Surry Co. & Brunswick Co. & Sussex Co. & Greensville Co. (and other counties) Abermarle Parish; Lawne's Creek Parish; Southwark Parrish (or Southwarke, named after Southwark, county Surrey, England), St. Andrew's Parish (formed for Brunswick County c. 1720) also Meherrin Parish
Also Early Hicks pre 1820 Workpage for these counties.
[The area below that was Surry Co. (1652) was divided up into smaller counties, both Brunswick 1720 and Sussex 1754 taking land from Surry and Prince Georges (See second map) was formed from James City County. Fort Christianna which was settled by Captain Robert Hicks in 1714 became part of Brunswick County. This is a study of the early Hicks (Hix) families from the area south of the James River which comprises Surry, Sussex, Brunswick and Prince Georges Co. (there's also a Prince George Co. in Maryland) and later Greensville County, made up from Brunswick. Other counties were also formed later.
Albemarle Parish, an Episcopal parish encompassing Sussex and Surry counties, was established in 1738 "from those parts of Lawne's Creek and Southwark parishes that lay southwest of Blackwater River" by the Church of England. Albemarle Parish should not be confused with Albemarle County.

Showing Surry and Prince Georges west of the Isle of Wight early 1700s
Several Hicks lines are found in the Surry Co. area- the most important is the Captain Robert Hicks, son of Robert, nicknamed "the taylor." Robert and sons as well as Captain John Evans, Captain Richard Jones, David Crawley, and Nathaniel Urvin were Indian traders. Evans and Hicks arrived in Charles City Co. (this county, James City Co. and Henrico Co. were the only counties west on the Isle of Wight and south of the James River) and settled in the southern frontier at Hicks' Ford [Hicksford] and which became Emporia.
The Virginia 1704 Rent Rolls- Hix John James City County 1704; Hix Joseph James City County 1704; Hix Robert Prince George County, 1704; Hixs John Prince George County, 1704. All of thees Hix were born in the 1600s and the area that was formerly James City and Charles County was part of Surry- Sussex- Brunswick areas.

A 1754 map of colonial Virginia showing Surry now composed of several counties. Greenville County has not been established yet. The counties of Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Charlotte, Halifax, Pittsylvania, Bedford, Campbell, Henry, Franklin, Patrick, Prince Edward, and part of Amelia were created from Brunswick at various times during the next 100 to 200 years.
The first English settlers in Brunswick county swarmed into the lands near Fort Christanna during its 4 years of operation (1714–1718). Brunswick County was established in 1720 from Prince George County. In 1732 the county received more land from parts of Surry and Isle of Wight counties. Brunswick County stretched all the way to the Blue Ridge until 1745, when a series of new counties was formed and the current western border established. In 1780 Greensville County was formed from part of Brunswick's eastern side and in 1787 the county's eastern border was finalized with a minor adjustment. The county is named for the former Duchy of Brunswick-Lunenburg in Germany, because one of the titles carried by Britain's Hanoverian kings was Duke of Brunswick-Lunenburg.[Wiki]
The original St. Andrew's Parish Vestry Book, dated 1732-1797, is kept at the Library of Virginia.
I'll not including extended lines here, just the basics.
1) Robert Hicks (Hix), "The Taylor" b. circa 1634; son, Captain Robert Hicks; (Captain Robert is referred to as Robert Jr. on occasion and was nicknamed "Robin.") John Evan's Sr. was father of Captain Robert's first wife, Winnifred Evans. Children Captain Robert (b.1658):
(a) Daniel Hicks m Edith Fonville; issue: 1. Captain Thomas m. Williams; 2. Mary; 3. Daniel 4. Benjamin
(b) Robert Hicks m Elizabeth Ervin (Urven, Irvin) issue: 1. Elizabeth 2. Martha 3. Winnifred 4. Nathaniel 5. Sarah
(c)Charles Hicks; No issue
(d) George Hicks d. SC m. Sarah; issue: 1. James m. Collier; 2. George Jr. (to SC) 2. Robert (to SC) 4. Sarah; Lucy m. Seawell
(e) James Hicks m. Martha Jane Fathey; issue: 1.Lewis, 2. John, 3. James Jr., 4. Patty 5. Mary, 6.Benjamin and 7. Robert
(f) John m. Obedience; issue: 1. William, 2. John Jr., 3. Frances, and 4. Mary
(g) Frances m. 1 Richard Ransom; 2. Batt Peteson and 3. Seymore Powell
(h) Martha m. Henry Beddingfield
(i) Elizabeth m. Thomas Lanier
(j) Rachel m. Mathias Davis
(k) Mary m Thomas Jacobs
(l) Tabitha m. Joseph Wynn
2) John Hicks (Son of Robert Sr., brother of Captain Robert) and Rebecca Rives (Rieves)-
(a) Robert m. Mary Courtney issue 1. Martha (Sarah) Bass; 2. Nathaniel; 3. Tabitha m. Benjamin Goodrich; 4. Mary m. William Atknison; 5. Elinor (Eleanor) "Nellapy" m. Paul Tatum; 6. Sussanah m. James Vaughan; Ann m. James Bruce; and Jean m. Lewis Peeble.
(b) John (Jr.)
(c) Sarah "Sally"
(d) Nathan
(e) Joshua
(f) Abigail m. John Rose
3) John Hicks and Denias Christiana-
William m. Elizabeth, issue:
(b) Christiana; no issue
(c) Joseph m. Ann, issue
(d) Thomas
Other Hicks/ Marriages/ Births:
Lucy Birdsong (b. 1754) m. Joseph Hicks
Humphrey Hix
[From: Births, Deaths, and Sponsors, 1717-1778: From the Albemarle Parish Register of Surry and Sussex Counties
by John Bennett Boddie
1739 William and (wife?) Elizabeth Hicks witness birth of Lucy Felts (William and Sara Felts)
1742 Christian Hicks (daug. John Hicks- Denias Christianna) witness birth of Henry Sawry. Mary Hix (Hicks) witness birth Henry on Sawry 8-17-1742 (Sawry family births)
1765 Rubin Hicks witness birth James Underhill
Wm. and Mary Hix
Micajah, 11/17/53, Edward Shelton, John Bulloch, Anne King
Wm., 7/5/60, Wm. Willie, Geo. Hogwood, Mary Hix
John and Mary Hix
Mary, 1/19/36, none given
Robert, 1/3/43, Thos. Grussett, John McGarity, Prissilla Hix
John, 8/15/48, Francis Hutchens, John Painter, Eliz. Cooper
Sarah, 12/22/37, none given
Joseph and Anne Hix
John, 7/19/42, John Roberts, Daniel Massengale, Mary Roberts
Wm., 12/22/44, John McGarrity, James Missengale, Jr., Prissilla Davidson
More Brunswick Co. Marriages
1771, Nov. 25, John Hicks & Ann Harrison, dau. of Benj. Harrison. Test: James Hicks & John Ballard.
Frances Hicks m. Durham Hall, Nov. 23, 1778 (#29)
1779, Jany. 25, Lewis Peebles and Jean Hicks. Sec. Robert Hicks. Letter from David Peebles, father of Lewis.
1780, Jany. 24, John Hicks to Rachel Williams. Letter from Rachel Williams. Security David Williams.
Captain Isaac Hicks m. Ann Booth, April 22, 1782 (#29)
Jesse Hicks m. Mary Callis Hudgins, February 4, 1790 (#29)
Jean Hicks m. Lewis Peebles, Jan. 25, 1779 (#29)
Mary Hix m. William Atkinson, August 26, 1782 (#29)
Sarah Hicks, m. Robert Hardaway, Nov. 24, 1783 (#29)
Elizabeth Hicks m. Captain W. Hardaway, Jr. October 25, 1784 (#29)
Tabitha Hicks m. Samuel Bracey, April 1, 1785 (#29)
James Hicks m. Judith Collier, Nov. 26, 1787 (#29)
Tabitha Hicks m. Benjamin Goodrich, may 25, 1789 (#29)
Thomas Hicks m. Jean Hampton, Dec. 24, 1794 (#29)
Judith Hicks m. Edmund Collier, Jan. 7, 1796 (#29)
Nancy V. Hicks m. William Walker, Nov. 21, 1797 (#29)
Jordan Hicks m. Lucy Pettit, April 22, 1799 (#29)
Francis B. Hicks m. Mary M. Davis 23 Feb 1824 (#25)
Frances A. Hicks m. Edward Davis 11 Nov 1837 (#25)
Rebecca H. Hicks m. Edward Thrower 8 Nov 1847 (#25)
Susanna Hicks m. Francis Riggan 2 Jan 1826 (#25)
Tempy Hicks m. Alexander Booth, June 24, 1800 (#29)
Cherry Hix m. Jesse Belts (?) Dec. 31, 1788 (#29)
Mary Hicks m. Enoch Morris, Jan. 4, 1790 (#29)
Rhoda Hicks m. James Briggs, August 17, 1791 (#29)
Sarah Hicks m. Thomas Johnson, Jan. 18, 1788 (#29)
Thomas Hicks m. Rebecca White, Nov. 25, 1783 (#29)
William Hix m. Susanna Morris Nov. 19, 1787 (#29)
Hickses listed in the "Register of Albemarle Parish, Surrey & Sussex Counties, 1739-1778":
Amy, Anne, Christian, Elisa/Eliza, Faith, Hannah, Hardy, James, Jemima, John, Joseph, Littleberry, Lorana, Mary, Micajah, Naaman, Nathan, Priscilla, Reuben, Robert, Sarah, Sally, Tubal, William
[Boddie] Nathan Hicks and George Rives witnessed Daniel Cato's will 1797 in Greenville Co.
Benjamin Lewis dau. Lucy Gray (1796-1812) m Tomas Hicks then m. Sally Edmunds Lewis her sister.
Reuben Hicks m. Elizabeth Sandel Lewis another sister.]
Eliz. daughter of Wm. & Mary Hicks, b. Feb. 24, 1740/1 christened April 12, 1741. Godparents: Joseph Hicks, Eliza Jones, Eliza Harw--(?)
James, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Sept. 3, christened 1735. [no godparents listed]
James, son of Wm & Mary, b. Sept 3, christened 1735. [no godparents listed]
Mary, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Dec. 19, christened 1738
Naamah, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Oct 15, christened 15 Dec 1745. godparents Daniel Roberts, Caecilia Stokes, Hannah Roberts
Joseph, son of Joseph Hix & Anne, b. Aug 29, christened Dec 7, 1755. Godparents Simon Stacy, Ephraim Justice, Mary Wallace
Sarah, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Dec 22, chr 1737
Tubal, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Nov 22, 1743, christened Jan 1, 1743/4. George Long, Robert Bullock, Eliza Loyd.
Wm. S., son of Joseph & Anne, b. Dec 22, 1744, christened Jan. 26, 1745/6. John McGarraty, Jas. Massingale Jr, Priscilla Davison
Sarah, dau of Wm. & Mary, b Sept 1, christened Oct 29, 1751
Wm, son of Wm. & Mary, b. July 5, christened Aug. 17, 1760. godparents Wm Willie, Geo. Hogwood, Mary Hicks
Micajah, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Nov 17, christened Dec 16, 1753. Edward Shelton, John Bullock, Anne King
Joseph Hicks, 8/29/1755, Simon Stacey, Eph
Edward Tatum 7-16-1741 wit. John Tatum, Robert Hicks, Bathia Tatum
Surrey County, VA: (c=christening date, b=birth date)
Children of Wm Hicks & Mary _____ of Surrey, Albemarle Parish, VA
Naamah Hicks c. 15 Dec 1745
Sarah Hicks b. 29 Oct 1751
Elizabeth c. 12 Apr 1741
James Hicks b. 3 Sep 1735
Jemima Hicks b. 31 Jan 1747
Mary Hicks b. 19 Dec 1738
Micajah Hicks c. 16 Dec 1753
Tubal Hicks c. 01 Jan 1744
William c. 11 Sep 1748
William c. 17 Aug 1760
Hicks Famliy Bible Record; Brunswick County, Virginia (1788-1861)
Daniel Hicks married Fanny Delony 22d Sepr. 1788
Edward B. Hicks born 11th July 1789
Martha Hicks Born 21st February 1791
Daniel Hicks Born 17 Sept. 1792
William Hicks Born 22 June 1794
Rebecca Hicks Born 31st October 1795
Fanny E. Hicks Born 16 Dec 1797
Henry D. Hicks Born 6 January 1800
Thomas Hicks Born 9th Nov. 1801
Robert Lewis Hicks Born 21st Sepr. 1803
Lewis F. Hicks Born 1 Octr. 1805
Robert S. Hicks Born 23 May 1807
HICKS BIBLE by Barbara Browder; The photostat of the original is at the Virginia State Archives. The Hicks Bible was published by M. Carey & Son, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, 1817.
