Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. and Dianah Willis

Samuel Hix (Hicks) Sr. and Dianah Willis

[This is the Samuel Hicks who was born circa 1695 also from Goochland County, Virginia. (There is another Samuel Hix said to be b. 1680- possibly using Smith
as source. There may be two Samuel Hix.) In his 1770 will he lists Dianah (Willis) as his wife and his children were: 1. Agnes Hicks; married Jacob Woodall;  2. Dianah Hicks; married Nathaniel Whitlow; 3. Samuel Hicks, Jr.; 4. Henry Hicks and 5. Absalom Hicks.

His eldest son David (b. 1719) was not listed in his will but is proven through an Affidavit given by David's sister's son Soloman Whitlow, and it mentions David's brother Absalom's son, Harris Hicks.
During the 1832 Fall Term of the Orange Co. NC Superior Court, on September 11, 1832, Solomon Whitlow in a signed affidavit, under oath stated that he was age 70 years the 22nd of April, 1832, and that he was a resident of Person County, NC. Solomon Whitlow declared that he remembered the facts as follows:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover County in the State of Virginia and settled on Tabbs Creek in the County of Granville & State of North Carolina. That his mother was the sister of Absalom Hicks who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and within about a mile or mile and a half of him – That said Absalom Hicks died and left 3 sons, Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks, and Harris Hicks. . . he well remembers that said Harris Hicks, being a young active man without a wife or family or other encumbrance, he was, with but little or at least very short animation in service, almost in constant service in the Army either by draft or as a substitute – This affiant well remembers that he performed a tour of 3 months duty for Jeremiah Frazier Senior but where he was called in this service, he is unable to say but he knows that said Harris received of the said Frazier a mare and 2 cows and calves for taking his place in the Army. He also remembers that Harris Hicks performed part of another tour as a substitute for David Hicks his uncle – David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. A tour of Harris had just expired and he was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation but what this affiant cannot remember – The Term of service of Harris in this Tour this affiant thinks was for 2 months."

This proves that David Hicks is the uncle Harris Hicks, Absolom's brother and thus Samuel's son. I am assuming that this is the David Hicks that moved to Valle Crucis and received a 300 acre land grant in 1779. David also was a loyalist and would have paid his nephew Harris to serve in his place in the Revolutionary War. 

The other missing brother I believe is Goulder, b. circa 1720 who is listed at Goochland giving a tithe along with Samuel, Samuel Jr, and Henry in 1747. Because the unusual name Goulder appears in David's
family line and also in his neighbor's, a  Benjamin Ward, this is evidence that Goulder is David's brother, and Big Sammy's uncle and explains why Council Harmon's brother was named Goulder.

Below is information on that line (see line at bottom of page). Notice that David Hix (b. 1719) is included in Generation 3 but he should not be.

R. Matteson 2014]

   Samuel Hix m. Diana Willis c. 1718, their children- dates not confirmed:

 1. David Hicks (Sr.) 1719 – 1793 (see more of this line below)
        i. Big Sammy Hicks b. 1753
 2. Goulder Hicks 1720? – in Goochland until 1751, then he moved or died.
 3. Henry b. 1722 owned land in 1751 married Betty Willis- children:
            i. Henry b. October 20, 1756 and
            ii Harman b. March 5, 1760
 4. Diana Hicks m. Nathaniel Witlow [also sp. Whitlock, see: Douglas Regisiter] on Sept. 7, 1756
 5. Agnes Hicks m. Jacob Woodall 1763
 6. Samuel Hicks Jr. b. 1732  m. Elizabeth Woodlock in 1751. Their son, David, was named in the will.
 7. Absolom Hicks b. 1733 m. on April 20, 1760 to Mary Harris (1742-1770), daughter of Sherwood Harris.

 Below are various pages of information- undocumented

[ From Larrimore- posted at]


Henry Hicks may be our earliest known Hicks ancestor. According to The Complete Book of Immigrants, page 262, on December 22, 1658, Henry Hicks of Tetherington, England, was bound for six years to John Morgan, upholsterer, of Virginia. This fact is recorded in Bristol Record office, England.

On October 4, 1675, according to Virginia Land Grant and Patent Book No. Six, page 563, Thomas Cocke received a land grant of 1983 acres on the north side of the James River in Charles City County Virginia, for the transportation of persons, including Henry Hix/ Hicks.

Twelve years later, on April 20, 1687, according to the Virginia Land Grant and Patent Book Seven, page 556, Thomas Cock, Junr. in Virina Parish, Henrico County, Virginia, reeived a grant of 671 acres for transportation of persons, including Henry Hix/Hicks.

Henry Hicks had at least one brother, Stephen Hicks, whose wife's name is unknown, but they had at least one son, Daniel Hicks, who was married to Joan Hicks. They resided in St. James of Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia. Daniel's will of November 24, 1734 named a daughter, Winifred Hicks who married James Bates. They lived first in Goochland County, Virginia, then moved to Halifax County, North Carolina.


Samuel Hicks, Sr. was probably a son of Henry Hicks. On January 1, 1717 Samuel Hicks witnessed a deed from Robert Napier of Henrico County, Virginia to Nicholas Cox of Charles City County, Virginia. This deed was recorded in the 1714-1718 Deed and Will Book of Henrico County Virginia on pages 240-243. Samuel had to be at least 21 years old in order to witness a legal document.

On December 5, 1726 John and Hannah Price of Henrico County, Virginia, sold 69 acres of land to Samuel Hicks of the same county. The property was located in the fork of Tuckahoe Creek ' and Samuel was already residing on the property. The deed was recorded in Deed Book No. 1, Part 1, Henrico (later Goochland) County, Virginia.

Samuel Hicks and others made an appraisal of the estate of Samuel Butler and the appraisal was recorded in Will and Deed Book 1 of Goochland County, VA on May 16, 1732. Major Robert Willis, who presented the appraisal, was Samuel Hicks' brother-in-law.

