. He married adaughter of William Rives, who died in Granville County, NC in 1751.
George married Frances Tatum before 1683 in , Va. Frances was born about 1665.
They had the following children:
145 M i Colonel William Rives was born about 1683 in Prince George, Va. He died before 1 Mar 1746 in Prince George, Va.
William married Unknown.
146 M ii Thomas Rives was born about 1690 in Surrey, Va. He died after 1758 in Brunswick, Va.
Thomas married Unknown.
147 F iii Mary Rives was born about 1695 in Bristol, Prince George, Va.
Mary married Unknown.
148 M iv Joseph Rives was born about 1698 in Surrey, Va. He died after 1758.
113. Timothy Rives (William , Timothy , Richard , John Robert , Robert ) was born about 1670 in Surrey, Va. He died in 1716 in Surrey, Va.
Timothy married Judith Unknown before 1692 in , Va. Judith was born about 1670.
They had the following children:
157 F i Ursula Rives.
158 F ii Rebecca Rives was born about 1692 in Surrey, Va. She died after 1729.
159 M iii George Rives was born about 1698 in Albemarle, Surrey, Va. He died on 1 Jun 1746 in Albemarle, Surrey, Va.
George married (1) Unknown.
George married (2) Unknown.
160 M iv William Rives was born about 1706 in Surrey, Va.
William married Unknown.
161 M v Timothy Rives Jr. was born about 1710 in Surrey, Va. He died after 1777.
Timothy married Unknown.
William married (1) Martha Wiley about 1700. Martha was born in 1678 in Granville, NC. She died in 1730 in Granville, NC.
They had the following children:
+ 162 M i John Reeves
+ 163 M ii James Reeves
+ 164 M iii Malachi Reeves
165 F iv Elizabeth Reeves was born about 1713 in Albemarle, Rutherford, Nc. She died after 1751.
Elizabeth married (1) William Hodges.
Elizabeth married (2) John Parham.
166 F v Mary Reeves was born about 1715 in Albemarle, Rutherford, Nc.
Mary married John Carpenter.
167 M vi Jonathan Deardon Reeves was born about 1716 in Sussex, Va. He died after 1755 in Granville, Nc.
Jonathan married Sarah Garrett after 1720 in , Va. Sarah was born about 1716.
168 M vii Benjamin Reeves was born about 1718 in Granville, Nc.
Benjamin married Sarah Unknown. Sarah was born about 1718.
169 M viii Isaac Reeves was born about 1720 in Granville, Nc. He died after 1750 in Rowan, Nc.
Isaac married Jane Wallace. Jane was born about 1720.
+ 170 M ix William Reeves
171 F x Sarah Reeves was born about 1725 in Granville, Nc. She died in Granville, Nc.
Sarah married Robert Hicks.
172 F xi Olive Rives was born about 1726 in Granville, Nc.
3 Sarah Reeves b: ABT. 1726 d: 1792
+ Robert Hicks
4 Betsy Hicks
4 Sarah Hicks
+ Thomas Bell
4 Isaac Hicks
+ Elizabeth Hines
4 Lucretia Hicks
+ John Lock
4 Robert Hicks
+ Sarah Raven
4 Abigail Hicks b: 15 Dec 1748 d: 29 Jun 1809
+ William Yancy
4 Thomas Hicks b: ABT. 1753 d: AFT. 1791
+ Constabce Crews
Descendants of William Rives
Generation No. 1
1. WILLIAM6 RIVES (WILLIAM5 RYVES, TIMOTHY4 RIVES, RICHARD3 RYVES, JOHN2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1680 in Virginia, and died 1751 in Granville, North Carolina. He married (1) (FEMALE) (UNKNOWN) WFT Est. 1711-1742. She was born Abt. 1680, and died WFT Est. 1736-1775. He married (2) MARGARET BURGESS Bef. 1746 in North Carolina. She was born Bef. 1730, and died WFT Est. 1752-1824.
More About WILLIAM RIVES: BURIED: 1751, North Carolina
Children of WILLIAM RIVES and (FEMALE) (UNKNOWN) are:
i. BENJAMIN7 REEVES, b. WFT Est. 1699-1727; d. WFT Est. 1705-1806.
ii. ELIZABETH REEVES, b. WFT Est. 1699-1727; d. WFT Est. 1704-1809.
iii. MARY REEVES, b. WFT Est. 1699-1727; d. WFT Est. 1704-1809.
2. iv. JOHN DEARDON REEVES, b. Abt. 1700, Virginia; d. WFT Est. 1792-1811.
v. MALACHI REEVES, b. Abt. 1711, Granville, North Carolina; d. Aft. 1782, Granville, North Carolina.
6. SARAH7 REEVES (WILLIAM6 RIVES, WILLIAM5 RYVES, TIMOTHY4 RIVES, RICHARD3 RYVES, JOHN2, ROBERT1) was born Bef. 1735 in Granville, North Carolina, and died 1792 in Granville, North Carolina. She married ROBERT HICKS WFT Est. 1763-1787. He was born WFT Est. 1701-1734, and died WFT Est. 1763-1820.
Children of SARAH REEVES and ROBERT HICKS are:
i. BETSY8 HICKS, b. WFT Est. 1753-1776; d. WFT Est. 1758-1860.
ii. SARAH HICKS, b. WFT Est. 1753-1776; d. WFT Est. 1784-1860; m. THOMAS BELL, WFT Est. 1784-1817; b. WFT Est. 1743-1775; d. WFT Est. 1784-1855.
iii. ISAAC HICKS, b. WFT Est. 1753-1776; d. WFT Est. 1787-1857; m. ELIZABETH HINES, WFT Est. 1787-1821; b. WFT Est. 1753-1784; d. WFT Est. 1787-1865.
iv. LUCRETIA HICKS, b. WFT Est. 1753-1776; d. WFT Est. 1784-1860; m. JOHN LOCK, WFT Est. 1784-1817; b. WFT Est. 1743-1775; d. WFT Est. 1784-1855.
v. ROBERT HICKS, b. WFT Est. 1753-1776; d. WFT Est. 1787-1857; m. SARAH RAVEN, WFT Est. 1787-1821; b. WFT Est. 1753-1784; d. WFT Est. 1787-1865.
13. vi. ABIGAIL HICKS, b. December 15, 1748, Granville, North Carolina; d. June 29, 1809.
vii. THOMAS HICKS, b. Abt. 1753; d. Aft. 1791; m. CONSTANCE CREWS, Abt. 1791; b. WFT Est. 1748-1774; d. WFT Est. 1796-1862.
Notes for THOMAS HICKS: [NY line]
NOTE: Lived in Oxford, NC.
116. John HICKS. "Henry Chappell belonged to the several families who came to lower Richland County in the 1750's-1760's--There is good evidence his mother might have been a Hicks. There were Hicks in SC and VA prior to the Revolutionary War. Robert Hicks of Greenville Co., VA, made his will in 1796, He owned land in lower Richmond Co., and Hicks Chappell and John Goodwyn were made executors--(Green History of Richland Co., p. 235.) There were considerable intermarriage of the Hicks and Rives in VA. JOHN HICKS m.. Rebecca (b. 1692, d. 1729) dau. of Timothy and Judith Rives and their children were Robert, John and DANIEL, of Brunswick County, and Joshua. Their son in law (s) were Edward Tatum and John Ross. . Robert Rives of Brunswick Co., VA. m. Elizabeth Hicks, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth Irwin. or Urwin". (The Chappell Fam8ily in Early South Carolina, Buford S. Chappell, M.D., p. 11., sent to me 1 July 1987, by Fairvield Co. Museum). He was married to Rebecca RIVES.
William Hicks who was born May 03, 1785 in NC and died Sep 05, 1849 in TN. The only name I had for his wife was Sarah G. She was born Feb 01, 1794 in NC and died 1880 in TN. They had a son named Thomas who was born 2-14-1824. He was one of nine children and I am descended from his brother John Jacob Hicks. It sounds like this may possible be the same line! If it is, I'm sorry I can't help with William and Sarah's parents but it would give me more information than I had. Thank you
Francis Mason has the parents of William Hicks as John Hicks and Comfort malone
Joshua Hicks and wife Jean and children first appear in Rockbridge Co., VA in the mid 1790's when their daughter Elizabeth marries Nicholas Spring on 23 Aug 1996. We believe they came from Augusta Co., VA but no nothing about them before they came to Rockbridge Co., VA. We only know where one of their children moved after leaving Rockbridge and that is my ggg
grandmother, Margaret "Peggy" Hicks married to Robert Lawson Jr., son of Isaac Lawson of Rockbridge co., VA.
Hiram Hicks was remember by his family as Julia named her son, John Hiram Linkes.
8. Hiram HICKS, b 1811, d 1910
+ (1) Jane "Jennie" TESTER, b 1817, m 1834, d bef 1870
9. John HICKS, b 1838 (twin)
9. Mary HICKS, b 1838 (twin) I do not think she is a Twin
9. Melissa HICKS, b 1841
9. Ransom Merritt HICKS, b 13 Dec 1843 (twin), d 27 Feb
1900 result of an accident with one of his horses; buried in Keenersville Christian Church Cemetery, Madison Co., NC
+ Emily Caroline HARMON HICKS (cousin, widow of Carroll HICKS),m 1863
9. Margaret HICKS, b 1843 (twin)
9. Eli W. HICKS, b 1846
+ Elizabeth HICKS, dau of John Wesley and Hannah Mariah CARSON Hicks
9. Charlotte HICKS, b 1849
9. Rhoda HICKS, b 1848
9. Zachariah HICKS, b 1851 (NFI)
9. Julia Ann HICKS, b 1854
9. Center Coplin "Cope" HICKS, b 1857 (NFI)
9. Jim J. HICKS, b 1854 (NFI)
9. Emily HICKS, b 1868 (Note: could have been a grandchild
of Hiram's) **This child is the child of Mary Hicks Mathias above.
This is what I have based on Family bible, Julia Ann Hicks granddaughter**
who was also the daughter of Adam Hicks Jr. and info in census and on death
certificate listed below this tree:
Descendants of Hiram Hicks
1 Hiram Hicks 1811 -
.. +Jennie Tester/Teaster 1815 -
......... 2 John Hicks 1838 -
......... 2 Mary AdalineHicks 1838 - 1918
............. +______ Mathias
.................... 3 Emily Mathias 1868 - 1891
......... 2 Melissa Hicks 1841 -
......... 2 Margaret Hicks 1842 -
............. +? Pritchard
......... 2 Ransom Hicks 1843 -
......... 2 Eli Hicks 1846 -
......... 2 Rhoda Hicks 1848 -
......... 2 Charlotte Hicks 1849 -
............. +? Clawson
......... 2 Zachariah Hicks 1851 -
......... 2 Julia Ann Hicks 1852 - 1924
............. +Gibson Meredith Linkes 1851 - 1925
.................... 3 Center Coplin Linkes 1875 - 1954
........................ +Callie Pritchard
.................... *2nd Wife of Center Coplin Linkes:
........................ +Susie Elmina Wagner 1873 - 1973
.................... 3 John Hiram Linkes 1877 - 1961
........................ +Sarah Jane Baird 1881 - 1949
.................... *2nd Wife of John Hiram Linkes:
........................ +Bessie _________
.................... 3 Minnie Bell Linkes 1878 - 1948
.................... 3 Virginia Jo Linkes 1882 - 1950
........................ +Adam Hicks, Jr 1862 -**
.................... 3 Emily Linkes 1883 - 1910
........................ +_______ Cordell
.................... 3 Zackariah Linkes 1888 - 1905
........................ +Gertrude Lillian Younce 1888 - 1971
......... 2 Jim J. Hicks 1854 -
......... 2 Senter Coplin Hicks 1856 -
Record (1924) #225
Julia Linkes, Born: I April 1852 in Watauga County, NC, married, parents:
H. Hicks (NC) and Jennie Tester (NC), death cause: "cancer of uterus",
buried: Butler, died: 1 Oct 1924.
Dwelling # /Name/ Age/ Relationship /Your Birthplace/ Father's Birthplace/
Mother's Birthplace
1880 Census District 10-Johnson County, Tennessee
# 49 Mathais, Mary 40 b. 1840 NC NC NC
Emila 12 b. 1868 Daughter NC NC NC
Hicks, Eli 38 b. 1842 Brother NC NC NC
Senter 24 b. 1856 Brother NC NC NC
1900 Census District 10-Johnson County, Tennessee
#63 Mathais, Mae A 64 b. 1836 NC NC
Linkes, Center 25 b. 1875 Nephew TN TN NC
Emily 16 b. 1884 Niece TN TN NC
1910 Census-Butler Village, Tennessee
#103 Linkes, Center C. 35 TN TN NC
Susan E. 36 W TN TN NC
Wayne H. 4 S TN TN TN
Ira E. 3 S TN TN TN
Donnelly 2 S TN TN TN
Center 1/12 S TN TN TN
Mathais, Mary A. 72 Aunt (This is Mary Hicks, Julia's sister)
Holliway, Lola A. 29 Servant TN VA TN
Mary does not appear in the 1900 Census. Emily Mathias is buried at Stanbery Cemetery in Johnson Co. I have a photo of her tombstone.
From Abstracts of Tennessee Death Records by Eddie Nikazy
Mary Adaline Marhias, Born 14 Jan 1838, Widow, parents: Hiram Hicks (NC) and ____Tester (NC), cause of death: "rheumatism of the heart" , died: 14 Feb 1918, record (1918), record (1918) #: 22.
John HICKS, d. Aug.1777 Goochland, VA. His wife, Mary, is believed to be HARRIS-circumstantial evidence only, so far. Their
children: Meschach, 1765-1826 m Elizabeth MORELAND;David; William Randolph m Mary E. HARRIS; Moses m. Elizabeth JOHNSON;Shadrack; John; Harris; Susanna m. ?ADAMS;Cary m. ?CLARKE;Mary
Robert, who married Winnifrit Combs,
Willis Hicks. He would probably have been born in North Carolina around 1750. He married Eleanor Simpson and their children are reported to be Richard, Henry, Absalom, Willis and James.
Joseph Hix, who probably lived in eastern Virginia from 1760 onwards, and whose daughter, Tempy Hix, married Alexander Booth in Surry County, Virginia, during 1800? Joseph Hix was surety for his daughters marriage.
WILLIAM HICKS b. 24 Oct 1803 New Brunswick married 14 Feb 1832 New Brunswick to MARY A. BEALE b. 14 Jul 1809 New Brunswick. Children: Peter, Mary Ann, Emma, George, Marmaduke, Sarah, Thomas.
Robert Hicks and Elizabeth Rives
James Rives Childs, Whitmore Morris - 1929 -Robert Hicks and Elizabeth Rives had issue:
1 William b. 1748
ii Martha (Patsy) b. 1750
iii. Nathaniel5, b. about 1753.
iv. Irvin5, b. about 1755 ; d. s. p., before 1782, as he is not included in the Prince George county tax lists for the year 1782, or subsequently. In the chancery proceedings in Greensville county he is referred to as having died without issue before 1785. Irvin Rives received from his father's estate the plantation on which his father lived and also. . .
Va., March so, 1735, mentioning his wife, Elizabeth, his son, Nathaniel Hicks, and daughters, Elizabeth, Winifred, ...
George Sr. b 1695 d SC m Sarah Rives = 7 children James b 1700 m Fathy Unknown = 8 children John ... Edith Fonvilled 1772 NC = 4 children Robert Jr. b 1722 m Elizabeth Irvin = 12 children Martha b 1724 m Henry Beddingfield ...
See elsewhere in this book for the record of the John Hicks, of Surry co. Va., who m. 2539. Rebecca Rives.
Robert Rives, it would appear, married Elizabeth Hicks (d. 1774-1785), daughter of Robert Hicks, and his wife Elizabeth Urwin or Irvin, daughter of Nathaniel Irvin (who, with Capt. ... 7, 1739. naming
9. Judith Collier m. James Hicks, of Brunswick Co., Va., and had two daughters and five sons, four of whom were officers in the Continental Army, and two of whom were captured by the British at the battle of Brier Creek, Ga. Probably lived at Hicksford, in that part of the county subsequently set aside as Greensville Co. Issue :—
52, Capt. Charles Hicks, revolutionary patriot. 53, Isaac, 54, George, d. in Georgia. 55, John, d. near Bruce's Church, Brunswick Co. 56, James, d. near Jericho, Brunswick Co. 57, Vines, moved to Tennessee. 58, Sarah, b. 1762, m. Robert Hardaway. 59, Ann Vines, b. 1766, m. Dr. William G. Walker.
53, Isaac Hicks, of Brunswick Co., Va., a Captain in the Continental army; had issue: 201, Rebecca, m. Gilliam Booth, of Nottoway; their son, Edward Gilliam Booth lived in Philadelphia, and built the Virginia House at the Centennial. (See his Life by H. E. Dwight.) His son, Dr. E. G. Booth, owns "Carter's Grove." 202, Reuben Booth, a weathy planter; had daughterLouisa, who married Maj. Gen. William E.Starke, C. S. A., killed at Sharpsburg. 203, Thomas, of Brunswick Co. 204, Sally, m. Benj. Booth, of Amelia. 205, Betsy, m. Robert C. Booth, of Dinwiddie. 206, Minerva, m. Dr. Cabaniss, of Petersburg, and left issue.
Sarah Preston
Birth 1662 in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Death Feb 1698 in James City, Virginia, United States
Parents Joseph Preston 1635 – 1717 m. Ann Taylor 1651 – 1732 son of ?
Death 19 Jul 1717 in FRANKFORD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
Samuel Hixe
Death 1708 in Colony, Laurel, Kentucky, United States
John Hix
Birth 1658 in St Peters Parish, New Kent, Virginia, United States
Death 1720 in Williamsburg, James City County, Virginia
Hidden Village, Port Royal, Virginia, 1744-1981 - Page 236 Ralph Emmett Fall - 1982:
Known to be buried in unmarked graves in the Methodist Churchyard at Port Royal are the following: William Hicks (great uncle of the late Robert A. Hicks of Port Royal); Henry (or Benjamin) Hicks (brother of Robert A. Hicks); Pinckney Gibbs
Name: John Hicks
Birth: 1775 in Virginia
Note: This entry (and the information shown with respect to this entry) has not been confirmed by any primary source and is placed here for research purposes only. The information was found in the Vaughn Family Tree on Ancestry.com (Owner: DS923/USA).
Marriage 1 Susannah Burton b: 1780 in North Carolina
Children Elizabeth Hicks; John Hicks
Birth: ABT 1776 in Virginia
Marriage Susannah Burton b: ABT 1776 in North Carolina
Married: 08 JAN 1805 in Person County, North Carolina 1
Sources: Details: Burton and Allied Families
"Husband:'Willis Hicks, Sr.
Died: Before August 1812
in: Christian Co., KY.
Wife: Eleanor Unknown
CHILDREN Name: Karr Hicks
Born: Abt. 1794 in:
Name: Female Hicks
Born: Abt. 1795
Name: Josiah Hicks
Born: Abt. 1796 in:
Name: Willis Hicks, Jr.
Born: Abt. 1798 in: Unknown
Married: 12 August 1816 in: Christian Co., KY.
Spouse: Matilda Moore
Female Hicks Abt. 1800 in:
Name: McCoy Hicks
Bom: Abt. 1801
Married: 29 September 1823
Spouse: Sarah Thompson in: Christian Co., KY.
Name: Female Hicks Bom: Abt. 1802
Name: Hamlin H. Hicks Bom: Abt. 1803 Married: 15 September 1833
Spouse: Sarah T. Blakely
Name: Robert Hicks Bom: Abt. 1805 Name: Female Hicks
Bom: Abt. 1809
Name: John K. Hicks Bom: Abt. 1811
Married: 05 February 1844
Spouse: Elizabeth Ann Williams
Wife: Elizabeth Ann Williams Bom: Abt. 1812
Father: Joseph Williams, Sr.
Mother: Elizabeth Unknown
Other Spouses: Thomas Cobb
Name: Johnetta E. Hicks
Bom: 15 May 1851 Died: July 5, 1905
Married: 20 June 1876 Spouse: Robert B. Porter
Married: 21 January 1883 Spouse: James Henry Martin
Husband: Robert B. Porter
Born: February 1833
Married: 20 June 1876
Died: March 9, 1879 in: Parker Cemetery near Lamasco, Lyon Co., KY
Kinchen [Kitchen] Hix named after William kinchen Carven Co. NC
Will of David Hix Senior of Onslow County, North Carolina. To Son Solomon, that part of my plantation on Bogue Sound in Cartwright County where he now dwells. To son Alexander the other part of my Bogue Sound plantations. To the two sons 400 acres. To wife Martha Hix during widowhood remainder of estate. To son Moses one negro. To son David negros. To son Fredrick negros. To daughter Martha negros. To daughter Jane negros. Signed 13 Sep 1778, David (x) Hix. [Original Wills of Onslow County, North Carolina, FHC Film #1,577,755.]
Read the following Petitions for Warrants for Land Viz:
Samuel Huffhams 150 Bladen, John Dunn 150 Craven, Job Merrix 320 Bladen, David Smith 100 Do, James Calef 640 Beaufort, David Smith 200 Bladen, Do 150 Do, Alexander Clark 300 Do, Archibald Clark 100 Do, John Fry 100 Beaufort, Henry Snoad 640 Do, John Faw 150 Onslow, David Hicks 50 Carteret, Thomas Austin 400 Do, Thomas Bell 50 Do, John Edwards 500 Johnston, David Williams 150 New Hanover, John Norman 300 Onslow, James Crauford 200 Do, Nathaniel Everitt 100 Do. Granted.
Descendants of Moses Hicks
1 Moses Hicks d: Bet. February - May 1810 in Wake County, North Carolina Census: 1790 Wake County, North Carolina
+Jemimah d: Bef. 13 April 1817 in Wake County, North Carolina 2 Jesse Hicks d: Abt. 1831 Census: 1830 Wake County, North Carolina Military service: 23 September 1772 Capt. Charles Matthews' Company, Chatham County, North Carolina
+Winifred Mann aka: Winny Census: 1850 Marshal County, Mississippi Father: Richard Mann Mother: Lucy Martin
2 Judah Hicks
+Royal Medlin m: 22 November 1803 in Wake County, North Carolina
2 Nancy Hicks d: 1823 in Wake County, North Carolina
2 Willis Hicks d: Bef. 11 September 1807
+Pherebe Booker aka: Phereby Fereby, Phoebe b: Abt. 1777 in Chatham County, North Carolina Father: John Booker Mother: Naomi
2 Isham Hicks aka: Isom b: Abt. 1801 in North Carolina d: Aft. 1880 Census: 1850 Monroe County, Alabama
+Lucinda Mims b: Abt. 1800 in North Carolina d: Bet. 1870 - 1880 Census: 1850 Monroe County, Alabama Father: William Britton Mims Mother: Susanah L. Booker
2 Moses Hicks b: Abt. 1805 Census: 1830 Monroe County, Alabama
Hicks, David Sgt. (Served in Clark's Illinois Regiment which is the same regiment that Mordecai Hicks served in) Served in Western Regiment and Captain Francis Charlovilles Volunteers, Bounty Lands
Sergeant. Entitled to land for 3 years.
Hicks, Moses Sgt, Taylor's VA Reg.
Biographical Sketch of Chasteen Hicks, Washington County, Missouri
From "History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties", Biographical Appendix, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888.
Chasteen Hicks, an early settler of Washington County, is the son ofCharles and Rebecca (Thomas) Hicks, both of whom were born in Albemarle County, Va., where they grew up, married, and lived until about 1826, when they came to Missouri by wagon and located in the southern part of the State. Later they came to this county, where the mother died in 1836. The father died in the southern part of the State after his second marriage. He was a farmer, a Democrat, a soldier in the War of 1812, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. By his first marriage he had eight children, three sons and five daughters; and by
his second marriage he had two daughters. Chasteen was the second child born to the first marriage. His birth occurred in Albemarle County, Va., about 1820, and he was brought to this State when a mere lad. His early education was extremely limited, not attending school more than two months. When about fifteen he began learning the blacksmith's trade, and afterward went to school a short time, being almost a man. From 1840 to 1856 he worked constantly at his trade, and then bought a place where he now lives. In 1841 he married Miss Mary Sloan, a native of this county, who died in 1849 leaving three children, all daughters. Mrs. Hicks and the children are all members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hicks was a Whig before the war, a strong Union man during that struggle, and has since been a Republican. When he married Mr. Hicks had nothing, he is now one of the well-to-do farmers of his community, owning 400 acres of land. He has lived in this county for fifty-eight years, and has spent thirty-two years of his life engaged in farming. (Since the above was written Mr. Hicks has been called from earth, his death occurring March 7, 1888. He left many friends to mourn his loss. -The Publishers.)
Francis "Fannie" Hix (F) b. 26 November 1778, d. 16 April 1861
Francis was born on 26 November 1778. She married John Rupell Russell Sr. on 5 June 1831. Francis died on 16 April 1861, at age 82. Citations
This might be the line you're looking for: Samuel(goochland va)-David-David Jr-William(1770's). No record of Wm but brothers Vines, James, Jesse, moved to Ill.
David Hicks ancestors descendants (May 9, 1739 - August 16, 1832)
Absalom Hicks ancestors descendants (1740 - April 1770)
Diana Hicks ancestors descendants (1742 - 1800)
Sarah Hicks ancestors (1743 - )
William Hicks ancestors (1745 - 1746)
Stephen Hicks ancestors (1760 - August 1, 1840)
Children of ABSOLOM HICKS and MARY HARRIS are:
11. i. BISHOP5 HICKS, b. 1756, Granville County, North Carolina; d. September 1798, Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina.
13. iii. HARRIS HICKS.
iv. JEANNIE HICKS35,36, b. April 20, 176037,38.
v. DIANAH HICKS39,40, b. December 5, 176141,42.
vi. AGNES HICKS43,44, m. THOMAS PARHAM45,46, April 19, 1785, Granville County, North Carolina.
Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his ... - Page 115
Meshack Hicks and Ann Dawson, a daughter named Nancy born Oct. 27, 1769, baptized Mar. ... John Hicks married Ann Harrison, daughter of Benjamin Harrison on November 1771, and witnesses were James Hicks, and John Ballard.
Meshack Hix was the son of John Hix Sr. and was married to Elizabeth Harris. There is also another marriage but no children were born. Meshack's family Bible (spelled Hicks) is in the digital collection in the Virginia Library.
Ancestors of Patsy Hicks
Generation No. 1
1. Patsy Hicks She was the daughter of 2. Meshack Hicks and 3. Elizabeth Moreland. She married (1) John Gentry. He was the son of James Gentry and Mary Hix.
Generation No. 2
2. Meshack Hicks He was the son of 4. John Hicks and 5. Mary. He married 3. Elizabeth Moreland 16 Jun 1787 in Goochland Co., VA.
3. Elizabeth Moreland, died 17 Jan 1862. She was the daughter of 6. Wright Moreland and 7. Ann Wilson.
More About Meshack Hicks and Elizabeth Moreland:
Marriage: 16 Jun 1787, Goochland Co., VA
Children of Meshack Hicks and Elizabeth Moreland are:
i. John Hicks
ii. Iris Hicks
iii. Sally Hicks
iv. Nancy Hicks
v. Polly Hicks
vi. Sukey Hicks
1 vii. Patsy Hicks, married John Gentry.
viii. Lucy Hicks
ix. Meshack Hicks, Jr, born 12 Jan 1800; died Jul 1881 in Goochland Co., VA; married Ann Elizabeth Bagby 10 Oct 1833 in Goochland Co., VA; born 09 Jul 1816; died 25 Apr 1874 in Goochland Co., VA.
Notes for Meshack Hicks, Jr:
Family information taken from Meshack Hicks Jr.'s Bible at the Virginia State Library.
More About Meshack Hicks and Ann Bagby:
Marriage: 10 Oct 1833, Goochland Co., VA
x. Cary Hicks, married Beverly Clark 17 Nov 1766 in Goochland Co., VA.
More About Beverly Clark and Cary Hicks:
Marriage: 17 Nov 1766, Goochland Co., VA
Generation No. 3
4. John Hicks, died 1772 in Goochland Co.,VA. He married 5. Mary.
5. Mary
Notes for John Hicks: In the name of God, Amen, I John Hicks of the County of Goochland being sick and weak but of sound memory Thanks be given to Almighty God for the same, but calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do Constitute make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testement Revoking all others by me formerly made Either by word or Writing& First I commit my Soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping that through the Merits of Jesus Christ I shall have a full pardon of all my Sins and my body to the Earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Exrs hereafter named and as touching such worldly Estate as the Lord has been pleased to favor me with, I give & Bequeath the same in the Manner following: That is to wit
Item ...I give and Bequeath to my son Meshack Hicks One hundred Acres of land joining the County Line and Upshers line to him and his heirs forever.
I lend to my Beloved Wife Mary Hicks all the rest of my estate During her Natural life.
I give and Bequeath to my three sons, David, William, and Meshack Hicks the rest of my Land and containng three hundred and ---- acres to be equally Divided Between when my son Moses comes of Lawfull Age and my said son Moses Hicks to have First Choice, which I give to them and their heirs for ever, and if Either of them should depart the Life before of Age, His part to be Divided between the Survivors and their Heirs, For ever.
I give and Bequeath to my Son Shadrach Hicks one Negro--named John, to him and his heirs for Ever.
I give and Bequeath to my son John Hicks one Negro girl Bet to him and his heirs forever, But if the said Bet should have any child or children before the Death of my said wife Mary Hicks such Increase I give to be Equally Divided between my three sons David, William, Moses and their heirs for Ever.