Daniel Hicks married Fanny Delony 22nd Sept 1788
Edward B. Hicks was married to Elizabeth Stone 3 of November 1822
Edward B. Hicks born 11th July 1789
Martha Hicks born 21 February 1791
Daniel Hicks born 17th Septr 1792
William Hicks born 22d January 1794
Rebecca Hicks born 31st October 1795
Fanny E. Hicks born 16 Deer 1797
Henry D. Hicks born 6 January 1800
Thomas Hicks born 9th Novr 1801
Robert Lewis Hicks born 21st Sepr 1803
Lewis F. Hicks born 1st Octr 1805
Robert S. Hicks born. 23 May 1807
Rebecca Hicks, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Hicks was born 18th of November 1823
David S. Hicks son of Edw. & Elizabeth Hicks was born 11th May 1826
Henry E. Jones born 27th August 1820
Thomas L. Jones born the 26th June 1822
Robert L. Hicks died March 25th 1805
Thomas Hicks died Sept. 26th 1815
Robert S. Hicks died the 13th of March 1836
Fanny Hicks died April 12th 1840
Daniel Hicks Jur died July 25th 1841
Rebecca A. Hicks died suddenly February 20th 1854
Fanny E. Hicks died on the 22 of February 1854
Edward B. Hicks eldest son of Daniel & Fanny Hicks died the 27th of November 1858, age 69
Fanny Hicks wife of Daniel Hicks died April 12th 1840
Daniel Hicks died November 1857 at the advanced age of ninety-nine
Martha Hicks daughter of Daniel & Frances Hicks died the 17th day of February 1861 age 70 years
(Note: Henry E. & Thomas L. Jones were sons of Lucy D. Hicks, sister, of Daniel Hicks (d. 1857) and her husband, Ludwell
E . Jones )
John Collier obtained by Patent Book 1 2-178, 22 Feb 1724, 180 acres (new land) in Surry Co., VA, Southwark Parish on the north side of Cyprus Swamp adjacent John Simmons and
John Collier Will proved 1737 named a daughter Grace. Hence, it is concluded that John Collier married either Grace (likely) or Hannah Lucas, a daughter of William and Grace (Beckwith) Lucas. ... Witns: Wm. Hix, Solomon Hawkins and Charles Lucas.
Virginia's Colonial Soldiers - Page 240; Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck - 1988
Brunswick County- June 1757 returned lists of men under their command- John Peterson, 57 men; Peter Jones, 54 men; Isaac Collier, 37 men; Nathaniel Hicks, 38 men
James Hicks Jr. Liutenant;
John Willis;
Hays and Breeze ancestors:
There are in Albemarle Parish Register of Surrey & Sussex counties: Wm. & Mary Hix, John & Mary Hix, Joseph & Anne Hix, Robert & Mary Hix, John and Elixabeth Hix; Tubal & Hannah Hix James and Elizabeth Hix
Other Familes: Captain John Evans, Captain Richard Jones, David Crawley, and Nathaniel Urvin. Nicholas Elizabeth SMITH and son, William SMITH (ABT 1686-1751) married an Ann ISHAM , HARRISON, COLLIERS.
Patent to Hugh Lee, dated April 8, 1654, for 2000 acres, named Aberconaway, Charles City County, for transportation of 40 persons, including Richrd, Sparkes, Hen. Neale, Jno. Crew, Andr. Crew, Richd. Dennis, Wm. Marsh, Morris Joyce, Hen. Allaman, Jno. Browne, Wm. Bernard, Tho. Clark, Tomasin Harris, Jno. Browne, Phill. Pledge, Mary Browne, Jno. Cox, Richd. Warren, Tho. Michell, Jno. Drennett, Barbara Petingall, Cha. Bartlett, Wm. Taylor, Jno. Floyd, Tho. Stanley, Joan Liswell, Sara King, Rebecka Love?, Sara Swetland, Jocabus Jonson, Eliz. Cooper, Tho. Woods, Tho. Dance, Jno. Burges, Tho. Ory?, Addam Bradshaw, Robt. Hyme?, Martha Gibbs, Robt. Hicks, Jno. Allen, and Tho. Alford, on South Side Appomattock River, on North side the 3rd branch of the Black Water; nigh Warrick Path. Virginia Patent Book 6, page 510.
1654 April 8 Robert Hicks Charles City Co., south side Appomattox River, north side 3rd. branch Blackwater (Creek), near Warrck Path (VPB#6, p. 510)
Wm. Hix sells to Edmund Howell, land in Southwarke Parish in Ware Neck, part of a divident where Wm. Hix now lives, adj. Thos. Jennings' old field. (Surry Co. Va. Recs.: 1652-72, 1-138). [Dated 1675; Daughtie]
Patent to John Evans, dated December 22, 1682, for 557 acres, Charles City County, for importation of 12 persons, on South side of Hapomattucke (Appomattox) River, adjoining land of Maj. Genrll. Wood (Maj. Gen. Wood's land). [Virginia Patent Book 7, page 216, page 217.
Patent to John Evans, dated April 20, 1690, for 818 acres, for transportation of 17 persons, adjoining 557 acres granted to John Evans by patent December 22, 1682. Virginia Patent Book 8, page 75.
John Evans, Senr. of the county of Charles City and Parish of Bristol of the one part and Robert Hix and Winnifred his wife, son and daughter in law to ye aforesaid John Evans in the county and Parish aforesd. of the other part. . . John Evans Senr. for & in consideration of the love and affection he beareth to his son and daughter in law Robert and Winnifred . . . give to Robert Hicks and Winnifred his wife. . . 560 acres of land in same county, formerly taken up by the said Evans containing 90 acres Evans old line, Major Genll. Woods land (now belonging to Jones). Signed by John (JE) Evans and witnessed by Hen. Randolph, James Corke. Court for April 2, 1690, Mary wife of John Evans relinquished her right of dower in the said lands conveyed. Witnesses were Wm. Vaughan, Senr., James Adams, and James Corke. [Deeds & Wills (1689-1690), page ____, Charles City County, Virginia]
Patent to Robert Hickes, dated ___ April, 1694, for 600 acres, Charles City County, Parish of Bristoll, due for transportation of 12 persons, on South side of Appamatuck River, adjoining Land of John Evans. Virginia Patent Book 8, page 369.
1700-1750 PATENTS/WILLS/INDENTURES-----------------
Patent to John Poythris, dated October 24, 1702, for 350 acres, Charles City County, on North side of Nottoway River, for importation of John Lee, Humphrey Hix, __ Standback, Robert Boroman, Hen: Snotgrooe, Wm: Lambred, and Mary Driv?, running thence along headline of a tract of 950 acres patented by Hugh Lee Junr. (and by him sold to William Jones, Senr., Robert Hix the Taylor Senr., and John Roberts). Virginia Patent Book 9, page 396, page 397.
Patent to Thomas Wyn, dated October 24, 1702, for 200 acres, Charles City County, on Side side of Jones hole swamp and North side of Nottoway River, for 4 rights paid to Wm. Byrd. adjoining land of Hugh Lee Junr., now in the possession of William Jones, Robert Hix and John Roberts. Virginia Patent Book 9, page 406.
On June 23, 1708 Book 5 page 203 Michl. Harris Harris and John Hicks witnessed the will of John Gray of Southwarke Parish, Surry County. [Will of John Gray] To sister Liddy, household furn. To brothers, Thomas and Gilbert, cattle and hogs and rest of estate. Mentions father gives him clothing and makes him exor. Written 23 June 1708 and
Proved 9 Nov. 1708. [John Hux (Hicks) of Surry Co. (then James City Co.) married Jone (Joan) Gray c. 1638, daughter of ? Thomas Gray had issue: 1. Mary and 2. William. John remarried had issue: John Jr. Thomas Gray was an uncle of John Gray, who died in 1708 and left will. John Hux died c. 1668, leaving young son John Jr., born circa 1658.]
Patent to Robert Hix, dated October 31, 1716, for 1070 acres, new land, Surry County; on North side of Maherin River; near Arthur Kavenaugh's house, for 3 Lbs., 15 Shillings, and Importation of 7 person: Saml. Bushel, Edward Evans, John Engles, Jno. Verrell, John Bunch, David Crawly, and Robert Hix. Virginia Patent Book 10, page 307.
Surry County Will Book 7, page 281 [Will of John Hawthorne] [Mentions George Rives Rebecca's brother is therefore John Hicks/Rebecca Rives doc.]
In the Name of God Amen I John Hawthorne being very sick, but sense of memory do make this my Last Will and Testament.
First I bequest my soul to Almighty God that gave to me trusting in merits of our Lord Jesus Christ for the Salvation of my Soul next I Commit my body to the Earth, to be buried by the hands of my Excu. whom I shall hereafter name and appoint same.
Item I give to my eldest son John the land I now live on and going over the branch begin little spring with a Stright line by the north pit to the back Line that divides the Coll__ge Land to him and the heirs of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever.
Item I Give to my Son Peter the Plantation, that was James Talmons and all the land joining unto the meadow that was called James Talmons to him and his heirs of his body Lawfully begotten.
Item I give to my son Nathaniel a piece of Land belonging to what was James Talmons all the way up to side of Daniel Epes his path and that path shall be the Line to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever.
Item I give to my son Joshua all the Land that belonged to me on the lower side of Daniel Epes and the path to be the line to him and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for Ever.
Item I appoint and Authorize John Hick, Francis Maybury, John Weaver and George Reives to measure the land and divide the land between my Sons according to my Will & no otherness.
Item I impower and Authorize John Hick to sell my Negro Dick and to make good sale of him & likewise to sell my Land that is at Maratick River now called North Carolina and the money comes of the Negro and Land to be equally divided between my wife and all my children Item I bequeath to my Loving wife all my Goods and Stock & all the rest of my Cattle whatever during her widowhood but and if she marries then all to be equally divided between her & my children.
Item I appoint my Loving wife and John Hicks to be my Lawfull Exers of this my Last Will and Testament to be fulfill and execute it according to the true sense and meaning thereof as it is herein.
Signed Sealed and Devised this fifth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty.
John Hawthorne seal
In the presence of us whose names are here in to Subscribe
Robert Jeffrys
George Rives
Francis XX Maybury
At court held at Southwark the County of Surry Otober the 19th 1720. The above mentioned Will of John Hawthorne deceased: thus presented by Rebecca Hawthorn of whom made Oath thereto and being proved by Oaths of Robert Jeffrys and George Rieves Wit: thereto the Same is ordered to be recorded.
Patent to Elizabeth Urvin of Prince George County, dated February 20, 1723, for 420 acres, new land, Isle of Wight County; on South side of Maherin River; adjoining John Peterson; & William Auldridge; near low end of the Goose Pond, for 45 Shillings. Virginia Patent Book 11, page 317, page 318.
Patent to Robert Hix, dated July 9, 1724, for 140 acres, new land, Surry County, on North side of the Myery Branch, for 15 Shillings. Virginia Patent Book 12, page 97.
John Hix and Rebecca Hix [Hicks/Rives] witnesses to the will of Thomas Lewis, deceased. (Ibid, page 856.) 1726, Mar. 9.
Patent to Daniel Hix of Surry County, dated July 7, 1726, for 137 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on North side of Maherin River, adjoining the upper Indian Line. Virginia Patent Book 12, page 516.
Indenture made the 15th day of April, 1726, between Robert Hix of Surry County and Arthur Kavenaugh, for 40 pounds, conveying 200 acres in Lawnes Creek Parish on North side of Meherrin River and being same land granted by patent bearing date of October 1, 1716. Witnesses were Thos. Eldridge and James Washington. Presented in Court on April 20, 1726. [Wills and Deeds Book 1715-1730, page 633, Surry County, Virginia]
Patent to George Hix of Surry County, dated October 31, 1726, for 429 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; above Jeneto Creek; on the Indian line. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 59, page 60.
Patent to Robert Hix, Junr., dated October 31, 1726, for 195 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on North side of Roanoake River; on Popler Creek, adjoining George Hix's land. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 60.
Patent to George Hix, dated October 31, 1726, for 265 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on North side of Roanoake River; on Popler Creek, corner of Daniel Hix. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 60, page 61.
Patent to George Hix, dated October 13, 1727, for 260 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; above the upper fork of the first great Creek, above the Christianna Fort. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 206.
Patent to Daniel Hix, dated October 13, 1727, for 355 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; on the Indian Line, corner of Capt. Robert Hix; on George Hix's line. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 211.
Patent to John Hix of Surry County, dated September 28, 1728, for 960 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; on the Indian Line, on East side of the Great Creek. Virginia Patent Book 13, page 393, page 394.
Patent to James Hix, dated September 28, 1728, for 390 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on Jennytoe Creek, on South side of Maherin River. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 70, page 71.
Patent to Robert Hicks of Surry County, dated September 28, 1728, for 580 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on North side of Roanoak River; adjoining Richard Jones. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 80.