We do not know when Samuel Hicks married, but we do know that his wife's name was Dianah Willis. The name Willis would be given to Samuel and Dianah's descendants in the years to come.

For a long time I thought my great, great grandfather was named "Willie Bishop Hicks" or "William Bishop Hicks" but then when I learned through John T. Odom what Samuel's wife's maiden name was, then I knew that he was "Willis Bishop Hicks".

On June 5, 1732/33, according to Will and Deed Book 1 of Goochland County, VA Samuel Hicks, planter of that county and state, mortgaged his 69 acres of land for five shillings sterling money of Great Britain. In the mortgage, mention is made of a quarry being on the property.

The 1747 List of Tithables in Goochland Co. VA named three white males age 16 and over in the home of Samuel Hicks, Sr. These were: Samuel Hicks, Snr; his eldest son Henry Hicks; and his son Samuel Hicks, Jnr. Since his youngest son Absalom Hicks, was born about 1733, he was obviously under the age of 16 on June 10, 1747.

Listed on this same 1747 List of Tithables was Goulden Hicks who lived near the Barnett families. According to Goochland Co. Court Minutes Book 6, p.226, in a case of "trespassing", Goulden is named as the defendant. This

 case was dismissed during the March Court in 1747. From the same source we learn that both Samuel Hicks and Dianah Willis Hicks were charged by Thomas Farrar with "trespassing

On April 4, 1764 Samuel Hicks, Snr. and his wife Dianah Hicks sold the 69 acres of land which were located in the fork of Tuckahoe Creek, whereon the same were residing. Samuel had acquired the 69 acres of land on December 5, 1726. John Farrar was the purchaser of the 69 acres of land. The transaction was recorded in Will and Deed Book 8, Goochland County, Virginia.

Sometime during the year of 1764 Samuel and Dianah Hicks moved to North Carolina. We know this from the records of Granville Co. NC. On October 22, 1764, Robert Harris, Snr. Esquire, brother and executor of the estate of Captain Sherwood Harris, Snr., for an unknown sum of money, granted 100 acres of land to Samuel Hicks, Snr. This land was located on Tabbs Creek, Granville County, NC. Two of the witnesses to the deed were Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris Hicks, his wife.

Absalom was of course, the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and he was married to Mary Harris, daughter of the above mentioned Captain Sherwood Harris and wife Jane. Captain Harris, who died in 1763, owned land on Tuckahoe Creek, St. James Northam Parish, Goochland Co. VA during the years 1753-1755.

On November 29, 1769, Granville CO. NC, the Tax List of that county gave the names of Absalom Hicks and Samuel Hicks, Jnr. along with their father, Samuel Hicks, Snr. All three were listed again in 1770, but in 1771 Mary Harris Hicks replaced her husband, Absalom Hicks, who died in March, 1770.

Samuel Hicks, Sr. was born in the late 1690's and died before November 1772, which is when his will was proved. He was survived by his wife Dianah Hicks and the following children:

        1. Agnes Hicks; married Jacob Woodall.

        2. Dianah Hicks; married Nathaniel Whitlow.

        3. Samuel Hicks, Jr.

        4. Henry Hicks

        5. Absalom Hicks.

Besides mentioning his wife and four children, Samuel Hicks, Sr. made gifts to five of his grandchildren: Nancy Hicks Whitlow, daughter of Dianah and Nathaniel; Solomon Whitlow, son of Dianah and Nathaniel; David Hicks, son of Samuel Hicks, Jr.; James Woodall, son of Agnes and Jacob; and Bishop Hicks, son of Absalom Hicks.

* * * *


Absalom Hicks was the youngest son of Samuel Hicks, Snr. and Dianah Willis. He was born in Virginia. He was under the age of 16 in 1747, so he was probably born around 1733. He married Mary Harris, daughter of Sherwood Harris. Mary was born cl740 so the marriage probably took place in the late 1750's.

Absalom died in Granville Co. North Carolina. His will was dated February 8, 1770 and proved during the April term of Court the same year. He left all of his estate to his wife Mary. One of the witnesses to the will was Sherwood Harris, Jr., Mary's brother.

For a long time I thought that Bishop Hicks was the only son of Absalom Hicks and his wife Mary Harris Hicks, since Bishop was the only son of Absalom's who was mentioned in the will of Samuel Hicks, Snr. However, John T. Odom gave me copies of two affidavits proving that Absalom had two other sons: Absalom, inr. and Harris Hicks.

During the 1832 Fall Term of the Granville Co. NC Superior Court, James Gisham, Snr. in a signed affidavit under oath, stated that Jeremiah Frazier Snr. gave a mare, two cows and calves to Harris Hicks in order that Harris Hicks would serve as a substitute for him in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Said mare, cows and calves were carried and left with Bishop Hicks, the brother of the said Harris Hicks, who was then deceased. (Note: Bishop Hicks died near Horse Creek, Wake CO. NC in September of 1798. James Gisham signed his affidavit on September 7, 1832.

During the 1832 Fall Term of the Orange Co. NC Superior Court, on September 11, 1832, Solomon Whitlow in a signed affidavit, under oath stated that he was age 70 years the 22nd of April, 1832, and that he was a resident of Person County, NC. Solomon Whitlow declared that he remembered the facts as follows:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover Co. VA and settled on Tabbs Creek in Granville County, NC; that his mother (Dianah Hicks Whitlow) was the sister of Absalom Hicks (Snr.) who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and mother, about one mile and a half from where the said Absalom Hicks (Snr.) died (in 1770) and left three sons: Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks.

Bishop Hicks was bound apprentice to Thomas Norman and Absalom Hicks and Harris Hicks were bound to Harry Melton to learn the art and mystery of a blacksmith; that before the completion of his apprenticeship, the said Harris Hicks, contrary to the wishes of his master, eloped from him and enlisted as a soldier in the Army of the United States."