I give and Bequeath to my Son Harris Hicks one Negro girl, Sarah to him and his heirs for Ever, but if she the said Sarah should have any Child or Children, before the Death of my said Wife Mary Hicks, such Increase I give to be Equally Divided Between my three sons, David, William & Moses Hicks and their heirs for Ever.
I will that my Negro Woman Nan, likewise my stocks of Cattle, Hogs, Horses, Sheep, Household goods and other Estate after my said Wifes Decease, be Equally Divided Between my Children Susannah Adams, Shadrck Hicks, Meshack Hicks, Carry (Cochran?), Mary Hicks, Harris Hicks, Davis Hicks and Moses Hicks.To them and their for Ever and if any of my aforesaid Children should depart his Life Leaving no Lawfull issue, his or her part so departing to be Divided Between the Survivors and their heirs for Ever, but as to the Estate that any of my Children has had is to be all counted for as my Estate and Divided as aforesaid.
I Will who ever has the Care of my Son Shadrck, at his Death shall have the Negro Boy John before given.
I further Will if my Negro Woman Nan should have any Child Children before the Death of my Wife Mary Hicks, said Increase I give to be Equally divided Between my three Sons, David, William and Moses Hicks & their heirs for Ever.
I Leave unto Robert Sharp & to his heirs for Ever my Land in Hanover County Containing Eighty seven Acres joining the Lines of John Cochran, David Anderson, James Anthony and the said sharp, He having paid me for the same. I Leave my Wife Mary Hicks Exectrix and my Sons Meshack and John Hicks Executors of the my Last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of May 1772.
Sealed and Published
in presence of
Booker Parrish
Randol Harnsh John H Hicks Sec
Harrison H Harris
At a Court held for Goochland County Aug. the 17th 1772 Booker Parrish and Harrison Harris, proved the Writing to be the last Will and Testament of John Hicks decd. wch was thereupon admitted to Record.
Teste. Val Wood CCCur
More About John Hicks:
Fact 1: 05 May 1772, Will probated in 17 aug, 1772, Goochland Co., VA
Property: Deed book10, p.242. Inventory in Deed Bk.10, p. 214
Children of John Hicks and Mary are:
i. Moses Hicks, married Eliza Johnson 07 Apr 1786.
More About Moses Hicks:
Fact 1: Jan 1796, sold land to Elija Lacy
More About Moses Hicks and Eliza Johnson:
Marriage: 07 Apr 1786
ii. David Hicks
iii. William Hicks
iv. John Hicks, Jr., married Mary.
Notes for John Hicks, Jr.:
Quote. I John Hicks of the parish of Southam in the county of Cumberland do make this my last will and testament in following: I give to my daughter Elizabeth Rawling five shillings which she had all (?) and after my lawful debts is paid I lend to my said wife during her life the land and plantation I now live on. I lend to my said wife all the rest of my estate during her life she paying all my debts and after her death I desire the land and stock and household furnature to be sold and the money equal divided amonst Henry Hicks and John Hicks and Mary Hicks and Nathanil Hicks and Clayborn Hicks and Susannah Hicks and Jesse Hicks and if any child dies before it comes of age I desire his part to be equal diivided amongst the rest that shall be (?) living. I appoint Thomas McEtore (McEton?) and my wife executors of this my last will and testament desiring that my estate may not be appraised. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this Seventh day of May, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy five signed sealed and delivered in the presents of the subscribers
Martin Offin (Ossin?) John Hicks S.S.
John Armstead
William Armstead
At a court held for Cumberland County, 22nd January 1776. This last will and testamen of John Hicks deceased was exhibited in
court by Mary Hicks the executrix therein named and the same is proved by John Armstead and William Armstead two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said excutrix who made oath according to law certificate was granted her for obtaining a probate (?) thereof in due form giving security whereupon she withWilliam Armstead her security entered (?) into bond according to law and liberty is reserved to the executor to join in probate.
v. Harris Hicks
vi. Carry Hicks, married John Cochran in Goochland Co., VA; born in Hanover Co., VA.
More About John Cochran and Carry Hicks: Marriage: Goochland Co., VA
vii. Mary Hicks
viii. Susannah Hicks, married ? Adams.
ix. Shadrack Hicks
x. Davis Hicks
2 xi. Meshack Hicks, married (2) Ann Dawson 05 May 1765 in Goochland Co.,VA; married (3) Elizabeth Moreland 16 Jun 1787 in Goochland Co., VA.
6. Wright Moreland He married 7. Ann Wilson.
7. Ann Wilson
Child of Wright Moreland and Ann Wilson is:
3 i. Elizabeth Moreland, died 17 Jan 1862; married Meshack Hicks 16 Jun 1787 in Goochland Co., VA.
This is in regard to Patsey Hicks who married John Gentry. I have a book called The Gentry Family in America. The information is similar to what you have for her family. I have a marriage date of 25 Nov 1801 for John and Patsey. The book shows John Gentry of Green Co., VA - born in Albemarle Co., VA; died 30 Dec 1857. There are descendants listed. I'm actually researching Dawsons in Goochland, but your post caught my eye because my husband is a Gentry descendant. His Mary Gentry married Samuel Stokes. Mary's father appears to be Obednigo Gentry. He had brothers named Shadrack and Meshack. Those names seem to fit into the Hix family. Hicks named in the index are Mary, and Patsey. The only Hix listing is for John Hix. The reference to him is for a property line and as a witness in the same document. Mary, wife of James Gentry died in 1835. James - of Albemarle Co., VA was born in Hanover Co., VA in 1757 and died in Albamarle Co., at the age of 94 years. There is more information for James including military service.
Deed , dated December 3rd, 1814
John Hicks (Jr) son of John (d. 1772) and Mary Book 22 Page 45,
Goochland County, VA
This indenture made this 3rd day of December 1814 between John Hicks of one part and Meshack Hicks of the other part; witnesseth, that the said John Hicks for the consideration of the sum of two hundred and ninety one dollars in hand paid by the said Meshack Hix to the said John, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold unto the said Meshack, the tract or parcel of land in which the said John Hicks lives, containing one hundred twenty five acres more or less being on Lickinghole Creek and boundedby the said Meshack Hix and others , unto the said Meshack Hix, his heirs and assigns forever. Together with all and singular appurtanances, rights and priviledges....(the rest is almost illegible).
58. William Randolph9 Hicks (Mary8 Harris, David7, William6, Robert5, Thomas4, William of Crixie3, Arthur2, William1) died 1812 in Woodford Co., Ky. He married Mary Elizabeth Harris May 11, 1778 in Goochland Conty, Va., daughter of Harrison Harris and Martha ?. She was born in Goochland Co., Va., and died 1833.
Notes for William Randolph Hicks:
Woodford County, Ky., Wills and Estates 1789-1815: Records a Harris Hicks, dated 16 May 1806 and list wife as Caty, brothers John Hicks, William Hicks, and Moses Hicks. Seems if Harris Hicks name, perhaps this may have been a "cousins" marriage.
Notes for Mary Elizabeth Harris:
Listed as daughter of Harrison Harris in Marriages of Goochland Coun ty, Va. 1733-1815. Witness to marriage was Moses Hicks and William Adams. Mary Hicks given consent for William Hicks. P. 21. Perhaps Mary Hicks was Wil liam Hicks' mother.
Children of William Hicks and Mary Harris are:
72 i. Anne10 Hicks. She married Tavner Branham.
Notes for Anne Hicks:
Tabner Braunum was person who appears was grantee in the Woodford Co., Ky instrument April 5, 1819, DB H p. 180a mentioned with Richard Harris, Lewis and William Harris (heirs of Nathaniel Harris).
Notes for Tavner Branham:
Tabner Braunum was person who appears was grantee in the Woodford Co., Ky instrument April 5, 1819, DB H p. 180a mentioned with Richard Harris, Lewis and William Harris (heirs of Nathaniel Harris).
73 ii. Elizabeth Hicks. She married Henry Downs.
74 iii. Kittie Hicks. She married Spencer Anderson.
75 iv. Mary Hicks. She married Philemon Price.
76 v. Olivia Hicks. She married Amos Stout.
77 vi. Robert Hicks. He married Mary Hagar.
78 vii. Sarah Hicks. She married Daniel Williams.
79 viii. Susan Hicks. She married Issac Williams.
59. Mary Elizabeth9 Harris (Harrison H.8, David7, William6, Robert5, Thomas4, William of Crixie3, Arthur2, William1) was born in Goochland Co., Va., and died 1833. She married William Randolph Hicks May 11, 1778 in Goochland Conty, Va., son of John Hicks and Mary Harris. He died 1812 in Woodford Co., Ky.
Notes for Mary Elizabeth Harris:
Listed as daughter of Harrison Harris in Marriages of Goochland Coun ty, Va. 1733-1815. Witness to marriage was Moses Hicks and William Adams. Mary Hicks given consent for William Hicks. P. 21. Perhaps Mary Hicks was Wil liam Hicks' mother.
Notes for William Randolph Hicks:
Woodford County, Ky., Wills and Estates 1789-1815: Records a Harris Hicks, dated 16 May 1806 and list wife as Caty, brothers John Hicks, William Hicks, and Moses Hicks. Seems if Harris Hicks name, perhaps this may have been a "cousins" marriage.
Children are listed above under (58) William Randolph Hicks.
The Prose Works of William Byrd of Westover: Page 97
William Byrd II, Louis Booker Wright - 1841
I sent several men out a-hunting, and they brought back four turkeys. Old Captain Hix killed two of them, who turned his hand to everything notwithstanding his great age, disdaining to be thought the worse for threescore-and-ten. Beauty never appeared better in old age, with a ruddy complexion and hair as white as snow."
Sons of the Revolution in State of Virginia Semi-annual ... 1927 -
Hicks, James, of Brunswick County to James Hicks, the younger (son of George Hicks) of said county, £93:0:0, all right title and interest in & to 2 negroes, a man named Brandon & a boy named Tom, also to a feather beds & furniture which. .
Brunswick County, Virginia, 1720-1975 - Page 48
Gay Neale, Henry L. Mitchell, Brunswick County Bicentennial Committee - 1975
Gay Neale, Henry L. Mitchell, Brunswick County Bicentennial Committee. the south ... Captain Embry, who lived just on the Brunswick side of the Nottoway River, met Byrd's party at George Hicks' place to give them an invitation to his house.
From: "Lea L. Dowd"
1) Capt. Robert Hicks is the son of Robert Hicks, Sr. the Taylor. He is also the brother to MY direct line of John Hicks.
>Book 7 PP 395 & 396 24 Oct 1701 John Poythris, Senr. Deep Bottom, 350 acres Charles City Co. N side of Nottaway River adj 950 acres patented by Hugh Lee, Jr. (and sold to William Jones, Sr., Robert Hix, the taylor, Senr., and John Roberts); to fork of
Myery Br., parting Tonatora old field, to the Indian SW, 24 Oct, 1701 Transporatation of 7 persons; John Lee, Robert Boreman, HUMPHREY HIX, Hen. Snetgrove, Mary Drin, N. Satinbach, Wm. Lambut. (ref C & P Vol 3, P. 52)
2) If you closely examine VA legal records of land, you will find that the property owned by Hicks and others included land designated to Native Americans. References in early records to Tontorora and Warwick Swamp were designated Native American land. Laws had to be passed for the Natives to sell their property. I am in the process now of mapping this land and
showing how and when it was passed.
PB 6 P. 536 Charles City Co., VA, 30 Oct. 1686
Mr. Samuel Tatum, 803A Bristol Parish place known as Warrockbock begin at John Smith to Mr. Henry Batt, crossing the 2nd SW, to land of Hugh Lee for transp. of 17 persons. Note: Hugh Lee, III married Samuel Tatum's daughter Ann. This patent was never signed as the surveyor Thomas Ligon showed that it did possibly encroach on Native American land.
PB 9 P.405 & 406 Thomas Wyn 200 acres Charles City Co., S side of Jones Hole adj. to land of Hugh Lee, Jr. now in possesion of Wm. Jones, Sr., Robert Hix, Sr. and John Roberts.
3) The laws clearly disallowed any claims or patents that had been made on Native American properties.
4) However, many of this lines properties remained intact. Fifty years
>later, descendants were selling this property.
Surry Co., VA DB 3:317 1739 Rec: 1741 Deed between John Bolling, Fra. Epes and Henry Randolph of the Co. of Henrico and Thomas Eldridge of the Co. of Surry - 5 shillings - one tract containing 623A & 14 poles in Co. of Prince George known by the
name of Waugh-rick -- got by patent Nov 20, 1682 unto Wm. Randolph and Robert Bolling, Gent. and afterwards 1/3 of said land sold by Wm. Randolph and Robt. Bolling unto Fra. Epes, Gent. and the said Bolling and Epes by said tripartite deed 3 Feb 1684 gave the said land unto the afsd John Bolling, Fra. Epes & Henry Randolph by and at the corner oak of HUGH LEE - Main Waughrick Swamp - for the term of one year. Wit: Drury Bolling, Fra, Eppes, Jr., Rich. Kennon Note: This land stayed patented. How can this be? All previous patents that encroached on Native lands were disallowed....
PB 6 Charles City Co., VA, 8 Apr 1674; Hugh Lee - 2000 acres named "Aberconaway" in Charles City Co. for transp.
>of 40 persons including; Thomas Clark, Phill. Pledge, ROBERT HICKS, Jno.
>Burges, Rebecka Love, Jno. Floyd, Tho. Stanley, Sara King, Jno Allen. Aberconaway was also Native land. If memory sevres me correct, this land later fell in Southampton Co.
>Patent Book 7 PP 395 & 396 24 Oct 1701 John Poythris, Senr. Deep Bottom, 350 acres Charles City Co. N side of
Nottaway River adj 950 acres patented by Hugh Lee, Jr. (and sold to William Jones, Sr., ROBERT HIX, the taylor, Senr., and John Roberts; to fork of Myery Br., parting Tonatora old field, to the Indian SW, 24 Oct, 1701 Transporatation of 7 persons; John Lee, Robert Boreman, HUMPHREY HIX, Hen. Snetgrove, Mary Drin, N. Satinbach, Wm. Lambut. (ref C & P Vol 3, P. 52)
>PB 9 P.405 & 406
>Thomas Wyn 200 acres Charles City Co., S side of Jones Hole adj. to land of Hugh Lee, Jr. now in possesion of Wm. Jones, Sr., Robert Hix, Sr. and John Roberts.
>Charles City Co. Land Patents Bk. 8 P. 369 Robert Hickes, 600A, Charles City Co., Bristol Parish & on the S. side of
>Appamatuck Rive vizt. beg. at a corner white oake belonging to the land of
>John Evans, and runs thence SSW -- then SW by S -- then SW -- thence S --
>thence SSW 58 po. to the line of Mr. James Cock, then on his line WNW 185
>po. crossing the second SW to a great pine and a Round Pond, thence NE by E
>--- thence NNW 26 po. and NW 68 po. & NW 3/4 W 15 po. to a corner line N --
>to the place where it began. The sd. land was due by Trans. of 12 psons.,
>20 Apr 1694.
Chowan Co., NC DB 1 P. 86 Arthur Kavanaugh of Meherrin River in ye Co. of Albemarle and Mary his wife to Robert Hicks of ye Co. of Prince George 20 April 1709 for 1 Indian slave and 18 pds; 1280 acres in 2 tracts excepting 1 small tract sold to Edward Goodridge and another small tract sold to Rolif Jackson the sd. 1280A being on the N. side of the Meherrin River and bounded by 2 patents; one dated 17 Jul 1706 and ye other of ye aforesd. date all houses, buildings, gardens,
orchards, etc. Wit: Jacob Cotton, Ralf Jackson, Joseph Evans. Reg. (not given)
>Chowan Co., NC DB 1 P. 87 Arthur Kavanaugh of Meherrin River is held and firmly bound unto Robert Hicks of Prince George Co. 11 Apr 1709 in the sum of 96 pds. Sterling a mortgag of 1280 A. Wit: Jacob Collcon, John Evary. Reg. (not given)
Arthur Kavanaugh/Cavanner was always in trouble with his land dealings. History speaks of him frequently. He would go in and occupy Native land and then claim squatter's rights.
I think the point that I am trying to make, but not getting there is that to really understand this, you have to follow Native American history. I am trying to create a Tribal timeline of associations to better help me place these people. Not all Natives were friendly with each other. There were several major tribes. The Meherrin/Nottoway/Nansemond and others made up Powhatan's group. The Saponi were Iraquois. When reading slave records, you might be interested to know that "Mingo" was the name used for the Iraquois.
>I find it very intriguing that Capt. Robert Hicks was so friendly with the Meherrin and yet when Ft. Christianna was established, the Meherrin and Nottoways refused to go.
North Carolina Genealogy - Volumes 15-17 - Page 2508; 1969
392 - Bond - Thomas Hicks, Robert Hicks Jr., Isaac Hicks, to maintain Robert Hicks Sr., & wife Sarah, for life 393 - Bond - Robert Hicks Jr. to pay 90 .
Same, to Robert Hicks. Power of attorney to acknowledge deed; Oct. 18, 1717. Test, Mary Clark.
*Rohert Hicks, of Sandy Point, Chowan Precinct. November 25, 1733; January Court, 1734; s ,n Thomas, son in-law Daniel Halsey, wife Es her Hicks, my children.
*Note.—Robert Hicks married Esther Luten. daughter of Thomas Luten, Esther is mentioned in the will of Mrs. Esther Pollock as a legatee, and possibly bore her name. Robert Hicks was Register of Chowan Precinct. Books B and C in the Register of Deeds' office at Edenton are in his handwriting. He owiud the land on which a portion of the town of Edeuton is built. One of the streets bears his name.
John Watson, to John Howcott. Assignment of a deed; July 31, 1717. Test, Wm. Brown, Robert Hicks.
Clerk John Evans. Book I, page 264, December 29,1718; 400 acres, joining lands John Jordan, Jr., and Samuel Pagett.
Robert Hicks. Book VIII, page 2(52, November 19, 1715; 237 acres on Indian Town Cni k.
Robert Hicks. Book VIII, page 202, November 19, 1715; 196 acres on D ep Run and a branch of Kiik vh'ik Crei k.
Robert Hicks. Bock VlII, page 213," November 19, 1715; 490 aces on Indian Town Cr. i k
MANY Hicks
Samuel Hicks and Hannah Evans 1665
Samuel Hicks married to Hannah Evans by Capt. Gooken the 27". (7 mo:) 1665
Mary dau. of Samuel d, 1676
Samuel d. 1709
Americana, American historical magazine - Volume 19 - Page 558; National American Society - 1925
(I) Richard Evans, according to the Dorchester Antiquarian Society's "History of Dorchester," is credited to the emigration of 1635, and probably came in the ship "James," from Bristol, an important port and city lying mainly in Gloucestershire but partly in Somersetshire. ... Hannah, married, September 27, 1665, Samuel Hicks.
Sons of the Revolution in State of Virginia Semi-annual ...1927
... Joyce Hicks, Susannah Hix, Nancy Hix, Lucy Hix, Sally Hix, Betsy Hix & Jesse Hix ; also the land lent Jordan Hix & wife, at their death or removal from the same, but if any of my children should die before their mother without marrying then an . .
Sons of the Revolution in State of Virginia Semi-annual ... 1927 -
1722, Feb. 11, Robert Hix, Junior, of Surry Co. to Thomas Hardaway, of Prince George Co. 5 shillings, 65 acres known by name of Cockey's in Prince George Co., adjoining Law, Vaughan, Allen, Wells and Hix.
Reliques of the Rives (Ryves) - Page 85 James Rives Childs, Whitmore Morris - 1929
... thence to Timothy Rives, thence to Thomas Rives, thence to Capt. Robert Hix Jr." Bruce, 1nstitutional History of Virginia in the 17th Century, i, 488-9
Survey made the ___ day of ________ , 17__ , for George Hix, of 429 acres on South side of Meherrin River and on both sides of the mouth of Geneto Creek, by Robert Bolling, Surveyor. DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 763, Prince George County, Virginia.
Survey made the ___ day of _______, 17__, for Daniel Hix, of 137 acres on North side of Meherrin River, opposite his brother George Hix, by Robert Bolling, Surveyor. DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 763, Prince George County, Virginia.
Indenture (Lease) made the 7th day of June, 1725, between Arthur Kavanaugh of Surry County and Robert Hix, Jr. of Isle of Wight County, 400 acres on South side of Meherrin River and on East side of the Great Swamp, part located in Isle of Wight County and part in the County of Brunswick. Witnesses were John Allen, Richard Randolph and Robert Bolling. Acknowledged in Court on June 8, 1725, by Arthur Kavanaugh and Mary, his wife, appeared and relinquished her right of dower. DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 813, Prince George County, Virginia.
Indenture made the ___ day of November, 1725, between William Grigg and William Moor, for 154 acre tract. DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 844, Prince George County, Virginia.
Indenture (Lease) made the 9th day of March, 1726, between Robert Hix of Lawns Creek Parrish of the County of Surry, and John Fitzgerrald of Bristol Parish, County of Prince George, 1,120 acres on South side of Appomattox River in Bristol Parish, of which 200 acres were sold to the said Robert Hix from John Evans by deed dated the 8th day of February, 1693, and the 4th day of June, 1694, and recorded in Charles City County; 600 acres was granted to the said Robert Hix by Letters of Patent bearing date of April 20, 1694; 60 acres conveyed to the said Robert Hix from Peter Jones, Jr. by indenture dated the 11th day of August, 1708, and recorded in Prince George County; and 260 acres sold to the said Robert Hix from Joshua Irby and Elizabeth, his wife, by indenture dated the 10th day of August, 1708, recorded in Prince George County County. Acknowledged in Court on March 14, 1726, by Robert Hix, and France Hix, his wife, appeared and relinquished her right of dower. DEEDS, ETC. 1713-1728, page 968, Prince George County, Virginia.
Jesse Hix m. Jane Ferrill Oct. 22, 1787
John Rawlings I may be the John Rawlings who arrived at Jamestown in 1637 aboard the Matthew, which sailed to Virginia via St. Kitts in the West Indies. He inherited 326 acres of land on Upper Chippokes Creek, about 20 miles west of his father's farm. This was land patented in 1639 by John Osborne, so he may have inherited it through his mother. It took him a while to get clear title, because a patent for it was erroneously granted to Gregory Jr. in 1654 and John didn't get the mistake corrected until November 1669, by which time his brother had probably died, apparently without heirs. John's wife Eleanor was almost certainly a daughter of Thomas Hicks. They had at least three surviving children, a son John and daughters Elizabeth and Mary. John died in 1674, when John and Mary were not yet of age. Thomas Hicks posted bond to hold John's personal property (slaves) in trust for the two minor children.
But I will try to show that the Robert of Chowan was not the same as the Robert of Granville, and only one in Chowan. The following is from the research of Wayne Beeler: "Robert Hicks was Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Deeds for Chowan County from about 1712-1722. The earliest deed are in his handwriting and are extant. He died in 1738, leaving a will in which he named son Thomas Hicks and daughter Mary (Hicks) Halsy. Burial 1739; Chowan County, North Carolina" ..my previous date for his death was working from memory....
The above is the reason you see his name mentioned so many times in Chowan records, including the 1718 record. Many people who lived in Virginia and other parts of NC bought land in the Chowan area as the Indian lands became available. Many bought for investment and never lived there.
The Robert Hicks that you mentioned as having his Indian trade goods confiscated, was a third Robert (Chowan, Granville, Brunswick/Surry) of Emporia Virginia.
The question of how and if the three Robert lines are connected, is a long standing question. Robert of Brunswick/Surry died in 1739 (Will Brunswick Va). The other Roberts are not his sons, his Robert Jr died before him.
Will let you know if anything else rings a bell. Larry
Robert Hicks of Chowan NC: His first wife was Africa McGregory who died in 1711.
1.. From NC history: vol 1, pg 52a Hicks, wife of Robert, Nov 7, 1711; Sons Patrick and Gregory Mc Gregory.
2..Robert bought land in Chowan area as early as 1706,and was county recorder for many years. He died about 1733.
3..He married Esther Luten about 1714, their only
children were Thomas and Mary.
4.. The Thomas there around 1700 was probably
father of Robert.
The Robert of Granville:
Baptisms were normally performed shortly after birth,
and again at 12 to 14 years.
Either Robert Sr or Jr was a Captain in the Rev War,
from Granville. Robert Sr died 1792.
Thanks for your info. Hope this helps. Larry
I don't think either of the above John Hicks families have been connected to the Robert Hicks of Edenton and Sandy Point, Chowan Co. NC; this Robert was the precinct registrar of Chowan Co. NC and does appear on many deeds. He married Esther Luten and had two children, Thomas (b. ca. 1710, mar. Elizabeth Jordan; this is my line) and Mary (mar. Daniel Halsey). I placed the marriage of Robert Hicks and Esther Luten about 1686 in Chowan Co. NC and believe that Esther was one of the oldest children of Maj. Thomas Luten (and Mary Currier?). Esther Luten was probably b. ca. 1673 and still alive in 1754. I saw Larry's mention of Africa McGregory d. 1711 as the first wife of this Robert Hicks, but I have no info on her or any children she may have had and have not yet studied this possibility. But note that this Robert Hicks left a will in Chowan Co. NC dated 25 Nov 1733 which was probated January 1734, so I don't believe he died in 1738 or 1739 as stated elsewhere, unless these will and probate dates have been given incorrectly (the ref. is NC Hist. and Gen. Register, v. I, p. 49; note that an abstract of this will in Boddie's Historical Southern Families v. 5 is partially incorrect). The descendants of this Robert's son Thomas Hicks include the Hicks families of Montgomery Co. NC and Hickman Co. TN, and most of the Hicks families of Fayette Co. IL and Carroll Co. TN (18th district, not those in the 8th district). This line is connected to Jordan and Butler families in several different generations
Also here is something you should be interested in if you don't already have it:
From History of Granville NC.
The Hicks family were distinguished among those worthy of remembrance
in Granville. Captain Robert Hicks lived about a mile from Oxford, in 1770.
The family is English, and settled in Brooklyn New York, in the vicinity
now known as Hicks street. The family was distinquished in England for its
courage and ability, and one of them was knighted for his deeds of daring.
Robert Hicks entered the Revolutionary Army, and was in the Battle of
Guilford, with the North Carolina Militia, where these raw and undiciplined
troops were placed in the front line by General Greene, and there overwhelm-
ed by the British, fled; young Hicks stood his ground and fought single hand-
ed, until nearly surrounded, and after his men had gone a considerable distance, he then escaped, and shared, during the remainder of the war, its
dangers and glories.
8. MARK4 FARMER (JOHN3, HENRY2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1718 in Henrico
County, Virginia, and died Aft. 08 October 1771 in Cumberland County,
Virginia7. He married AMEY BOWMAN, daughter of JOHN BOWMAN. She was born
Abt. 1725 in Henrico, later Chesterfield County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1771.
Notes for MARK FARMER:
HENRICO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEEDS, 1737-1750 by Benjamin B. Weisiger III
(1985) abstracts a deed dated 7 November 1748: "John Farmer, Sr. of County
and Parish of Henrico, to his son Mark Farmer of same, for 1 shilling, 150
acres on north side of Swift Creek, bounded by Colonel William Bird."
Witnesses were Joseph Farmer, William Adkins, and Frederick Farmer. John and
Susanna Farmer both signed the deed, which was recorded on the first Monday
in November 1748 (p. 44).
Children of MARK FARMER and AMEY BOWMAN are:
i. DANIEL5 FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico-Chesterfield county, Virginia;
d. Aft. 1771.
ii. ELIZABETH FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico-Chesterfield county,
Virginia; d. Aft. 1771; m. -?- TRUEMAN; b. Abt. 1745.
iii. SAMUEL FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico (later Chesterfield) County,
Virginia; d. Aft. 1772; m. PEGGY BINNS; b. Abt. 1750, Henrico County,
iv. PRUDENCE FARMER, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.
1771; m. WILLIAM HIX, Abt. 1777, Chesterfield County, Virginia; b. Abt. 1750,
Chesterfield County, Virginia.
The marriage bond for William Hix and Prudence Farmer is signed by
William Hix and Daniel Farmer. It is undated but refers to £50 and the
Governor of Virginia, so probably dates from Revolutionary days.
v. PHEBE FARMER8, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.
vi. MARY ANN FARMER, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.
Mark Farmer's will was proved in Chesterfield Co. where he had lived all
of his adult life. Unless there is some evidence to show that he died
in Cumberland Co., I'd say that information is incorrect. These are my
notes from the Chesterfield Co. records regarding his death:
Chesterfield Co. Will Book 2, p. 95; will dated 8 Oct. 1771; exec: son
Samuel; wit: Henry Woodcock, Mark Farmer, Robert Cayce, Robert Woodcock
Chesterfield Co. Order Book 5, p. 92; May 1772 Last will of Mark Farmer,
dec'd, proved by Henry Woodcock and Robt. Cayce, wit.; entered on motion of
Samuel Farmer, who gave bond
Mark Farmer's son Daniel Farmer married Martha Flournoy, dau. of James
Flournoy, and died in Chesterfield Co. in 1821. Daniel's will, presented in
Court by his son Mark, was contested by his sisters Lydia, Betsy,
Phebe, and Patsy Farmer, Polly Turner, wife of Matthew, and Nancy Lacy
[Ann, wife of David Lacey]. After the examination of witnesses, it was
ordered to be recorded. No reason was given for contesting the will, but
Daniel had left all of his land to his one son Mark. To his daughter Phebe
he left one dollar. The balance of his estate, after paying just debts, was
to be divided among all the children. Considering the fact that Daniel
had been sued in Court for debt for years by numerous people, it looks as
though the others would be getting nothing.