Patent to Robert Hicks, Junr., dated September 28, 1728, for 280 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; on North side of Jeneto Creek. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 80, page 81.
Patent to John Hicks of Surry County, dated September 28, 1728, for 400 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on North side of Maherin River; on Stevenes' Branch. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 82.
John Hicks, of Brunswick county to Robert Rivers (Rives) of Dinwiddie county, £42:10:0 curr. 200 acres in Brunswick county on both sides of Steven's branch on north side of Meherrin River, adjoining Frances Stainback's, James Clack, Geo. Tillman, being part of patent granted to John Hicks of Surry county for 400 acres dated Sept 28, 1728 and devised to John HICKS, in the Last Will and Testament of John HICKS.
Patent to Henry Bedingfield, Junr., dated September 28, 1728, for 425 acres, new land, Brunswick County; on South side of Maherin River; adjoining Robert Hix, Junr; crossing Geneto Creek; to George Hix; & Daniel Hix's line. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 88.
Patent to Thomas Wilson, dated September 28, 1730, for 300 acres, new land, Surry County; on South side of Nottoway River; adjoining his old land; Richard Smith; & Elizabeth Urvin, for 30 Shillings. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 118.
Patent to Robert Hix, Gent., dated September 28, 1730, for 2610 acres, old and new land, Surry County; on North side of Maherin River; adjoining Henry Wyche; on the Myery Branch, at mouth of the Meadow Run; William Lucas; Capt. Thomas Goodwin; land formerly Major Charles Goodrich, dec'd; on Reeves' Swamp; near Arthur Kavanaugh's house. 1070 acres part granted said Hix, October 31, 1716; & 140 acres granted him, July 9, 1724, for 7 Lbs. money. Virginia Patent Book 14, page 124, page 125.
Indenture between Robert Hix and George Hix, for natural Love and Affection unto my son, George Hix, 500 acres on North side of Maherrin River in Southwark Parish, and being a part of a 2,000 acre tract granted to the said Robert Hix, by Letters of Patent dated August 10, 1720, and adjoining the lands of Robert Hicks, Daniel Hicks and James Wyches. Presented in Court on March 17, 1730.[Deeds, etc. Book 1730-1738, page 84, Surry County, Virginia]
Lease dated October 4, 1732, between George Hicks and Sarah, his wife, of Surry County, and Daniel Carroll of Prince George County, concerning parcel of land on Poplar Creek, which was granted to Daniel Hicks, by Letters Patent bearing date of October 31, 1726. Presented to Court on October 5, 1732. Deeds and Wills Book 1, page 12. Release portion begins page 13.
Lease dated October 4, 1732, between George Hicks of Surry County and Alexander Sinney of Prince George County, Clerk, for 260 acres on South side of Maherrin River "fork of the first Great Creek above Christiana Fort. Reference of Letters Patent bearing date at Williamsburgh of October 13, 172 . Signed by George and Sarah Hicks. Presented to Court on October 5, 1733. Deeds and Wills Book 1, page 15. Release portion begins page 16.
Patent to Robert Hix, Junr., dated March 23, 1733, for 130 acres, Brunswick County, on South Side of Maherin River. Virginia Patent Book 15, page 190.
Lease dated the 3rd day of February, 1734, between John Ray and Robert Hix, Jr., for 195 acres. Presented in Court on February 6, 1734. Deeds and Wills Book 1, page 152. Release dated the 4th day of February, 1734, begins on page 153.
Gift Deed from Robert Hix, Senr. of St. Andrews Parish in Brunswick County dated July 7, 1734, for "especially for and in consideration of the true love and natural affection which I bear to Samuel Clark, Jr. of the parish and county aforesaid"
conveying land to Samuel Clark, Jr., containing by estimation 580 acres lying and being on the North side of Roanoke River in the County of Brunswick (description includes Richard Jones' line and Cornelius Keith). Signed by Robert Hix, Senr. Witnessed by Moses Dunkley, Theophilus Feild and Josias Randle. Deeds and Wills Book 1, page 165.
Indenture made the 1st day of April, 1735, between Robert Hicks of Brunswick County on the one part and Thomas Jacobs and Tabetha Jacobs, his wife, daughter to the said Robert Hicks of the other part, for 10 pounds, conveying one certain tract or pearsall (sic) of land containing one hundred acres lying in Brunswick County on the North side of Meherin River, to Thomas Jacobs and Tabetha Jacobs, his wife, for and during their natural life and hafter or their decease unto Thomas Jacobs and John Jacobs, sons to the said Thomas Jacobs and Tabetha, his wife. Signed by Robert Hicks and Frances Hicks. Witnessed by John Irby and Jane Roberts. Presented to Court on the 3rd day of April, 1735. [Deeds and Wills Book 1, page 167, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Patent to Robert Hix, dated January 2, 1737, for 650 acres, Surry County, on the North side of Maherrin River, and on the South side of the Three Creeks, beginning and extending on the East side of Reeves' swamp. Virginia Patent Book 17, page 452, page 453.
Rebecca Stewart, born say 1717, sued Charles Hix in Brunswick County, Virginia court in September 1738 for her freedom and a certificate for the same, but the court dismissed the case in February 1738/9 when she failed to appear. Hix was ordered to pay Douglas Irby as an evidence for one day and for coming and going fifty miles [Orders 1732-41, 203, 223]. She was living in Surry County, Virginia, on 17 July 1750 when the court ordered the churchwardens of Albemarle Parish to bind out her children: Moggy, Tom, Jack, Nan, Peter, and James [Orders 1749-51, 110].
The will of Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks was dated 28 July 1739, proved 2 Oct 1740, Brunswick Co., VA, Will Book 2, 1739-1750, p. 21; Elizabeth Hicks of St. Andrews Parish; To daughter Winnifred Hicks 1 negro Peter and the old sorrell horse & side saddle, the best feather bed and furniture, 1 oval table, chest called mine, 6 head of cattle, that went by the name of her own & a looking glass ; to daughters Elizabeth Hicks & Martha Hicks 1 feather bed, each one chist a peace one square table a piece & five pounds a piece to be paid out of the crop now on the ground and furniture to the beds mentioned; to two daughters, Sarah Hicks and Mary Hicks, feather bed each with one new Rugg & 1 new Blankitt to each & 1 cubbard a piece & 1 iron pott a piece; to son Nathaniel Hicks all my goods & chattels both real and personal not herein given. Son Nathaniel Hicks & Burwell Brown exors.
[Will of Robert Hicks, son of Captain Robert- proved Oct. 1737] In the name of God Amen I Robert Hicks of the parish of St. Andrews in the County of Brunswick being [weak] in body but of a sound and perfect disposing mind and memory [__________] for the same in calling to mind the mortality of men [______] that it is appointed for all persons once to dye to make and ordain this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form following hereby revoking all other wills [and codicils] by me heretofore made. First, I commend my soul unto the hands of God that [ ________ ] my body I commend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian manner by my executrix hereinafter named and as touching the disposition of all such temporal estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me [ _______ ] I give devise and dispose thereof al follows. Impimis I will that my debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and discharged by my wife my executrix.
Item. I give unto my son Nathaniel the plantation whereon Richard Johnson now lives and an entry of land on the Great Creek being approximately 200 acres. I give and bequeath unto my son Nathaniel 3 negroes Jules Holcey (?) and Jack. Item. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth a negro boy named Sam.
Item. I give to my daughter Winyfred a negro girl named Dinah and the child dark now goes with. Item I give unto my daughter Martha my negro girl Platt. Item. I give unto my daughter Sarah my negro London. Item. I give unto my daughter Mary negro Charles.
Item. I give unto Capt. John Turner his heirs executors and assign all my lands at Great Swamp being 400 acres bought of Arthur Kavanaugh one hundred fifty I bought of Capt. Brown one hundred and thirty five I bought of Col. Allen.
Item. I give unto my loving wife all my goods and chattels both real and personal which are not hereintofore given and disposed of and I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife and son full and sole executors of this my last will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this twentieth day March in the year of our Lord Christ 1735. My estate to be inventoried but not appraised. Signed by Robert Hicks (Seal) Signed sealed and published by the sd. Robert Hicks the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers, viz. Benjamin Chapman Donaldson, Simon Turner, Robert Clark.
At a court held for Brunswick County on the 7th day of October Anno Domino 1737 this will was presented in Court by Elizabeth Hicks the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto and the same being proved by Simon Turner and Robert Clark witnesses thereto it is admitted to record. [Deed and Will Book 1, page 285, Brunswick County, Virginia ]
W Bk. 2, p. 3. Hicks, Capt Robert, Inventory, March 5, 1739- 10. Rec. April 3, 1740.
Charles Hicks of Brunswick County to Timothy Thorp of Isle of Wight County, for 5 shillings, 650 acres on north side Meherrin River, Surry County, adjoining John Peterson, Wm. Battle, and Rives; and is part of a grant to Robert Hicks in 1737. April 13, 1740 [Deeds, etc. 1738-1754, page 305, Surry County, Virginia.]
Indenture made the 28th day of February, 1742, between Cornelius Keith and Thomas Twitty, for 25 pounds, conveying 100 acres, being same land in that certain deed of gift from Robert Hix, Sr., late of Brunswick County, dec'd. to the said Cornelius
Keith, dated the 2nd day of May, 1734, and the same being part of a larger tract of land granted to the said Robert Hix in his
lifetime. Witnesses were Clement Read, M. Cadet Young, and Thomas Lanier. Acknowledged in Court on March 3, 1742, at which time Elizabeth, wife of the said Cornelius Keith, appeared and relinquished her dower interest. Deed Book 2, page 236.
[Will of Captain Robert Hicks b. 1658, son of Robert- 1739] In the name of God Amen I Robert Hicks, Gentleman of the County of Brunswick in the Colony and dominion of Virginia, Knowing the uncertainty of human life and being now in perfect health and sound and disposing mind and memory do judge this the most proper time to make my Last Will and Testament for the disposing of what Lands Slaves Goods and Chattels I at the present time am owner of which I do in manner and form as followeth. Imprimis I acknowledge the Divine Favor and Mercy of God in so safely conducting and preserving me through all the Dangers to which human Life is exposed to this present time hoping the same Divine Grace may enable me to act to the end of my Life as becomes a follower of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ by whose advocacy & mediation with the Father I hope to to be admitted to eternal salvation.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Charles Hicks all my land at the Indian Fort below where I know live joining Captain Nathaniel Edwards his lower line and Batts his line containing 650 acres to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Frances Hicks four slaves name Kate, Martha Alias Hatt, Will and Popper. I also give to my said wife the Bed and Furniture which I now lie in with my will and Six sheep the best that she can choose out of the Flock and 4 cows and calves and also my largest iron Pott.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son James Hicks after the decease of my wife the plantation whereon I now live being whatever remains of my patent for 2610 acres after the several tracts hereafter given and taken out of the said patent to him & his heirs forever. I also give unto my said son James one mulatto boy named Peter being now in the possession of the said James Hicks.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son-in-law Richard Ransom 150 acres of land lying in the fork of Reeves his swamp being the plantation whereon John Hicks lived unto him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Benjamin Hicks 150 acres of land lying in the fork of Reeves his swamp above the land I have given to Richard Ransom to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath unto my son George Hicks a certain parcel of land joining to what he has already beginning at the mouth of his pasture branch and running from thence to the persimmon trees that grow by my haystack to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give unto my son James Hicks my large oval table.
Item I give unto my daughter Frances Ransom two slaves, Jo and Cesar.
Item I give unto my daughter Martha Bedingfield a negro girl named Hannah.
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Hicks two slaves, Will & Amy.
Item I give unto my daughter Rachel Hicks two slaves, Dick & Judy.
Item I give unto my son Charles Hicks my negro Peter and a bed and furniture and that chest which he now hath.
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth one bed and furniture.
Item I give unto my daughter Rachael one bed and furniture.
Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson John Bedingfield all my part of the mill on Genito's creek to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Frances Hicks all the remainder of my estate horses cattle sheep hogs and household stuff to be entirely at her own disposal.
Item I give unto my two daughters Mary & Tabitha to each a common Bible.
Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my beloved wife Frances Hicks full and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking annulling and making void all former and other wills and testaments whatsoever. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 6th day of March Anno Christ 1738/39. Signed by Robert Hicks. Signed and sealed and acknowledged as the Last Will and Testament of Robert Hicks in the presence of Anne Poythress, Charles Ross, and John Chapman.
At a court held for Brunswick Co. the 7th day of February, 1739. This will was presented in court by Frances Hicks the Executrix therein named who made oath thereto according to law and the same being proved by the oaths of Ann Poythress, Charles Ross, and John Chapman it is admitted to record. [Will Book 2, page 3, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Nov. 4, 1742: Brunswick Co. Lease between John Jackson and Rebecca, his wife, to Robert Hicks of Surry Co for the term of one year, tract on north side of Reedy Creek. Witnesses Edward Tatum, Jesse Tatum, and Lucy Jackson. Release follows. Brunswick Co. Deed Book 2, p. 192, release begins on p. 194.