The affiant, Solomon Whitlow, stated that Harris Hicks was substitute for a term of three months duty for Jeremiah Frazier, Snr; he (Solomon Whitlow) knew that the said Harris Hicks received a mare, 2 cows and calves for taking his (Jeremiah Frazier Snr.) place in the army.

He (Solomon Whitlow) also remembered that Harris Hicks performed part of another term of duty as a substitute for David Hicks, his uncle; David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. The previous term of Harris Hicks had just expired and he (Harris Hicks) was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation.

This affiant (Solomon Whitlow) was a soldier with the said Harris Hicks in the tour of duty in Charleston. After the war his old master Harry Melton wanted Harris Hicks to come and work in his blacksmith shop and learn more about the trade; Harris Hicks declined.

So, from the above affidavits, plus the Douglas Register of Goochland Co. VA, we know that Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris Hicks had three sons and three daughters. They are not necessarily listed in chronological order:

        1. Jeannie (Jane) Hicks, born April 20, 1760.

        2. Dianah Hicks, born December 5, 1761.

        3. Agnes Hicks; married Thomas Parham on April 19, 1785 (Granville Co. NC Marriage Records)

        4. Absalom Hicks. Jnr. married Elizabeth, last name unknown and they had:

            A. Absalom Hicks III F. Hannah Hicks

            B. Willis Hicks G. ELiza Hicks

            C. James Madison Hicks H. Sarah Hicks

            D. Young E. Hicks I. Martha Hicks

            E. Susannah Hicks J. Jennette Hicks

        5. Harris Hicks; married Temperance Sears April 10, 1784 in Granville County, NC. They had nine children.

            A. Absalom Hicks, born June 10, 1786. Married Sarah Ann Allen in Warren Co. NC December 7, 1809. Stephen Hester was the bondsman.

            B. Jane Hicks, born July 1, 1788. Married Mills Taylor in Granville Co. NC on February 18, 1808.

            C. John Hicks, born May 20, 1790. Married Polly Lamar in Granville Co. NC on October 23, 1816.

            D. Elizabeth Hicks, born September 1, 1794. Married to Joseph Howell in Granville Co. NC November 26, 1819. Ransom Smith was the bondsman.

            E. Willis Hicks, born May 4, 1897. Married Polly Harris in Granville Co. NC September 10, 1817. Bondsman was Anderson Sears.

            F. Mary "Polly" Hicks, born January 20, Granville Co. NC. Married Ransom Smith on November 29, 1820, Granville Co.

            G. Robert Hicks, born October 17, 1802. Married Sarah Grisham in Granville Co. NC on December 21, 1821.

            H. William Hicks, born August 29, 1805. Married Jane Creth in Granville Co. NC on May 17, 1825.

            I. Peyton Hicks, born March 7, 1808. Married Eliza Jourdan in Halifax County on April 13, 1831.

        6. Bishop Hicks, sixth child and third son of Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris.      

            Note: In the first mentioned affidavit above, I wonder if the person giving the affidavit was James Grisham, rather than James Gisham.


Bishop Hicks (not to be confused with Willis Bishop Hicks) was the son of Absalom Hicks. John T. Odom, Mena, Arkansas believes that Bishop was born shortly after Absalom and Mary Harris Hicks moved to Granville County, NC. When Samuel Hicks (Absalom's father) wrote his will, the only child of Absalom's that was mentioned was Bishop Hicks. The will was dated 1770 so Bishop was at least 21 years old that year.

Bishop Hicks married Catherine "Caty" Jeter around the year 1780. Caty was the daughter of Samuel Jeter and Mary Dudley and was born ca. 1759, making her approximately 21 years old at the time of her marriage to Bishop.

By 1790 Bishop and Caty were living in Granville County, NC. They were listed in the Census in that county, and also witnessed a deed in Granville County that year.

On August 4, 1795, Samuel Jeter (Caty's father), distributed his property by deeds of gift. He gave Caty two slaves, Lucy and Delia. He also gave a slave named Bob to his grandson James Hicks, Caty and Bishop's son,"reserving the use of said Bob to Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty until grandson James comes of age of 21 years".I thought James might have been the oldest son but John Odom says that Anderson was the oldest.

Bishop Hicks was not listed on the 1796 Tax Polls, Granville County, which means that by that time they were in Wake County.

The Jeter Mosaic by Grata Jeter Clark states that "after Samuel Jeter's death Mary Dudley Jeter moved to Wake County, North Carolina where her daughter Catherine "Caty" Hicks and her son Dudley Jeter then resided".

Land records of Wake County show that Bishop Hicks acquired a large tract of land on Horse Creek, Newlight District in that county. He died intestate in September of 1798. The attached Estate papers of Bishop Hicks show that he was by no means a poor man. He owned at least 450 acres of land and his seven slaves were valued at $1700.00.

Willis Bishop Hicks was the youngest child of Caty and Bishop having been born approximately eight months prior to his father's death. In the Hicks Family Bible his date of birth was recorded as January 22, 1798.

On March 28, 1801, Caty Jeter Hicks, Bishop's widow, married Jehu Lowery. Wake County Probate Records show that Jehu and Wm. Allen were guardians of Caty's minor children.

According to Settlement of Estate Records, Book Nine,1809-11, Wake County, the tract of land near Horse Creek, Newlight District, owned by the late Bishop Hicks, was partitioned among eight heirs, as follows: Mary "Polly" Allen (wife of William Allen), Martha "Patsy" Allen (wife of Benjamin Allen), Jeter Hicks, Josiah R. Hicks, Willis Bishop Hicks, James Hicks and Caty Lowry.

You will note in the Estate Papers that Jeter is sometimes called Jethro and sometimes Peter; Willis Bishop is sometimes referred to as William B. Hicks.

Caty Jeter Hicks had a brother, Barnett Jeter, who apparently never married. When he made his will August 31, 1823, Caty and her children were among those tho were named as heirs to a portion of his estate. The children were listed as Anderson Hicks, Jeter Hicks, James Hicks, Josiah Hicks, William (the usual error) Bishop Hicks, Patsy Allen and Polly Allen.