>From 1793 to 1796 a suit was pending in the Chesterfield Court in which
Daniel Farmer's mother Amey [Bowman] and his sister Mary Ann claimed that
because of his misconduct, they had had to seek refuge with William Hix,
husband of Daniel's sister Prudence. Daniel had apparently refused to
give his mother and sister the slave left to them in his father's will.
He was ordered by the Court to furnish his mother with the slave and
her support for life and to pay William Hix for their support during the
time they lived with him.
I highly recommend reading the Court Order books for the period in which
your ancestors lived. You will be amazed at how much you learn about them.
8. FRANCES3 HIX ((UNK)2, JOHN1 HIXE) was born Abt. 1735, and died September 1795 in Bedford Co., VA73. She married AMBROSE MEADOR73 Abt. 1755 in VA73, son of THOMAS MEADOR and ELIZABETH WOOD. He was born 1732 in Essex Co., VA, and died Bef. 28 September 1795 in Essex Co., VA74.
Notes for FRANCES HIX:
This info is from Janeva Bailey, op. cit.
I (ed.) have seen this Frances Hix listed as the granddaughter of John Hixe of Williamsburg, shown elsewhere in these notes. If this be so, she is the niece of my ancestor on my father's side, Sarah Hix who married Martin Martin, and she is my ancestor on my mother's side as well.
He is listed in the DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition and served in Va. as a public servant, "PS." The entry is b 1745 d a 9-28-1795 VA m Franky --- PS VA
Earl Day at his site <http://www.geocities.com/willied_43/meador.html> notes that: Ambros(e) Meador (1730-1795), son of Thomas Meador and Elizabeth Wood, was listed in Bedford Co. VA Marriages as Ambrous, the father of "Fannie" Meador. He was married to Franky Hix.
19. i. THOMAS4 MEADOR, b. 1758, Bedford Co., VA; d. Abt. 1823, Breckinridge Co., KY.
20. ii. DRUCILLA MEADOR, b. 1760, Bedford Co., VA; d. 1799.
iii. WILLIAM MEADOR75, b. 1762, Bedford Co., VA75; d. 1831, Edgar Co., IL.
iv. FRANCES MEADOR76, b. 1768, Bedford Co., VA.; m. MICAJAH DOWELL77, 05 February 178777; b. Abt. 1765.
The children of James Nance, Sr. and wife Martha, are as follows:
5. Dorathy Nance (1797-1854); married Willis Bishop Hicks, son of Bishop Hicks and Catherine "Caty" Jeter (see chapter on Bishop Hicks in the Hicks Section of this book).
Mary Harris, daughter of the above Captain Sherwood Harris and wife Jane. Captain Harris, who died in 1763, owned land on Tuckahoe Creek, St. James Northam Parish, Goochland Co. VA during the years 1753-1755.
Sherwood Harris, Sr. was probably born between 1715 and 1718. Mr. Odom believes that he was married twice, the second time to Jane, last name unknown. His will was dated June 15, 1763 and proved during the August court term in Granville Co. NC.
Hanover County, VA 1706 - 1786 Vestry Book of St. Paul's Parish
P. 275 & 276 (213) "Orderd into one precinct for processioning the lands of Capt. Chas. Hudson, Alex'r. Cock, John Hudson, Cornelius Dabney, John Wingfield, David Lewis, Wm. Harris, Philip Joyner, John Joyner, Wm. Hill, Cornel's.Tinsley, Langfords Orphans, Capt. Chas. Hudson and Cornel's Dabney to see the said Processioning perform'd. Who made the following return (viz) In Obedience to the Within Order we the Subscribers have met and seen all the within mentiond lands peaceably possession'd excepting a line that is between Wm. Bird, Esq. , and Mr. Alex'r. Cock, which cannot be found, present Edw'd.
Hundley for Wm. Bird, Esq., Mr. Alex'r. Cock, John & Philip Joyner, David Lewis, John Hudson, Henry Hix for Mr. Sam'l Weldin, Daniel Patrick, Cornel's. Tinsley, Wm. Harris Junr., William Hill, John Wingfield, William Ford, hath got ye lands of Langfords Orphans. Feb 26th, 1731/32. Signed Chas. Hudson, Cornel's. Dabney"
(Samuel Hicks) He is traditionally said to have come to the Watauga area in 1779 or 1780, although his name does not appear until 1783, when he was paid for militia service against the Chickamauga Indians. There is some evidence that he lived in Cheraw, South Carolina, before moving to the Watauga area, although this is not established. He did have relatives old Tryon County, North Carolina (now Lincoln and Rutherford Counties), and some of his first cousins had settled around Greenville, South Carolina, by the 1780s. He served on several occasions under John Sevier, who signed Big Sammy's "Revolutionary War Vouchers" (issued in lieu of pay by the State of North Carolina, which could not afford to pay its soldiers). John Sevier became Governor of the State of Franklin in 1784, and was later a militia general, the first Governor of Tennessee, and a congressman from Tennessee.
Rev L.W. Farthing remembered him (inaccurately) as having been the first Hix to settle in the Watauga area, and as having obtained a grant for all the land that is now Valle Crucis. Rev. Farthing also remembered him as having sold all this land to Benjamin Ward for "a rifle, dog, and sheepskin." In fact, Sammy inherited fifty acres from his father. In 1798, he obtained a grant from the State of North Carolina for 126 acres on both sides of the Watauga River, and in 1801 he obtained another grant for 100 acres on the north side of the river, near Cove Creek. He sold the 100-acre tract on 6 May 1802 to his brother-in-law, James D. Holsclaw, for one hundred pounds. (Ashe County Deeds, Book A, Page 267). Neither Sammy nor any of the witnesses to the sale (the Baird brothers -- William, Ezekiel, and Hiram) was able to sign his name.
He also owned 200 acres of land on both sides of Elk Creek in what is now Avery County, just upstream from the Great Falls. He purchased this land from Benjamin Dugger, who had obtained it in a state grant. It was later conveyed to Thomas H.Wilson of Burke County by the sheriff of Ashe County, possibly to satisfy a debt. In 1835, Wilson sold the land to Sammy's son Goulder.
John Henry and Mattie Hicks and Barnabas Hicks write, "Although Samuel Hicks owned several hundreds of acres along the River at various times and appears to have made some attempt at farming (he owned four slaves in 1800 whom he must have acquired for agricultural purposes), he made no serious effort to accumulate property and did not hold onto what he had. It may be that he "traded" a piece of land to Benjamin Ward for a rifle, dog, and sheepskin, but there is no deed for such a sale. Even if it took place, the value of a rifle and a dog, not to mention a sheepskin, was much greater in the late 1790s, when there was little currency in circulation and manufactured items, such as guns and tanned goods, were in short supply."
Benjamin Ward would have Selah, his wife, safely placed in a cave with their young children while he went hunting. This was done when he first moved into the Valle Crucis region. He placed her there as protection against the Indians. Apparently there was some sort of deep drop off at the entrance of the cave and one had to enter it by placing a log between the cave and a cliff. As a family story that has been preserved and handed down through the generations, one may "take it with a grain of salt."
From original by Mary Hinton Kerr
DB-3, page 331. 12 November 1771. THOMAS PATTE(R)SNALL to JOHN ELLIS, both of Bute Co. 15 Pds. Va. money for 57 A. in Bute Co. on WS Hawtree Creek, adj. sd. ELLIS & DAVID TOWNS. Wit: HARDIGE WALKER, RICHARD ELLIS, JOHN HICKS. Proved by JOHN HICKS, Bute November Court 1771, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C.Reg: 29 January 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.
Email contacts:
JHicks2324@aol.com (sussex
John Hix (Hicks) 1716 – 1756
Mary Elizabeth Ervin (Irvin) 1717 – 1778
Mary Elizabeth Ervin (Irvin)
Birth About 1717 in Goochland, Virginia, United States
Death 1778 in Goochland, Virgnia, United States
Nathaniel Hix (Hicks)
Birth 1751 in Washington later Russell then, Lee, Virginia, United States
Death 30 Jan 1802 in Lee, Virginia, United States
Jane (Jean) Scott
1740 – 1825
On the Ervin line I have a couple of connections that I would love some feed back on. 1st. is Mary Elizabeth Ervin B 1707 Goochland, Virginia she Married John Hicks B 1703 Goochland, Virginia they were married in Goochland, Virginia/Cumberland co, these were the parents of the Hicks brothers that came to Russell co after Old John Hicks died in 1776 in Cumberland co, VA, the brothers were,, John, Nathaniel, Claiborne, Jesse, Henry Hicks.
Do you or anyone have info on the Parents of Mary E Ervin. 2nd, Polly Ervin was the first wife of Ephraim Mayfield Kiser b1818 Russell co Va, Her father was Micajah Ervin b 1792 and Sarah Sutherland b abt 1792 , Mayfield later married
Jane Hicks dau of Claibourn Hicks b 1806 and Susan Hughes Hicks, Jane would be the GG grandDau of John Hicks... does anyone have any info to share on Polly Ervin and if she is related to Mary Ervin of 1707 ???.
Second will book of Brunswick County.
P. 21 ELIZABETH HICKS of StAP,B. D.July 28, 1739- R.Oct. 2, 1740.
Burrell Brown, ex. Son: Nathaniel. Daus.: Winnifred, Elizabeth, Martha, Sarah, Mary Hicks. Witn: Edmond McCartly, Anne Nott,
Winifred Hicks.
P. 49 ELIZA HICKS, widow .AC. D. 1739- R. Oct. 6, 1742. Burrell Brown returned. Mentions payments to husband Robert Hixes. Est; to Winifred Reeves part. Aud: John Irby, George Hicks.
Thomas Hicks born in Virginia married to Mary Gwaltney in Isle of Wight Co., Va, about 1786. They had one child I know of for sure named Elias Hicks, born 1787. Where I do not know. He married 1st Lucretia Lassiter abt 1807, they had 11 children.He married 2nd Margaret P. Outland abt. 1835. They had 3 children. I have found Elias in Stewart Co., TN abt 1820. I have a list of his children and birth dates and some death dates and in some cases marriages. These lists were in my father-in-laws papers when he died, so I do not know where the list came from..I would like to place these individuals in a locality. Our direct line we are searching is through Andrew Jackson Hicks, the youngest child of Elias Hicks and Margaret P. Outland.
1. JOHN1 HICKS was born Abt. 1776 in VA, and died Bef. 1820. He married NANCY (ANN) BENNETT September 18, 1810 in Brunswick County, VA, daughter of JOHN BENNETT and ELIZABETH SADLER. She was born Abt. 1772, and died Bet. 1860 - 1870 in DeKalb County, TN.
2. i. LEWIS P.2 HICKS, b. 1812, Brunswick County, VA; d. September 23, 1895, St. Francois County, Farmington, MO.
Generation No. 2
2. LEWIS P.2 HICKS (JOHN1) was born 1812 in Brunswick County, VA, and died September 23, 1895 in St. Francois County, Farmington, MO. He married ELIZA ANN F. BENNETT Abt. 1831 in Supposedly 11 boys & 1 girl- Smith Co./1834 Dekalb Co., TN. She was born 1809 in TN, and died 1894 in Madison County, MO.
Children of LEWIS HICKS and ELIZA BENNETT are:
i. MATTHEW MONROE3 HICKS, b. November 16, 1833, Smith County/1834 Dekalb County, TN; d. January 20, 1899, Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO; m. MARTHA ANN NEWBERRY, June 30, 1853, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; b. March 03, 1837, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. October 03, 1894, (or Nov. 15th) Knights of Pythias Cem., "H" Hwy, Farmington, MO.
ii. JOHN H. HICKS, b. 1837, Dekalb County, TN; d. Bet. 1872 - 1880, Fell off a horse & hit his head.; m. HELEN SARAH CRANE, Bef. 1880, Before 1880 Census to B.C. Nance???? (Yes Children).
iii. EBENEZER RIGHT (DOC) HICKS, b. July 09, 1840, Dekalb County, TN; d. July 22, 1905, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO; m. (1) UNKNOWN BURRIS, Abt. 1862, #1 (?B); b. MO; m. (2)
SUSAN NEIGHBORS, April 21, 1871, #2 (SN) Ripley County, MO; b. MO; d. Abt. 1872; m. (3) NANCY (NANNIE) HARRINGTON, September 30, 1873, #3 (NH) (5 Children) Ripley County, Doniphan, MO; b. 1856, TN; d. October 05, 1889, Worley Cem., Pvt on a Farm, Unmarked, Ripley Co., Doniphan, MO.
iv. HENDERSON P. HICKS, b. 1843, Dekalb County, TN.
v. LORENZA P. HICKS, b. 1846, Dekalb County, TN.
vi. WILLIAM B. HICKS, b. 1847, Dekalb County, TN.
vii. JEFFERSON B. HICKS, b. 1849, Dekalb County, TN.
viii. ALFRED FREDONI (DONI) HICKS, b. January 24, 1851, Dekalb County, TN; d. September 29, 1938; m. (1)
ANNIE ELIZA REYNOLDS, November 03, 1881, #1 (AER); d. Bef. February 1888, (Died at a young age); m. (2)
ANNA CEMORE MCWILLIAMS, February 09, 1888, #2 (ACM) (or 2nd) Madison County, MO; b. September 17, 1868; d. May 10, 1917.
ix. CYPRIAN LAFAYETTE (CL) HICKS, b. May 11, 1853, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. May 01, 1904; m. PEARL MALCOM, March 19, 1893, Wayne County, MO.
x. ELIZA JOSEPHINE (JOSIE) HICKS, b. August 27, 1855, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. March 06, 1909, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; m. WILLIAM H. VAN BECK.
xi. CARROLL WILLIAM HICKS, b. 1859, Madison County, Fredericktown, MO; d. 1934, (Fall of 1934) Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, MO; m. (1) MARTHA ELLEN (ELLA) COOK, June 29, 1882, #1 (MEC); d. Abt. August 23, 1884, Died just after giving childbirth.; m. (2) CELIA ADELINE SOLACE, Bef. June 1894, #2 (CAS); d. Abt. October 1946, Woodlawn (Park Hills) Cemetery, Leadwood, MO.
Marriage Bonds of Bedford County, Virginia, 1755-1800 - Page 31
Jane Estelle Smith - 1932 - Preview - More editions
SAMUEL HUFF and SARAH HIX, March 3, 1773.
Marriages of Granville County, North Carolina, 1753-1868
1981 - Preview - More editions
Bell, Thomas & Sarah Hix, 7(?) Aug 1763;
On the Motion of Benjamin Hicks Certificate was granted him for obtaining Letters of Administrationon the Estate of Thomas Hicks deceased he having made Oath thereto and together with Benjamin Edwards his Security entered into & acknowledged their Bond according to Law. Court for July 24, 1783. Order Book 1, page 81, Greensville County, Virginia
Mary Elizabeth Ervin m John Hicks?
Birth 1717 in Goochland, Goochland, Virginia, United States
Death Jan 1775 in Point Pleasant, , Virginia, USA
Thomas Hicks b March 13/1723/24 in Brunswick Co., Va, died April 6, 1775 in Duplin County, NC, married Thankful Weeks (daughter of Benjamin Weeks). Thomas is supposed to be the son of Daniel Hicks of Virginia. There are several Thomas Hicks in the Duplin County area at the same time and I am not sure (or need some type of proof ) that my Thomas is the son of Daniel Hicks. Any suggestions??
I am still looking for the father of William and Diana Maria Hicks, born 1799 & 1805 in N. C. (Sampson/Duplin/Onslow Counties). "Family Search" lists father of Diana Maria as "Thomas Hicks". Does any one have the children of Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Brewer married in Wake County, N.C. in 1782 died unknown date. Thomas is listed as the son of Captain Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Williams born in Virginia and married 1754 in N.C. and died 1797in Duplin County, N.C. Am also looking for children of "Thomas Hicks and Thankful Weeks" for the same time period.
A Question, you said: "Thomas is listed as the son of Captain Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Williams born in Virginia and married 1754 in N.C." Do you mean Captain Thomas was born in Va, or the son Thomas was born in Va? I may have some more clues.
Seems to me that there may be a contradiction between the Thomas Hicks data in "Revolutionary War Records, Duplin and Sampson Counties, North Carolina, Contributions to Genealogy" by Virginia L. Bizzell and Oscar M. Bizzell (1997), pp. 124-125" and the 1785 will of Thankful (Weeks?) Hicks, which mentions Rebecca Mills (is this Rebecca a dau. of Thankful Hicks, and did she marry James Mills?). You mentioned Thankful's will and another will in an earlier post - (1) will of Thomas Hicks, 1775, Duplin NC: wife (not named), Rebecca, James, Leonard Borden, Trankful(Thankful), Ann, Laura, Betty, Sarah; and (2) will of Thankful Hicks, 1785, Duplin NC: Tillie, Ann Miller, Rebecca Mills, Thankful, Mary, James, Shadrack, Frederick. The names of the children (if any) of Thomas Hicks and Thankful Hicks (husband and wife?) can't be determined from these will excerpts, which don't state the relationships to the legator - is the text of the complete wills available somewhere? Perhaps the!
same Thomas Hicks married both Thankful Weeks and Elizabeth Williams; or, some data applicable to two different people named Thomas Hicks were mixed together in the 1997 writing by the Bizzells, or Thankful Hicks' husband was not Thomas Hicks. Right now I would not trust the Bizzell version in toto until it could be confirmed by enough original records to eliminate all this uncertainty.
Other notes:
1. The Bizzell writing says Daniel Hicks, son of Thomas Hicks and Elizabeth Williams, mar. 1st Serena Williams and 2nd Mary Ann E. K. Hairr, "the widow Croom". From other (unproven) info I have gotten from various sources, (a) Daniel Hicks mar. Serena Williams, the dau. of Louis Williams and unk. wife; Serena's 2 siblings were Bonetta, wife of Lot Battle (Newbern, NC), and James, who married Lot Battle's sister (ref. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3150); and (b) an unk. Hicks (Daniel?) mar. Mary Hare, the widow of Richard Croom (ref. Wheeler's Reminescenses and Memoirs of NC, intro., p. 63-65), possibly the Richard Croom who d. 21 Jun 1805 Wayne Co. NC (as reported in Raleigh Register of 8 Jul 1805). Perhaps these marriages involve the same Daniel Hicks, but the sources didn't identify his father.
2. Abstracts of the 6 Dec 1750 will of Abraham Kibble (who mar. Edith, the widow of the older Daniel/David Hicks) seem to be inconsistent. Abraham's will in Onslow Co. NC was proved 2 Apr 1751 and mentions sons James, dau. Luse (Lucy?), step-sons Daniel and Thomas Hix (another ref. says sons James and Thomas, dau. Leuse, step-son Daniel Hix), wife Edith and s-i-l Joseph Williams execs., test. Thomas Jenkins, Jos. Loyd, Wm. Loyd. I don't have the complete text of the will, so I'm not sure whether Abraham Kibble had a son Thomas Kibble or a step-son Thomas Hicks (the ref. above was NC Hist. and Gen. Reg., v. I, p. 332)
3. One thing I noticed, which by itself won't solve this problem, is that Elizabeth Williams (the dau. of Nathaniel Williams), had several brothers who were military officers. One could guess that she would also marry an officer, so perhaps military service could be used as a discriminator here to make sure we were always talking about the correct Thomas Hicks. Note that Larry's previous post mentioned the grave marker of (Capt.) Thomas Hicks b. 3 Mar 1725 d. 2 Apr 1797 (in the Routledge cem. in Duplin Co. NC), and the Bizzells state that this Thomas Hicks' wife was Elizabeth Williams. By the way, it seems strange (but not impossible) that his grave marker says that this Thomas was a captain (of militia?) in 1754 but a musician in the Rev. War. I'm not saying that the government marker giving this information is incorrect, but it would seem more likely that Thomas would be an officer during the revolution as he had been some years earlier. If Thomas the musician or his!
heirs applied for a Rev. War pension or bounty land, perhaps the associated records at NARA would give his age so we could possibly assure ourselves of his identity. Also note that since Capt. Thomas Hicks' grave marker says he d. 1797, he is prob. not the Thomas Hicks who left a will dated 1775, Duplin NC, as noted above.
Capt. Thomas Hicks born April 13, 1725 in Brunswick County, Virginia - died 1776 in Duplin County, North Carolina.
Married to Elizabeth Williams (born March 30, 1740 in Hanover County, Virginia - died April 22, 1798 in Duplin County, North Carolina) Married in Wake County, North Carolina in 1782 (as per "Family Search.Org.".
The son of Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth Hicks would be "Thomas Hicks" born 1757 in Onslow County, North Carolina died Unknown and married 1782 in Wake County, North Carolina to Elizabeth Brewer who was born abt. 1763 in Wake County, North Carolina and died unknown possibly in Duplin County.
I have the father of Capt. Thomas Hicks as "Daniel Hicks" born abt. 1688 in Brunswick County, Virginia and his mother as "Edith Unknown" born abt. 1693 died unknown.
The information you provided appears to be for Thomas Hicks and Thankful Weeks. The children I am looking for are Diana Maria Hicks born 1799 and William Hicks born 1805. I think your information would thus eliminate this "Thomas and Thankful" as being the parents of my ancestors.
I appreciate any information you could provide in this line as I continue the search.
Capt. Thos. Hicks who mar. Elizabeth Williams...you have this Elizabeth Williams b. 30 Mar 1740 Hanover Co. VA, d. 22 Apr 1798 Duplin Co. NC. Is this the Betsy (i.e., Elizabeth) Williams who was the dau. of Nathaniel Williams ("native of Hanover Co. VA", d. bef. 1763, son of John and Mary Williams)? I have this Nathaniel's dau. Elizabeth marrying an unk. Hicks, but no other data on her. I have 4 brothers for Elizabeth Williams - Col. John Williams (b. 7 Jul 1740, mar. unk. Williamson), Capt. Nathaniel Williams Jr. (b. 1 Oct 1742, mar. unk.), Robert Williams (b. 4 Aug 1744, mar. Sarah Lanier), and Col. Joseph Williams (b. 27 Mar 1748, mar. Rebecca Lanier - he res. Surry Co. VA). All 4 brothers were b. in Hanover Co. VA. The birthdate of Col. John Williams conflicts with your birthdate for Elizabeth Williams, so perhaps she is not from this family, or one of the birthdates is incorrect, or? This Williams data is from Reminiscences and Memoirs of NC by John H. Wheeler, pp. 418-420 (in Surry Co. section), which describes Nathaniel Williams, these 5 ch., and many descendants, except there is no data on Betsy (i.e. Elizabeth) other than her husband's surname, so this is rather a tenous reference.
Other misc. info: a Thomas Hicks was a representative of Duplin Co. NC at the first meeting of the NC state congress at Newbern (i.e., New Bern), NC on 25 Aug 1774 (an extremely historic meeting leading to U.S. independence); this Thomas Hicks may have been alive in 1778 (a person of same name was one of two representatives to the NC House of Commons from Duplin Co.), so may not be the same as Col. Thos. Hicks above, who d. 1776 according to Larry's data.
Spotsylvania, Va in the early 1700's. My gr,gr,gr is Peter Hicks who married Sarah Davenport. Peter died in 1850 in his late 80's.....I am unable to find his parents due to the Spotsylvania records being destroyed during the Civil War. I have deeds of record that were preserved, but I can't find Peter's marriage license nor can I find his will. His brothers were Thomas, Andrew and Richard...and I believe there were a couple of others. Andrew married a Davenport too....I have who Thomas and Richard married but I can't find out who their parents are. In 1908 there was a genealogy article in the Richmond, Va paper that said that this family came to Spotsylvania from Brunswick. Where is the proof? I would like to hear from anyone descended from Robert of Brunswick.....OR Peter, Thomas, Andrew and Richard Hicks. Lots of info on Robert...got wills....but I don't see how he is connected to the family in Spotsylvania....help!!! Thank you!
"Virginia Deaths & Burials Index for 1853-1917". It shows Peter Hicks b. 1775 in Brunswick d. 1855 in Virginia. It shows his father was B. J. Hicks. This may or may not be your Peter, but it might explain the article you found in the Richmond newspaper.
Name: Lucy Birdsong- Marriage 1 Joseph Hix b: ABT 1755
Father: John Birdsong , Maj. b: 26 AUG 1733 in York Co., VA
The descendants of Robert Harris: including families of ... - Page 295; 1999
Lucy[6], married Joseph Hix. ... 34; surety, Charles Bugg; witness, Samuel Kelso), Lucy Blow.143 [347] g. ... He left his wife Lucy one half of his property, and the other half to son SAMUEL7 B. BIRDSONG with 8 negroes: Daniel, Delie, Rachel,
Jamestown, Southern Virginia Counties, Northampton County, Mary Louise Donnelly - 2007
From the various records Thomas Bage II and Elizabeth Williams had the following children: Elizabeth Lucy Bage, ... HANCOCK BIRDSONG A-207) REBECCA BIRDSONG m Mr. Blow A-208) LUCY BIRDSONG m Joseph Hix, d in 1804,
4 William Birdsong
+ Susannah Jones b: ABT 1763
4 Miles Birdsong
+ Mary Tomlinson b: ABT 1755
4 Butts Birdsong
+ Lucy Blow b: ABT 1755
4 Joseph Birdsong
+ Elizabeth Tomlinson b: ABT 1760
4 Charles Hancock Birdsong b: ABT 1760
+ Sarah Edwards b: ABT 1765
4 Rebecca Birdsong
+ Henry Blow b: ABT 1755
4 Lucy Birdsong
+ Joseph Hix b: ABT 1755
4 Sarah Birdsong
+ XY Clary b: ABT 1750
My John Hicks had a son James George Hicks b. March 2, 1790, so he would have had to have been old enough to have a son born at that time.
My JOHN HICKS, was in Sullivan Co., Tn ca 1795. He was the father of JAMES GEORGE HICKS, b. March 2, 1790. According to the 1887 Tennessee Illustrated, by GOODSPEED. The book quoted that JAMES GEORGE HICKS was the son of JOHN HICKS, who was a Virginian by birth, of English descent, who was married to a woman of German descent. It stated that he came to the Sullivan Co., TN area about 1795. He was a farmer and a member of the Methodist
Espiscopal Church. It did not give the name of JOHN's wife, but did list MARY KETRON/KETTENRING as the wife of JAMES GEORGE HICKS.
I need any information on Frances Willis who was from Goouchland County and whose son John lived in Brunsick County. John was married to Mildred Smith and the son John (1740-1816) served in the Revolutionary War from Mecklenburg County and rose from Lieutenant, Captain to finally Major. He may have moved to Surry County North Carolina after the war. He was from Bedding Hall in Brunswick County.
I need any information on James Bass (1704-1768) who married Mary Lanier. They are from Norfolk County and moved in to Bertie County North Carolina. They father was living in Brunswick County.
Descendants of Samuel Hicks
Generation No. 1
1. SAMUEL[1] HICKS was born Abt. 1745 in (Surry?), NC1,2, and died Aft. 1806 in of Surry (Surry?), NC3. He married UNKNOWN HICKS. She was born Abt. 1745.
! Most information from Norman Zezula and Orville Jones' notes.
! Birth: 1800 census ,Surry Co., NC (#662) indicates he is over 45
! Marriage: no record found; prob. 1770 or before due to estimated ages of sons.
! Death: alive in Surry Co., NC in May 1806 when he acknowledged a land sale. On 14 Oct 1809, a Samuel HICKS married Lucy James (in Surry Co.) It is not known if this is the same Samuel.
1800: Surry Co., NC (#662) Samuel HICKS b. BEF 1745; Son b. 1745-1764 [William?]
1810: Surry Co., NC (p 648) Samuel HICKS b. BEF 1765; Wife b. 1765-1784 [Lucy Jones ?] No children [probably not the same Samuel - possibly a son?]
! Chronology:
1790: No Samuel HICKS in NC or Va. census, or in any Surry record. Probablly
1791: taxed in Surry on 600 acres (first Surry record found for him)
1792-1794: " " " " 600 acres
1795: " " " " 400 acres
1796: " " " " 600 acres
1797-1798: " " " " 400 acres
1799: " " " " 300 acres
1800: " " " " 300 acres; sold 2 parcels of land (one to William HICKS; the other to Benjamin HICKS probably his sons) (100 acres to each); appeared in census 1804: Sold 42 acres in Surry; was a witness for a 8 May 1804 land transaction.
1805: Sold 400 acres in Surry to James HICKS (probably his son). this apparently was the remainder of his land holdings.
1806: In the May term, in open court, he acknowledged his mark on the sale document for the 400 acres sold in 1805.
Land: Samuel HICKS had a 242 acre land parcel on Hunting Creek in Surry Co, NC. After putting together a sketch based on the land description of several subsequent transactions, the following escription of the original parcel has been concluded: From Jefferies' corner, N. 120 poles to a pine on Johnson's corner; then E. 56 poles to an oak ? on Laban HICKS line; then N. 40 poles; then E. 226 poles; then 17 degrees W. of due south to the "old line" (which line runs east and west thru Jefferies' corner); and then west along this "old line" back to the begining (at Jefferies' corner).
In 1800, Samuel sold the eastern 100 acres to William HICKS; the central 100 acres to William HICKS, and retained the eastern 42 acres. The dividing lines were parallel to the 120 pole line that forms the western boundary of the original parcel. These dividing lines intersect the "old line" (the southern boundary of the original parcel) at 56 poles and at 156 poles east of the oak at Jefferies' corner. These dividing lines are perpendicular to the "old line." All 3 parcels are on Hunting Creek.