Indenture made the 17th day of February, 1743, between Hugh BOSTON of Amelia County, and Thomas JONES of Amelia County, for 100 pounds, conveying 550 acres on both sides of Ash Camp Creek, being same lands conveyed by Letters of Patent bearing date of March 15, 1741. Acknowledged in Court on April 5, 1744. Deed Book 2, page 444. Indenture made the 5th day of June, 1744, between James HICKS of Brunswick County, and George HICKS of Brunswick County, Gent., for 150 pounds, conveying 810 acres on North side of Maherrin River, being the plantation whereon Capt. Robert HICKS formerly lived and part of the 1,010 acre of land devised by the Last Will and Testament of Robert HICKS to the said James HICKS. Witnesses were Benjamin Chapman DONALDSON, John WALL, Jr., and Henry BEDDINGFIELD. Acknowledged in Court on June 7, 1744, at which time, Martha HICKS, wife of the said James HICKS, appeared and/relinquished her dower. Deed Book 2, page 474.
Indenture made the 1st day of June, 1744, between James Hick and Benjamin Seawell, for 16 pounds, conveying 200 acres on North side of the Great Branch at James Wyches path. Witnesses were John Wall, Jr., George Hicks, and Henry Beddingfield. Acknowledged in Court on June 7, 1744, at which time Martha Hicks, wife of the said James Hicks, appeared and relinquished her dower. [Deed Book 2, page 476, Brunswick County, Virginia]
May 1744: Inventory and appraisal of the estate of Edward Tatum, dec'd. Appraised by Lewis Parham, Joseph Tatum, Thomas Jackson. Signed by Martha Tatum and Jesse Tatum excrs. (Brunswick Co Will Bk 2, p. 82)
Indenture made the 5th day of June, 1744, between James Hicks of Brunswick County, and George Hicks of Brunswick County, Gent., for 150 pounds, conveying 810 acres on North side of Maherrin River, being the plantation whereon Capt. Robert Hicks formerly lived and part of the 1,010 acre of land devised by the Last Will and Testament of Robert Hicks to the said James Hicks. Witnesses were Benjamin Chapman Donaldson, John Wall, Jr., and Henry Beddingfield. Acknowledged in Court on June 7, 1744, at which time, Martha Hicks, wife of the said James Hicks, appeared and relinquished her dower.
[Deed Book 2, page 474, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made the 26th day of July, 1744, between John BISHOP of North Carolina, County of Edgecombe, and Charles HICKS of Brunswick County, for 25 pounds, conveying 261 acres tract on South side of Halls Branch. Acknowledged in Court on August 2,1744. Deed Book 3, page 307.
Bond of John Peterson to Charles Hix, dated August 2, 1744, for 50 pounds, concerning purchase of 261 acre tract of land by Charles Hix from John Bishop of North Carolina and Christian Bishop, wife of the said John Bishop. Deed Book 2, page 480.
Indenture made the 2nd day of August, 1744, between John ANDREWS, of Surry County, and Benjamin HARRISON of Brunswick County, conveying 274 acres on South side of Great Creek and on both sides of the Mill Creek, and being the same lands granted to John ANDREWS by Letters of Patent bearing date of July 25, 1741. Names of the witnesses were not given.
[Brother and father of Diana Willis, Samuel Hicks' wife] Indenture made the 16th day of ________, 1744, between Benjamin HARRISON of Surry County, and Susanna, his wife, and Nathaniel HARRISON of Prince George County, and Mary, his wife, and John WILLIS of Gloucester County, Gent., for 668 pounds, 1 shilling, and 6 pence, conveying 3,265 acres on both sides of Three Creeks formerly in Surry County, and being same lands granted to Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq. by Letters of Patent bearing date of November 18, 1724; 625 acre tract of land on South side of Little Creek of the Three Creeks formerly in Surry County, and being same land granted to Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq., dec'd. by Letters of Patent bearing date of December 14, 1723; 425 acre tract on South side of Three Creek and on North side of ______ Creek, being same lands granted to James WASHINGTON by Letters of Patent bearing date of February 22, 1722, and sold by the said James WASHINGTON to Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq., dec'd.; 490 acre tract on both side of Maherrin River, being same lands granted to David CRAWLEY, now deceased, by Letters of Patent bearing date of February 18, 1722, and sold to Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq., dec'd.; 130 acre tract on North side of Maherrin River granted to David CRAWLEY by Letters of Patent bearing date of February 22, 1724 and by David CRAWLEY was given and devised to Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq., dec'd. and devised to Benjamin HARRISON by the Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel HARRISON, Esq., dec'd., dated December 15, 1726 ; and 240 acre tract on Uriah's Branch, according to a survey of land made for Benjamin HARRISON by Drury STITH, dated January ___, 17__. Witnesses were Nathaniel EDWARDS, William SKIPWITH, Fal SKIPWITH, Augt. CURTIS, John EMERLEY, Thos. EMERLEY. Acknowledged receipt of money from John WILLIS paid by the hands of his father, Col. Francis WILLIS. Deed Book 2, page 484.
31 Oct 1744: Widow Tatum to be paid extra as Administratrix of Edward Tatum, decd. for the service of himself and son as Clerk for one year at the Middle Church. St. Andrews Parish Vestry Book of Brunswick Co, 1732-1797, p. 30. [Tatum mentioned in the Will of John Hicks 1732]
Indenture made 4 January 1745 between Thomas Hix nephew &; heir at law to Charles Hix late of the County of Brusnwick
deceased and James Hix &; John David Junr. of Brunswick County, £10, 261a. on S. side of Hall's Branch. formerly granted to one John Bishop by Pattent dated 15 March 1741 &; by several mean conveyances became the Estate of the said Charles Hix who died without issue &; intestate. Signed Thomas Hix. Witnesses: Walter Campbell, John Burch, Moses Dunkley, Robert Campbell. Court February 6, 1745, Indenture, Memorandum and Receipt proved by the Oaths of Walter Campbell John Burch &; Moses Dunkley. Deed Book 3, Page 146.
Indenture made the 25th day of January, 1745, between Thomas Hicks of North Carolina, and Nathaniel Edwards of Brunswick County, Virginia, for 40 pounds, conveying 250 acres on North side of Maherrin River and is the lower part of a tract of land containing 500 acres whereon Daniel Hicks, late of Brunswick County, at the time of his death did dwell and by his Last Will and Testament dated December 17, 1734, the said Daniel Hicks devised the land to Thomas Hicks. Witnesses were John Walls, Jr., George Hicks, James Hicks, Jr., John Irby, Jr., Henry Beddingfield and Francis Price. Acknowledged in Court on February 6, 1745. [Deed Book 3, page 141, Brunswick County, Virginia]
[Identifies Hicks land] Indenture made 4 February 1745/6, between Amos Horton and Sarah his Wife of Brunswick County and James Dupree of same, £30, 320a, by Patent. Beginning at a red Oak a Corner of Mr. John Petersons Land thence South fifty five Degrees west forty Eight pole to a red Oak then South twenty five Degrees east one hundred &; Twenty pole to three trees Chopt inwards in a line of Capt. Robert hicks Junr. his land then by Hicks's line east by North Fifteen pole to a white Oake and South Seventy Degrees east one hundred and Forty Seven Poles to a Black Oak then North Seventy Degrees east Sixty two pole to a Spanish Oak aline three [sic] of Jonathan Carter's land then by Carters line North forty Degrees east forty three pole to a Hiccory then North five Degrees West one hundred and fourteen pole to a black Oak then North west one hundred and forty pole to a Black Oak a line tree of Mr. John Petersons land aforesaid then by Petersons lines South Seventy five Degrees west Twenty one pole to a Black Oak and South fifty five Degrees west one Hundred &; forty two poles to the first Station. Signed Amos Horton. Court Februrary 6, 1745, Indenture acknowledged by Amos Horton and Sarah the Wife of the sd. Amos
personally appeared and relinquished her Right of Dower. Deed Book 3, Page 132.
Indenture made the 4th day of January, 1745, between Thomas Hicks, nephew and heir at law of Charles Hix, late of Brunswick County, deceased, and James Hix and John Davis, Jr., for 10 pounds, conveying 261 acres on South side of Hall's Branch, granted to John Bishop by Letters of Patent bearing date March 15, 1741, and conveyed to the said Charles Hix, who died without issue and intestate. Witnesses were Walter Campbell, Robert Campbell, John Burch and Moses Dunkley. Acknowledged in Court on February 6, 1745. [Deed Book 3, page 146, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made the 19th day of October, 1745, between Daniel Hicks, son and devisee of John Hicks, late of the County of Surry, dec'd. and Francis Stainback, for 15 pounds, conveying his one half interest in 400 acres tract on Steven's Branch and devised by the Last Will and Testament of the said John Hicks, to his two sons, John Hicks and Daniel Hicks, equally. Witnesses were Sterling Clack, Wm. Parker and James Carter. Acknowledged in Court on February 6, 1745. [Deed Book 3, page 121, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made the 5th day of June, 1746, between Isaac HOUSE of St. Andrews Parrish, and Richard RAMSOM of same, for 35 pounds, conveying 84 acres on North side of Three Creeks. Witnesses were John WALL, Jr., and James MACLIN. Acknowledged in Court on Jun 5, 1746, by Isaac HOUSE. At Court for June 4, 1747, Mary HOUSE, wife of the said Isaac HOUSE, appeared and relinquished her right of dower. Deed Book 3, page 190.
Indenture made 5 November 1746 between William Wise of Brunswick and Amos Horton of same, £28, on Cattail Creek, 120a. Signed William Wise (bhm), Elizabeth Wise (bhm). Witnesses: James Hicks Junr., John Tomson, Samuel Clark. Court November 6, 1746, Indenture and Memorandum acknowledged by Wm. Wise and Elizabeth the Wife of the sd. Wm. personally appeared and relinquished right of dower. Deed Book 3, Page 227.
Indenture made the 5th day of November, 1746, in the 20th year of the reign of the King, between Ambros JACKSON of Brunswick and John JACKSON, brother of the said Ambros JACKSON, for 40 pounds, conveying 150 acres on South side of the Little Creek, bounded by the lands of Col. WILLIS and John OGBURN. Witnesses were John WILLIS, James HICKS, Jr., and Samuel CLARK. Acknowledged in Court on November 6, 1746, at which time Amy JACKSON, wife of the said Ambros JACKSON appeared and relinquished her right of dower. Deed Book 3, page 225.
George Hicks of St. Andrews Parish, Brunswick County for £100, paid by James Hicks the Elder of same, Gent., Two negro Slaves the one a man Named Brandom &; the other a Boy Named Tom, Also two feather Beds and furniture, provided it is the true intent that whereas a Certain agreement of B&;S hath been formerly concluded between the said George Hicks and the said James Hicks for a tract of land lying on both sides of Jenneto Creek containing 396a for the making over &; conveyeing of which the said Land the said George Hicks at the time of the ssaid agreement entered into a Bond with the said James Hicks the Elder in the Penalty of £50 &; whereas the property of the sd. Land was at that time and still is vested in James Hicks an Infant, son to the said George Hicks, and as the said george intends shortly to remove out of this Colony &; has a Design to give the above named Slaves Beds &;c to his said son James on Condition that he shall when he arrives at the age of Twenty one Years make over &; convey unto the said James Hicks the Elder a good &; Lawfull Title unto the said Land it is therefore the tru intent of these presnts that the use of the said slaves be reserved unto the said James Hicks the Younger untill he shall arrive at the Age of Twenty One years &; that then &; from that time the sole right Title and property of the said two slaves Beds &; furntirue be and are hereby intirely vested in him the said James Hicks the Younger provided he shall on his arrival at the Age aforesadi or as soon after as he hsall be thereunto required by the said James Hicks the Elder make over &; convey the said Land &; premises unto the said James Hicks the Elder. In case the said James Hicks the Younger shall neglect or refuse to Comply with the above Conditions on his part that then &; from the time of such Neglect or Refusal the property of the said slaves and Beds are to be immediately vested in the said Jaems Hicks the Elder, dated 6 October 1747. Signed George Hicks. Witnesses: Richard Ransom, Isaac Collier, Matthias Davis, John Wall, Junr. Court November 5, 1747, Deed proved by th oaths of Richard Ransom and John Wall, Unr., Gent. Deed Book 3, Page 358.
Indenture made 15 October 1747, between George Hicks of St. Andrew Parish, Brunswick County, Gent., and Robert Jones, Junior of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, Attorney at Law, £400, on North side of Maherrin river, 1310a. Signed George Hicks.
Witnesses: Thomas Briggs, Richard Knight, William Gray, Junr., Henry Bedingfield, Thomas Pennington. Court February 4, 1747, Indenture &; Memorandum proved by oaths of Richard Knight, William Gray, Junr., &; Thomas Pennington, together with the Comission annexed for taking the relinquishment of Dower &; privy Examination of Sarah the wife of George Hicks. Deed Book 3, Page 385.