The information on the seven children of Bishop Hicks and his wife Caty was provided by John Thomas Odom, a descendant of Mary "Polly" Hicks, wife of William Allen.

            1. Martha "Patsy" Hicks

            2. Anderson Hicks

            3. Mary "Polly" Hicks

            4. James Madison Hicks

            5. Josiah Rux Hicks

            6. Jeter Hicks

            7. Willis Bishop Hicks


Hix (Hicks) family line-- notice in Generation 3; David Hick's is included

Generation No. 1

1. ?1 HICKS1,2.
Children of ? HICKS are:
2.     i.           HENRY2 HICKS, b. Bef. 1650, Tetherington, England. [This is documented in The Bristol Registers of Servants: Sent to Foreign Plantation December 22 1658: Henry Hicks  of Tytherington [Wilts], to same, 6 yrs Virginia, to John Morgan [upholsterer]- Henry would be born c. 1638 as the average age of indentured servants was 20 years old. he would therefore be too old to have Samuel as a child in 1695. this could be Henry- 1st generation.]
3.     ii.           STEPHEN HICKS.

Generation No. 2

2. HENRY2 HICKS (?1)3,4 was born Bef. 1650 in Tetherington, England5,6.
Child of HENRY HICKS is:
4.     i.           SAMUEL3 HICKS, b. 1695, Granville, North Carolina; d. 1772, Granville, North Carolina.

3. STEPHEN2 HICKS (?1)7,8.
Child of STEPHEN HICKS is:
5.     i.           DANIEL3 HICKS.


Generation No. 3

4. SAMUEL3 HICKS (HENRY2, ?1)9,10 was born 1695 in Granville, North Carolina11,12, and died 1772 in Granville, North Carolina13,14. He married DIANA WILLIS15,16 1726 in Granville, North Carolina.

Samuel moved from Henrico County, Virginia to Goochland County, Virginia before moving to Granville, where he lived and died. In Goochland, he was located in the midst of the rest of his Hix family on Tuckaho Creek. Will was proved in Granville.[243929.ftw]


Samuel moved from Henrico County, Virginia to Goochland County, Virginia before moving to Granville, where he lived and died. In Goochland, he was located in the midst of the rest of his Hix family on Tuckaho Creek. Will was proved in Granville.

Died after 1764 in Granville, N. C.[243929.ftw]


Died after 1764 in Granville, N. C.
Children of SAMUEL HICKS and DIANA WILLIS are:
6.     i.           ABSOLOM4 HICKS, b. 1734, Virginia; d. March 1770, Granville County, North Carolina.
      ii.           HENRY HICKS17,18.
7.     iii.          SAMUEL HICKS, JR..
8.     iv.           AGNES HICKS.
9.     v.           DIANAH HICKS.
10.     vi.           DAVID HIX, b. 1719, Goochland County, Virginia; d. 1792, Watauga County, North Carolina.

5. DANIEL3 HICKS (STEPHEN2, ?1)19,20. He married JOAN HICKS21,22.
      i.           WINIFRED4 HICKS23,24, b. July 3, 1729, Goochland County, Virginia; d. February 7, 1790, Halifax County, Virginia; m. JAMES WILLIAM BATES25,26, November 11, 1746, Goochland County, Virginia.

6. ABSOLOM4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)27,28 was born 1734 in Virginia29,30, and died March 1770 in Granville County, North Carolina31,32. He married MARY HARRIS33,34 April 20, 1760, daughter of SHERWOOD HARRIS and JANE ?.
Children of ABSOLOM HICKS and MARY HARRIS are:
11.     i.           BISHOP5 HICKS, b. 1756, Granville County, North Carolina; d. September 1798, Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina.
12.     ii.           ABSOLOM HICKS, JR..
13.     iii.           HARRIS HICKS.
      iv.           JEANNIE HICKS35,36, b. April 20, 176037,38.
      v.           DIANAH HICKS39,40, b. December 5, 176141,42.
      vi.           AGNES HICKS43,44, m. THOMAS PARHAM45,46, April 19, 1785, Granville County, North Carolina.

7. SAMUEL4 HICKS, JR. (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)47,48. He married FRANCIS WYATT49,50.
      i.           DAVID5 HICKS51,52.
      ii.           ABSOLOM HICKS53,54.

8. AGNES4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)55,56. She married JACOB WOODALL57,58.
      i.           JAMES5 WOODALL59,60.

9. DIANAH4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)61,62. She married NATHANIEL WHITLOW63,64.
      i.           NANCY HICKS5 WHITLOW65,66.
      ii.           SOLOMON WHITLOW67,68.

10. DAVID4 HIX (SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)69,70 was born 1719 in Goochland County, Virginia71,72, and died 1792 in Watauga County, North Carolina73,74.
Children of DAVID HIX are:
      i.           SARAH5 HIX75,76.
      ii.           DINAH HIX77,78.
      iii.           UNKNOWN HIX79,80.
14.     iv.           SAMUEL HIX, b. 1755, Goochland County, Virginia; d. 1835, Ash County, North Carolina.
      v.           DAVID HIX, JR.81,82, b. 175883,84.
      vi.           CATHERINE HIX85,86, b. 175987,88.


Descendants of ? Hicks

Generation No. 5

11. BISHOP5 HICKS (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)89,90 was born 1756 in Granville County, North Carolina91,92, and died September 1798 in Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina93,94. He married CATHERINE JETER95,96 Abt. 1780, daughter of SAMUEL JETER and MARY DUDLEY.