On 8 May 1804, Benjamin HICKS sold the eastern 22 acres of his land to William HICKS (thus moving their common border to the west). In 1805 (3 Aug), William HICKS (by then "of Iredell Co.") sold his land to William Jeffery. On 17 Oct of 1805, Benjamin HICKS sold his land to William Jefferies. In Dec 1804, Samuel HICKS sold his 42 acres (remaining to him of the original 242 acres) to Isaac Jones.
On 17 Mar 1805, Samuel HICKS sold 400 acres to James HICKS. This land was on Deep Creek. However, it apparently wasn't far from the Hunting Creek parcel. Laban HICKS's land was also on Deep Creek; yet it appears that his land and Samuel's have a point of contact (an oak on Laban HICKS line). Samuel HICKS 400 acres may even have ajoined the 244 acre parcel on Hunting Creek. At any rate, the transaction for the 400 acres sold to James follows: 17 Mar 1805 for 100 pounds "On the waters of Deep Creek begining at a black oak; runs south 17 degrees west 75 chains to a stake; west 45 chains to a ____ oak; north 71 chains to a pine; east to the begining; containing in the whole 400 acres. Signed Samuel HICKS (by mark) (acknowledged in open court by Samuel HICKS in the May term of 1806, and ordered to be duely registered." [Norman Zezula notes]
Land: Summary:
28 Feb 1791 Laban HICKS enters 200 acres in Surry Co. on the waters of Hunting Creek and Deep Creek adjoining Edward Woolridge.(p 492, Land Entries)
Nov 1792 Laban HICKS enters 200 acres on the waters of Hunting Creek adjoining William Woodridge and himself (p 547, Land Entries)
24 Dec 1792 Laban HICKS rec'd 200 acres on Deep Creek
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to Benjamin HICKS: 100 acres on Hunting Creek (Samuel signs by mark; wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS: 100 acres (Samuel signs by mark; wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
8 May 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William HICKS: 22 acres (Benjamin signs; wit. Samuel HICKS by mark, and Laban HICKS)
17 Oct 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William Jeffery, on the waters of North Hunting Creek: (Benjamin signs; wit Joshua HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones: (Samuel signs by mark; wit. Laban HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Laban HICKS sells 100 acres
12 Dec 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones: (Samuel signs by mark; wit. Laban HICKS
17 Mar 1805 Samuel HICKS to James HICKS: 400 acres (Samuel signs by mark; later acknowledged by him in open court)
3 Aug 1805 William HICKS of Iredell Co. to William Jeffery: (William by mark)
11 Nov 1807 Laban HICKS obtains 100 acres from the state on Cobbs Creek at 50 shillings per hundred acres
Land: Deeds: 24 Dec 1792 Grant of 200 acres (10 pounds/ acre) to Laban HICKS [in Surry Co.] "on the waters of Deep Creek, begining at a black oak, William Woolridges begining corner, and runs North on Richard Bealock's? line 28 chains to a stake in William Terrel's [division?] line, known by the name of Aymes? Old Place; thence West on the same [heading?] by his corner 28 chains; and so on the same course 43 chains more to a pine; thence South 28 chains to a stake on the piney nobbs; thence East to the begining." (has 12 months to register this deed)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to Benjamin HICKS, both of Surry Co., 100 acres; cost 50 pounds: "On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a ____ oak, William HICKS corner oak, West 100 poles to a ____ oak in that line; thence ______ [therewith?] said line South 160 poles to a ____ oak thru [old?] corner; then East 100 poles to a stake, William HICKS corner; then North with his line to the begining." (wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS, both of Surry Co. 100 acres; cost 50 pounds: " On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a white oak, runs West 126 poles to a ___ oak; then South 160 poles to a stake in the old line; then along said line East 78 poles to a stake in the old corner; thence North 17 degrees East with the old line to the begining." (wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
8 May 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William HICKS, 22 acres; cost 15 pounds: "On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a [post at?] William HICKS corner; runs West 10 poles to a post oak at Thomas Coffin's corner, then South 8 degrees West 164 poles to a stake in Woodridge's old line; thence East 33 poles to a stake: thence South 163 poles to the Beginning." (wit. Laban HICKS, Samuel HICKS)
17 Oct 1804 "Benjamin HICKS sells 80 acres on Hunting Creek to William Jeffery for 50 pounds current money of [NC?]: On the waters of North Hunting Creek adjoining Samuel HICKS and Issac Jones and John Brown, including the plantation whereon Thomas Coffin ?) now lives and bounded as follows: begining at a ____ oak, running North 163 [poles?] to ____oak; then East 90 poles to a ____ oak; then South ___ degrees West 164 poles to a stake in the original line; then west to the begining." (wit. Joshua HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Laban HICKS sells 100 acres: "On the waters of Deep Creek containing 100 acres, begining at a pine (?), Henry Jefferies (?) corner, runs West to said HICKS corner pine (?); then North (?) on his line 28 chains to his corner stake in William Woodridge's line; then West on the same 11.5 chains to a stake on Hill's line; then North on the same [heading?] ____ corner 58 chains to a pine; thence East 22.5 chains to a stake on Speer's line; thence on the same to the begining.
12 Dec 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones, 42 acres: "On the
waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a ____ oak, [Jefferies corner ?], runs North 120 poles to a pine, Johnson's corner; then East 56 poles to a post (?) oak on Laban HICKS line; then South 120 poles to a Spanish oak in said _____ line; then west to the begining; containing in the whole 42 acres." (wit. Laban HICKS)
3 Aug 1805 William HICKS of Iredell Co. to William Jeffery, 100 acres: "On the waters of Hunting Creek joining Samuel HICKS', John Brown's, Richard Mesick's (?) line, begining at a white oak, runs West 126 poles to a ___ oak; then South 160 poles to a stake in the old line; thence along the old line East 78 poles to a stake, the old corner; thence North 17 (?) degrees with the old line to the begining."
17 Mar 1805 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS 400 acres; cost 100 pounds: "On the waters of Deep Creek, begining at a black oak, runs South 17 degrees West 75 chains to a stake; West 45 chains to a ____ oak; North 71 chains to a pine; East to the begining." "acknowledged in open court May term, 1806 by Samuel HICKS and ordered to be duely registered."
11 Nov 1807 Laban HICKS from the state for 50 shillings per 100 acres; 100 acres N 2528 (M:327): "On Cobb's Creek begining at creek, stout oak in Spark's line; runs West one hundred and ___ poles to a black oak; thence South 114 (?) poles to a short oak; thence East 67 poles to a red oak; thence N 5 poles to a pine, John Rose's corner; then with his line 73 poles to a black oak; thence North to the begining."
! Samuel & William HICKS sign by mark. Apparently, Laban, Joshua, James, and Benjamin can write their own name.
!*Notes - LABIN HICKS: He is a neighbor of Samuel HICKS and his sons. His land and that of Samuel's original parcel touch at a corner (at least). Also, he is a witness for several land transactions involving Samuel and his sons. (two sales of Samuel to non family; Laban also is a co-witness with Samuel in the Benjamin to William sale. This all implies that they are related; Laban may be another son of Samuel. There are references to "Laban Sen." and "Laban Jun." in the records. Only a Laban Sr. is listed in the 1800 Census for Surry; However, only Laban Jr., (or just "Laban") is mentioned in the tax, deed and grant indexes. Clearly, Laban Jr. is the son of Laban Senior. The 1800 census lists only one Laban (in the 26-44 age group.) If this is Laban Jr., Laban Sr. is probably Samuel's brother, or possibly Samuel's father.
If this is Laban Sr., he is probably an older son of Samuel. It should be noted that both Laban and Samuel appear first in Surry in 1791 (Laban entered land; both were taxed on their land). Additional members of this extended HICKS family do not appear in Surry Co. records until 1792 or later.
1791: enters 200 acres (from state); taxed on 400 acres
1792: enters 100 acres; bought 200 acres
1794: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1795: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1796: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1797-1800: Laban (no Jr. or Sr.) taxed on 300 acres
1800: Laban Sr., Surry census (26-44); no Laban Jr.
1804: Laban sells 100 acres; wit. to 3 land transactions involving Samuel, Benj. and Wm.
1807: Laban obtains 100 acres on Cobb's Creek from the state for 50 shillings.
! Children: Benjamin, James, Joshua, and William are taken to be Samuel's sons because of their close involvement in land transactions. The father sells 3 land parcels to 3 of his sons (James, Benjamin, and William). Benjamin sells part of his to William. They act as witnesses in the sales between father and son and between 2 brothers. Benjamin signs Joshua's marriage bond (in Rowan Co.). Only the "Laban Sr.-Laban Jr. problem prevents listing Laban as another son at this time. The two possible daughters, Eliza and Polly, were obtained from Surry Co. marriage bonds. It is not certain that Samuel, and not Laban (or even Thomas, Nathanial, or John -- see "Other HICKS") is their father. This is a preliminary assumption because the marriage dates are consistent with this family.
OTHER HICKS: None of the Laban-Samuel HICKS family appears in Surry Co. prior to 1791. However, 5 other HICKS or HIX are listed in the county in previous records. None were in the Hunting Creek-Deep Creek area, except for James. The names of these five are: Thomas, Nathaniel, John, James, and Frederick HICKS.
1771-1772: Frederick HICKS in tax list: in 1771 with a "1" in a column
(heading illegible); in 1772 with a "2" in a similar column (from the clerk of the House of Burgesses)
1782: James HICKS in tax list. No data is given for him; however, he is listed among people who are designated "Deep Creek." The names for "Capt. Wright's district" include: Philimon Halcourt (400 acres), Peter Myers (160 acres), Greenburg, Patterson (640), John Catten?, John Door?, James HICKS,George Hol____, ______, Thomas Gallium?, Lawrence Halcomb, Darrel? ______, ...
1787: Thomas HIX listed in state census (no data)
1790: Census (Surry Co.): Nathaniel HICKS: 1 son under 16; 4 daughters; wife
John HICKS: 1 Son over 16; 3 under; no daughters; wife
Thomas HICKS: 7 sons over 16; 1 daughter; wife
1790-1793: John taxed; (1791 - on 23 acres; 1794 - on 150 acres)
1790-1791: Nathaniel taxed on 640 acres
1794: Nathaniel " " " " (did not check him for later years)
1800: Census (Surry Co.):
Nathaniel HICKS Jr.: He & wife (both over 45); 3 young sons; 3 dau.
1800: Census (Iredel Co.)
Henry HICKS: he over 45, wife 26-44; 1 son, 1 dau < 10; 1 son 10-16.
1801: Nathaniel HIX and wife buys 640 acres on Fall Creek from John August (Thomas HIX a witness) (I 202)
Thomas Hicks m. Elizabeth Deadman Bond Date: 29 Oct 1787; Rowan; Bondsman: Wm Hamton; Witness: Jno Macay
*Note: HICKS, Elizabeth Jane: an account (under heading: "Accounts, Inventories, and Settlements") May 1894, agent-Sam'l Davis (gdsn?); file #691. (This probably is not a relative or a wife of the Samuel HICKS family)
!*Note: 1800 census: p. 662 - names in loose alphabetical order
Hicks, Joshua 2 - - 1 - / 1 - 1 - - [under 10 / 10-16 / 16-26 / 26-45 / over 45]
Samuel - - - 1 1 / - - - - -
Benjamin 4 - - 1 - / 2 - 1 - -
James - - - 1 - / - - - 1 -
Laban Sr - - - 1 - / - - - - -
1810 census: (#686) Surry Co.: John Hix: 1 son, 1 dau under 10; 4 sons 16-18; wife 26-44; his age apparently not given
1820 census: (#231) Iredell Co.: Henry Hicks over 45, his wife 26-44, 2 sons 16-18, 1 dau 10-16; 2 slaves
1830 census:
(#031) Iredell Co.: Henry Hicks 50-60, son 20-30, female 50-60, 10-15, 20-30
(#032) Iredell: Elijah Hicks--males: 2 (under 5); 2 (5-10), 1 (30-40); female: 2 (5-10), 1 (30-40)
(#121) Surry: Daniel Hicks--males: 1 (under 5), 1 (30-40), female: 2 (under 5), 2 (5-10), 1 (20-30)
2. i. JOSHUA2 HICKS, b. Abt. 1765, (Surry?), NC; d. 1848, (Clermont) OH.
ii. BENJAMIN HICKS, b. 1768, (Surry?), NC4; d. Aft. 1804.
All information from Norman Zezula
M. abt 1790
Birth: a preliminary estimate based on an attempt to assemble the family.
He first appears in 1794 when he signs Joshua's marriage bond (Rowan Co., NC). Thus he was born before 1773. In the 1800 census, he is in the 26-45 age group--he is listed as married with 6 children under 10. Since he had 4 more children than did Joshua, while James had none and William was apparently living with his father, and unmarried, Benjamin is presumed to be the oldest of four sons. Since the 1800 census indicates that all four were born 1755-1774, Benjamin's birth year is estimated to be ABT 1769. The other sons are put in order of their marriage dates. The two HICKS girls are assumed to have married a few years younger than did their brothers. With this adjustment, they were listed in probable birth order behind their four brothers.
Marriage: marriage date estimated based on his 6 children in the 1800 census He was probably married about or before 1790. His marriage does not appear in the Surry Co. marriage bonds. It is possible that he married before he came to Surry Co.
Death: AFT 1804 (He sold his land in Surry Co. in Oct 1804)
Census--1800: Surry Co., NC (#662)
Benjamin HICKS b. 1755-1774 [prob. BEF 1770]
Wife b. 1774-1784
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Daughter b. 1790-1800
Daughter b. 1790-1800
Census--1810: Benjamin apparently left Surry Co. about 1805, having sold his land in late 1804. He does not appear in the 1810 or later censuses for Surry. His father, his brothers (Joshua and William), and his "relative?" Laban HICKS all appear to have sold their land and left the county about this time. Only James appears to have stayed; he appears in the 1810-1830 Surry Co. census records. William apparently went to Iredell Co., NC; Joshua went to Clermont Co., OH; the others haven't been traced.
Land: See Notes for his father, Joshua HICKS.
CHRONOLOGY: 1794: First appears on the Surry Co. tax rolls
1799: Taxed on 100 acres
1800: bought 100 acres; taxed on 100 acres (prob. the 1799 land
was this same parcel, ie. he had 100 acres total)
Census: with wife & 6 children under 10
1804: sold his land in an 80 acre and a 22 acre parcel
*Note: A different Benjamin Hicks is in the 1850 census (Surry Co., NC (P207) HICKS, Benjamin 69 M (could be the son of the Benj. b. in 1768)
Sarah 60 F
Solomon 25 M
Martha 23 F
Sally 18 F
Benjamin 17 M
iii. JAMES HICKS, b. Abt. 1770, of Surry (Surry), NC5,6,7,8; d. Aft. 1830, of Surry (Surry), NC; m. ELIZABETH DAVIS, October 16, 1799, Surry Co, NC9; b. Bef. 1780.
Notes for JAMES HICKS:
M. 16 Oct 1797 to Elizabeth Davis
Birth: From provisional family group record (see Benjamin HICKS Notes for further information). First taxed in 1792 (thus at least 21 then) Marriage: Surry Co., NC marriage bond Death: alive in the 1830 census (Surry Co.)
1800: Surry Co., NC (p 662) James HICKS b. 1756-1774; Wife HICKS b. 1756-1774; (no children indicated) (They are shown with 3 slaves.)
1810: Surry Co., NC (p 641) James HICKS b. 1765-1784; Wife b. BEF 1765; Son b. 1794-1900 (They are shown with 1 slave.)
1820: Surry Co. NC (p 680) James HICKS b. BEF 1775; Wife b. BEF 1775 (They are shown with no children; 4 slaves.)
1830: Surry Co., NC (p 121) James HICKS b. 1770-1780; Wife ? b. 1750-1760 [sic]; Male b. 1815-1820; Male b. 1825-1830; Female b. 1780-1790 [relationship not known] (Presumably all are related; the "Female" may be the wife, sister, or sister-in-law; the two males may be her sons; the "wife" may be an aged mother-in law.)
Surry Co., (p 153) Daniel HICKS b. 1790-1800; Wife b. 1800-1810; Daughter b. 1820-1825; Daughter b. 1820-1825; Son b. 1825-1830; Daughter b. 1825-1830; Daughter b. 1825-1830 (Relationship, if any, to James HICKS is unknown.)
1792-1797: Taxed on 200 acres (Surry)
1797: Married in Surry Co.
1798: Taxed on 200 acres (Surry)
1800: Census (Surry); Wit. land sales with Joshua HICKS (Samuel sold; Benjamin and William HICKS were the buyers)
1805: Samuel sold him 400 acres. (Surry)
1810: In census, one son (Surry Co.)
1820: In census (Surry)
1830: In census (Surry)
iv. WILLIAM HICKS, b. Abt. 1772, of Surry (Surry), NC10; d. Aft. 1810, (Iredell), NC; m. ANN DAVIS, December 31, 1799, Surry Co, NC11; b. Bef. 1780.
M. 31 Dec 1799 to Ann Davis
Birth: Estimated from marriage order of brothers and sisters (See notes on "Children" for Samuel HICKS and notes on "Birth" for Benjamin HICKS)
Marriage: both from Surry Co, NC marriage bonds
(1) Ann Davis (31 Dec 1799)
(2) Polly Moss (28 May 1802)
It is possible that the first marriage may have been to another William HICKS (due to the time between the two marriages, and due to the belief that William was living with his father in the census (he first bought land later in 1800, although he was taxed --not on land-- since 1794). However no other William HICKS has been found.
Death: In 1810 census (Iredell, NC; p 190 (cannot locate in 1820 census)
1800: Does not appear; believed to be with father
1810: Iredell Co., NC (p 190) William HICKS b. 1765-1784; Wife b. 1765-1784; Son b. 1794-1800; Son b. 1800-1810; Son b. 1800-1810; Son b. 1800-1810; Daughter b. 1800-1810; Daughter b. 1800-1810 (1 slave is indicated)
Iredell Co., NC (p 031) Henry HICKS b. 1765-1784; Wife b. 1765-1784; Son b. 1794-1800; Son b. 1800-1810; Daughter b. 1800-1810 (Not sure if Henry is related)
1820: No William; Henry, Wife both over 45-- son, dau. (26-45), 2 slaves, (Iredell, p 231);\
Elisha HICKS (26-44), Wife (16-26), 2 sons under 10) (Iredell, p 231)\
(prob. ANOTHER) William: (#708), Surry?: he, wife 16-26, 3 sons, 1 dau under 10; 1 slave
1830: No William; Henry, Wife (50-60)-- son, dau. (20-30)-- dau. (10-15) (Iredell, p 031) Elijah HICKS, Wife (30-40), 2 sons, 2 dau.(5-10), 2 sons (0-5) (Iredell, p 031)\\\\
1794-1799: Tax lists, Surry
1800: Not in census (probably enumerated with his father)
1800: Buys 100 acres from father (Surry)
1804: Buys 22 acres from Benjamin (Surry)
1805: Sells 100 acres in Surry (called William of Iredell in contract
of sale) --3 Apr, to William Jefferies
1810: A William HICKS is in the Iredell census.
v. ELIZA HICKS, b. Abt. 1774, of Surry (Surry), NC12; m. BENJAMIN SPARKS, January 18, 1797, Surry Co, NC.
Notes for ELIZA HICKS:
M. 18 Jan 1797 to Benjamin Sparks
Birth: From marriage order of family (See notes on "Children" for Samuel HICKS & notes on "Birth" for Benjamin HICKS)
Marriage: Surry Co. Marriage bond
1800: Surry Co., NC (p 689) Benjamin SPARKS [No age given]; Wife b. 1755-1774 [Elizabeth]; Daughter b. 1790-1800 [abt 1798]; Son b. 1790-1800 [abt 1799]
1810: Surry Co., NC (p 680) Benjamin SPARKS [No age given]; Wife b. 1765-1784 [Elizabeth]; Daughter b. 1800-1810; Son b. 1800-1810 (Note that another source gives a different family pattern. 2 sons, 1 dau under 10; 1 son, 1 dau 10-16)
1820: Surry Co., NC (p 666) Benjamin SPARKS b. BEF 1775; Wife b. BEF 1775 [Elizabeth]; Daughter b. 1794-1804; Son b. 1794-1804; Son b. 1794-1804; Son b. 1804-1810; Son b. 1804-1810; Daughter b. 1804-1810
1830: Surry Co., NC (p 090) Benjamin SPARKS b. 1780-1790; Wife b. 1790-1800; Son b. 1800-1810; Daughter b. 1815-1830; Son b. 1810-1820; Son b. 1820-1825; Daughter b. 1820-1825; Daughter b. 1820-1825; Son b. 1825-1830; Daughter b. 1825-1830; Daughter b. 1825-1830
vi. POLLY HICKS, b. Abt. 1776, of Surry (Surry), NC; m. ELIJAH OLIVER, August 15, 1800, Surry Co, NC.
Notes for POLLY HICKS:
M. 15 Aug 1800 to Elijah Oliver
Birth: From marriage order of brothers and sisters (See notes on "Children" for Samuel HICKS and notes on "Birth" for Benjamin HICKS.)
Marriage: Surry Co., NC marriage bond
Census--1800: Surry Co., NC (p 681)
Elijah OLIVER b. 1755-1774
Wife b. 1755-1774 [Polly]
Census--1810: Surry Co., NC (p 675)
Elijah OLIVER b. 1784-1794
Wife OLIVER b. 1784-1794
(No children) (another extract shows he and wife ofer 45 with 2 sons 16-26)
Census--1820: No Elijah or Polly OLIVER listed; there is a Betsy OLIVER
for Surry (#692): she over 45, 2 sons (10-16), son, dau. (0-10) Clearly, this is not the OLIVER family of interest. Elijah or Polly do not appear in the 1830 or 1840 Surry Co. census)
Jacob Hix, born at Virginia about 1781 possibly to Meshach Hix and Elizabeth Moreland?. There was a Jacob Hicks listed as head of household in Wayne County, Kentucky on both the 1830 and 1840 US Federal Census. In 1850 his is living in Wayne County with his wife, Leticia and five of their children.
Jacob Hix married a Leticia (last name unknow) who was born about 1791. Jacob and Laticia Hix likely had the following children:
1. John Hicks, 1806-1880 - see below for more information about his descendents.
2. James Hicks, b. 22 Apr 1809; d. 24 Jun 1892; m. a Lucinda (?) and had the following children: Sara Hicks (b. abt 1829); Silvester Hicks (b. abt 1832); Simeon Hicks (b. about 1836); Charles S. Hicks (b. abt 1836); Elizabeth Hicks (b. abt 1838); Lucinda Hicks (b. about 1843); David Hicks (b. abt 1848); Ermine G. Hicks (b. about 1849)
3. Nathaniel Hicks (Hix?) b. about 1816, m. Martha A. Bell. They had at least the following children: Joshua B. Hicks (b. abt 1848); Louisa A. Hicks (b. abt 1850); Letticia Hicks (b. about 1851); William C.A. Hicks (b. about 1860); John W. Hicks (b. about 1862); Marietta Hicks (b. abt 1869)
4. Wiley Hicks, abt 1819; m. a Nancy (?); they had at least the following children: James A. Hicks (b. about 1843); Sarah A.E. Hicks (b. abt 1845); Jacob Hicks (b. abt 1847); and Shelby F. Hicks (b. abt 1848); William D. Hicks (b. abt 1852); Joseph G. Hicks (b. abt 1854); John A. Hicks (b. abt 1859); and Mary Hicks (b. abt 1865). This family seems to have moved from Wayne Co., KY to Washington, Cedar County, Missouri between the 1850 and 1860 federal census.
5. Champion T. Hicks, b. 1821; d. abt 1891, and on 23 Dec 1841 he married Rebecca Emily Shearer (daughter of Daniel Shearer and Margaret Vickery). Champion and Rebecca (Shearer) Hicks had the following children: Margaret Hicks (b. 1843); Sarah Caroline Hicks (b. 1850- ); ?Mary Hicks (b. 1853); Emarine Hicks (b. 1855); Shelby Hicks (b. 1857); Helen Hicks (b. 1858); Amanda "Manda" Hicks (b. 1861); Virginia Hicks (b. 1861); Lexi Hicks (b. 1867); Marshall J. Hicks (b. abt 1871). NOTE: the daughter Sarah Caroline Hicks married John Bertram, and they are the parents of Lula Bertram who married Isaac Denton Hicks, who was the son of William W. Hicks and Abigail Littrell- see below. I am not 100% sure that Champion was a child of Jacob and Laticia - however, I am including this because I have found him with those parents in at least a couple of public family trees and the time/area works. This is not documented, though.
6. Leticia Hicks, b. 27 Nov 1825; d. 7 Mar 1879; m. Isaac Newton Huffaker (1812-1888) and they had the following children: Tobias Huffaker (b. abt 1855); Elias Huffaker (b. abt 1857);
7. Elizabeth Hix, 1830 - ?
7. Lucretia Hix, 1831 -?
8. Patsy Hicks, 1833 -?
John Hicks and Sarah Smith
John Hicks was born abt 1806 at Wayne County, Kentucky to Jacob Hix and Leticia (last name unknown). He died 23 Feb 1880 at Wayne County, Kentucky. On 4 Nov 1824 at Wayne County, Kentucky, he married Sarah Smith.
Sarah Smith was born abt 1801 at Virginia and her father's name was James Smith. She was still living as of the 1880 Federal Census, living in Slick Ford, Wayne County, Kentucky. John and Sarah had at least the following children:
1. Jacob Hicks, b. 5 Nov 1825 at Wayne County, KY, d. 10 Dec 1897 at Wayne Co., KY, in 1847 he married Elizabeth Jane Morrison (1827-1913). They had at least the following children: Wesley William Hicks (b. 1847); Laura Isabell Hicks (1851-1941); Melissa J. Hicks (b. abt 1852); Charlotte Hicks (1859-1944); Sarah M. Hicks (b. abt 1861); Mary A. Hicks (b. abt 1863). Jacob served in the Union Army during the Civil war and was a member of the 23rd Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry.
2. William W. Hicks, b. 28 Feb 1827 at Wayne County, KY, d. 11 Dec 1897 at Wayne County, KY, he married Abigail Littrell - see below for more information about their descendents.
3. James Madison Hicks, b. 19 Oct 1830 (?) at Wayne County, KY ; d. 18 Jul 1888 at Coon Creek, Sutter, CA. In 1890, he married Annetta Carolina Schulz (b. 8 Aug 1834 at Attica, Wyoming, and she d. 7 May 1908 at Wheatland, Yuba Co., California). They had the following children: Sarah Caroline Hicks (1859-1913); Stephen Douglas Hicks (1860-1929); Minnie Eleanor Hicks (1863-1874); James Martin Hicks (1865-1913); John Frederick Hicks (1869-1919); Charles Frank Hicks (1873-1877); Champ Clark Hicks (1876-1948)
4. Elizabeth Hicks, b. 12 Oct 1830 at Wayne County, KY; d. 6 Jan 1875 at Wayne County, KY; married James Varner Bertram on 4 Feb 1864 at Wayne County, KY. They had at least the following children: Johnny C. Bertram (1865-1936); Sarah R. Bertram (1866-1944); Samantha Ellen Bertram (1871); James Ahial Bertram (1874-1924)
5. Sherrod Hicks, b. 15 Jun 1833 at Wayne County, KY, d. abt 1900 at Clinton County, KY
6. Polly Hicks, b. 12 Dec 1835 at Wayne County, KY; d. 12 Apr 1927 at Mullin, Mills County, Texas
7. Thomas Hicks, b. 12 Dec 1835 at Wayne County, KY
8. John Riley Hicks, b. 23 Apr 1837 at Wayne County, KY; d. 25 Mar 1913 at Hopkins, TX. He married Elizabeth "Betty" Sloan (1840-1922) and they had the following children: John William Hicks (1861-1945); Nicia Jossie Hicks (1864-1918); Samuel H. Hicks (b. abt 1866); and Shelvy C. Hicks (b. abt 1872).
9. Leticia Emmeline Hicks, b. 25 Jun 1839 at Wayne County, KY
10. Sarah Matilda Hicks, b. 13 Oct 1841 at Wayne County, KY
William W. Hicks was born 28 Feb 1827 at Wayne County, Kentucky to John Hicks and Sarah Smith. William died 10 Dec 1897 at Wayne County. He married Abigail Littrell on 8 Sep 1847 at Wayne County, KY.
Abigail Littrell was born 29 Dec 1829 at Wayne County, KY to Ewing Littrell (1800 VA-1857 KY) and Jane Rowland (1801 VA - 1876 KY). She died 16 Apr 1916. William W. and Abigail (Littrell) Hicks had at least the following children:
1. John E. Hicks, b. 4 Feb 1848 at Wayne County, KY, d. ? at Port Arthur, Jefferson Co., TX. Abt 1866 he married Louisa Eliot Edwards. They had at least one child, Fannie Hicks.
2. Sarah M. Hicks, b. 11 Jul 1850 at Wayne County, KY, d. 28 Jul 1935 at Wayne County. On 15 Oct 1868 at Wayne County, KY, she maried William Henry Denney (1848-1938). They had at least the following children: Abby Isabel Denney (1869-1938); Dupee Denney (1871-1957); Juda Ann Denney (1873-1951); Bart Henry Denney (1875-1952); Jabus C. Denney (1877-1958); Leavy Jane Denney (1880-1883); John Lewis Denney (1882-1911); Ollie Denney (1884-1955); William Cooper Denney (1886-1975); Vada Denney (1888-1890); Porter Denney (1892-1916)
3. Emanuel S. Hicks, b. 27 Dec 1851 at Wayne County, KY and d. there on 26 Jun 1897. He married Nancy Caroline Stinson (1847-1912). They are both buried in the Taylors Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Wayne County, KY.