Commission directed to John Willis, Timothy Rives, George Wych, John Wall and Richard Ransom, Gentlemen, giving power to
receive relinquishement of Dower from Sarah, wife of George Hicks, to Deed dated 15 october 1747, to Robert Jones for 1710a [sic], dated 16 October. Execution signed by George Wych and Richard Ransom. Deed Book 3, Page 389.
13 June 1748: Brunswick County Pole for Drury Stith—William Wall, James Denman, Henry Embry, John Moutrey, Giles Kelly, William McKinney, William Maclin, James Speed, Hezekiah Massie, Thomas Loyd (Sworn), Lewelling Jones, Robert Christy, Thomas Butt, Richd. Hagood, Randal Brasie, William Jones, Augustine Hightower, Geo. Tilman, Stephen Caudle, Mason Bishop, Hubard Quarles, John Johnson, John Avery, William Brewer, William Smith, Roger Reese (Sworn), Thomas Lanior, William Lindsey, William Scoggin, William Green, George Deardan, Robt. Dunkley, Robt. Cunnell, Francis Lett, Hix Jones, Henry Bailey, Hugh Williams, William Averice, William Mosely, Hezekiah Massie, Owen Strange, Thomas Twitty, William Smith, Josias Floyd, Thomas Procter, Drury Malone (Swonr), Geo. Tilman Junr., Francis Hagood, Geo: Hagood, Thomas Brooks, Richard Birch, John Lambert, Nicholas Proctor, Sampson Caudle, William Gower, John Birch, Robt. Gee, James Rigbie, Francis Stainback, Shep: Lanier, Curthbert Smith, William Stroud, William White, Samuel Crafts, Geo: Cain, Aths. Robinson, John Duke Henry Jones, David Sinclr, John Steed, William Petty, William Randle, William Wray, Benjamin Lanier, John Moore, Robert Hicks, John Hicks, Thomas Dean, John Randle, Charles Goulster, John Maclin, William Read, Peter Simmons, Isaac House, Geo: Clayton, John Marshall, John Ward, Stehpen Scizon, Hinchy Mabry, Richard Pepper, Lanuel Lanier, John Mishaux, Charles King, James Cooke, William Ledbetter, George Wilson, nathl. Harrison, Thomas Loyd, Senr., John Ingram, Jesse Tatum, John Pettaway, To: Mabry (Sworn), William Tilman, Sampson Lanier, Theok: Bland, Richard. Swanson, William House, William Smith, Geo: Mosely, Thomas Clanton, Thomas Mosely, Isaac Matthis, John Fennel, James Maclin, John Ezell, Edward Hueland, John Geo: Pennington, William Nance, William Bailey, Drury Robinson, Daniel Taylor, James Johnson, Samuel Russell, John Johnson, Peter Tatum, John Butts, Michael Young, Richard Russell, Thomas Jones, John Evans, Griffin Humphris, George Clark [Clack], Richard Scogging, John Moorston, James Parrish, William Scoggin, Richd: Burnett, Edward Davis, Baxter Davis, Chris Tatum, George Sims, John Wall, Robt. Rynolds, John Davis, Edward Robinson, Joseph Burnett, James Clack, Abraham henix, Charles Matthis (sworn), William Short, John Hagood, James Hicks, James Taply, John Johnson, William Williams, James Love, James Parham, John Edwards, Thomas Hardiway, Geo: Scogging, Richard Yarburough, James Bennitt, William Edwards, Nicholas Lanier, Robt. Briggs, Henry Simmons, James McDaniel, John Burrow, William Burrown, William Duggar, John Rose, John Robinson, Thomas Jackson, Charles Collier, George Stainback, William Robinson, John Parker, William Eaton, John Douglas, John Thornton, Henry Jackson, Nathaniel Hicks, Henry Morris, William Morris, John Jackson, David Walker, Hubbard Ferril, Jehue Peebles, John Collier, Lewis Parham, James Moseley, Samuel Harwell, Isaac Collier, William Pennington, Samuel Cental, Batt Peterson, John Jones, Thomas Johns, Thomas Sadler, Charles Lucas, Benja: C: Donaldson, John Willis, Nicholas Lanier, Thomas Person, William Samford, Sterling Clack. Michael Wall Sherif.
Indenture made 2 February 1746, between John Bedingfield of Craven County, North Carolina, Planter and Benjamin Sewel of Brunswick County, Planter, £30, 306, part of a tract of land formerly possessed by the said John Bedinfield [sic] whereof was sold a part to Richard Hyde of Brunswick County, on South side of Fountains Creek. Signed John Bedingfield. Witnesses: Nathll. Edwards, Saml. Bennitt, George Hicks. Court August 6, 1747, Indenture and Memorandum proved by the oaths of Nathaniel Edwards &; George Hicks. Court August 4, 1748, also proved by the oath of Samuel Bennitt. Deed Book 3, Page 471.
Burgess a pole of their votes--
Colo. John Wall--George Brewer, Joseph Wright, Moses Vincient, John Ogburn, Ninian Mitchel, William Davis, Joseph Massie[?], Nathan Harris, Richd. Ledbetter, Francis Deloach, Lizwel Sexton, Joseph Carter, Thomas Powell, William Jordan, William Ezell, John Peebles, William Wise, Joshua Clark, Charles Stuart, James Judkins, William Adams, Abraham Burton, Nathaniel Clark, Thomas Tomerlin, David Lucas, John Dunn, Fostor Rives, Thomas Jeffris, Thomas Jacobs, James Douglas, John Massie, Henry Ledbetter, James Upchurch, John Tooke, Henry Cooke, John Vincient, William Moseley, John Betty, William Wawmock, John Irby, William Wyche, William Betty, John Jackson, William McKnight, Nicholas Edmunds, George Walton, Eades Smith, Richard Hide, James Jordan, Samuel Harwell, James Sexton, William House, John Cooke [Cooker], Thomas Vincient, William White, John Morgan, William Johnson, Joseph Hathcock, Thomas Scizon, George Rives, William Lovsey, Thomas Tatum, John Steed, George Wyche, William Huff, Valintine White, Lawrence House, Charles Williams, William Powell, Daniel Cato, William Bishop, Thomas Collier, William Ren, George Harper, Timothy Rives, John Ray, John Harwell, James Lanier, Peter Wyche, Matthias Davis, John Misheaux, William Collier, Thomas Denton, Amos Horton, William Smith, Thomas Wise, George Moseley, Richd. Ledbetter, Edward Denton, Nathaniel Perry, Benjamin Ivey, Thomas Clanton, Aaron Parks, John Jeffres, John Fennal, Jeremiah Brown, Adam Simms, John Butts, Benjamin Sewel, Hugh Daniel, Thomas
Lawrence, Thomas Carrie, John Smith, William Brewer, William Barlow, Thomas Rives, John Walton, Richd. Burnett, Robert Lunday, Nathaniel Mitchel, James Hicks, Daniel Carill, James Parham, Joseph Parks, Thomas Williams, Charles Collier, Thomas Morris, William Fox, Thomas Austin, John Cato, John Daniel, Thomas Jackson, Isaac Collier, Richard Ransom, William Whittington, Samuel Clark, Walter Campbell, Burwell Brown, Michael Wall Junr., John Carril (Sworn), John Wall Junr., John Robinson, Absolem Atkinson, Edward Goodrich, Richard Lanier. Michael Wall Sherif. Deed Book 3, Page 510. c. 1748
Indenture made 16 September 1748, between David Sinclar of Brusnwick County, and Edward Ellis of Surry County, £35, on North side of the Great Creek, 300a, which was formlery granted to one Thomas Stainback by Letters Patent dated 1 February 1838. Signed David Sinclar. Witnesses: John Randle, John Edwards, John Hicks (bhm). Court June 1, 1749, Indenture proved by oaths of John Randle, John Edwards &; John Hicks. Deed Book 3, Page 567.
Indenture made the 6th day of April, 1749, between Nathaniel HICKS and Joseph WREAN of Isle of Wight County, for 5 pounds, conveying 195 acres, Beginning at a White Oak on the first Great Creek above Christianna, thence South 72 degrees East 83 Poles to a Red Oak, thence South 28 degrees West 116 Poles to a Red Oak, thence South 49 1/2 degrees West 134 Poles to a White Oak, thence North 64 1/2 degrees West 29 Poles to a Hicory (sic), thence North 84 degrees West 136 Poles to a White Oak, thence North 34 degrees East 132 Poles to a Red Oak, thence South 83 degrees 43 Poles to a White Oak, thence South 42 degrees East 96 Poles to the Beginning. Witnesses were Michael WALL, Jr., Moses JOHNSON, and Henry ROSE. Acknowledged in Court on April 6, 1749. DeedBook 3, page 555.
Indenture made 4 May 1749, between Batt Peterson of Brusnwick County, and John Threeweeks of Surry County, £60, 450a,
on both side of the Three Creeks, 100a part thereof being formerly granted unto John Harwell by Letters Patent dated 7 July
1726, and 350a of residue being granted to Charles Rose Deceased. Signed Batt Peterson. Witnesses: Sampson Lanier, John Peebles, Robert Hicks. Court 1 June 1749, Indenture &; Memorandum proved by oaths of Sampson Lanier, John Peebles and Robert Hicks. Deed Book 3, Page 568.
1750-1800 PATENTS/INDENTURES/WILLS/COURT REC-----------------
Indenture made the 25th day of March, 1750, between Nathaniel Hicks of St. Andrews Parish and Mary, his wife, and John Farrington of Albemarle Parish, Surry County for 35 pounds, conveying 280 acre tract situated on the South side of Maherrin River. Beginning at a red oak on the North side of Genito Creek thence Southeast 100 Poles cross the said Creek 204 Poles to a White Oak thence Southwest 168 Poles to a White Oak thence North 78 degrees West 60 Poles cross a Branch 116 Poles to a Poplar thence North 23 degrees West 122 Poles to a White Oak thence North 25 degrees East 40 Poles cross the said Creek 86 Poles to a Red Oak thence North 73 degrees 26 Poles to a Hickory thence North 50 degrees East 40 Poles to the Beginning. Names of the witnesses not given. Presented to Court on March 27, 1750. Deed Book 4, page 111.
Indenture made the 6th day of March 1750, between John Davis and James Hicks for 5 pounds, conveying 130 1/2 acres on South side of Hall's Branch formerly granted to John Bishop by patent bearing date of March 15, 1741. . . conveyance became the Estate of Charles Hix who died without issue and intestate and so became the estate of Thomas Hix, nephew and heir at law to the said Charles Hix, and by him sold and conveyed to the said John Davis and James Hix by deed. . . dated the 4th day of January, 1745. Witnesses were Dyonysius Wright, William Wyche and Edward Robertson. Presented in Court on March 26, 1751. Deed Book 5, page 29.
Indenture made the 25th day of March, 1751, between Daniel Hicks of North Carolina, and Robert Jones, Jr., of Virginia, Attorney at Law, for 150 pounds, conveying 250 acres of land which said plantation seat, tract or parcel of land, Daniel Hicks, father of the aforesaid Daniel Hicks, did by his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date of the 17th day of December 1734, did devise to the aforesaid Daniel Hicks, his son, in fee simple. . . South by Meherrin River, West by a swamp and the land of Robert Jones, Jr., Eastward by Nathaniel Edwards dividing line to Meherren River. Witnesses were John Edmunds, James Wall, William Chapman, Thomas Morrice, and George Brewer. Presented in Court on January 1, 1752. Deed Book 5, page 149.
1752, August 18, Joseph Hix, of Surry Co. to Blueford Pleasant, of same; £20 currency. 150 acres in Surry Co. on Seacoys Swamp. Adjoining John Smith, Wm. Brown and Lightfoot (Deed Book 6, page 482) Ann, wife of Joseph Hix relinquished dower in said land.
Indenture made the 6th day of March, 1754, between Thomas Jacobs, Thomas Jacobs, Jr., and Samuel Lucas for 40 pounds conveying 100 acres on North side of the Great Branch. [that whereas Robert Hicks late of the parish and county since deceased by Indenture bearing date of the 1st day of April, 1735. . . conveyed unto Thomas Jacobs and Tabetha, his wife, . . . during their natural lives and after to Thomas Jacobs, Jr., and John Jacobs, sons of the said Thomas and Tabetha Jacobs a tract of land situate on the North side of the Great Branch containing by estimation 100 acres and whereas the said John Jacobs hath since departed this life an infant under the age of 21 years. Witnesses were Litt. Tazewell, Charles Lucas, John Oliver and Mary Tazewell. Presented in Court on March 26, 1754. Deed Book 5, page 531.