Went by the name of "Caty".[243929.ftw]


Went by the name of "Caty".
      i.           JAMES MADISON6 HICKS97,98.
      ii.           JOSIAH RUX HICKS99,100, m. PRISSILLA JONES101,102, January 29, 1819, Wake County, North Carolina.
     Notes for JOSIAH RUX HICKS:
Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1827 from North Carolina.
A Robert Crenshaw is listed in Josiah R. Hicks's estate.[243929.ftw]


Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1827 from North Carolina.
A Robert Crenshaw is listed in Josiah R. Hicks's estate.

      iii.           MARY HICKS103,104.
      iv.           MARTHA HICKS105,106, b. 1786107,108; m. BENJAMIN ALLEN109,110.
15.     v.           ANDERSON HICKS, b. 1788, North Carolina; d. Bef. 1840.
16.     vi.           JETER HICKS, b. 1797, Virginia; d. June 1863, Marion County, Missouri.
      vii.           WILLIS BISHOP HICKS111,112, b. January 22, 1798113,114; m. DOROTHY B. NANCE115,116.
Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1836 from North Carolina.[243929.ftw]


Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1836 from North Carolina.

12. ABSOLOM5 HICKS, JR. (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)117,118. He married ELIZABETH ?119,120.
Children of ABSOLOM HICKS and ELIZABETH ? are:
      i.           ABSOLOM6 HICKS III121,122, m. HANNAH ?123,124.
      ii.           WILLIS HICKS125,126, m. G. ELIZA ?127,128.
     Notes for WILLIS HICKS:
"The Preemptors, Middle Tennessee's First Settlers" Vol.1 of a series of Early Tennessee Land Records by Irene Griffey. According to the book, when North Carolina promised to pay the Rev. War soldiers in land and in 1782 made most of Middle Tennessee including what is now Dickson County a Military Reservation, the government found that settlers were already living on some of the land before it could be given in "land grants" to the soldiers. So the state of North Carolina sent three men, Anthony Bledsoe, Isaac Shelby and Absalom Tatum to survey the boundaries and to settle up with the current settlers by granting them "pre-emption" certificates. Each head of family and single male over the age of 21 and living on the land before June of 1780 was entitled to a grant of 640 acres. The author cautions that it may not even have been the "original" settler on the land, but it was the person that the appointed trio found on the land in 1782-3 and determined that person to be eligible. The second part of the book lists the PAYROLL OF MILITIA OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS ON AN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE CHICAMAUGA INDIANS IN 1787 from what was to be Davidson and Sumner Counties.
Willis Hicks is mentioned in the above book: Willis Hicks is listed in Davidson County as paid in 1790 for service in the 1787 expedition.

      iii.           JAMES MADISON HICKS129,130, m. H. SARAH ?131,132.
      iv.           YOUNG E. HICKS133,134, m. I. MARTHA ?135,136.
      v.           SUSANNAH HICKS137,138, m. J. JENNETTE ?139,140.
17.     vi.           SARAH (SALLY) HICKS.

13. HARRIS5 HICKS (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)141,142. He married TEMPERANCE SEARS143,144 April 10, 1784 in Granville County, North Carolina.
      i.           ABSALOM6 HICKS145,146, b. June 10, 1786147,148; m. SARAH ANN ALLEN149,150, December 7, 1809, Warren County, North Carolina.
      ii.           JANE HICKS151,152, b. July 1, 1788153,154; m. MILLS TAYLOR155,156, February 18, 1808, Granville County, North Carolina.
      iii.           JOHN HICKS157,158, b. May 20, 1790159,160; m. POLLY LAMAR161,162, October 23, 1816, Granville County, North Carolina.
      iv.           ELIZABETH HICKS163,164, b. September 1, 1794165,166; m. JOSEPH HOWELL167,168, November 26, 1819, Granville County, North Carolina.
      v.           WILLIS HICKS169,170, b. May 4, 1797171,172; m. POLLY HARRIS173,174, September 10, 1817, Granville County, North Carolina.
      vi.           MARY HICKS175,176, b. January 20, 1799177,178; m. RANSOM SMITH179,180, November 29, 1820, Granville County, North Carolina.
      vii.           ROBERT HICKS181,182, b. October 17, 1802183,184; m. SARAH GRISHAM185,186, December 21, 1821, Granville County, North Carolina.
      viii.           WILLIAM HICKS187,188, b. August 29, 1805189,190; m. JANE CRETH191,192, May 17, 1825, Granville County, North Carolina.
      ix.           PEYTON HICKS193,194, b. March 7, 1808195,196; m. ELIZA JOURDAN197,198, April 13, 1831, Halifax County, North Carolina.

14. SAMUEL5 HIX (DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)199,200 was born 1755 in Goochland County, Virginia201,202, and died 1835 in Ash County, North Carolina203,204. He married SARAH NANCY HARMON205,206 Abt. 1776.
Children of SAMUEL HIX and SARAH HARMON are:
      i.           SEBRA6 HIX207,208,209.
     More About SEBRA HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001209

      ii.           GOULDER HIX210,211,212, b. Abt. 1785213,214,215.
     More About GOULDER HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001215

18.     iii.           DAVID HIX, b. 1795, Watauga County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1840, Ash County, North Carolina.
      iv.           FANNY HIX216,217,218, b. 1795219,220,221.
     More About FANNY HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001221

19.     v.           SAMUEL HIX, b. Abt. 1800, Valle Crucis, North Carolina.
      vi.           SALLY HIX222,223,224, b. 1801225,226,227.
     More About SALLY HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001227

      vii.           HARMON HIX228,229,230, b. 1802231,232,233.
     More About HARMON HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001233

      viii.           WILLIAM HIX234,235,236, b. 1805237,238,239.
     More About WILLIAM HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001239
Generation No. 6

15. ANDERSON6 HICKS (BISHOP5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)240,241 was born 1788 in North Carolina242,243, and died Bef. 1840244,245. He married (1) ELIZABETH GILL246,247, daughter of ISAAC GILL and ELIZABETH MOBLEY. He married (2) JANE CRENSHAW248,249 October 26, 1820 in Wake County, North Carolina.