4. Ewing Littrell HIcks, b. 4 Mar 1852 at Wayne County, KY and d. there on 4 Mar 1938. On 10 Aug 1876 at Wayne Co., KY, he married Nancy Jane Vickery (1855-1938). They had the following children: Sophrona Hicks (1875); William Denton Hicks (1877-1857); Elizabeth Jane Hicks (1879-1935); Sara J. Hicks (1879); Elbert C. Hicks (1882-1961); Ethel Hicks (1884); Osco (Oscar?) Hicks (1885-1978); Annie Hicks (1888); Elvas Omar Hicks (1895); Newell Hicks (?)
5. James M. Hicks (1855-1858)
6. Marshall H. Hicks, b. 8 Feb 1857 at Wayne County, KY and d. there on 28 Dec 1945. In 1879 he married Martha E. Vickery (1859-1907). They had the following children: Mary Elizabeth Hicks (1881-1905); Sarah Ann Hicks (1883-1935); Thomas Hicks (b. 1885); Ella Hicks (1888-1961)
7. Louisa Jane Hicks, b. 26 Dec 1858 at Wayne County, KY, d. 26 Jul 1902
8. William A. Hicks, b. 1860 at Wayne County, KY; may have died in Texas
9. Frank Walford "Colonel" Hicks (sometimes referred to as Fountain W. Hicks), b. 19 Aug 1863 at Wayne County, KY, married Lucy Ann Shearer (1869-1943) and he d. 14 Oct 1951. They had the following children: Eddie M. Hicks (1889); Joe L. Hicks (1891); Louisa "Lou" Hicks (b. 1897 - note she married Robert Ezra Kennedy and they were the parents of Bonnie Kennedy, who married James Rector, son of Christopher Wayne and Emma (Frost) Rector); Newell Hicks (1898); Abigail Florence Hicks (1899); Ellis M. Hicks (1903); Ivy L. Hicks (1906); Virginia R. Hicks (1910); Earl Hicks (1911)
10. Isaac Denton Hicks, b. 28 Aug 1866 at Wayne County, KY and d. there on 28 Aug 1945. He married Lulu Bertram. See below for more information about their family.
11. James D Hicks, b. 1867
12. Abraham Hicks, b. 22 Jan 1869 at Wayne County, KY, d. 10 Jun 1947 at New Castle, Henry Co., Indiana
13. Mary A. Hicks, b. 14 Oct 1870 at Wayne County, KY, d. 7 Jan 1958
Isaac Denton Hicks, b. 28 Aug 1866 at Wayne County, KY to William W. Hicks and Abigail Littrell. He died at on 28 Aug 1945. On 22 Dec 1895 he married Lulu Bertram.
Lulu Bertram was born 25 Dec 1872 at Wayne County, KY to John Bertram (1843-1921) and Sarah Caroline Hicks (1851-1923 - the daughter of Champion Hicks and Rebecca Shearer). Isaac and Lulu (Bertram) Hicks were probably second cousins (they both had the same great grandparents: Jacob and Leticia Hicks - see above). Lulu died 14 Feb 1953 - at Dayton, OH? They had at least the following children:
1. Fred E. Hicks, b. Nov 1896 at Wayne County, KY, d. 29 Jun 1945.
2. Vida A. Hicks, b. 13 Dec 1898 at Wayne County, KY, d. 6 Mar 1984. Abt 1921, she married Benton Edwards (1891-1974).
3. John W. Hicks, b. Feb 1900 at Wayne County, KY , d. 23 May 1981.
4. Everett Hicks, b. abt 1901 at Wayne County, KY, m. Fleta Edwards
5. Etta Hicks, b. abt 1903 at Wayne County, KY, d. in Indiana abt 1996. She married Randoph Ragan (b. abt 1904 KY).
6. Ora Belle Hicks, b. 20 Sep 1904 at Wayne County, KY, d. 16 Mar 1997 at Montgomery Co., OH. She married William F. Burnett on 8 Sep 1921 at Scott, Tennessee. William Burnett was born at Kentucky abt 1902 to G. W. and Elizabeth Burnett.
7. Jinks S. Hicks, b. abt 1906, d. 10 Nov 1988 at Oakwood, Montgomery, Ohio
8. Mary Hicks, b. abt 1908
9. Hubert Hicks, b. 1910 at Wayne County, KY , d. 12 Feb 1981
10. Rosa Mae Hicks, b. 1912 at Wayne County, KY , d. 19 Sep 1949 at Dayton, Montgomery, OH. She may have married Russel Wallace Hageman? (b. 16 Sep 1912 at Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio).
Historical Sketch of Bedford County
In 1652 Surry County, adjoining Isle of Wight, was formed, and from portions of these two, the County of Brunswick was set
ajjart in 1720. Lunenburg County was formed from Brunswick in 1746, and seven years later, Bedford County was formed out
of Lunenburg. Bedford County was named in honor of John Eussell, the fourth Duke of Bedford, who was Secretary of State
of Great Britain from February 13th, 1748, to June 26th, 1757.
Oath of Allegiance Sworn in Bedford County, August–November 1777
Below will be found a list of the soldiers of Bedford County who were engaged in warfare with the Indians, French and British
before the Declaration of Independence, as appears from Hening's Statutes at large and the records of the County Court, and a few in the Kevolutionary War.
"Virginia Colonial Militia," edited by William Armstrong Crozier, 1651-1776, Bedford County, 1758.
Privates: David Hix
After the fifth and last Virginia Revolutionary Convention voted in May 1776 to instruct the Virginia members of the Continental Congress to introduce a resolution to declare the colonies independent, it adopted a new constitution in June. The body also called for all officers of the new state government to take an oath of allegiance to Virginia. Prior to 1776, all men holding public office took an oath of allegiance to the king.
At the May 1777 meeting of the General Assembly, the legislature passed an act declaring that "Whereas allegiance and protection are reciprocal, and those who will not bear the former are not entitled to the benefits of the latter . . . all free born male inhabitants of this state, above the age of sixteen years, except imported servants during the time of their service, shall, on or before the tenth day of October next, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation before some one of the justices of the peace of the county, city, or borough where they shall respectively inhabit." The law dictated the wording of the oath (which included renouncing King George III), required militia officers to disarm recusants (men who refused to take the oath), and prohibited recusants from "holding any office in this state, serving on juries, suing for any debts, electing or being elected, or buying lands, tenements, or hereditaments."
Isham Talbot, a justice of the peace in Bedford County, prepared this copy of the oath and the list of names of men in his part of the county who had appeared before him and took the oath of allegiance. The annotation indicates that Talbot sent the original list to Colonel John Quarles, the county lieutenant (the commander of the militia) of Bedford County, and that he also made a list of the recusants.
Militia and Rev. War:
1757 Joshua Hicks Maj. Andrew Lewis's Company
John Hicks
Joseph Hicks
George Hicks sergeant from 1758 1780
warrant for 50 acres to Benjamin Bowles assignee of Gideon Hicks soldier in 2nd Va. regiment sept. 1779 Goochland County
Thomas Hicks
John Hix Doorkeeper- House of Burgess records:
Hicks, Mr. William , 1752-58, mentioned, 61. Hicks (Hix), John, 1695-1702,door-keeper,248,341,370.Hicks, William, 1752-58, claimant, 343, 426. 1761-65,claimant, 52, 53, 75. 1766-69, door-keeper,144, 190, 228; reimbursed, 174. 1770-72, door-keeper, 101, 121, 139, 155. 1773-76, doorkeeper, 8, 32, 75, 176.
Hicks. See also Hickes and Hix.
Hix, John, 1659/60-93, petitioner, 414. 1695-1702, doorkeeper, 380; petitioner, 58. 104, 121, 134, 208. 861; reimbursed, 25, 40, 57, 192, 219, 361. 1766-69, deceased, 56; door-keeper, 13.
Hix, Thomas, 1742-49, claimant, 159.
Hix, William, 1766-69, petitioner, 56.
William Hix 1638 by William Barber Charles City county; Samuel 1637
Hicks, Daniel: entered service 1778 from the Cheraw District, SC. Pension was granted at around age 70 in Mecklenburg Co., VA, 1832. Bounty Land Warrant 26266 granted in Mecklenburg in 1855 at age 94. F-S5533 R1268
Hicks, Henry: b. 6/2/1758 Charles City Co., VA; entered service from Cumberland Co., VA 1775; Applied for Pension in Rabun Co., GA in 1834 - pension rejected. F-R4962 R1268
Hicks, Joel: entered service from Hanover Co., VA where he was born 10/21/1765. Was a resident of Ablemarle Co., VA after the Revolutionary War. In 1809, resided in Hawkins Co., TN were he was pensioned in 1833. He was later investigated by the U.S. Attorney and it was determined he was never a Rev. War Soldier and his name was dropped from the pension rolls in 1836. A query letter from a descendant by the name of Miss Byrd Blankenship, from Atlanta, GA is in the pension files. F-S4365 R1269
Hicks, John: b. 3/12/1759 in Henrico Co, VA. Entered service 1776 from Cumberland Co., VA where he resided. Entered service 1777 Botetourt Co., VA where he resided; entered service 1779 from Washington Co., VA. He was a resident in VA to 1830, then to Washington Co., IN where he was pensioned in 1833. In 1839, he was a resident of Hawkins Co., TN with a son mentioned but not named; A query letter from 1927 from descendant D.C. Wells Ray of Corinth, MS states that the soldier married Lavinia Cole and she survived him. F-S1528 R1269
Hicks, John: Entered service in 1778 in VA. Pensioned at age 63 in Monroe Co., OH. Resident there in 1820, occupation farmer, with a wife age 45 and the following children: Benjamin, age 24, William, 16, Maria, 14, Betsey, 12, Matthew, 9, Jeremiah, 7 & Joseph, 3. F-S41638 R1269
Hicks, Meshack, entered service from Goochland Co., VA. Died there. Married there Elizabeth Moreland, who applied for bounty land warrant there in 1855 at age 87. Action on application not shown. F-BL Register 226005 R1269
Hicks, Miles: b. 10/18/1763, Bruswick co., VA; entered service in 1780 from Henry Co., VA. Pensioned 1833 in Franklin Co., NC. died 3/9/43 in Mecklenburg Co., VA; married (1) ? in Brunswick Co., VA; md (2) c 11/15/1815 or 1819 Maria Johnson, Franklin Co., NC; widow pension at age 56 in Warren Co., NC in 1853; BLW26785 granted there in 1855. F-W758 R1269
Hicks, Solomon: born on Dan River, VA; entered service at age 14-15 in SC; later entered service from Surry Co, NC, when he resided on Yadkin River; resided in that County after the Rev. War, then to SC, then to Franklin Co., GA for 18 years and then to Livingston Co., KY where he was pensioned in 1832 at age 74-75 when resided there 16 years. F-S31128 R1269
Hicks, William: entered service 1776 in Spotsylvania Co, VA; pensioned at age 72 in Greene Co., AL, in 1829 when resided there for about 5 years. His wife at the time was deceased and his married children are mentioned, but not named. A letter of query was received dated 1933 from descendant Connie (Mrs. C.G.) Spencer of Selma, AL, who was also a descendant of Barfield Jackson and wife Ellen Noble and also a descendant of War of 1812 soldiers James and John Craig of SC. F-S38027 R1269
Hicks, William: entered service in 1781 from Goochland Co., VA; pensioned there in 1818 at age 73. Was a resident there in 1820 with wife Ann, age 73. Resident there in 1829; grandchildren are mentioned but not named. A letter of query was received in 1912 from Annas Stout, Georgetown, KY, descendant of VA Rev War soldier William Hicks, who md. 5/11/1778 Mary Elizabeth Harris, Goochland Co., VA. He died in KY, possibly in Woodford Co. F-S7016 R1269
Hicks, William: entered service in 1776 in Berkeley Co., VA; pensioned at age 66 in Fayette Co., KY in 1818; resided there in 1820 with wife, daughter age 18 and grandchild age 5 or 6; died 11/20/22 in Jessamine Co., KY F-S35410 R1269
Hicks, William: entered service in 1776 VA; pensioned about age 62 in Garrard Co., KY in 1818; died there in 1822; married 1/2/1784 Mary Swanger; widow pensioned at age 72 in Jessamine Co, KY in 1838; she died there 8/24/47; daughter Suffiah (widow of Edward Combs, who died 10/1825), b. 9/20/1790 as the 4th child, resided 1838 in Jessamine Co, KY. Other children's births: Moses 9/7/86, Abraham 10/30/88, Samuel 1/16/92, William 12/4/94 and Abigail 5/20/96; in 1847 John Cornman Sr. was the administrator of the soldier's widow's estate. F-W8931 R1269
Hix, Farthing: b 11/20/1760 in Pittsylvania Co., VA; moved when a child with father to Hanover Co, VA, where soldier entered service in 1790. Moved in 1783 to Bedford Co., VA, then in 1818 to Patrick Co., VA where he was pensioned in 1832. F-S5534 R1291
Riflemen Commanded by Capt. Abraham Shepherd raised in Berkeley County, VA (now WV): William Hix, Pvt, enlisted 7 Aug 1776. Terms of Service: 4 months, 24 days. Pay in dollars: 32
Josiah Meadows is listed in this book as a Revolutionary War Pensioner of WV. He can be found in Mercer County living with someone by the cute name of "Green Meadows". The Census was taken June 1, 1840. Green can be found in Estill County, KY in 1850.
From the book "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois" by Mrs. Harriet J. Walker, pg. 125 (Library of Congress Catalog Card #67-28602) comes this item:
"John Hiltebrand and David Hix were soldiers under Clark. Coming to Illinois in 1780, they settled on the east side of Kaskaskia River near the mouth of Nine-Mile Creek, where they doubtless died."
From "Soldiers of the Revolution Buried in Illinois" pub. 1975 by the Illinois State Genealogical Society:
David Hicks: b. in Virginia d. December 14, 1834
buried: Hicks Cemetery, or White Hall cemetery, White Hall, Greene County, Illinois; Government Headstone
Service: Sergeant: Virginia. He had service both in the Virginia Militia and in Crockett's Regiment in 1777. He came to Kaskaskia with Col. George Rogers Clark.
David Hix: Died Randolph County, IL. Residences; He came to Illinois in 1780 and settled on the east side of the Kaskaskia River, near the mouth of Nine-Mile Creek.
Service; Soldier: Virginia. Soldier under Col. George Rogers Clark.
Marker: His name is on a bronze marker on the grounds of Spart ___ at Sparta, placed by Fort Chartres Chapter DAR, 1934.
James Hicks: Died 1825. Buried: George Doty Farm Cemetery, Oraville, Jackson County, Illinois
1705 Quit Rents of Virginia
Joseph Hix James City County
John Hix James City County
John Hix Prince George County
Robert Hix Prince George County
Richard Hix King and Queen County
1720 Census of Virginia
Giles Hicks Richmond County
John Hicks Surry County
Sarah Hicks Elizabeth City County
John Hix Surry County
1730 Census of Virginia
Charles Hicks Brunswick County
Elizabeth Hicks Brunswick County
Elizabeth Hicks Surry County
Joseph Hicks Albemarle County
Robert Hicks Albemarle County
Daniel Hicks Goochland County
Marmaduke Hicks Goochland County
Rebecca Hicks Goochland County
1760 Census of Virginia
Archibel Hicks Goochland County
Elizabeth Hicks Goochland County
Henry Hicks Goochland County
John Hicks Goochland County
M? Hicks Amelia County
Stephen Hicks Goochland County
William Hicks Cumberland County
William Hicks Goochland County
William Hicks Frederick County
1810 Census of Virginia
William Hix Goochland County
John Hix Goochland County
William Hix Goochland County
Abner Hix Goochland County
1820 Census of Virginia
Abner Hix Goochland County
1830 Census of Virginia
Abner Hix Loochland (Goochland) County
1850 Census of Virginia
Abner Hicks Goochland County, a miller, age 38
Kesiah, wife, age 30
Charles, son, age 6
Jacob C., son, age 5
Sally Ann, daughter, age 1
james cyttie
Ascanius Hickes 1655
1656 July 15, William Hix Order for the Grantham, to Jamaica [died there.]
Flanary family, in-laws and outlaws: some Flanary, Poland, ... - Page 857
Donald Lewis Osborn - 2008
Nathaniel Hix Great-Great-Grandfather of Paris Clingman Flanary Nathaniel Hix,1 father of Frances "Fanny" (Hix) Ely, was in southwestern Virginia prior to the Revolutionary War. In 1782, he furnished supplies for the militia in Powell Valley
21, 1782 ; wife Mary ; son Kinchen and Thomas Hix; daughters Mary, Elizabeth and Mealy Hix; sons James and William Hix ; daughter Jane Forbush Hix.
Will of Joseph Hicks, of Sussex Co. dated Aug. 20,
R. Hicks, James Parham, Peterson's plantation. Dec. 8, 1785. Rec. March 23, 1786.— D Bk, 1, p. 147 Hicks, Mary, exor of Robert Hicks, pr of atty to Isaac Rowell of Greensville county, estate in South Carolina due said Robert Hicks deceased,
The Descendants of Jonas Ricks and Other Ricks Families in ...Donald Milton Ricks - 1998
3M In 1786, Philip Ricks and Sterling Niblett appeared in the estate record of his father-in-law James Chappell:370 Account of Estate of James CHAPPELL, deed., shows Wyatt BISHOP for teaching children, Clements Hix, legacies to Martha Chappell.
Lucy Birdsong married John Hix, In 1782 Clement Hix and Robert Hix, Quaker', affirmed as witnesses the will of william Hix of Sussex. William Hix married Elizabeth Clements and their son Clements Hix married in 1789, Mary Bailey, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Bailey.
WILL OF WILLIAM HIX (Sons, Kitchen, James Thomas, daug. Mary, Elizabeth)
July 11, 1779
I William Hix of the county of Sussix in Va. being very sick & weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given
to God calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this
my last will & testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & recomend my soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my exectors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, & as touching such wordly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give device & form; First I give to my wife during her life the plantation where as I now live. After her death to my son Kinchen Hix, if he dies without child then to my son Thomas Hix according to my wife, one feather bed, & furniture together with all my house hold & kitchen furniture only. To my daughter Mary Hix, I give one feather bed, & furniture, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, I give one feather bed & furniture, like wise to to my son Kinchin Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son Thomas Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son James Hix, one large pot, & hand mill. After her death the remainder part of my house hold goods & kitchen furniture to be equally divided between Mealy, Kinchen, & Thomas Hix. Thirdly to my daughter Mary Hix, one cow, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, one cow, also to my son William Hix, one cow, likewise to my daughter Jane Furbush Hix, one cow, & to my son Thomas Hix, one horse called Jack with my bridle & saddle & the remaining part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Hix.
I likewise constitute make & ordain my son James Hix the whole execution of this my last will and testament I do here by utterly disallow, revoke and disnul all and every other prior testaments and wills and exactors by me in anywise before will and bequeath. Ratifying & confirming, this & no other to be my last will & testament in witness where of I have here into all my hand & seal this Eleventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred seventy nine, signed sealed (William Hix) (seal) & published pronounced & declared by the said William Hix as his last will & testamentin the presence of who in his presence & in the presence of each other, have here into subscribed our names-Robert Hix Clement Hix, Mary Barker.
At a court held for Sussix County the 21th day of February 1782 the last will & testament of William Hix deced was exhibited
in court by James Hix the exactors there in named proved by the oath of Mary Barker & by the affirmation of Clement Hix & Robert Hix, Quakers, the witnesses there to & ordered to be seconded & on the motion of the said exactors who made oath according to the law & with Clement Hix, Robert Hix, & Jesse Wallis [Willis] his secrutery entired into & acknowledged their bond & the penality of ten thousand pounds conditioned by the law directa certificates is granted him for entering probate there
of in due form.
Cls. court.
Question: From which of his 3 sons can be found the link connecting our line to William and Mary Hicks of Virginia?
William Hicks, father of James Hix
James Hix married Elizabeth Clements,
parents of Clement Hix married Mary Bailey,
parents of James Hicks married Bethany Bailey,
parents of Joanna Hicks married William Hanson
Heart of the eagle: Dragging Canoe and the emergence of ... - Page 201
Brent Alan Cox - 1999 - THE FAMILY OF NATHAN HICKS« HICKS, Nathan He married a Cherokee woman before 1767. He was a ... BROOM, Nancy Elizabeth Wife of Charles Renatus Hicks She was the daughter of Chief Broom, and was from the Wolf Clan.
Genealogy of "old & new Cherokee Indian families." - Page 213
George Morrison Bell - 1972 - Snippet view
Nathan and Nancy (Broom) Hicks were the parents of three children, who were 1/2 Cherokees: 1 - Chief Charles Renatus Hicks, (m) Lydia Halfbreed. (See Family ... 3 - Elizabeth Hicks, born ca 1771 in the Cherokee Nation East, Georgia ...
History of the Cherokee Indians and their legends and folk ... - Page 620
E. Starr - Preview
Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Broom, Chief of Broomstown, a full blood Cherokee of the Wolf Clan married Nathan Hicks, a white man. They were the parents of Charles R. Hicks, born in 1760 and died in 1826. Elsie, daughter of Charles R.
*Charles Renatus Hicks was the son of Nathan Hicks and Nancy Elizabeth Broom (Daughter of Broom, a minor Cherokee Chief of Broomstown, Georgia.)
Charles was educated in his father’s native Virginia.
A member of the Wolf Clan.
Baptized April 10, 1813.
He was among the first Cherokees to convert to Christ, this was when Renatus (Reborn, Latin) was added to his name.
Charles was also one of the first men in the Cherokee Nation who learned to read and write.
He was one of the most intelligent men in the Cherokee Nation.
Charles was the one responsible for the laws of the Cherokee Nation to be published.
The laws were first written down September 1808 at Broomtown and signed by Enola (Blackfox) as Principle Chief, Pathkiller as second Chief and Charles Hicks, Secretary to the Council. The document was not published until 1852.
Hicks became second Chief under Pathkiller.
In the last year of his life he became Principle Chief.
He also served as Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation.
His secretary John Ross credited his friendship with Charles as entrusting him to the Fullblood members of the tribe.
It is said Charles taught the illiterate Sequoyah to write his English name Guess, to imprint on his silver works.
Charles died in 1827 and was succeeded by his brother William Hicks as Principle Chief.
Charles Hicks, a brilliant mixed-blood, who led in writing the Cherokee constitution.
This document contained an outline of the new government, defined the powers of officials with such Indian names as principle chief for chief executive, and the legislative body was called the National Council.
In most respects, this constitution was similar to the United States Constitution.
After Charles’ death William Hicks (Charles’ brother) served as interim chief until an election was held under the constitution, which elected John Ross as principle chief.
Though only one-eighth Cherokee, Ross was enduringly popular with the full bloods.
Since they outnumbered the mixed bloods at least three to one, they could out vote the mixed bloods, too.
Ross studiously adopted the full blood point of view and thus assured his continuation as principle chief of the Cherokee Nation, winning every election until his death in 1866.
The Cherokee involvement in the Creek War (which is considered part of the War of 1812) was from October 1st, 1813 to April 11th, 1814.
There were two enlistments of about 3 months each: October 7th, 1813 – January 6th, 1814; and January 27th, 1814 – April 11th, 1814.
The Cherokees sent between 400 and 700 men to serve under Colonels Gideon Morgan Jr. and John Lowrey, both half-bloods.
They were listed as Cherokee Warriors, Mounted.
They fought the battles of Talladega, Emuckfaw, Enotachopoo, Hillabee, and Horseshoe Bend.
Among those fighting were:
Adjutant John Ross, Major Ridge, Major John Walker, Captain Richard Brown, George Gist/Guess (Sequoyah), John Drew, Whitepath of Elijay, Arch Campbell, Goingsnake, Chief Junuluska (Tsuna-Lahunski), George Fields, Charles Hicks, Alexander Saunders (Captain of his own company in Col. Gideon Morgan Jr.’s Regiment of Cherokee Indians October 7th, 1813 to January 6th, 1814, and Major of Field and Staff of the same Regiment January 27th, 1814 to April 11th, 1814), Charles Rogers (Lieutenant under Captain John McIntosh January 27th, 1814 to April 11th, 1814), John Rogers (Private in Captain David McNair’s Company October 7th, 1813 to January 6th, 1814).
Charles Hicks was born on the Hiawassee River at Tomotley, GA, December 23rd, 1767.
He was the son of Nathan Hicks and Nan'Ye'Ha, a full blood Cherokee.
On Good Friday, April 10th, 1813, a Moravian missionary baptized Charles named Brother John Gambold who had been living in the vicinity of Springplace since about 1805.
Charles was married, first to Nancy Broom, daughter of Chief Broom of Broomstown.
They had Nathan, Elija, Elsie and Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie".
His second wife was Lydia Halfbreed, who bore him two children, George and Catherine.
Lydia also married a man named Chisholm.
After Path Killer's death in 1817, Charles was elected Second Chief of the Cherokee tribe.
In 1821, Gambold established a Mission at Octology, about 20 miles from Springplace.
By then, Charles was living at Dogwood Flats on the headwaters of Chicamauga Creek.
Charles died on January 20th, 1827 at Red Clay Plantation but is buried at the Spring Place Mission in Murray County.
Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Charles R. Hicks, married Alexander McCoy.
She was born 11th of June 1800.
They had at least one child, Mary Ann McCoy.
Alexander McCoy's parents were Daniel McCoy and Lucy Fields.
Lucy's parents were Richard Fields and Susannah Emory.
Susannah was the daughter of William Emory and Grant.
Grant was the daughter of Ludovic Grant, born about 1700.
He spent most of his life among the Indians.
He married Susan, a full blood Cherokee of the Long Hair Clan.
Descendants of Robert Hicks
Generation No. 1
1. ROBERT1 HICKS was born Abt. 1650 in England, and died 1738 in Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina. He married ESTER LUTTON. She was born Abt. 1673 in England.
Occupation-------From 1712 to 1728 was County Clerk of Chowan County , North Carolina, First deed books are in his Handwriting
2. i. THOMAS2 HICKS, b. Abt. 1709, Edenton, Chowan Co,North Carolina; d. Abt. 1775, Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia.
3. DANIEL3 HICKS (THOMAS2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1739 in Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina, and died Unknown. He married LUCY BUTLER Abt. 1764.
Descendants of Robert Hicks
Generation No. 2
2. THOMAS2 HICKS (ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1709 in Edenton, Chowan Co,North Carolina, and died Abt. 1775 in Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH JORDAN Abt. 1735 in Chowan Co, Virginia.
Thomas Hicks moved from North Carolina up to Lunenburg Co, Virgina Abt 1745, He lived on modest creek just south of Nottoway Co, Nutbush, Virginia line,Thomas was a Ranger during the French and Indian war, sometime around 1759 or 1761 he moved the family a few miles southwest to Charlotte Co, Virginia where they lived near Wyliesburgon sandy creek Several families from this vicinity started moving down to Montgomery Co, North Carolina, in the middle of the 1760's. So many of them were neighbors in North Carolina as well as Virginia. Thomas married Elizabeth Jordan Dau of Charles Jordan abt 1735 in Chowan Co, North Carolina. It is theory that Charles Jordan was the father of John Jordan who went to Montgomery Co, North Carolina around 1754 and john had sons Francis and Rueben. Francis was the father of Sarah Jordan who married Robert Hicks. He also had a Dau Agnes Jordan who married Littleberry "Berry" Hicks. If this theeory is correct [ which I believe it is] then Robert and Sarah would be 2nd cousins as would be Berry and Agnes , It is also suspect that Rueben Hicks may have been named after his uncle Rueben Jordan , It is believed that Thomas Hicks stayed in Virginia and did not migrate to North Carolina with others including the Butlers.
3. i. DANIEL3 HICKS, b. Abt. 1739, Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina; d. Unknown.
notes for Daniel Hicks
As a small child Daniel moved up to lunenburg Co, Virginia, He married Lucy Butler Abt 1764 in Charlotte Co, Virginia, The Butlers came from Culpper Co, Virginia they were neighbors of the Hicks on Sandy Dreek in Charlotte County. They started migrating down to Troy, North Carolina in the late 1760's. Daniel and Lucy's oldest children were all born in Charlotte County, including Littleberry, William and Robert. Son Joshua was born in North Carolina after the family moved down to Montgomery County, North Carolina shortly before the Revolutionary War, Daniel and his family were there by 1773 while the Butlers had moved several years earlier. Daniel bought land on Dicks Creek near present day Star, North Carolina, which adjoins the county airport. It is thought that neither Daniel or any of his ancestors served in the Revolutionary War as no records can be found, It is not known when and where Daniel died but it is thought that he may have moved down to South Carolina in later life[ some of the Butlers had moved there earlier] and died around 1807, It is also believed that Daniel may have had brothers Shadrack, Thomas and John.
Children of DANIEL HICKS and LUCY BUTLER are:
4. i. LITTLEBERRY BERRY4 HICKS, b. Abt. 1765, Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia; d. Abt. 1839, Hickman Co, Tenn.
iii. ROBERT HICKS, b. Abt. 1770.
My memory is that Charles and Frances (Curtis) Hicks had three children, viz., Abner Hicks, Benjamin Hicks, and Esther Hicks, the latter of whom married a William J. Cox. I'm not sure off hand of the source of this information, so my confidence level is not very high, and I would need to check my files to see if I can identify the source. Perhaps it was Frances' will and testament which I believe was probated in the late 1860's, but again I'm going from memory and could be wrong. I do recall that after her husband Charles died, I believe around 1849, she went to court to claim her widow's third rights in his property. The actual records for this may have been dated in 1850, however. In any case, if I'm remembering the names of the children correctly, and that's a big "if," then I can make the following observations.