Indenture made the 9th day of May, 1754, between Benjamin Seawell and Lucy [Hix], his wife, of Brunswick County, and Robert Jones, Jr., of Sussex County, Attorney at Law, for 100 pounds, conveying 200 acres on North side of Great Branch, Middle Fork of the School House Branch. Names of witnesses not given. Presented in Court on June 26, 1754. Deed Book 5, page 578.
Bill of Sale dated _________________, between James Hicks and James Hicks, the younger (son of George Hicks) in consideration of 93 pounds paid by James Hicks the younger, conveying 2 negroes, one named Brandon and the other boy named Tom and personal property. Referenced to a Mortgage Deed dated the 6th day of October, 1747, from George Hicks, father, to James Hicks for the benefit of James Hicks, the younger. Presented in Court on August 27, 1754. Deed Book 5, page 607.
Jan 8, 1756: Indenture made the 8th day of January, 1756, between Nathaniel Green and Phebe, his wife, and Lewis Charles of Warwick County, for 35 pounds, conveying 140 acres on South side of Reedy Creek, adjoining lands of Jesse Tatem and James Clack. Witnesses were William Scogin, Sen., Robert Hicks, Edward Tatum, Jno. Clack, and Patrick Hall. Indenture proved in Court on January 25, 1757, by the oaths of Robert Hicks and Edward Tatum and further proved in Court on September 26, 1758, by the oath of Jno. Clack and Phebe Green appeared and was privately examined. Deed Book 6, page 293.
Indenture made the 24th day of February, 1756, between Benjamin Hicks and Nathaniel Edwards, Esq. for 23 pounds, 8 shillings and 9 pence, conveying 150 acres on Fork of River's Swamp, being all the land devised by the Last Will and Testament of Robert Hicks, dated March 6, 1738 to the said Benjamin Hicks. Witnesses were Miles Cary, J. Edmunds, W. Edward, and Nathaniel Edwards, Jr. Presented in Court on February 24, 1756. [Deed Book 6, page 34, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Brunswick County Deeds (Bk. 6) Indenture made the 22nd day of June, 1756, between John HICKS and Robert RIVERS (Rives) of Dinwiddie County, for 42 pounds, 10 shillings conveying by estimation 200 acres on both sides of Stevens Branch on North side of Maherrin River, and is part of the Patent granted to John HICKS of Surry County for 400 acres on the 28th day of September, 1728, and devised to his son, John HICKS, in the Last Will and Testament of John HICKS. Witnesses were William VAUGHAN, Thomas VINES, and Peter SMITH. Presented in Court on June 22, 1756. Deed Book 6, page 60.
Indenture made the 24th day of May, 1757, between Thomas REAVES and Herman REAVES, son of the said Thomas REAVES, for the natural love and affection, conveying 50 acres on South side of Maherrin River, adjacent to land of Nathaniel HIXes. Presented in Court on May 24, 1757. Deed Book 6, page 151.
Indenture made the 24th day of January, 1758, between John BROWN of the County of Lunenburg, Planter and Anne BROWN, his wife, and Vines COLLIER of the County of Brunswick, Planter, for 60 pounds, conveying 240 acres on the South side of the Nottoway River (land formerly in Surry County). Beginning at a red oak a corner betwixt Maj. Benjamin HARRISON and Isaac COLLIER thence by COLLIERs line East by North 28 poles to a Hickory then South 50 degrees East 111 poles to a red oak thence South 15 degrees West 38 poles to a small black oak thence Southwest 55 poles to a white oak a line tree of John Davis's land thence by Davis's line West and by North 174 poles to a pine thence North 80 degrees West 6 by 1 pole to a red oak thence Northwest by North 57 poles to three trees chopped inwards in a line of Maj. Benja. HARRISONs land aforesaid thence by HARRISONs line North 75 degrees East 136 poles to a Hickory and North 28 degrees Last 73 poles to the beginning which tract was granted unto the said John BROWN by patent bearing date of the 27th day of September, 1729. Signed
by John BROWN and Ane BROWN. Witnesses were W. CHAPMAN, James HICKS, Jr., and John PETTWAY. Indenture and receipt thereon were acknowledged in Court on January 22, 1758, by John BROWN and Anne, his wife. Deed Book 6, page 225.
Indenture made the 28th day of March, 1758, between Henry JACKSON and Mark JACKSON, for natural love and affection, conveying 240 acres on South side of Ready Creek. Signed by Henry JACKSON (his mark). Witnesses were John HICKS, Jr., Daniel JACKSON, and Robert HICKS. Indenture acknowledged in Court on March 28, 1758, by Henry JACKSON. Deed Book 6, page 247.
Indenture made the 1st day of June, 1758, between James Bass of Northampton County, North Carolina, Planter, and Mary Bass, his wife, and James Hicks, son of George Hicks, of Brunswick County, Planter, for 70 pounds, conveying 415 acres on South side of Meherrin River adjoining lands of John Dugar, Winfield, Coles, and Peterson, which land was granted to James Bass by Patent dated December 15, 1749. Witnesses were William Thompson, Thos. Bass, George Malone, and Etheldred Jelks (his mark). Signed by James Bass (his mark) and Mary Bass (her mark). Indenture and Receipt were proved in Court on July 25, 1758, by the oaths of Wm. Thompson and Etheldred Jelks. [Deed Book 6, page 294, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Proceeding of the Militia for Court held on the 21st day of June, 1757. John WILLIS and Nathaniel EDWARDS, Field Officers. Isaac COLLIER, Robert BRIGGS, Jas. HICKS, William MACLIN, John PETERSON and William CHAPMAN, Captains. Ordered that William Clack be appointed Clerk to this Court. Others directed to appear and show cause as to why they should not become soldiers. Deed Book 6, page 249.
Indenture made the 8th day of January, 1756, between Nathaniel GREEN and Phebe, his wife, and Lewis CHARLES of Warwick County, for 35 pounds, conveying 140 acres on South side of Reedy Creek, adjoining lands of Jesse TATEM and James CLACK. Witnesses were William SCOGIN, Sen., Robert HICKS, Edward TATUM, Jno. CLACK, and Patrick HALL. Indenture proved in Court on January 25, 1757, by the oaths of Robert HICKS and Edward TATUM and further proved in Court on September 26, 1758, by the oath of Jno. CLACK and Phebe GREEN appeared and was privately examined. Deed Book 6, page 293.
Indenture made the 1st day of June, 1758, between James BASS of Northampton County, North Carolina, Planter, and Mary BASS, his wife, and James HICKS, son of George HICKS, of Brunswick County, Planter, for 70 pounds, conveying 415 acres on South side of Meherrin River adjoining lands of John DUGAR, WINFIELD, COLES, and PETERSON, which land was granted to James BAFS by Patent dated December 15, 1749. Witnesses were William THOMPSON, Thos. BAFS, George MALONE, and Etheldred JELKS (his mark). Signed by James BAFS (his mark) and Mary BAFS (her mark). Indenture and Receipt were proved in Court on July 25, 1758, by the oaths of Wm. THOMPSON and Etheldred JELKS. Deed Book 6, page 294.
Patent to James Hicks, dated March 3, 1760, for 272 acres, Brunswick County, in the fork of the Great Creek. Virginia Patent Book 33, page 714.
Indenture made the 3rd day of November, 1760, between Samuel PARKS of Orange County, North Carolina, and James TURNER, for 40 pounds, conveying 450 acres on South side of Meherrin River and granted unto Joseph PARKS by Letters of Patent dated the 13th day of August, 1747. Witnesses were John PETERSON, Burrell SIMS, James RANSON, Nathl. HICKS, and Zebulon LEWIS. Indenture and Memorandum of Livery of Seizin were proved in Court on January 26, 1761, by the oaths of John PETERSON, Burrell SIMS, and James RANSON. Deed Book 6, page 585.
Indenture dated the 27th day of December, 1760, between, James PARHAM and his son, Lewis PARHAM, for 5 shilling and natural love and affection, conveying one Negro girl named Cate with all her increase. Witnesses were Robert HICKS, Charles WILLIAMSON, Junr., and Nathan HICKS. Indenture was proved in Court on January 26, 1761, by the oaths of the witnesses. Deed Book 6, page 584.
[Will of James Hicks, Feb. 1761] [Married Martha Jane Fathey; Son of Captain Robert] In the name of God Amen I James Hicks of the County of Brunswick being very sick and weak but of sound mind and Memory, Blessed be God Yet Knowing the uncertainty of Human Life have thought fit this Twelfth Day of February one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty to make ordain, Constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner following. Imprimis I acknowledge the Divine favour and mercy of God in so Safly Conducting and preserving [ ] through all the dangers which Human Life is exposed to this present time Hoping the same divine Grace may inable me to Act to the end of my life as becomes a follower of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ by whos advocacy and Mediation whith the father I hope to be admited to eternal Salvation.
Item I Give and Beqeuath unto my Beloved Wife Fathy Hicks one Feather Bed and Furniture also Two Negro Slaves known by the name of Dick and Jenny During her life and after her Deseas to be equally Divided amongst all my children, also one Chest, [ ] Chairs and a Table during her life and afterwards unto my Son James, also I lend all my Stock of Cattle Except Six Cows and Calvs and Two Stears unto my Wife During her Widowhood and then to be equally divided amongst my Children namely Mary, Patty, James, Lewis, John and Frances Hixs, also Two Chairs Crichets and Egle also one Large pott and one Frying pan.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Hicks all the Land Lying in the fork of the great Creek not including the Low grounds from the mouth of his Spring branch to the pinte[?] of the Hill where his Road leads down thence across by a line of Mark'd trees to the mouth of a Little Gully above the plant[ ] thence up the Watercourse of the said Creek the line to be Run by Mr. James Hick's my Cousin to him and his Heirs forever also one Negroe fellow named Brandum and what Household Goods he hath in possession also what stock he hath in possession, and one cow and calf and one stear, more out of my Stock three years and Lambs at the spring of the year. Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son Robert Hixs all the Lands on both sides of the Lower fork of Great Creek down to where it empties into the west spring of the said Creek thence a straight line east to the Indian line Joining John Stephens line to him and his Heirs forever, also one bed and furniture, Six Chairs one Chest [ ] plates Three Dishes one pot his Horse Saddle and Bridle and one Negroe man named Sharpes the Cows and calvs one Stear three years and Lambs at the spring of the year.
Item I give and Beqeuath unto my Son James Hixes all the Land from the Lower Corner of Robinsons old field to the head of the Hicks[?] Branch down the said Branch to the Creek opposit Against the Barn[?] thence down the Creek from the mouth of the said Branch including my Plantation and all the land Below that is not already mentioned to him and his Heirs forever, also one negroe boy named Andrew one man known by Calling his his provided he gives to his Brother Lewis Hixes two first of his increase [ ] plates three Dishes three head of Sheep when he comes of age three cows and calvs.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son Lewis Hix, all my Land on the uper[?] side of the Hicks[?] Branch that is all ready Mentioned to him and his Heirs forever also one negroe boy named Ned, and three Cows and Calves where he arrives to the age of Twenty one years.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Son John Hixs one Tract of Land Containg one Hundred and Sixty one Acres more or less lying in the lower end of Brunswick formerly surveyed by John Bishop to him and his Heirs forever also one Negroe Boy named Alston[?] also three Cows and Calvs when he shall Come to the Age of Twenty one years of Age.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Hix one feather Bed and furniture also one Negro girl named Cato, also the Labour of one Negroe Wench named fillis but her increas to be Equally Divided amongst my Six Children hereafter mentioned Benjamin Robert James and Lewis Hixs also one Sorrel mare[?] Bridle and Side Saddle.
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Pattey Hix two negroe Girls named Nan & Da[ ]ens also one Bed and furniture also the first increase of the share[?] Bequeathed [ ].
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Frances Hix one Negroe Girl named Hagar.
Item My will and Desire is that the nine Cows and Calvs Bequeathed my sons James, Lewis and John Hix be paid by my Wife or Two Executors as soon as they shall come to the Age of Twenty one years and that she have the [ ] and make good to any of my Children a bed that I have not Bequeathed unto and the increase of Jenney the Wench Bequeathed my Wife be equally Divided among my Children Frances and John Hix until the death of my said Wife.
Item My will and Desire is that my Horses Boston and Romon & Negroe Boy Simon and all the rest and residue of my Estate not aforesaid mentioned be sold at the Direction of my executors hereafter mentioned to discharge my Lawful debts and the money if any Remaing be equally Divded amongst my aforementioned Children Benjamin, Robert, Mary, Patty, James, Lewis, Frances and John Hicks, and my will and desire is that all my Negroes Remain on the plantation, Except Andrew which my Son Benja. hath in possession and be imiploid towards making a Crop and my son Robert Hix have the Care and Management of them and for his Trouble to have and Equal Share and the management of his own. Lastly I ordain Constitute and appoint my beloved Wife, Benjamin Hix and Robert Hix Sole Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby Revoking and making Void all former Wills and Testaments Whatsoever in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and year above. signed James Hicks, and witnessed by John Stephens Junr., Henry Vinson, and Thos. Harris Williams.