Anderson went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1832 from North Carolina, and soon died.[243929.ftw]


Anderson went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1832 from North Carolina, and soon died.
20.     i.           FABIAN LUCIUS7 HICKS, b. April 16, 1828, Forrestville, North Carolina; d. January 2, 1899, Bandera, Bandera County, Texas.
      ii.           JAMES ANDERSON HICKS250,251.
      iii.           ANNIE HICKS252,253.
      iv.           BURTON HICKS254,255, m. ELIZABETH DANIEL256,257, December 29, 1869, Thomas County, Georgia.
      v.           LAURA HICKS258,259.
      vi.           MARY ELIZABETH HICKS260,261.

16. JETER6 HICKS (BISHOP5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)262,263 was born 1797 in Virginia264,265, and died June 1863 in Marion County, Missouri266,267. He married JULIA A. D. NELSON268,269 July 21, 1819 in Washington County, Tennessee.

Notes for JETER HICKS:
Was living in Marion County, Missouri in 1840. Bought a farm from Catherine Nelson, Susan R. Nelson, W.H. Nelson, and John R. Nelson (assuming this is Jr.), property being owned by John R. Nelson, deceased. The deed was executed on July 15, 1857 in Memphis, Tennessee.[243929.ftw]


Was living in Marion County, Missouri in 1840. Bought a farm from Catherine Nelson, Susan R. Nelson, W.H. Nelson, and John R. Nelson (assuming this is Jr.), property being owned by John R. Nelson, deceased. The deed was executed on July 15, 1857 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Notes for JULIA A. D. NELSON:
Was living near Philadelphia, Missouri when her husband, Jeter Hicks died in June 1863.[243929.ftw]


Was living near Philadelphia, Missouri when her husband, Jeter Hicks died in June 1863.
Children of JETER HICKS and JULIA NELSON are:
      i.           MARTHA L.7 HICKS270,271, b. 1834, Missouri272,273.
      ii.           JOHN NELSON HICKS274,275, b. November 13, 1835, Alabama276,277.
     Notes for JOHN NELSON HICKS:
John Nelson Hicks returned from Nevada in the late 1870's, and was in Shelby County, Tennessee until about 1855 when he moved to Idaho.[243929.ftw]


John Nelson Hicks returned from Nevada in the late 1870's, and was in Shelby County, Tennessee until about 1855 when he moved to Idaho.

      iii.           SAMUEL K. HICKS278,279, b. 1837, Missouri280,281.
      iv.           CATHERINE E. HICKS282,283, b. 1839, Missouri284,285.
      v.           ANN J. HICKS286,287, b. 1843, Missouri288,289.

17. SARAH (SALLY)6 HICKS (ABSOLOM5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)290,291. She married SILAS A. RIGGS292,293 March 18, 1819 in Howard County, Missouri.

Notes for SILAS A. RIGGS:
Boone County History - "In the spring of 1817, the next settlement was begun, in Perche Bottom, in the southwestern portion of the county, by John Hickam, Anthony Head, Peter and Robert Austin, John McMickel, Jacob Maggard, Silas Riggs, and Abraham N. Foley.

...was a justice of the peace for twenty years and one of the most prominent citizens of the county.

Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."[243929.ftw]


Boone County History - "In the spring of 1817, the next settlement was begun, in Perche Bottom, in the southwestern portion of the county, by John Hickam, Anthony Head, Peter and Robert Austin, John McMickel, Jacob Maggard, Silas Riggs, and Abraham N. Foley.

...was a justice of the peace for twenty years and one of the most prominent citizens of the county.

Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."
Children of SARAH HICKS and SILAS RIGGS are:
      i.           JAMES S.7 RIGGS294,295, b. November 19, 1819, Howard County, Missouri296,297; d. August 30, 1884, Boone County, Missouri298,299.
      ii.           ELIZABETH D. RIGGS300,301, b. January 1, 1820, Boone County, Missouri302,303; d. July 10, 1857304,305.
      iii.           ABSOLOM H. RIGGS306,307, b. February 1, 1821, Boone County, Missouri308,309; d. May 15, 1894, Weatherby, Missouri310,311.
      iv.           WILLIAM WARREN RIGGS312,313, b. October 15, 1822, Boone County, Missouri314,315; d. June 21, 1899, DeKalb County, Missouri316,317.
      v.           SARAH S. RIGGS318,319, b. August 31, 1823, Boone County, Missouri320,321; d. 1833, Boone County, Missouri322,323.
      vi.           ZADOC TOMKINS RIGGS324,325, b. February 29, 1824, Boone County, Missouri326,327; d. January 11, 1901, Boone County, Missouri328,329.
      vii.           JOHN WILLIAM RIGGS330,331, b. March 7, 1828, Boone County, Missouri332,333; d. April 5, 1906334,335.
      viii.           ELIZA RIGGS336,337, b. December 17, 1830, Boone County, Missouri338,339; d. April 25, 1859, Boone County, Missouri340,341; m. SAMUEL B. FURNISH342,343, November 19, 1851, Boone County, Missouri.
      ix.           HANNAH G. RIGGS344,345, b. June 22, 1832, Boone County, Missouri346,347; d. June 27, 1907, Audrain County, Missouri348,349; m. JOHN DAVENPORT HAWKINS350,351, April 24, 1853, Boone County, Missouri.
      x.           MARY (POLLY) WARREN RIGGS352,353, b. January 31, 1833, Boone County, Missouri354,355; d. March 19, 1912, Boone County, Missouri356,357.
      xi.           YOUNG EWIN H. RIGGS358,359, b. December 3, 1834360,361; d. March 2, 1883, Riggs, Missouri362,363.
      xii.           SAMUEL A. RIGGS364,365, b. April 29, 1836, Boone County, Missouri366,367; m. (1) SARAH HALL368,369; m. (2) E. L. PERSINGER370,371, January 1, 1879, Boone County, Missouri.
      xiii.           SUSAN RIGGS372,373, b. February 11, 1838, Boone County, Missouri374,375; m. (1) WIL ROWLAND376,377; m. (2) DANIEL H. SMITH378,379, June 12, 1868.
      xiv.           ALEXANDER C. RIGGS380,381, b. January 29, 1840, Boone County, Missouri382,383; d. May 20, 1840, Boone County, Missouri384,385.
     Notes for ALEXANDER C. RIGGS:
Cemetery: Riggs Cemetery
Cem/Loc: 1998, Weatherby, Missouri
No Stone
Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."[243929.ftw]


Cemetery: Riggs Cemetery
Cem/Loc: 1998, Weatherby, Missouri
No Stone
Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."

      xv.           SARAH S. RIGGS386,387, b. September 30, 1842, Boone County, Missouri388,389; m. MICHAEL WOLF390,391, February 29, 1860, Boone County, Missouri.
      xvi.           LAURA B. RIGGS392,393, b. March 11, 1844, Boone County, Missouri394,395.