"Abner" was the name of Frances's eldest brother, Abner Curtis (ca. 1784-ca. 1868) and it is also a name that appears elsewhere in the Curtis family including among the descendants of Frances and Abner's uncle, Nathaniel Curtis (k. 1780), and so at first glance it might appear that "Abner" is a "Curtis family" name. HOWEVER, Abner's mother, Sarah (Hamer) Curtis (d. 1835) was the daughter of William Hamer (1746-1774) and wife Frances (HICKS) Hamer (ca. 1739-1791), the latter of whom was the daughter of John HICKS, Sr. of Anson County.
Frances (Hicks) Hamer then married 2nd, Nathaniel Curtis (k. 1780), the uncle of Abner and Frances. The picture is even a bit more cloudy though, because even the "other Abner's" in the Curtis family of whom I'm thinking descend from this same Nathaniel Curtis, BUT they descend from a PRIOR marriage for Nathaniel than his marriage to the widow Frances (Hicks) Hamer (d. 1791). Regrettably, I've never learned with certainty the name of this previous wife for Nathaniel, except that the best clue I have indicates that her name may have been "Charlotte H.;" and I have no proof of what the "H" stood for - Hicks, Hamer, Harris, Hardee, Hawthorne, are all among the plausible possibilities, but there are others too. Also, clouding the picture somewhat is that the descendant of Nathaniel of whom I'm thinking, the one who also had a son named "Abner Curtis," Elijah Curtis (1776-1864) married Sarah Curtis (1778-1860), his own first-cousin, the daughter of Samuel Curtis, Sr. (1751-1846) and Samuel's first known wife, Sarah HICKS (1757-1810), the latter of whom is believed to be the granddaughter of John Hicks, Sr. (d. 1760) of Anson and the daughter of William Hicks and William's wife Sarah, formerly the widow of Isam Young, and thus a niece of Frances (Hicks) Hamer Curtis.
SO, it is really a big leap to make to assume that "Abner" is a Curtis name, but it is a name found in that family, but unfortunately, for this purpose, the Curtis family is very entwined with the Hicks family.
However, I can state that BENJAMIN is a name that is almost unknown in the Curtis family, or at least none of the Curtis brothers, viz., Lt. Thomas Curtis (d. ca. 1809), Nathaniel Curtis (k. 1780), Samuel Curtis, Sr. (1751-1846), and Elijah Curtis, Sr. (d. 1818) - named a son "Benjamin Curtis," nor do I recall any of their half-brothers, viz., Elijah Ratliff (d. ca. 1860's), James Ratliff (1763-1833), Zachariah Ratliff (c. 1765-c. 1840), John Ratliff (c. 1761-c. 1841) and Robert Clothier Ratliff (ca. 1764-ca. 1815), or even their step-brother Thomas Ratliff (ca. 1756- d. bef.1838) - having any sons named "Benjamin" either, so I believe it is more than likely that this name is from the "Hicks" side of the family, UNLESS Charles and Frances had named a son for BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. It was not uncommon at this period for families to name children for famous patriots and other well known individuals including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Frances Marion, Thomas Jefferson, etc.
Frances did have a sister named "Esther," so that name could be from the Curtis side.
I can't really say as to how significant this information may be, but I would think that the name "Benjamin" is likely to have been either the name of the father, or an uncle, or a grandfather, or a brother of Charles Hicks if this isn't a case of a child being named for the famous Benjamin Franklin. Of course, what is "probable" or "most likely" isn't necessarily what the is the actual case and it could just be a name that Charles like, perhaps from a character from a famous book. That said, BENJAMIN is a name found in the Hicks family of Anson and Cheraws and back in Virginia too, so it certainly is a plausible conclusion.
Sarah Hicks (1757-1810), mentioned above who married Samuel Curtis (1751-1846) is believed to be the daughter of William Hicks and this William Hicks is thought to have had three sons - CHARLES Hicks, BENJAMIN Hicks, and Daniel Hicks. The Rev. Alexander Gregg whose "History of Old Cheraws" was published in 1867, but covered the period of 1730-1810, incorrectly stated that William was the brother of Col. George Hicks, when William was probably the son of George's uncle, John Hicks, Sr.'s and thus a cousin and not a brother. Nevertheless, in the same section, the Rev. Gregg wrote that Col. George Hicks's daughter Elizabeth married a "cousin, Benjamin Hicks, who removed to the West." In this case, "West" probably refers to the area of Tennessee and Kentucky, or perhaps possibly Missouri, but more likely the former two. I would need to check my files and notes to see if the Benjamin to whom the Reverend refers to Elizabeth Hicks as having married is possibly the son of William Hicks and brother of Sarah (Hicks) Curtis, but on the "surface" it would seem, again, "plausible."
None of the above may help to clear up your picture, but perhaps taken with other facts you have, it might at least eliminate a possibility, if it can't help in some other more direct way.
Per my info, DANIEL HICKS and wife LUCY BUTLER had son named ROBERT V. HICKS who md. SARAH ANN JORDAN ( dau. of Francis Jordan and Isabella Unknown. Francis Jordan from VA and he died in Montgomery Co. NC in 1780.
" Notes for Sarah Ann Jordan by Ronn Deaton"
"Author's Note : About 1830, the "DEATON WAGONTRAIN" left Troy, Montgomery County, North Carolina to travel to McNairy County, Tennessee - - five brothers and their families, including BASEL DEATON. It is noted that these five brotehrs were nephews of SARAH ANN JORDAN, the sister of ELIZABETH JORDAN. It is speculated that Sarah may have traveled to McNairy Co. in the same approximate time frame. "
More about Robert Hicks and Sarah Jordan ( per Ronn Deatons files )
" Marriage 1 : 1789, Montgomery Co. North Carolina
Marriage 2 : Abt. 1810 "
Francis Jordan had 2 daughters who married into HICKS family :
1. AGNES JORDAN b. 1766 Amelia Co. VA md. Little Berry Hicks b. 1765 VA ( s/o Daniel & Lucy Butler Hicks ) and they moved to Hickman Co. TN where they both died.
2. SARAH ANN JORDAN b. abt. 1774 Amelia Co. VA md. Robert V. Hicks b. 1770 VA or NC ( s/o Daniel & Lucy Butler Hicks ). Robert V. Hicks and Sarah Ann Jordan had several children and their Daughter SARAH ANN HICKS b. Feb. 01, 1812 is thought to have been born in Montgomery Co. NC. Later the HICKS brothers moved to Hickman Co. TN where SARAH ANN HICKS b. 1812 TN. married HARVEY LOVE DAVIDSON b. 1811 TN ( son of DANIEL DAVIDSON b. 1770-1780 VA - some listed Daniel being b. 1778 ) . This Daniel Davidson died sometime between 1832 - 1837 in Hickman Co. TN. After that, his son Harvey Love Davidson and his wife Sarah Ann Hicks Davidson moved to McNairy Co. TN and living next door to them is Sarah's parents, ROBERT V. HICKS and family.
Book, "Anson County, NC: Abstract of Early Records" compiled by May Wilson McBee
MONTGOMERY County, 1782 pg. 144 :
DANIEL HIX, 100 acres
ADDERY HIX, 150 acres
JOHN JORDAN, 50 acres
WILLIAM JORDIN, invalid 50 acres
DANIEL DAVIDSON is said to have arrived in Hickman Co. TN sometime between 1820 and 1825 and was a school teacher.
" Spence's History of Hickman Co. TN - "
" Robert and Thomas Dolison and Daniel Davidson came here from North Carolina in 1825. In 1830 John Hinson lived where Joel P. Morrison now lives, but these lands were entered in 1825 by Robert Thompson. At the mouth of Brushy Fork, in 1830, Daniel Davidson taught school, and his patrons were the Dolisons, Hinson, Garrett, the Walkers, John Angel, and Joseph Kimmins."
Hickman Co. TN PIONEER microfilm records have this on the HICKS family ( Berry Hicks is Little Berry HIcks who md. Agnes Jordan ) :
"Robert, Berry, William, Elijah and Gilbert Hicks were all citizens of Upper Beaverdam in a very early day; some of them died here long ago, and some of them moved off - - but where they went to, we do not know. Mrs. Arnold, wife of Jonithan Arnold, is the only one of a once very large family that now remains in this county. John Thompson, of Shipp's head, and the young Harders, of Swan are descendants of the mother's side, from the Hicks family; they were generally very quiet and good citizens. "
Again we see a historical sketch in HICKMAN CO. TN PIONEER on old Daniel Davidson, an early Pioneer of that region :
1880 published "HICKMAN CO. TN PIONEER " article, with James F. Martin listed as Editor, and Proprietor, Centerville, Tennessee, from article in the Friday, April 9, 1880 edition :
" Old Daniel Davidson, at an early day, came from North Carolina and settled on Brushy, where Peter R. Loveless now lives; he had a large family of boys - - nearly all grown men fifty years ago - - BILL, DAN, HARVEY, IRA and JOHN. Many of our people remember IRA as the "Blind Preacher;" he was a man of very little ability, either natural or acquired; moved to WEST TENNESSEE over thirty years ago, but was back occasionally until his death, which occurred a few years ago. The balance of the boys all left the county for the West soon after the old man's death, which occurred about forty-six or forty-eight years ago. OLD AUNT SALLY DAVIDSON, who lives near the furnace, and the WIDOW LANCASTER, of SLIPRY, are his daughters, and who are the only ones of the family now in this county."
Yet another Hickman Co. TN Pioneer article on families of that region mentioning some of these same names by early settler to Hickman, named JOHN POPLIN who is son of RICHARD POPLIN and wife ELIZABETH HINSON (Elizabeth Hinson is d/o John Short Hinson and Maude Mathis ) :
John Poplin Article Oct 17, 1884
His Recent Visit to His Old Home and the Recollection of Other Days ( excerpt mentioning DANIEL DAVIDSON of HICKMAN CO. TN. )
"Editor Pioneer:---It was my lot to be brought up on the Brushy fork of Beaverdam, my father emigrating from North Carolina about the year A.D. 1830 and settling on the aforesaid little stream, then a wilderness nearly, there being only a few little squatters claims on those little creeks. Father stopped in January, near a spring where Joel P Morrison and the widow of David Hinson now lives, though father soon purchased a little occupant claim from on David Lancaster, where Lewis Baker now lives, and he there remained until the fall of 1854, when he moved to the head of Coon creek, Perry county, where he remained until his death, where the remains of my father and mother are now interred. My mother was a daughter of old John Hinson, the father of old Uncle George Hinson, the father of the late David Hinson who fell by the hand of Mormonism in Lewis county; therefore you can readily see that the name of Tennessee is always near and produces tender emotions with me. I was intimately acquainted in the adjoining neighborhoods of the counties of Perry and Lewis, on Swan and Cane creeks, and Duck river and Beaverdam with their tributaries, with all or nearly so of the old settlers from my boyhood to the year 1857, and the very name of the old noble sires and dames of worthy sons and daughters with whom I spent so many pleasant hours, months, and years, . . . I will frequently give same few of the names of those grand old worthies, whose ashes are now, many of the, marked by a slab of wood or stone, some in Tennessee and many in the States of the West. I attended my first school, taught by a man named Jonathan Hick; the little schoolhouse stood near the mouth of the Brushy fork of Beaverdam, where old Levi Garratt used to live. The land is now owned by the Aetna Iron Company. I left the land of my childhood on September 15th, 1857 for Carroll county Arkansas then ever after only visiting and reviewing the pleasant faces of my youthful companions . . the reality in the case, a few days ago, as I traversed those little narrow gravely hollows and looked for those pleasant faces, whose countenances the bloom of youth lit up, alas! how changed was not only the face of the country, but more solemnly the transformation that had passed over poor, frail, transitory mortals of all those youthful companions and old fathers and mothers, only now and then one could I find, only by a small slab of decayed wood or stone to mark the last remains of those loving countenances, how solemn the scenes!"
"Then and there came rushing to my memory some things passed a half a century ago and why am I still left? And whilst here pleasant faces with the names of many came rushing across my mind in rapid succession until I was nearly lost to a realization of my surroundings; the names and faces of the old pioneers who first settled around here, viz: Levi Garrett, old Wm Hicks, the father of my first school teacher, Claban Berryman, the gentleman Kimmens, DANIEL DAVIDSON , Benjamin Lancaster, his sons John and Gabriel Lancaster, old John Angel, old Jeremiah Boothe. John Hinson my grandfather, Cornelius Mathis and then lower down the creek, Robt. Wade who still survives the shock of time, Thos. Warren who is now gone, Bartley Milam, Samuel Milam, Thos. Shepherd, Mark Black, Jacob Biler, Joseph McCann, Esq. McCollum father of Levi McCollum;
Again, to the HICKS family :
From : "Family papers of John Hull . . . ."
"Our first "Hicks" to be identified at present is Berry Hicks from Virginia born around 1755."
" In 1810 he was living in Montgomery County North Carolina. According to Goodspeed's History of Arkansas he served in the American Revolution with Nathaniel Greene and Francis Marion, famous heroes of that war. Berry and his family moved to Tennnessee in 1811 and is listed on the Maury County Tennessee Tax List of that year. "
"Elizabeth Hicks was one of ten children, a daughter of Berry Hicks, who was a
Revolutionary soldier with General Marion and General Greene. Of the Hicks family there were the following:
Joshua, John, Temple, Elijah, Thomas, Berry, Gilbert, Pollie, Catherine, Elizabeth and Sarah"
Source History of Arkansas page 727".
1790 Montgomery Co. NC Census : ( HICKS/ HIX )
HIX, LITTLEBERRY 12300 ( known also as BERRY HICKS/ HIX and he had son named BERRY as well. )
HIX, JOHN 11200
HIX, DEMCY 12200
This is transcription of the 1790 Montgomery Co. NC Census showing both a LITTLEBERRY and a ROBERT HIX, who later on are in HICKMAN CO. TN as BERRY and ROBERT HICKS. Here then is the other census data on this same family in McNAIRY CO. TN in the 1830-1840 era, and ROBERT V. HICKS is listed then as ROBERT HIX. BERRY HICKS may be the son of LITTLEBERRY HICKS who lived and died in AETNA, HICKMAN CO. TN. ( not sure as I haven't researched the BERRY HICKS on the 1840 McNairy Co. TN Census shown below :
MORE FOLKS ON the 1830-1840 McNairy Co. TN Census were :
HICKS, Byrd; 21001 10001; pg. 142; cen 1830
HICKS, Elijah; 31001 10001 pg. 149; cen 1830 ( son of Robert V. Hicks )
HICKS, Reuben; 001001 321101; pg. 135; cen. 1830
HIX, BERRY ; 5 males; 3 females; pg. 10; House/289; cen 1840
HIX, James B. ; 2 males; 3 females; pg. 16; House/484; cen 1840
HIX, Kiziah; 5 males; 3 females; pg. 6; House/177; Cen. 1840
HIX, Reuben; 4 males; 8 females; pg. 16;House/473; cen 1840
HIX, ROBERT; 1 male; 2 females; pg. 16; House/468; cen 1840
( next house to HARVEY LOVE DAVIDSON in 467 House) ROBERT V. HICKS listed then as ROBERT HIX on 1840 McNairy Co. TN Census. He is father of SARAH ANN HICKS who md. HARVEY LOVE DAVIDSON. SARAH ANN JORDAN is wife of ROBERT HIX/HICKS, thus mom to SARAH ANN HICKS DAVIDSON. ) Elijah Hicks is name of SARAH ANN HICKS DAVIDSONS brother who is also listed on court house deeds with his nephew J. M. DAVIDSON of McNairy Co. TN ( J. M. Davidson is JAMES F. MONROE DAVIDSON the son of HARVEY LOVE DAVIDSON and SARAH ANN HICKS DAVIDSON. James F. Monroe Davidson must be named for our SARAH / SALLY DAVIDSONS son, JAMES MONROE DAVIDSON b. 1825 Hickman Co. TN who is a cousin of the JAMES F. MONROE DAVIDSON in McNairy Co. TN. Sarah / Sally Davidson and Harvey Love Davidson were siblings and both children of DANIEL DAVIDSON ( shown as DAVERSON on the 1830 Hickman Co. TN Census. ) - Tina Rogers Beller, Nov. 21, 2004.
1820 Hickman Co. TN Census :
Enumerations on ANCESTRY. COM CENSUS microfilm data for two of the HICKS above are shown in this handwritten copy of original census I have transcribed below :
Berry Hicks 02 0101 00101 ( 6 total free white persons in hh )
John Hicks 300010 40010 ( 7 Total free white persons in hh )
Anson Co. NC : Abstracts of Early Records by May Wilson McBee shows 3 entries for name of DANIEL HICKS :
" pg. 71 :
9th Oct. 1771 : Ord. that John Alston, Maj. David Poor, Albright Bright, James Sargent, Wm. Alton, Edwd. Morris, Haten Morris, DAN'L HICKS, James Fry, Edward Nicholas, Saml. Parsons, Thomas Parker, and Wm. Wyvell layout road fr. Yadkin Riv. wh. Anson line crosses the most convenient way to Cross . .. Cr. "
"pg. 93 :
13 July 1774 : Ord. DANIEL HICKS be overseer from Little River to County line near Williams old store, hands Joseph Hunt, Lewis Hunt, David Poor, Chas. Allen, John Burcham, WM. JORDAN, Samuel Parsons, Edward Poor, John Macallam, Joseph Burcham, FRANCIS JORDAN, Joshua Buttin, Christopher Buttin, Thomas Dennis, Thomas Ward, Wm. Bland, Moses Bland, Wm. Spencer, Jona. Gregory, John Sowell, Wm. Sowell, Wm. Ingram, John Simmons, James Cotten, Lewis Sowell, Chas. Sowell, Henry Smith, Thos. lucas, Saml. Bruton, and Thomas Stainback. "
"pg. 102 : Saturday, 15 April 1775 : Present: James Cotton, James Pickett, James Auld, Justices.
Ord. : Aaron Sanders be Constable in room of Moses Sanders; John Ricketts, Constable, in room of Bexley John Lambden and DANIEL HICKS in room of Thos. Butten. "
1784 Charles Hicks in NC
Charles Hicks was born in 1770 in Anson County, North Carolina. He married Frances Rives in 1790 in Sussex County, Virginia, where her parents George and Sarah (Eldridge) Rives Jr. lived. Frances Rives was age 16 at the time of their The prevailing custom of the day was that marriages were conducted and recorded in the county of residence of the bride's parents. Charles Hicks and his new bride were recorded on the first national census conducted in America. One of the first Acts of the United States Congress after our War of Independence ended was to authorize that a census of all Americans then
Anson Co. NC Deeds after 1800
John Ross to Charles Hicks L-137; 10-19-1803 50 acres on Meadors Branch. 2nd tract adjacent to this tract; adj Colemon & Andrew Ross, Wm. Martin & William Ross, Williams Woods. Hutchens, John Ross; wit: William Wood, Walter Ross
Searching for information on this Thomas Hicks born in Virginia married to Mary Gwaltney in Isle of Wight Co., Va, about 1786. They had one child I know of for sure named Elias Hicks, born 1787. Where I do not know. He married 1st Lucretia Lassiter abt 1807, they had 11 children.He married 2nd Margaret P. Outland abt. 1835. They had 3 children. I have found Elias in Stewart Co., TN abt 1820. I have a list of his children and birth dates and some death dates and in some cases marriages. These lists were in my father-in-laws papers when he died, so I do not know where the list came from..I would like to place these individuals in a locality. Our direct line we are searching is through Andrew Jackson Hicks, the youngest child of Elias Hicks and Margaret P. Outland.
Thomas Hicks (born 1764) married: Mary Gwaltney June 6, 1786
CHILDREN: Elias Hicks (born 1787)
Elias Hicks married 1: Lucretia Lassiter
CHILDREN: marriage 2: Margaret P. Outland (born 1815)
CHILDREN: Andrew Jackson Hicks
I have a copy of an old news paper clipping that says:
CIVIL WAR GUN- A Denton Navy 6-cap .44 gun used in the civil war by his great-grandfather is now the proud possession of Woodrow Hicks of Murry, Ky. The gun was used by Andrew Jackson Hicks while he was a member of Duckworth's Cavalry. Still in working order, the pistol was used for target practice recently when Hicks, above left, was visited by his cousin, Gerald McFerren of Marthaville. At right is McFerren's son, Huey holding an old sabre, also owned by Hicks, orgininally came from North Carolina and married and Indian squaw who is a cousin of Powhatan. He and his two brothers settled in Kentucky and Mississippi.
COLONIAL DAMES: The Parish Register of Saint Peter's, New Kent County, Virginia from 1680 to 1787; Copyright, 1904, by The
Colonial Dames; Reprinted 1989 by the Genealogical Publishing Company for the Clearfield Co., Baltimore, MD, USA
p. 26: Deed dtd. 20 Aug 1739; Reg. [Edge. Co.] Aug. ct. 1739 Edgecombe Co., NC Deed Book 1, p. 289
Ralph MASON, Sr. of Bertie Co. to Philip SMITH
(co. not identified). For 20 pounds lawful money of
Great Britain, 110 acres more or less in 2 tracts of land
on the south side of the Morratock river on Plumb Tree
island between the lands of Buckley KIMBROUGH
(late of Joseph CALVERT and Amy Besnon VERNON{?}),
joining Robert LANG, John GRAY, Thomas WHITMELL
[WHITMILL] and the Goose pond, being the land that the
said MASON and his son Ralph Jr. formerly lived on, and
was purchased by him from William REEVES [REVES, REAVES, REVIS, REAVIS] and Nathaniel MERRIT [MERRITT], [incl.] all houses, orchards etc.
Wits.: Robert HARRIS, Richard MOORE,
Registered: J. EDWARDS C. Ct.
p. 131: Deed dtd. 8 June 1751; Reg. [Edgcombe Co.] Nov Ct., 1751
Edgecombe Co., NC Deed Book 4, p. 146
Richard HARRIS and Margaret his wife of Granville County [NC] to Marmaduke KIMBROUGH of Edgecombe County. For 50 pounds lawfull money of Great Britain, 100 acres between Roanoke river and Chockyot creek whereon Henry ROBERTSON the elder now lives and is the land made over by the sd. KIMBROUGH to the sd. HARRIS and wife for their natural lives.
Wits.: Robert HARRIS, William HICKS, Christopher HARRIS, Lewis ROBERTSON.
Registered: B. WYNNS C. Ct.
Recently, I uncovered some documents in Washington Co., TN pertaining to the origins of Aulse and Sarah (Robertson) Hicks. In the records of the Washington County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (dated May, 1807), I found the record of Sarah Robertson bringing suit against Alse Hicks "for an allowance for bastardy". The records state "ordered by court that Alse Hicks pay Sarah Robertson thirty dollars for the care and maintenance of a base born child for one year". This child was their son, Hiram Hicks, who was born in November, 1806 and was about six months old when the court case was decided. Aulse Hicks name also appears on the 1806 tax list of Captain Anderson's District in Washington Co., TN. James Roberson (Sarah's father) also appears on this same tax list.
May 1. 1677 William Hux Surry county Surry Red book
July 30. 1679 Robert Evans Surry Surry Red.
July 16. 1688 William clemens Norfolk LNCW121
oct. 27. 1690 edward pettway surry Surry Red.
March. 5. 1699 William Pettaway Surry Surry Red
May 12 1724 John Poythress Prince George
Sept 13 1726 David Crawley Prince George
Will of David Hix Senior of Onslow County, North Carolina. To Son Solomon, that part of my plantation on Bogue Sound in Cartwright County where he now dwells. To son Alexander the other part of my Bogue Sound plantations. To the two sons 400 acres. To wife Martha Hix during widowhood remainder of estate. To son Moses one negro. To son David negros. To son Fredrick negros. To daughter Martha negros. To daughter Jane negros. Signed 13 Sep 1778, David (x) Hix. [Original Wills of Onslow County, North Carolina, FHC Film #1,577,755.]
Thomas (Daniel 3, Capt. Robert 2)
He moved to North Carolina where he married Elizabeth Williams of Onslow County. In 1754 he was a ...
and by him deeded to John Daniel and by him to Thomas Hicks and he to Benjamin Hicks and by him to Daniel Hicks.
On 7 Aug 1752, Thomas Jenkins and --- Johnston witnessed a deed from William Loyd to Thomas Hicks. (Onslow Co, NC Deed Book D page 6).
1778 House of Delegates (Burgess)
The other officers were William Drinkard, Sr., william Drinkard, Jr.. doorkeepers; Edmund Pendleton, Jr., clerk of the Committee of Elections; Augustine Davis, printer; and on the following day William Pierce was elected sergeant-at-arms, and Daniel Hicks, one of the doorkeepers. Augustine Davis was the editor and proprietor of the Virginia Gazette, and somewhat later postmaster of Richmond.
The Committee of Privileges and Elections were so distinguished a body that I annex their names, with the remark that such an array of genius, talents, and public and private worth had not been seen before, nor has it been seen since, on such a committee in Virginia: Henjamin Harrison, George Mason, His Excellency Governor Randolph, Patrick Henry. George Nicholas, John Marshall, Paul CarringU>n, John Tyler, Alexander White, John Blair, Theodore Bland, William Grayson, Daniel Fisher, Thomas Mathews, John Jones, George Wythe, William Cabell, James Taylor of Caroline, Gabriel Jones, Francis Corbin, James Innes, James Monroe, Henry Lee, and Cuthbert Bullitt.
The Majors and Their Marriages - Page 62
James Branch Cabell - 1915
John Major's name, meanwhile, had figured off and on in the York county records, in divers entries of no particular importance beyond ... due him; a suit against Joseph Lemon, which was dismissed; and a suit against Thomas Hix, administrator of Thomas Hix, deceased, ... affairs in York, and that 1710 was the date of his settling in Charles City county,
Charles City County, Virginia Wills & Deeds, 1725-1731 - Page 27
Benjamin B. Weisiger - 1984 -
Charles City Co., for £ 5l/l0, sold plantation called "Potters Feild" in Wilmington Parish, now Westover, in James City, now Charles City, then in occupation of Thomas Hix; 300 acres granted to John Robbins by patent l April l639, with all houses, sold land and acknowledged it in James City Court April 6, 1706
Oct. 1727 Inventory of Poynes Maylard, dec'd value L 30/14/0 by court order of August 1727, appraised by David Davidson Thomas Hix, James Williams.
John Hix of Charles City County, planter, sold Petar Talbot, 150 acres of .
Deed John Hix of Charles City Co. , planter, for £20, to Peter Talbott of same, planter, land called "Macklins" lying on north side of Moses Run, l50 acres; bounded ...
John Hix and Rebecca Hix witnesses to the will of Thomas Lewis, deceased.
John Hix and Rebecca Hix witnesses to the will of Thomas Lewis, deceased. (Ibid, page 856.) 1726, Mar. 9.
Robert Hix, of Lawnes Creek Parish, Surry Co. to John Fitzgerald, of Bristol Parish, Prince George Co. conveying 1120 acres on south side Appomattox River in Bristol Parish, formerly held by John Evans and by him conveyed to Robert Hix on
1722 Feb. 11, Robert Hix Junior of Surry Co. to Thomas Hardaway
1752, August 18, Joseph Hix, of Surry Co. to Blueford Pleasant, of same; £20 currency. 150 acres in Surry Co. on Seacoys Swamp. Adjoining John Smith, Wm. Brown and Lightfoot (Deed Book 6, page 482) Ann, wife of Joseph Hix relinquished dower in said land.
In Charles City County, VA, Thomas Hix and David Davidson helped produced the will inventories/appraisals, or were witnesses/security on wills, for Gibby Gibson and Poynes Maylord (1727 and 1728). A John Lide was also involved with one of these wills, and he had other associations with David Davidson.
The inventory of the estate of Gibby Gibson who died in Charles City Co., VA about 1727 was taken by a Mr. Lyde/Lide, a Thomas Hix/Hixe and a David Davidson. This was the David Davidson "II" who died in Charles City Co., VA in 1756 (his father was an older David Davidson "I" who had died in James City Co., VA in 1687).
Joseph and Anne Hix
John, 7/19/42, John Roberts, Daniel Massengale, Mary Roberts
Wm., 12/22/44, John McGarrity, James Missengale, Jr., Prissilla Davidson
Historical Southern Families - Volume 3 - Page 185
Mrs. John Bennett Boddie - 1959
As these two last above mentioned first cousins inherited considerable property the deeds and order Books of Surry, after ... leaving John Hix and my wife Executors to pay and receive any Debt this being my last Will and Testiment and in the ...
gr s/o James HAGGARD
[b. 1672-1678]
m. Nancy HIX
d/o Nathaniel HIX
Oct. 1701, p. 396- Trans, of 7 pers: John Lee, Robert Boreman, Humphry Hix, Henry Snetgrove, Mary Drin, U. Standback, Wm. Lambud. 24, Oct. 1701.
1777 Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia: Extracted ..., Volume 1
John Hix, servant of Joshua Humphreys, gives up his freedom dues in consideration of being set free.
Cutliff Harman (son of George Hermann and Mary Margaret Wiley) was born 1748 in In PA or Rowan Co.,(now Randolph Co.), NC, and died February 1838 in Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC. He married (1) Susanna (Susan) Fouts on Bet. 1772 - 1774 in Rowan Co., NC, daughter of John Michael Pfautz, Sr. and Katarina Varner. He married (2) Mary Elizabeth Parker on December 28, 1817 in Ashe Co., NC.