At a Court held for Brunswick County the 23rd Day of February 1761 This Will was proved According to Law by the Oaths of John Stephens Junr. and Thomas Harris Williams Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded and on the motion of Benjamin Hix and Robert Hix two of the Executors threin named who made Oath thereto and together with James Hicks and Robert Stark their Securities entered into and Acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of Three Thousand pounds Conditioned as the law directs Certificate was granted them for obtaining probate in due form. [Will Book 3, page 352, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made the 22nd day of June, 1761, between John Stevens, Junior, and Robert Hicks, for 5 shillings, conveying 200 acres on Hicks's Creek, beginning at John Stevens upper corner Hickory, along Benjamin Seewell's line. . . on James Hicks's line thence along the said Hicks's line to the beginning, and being part of the tract whereon John Stevens now lives. Witnesses were Allan Love, Rease Brewer, and Thomas Gunn. Indenture was acknowledged in Court on July 27, 1761, by John Stevens and Rebecca, his wife, appeared and relinquished her right of dower. [Deed Book 6, page 720, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Jan. 3, 1762 Last Will and Testament of Daniel Hicks
In the name of God Amen this Thhurd day January in the year of our Lord one Thousand 1762 I Daniel Hic[torn] of Onslow County in the province of North Carolina _lan[torn] Being very sick and weak in Body but of perfect mind an[torn] memory thanks be [obliterated] God therefore calin gain to mind this mortality of my Body and knowing th[torn] apointed for all men to dye Do make and ord[torn] this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and firs of all I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it and for my Body I recommend it to the earth to be bured in a Christian like maner at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting at the General resurrection I shall rise the same again by the mighty power of God as touching such worldly estate wherew[trn] it has plesed God to Bless me in this life I gi[torn] and d[torn] [mutilated] following manner and [torn] imprimus it is my will and I do order that in the first p[torn] all my just Depts and funeral Charges be Paid and iates paid, I Lend and bequeath unto Comfort my dearly bloved wife my negro wench Hanner During hur Life or hur Widohood and in case she may children it is my will that the first child that She has that it may belong to my Dater Elizabeth and after hur Life or hur Widohood it is my Will [torn] and increas may be Equly Devided a _____ my [torn] children Item I give unto my well beloved son John Hicks [obliterated] negro wench Chany. Item I give unto my well beloved son Robert Hicks one negr[torn] wench named Lidia. Item. I give unto my well beloved Daughter Sary one Negro boy named Bitton?. Item I give unto my well beloved Son John Hicks five Lickly Cows and calves. Item I give unto my well beloved son Robert Hicks five Lic__ cows and calves. Item I give unto my well beloved Daughter Sary five [torn] of young cattel. Item I give unto my well beloved Daughter Alisabith fore head of Lickly young Cattel. Item I give and bequeath unto my wife the remader part of [torn]. Item I give and bequeath unto my wife a Horse? and a mare and a ____ and _____ one five Pound for the use of _____ [torn] I lend unto my wife ________ of Land During hur Life or hur Widohood and then to be [torn]ly to be Devided between my two sons John and Robert. I give unto my beloved Son John Four Puter Basons Lick[torn] my Son Robert I give Four Basons ____. Item I give unto my belved wife four Puter Dishes and ___ [torn]ter Platt. [torn] ive unto my Dater aLisabeth one [torn]. Item I give unto my beloved son John Hicks __ted and fo___[torn] wise I give unto my beloved Robert Hicks one bed [torn]rnature. Item I give and beqeath unto my wife my Sock of hogs and [torn] wise Three Irand Pots
Item I likewise Constatute and ordain my brother Thomas Hicks and my beloved wife and James Kibbles my onely and Sole Excutors in trust of this my last will and testament [torn] I do thereby shurely disalow ____ ____ _____ ____ and eve[torn] other formar Testaments Wills acquits and Exugtes by me m[torn] any? ways before the Time morgiges welled bequeathed ratify Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hererunto set my Hand & Seal this Day year abov mntioned.
Signed Sealed published Daniel Hicks
Pronounced Declred by
the Said Daniel Hicks [torn]
[torn] his Presents us the
[torn]subscrbers Willies Whitehead, Joshua Johnston his William + Loyd
Indenture made the 28th day of May, 1764, between Robert Hicks and Mary, his wife, parties of the first part, and James Parham, for 100 pounds, conveying 50 acres on Miry Branch, White Oak on Parhams Branch. Signed by Robert Hicks and Mary Hicks (her mark). Witnesses were Lewis Lanier, Zachariah Sims, and Lewis Parham. [Deed Book 7, page 464, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made the 11th day of June, 1764, between Robert Hicks and Stephen Hicks, son of the said Robert, for love and affection, conveying 263 acres, after the death of the said Robert Hicks and Mary, his wife, and being the tract of land where Robert Hicks now lives on Reedy Creek, Meherrin Branch, Mire Branch, to mouth of Parhams Branch. Witnesses were John Clack, Littleberry Stainback, and William Hall or Wall. Indenture acknowledged in Court in June, 1764, by Robert Hicks. [Deed Book 7, page 479, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Will of Robert Hicks, dated February 12, 1765, proved July 9, 1765. Wife, Mary. Sons, Benjamin and Robert Hicks. Daughter, Elizabeth Hicks. Brother, George Hicks. Executor: Wife and Brother, George Hicks. Witnesses: Phil Dill, William Heustess, John Forrester. Will Book 1760-1767, page 552, Berkely County, South Carolina [Volume 10, page 715-716, Berkeley County, South Carolina ]
Will of John Peterson dated May 16, 1763, and proved on January 23, 1769.
To son, Batt Peterson, plantation whereon I now live, containing 580 acres. To son, William Peterson (under the age of 21 years), all land bought of George Wyche, containing 200 acres and all land on North side of Fountains Creek, being 500 acres in all. To son, John Peterson (under the age of 21 years), all land on South side of Fountain's Creek and plantation on North side of Fountains Creek where son, Batt Peterson, now lives. To son, Hinchen Peterson, land on North side of Meherrin River which is all the lands Frances Powell hath her right of dower in, and also land bought of William Newman, containing 420 acres. Daughters, Temperance Taylor, Mary Peterson, Martha Peterson, Patience Peterson, Rebecca Peterson, Betty Peterson, and Lucy Peterson. Sons, Batt Peterson and John Peterson, named as Executors. Witnesses were John Parham, Nathaniel Hicks, Thomas Meggo, James Roper, Robert Hicks and James Brown. [Will Book 3, page 525, Brunswick County, Virginia]
27 Feb 1769: Will of John Weaver probated (wd 7 Jan 1769). Names son John, grandson Frederick Williams, daughter Elizabeth Williams, grandson Robert Hathorn, granddaughter Susanna Hathorn. Ex. son John Weaver and friend Charles Floyd Wit. Nathan Hall, Genjamin Ivey, Elisha Ivey. Probate indicates that John Weaver qualified with Robert Hicks, Cheney Tatum and Jesse Tatum his securities; the other exec refused to qualify. Brunswick Co Will Bk. 3, p. 530
Patent to Robert Hicks, dated April 6, 1769, for 454 acres, Brunswick County, adjoining the lands of Baley and Hows. Virginia Patent Book 38, page 526, page 527.
Patent to Benjamin Hicks, dated July 14, 1769, for 223 acres, Brunswick County, adjoining the land of Hicks, How, and Tharp. Virginia Patent Book 38, page 663.
Will of Sarah Hicks of St. Andrews Parish, dated March 19, 1769, and proved April 23, 1770.
Daughter, Lucy Seawell. Son-in-law, Benjamin Seawell and grandsons, Benjamin Seawell and Joseph Seawell, appointed to be Executors. Granddaughter, Sarah Hicks, daughter of son, George Hicks. Witnesses were Charles Williamson, Thomas Sisson and Judith Williamson. Benjamin Seawell, Sr. and Joseph Seawell, refused to qualify as Executors.]
In the Name of God Amen I Sarah Hicks of the Parish of Saint Andrews in the County of Brunswick being sick and weak but of Perfect mind and memory thank God for the same do make indorse constitute and appoint this my last will and testament in manner that is to say Imprimis I give and bequeath to my Daughter Lucy Seawell one feather bed and furniture consisting of one quilt two sheets one set of Curtains and a Pillow six new pewter plates three Dishes one Earthen dish two Iron Potts and pott hooks one a small one the other a middle sized one Tea Kettle one small copper skillet one of Cast Iron one Washing tubb and pale one Looking Glass four chairs one Table one [ ] and all my wearing Cloths one tea pott five cups and Saucers two white Muggs one Sugar Dish two Glass Tumblers six hard mettle spoons twelve Tea Spoons to her and her heirs forever. Item I give to my granddaughter Sarah Hicks the daughter of my son George Hicks my wedding Gold Ring to her and her heirs forever after my just Debts are paid the Remainder of my Estate of all Kinds. I give to my daughter Lucy Seawell to her and her heirs forever. I also appoint my Son in Law Benjamin Seawell my Grand my Grand sons Benjamin Seawell and Joseph Seawell my executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and sixty nine. Signed by Sarah Hicks (by her mark). Signed, Sealed and published and delivered by the said Sarah Hicks to be her last will and Testament in whose presence and at whose request the following were witnesses Charles Williamson, Thomas Sisson, and Judith Williamson.[At a court held for Brunswick County the 23rd day of April 1770, This will was presented in Court by Benjamin Seawell Jr. one of the executors therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and the same being proved by the oaths of Charles Williamson and Thomas Sisson two of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Recorded and on the Motion of the said executor who together with Benjamin Seawell Senr. his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one thousand pounds Current Money with condition as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form and Benjamin Seawell Senr. and Joseph Seawell the other executors therein named personally in Court refused to qualify as such.] [Will Book 4, page 12, Brunswick County, Virginia ]
Patent to Robert Hicks, dated August 27, 1770, 204 acres, Brunswick County, on the north side of Meherrin River. Virginia Patent Book 39, pages 102 and 103.
Indenture dated 25 of March 1771 Betw. Benjamin Seawell Senr. and Lucy his wife of the Parish of Saint Andrews in the County of Brunswick and Robert Hicks of Meherin Parish in the County aforesaid, for two hundred pounds, sell to Robert Hicks, two hundred acres of land, situate in Meherin Parish in the County of Brunswick aforesaid on both sides of the little Creek adjoining the lines of Benjamin Hicks, being part of nine hundred and thirty acres granted unto the said Benjamin Seawell by Letters Patent bearing date under the Seal of the Colony the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a Hickory thence South sixty four degrees west one hundred and thirty four poles to a Sasafras on the little Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders eight poles to a white oak thence South sixty six degrees west one hundred and seventy poles to a Stooping Hickory thence South five degrees east forty four poles to a Hickory, thence South eight six degrees West fiftenn poles to Benjamin Hicks's corner Hickory on the edge of the low grounds of great Creek thence along Benjamin Hicks's line and along the edge of the low Grounds South forty degrees east sixteen poles to a white Oak thence South eighteen degrees east ten poles to a red oak Sapplin thence South forty five degrees east twenty two poles to a white oak on a branch thence up the said branch as it meanders and up a small north fork to several small possimmon Trees at the head of the same thence North sixty two degrees east fifty eight poles to a small Hickory at the Fort Road, thence North thirty seven and an half degrees east twenty one poles to a Shrub white oak on the little Creek aforesaid, thence South seventy one degrees east two hundred poles to a shurb white oak thence Noth four degrees west fifty six poles to a black Jack, thence North thirty six degrees west one hundred and forty eight poles to the beginning. Signed Benjamin Seawell and Lucy Seawell. Witnesses: Thomas Stith, Thomas Carnfurd, and Samuel Harwell. [Court 25 March 1771, Indenture acknowledged by Benjamin Seawell and Lucy his wife, and she having been first privily examined as the law directs and ordered to be recorded. Deed Book 10, page 116, Brunswick County, Virginia.]
