Joseph Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre1850

 Joseph Hicks (Hix) Workpage pre1850


1. In 1704 Joseph was awarded 100 acres James City County; John Hicks was awarded 150 acres. [Francis Clark]

To Joseph Hix all the Kings Land joining on his own Land being one hundred acres part of 400 patented by David Gwyn & on Adam Rutherford the s“ Gwyn & others in Hanover & to take an Inclusive patent for the whole.  June 13, 1733

Land deed in York County bordering "line of Joseph Hix" Wickaway Run, 1730

2. Married to Susannah Peawde/Puda/Pegit/Pewit/Peaud/Pewid Hanover County VA/ James City County.

Joseph Hicks m. Susannah Peawde issue: 
    1. Peawde Hicks

Peawde Hicks m. Temperance Dumas
  1. David
  2. Unity
  3. William ?

Kentucky Ancestors - Volume 24 - Page 183; 1988 - ‎

Unity m. Pewid Hix remarried William Thomasson

UNITY HIX Born ca.1760, prob. Louisa Co., Va. ; daughter of TEMPERANCE DUMAS (m.lst, Yancey) and PEWID HIX. Unity Hix Thomasson listed in Louisa Co., Va., 1810 census; as early as 1810, widow Unity brought her four children to wh
Louisa County, Va. Deed Records - Book: H, Page: 357, Grantor: Pewid Hicks, Grantee: Charles Yancey, Date: 09-Feb-1784

 February 1784 Pewid Hicks of Louisa Co. to Charles Yancey whereas Peawd Hicks is grown old incapable of transacting his private business to advantage and the management of his estate hath sold his whole estate to Charles Yancey for 5s during his life and no longer to wit. 2 Negroes named Tom and Banks, also 3 horses, 8 head cattle, 4 hogs, 4 sheep, 2 feather beds & furniture with all house hold stuff, crop of corn & tobacco also the plantation whereon I live containing 210 acres with appurtenances in trust for the support of myself & my wife Temperance Hicks, my daughter Unity Hicks, and Lewis Ellis my wife's grandson and the care and support of my said Negroes Tom and Banks and the payment of all my just debts by the most advantageous use that can be made of the estate given Charles Yancey for no longer than my natural life. sig. Peawd Hicks and Charles Yancey. Rec. 9 Feb 1784.

[Charles Yancey was Temperance eldest son by Robert Yancey and Lewis Ellis was her grandson by Martha.]

Unity Hix was the daughter of Peawd Hix and Temperence Dumas Yancy of Louisa Co., VA. Her brother David Hix was killed in Ill. Territory and Unity was the sole heir and obtained a Land grant for his service In KY.

On 22 September 1682 "CAPTAIN DUKE" was named in the patent of 183 acres in James City County by JOHN HICKS beg. on South side of the South swamp against the mouth of Preston's Spring Branch; to CAPTAIN DUKE; near the Quarter Swamp; along land of the Orphants of Mr. Collins. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol 2, p 243)

On 30 October 1686 "CAPT. DUKE" was named in the land patent of WILLIAM PEAWD for 400 acres in the upper part of James City County on the West side of the Chickahominy River as recorded in Patent Book 7, page 515, "From Capt. Duke's corner to Gwin's line, to a branch of Webb's run; to Walters Br; on Womsley's line, to NE side of Nicketewances Path, over Masons & Bradford's paths; down a br of Toroham Run, to Gwins's Corner. (Cavaliers & Pioneers, Vol 2, p 300)

William Peawde\peawd\prewid\?prewitt 1660-
DUKE" was named in the land patent of WILLIAM PEAWD for 400 acres in

Susanna m. Joseph Hicks 1682-1711

Daniel Hicks 1704-1735

Henry Hix 1706-

Joseph Hicks 1707-

Nathaniel Hicks 1709-1766

William Hicks 1714-1822

John Hicks 1716-



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