18. DAVID6 HIX (SAMUEL5, DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)396,397 was born 1795 in Watauga County, North Carolina398,399, and died Abt. 1840 in Ash County, North Carolina400,401. He married SUSANNA ASHER402,403.
Children of DAVID HIX and SUSANNA ASHER are:
      i.           MARGARET7 HICKS404,405.
      ii.           DAVID HICKS, JR.406,407.
      iii.           WILLIAM HICKS408,409.
      iv.           HIRAM HICKS410,411, b. 1814, Watauga County, North Carolina412,413; d. Ash County, North Carolina414,415.

19. SAMUEL6 HIX (SAMUEL5, DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)416,417 was born Abt. 1800 in Valle Crucis, North Carolina418,419. He married NANCY WARD420,421.
Child of SAMUEL HIX and NANCY WARD is:
      i.           ADAM7 HICKS422,423, b. 1823, Watauga County, North Carolina424,425; d. Watauga County, North Carolina426,427.
     More About ADAM HICKS:
Burial: St. John's Episcopal Church cemetery428,429


Absalom Hicks, Sr. (b. Abt. 1733, d. Bef. February 08, 1770)
Absalom Hicks, Sr. (son of Samuel Hicks, Sr. and Dianah Willis) was born Abt. 1733, and died Bef. February 08, 1770 in Granville County, North Carolina. He married Mary Harris on Abt. 1750, daughter of Sherwood Harris and Jane Hudspeth.

More About Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris:
Marriage: Abt. 1750

Children of Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris are:

    +Bishop Hicks, b. Bef. 1750, d. September 1798, Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina.
    +Absalom Hicks, Jr..
    Agnes Hicks.
    Dianah Hicks, b. December 05, 1761.
    +Harris Hicks.
    Jeanie Hicks, b. April 20, 1760.

Bishop Hicks (b. Bef. 1750, d. September 1798)
Bishop Hicks (son of Absalom Hicks, Sr. and Mary Harris) was born Bef. 1750, and died September 1798 in Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina. He married Catherine Jeter on Abt. 1780, daughter of Samuel Jeter and Mary Dudley.

More About Bishop Hicks and Catherine Jeter:
Marriage: Abt. 1780

Children of Bishop Hicks and Catherine Jeter are:

    +Anderson Hicks, b. 1788.
    +Jeter Hicks.
    Martha Hicks, b. 1786.
    +James Madison Hicks, b. 1790, Wake County, North Carolina.
    +Josiah Rux Hicks, b. September 21, 1792, Ragland District, Granville County, North Carolina.
    +Willis Bishop Hicks, b. January 22, 1798, d. May 09, 1881.
    +Mary Hicks, b. 1788, d. January 1880.


Willis Bishop Hicks (b. January 22, 1798, d. May 09, 1881)
Willis Bishop Hicks (son of Bishop Hicks and Catherine Jeter) was born January 22, 1798, and died May 09, 1881. He married Dorothy B. Nance on November 29, 1821 in Wake County, North Carolina, daughter of James Nance and Mary.

More About Willis Bishop Hicks and Dorothy B. Nance:
Other-Begin: November 29, 1821, Wake County, North Carolina.

Children of Willis Bishop Hicks and Dorothy B. Nance are:

    Martha Ann Catherine Hicks, b. September 17, 1822.
    Angeline Jeter Hicks, b. June 09, 1824, North Carolina.
    William Nielsey Hicks, b. August 19, 1825, North Carolina.
    Robert Nance Hicks, b. August 23, 1826.
    +Benjamin Franklin Hicks, b. November 08, 1827, Georgia.
    Mary Calviss Hicks, b. May 27, 1829, Georgia.
    +Nancy Talbert Hicks, b. July 20, 1831.
    James Bishop Hicks, b. February 27, 1833, Georgia.
    Fabius Haywood Hicks, b. September 05, 1835.
    Josiah Rux Hicks, b. December 14, 1837, d. December 25, 1922.
    Julia Ann Hicks, b. October 02, 1840, Clarke County, Alabama, d. November 18, 1903.
    Allie Dolliskey Hicks, b. January 21, 1857, Clarke County, Alabama.
    Samuel Jeter Hicks, b. March 18, 1859, d. May 01, 1917.
    Barbara Elizabeth Hicks, b. January 24, 1861, d. October 03, 1941.
    Robert Daniel Hicks, b. February 19, 1864, d. July 18, 1865.
    Henry Harrison Hicks, b. June 06, 1866.
    Emma Delia Hicks, b. June 27, 1871, d. March 13, 1970.


From The Clarke County Historical Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 3 – Winter, 1978
(Page 1 of 2 pages)

I. The Willis Bishop Hicks Family

    As stated in the Summer, 1977 Issue of Clarke County Historical Society Quarterly, Willis Bishop Hicks removed from Wake County, North Carolina to DeKalb Co., GA; later removed from DeKalb Co., GA to Clarke Co., Alabama in 1836.