Notes for Cutliff Harman:
Name may have been anglicized from "Gottlieb Hermann"
6/1798- Sold his 60 acres on the Unwharrie River and moved to Wilkes Co., NC
Bought a 522 acres farm on Cove Creek from James Gwyn
More About Cutliff Harman and Susanna (Susan) Fouts:
Marriage: Bet. 1772 - 1774, Rowan Co., NC.
More About Cutliff Harman and Mary Elizabeth Parker:
Marriage: December 28, 1817, Ashe Co., NC.
Children of Cutliff Harman and Susanna (Susan) Fouts are:
Mathias Harman, b. Abt. 1774, Rowan Co., NC, d. March 19, 1856, IN.
Mary Harman, b. Abt. 1775, Rowan Co., NC, d. 1855, Valle Crucis, Watauga Co., NC.
Catherine Harman, b. Abt. 1780, d., Careyville, Campbell Co., TN.
Nancy Harman, b. 1781, Rowan Co., NC, d. July 31, 1856, Watauga County, N.C..
Elizabeth Harman, b. Abt. 1782, Rowan Co., NC, d. Bet. 1821 - 1823, Old Harmon Cemetery, Sugar Grove, Cove Creek Twp., Watauga Cty, NC.
Andrew Harman, b. February 05, 1789, Rowan Co., NC, d. March 16, 1814, Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC.
Susan(nah) E. Harman, b. March 05, 1791, Rowan Co., NC, d. July 15, 1868, Watauga County, N.C..
+Eli Harmon, b. April 05, 1793, Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC, d. June 30, 1828.
Rachel Harman, b. Abt. 1796, Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC, d. Aft. 1870.
Rebecca Harman, b. Bet. June 20 - July 20, 1798, Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC, d. Bet. April 05 - May 04, 1864, Taylorville, Christian Co., IL.
Andrew Harman (b. February 05, 1789, d. March 16, 1814)
Andrew Harman (son of Cutliff Harman and Susanna (Susan) Fouts) was born February 05, 1789 in Rowan Co., NC, and died March 16, 1814 in Ashe Cty., (Now Watauga Cty.), NC. He married Sabra Hicks.
Notes for Andrew Harman:
Killed by a falling tree
More About Andrew Harman:
Burial: Old Harmon Cemetery, Sugar Grove, Cove Creek Twp., Watauga Cty, NC.
Civil War
58th North Carolina Troops once I am done. The book will be published by McFarland and Company, of Jefferson, North Carolina.
The men I am seeking information on are as follows:
Name Rank Co. Place of Enlist. Date of Birth Date of DeathPlace of Burial
Hicks, Andrew Pvt. D Watauga ca.1829 1893 Hicks Family Cem., Watauga Co. (5)
Hicks, Carroll Pvt. D Watauga ca.1839 23 Sept. 1863 Cumberland Gap. TN
Hicks, Harmon Pvt. D Watauga prior 22 Mar. 1862 Jacksboro, TN
Hicks, James Young Pvt. F McDowell 21 Jun. 1823
Hicks, John N. Pvt. E/H *Watauga ca.1835 (5)
Hicks, Levi Pvt. D Watauga ca.1830
Hicks, Patterson Pvt. D Watauga ca.1843 2 Mar. 1863 Cumberland Gap, TN
Hicks, W. W. --- D
Andrew and Levi both "left"and returned home. Andrew had sickness and never was accused of desertion. Levi was court martialed and named a deserter. Hirams' son John also left in Jan, 1863. They had seen Carrol, Patterson, Harmon(son of William)die and John Wesley(brother to Hiram)lose an arm.
They had been in service just 6 months but had fought in
two engagements and were in camp in Big Creek Gap and left in Jan,1863.None were recaptured but they all had to "hideout"south of the Watauga river visiting their families at night.
After the war, Andrew remained in Watauga county,and Levi,the only other surviving son of "Sammy Hicks"moved to Linville Falls and Madison county.
Ransom Teaster (1)
(Ransom Tester)
Ransom (1) Teaster was born in the Watauga area about 1819. In this story he will usually be designated as Ransom (1) so that he will not be confused with his grandson, Ransom (2) Teaster, the husband of Laura Russell. Ransom (1) married Fanny Hicks in Ashe County , NC on October 27, 1841.
Until recently, not much was known about the life of Ransom (1). It was known that he was living in Watauga County just before the Civil War. It was also known that he did not accompany his wife, Fanny, and sons, Harmon and Samuel (3), on their move to Madison County around 1870. There has been a family story among his decendants that "Grandpa was killed in the War (Civil War) and was buried over around Atlanta." It was never certain if this story were true or exactly which "Grandpa" it referred to. With the help of the internet and the National Archives this story has been found to be true and that it was about Ransom (1).
In Ransom’s official Civil War record from the National Archive his last name is spelled both "Teaster" and "Tester". These records , along with other records , tell the following story:
Ransom joined the Confederate Army on July 7, 1862 in Boone, NC. He was about 43 years old. He enlisted at the same time as his nephew Finley Teaster, who was about 17. They were in Company D of the 58th North Carolina Infantry Regiment. Ransom and Finley had other relatives in D Company of the 58th NC. There were eight Hicks (Hix) that became part of the company. Finley’s mother was a Hicks and Ransom married into the Hicks family.
Ransom was on active duty until February 11, 1863 when he deserted. He returned back to duty on June 19 after being gone 4 months. He served on active duty until September 5 of the same year when he again deserted. His pay record for this period says he "dropped from the roll but was expected to return". He did return on January 23, 1864 after being gone another four months. During this period while he was away, his unit was in the battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga.
When he returned to his unit it was in winter camp in Dalton, Georgia. As Sherman and the Union army advanced, the 58th and Ransom were pushed back to Dallas , GA by way of Resaca. There were several battles during this time. Ransom died of typhoid fever in the CSA field hospital in the Dallas area on June 10, 1864. This was 2 weeks before the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in that same vicinity.
There is no information about burial location, etc. The family story picks up again in the 1870’s when Ransom’s widow Fanny (Hicks) moved with some of her grown children and their children, including Ransom (2), to the Fines Creek and Madison County -Max Patch area of North Carolina from Boone in Watauga County.
Ransom Teaster (2)
(Ransom Tester)
Ransom was born on September 10, 1866 in Watauga County near present day Boone, North Carolina.
Ransom was one of ten children born to Harmon Teaster and Susie Hicks (sometimes spelled Hix). Their marriage was just one of the many marriages between the Teaster and Hicks families over several generations. In the remote mountain areas potential marriage partners were scarce and marriages between cousins was common. The Hicks family had settled the Watauga area even before the Teasters. David Hicks, Susie’s ancestor, is generally credited with being the first white settler in the present Watauga County, NC area. He is discussed in detail in the section of the story devoted to the Hicks family.
Ransom was named after Harmon’s father, Ransom (1), who had died during the Civil War. Ransom, as an adult, remembered his childhood in Watauga County. One of his stories concerned when he was about six years old. His family was living on or near Beech Mountain. His job, during the spring and summer , as a six year old, was to watch the cornfield and keep the bears scared away from it.
When Ransom was about seven years old, his family moved from the Watauga area down into Madison County , North Carolina. This was sometime around 1870. His family’s move was part of a larger family migration from Watauga to Madison County. In addition to Harmon and Susie’s family, the families of Samuel Teaster (3), Harmon’s brother, and Patterson and Willis Hicks also moved about the same time. Moving with Harmon and Susie was Harmon’s mother Fanny Hicks. She had become a widow when her husband Ransom (1) died while in the Confederate army. It is not known why so many family members moved at on time to relocate.
The families moved to the southern edge of Madison County close to its border with Haywood County. Their little settlement was in the vicinity of Meadow Fork Creek. This is close to the bald mountain known as Max Patch. Even today this is a rough, wild country and hard to get to. The state line between North Carolina and Tennessee runs right beside Max Patch. The route of the Appalachian Trail was picked so that it would go through the most remote and scenic parts of the mountains. It runs directly up and over Max Patch.
One of Ransom’s stories was that he and his wife Laura were the first people to farm on Max Patch.
Another of Ransom’s stories involved Harmon and his logging camp. Shortly after the move, when Ransom was about 8 years old, he was taking a meal to Harmon’s camp in the vicinity of Lemon Gap from their house near Max Patch. On the way to the camp Ransom got lost. Before he could find the camp, it got dark. The scared and cold 8 year old spent a lonely night on the mountain before he was found the next day.
1860 census Watauga Falls
Councel Harmon 53
Celia Harmon 40
Cyrena Harmon 20
Rebecca Harmon 17
Goulder Harmon 15
Sabra Harmon 14
Carneline Harmon 12
William R Harmon 6
Wiley Harmon 6
Alley Harmon 5
Councel Harmon 2
From "The Hicks Family Journal" by Tom Keel; unpublished
On May 25, 1637, Samuel Hix arrived from England and stepped upon the shores of the Rappahannock River on the Potomac. According to the information contained the "The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina" by John Henry, Mattie Hicks and Barnabas B. Hicks, copyright 1991. Samuel Hix was the first in the line of the Watauga River, North Caroline Hicks families. This Samuel Hix was also the first of the line of Hicks who followed the migration routes from Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and westward. By the time Samuel arrived, the population of the Virginia colony was approximately 5,000, including two or three hundred Negro slaves.
Samuel came to America as an indentured servant whose transportation was paid by Peter and Margaret Rey, a family living some fifty miles south of the Rappahannock in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia. This area is near the present day city of Norfolk. The Rey family lived on the south side of the James River, however, they claimed headrights to the one hundred acres on the Rappahannock for the importation of SAMUEL HIX and one other person. The following entry appears in the book, "Cavalies and Pioneer", Patent book number one, part one, on page 58 and 59.
"Peter Rey and William Jacob - 350 acres, Isle of Wight Co., 25 May 1637, p.431. At the head of New Towne have next adjoining land of Edward Rogers, S.E. into the banke of said river, 100 acres for the per. adv. of said Rey & Margarett, his wife, 50 acres for trans. of his son Henry Rey & 100 acres by assignment from James Pointeau, to whom it was due for trans. of himself & Anthony Lufurrier; 100 acres for the per. adv. of said Jacob and trans. of 1 servt. called Samuell Hicks (Hickes)."
It should be noted that many of the early settlers who came to Virginia did not come as paying passengers . . . .they came as indentured servants. These were people who could not pay but were force for various reasons to emigrate with the understanding that their fares would be paid by a sponsor who was already established in the Colony. To reimburse his sponsor, the settler agreed to work as a laborer or servant for five years after which he would be entitled to fifty acres of land, some farm tools, and others necessities required for a start on his own. He also had the option of shortening his servitude by forfeiting his right to these supplies. The sponsor, in addition to the immigrant's services, received fifty acres of land. In return, the sponsor fed, clothed, and provided his indentures with the implements required to begin life as yeoman farmers in the new world. For more than 100 years, this was the only way, except for a grant from the King of England, to acquire land in Virginia. In the same year that Samuel Hix arrived, and about the same time, a James Hicks was brought to New Norfolk County in southern Virginia. As far as the records show, they were the only immigrants named Hicks (Hix) who arrived in 1637. This is verified on paged 159 of the book, "Early Virginia Immigrants, 1636-1666" by George Cabell Green, Clerk Virginia State Land Office, published in 1912 by W.C. Hill Printing Co., Richmond, Virginia. James Hicks' transportation was paid by Oliver Sprye of New Norfolk Co., Virginia. James and Samuel may have been related, however, no evidence can be found to prove the relationship. Family legend is that two brothers from London arrived in America and "one went north and one went south". The area where Samuel settled after his arrival was known as York County. After completing his period of servitude, he moved southward and settled in Gloucester County, just north of the York Rivers. Although there is no record of his marriage or of his children that can be firmly identified, researchers have reconstructed the likely names of his sons based on the names of his grandchildren. It is very probable that Samuel had some sons as follows; Nathaniel, William, Samuel, Joseph, Henry and Daniel. The names are used as the basis of the second generation of the line of Hicks in America. One of these sons, while living in Gloucester or York County, had sons with the following names; Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Henry, and Daniel.
Several of these sons moved west and south to New Kent County in the area which later became Hanover County. This is the area just north of the present city of Richmond near the junction of the North and South Anna Rivers where they became the Pamunky.
A Report of the Record Commissioners, Volume 21; Boston MA:
Sarah the Daughter of Samuel Hix was born March 12, 1681- 82
Samuel Hix Dyed Nov. 15, 1709
Samuel Hixe 1617 – 1708
Death 1708 in Colony, Laurel, Kentucky, United States
wife Sarah Preston
Birth 1662 in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Death Feb 1698 in James City, Virginia, United States
John Hix
1658 – 1720
Joseph Hix
1686 – 1711
John Hix
1689 – 1748
Thomas Hix
1690 – 1710
James Hix
1700 – 1770
Daniel Hix [doesn't fit family line]
1704 – 1735
Birth 1704 in James City, Virginia, United States
Death 15 Jul 1735 in Goochland, Goochland, Virginia, United States
Name: Nancy Prather (Proffitt's great Aunt)
Spouse: Ira Prather
Birth: abt 1877 - Tennessee
Residence: 1930 - Beaverdam, Watauga, North Carolina
Need to sort:
Here is another connection to the Goochland/Cumberland Hix family that adds
the Willis' and a timely move to NC. You can find a narrative on-line by
googling "willis family of Caswell north carolina". Here is an excerpt:
More is known of Robert, (son of Robert(?)), who married Mary Price and
later Agnes, whose surname is unknown. He died about 1749. His children
were: Robert Willis married Hellender Nailine; Zene Willis married A. Hix;
Anne Price Willis; Betty Willis married Henry Hicks(?); William Willis;
Price Willlis; Williamson Willis. There may have been others. He was a
carpenter. David Willis appears in Goochland (later Cumberland?) records
in 1743; he died ca 1749. He had sons Edward and William and possibly a
daughter, Jemima who married John Woodall. He worked as a shoemaker. He is
believed to have been a kinsman of Edward (ca 1660-1735) of Hanover
County. Other Willises appear briefly in the records before moving on to
other parts. They were Richard, Thomas, Edward, Major. So the ancestry of
Henry Willis is questionable. Was it William? Was it Robert? David does
not seem likely. In 1762, when Henry sold his land on Tuckahoe Creek,
Edward Willis (probably son of David) witnessed. When he arrived in Orange
NC, .........
This may set up the NC birth of Ammill Willis in 1772, he could have
travelled back up into Virginia and found a group of the Hix family then in
Greebrier ????????
Donna Hewett
I looked at Marmaduke Hicks when last at the Library of Virginia. The
first land grant I found for him was 1729 in Goochland County. Cumberland
Cty was formed from parts of Goochland Cty in 1749. King William Parish
records from 1700 to 1777 covered the area that is now Cumberland Cty. I
was intrigued because I found surnames: Hicks/Hix, Willis, and Bailey in
abundance in the parish records. I am interested in Bailey/Baley because
I once found an Amel Bailey in NC about the same time period as our Ammill,
can't locate which county now. (We all know the scarcity of people named
Amel/Ammill - pronounced "amul".)
From Goochland Deedbook #2, page 192, there is an entry from 1730 which
lists Agnes as the wife of Marmaduke. Any info in the 1776 Marmaduke deed
to indicate whether this is the same person? He would need to be about 70
years old by that time.
Also in Goochland records, I found references to wills for Daniel Hix, July
1735 and for John Hix 1748.
I had missed Miller's reference to Cumberland County - thanks for bringing
that to light. Maybe I wasn't on a wild goose chase after all.
Sorry, my notes from VA are sketchy - I was trying to look at various
Hicks populations and ethnicity in the 1700's. These Cumberland folks
were probably of English origin.
Donna Hewett
What do we have on the Cumberland Co Hicks/Hix family? Miller's (History of Summers Co) mention of a connection to Cumberland Co is surely a clue ..... otherwise why would he mention it ..... surely he didn't just pull it out of a hat.. I have a will for John Hicks of Cumberland Co, dated 7 May 1775, recorded 22 Jan 1776, names a son John ..... this John could be the first John Hicks/Hix who shows up in Greenbrier Co. I have not done any additional research on this family. So how do we prove or at least cite a good case of circumstantial evidence to suggest a connection? Shall we look for John the son mentioned in the will, and perhaps gather info on the other kids?
P. S. I also have some (disjointed) notes on a Sarah Hicks (widow of Wm), 1758, of Cumberland Co, and a Wm Hix Sr, 1765, a James & Anna Hix, 1765, and a Marmaduke Hix, 1776. in the Cumberland Co Deeds.
Marmaduke Hicks and Wm. Moss .... 1729
255 28 Sep 1730 VPB 14:134-2 Marmaduke Hix 400a Goochlan/W s LittleDeep Ck of S s James Riv
Marmaduke Hix's wife was Agnes
By the way, other Hix males in Goochland County, VA on tithe lists in 1736 and 1746 were:
Duke (1736; the rest are 1746) Marmaduke Hix, Marmaduke Hix, Jr., John Hix, Archer Hix, Stephen Hix, Thos. Jolly Hix, Gideon Hix, Samuel Hix, Samuel Hix, Jr. and Henry Hix.
The Hicks family is of interest to me in that my GG aunt, Mary A. Fox married James A. Hicks in Person County 20 Nov. 1824. Person was part of Caswell County before 1792.
To David A. Hicks and Sarah Rhew Yarborough Hicks (October 15, 1837-December 11, 1891), four children were born: Fannie Hicks
Montgomery County Genealogical Journal - Volumes 4-6 - Page 98; 1974
Conveyed to Cheatham a parcel of land containing 320 acres more or less excepting two acres and one half sold to Henry Hicks, joining Willis Hicks, including where Henry Hicks house now stands likewise excepting twenty-five more acres
Henry Hicks & Betty Willis a Son named Henry born Oct: 24 1756. Baptized 1757 feb: 27. p. 50. Henry Hicks & Betty Willis a son named Harman born Mar: 5 1760. Baptized 1760 May 4. p. 57.
book: Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his descendants in Carroll County, Tennessee: family members of Michael Clark of England and Barbados, and his son Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia, the migration of his sons to Anson County, North Carolina and descendants to Henry, Weakley, and Carroll Counties of Tennessee.
Listed in the Virginia Quit Rolls of land in James City in 1704, were John Hix, 115 acres,
John Hix m. Ann Harrison
James hix died jan. 28, 1776 pittsylvania co wife was Frances and brother benjamin hix
john hix wife mary
Captain John Hix 1781
William Hicks m. 1788 Elizabeth harris. Mary Hick give consent
Descendants of Jacob Hicks (New England Hix)
1 Jacob Hicks b: Jun 1669 d: 22 Mar 1755 i: 30
. +Hannah Carpenter b: 1672 m: 1701 d: Aft. 1718 i: 30
.... 2 Samuel Hicks b: Oct 1702 d: 10 May 1735 i: 43
........ +Martha Doughty aka: Mary Doughty b: 1705 m: 1723 i: 43
.... 2 Stephen Hicks b: 18 Jan 1703/04 d: 04 Jan 1775 i: 43
........ +Elizabeth Moore b: 07 Oct 1734 m: 08 Sep 1755 i: 43
.... 2 Thomas Hicks b: 02 May 1706 d: 10 Mar 1776 i: 43
........ +Temperance Titus b: 14 Oct 1707 m: 14 Nov 1729 i: 43
.... 2 Jacob Hicks, Jr. b: 04 Jun 1708 d: 06 Mar 1769 i: 43
........ +Mary Seaman b: Abt. 1710 m: 08 May 1732 i: 43
.... 2 Sarah Hicks b: 08 Aug 1710 i: 43
........ +Jacob Hoyt b: 03 Apr 1705 m: 06 Nov 1732 i: 43
.... 2 John Hicks b: 25 Dec 1711 d: 1789 i: 43
........ +Martha Smith b: 30 Sep 1709 i: 43
........... 3 Elias Hicks b: 19 Mar 1747/48 d: 27 Feb 1830 in Westbury, Long Island i: 68, p. 2
............... +Jemima Seaman b: 21 Sep 1750 m: 02 Jan 1771 i: 68
.... *2nd Wife of John Hicks:
........ +Phoebe Powell b: 16 Mar 1715/16 m: 1764 i: 43
.... 2 Benjamin Hicks b: 29 Jun 1713 d: 18 Jun 1744 i: 43
........ +Phoebe Titus b: 1717 m: 02 Dec 1736 i: 43
........... 3 Silas Hicks b: 10 Jun 1737 i: 69
............... +Rachel Seaman b: 1742 m: 03 Feb 1762 i: 69
........... 3 Samuel Hicks b: 30 Aug 1741 d: 20 Nov 1819 i: 69
............... +Phebe Seaman b: 04 Jun 1747 m: 26 Jun 1765 i: 69
.... 2 Joseph I. Hicks b: 12 Aug 1714 i: 43
.... 2 Elisabeth Hicks b: 1716 i: 43
.... 2 Hannah Hicks b: 1718 i: 43
........ +David Titus b: 20 Apr 1719 m: 26 Jun 1741 i: 43
.... *2nd Husband of Hannah Hicks:
........ +Thomas Hallet b: Abt. 1715 m: Aft. 1742 i: 43
There is another Samuel who is the son of Benjamin grandson of Jacob as above, and a Samuel who was the son of George Newton Hicks, and a fourth one (Samuel Downey Hicks) who was the son of J. R. Hicks.
HICKS of the Ship Fortune because he had a son named Samuel b. 1611. This
Samuel married Lydia DOANE. Up until now, I thought that Samuel & Lydia only
had daughters, but I found a reference on the web to a son they had named
Samuel b. 1651. The reference was:
The Doane Family, Vols. 1 and 2, by A.A. Doane, pub 1902 and 1975 by The Doane Family Association of America, Inc.
Mar.___ 3, 1773; Samuel Huff & Sarah Hix, dt John; Peter Huff, Surety.
Mar. 20, 1784; Farthing Hix & Rhoda Turner, dt Isaiah; John Hix, Surety; Married by William Johnson, March 22, 1784.
Oct. 22, 1787; Jesse Hix & Jane Ferrill; Dan Stockton, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, Oct. 25, 1787.
Nov. 26, 1787; Allen Drake & Jemimah Hix; Phillip Hix, Surety.
Jan. 23, 1788; William Turner & Betsey Hix, dt John; William Hix, Surety; Married by James Mitchell, Jan. 23, 1788.
Nov. 5, 1793; Henry Brown & Susanna Hix; Patrick Hix, Surety.
Apr. 25, 1796; James Thomason & Nancy Hix; Philips Hix, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, May 3, 1796.
Feb. 26, 1798; William Durham & Polly Hix, dt Philip; Dennis McCormack, Surety.
Jan. 10, 1803; Daniel Fields & Rebecca Hix; Farthing Hix, Surety; Married by Alderson Weeks, Jan. 13, 1803.
Jul. 25, 1803; Farthing Hix & Peggy Weeks; George Weeks, Surety; Married by Alderson Weeks, July 28, 1803.
Dec. 21, 1804; William Hicks & Avey Lee; Beverly Lee, Surety.
Jun. 4, 1805; James Hix & Celia Dickerson; Clement Dickerson, Surety.
Feb. 6, 1807; Archibald Ferguson & Fanny Hix, dt Farthing; Daniel Field, Surety.
Sep. 2, 1810; Jeremiah Hix & Mary Williams; Farthing Hix, Surety.
Dec. 21, 1810; Alexander Marshall & Betsey Hix, dt Jesse; James Hix, Surety.
Nov. 10, 1813; Cad Drake & Elizabeth Hix, dt Rebeckker; William Drake, Surety.
Jan. 7, 1814; Samuel Brown & Susanna Hix; James Thomason, Surety.
Mar. 24, 1817; Samuel Marshall & Hannah S. Hix; Jesse Hix, Surety.
Nov. 12, 1818; William Hicks & Betsy Meador; Cad Drake, Surety.
Nov. 25, 1819; Johnston Bocock & Sally Hix; Robert Hawkins, Surety; Married by Frederick Kabler, Dec. 1, 1819.
May 13, 1830; John Hix & Nancy Hix, dt William; Thomas Hicks, Surety.
Aug. 20, 1833; Christopher Hix & Dosha Whorley; Philip Hix, Surety; Consent of Jesse Crown, guardian for Dosha; Married by John Ayers, Aug. 29, 1833.
Apr. 27, 1837; Philip Hix & Caroline Meador, dt Richard, Sr. and Sarah; Calvin Spradlin, Surety.
Feb. 3, 1841; James Hix & Lucinda Meador; Clement Dickerson, Surety; Consent of William Meador.
Dec. 25, 1843; James H. Hix & Florentine Bassham; Richard H. Anderson, Surety; Consent of John R. and Carline Dellis.
Nov. 5, 1844; Drury Hix & Polly Ann Ellis, dt Thomas M.; Thomas Ellis, Surety; Married by Benjamin Meador.
Dec. 2, 1844; John Ellis & Jane Hix, dt William; James Hannabass, Surety; Married by Benjamin Meador.
May 23, 1848; William H. Hicks & Adeline R. Branch, dt Nancy; Edward P. Layn, Surety.
Oct. 13, 1851; Drury Hix & Ann H. Mitchell, dt Jabez; David Hannabass, Surety.
Extracted from the appendix in Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol VI, Virginia. (Marriages are NOT Quaker) They've been grouped by surname, and arranged chronologically. The bonds are also listed under the bride's surname.
My ancestor was James M. Hicks/Hix, born c1774 in Goochland Co., VA. He moved at some point in his life to Lincoln Co., NC.. I found him there by the 1810 census and their is also a record of 1805 regarding the estate of John Yates, des'c, naming James Hicks and wife Sussanah Yates (daughter of John). I believe James was likely in Lincoln Co., prior to this, possibly living in the home of a brother named John HIcks, who was a head of household living next door to John Yates in 1800. Two males 16-25 were in the Hicks home.
John HIcks seems to have disappeared by the 1810 census, when James then began to appear. I believe John died or moved away.
The 1860 census of Lincoln Co., NC., had the information that James was born in Goochland, VA. (I'm not sure if the census recorder specifically asked what county and state, but he apparently provided it and that was what was recorded. I am looking to find the Hicks/Hix family of Goochland which my ancestor came from.
Benjamin Ward (c1750-1820) of Ashe County, NC is the son of Benjamin Ward, born 1717 to Richard Ward & his wife, Frances, of Lunenburg County, VA. Richard & Frances also had a daughter, Tahpenes Ward who married Phillip Webber & stayed in Virginia. Seeking any information about what became of Benjamin Ward, Sr. -- son of Richard Ward.
Benjamin Ward, wife Selah, died 1805 Ashe Co. N.C. leaving will, but did not name ALL of his children.
Nancy Hix is my ggggg grandmother. The information that I have found shows she was born around 1751 in Virginia, and her father's name was Nathaniel Hix (Sr. I believe). Th
Based upon 1850 Fayette co, TN census
page 366 14th Civil District
Samuel HIX was born Abt. 1789 in VA.
Samuel married Mary Hix born Abt. 1793 in VA. Where and when unk
Samuel HIX and Mary Hix (maiden unk) had the following children:
1. Samuel Hix, Jr was born Abt. 1827 in VA.
2. Lucy M Hix was born Abt. 1835 in VA.
3. Merritt D. Hix was born Abt. 1832 in VA.
Wife: ELIZABETH9 HOLLOWAY born 1834 in Tennessee. She married MERRITT D. HIX September 14, 1853 in Somerville, Fayette County, Tennessee More on her family on file.
M D HIX was still in Fayette co, TN in the 1860 census.
MORE ON Merritt D HIX based on 1880 census
Coffeeville, Yalobusha, Mississippi
Source: FHL Film 1254669 National Archives Film T9-0669 Page 175A
Merritt D. Hix 1834 -aft 1880 - also appears in TN 1850 & 1860 Census
b: Bef. 1834 in Virginia
.. +Elizabeth Holloway 1834 - aft 1880
b: 1834
in also appears in TN 1850 & 1860 Census
......... 2 James Spencer Hix 1856 - after 1880
b: Abt. 1856 TN
......... 2 John L Hix 1858 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1858 TN
......... 2 William M Hix 1864 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1864 TN
......... 2 Male Child Carrie or Kary H Hix 1866 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1866 TN
......... 2 Samuel R Hix 1869 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1869 TN
......... 2 Walter Lee Hix 2 Feb 1871 Somerville, Fayette co, TN -d 23 Jun1952 Memphis, TN Married Ariel Inez RIGGS B Aurora, IN - May 20, 1876. Lived in Louisville Jefferson co, KY in 1900 Census
Walter and Ariel found in Memphis, TN in 1920 census. Walter and Ariel are my GrandParents
b: 2 Feb 1871 TN
......... 2 Lucy Hix 1876 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1876 MS
I have found Samuel Hix in the follow census:
1820 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
1830 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
1840 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
I have verified that this is my Samuel Hix father of Merritt Hix based on the marriages of his children in Cumberland County, VA ... Some of them showed up on the same 1850 Fayette Co, TN census page.
Roby Monroe Hicks b. 1882, m. Buna Hicks (b. 1888) decended from Cutliff 2 times (Ballad Jovial Hunter) also known by Sam Harmon (Cades Cove TN)
"The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina: Watauga River Lines". On page 157 Harry Hicks is shown as the son of Willet Hicks (b.9 Nov 1916) and Goldie Woods. They had four children: Wade, Harry, Glen, and Betty Jean who married Wayne Buchanan. No birth or death dates are shown for Harry. However, he was married to Dorothy Carpenter. They had three children: Loretta, Timmy, Chris.
Jack tales
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A collection of English folk tales centering around a character usually named "Jack," Jack tales are also popular in Appalachian folklore.[1]
The Jack in these tales is usually a weak character, sometimes a foolish one, but generally a kindly one. Jack and the Beanstalk and Jack the Giant Killer are only two of the most popular Jack tales.