    The information stated below about Willis Bishop Hicks family was obtained from four sources as follows: (1) Wake County, North Carolina records, (2) Clarke County, Alabama records, (3) Clarke County, AL census records and (4) Willis Bishop Hicks family Bible records.  Mrs. Annie Lee Sellers McHaney, granddaughter of Willis Bishop Hicks and wife of Grady J. McHaney, Dickenson, AL is the present owner of the Willis Bishop Hicks Bible; the Bible was given to Mrs. McHaney by here mother, Emma Delia (nee Hicks) Sellers, youngest daughter of Willis Bishop Hicks and his second wife.
Willis Bishop Hicks, son of Bishop and Catherine (nee Jeter) Hicks, was born on January 22, 1798, near Horse Creek, Newlight District, Wake Co., North Carolina.  According to Wake County, N.C. records, on Nov. 26, 1821, Willis Bishop Hicks and Dorathy B. Nance acquired a marriage bond, they were married on Nov. 29, 1821, Wake Co., N.C.; Dorathy B. Nance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Nance, Sr., was born on Dec. 7, 1797, Amelia Co., Virginia.

    The children of Willis Bishop Hicks and his first wife, Dorathy B. (nee Nance) Hicks are listed as follows:

1. Martha Ann Catherine Hicks was born on Sept. 17. 1822; she married Neal Kennedy on June 26, 1841.
2. Angeline Jeter Hicks was born on June 9, 1824; she married Thomas R. Kennedy on June 25, 1841.
3. William Wesley Hicks was born on Aug. 19, 1825.
4. Robert Nance Hicks was born on Aug. 23, 1826.
5. Benjamin Franklin Hicks was born on Nov. 8, 1827; he married his first cousin, Julia Ann Allen on Dec. 25, 1849.
6. Mary Calviss Hicks was born on May 27, 1829; she married Jonas “James” A. Benson on Dec. 25, 1855.
7. Nancy Talbert Hicks was born on July 30, 1831; she married George Vickers on Oct. 5, 1848.
8. James Bishop Hicks was born Feb. 27, 1833; he married Sarah E. Pressnall on Jan. 16, 1854.
9. Fabius Haywood Hicks was born Sept. 5, 1835.
10. Josiah Rux Hicks was born on Dec. 14, 1837; he married Lucinda A. Benson on Sept. 7, 1857.
11. Julia Ann Hicks was born on Oct. 2, 1840; she married James J. Haskew on April 19, 1865.


Re: Hicks of NC, Absalom or Berry
Posted by: Dave Ashworth     Date: March 22, 1999 at 21:27:35
In Reply to: Re: Hicks of NC, Absalom or Berry by Audrae Turner Mathis     of 11732

I am responding to a discussion on the family of Absalom Hicks Sr. and his wife Mary Harris. I noticed that Audrae Turner Mathis in responding to Scott Jackson cited that Absalom Hicks Sr. and Mary Harris were married 20Apr1760. This false information has been published in a few book references of which I will not name. Be careful not to proliferate erroneous info. The date 20Apr1760 is the birth date of one of the daughters of Absalom Sr. and his wife Mary Harris. That daughters name was Jeani Hicks b.20Apr1760 in St. James Northam Parish of Goochland Co., Virginia as found recorded in the very reliable source commonly called "The Douglas Register". Jeani was baptized on 1Jun1760 in that parish as recorded in the above cited reference. Absalom Hicks, Sr. and his wife Mary Harris had another daughter Diana Hicks entered in the same record, "The Douglas Register". Her date of birth was given as 5Dec1761 and her baptismal date as 7Mar1762. She was obviously named for her grandmother (Absalom Hicks, Sr.'s mother, Diana "Willis" Hicks). The oldest known child to me thus far was Bishop Hicks born 1756 whose year of birth is calculated from his age that is given in the Granville Co., North Carolina Orphans Courts Records where in Bishop Hicks and his brother Harris Hicks {my direct line} are assigned by the court to others so that each may be taught a trade. I'll look up the exact date of the document if you wish. At any rate, considering all other information I have gathered, Bishop Hicks would be the oldest of the children of Absalom Hicks Sr. and his wife Mary Harris. If I am correct, then Absalom Hicks Sr. and Mary Harris were married abt. 1755 in Goochland Co., Virginia. Their son Nathaniel Hicks was b. abt. 1758 while Harris Hicks year of birth is confirmed as 1762 from the Orphans Courts Records as is Bishop's. I also have all of the Revolutionary War records of Harris Hicks that confirm his year of birth also. The other two known children of Absalom Hicks Sr. and Mary Harris were Absalom Hicks, Jr. b. abt 1763 and Willis Hicks b. abt. 1765. Both of these brothers removed to Christian Co., Kentucky. I have nice records on them as well. If you wish, we can continue our discussion and exchange of information directly by email. thanks, dave

From Goochland Co. VA Wills and Deeds 1742-1749 by Benjamin Weisinger III (1983).

Deed Book #4 p. 72

"I, Robert Willis, of the Parish of St. James and G (Goochland), for the love I have for my loving daughter, Jeney Hix, have given her one certain parcel of land, being that whereon she now lives, and containing 50 acres bounded by the north branch of Tuckahoe Cr. Signed Oct 6, 1742 Robert (R his mark) Willis. Wit. - James (J his mark) Stephens, Richard (X his mark) Williams. Recorded Oct. 19, 1742. Mary, the wife of Robert Willis, relinquished her right of dower to the conveyed lands."

Deed Book #4, p. 418

"Sep. 18, 1744 from Zeaney Hix of the Parish of St. James and G, to Robert Willis, Jr., brother to the said Zeaney Hix, of same, for 20 pounds, a certain tract of land of 50 acres in the parish of St. James and G and on the north branch of Tuckahoe Cr. and is the same 50 acres whereon the said Zeaney Hix lately lived, which was given to her by her father, Robert Willis, SR., and is bounded according to the bounds mentioned in her deed from her father. Signed Zene (I her mark) Heix. Wit. William (X his mark) Willis, Jr., John Utley, John Baughon. Recorded Sep. 18 1744."

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