Richard Chase, an American Folklorist, collected in his book "The Jack Tales" many popular Appalachian Jack tales as told by descendents of Council Harmon. Council Harmon's grandfather, Cutliff Harmon, is known to very possibly be the one who originally brought the Jack tales to America.[2][3]
As pointed out by folklorist Herbert Halpert, the Appalachian Jack tales are an oral tradition as opposed to written, and like many Appalachian folksongs, trace back to sources in England.[4] For instance, where the English original would feature a king or other noble, the Appalachian Jack tale version would have a sheriff. Some stories feature Jack's brothers, Will and Tom. Some Jack tales feature themes that trace to Germanic folk tales.
External links
List of Jack tales at ferrum.edu
Jack tales at ibilio.org
Suggested Reading
William Bernard McCarthy, Cheryl Oxford and Joseph Daniel Sobol, Jack in Two Worlds: Contemporary North American Tales and Their Tellers, University of North Carolina Press (1994), ISBN-13: 978-0807821350
Julia Taylor Ebel, Orville Hicks: Mountain Stories, Mountain Roots, Parkway Publishers (2005), ISBN-13: 978-1933251028
1.^ Journey Through Fantasy Literature: A Resource Guide for Teachers. Vol. I. Ed. Roberta T. Herrin. 1988–89.
2.^ Betty N. Smith, Jane Hicks Gentry: A Singer Among Singers, University Press of Kentucky (1998), ISBN-13: 978-0813109367 , page 15.
3.^ Julia Taylor Ebel and Orville Hicks, Orville Hicks: Mountain Stories, Mountain Roots, University Press of Kentucky (1998), ISBN-13: 978-0813109367, page 11.
4.^ Richard Chase, ed., The Jack Tales, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1943, ISBN: 0-395-06694-8. "Told by R. M. Ward and his kindred in the Beech Mountain section of Western North Carolina and by other descendants of Council Harmon (1803-1896) elsewhere in The Southern Mountains; with three tales from Wise County, Virginia. Set down from these sources and edited by Richard Chase; with an appendix compiled by Herbert Halpert; and illustrated by Berkeley Williams, Jr."
Civil War
58th North Carolina Troops once I am done. The book will be published by McFarland and Company, of Jefferson, North Carolina.
The men I am seeking information on are as follows:
Name Rank Co. Place of Enlist. Date of Birth Date of DeathPlace of Burial
Hicks, Andrew Pvt. D Watauga ca.1829 1893 Hicks Family Cem., Watauga Co. (5)
Hicks, Carroll Pvt. D Watauga ca.1839 23 Sept. 1863 Cumberland Gap. TN
Hicks, Harmon Pvt. D Watauga prior 22 Mar. 1862 Jacksboro, TN
Hicks, James Young Pvt. F McDowell 21 Jun. 1823
Hicks, John N. Pvt. E/H *Watauga ca.1835 (5)
Hicks, Levi Pvt. D Watauga ca.1830
Hicks, Patterson Pvt. D Watauga ca.1843 2 Mar. 1863 Cumberland Gap, TN
Hicks, W. W. --- D
Andrew and Levi both "left"and returned home. Andrew had sickness and never was accused of desertion. Levi was court martialed and named a deserter. Hirams' son John also left in Jan, 1863. They had seen Carrol, Patterson, Harmon(son of William)die and John Wesley(brother to Hiram)lose an arm.
They had been in service just 6 months but had fought in
two engagements and were in camp in Big Creek Gap and left in Jan,1863.None were recaptured but they all had to "hideout"south of the Watauga river visiting their families at night.
After the war, Andrew remained in Watauga county,and Levi,the only other surviving son of "Sammy Hicks"moved to Linville Falls and Madison county.
Ransom Teaster (1)
(Ransom Tester)
Ransom (1) Teaster was born in the Watauga area about 1819. In this story he will usually be designated as Ransom (1) so that he will not be confused with his grandson, Ransom (2) Teaster, the husband of Laura Russell. Ransom (1) married Fanny Hicks in Ashe County , NC on October 27, 1841.
Until recently, not much was known about the life of Ransom (1). It was known that he was living in Watauga County just before the Civil War. It was also known that he did not accompany his wife, Fanny, and sons, Harmon and Samuel (3), on their move to Madison County around 1870. There has been a family story among his decendants that "Grandpa was killed in the War (Civil War) and was buried over around Atlanta." It was never certain if this story were true or exactly which "Grandpa" it referred to. With the help of the internet and the National Archives this story has been found to be true and that it was about Ransom (1).
In Ransom’s official Civil War record from the National Archive his last name is spelled both "Teaster" and "Tester". These records , along with other records , tell the following story:
Ransom joined the Confederate Army on July 7, 1862 in Boone, NC. He was about 43 years old. He enlisted at the same time as his nephew Finley Teaster, who was about 17. They were in Company D of the 58th North Carolina Infantry Regiment. Ransom and Finley had other relatives in D Company of the 58th NC. There were eight Hicks (Hix) that became part of the company. Finley’s mother was a Hicks and Ransom married into the Hicks family.
Ransom was on active duty until February 11, 1863 when he deserted. He returned back to duty on June 19 after being gone 4 months. He served on active duty until September 5 of the same year when he again deserted. His pay record for this period says he "dropped from the roll but was expected to return". He did return on January 23, 1864 after being gone another four months. During this period while he was away, his unit was in the battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga.
When he returned to his unit it was in winter camp in Dalton, Georgia. As Sherman and the Union army advanced, the 58th and Ransom were pushed back to Dallas , GA by way of Resaca. There were several battles during this time. Ransom died of typhoid fever in the CSA field hospital in the Dallas area on June 10, 1864. This was 2 weeks before the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in that same vicinity.
There is no information about burial location, etc. The family story picks up again in the 1870’s when Ransom’s widow Fanny (Hicks) moved with some of her grown children and their children, including Ransom (2), to the Fines Creek and Madison County -Max Patch area of North Carolina from Boone in Watauga County.
Ransom Teaster (2)
(Ransom Tester)
Ransom was born on September 10, 1866 in Watauga County near present day Boone, North Carolina.
Ransom was one of ten children born to Harmon Teaster and Susie Hicks (sometimes spelled Hix). Their marriage was just one of the many marriages between the Teaster and Hicks families over several generations. In the remote mountain areas potential marriage partners were scarce and marriages between cousins was common. The Hicks family had settled the Watauga area even before the Teasters. David Hicks, Susie’s ancestor, is generally credited with being the first white settler in the present Watauga County, NC area. He is discussed in detail in the section of the story devoted to the Hicks family.
Ransom was named after Harmon’s father, Ransom (1), who had died during the Civil War. Ransom, as an adult, remembered his childhood in Watauga County. One of his stories concerned when he was about six years old. His family was living on or near Beech Mountain. His job, during the spring and summer , as a six year old, was to watch the cornfield and keep the bears scared away from it.
When Ransom was about seven years old, his family moved from the Watauga area down into Madison County , North Carolina. This was sometime around 1870. His family’s move was part of a larger family migration from Watauga to Madison County. In addition to Harmon and Susie’s family, the families of Samuel Teaster (3), Harmon’s brother, and Patterson and Willis Hicks also moved about the same time. Moving with Harmon and Susie was Harmon’s mother Fanny Hicks. She had become a widow when her husband Ransom (1) died while in the Confederate army. It is not known why so many family members moved at on time to relocate.
The families moved to the southern edge of Madison County close to its border with Haywood County. Their little settlement was in the vicinity of Meadow Fork Creek. This is close to the bald mountain known as Max Patch. Even today this is a rough, wild country and hard to get to. The state line between North Carolina and Tennessee runs right beside Max Patch. The route of the Appalachian Trail was picked so that it would go through the most remote and scenic parts of the mountains. It runs directly up and over Max Patch.
One of Ransom’s stories was that he and his wife Laura were the first people to farm on Max Patch.
Another of Ransom’s stories involved Harmon and his logging camp. Shortly after the move, when Ransom was about 8 years old, he was taking a meal to Harmon’s camp in the vicinity of Lemon Gap from their house near Max Patch. On the way to the camp Ransom got lost. Before he could find the camp, it got dark. The scared and cold 8 year old spent a lonely night on the mountain before he was found the next day.
1860 census Watauga Falls
Councel Harmon 53
Celia Harmon 40
Cyrena Harmon 20
Rebecca Harmon 17
Goulder Harmon 15
Sabra Harmon 14
Carneline Harmon 12
William R Harmon 6
Wiley Harmon 6
Alley Harmon 5
Councel Harmon 2
From "The Hicks Family Journal" by Tom Keel; unpublished
On May 25, 1637, Samuel Hix arrived from England and stepped upon the shores of the Rappahannock River on the Potomac. According to the information contained the "The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina" by John Henry, Mattie Hicks and Barnabas B. Hicks, copyright 1991. Samuel Hix was the first in the line of the Watauga River, North Caroline Hicks families. This Samuel Hix was also the first of the line of Hicks who followed the migration routes from Virginia to North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and westward. By the time Samuel arrived, the population of the Virginia colony was approximately 5,000, including two or three hundred Negro slaves.
Samuel came to America as an indentured servant whose transportation was paid by Peter and Margaret Rey, a family living some fifty miles south of the Rappahannock in the Isle of Wight County, Virginia. This area is near the present day city of Norfolk. The Rey family lived on the south side of the James River, however, they claimed headrights to the one hundred acres on the Rappahannock for the importation of SAMUEL HIX and one other person. The following entry appears in the book, "Cavalies and Pioneer", Patent book number one, part one, on page 58 and 59.
"Peter Rey and William Jacob - 350 acres, Isle of Wight Co., 25 May 1637, p.431. At the head of New Towne have next adjoining land of Edward Rogers, S.E. into the banke of said river, 100 acres for the per. adv. of said Rey & Margarett, his wife, 50 acres for trans. of his son Henry Rey & 100 acres by assignment from James Pointeau, to whom it was due for trans. of himself & Anthony Lufurrier; 100 acres for the per. adv. of said Jacob and trans. of 1 servt. called Samuell Hicks (Hickes)."
It should be noted that many of the early settlers who came to Virginia did not come as paying passengers . . . .they came as indentured servants. These were people who could not pay but were force for various reasons to emigrate with the understanding that their fares would be paid by a sponsor who was already established in the Colony. To reimburse his sponsor, the settler agreed to work as a laborer or servant for five years after which he would be entitled to fifty acres of land, some farm tools, and others necessities required for a start on his own. He also had the option of shortening his servitude by forfeiting his right to these supplies. The sponsor, in addition to the immigrant's services, received fifty acres of land. In return, the sponsor fed, clothed, and provided his indentures with the implements required to begin life as yeoman farmers in the new world. For more than 100 years, this was the only way, except for a grant from the King of England, to acquire land in Virginia. In the same year that Samuel Hix arrived, and about the same time, a James Hicks was brought to New Norfolk County in southern Virginia. As far as the records show, they were the only immigrants named Hicks (Hix) who arrived in 1637. This is verified on paged 159 of the book, "Early Virginia Immigrants, 1636-1666" by George Cabell Green, Clerk Virginia State Land Office, published in 1912 by W.C. Hill Printing Co., Richmond, Virginia. James Hicks' transportation was paid by Oliver Sprye of New Norfolk Co., Virginia. James and Samuel may have been related, however, no evidence can be found to prove the relationship. Family legend is that two brothers from London arrived in America and "one went north and one went south". The area where Samuel settled after his arrival was known as York County. After completing his period of servitude, he moved southward and settled in Gloucester County, just north of the York Rivers. Although there is no record of his marriage or of his children that can be firmly identified, researchers have reconstructed the likely names of his sons based on the names of his grandchildren. It is very probable that Samuel had some sons as follows; Nathaniel, William, Samuel, Joseph, Henry and Daniel. The names are used as the basis of the second generation of the line of Hicks in America. One of these sons, while living in Gloucester or York County, had sons with the following names; Samuel, Nathaniel, Joseph, Henry, and Daniel.
Several of these sons moved west and south to New Kent County in the area which later became Hanover County. This is the area just north of the present city of Richmond near the junction of the North and South Anna Rivers where they became the Pamunky.
A Report of the Record Commissioners, Volume 21; Boston MA:
Sarah the Daughter of Samuel Hix was born March 12, 1681- 82
Samuel Hix Dyed Nov. 15, 1709
Samuel Hixe 1617 – 1708
Death 1708 in Colony, Laurel, Kentucky, United States
wife Sarah Preston
Birth 1662 in Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Death Feb 1698 in James City, Virginia, United States
John Hix
1658 – 1720
Joseph Hix
1686 – 1711
John Hix
1689 – 1748
Thomas Hix
1690 – 1710
James Hix
1700 – 1770
Daniel Hix [doesn't fit family line]
1704 – 1735
Birth 1704 in James City, Virginia, United States
Death 15 Jul 1735 in Goochland, Goochland, Virginia, United States
Name: Nancy Prather (Proffitt's great Aunt)
Spouse: Ira Prather
Birth: abt 1877 - Tennessee
Residence: 1930 - Beaverdam, Watauga, North Carolina
Need to sort:
Here is another connection to the Goochland/Cumberland Hix family that adds
the Willis' and a timely move to NC. You can find a narrative on-line by
googling "willis family of Caswell north carolina". Here is an excerpt:
More is known of Robert, (son of Robert(?)), who married Mary Price and
later Agnes, whose surname is unknown. He died about 1749. His children
were: Robert Willis married Hellender Nailine; Zene Willis married A. Hix;
Anne Price Willis; Betty Willis married Henry Hicks(?); William Willis;
Price Willlis; Williamson Willis. There may have been others. He was a
carpenter. David Willis appears in Goochland (later Cumberland?) records
in 1743; he died ca 1749. He had sons Edward and William and possibly a
daughter, Jemima who married John Woodall. He worked as a shoemaker. He is
believed to have been a kinsman of Edward (ca 1660-1735) of Hanover
County. Other Willises appear briefly in the records before moving on to
other parts. They were Richard, Thomas, Edward, Major. So the ancestry of
Henry Willis is questionable. Was it William? Was it Robert? David does
not seem likely. In 1762, when Henry sold his land on Tuckahoe Creek,
Edward Willis (probably son of David) witnessed. When he arrived in Orange
NC, .........
This may set up the NC birth of Ammill Willis in 1772, he could have
travelled back up into Virginia and found a group of the Hix family then in
Greebrier ????????
Donna Hewett
I looked at Marmaduke Hicks when last at the Library of Virginia. The
first land grant I found for him was 1729 in Goochland County. Cumberland
Cty was formed from parts of Goochland Cty in 1749. King William Parish
records from 1700 to 1777 covered the area that is now Cumberland Cty. I
was intrigued because I found surnames: Hicks/Hix, Willis, and Bailey in
abundance in the parish records. I am interested in Bailey/Baley because
I once found an Amel Bailey in NC about the same time period as our Ammill,
can't locate which county now. (We all know the scarcity of people named
Amel/Ammill - pronounced "amul".)
From Goochland Deedbook #2, page 192, there is an entry from 1730 which
lists Agnes as the wife of Marmaduke. Any info in the 1776 Marmaduke deed
to indicate whether this is the same person? He would need to be about 70
years old by that time.
Also in Goochland records, I found references to wills for Daniel Hix, July
1735 and for John Hix 1748.
I had missed Miller's reference to Cumberland County - thanks for bringing
that to light. Maybe I wasn't on a wild goose chase after all.
Sorry, my notes from VA are sketchy - I was trying to look at various
Hicks populations and ethnicity in the 1700's. These Cumberland folks
were probably of English origin.
Donna Hewett
What do we have on the Cumberland Co Hicks/Hix family? Miller's (History of Summers Co) mention of a connection to Cumberland Co is surely a clue ..... otherwise why would he mention it ..... surely he didn't just pull it out of a hat.. I have a will for John Hicks of Cumberland Co, dated 7 May 1775, recorded 22 Jan 1776, names a son John ..... this John could be the first John Hicks/Hix who shows up in Greenbrier Co. I have not done any additional research on this family. So how do we prove or at least cite a good case of circumstantial evidence to suggest a connection? Shall we look for John the son mentioned in the will, and perhaps gather info on the other kids?
P. S. I also have some (disjointed) notes on a Sarah Hicks (widow of Wm), 1758, of Cumberland Co, and a Wm Hix Sr, 1765, a James & Anna Hix, 1765, and a Marmaduke Hix, 1776. in the Cumberland Co Deeds.
Marmaduke Hicks and Wm. Moss .... 1729
255 28 Sep 1730 VPB 14:134-2 Marmaduke Hix 400a Goochlan/W s LittleDeep Ck of S s James Riv
Marmaduke Hix's wife was Agnes
By the way, other Hix males in Goochland County, VA on tithe lists in 1736 and 1746 were:
Duke (1736; the rest are 1746) Marmaduke Hix, Marmaduke Hix, Jr., John Hix, Archer Hix, Stephen Hix, Thos. Jolly Hix, Gideon Hix, Samuel Hix, Samuel Hix, Jr. and Henry Hix.
The Hicks family is of interest to me in that my GG aunt, Mary A. Fox married James A. Hicks in Person County 20 Nov. 1824. Person was part of Caswell County before 1792.
To David A. Hicks and Sarah Rhew Yarborough Hicks (October 15, 1837-December 11, 1891), four children were born: Fannie Hicks
Montgomery County Genealogical Journal - Volumes 4-6 - Page 98; 1974
Conveyed to Cheatham a parcel of land containing 320 acres more or less excepting two acres and one half sold to Henry Hicks, joining Willis Hicks, including where Henry Hicks house now stands likewise excepting twenty-five more acres
Henry Hicks & Betty Willis a Son named Henry born Oct: 24 1756. Baptized 1757 feb: 27. p. 50. Henry Hicks & Betty Willis a son named Harman born Mar: 5 1760. Baptized 1760 May 4. p. 57.
book: Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia and his descendants in Carroll County, Tennessee: family members of Michael Clark of England and Barbados, and his son Francis Clark of Louisa County, Virginia, the migration of his sons to Anson County, North Carolina and descendants to Henry, Weakley, and Carroll Counties of Tennessee.
Listed in the Virginia Quit Rolls of land in James City in 1704, were John Hix, 115 acres,
John Hix m. Ann Harrison
James hix died jan. 28, 1776 pittsylvania co wife was Frances and brother benjamin hix
john hix wife mary
Captain John Hix 1781
William Hicks m. 1788 Elizabeth harris. Mary Hick give consent
Descendants of Jacob Hicks (New England Hix)
1 Jacob Hicks b: Jun 1669 d: 22 Mar 1755 i: 30
. +Hannah Carpenter b: 1672 m: 1701 d: Aft. 1718 i: 30
.... 2 Samuel Hicks b: Oct 1702 d: 10 May 1735 i: 43
........ +Martha Doughty aka: Mary Doughty b: 1705 m: 1723 i: 43
.... 2 Stephen Hicks b: 18 Jan 1703/04 d: 04 Jan 1775 i: 43
........ +Elizabeth Moore b: 07 Oct 1734 m: 08 Sep 1755 i: 43
.... 2 Thomas Hicks b: 02 May 1706 d: 10 Mar 1776 i: 43
........ +Temperance Titus b: 14 Oct 1707 m: 14 Nov 1729 i: 43
.... 2 Jacob Hicks, Jr. b: 04 Jun 1708 d: 06 Mar 1769 i: 43
........ +Mary Seaman b: Abt. 1710 m: 08 May 1732 i: 43
.... 2 Sarah Hicks b: 08 Aug 1710 i: 43
........ +Jacob Hoyt b: 03 Apr 1705 m: 06 Nov 1732 i: 43
.... 2 John Hicks b: 25 Dec 1711 d: 1789 i: 43
........ +Martha Smith b: 30 Sep 1709 i: 43
........... 3 Elias Hicks b: 19 Mar 1747/48 d: 27 Feb 1830 in Westbury, Long Island i: 68, p. 2
............... +Jemima Seaman b: 21 Sep 1750 m: 02 Jan 1771 i: 68
.... *2nd Wife of John Hicks:
........ +Phoebe Powell b: 16 Mar 1715/16 m: 1764 i: 43
.... 2 Benjamin Hicks b: 29 Jun 1713 d: 18 Jun 1744 i: 43
........ +Phoebe Titus b: 1717 m: 02 Dec 1736 i: 43
........... 3 Silas Hicks b: 10 Jun 1737 i: 69
............... +Rachel Seaman b: 1742 m: 03 Feb 1762 i: 69
........... 3 Samuel Hicks b: 30 Aug 1741 d: 20 Nov 1819 i: 69
............... +Phebe Seaman b: 04 Jun 1747 m: 26 Jun 1765 i: 69
.... 2 Joseph I. Hicks b: 12 Aug 1714 i: 43
.... 2 Elisabeth Hicks b: 1716 i: 43
.... 2 Hannah Hicks b: 1718 i: 43
........ +David Titus b: 20 Apr 1719 m: 26 Jun 1741 i: 43
.... *2nd Husband of Hannah Hicks:
........ +Thomas Hallet b: Abt. 1715 m: Aft. 1742 i: 43
There is another Samuel who is the son of Benjamin grandson of Jacob as above, and a Samuel who was the son of George Newton Hicks, and a fourth one (Samuel Downey Hicks) who was the son of J. R. Hicks.
HICKS of the Ship Fortune because he had a son named Samuel b. 1611. This
Samuel married Lydia DOANE. Up until now, I thought that Samuel & Lydia only
had daughters, but I found a reference on the web to a son they had named
Samuel b. 1651. The reference was:
The Doane Family, Vols. 1 and 2, by A.A. Doane, pub 1902 and 1975 by The Doane Family Association of America, Inc.
Mar.___ 3, 1773; Samuel Huff & Sarah Hix, dt John; Peter Huff, Surety.
Mar. 20, 1784; Farthing Hix & Rhoda Turner, dt Isaiah; John Hix, Surety; Married by William Johnson, March 22, 1784.
Oct. 22, 1787; Jesse Hix & Jane Ferrill; Dan Stockton, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, Oct. 25, 1787.
Nov. 26, 1787; Allen Drake & Jemimah Hix; Phillip Hix, Surety.
Jan. 23, 1788; William Turner & Betsey Hix, dt John; William Hix, Surety; Married by James Mitchell, Jan. 23, 1788.
Nov. 5, 1793; Henry Brown & Susanna Hix; Patrick Hix, Surety.
Apr. 25, 1796; James Thomason & Nancy Hix; Philips Hix, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, May 3, 1796.
Feb. 26, 1798; William Durham & Polly Hix, dt Philip; Dennis McCormack, Surety.
Jan. 10, 1803; Daniel Fields & Rebecca Hix; Farthing Hix, Surety; Married by Alderson Weeks, Jan. 13, 1803.
Jul. 25, 1803; Farthing Hix & Peggy Weeks; George Weeks, Surety; Married by Alderson Weeks, July 28, 1803.
Dec. 21, 1804; William Hicks & Avey Lee; Beverly Lee, Surety.
Jun. 4, 1805; James Hix & Celia Dickerson; Clement Dickerson, Surety.
Feb. 6, 1807; Archibald Ferguson & Fanny Hix, dt Farthing; Daniel Field, Surety.
Sep. 2, 1810; Jeremiah Hix & Mary Williams; Farthing Hix, Surety.
Dec. 21, 1810; Alexander Marshall & Betsey Hix, dt Jesse; James Hix, Surety.
Nov. 10, 1813; Cad Drake & Elizabeth Hix, dt Rebeckker; William Drake, Surety.
Jan. 7, 1814; Samuel Brown & Susanna Hix; James Thomason, Surety.
Mar. 24, 1817; Samuel Marshall & Hannah S. Hix; Jesse Hix, Surety.
Nov. 12, 1818; William Hicks & Betsy Meador; Cad Drake, Surety.
Nov. 25, 1819; Johnston Bocock & Sally Hix; Robert Hawkins, Surety; Married by Frederick Kabler, Dec. 1, 1819.
May 13, 1830; John Hix & Nancy Hix, dt William; Thomas Hicks, Surety.
Aug. 20, 1833; Christopher Hix & Dosha Whorley; Philip Hix, Surety; Consent of Jesse Crown, guardian for Dosha; Married by John Ayers, Aug. 29, 1833.
Apr. 27, 1837; Philip Hix & Caroline Meador, dt Richard, Sr. and Sarah; Calvin Spradlin, Surety.
Feb. 3, 1841; James Hix & Lucinda Meador; Clement Dickerson, Surety; Consent of William Meador.
Dec. 25, 1843; James H. Hix & Florentine Bassham; Richard H. Anderson, Surety; Consent of John R. and Carline Dellis.
Nov. 5, 1844; Drury Hix & Polly Ann Ellis, dt Thomas M.; Thomas Ellis, Surety; Married by Benjamin Meador.
Dec. 2, 1844; John Ellis & Jane Hix, dt William; James Hannabass, Surety; Married by Benjamin Meador.
May 23, 1848; William H. Hicks & Adeline R. Branch, dt Nancy; Edward P. Layn, Surety.
Oct. 13, 1851; Drury Hix & Ann H. Mitchell, dt Jabez; David Hannabass, Surety.
Extracted from the appendix in Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol VI, Virginia. (Marriages are NOT Quaker) They've been grouped by surname, and arranged chronologically. The bonds are also listed under the bride's surname.
My ancestor was James M. Hicks/Hix, born c1774 in Goochland Co., VA. He moved at some point in his life to Lincoln Co., NC.. I found him there by the 1810 census and their is also a record of 1805 regarding the estate of John Yates, des'c, naming James Hicks and wife Sussanah Yates (daughter of John). I believe James was likely in Lincoln Co., prior to this, possibly living in the home of a brother named John HIcks, who was a head of household living next door to John Yates in 1800. Two males 16-25 were in the Hicks home.
John HIcks seems to have disappeared by the 1810 census, when James then began to appear. I believe John died or moved away.
The 1860 census of Lincoln Co., NC., had the information that James was born in Goochland, VA. (I'm not sure if the census recorder specifically asked what county and state, but he apparently provided it and that was what was recorded. I am looking to find the Hicks/Hix family of Goochland which my ancestor came from.
Benjamin Ward (c1750-1820) of Ashe County, NC is the son of Benjamin Ward, born 1717 to Richard Ward & his wife, Frances, of Lunenburg County, VA. Richard & Frances also had a daughter, Tahpenes Ward who married Phillip Webber & stayed in Virginia. Seeking any information about what became of Benjamin Ward, Sr. -- son of Richard Ward.
Benjamin Ward, wife Selah, died 1805 Ashe Co. N.C. leaving will, but did not name ALL of his children.
Nancy Hix is my ggggg grandmother. The information that I have found shows she was born around 1751 in Virginia, and her father's name was Nathaniel Hix (Sr. I believe). Th
Based upon 1850 Fayette co, TN census
page 366 14th Civil District
Samuel HIX was born Abt. 1789 in VA.
Samuel married Mary Hix born Abt. 1793 in VA. Where and when unk
Samuel HIX and Mary Hix (maiden unk) had the following children:
1. Samuel Hix, Jr was born Abt. 1827 in VA.
2. Lucy M Hix was born Abt. 1835 in VA.
3. Merritt D. Hix was born Abt. 1832 in VA.
Wife: ELIZABETH9 HOLLOWAY born 1834 in Tennessee. She married MERRITT D. HIX September 14, 1853 in Somerville, Fayette County, Tennessee More on her family on file.
M D HIX was still in Fayette co, TN in the 1860 census.
MORE ON Merritt D HIX based on 1880 census
Coffeeville, Yalobusha, Mississippi
Source: FHL Film 1254669 National Archives Film T9-0669 Page 175A
Merritt D. Hix 1834 -aft 1880 - also appears in TN 1850 & 1860 Census
b: Bef. 1834 in Virginia
.. +Elizabeth Holloway 1834 - aft 1880
b: 1834
in also appears in TN 1850 & 1860 Census
......... 2 James Spencer Hix 1856 - after 1880
b: Abt. 1856 TN
......... 2 John L Hix 1858 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1858 TN
......... 2 William M Hix 1864 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1864 TN
......... 2 Male Child Carrie or Kary H Hix 1866 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1866 TN
......... 2 Samuel R Hix 1869 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1869 TN
......... 2 Walter Lee Hix 2 Feb 1871 Somerville, Fayette co, TN -d 23 Jun1952 Memphis, TN Married Ariel Inez RIGGS B Aurora, IN - May 20, 1876. Lived in Louisville Jefferson co, KY in 1900 Census
Walter and Ariel found in Memphis, TN in 1920 census. Walter and Ariel are my GrandParents
b: 2 Feb 1871 TN
......... 2 Lucy Hix 1876 - aft 1880
b: Abt. 1876 MS
I have found Samuel Hix in the follow census:
1820 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
1830 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
1840 Census HIX SAMUEL Cumberland County VA
I have verified that this is my Samuel Hix father of Merritt Hix based on the marriages of his children in Cumberland County, VA ... Some of them showed up on the same 1850 Fayette Co, TN census page.
Roby Monroe Hicks b. 1882, m. Buna Hicks (b. 1888) decended from Cutliff 2 times (Ballad Jovial Hunter) also known by Sam Harmon (Cades Cove TN)
"The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina: Watauga River Lines". On page 157 Harry Hicks is shown as the son of Willet Hicks (b.9 Nov 1916) and Goldie Woods. They had four children: Wade, Harry, Glen, and Betty Jean who married Wayne Buchanan. No birth or death dates are shown for Harry. However, he was married to Dorothy Carpenter. They had three children: Loretta, Timmy, Chris.