Indenture made 25 March 1771 betw. Benjamin Seawell Senr. and Lucy his wife of the Parish of Saint Andrew in the County of Brunswick of the one part and Benjamin Hicks of Meherin Parish in the County aforesaid of the other part, for two hundred and fifty pounds, sell to Benjamin Hicks, all that tract or parcel of land situate in Meherin parish in the said county of Brunswick on both sides of the great Creek and the little Creek and within the bounds following, to wit, Beginning at a corner several Trees chop'd inwards thence South ninteen (sic) degrees east forty poles to a small red Oak, thence new line North sixty five degrees east three hundred and ninty poles to a red oak on the old line thence on the old line North four degrees west sixty poles to Robert Hicks's corner shrub white Oak, thence along his line North seven one degrees west two hundred poles to a Shrub white Oak on little Creek, thence thirty seven and an half degrees west twenty one poles to a small Hickory on the Fort Road, thence South sixty two degrees west fifty eight poles to several small possimmons Trees in the head of a small North fork of a branch, thence down the said fork and branch as it meanders to a white Oak on the edge of the low grounds of great Creek, thence along the edge of the low grounds North forty five degres west twenty two poles to a red oak Saplin, thence North eighteen degrees west ten poles to a white oak thence North forty degrees west sixteen poles to the said Robert Hicks's corner Hickory onthe old line, thence on the old line and crossing the great Creek South eighty six degrees west twenty nine poles to an Ash, thence South five degrees East fifty poles to a white Oak, thence South forty degrees east sixty eight poles to a corner chop'd inwards on the old Indian line, thence South five degrees east one hundred and fifty two poles to the beginning And being part of nine hundred and thirty two Acres of land granted unto the said Benjain Seawell by letters patent bearing date under the Seal of the Colony the twelfth day of May one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine be the same three hundred acres (more or less). Signed Benjamin Seawell and Lucy Seawell. Wit: Thomas Stith, Thomas Cranfurd, and Samuel Harwell. [Court 25 March 1771, Indenture acknowledged by Benjamin Seawell and Lucy his wife. Deed Book 10, page 118, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made this the 22 day of June 1771 Betw. Robert Hicks of the Parish of Meherrin and County of Brunswick and Benjamin Reves of Meherrin Parrish and county of Brunswick, for one hundred and fifty pounds, sells to Benjamin Reves, all that Tract or parcel of Land Containing one hundred and Ten acres, Situate lying and Being in Meherrin Parish and County of Brunswick on the south side of Meherrin River and Bounded as Followeth (to wit) Beginning at Small Burch on the south side of Meherrin River a Corner Tree of Thomas Turner Land Thence along the said Turner Line South two Degrees East to a small Elm on William Turners line thence along the said Turners Line South Eight Degrees East to a Hickory on the River aforesaid thence up the river as it Meanders to the Beginning. Signed Robert Hicks. Witnesses: James Wall, Benjamin Chapman, George Wych, David Hines. [Court 23 June 1771, Indenture partly proved by the Oaths of David Hines and George Wyche two of the witnesses thereto and at a Court held for the said County 22 July Next Following the same was fully proved by the oaths of James Wall Gent. Deed Book 10, page 178, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made 24 November 1771 betw. James Hicks Jr. and Judith his wife of the County of Brunswick and Charles Hicks son of the said James Hicks and Judith of the county aforesaid, for true love that we do bare unto said Charles and for Five pounds, sell to Charles Hicks, part of that Tract of Land Containing Estimation six hundred and fifty acres, lying and being in County of Brunswick and Bounded as follows Beginning at a hicory on Avent's Creek Thence North twenty six Degrees West sixty eight poles to a red oak thence South seventy Eight Degrees west two hundred and fourteen poles to a beach thence South Fifteen Degrees West fifty poles to a Red oak thence South seventy two Degrees West forty six Pole to a red oak on the Indian Branch thence up the meanders of the said branch to Winfield's Corner White Oak on the same thence along his line South twenty five Degrees East forty pole to a red Oak thence North Seventy three degrees East fifty six poles to Duggars Corner White Oak thence along his line South Eighty two Degrees East two hundred poles to his corner on Buck lick Creek thence Down the said Creek to where it emptye into avents creek thence Down the said Creek to hulings line and thence along Hulings line to the Beginning three hundred and fifty acres of the said Land was granted unto John Honicut by Patent bearing Date the tenth Day of April one thousand seven hundred and fifty one and the other two hundred and fifty acres being part of a Trct of Land granted unto William Thompson by patent bearing date the Fifth Day of February one thousand hundred (sic) and fifty three. Signed James Hicks. No Witnesses. [Court 25 November 1771, Indenture acknowledged by James Hicks. Deed Book 10, page 281, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made this 26th day of December 1771 betw. John Hicks and Mary his wife of the one part of the County of Cumberland and John Edmundson of the County of Dinwiddie of the other part, for fifty pounds, sell to John Edmundson, one Tract or Parcel of Land Situtate lying and being in the County of Brunswick and Containing one hundred and Eighty Five and bounded by the lines Following Beginning on Benjamin Jones's line thence along his line to Joseph Elders line thence along Elders line to Jesse Jonese's line thence along Jessee Jones line to John Lamberts line thence along Lamberts line to Joel Biggs's Line or the line of that Land whereon Joel Biggs's now lives thence along that line to the Beginning. Signed John Hicks. Witnesses: John Booth, Robt. Winne, Joshua Hightower, Nathaniel McKinny, William Jones.
Court 24 February 1772, This Indenture and receipt were proved by the oaths of John Booth Nathaniel McKinney & Wm. Jones.
Deed Book 10, page 312, Brunswick County, Virginia
Indenture made twenty third day of March 1772, betw. Lewis Hicks of Meherrin Parish in the County of Brunswick and Benjamin Hicks of the Parrish and County, for one Hundred pounds, sell to Benjamin Hicks, one hundred and forty two acres of land, situate in the Parrish and County aforesaid on the West side of Great Creek being part of Nine hundred acres Formerly Surveyed for James Hicks Father of the above menioned Benjamin and Lewis which said Tract or parcel of Land Containing one hundred and forty two acres is Bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at an ash where the old line crosses Great Creek thence along the said line West eight six Poles to a Corner red oak and Hicory thence North along the said line two hundred and thirty Poles to a Small Ash on Steep Branch thence Down the said Branch as it Meanders to the Great Creek aforesaid thence up the sd. Creek as it meanders to the Beginning. Signed Lewis Hicks. Witnesses: James Crutchfield, Burwell Robinson, Ishamel Dunn. [Court 23 March 1772, Indenture acknowledged by Lewis Hicks.Deed Book 10, page 361, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture 23 March 1772, betw. Benja. Hicks and his wife Martha of the Parish of Meherrin in the County of Brunswick and Lewis Hicks and same, for Two hundred and Seventy five Curren t money of Virginia, sell to Lewis Hicks, All that Tract or parcel of Land Situtate in Meherrin Parish in the said County of Brunswick on Both sides of the Great Creek and the Little Creek and with the Bounds Following, to wit, Beginning at a Corenr Several Trees Chopt Inwards thence South Nineteen Degrees East forty Poles to a Red Oak thence new line North Sixty two and an half Degrees East three Hundred and Ninty Poles to a red oak on the old line thence on the old line North four degrees West sixxty poles to Robt. Hicks Corner Shrub White Oak thence along his line North Seventy one Degrees west two hundred poles to a Shrub white oak on the little Creek thence South thirty Seven and a half Degrees West twenty one Poles to a Small Hicory on the fort Road thence South Sixty two Degrees west Fifty eight Poles to Several Possimmons trees in the Head of a Small North fork of a Branch thence Down the said Fork and branch as it Meanders to a white oak on the Edge of the Low grounds of the Great Creek thence along the edge of the low grounds South to a Populer thence North line a cross the said Creek west to a spanish oak on the old Line thence South on the old line to a Corner Choped Inwards on the old Indian line thence South five Degrees East one hundred and fifty Two poles to the Beginning and being part of a tract of Land Containing Nine Hundred and thirty Two acres granted unto Mr. Benjamin Seawell by Letter patent Bearing Date ___ Seal of the Seal of the Collony the Twelfth day of May one one thousand seven hundred anf fifty nine be the same Two hundred and Seventy acres, more or less. Signed Benjamin Hicks and Martha Hicks (bhm) Witnesses: Burwell Robinson, Ishamel Dunn, and James Crutchfield. [Court 23 March 1772, Indenture acknowledged by Benjamin Hicks and Martha his wife. Deed Book 10, page 362, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made 25 November 1772, betw. James Hicks Junr. and Frances his wife of the Parish of Meherrin in the County of Brusnwick and Thomas Claiborne of the County of Dinwiddie of theother part, for Five hundred and Thirty pounds, sell to Thomas Claiborne, all that Tract or parcel of Land situate in Maherrin Parish in the said County of Brunswick on both sides of the Great Creek and within the Bounds following, to wit, Beginning at Lewis Hicks's corner small ash on the steep branch and thence form A to B North 254 poes to two white oakes form B to C East 320 poles to a Gum on the Indian line form C to D south 299 poles to Robert Hicks's Corner's Oak on the said Line from D to E, on his Line south 87 West 52 poles to his corner ash on the Great Creek at the fork from E to F up the said Creek to the mouth of the said branch from F to A up the steep branch to the Beginning and being part of a Tract of Land Containing Nine hundred & Sixty acres Granted John Hicks by Letters patent bearing date under the seal of the Colony the Twenty eight day of September one thousand seven hundred and Twenty Eight Be the same Six hundred and Thirty Eight acres, more or less. Signed James Hicks Junr. and Frances Hicks. Witnesses: Josiah Smith, Robert Hicks, Nathaniel Roberson, Wm. Lindsey. Court 26 April 1773, Indenture proved by the oaths of Robert Hicks and Nathaniel Roberson two of the witnesses and Court 24 of May following Indenture was further proved by the oath of Josiah Smith and OTBR. [Deed Book 11, page 83, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture 22 December 1772 Betw. James Hicks & Judith Hicks his wife of Brunswick and Hansford Row of the other part, for one hundred & twenty pounds, sell to Hansford Row, all that Tract or parcel of Land containing Two hundred & forty acres Lying & being in the County of Brunswick & bounded as Followeth (to wit) Beginning at Metcalf corner on the Little Creek thence by his Line south five Degrees East one hundred & forty two poles to his Corner pine thence East Thirty six poles to Penningtons Corner small white Oak thence South one hundred and one poles to his Corner white Oak on Iveses line, thence by his Line South Sixty eight Degrees West one hundred & sixty four poles to his corner red oak on Stiggins line thence by his Line north Twenty Degrees West Forty four poles to his Corner small white oak thence south Seventy Degrees West thirty poles to Howling Corner white oak on the Little Creek aforesaid thence down the meanders of the said Creek to the Beginning which said Land was Granted by patent to James Hicks bearing date the 25th day of September one thousand seven hundred & Sixty two. Signed James Hicks and Judith Hicks. Witnesses: Chs. Colleir (sic), Vines Colleir, Deadmund Row. Court 22 November 1773, Indenture was acknowledged by James Hicks. [Deed Book 11, page 168, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Patent to James Hicks, dated June 15, 1773, for 40 acres, Brunswick County, adjoining his own line and others. Virginia Patent Book 41, page 347, page 348.
Indenture, witnesseth that Nathan Hall of Pittsylvania for one hundred pounds, paid by Allan Love of Brunswick, sells to Allan Love, all that Tract or parcel of Lands situate Lying & being in the County of Brunswick adjoining the Lands of Capt. Silvanus Stokes, James Hicks and Edward Huwline Containing by Estimation Two hundred & thirty seven acres, in trust to dispose of the land at public auction for the best price and pay the money arising to Nathan Hall, after payment of the debt due Allan Love, dated 28 October 1773. Signed Nathan Hall. Witnesses: Hugh Love, John Drummond, Mathew Reading. Court 22 November 1773, Deed of Trust was proved by oaths of Hugh Love, John Drummond and Mathew Reading. [Deed Book 11, page 167, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture made 18 Nov 1773, between William Blunt of Sussex Gentlemen and Charles Hicks of Brunswick, Whereas James Hicks of the County of Brunswick did by his Certain deed of Mortgage bearing date the Twelfth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty six for the security of the payment of Three hundred & thirty five pounds Ten shillings Currt. money which the said James Hicks did then ___ & ___ actually Indebted unto the said Wm. Blunt make over & Convey one Certain Tract or parcel of Land situate lying & being in the County of Brunswick Containing the Quantity and bounded as by the said Deed Reference being thereto had may more fully appear which said sum of Three hundred & thirty five pounds ten shillings hath since been paid by the siad James Hicks unto the said William Blunt, and Whereas the said James Hicks hath by his Deed of Bargain and Sale bearing date the twenty fourth day of November, 1772, made over & conveyed the aforesaid Tract or parcel of Land & premises unto his son Charles Hicks which said Deed is duly recorded in the Court of the County of Brunswick Reference thereto being had may also more fully and at large appear, that Wm. Blunt for & in consideration of his having been fully & Justly paid & satisfied by the said James Hicks, by these presents relinquish make over & Disclaim all title Interest & right whatsoever which he evern had or might have unto the said Tract or parcel of Land. Signed Wm Blunt. Witnesses: Jas. Mason, D. Fisher, David Mason. Court 22 Nov 1773, Indenture was proved by the oaths of James Mason Daniel Fisher and David Mason. [Deed Book 11, page 188, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Will of James Hix, dated January 28, 1776, proved on May 23, 1776, Pittsylvania County, Virginia.
I James Hix very sick and weak in body but of sound mind and perfect memory. Just debts to be paid by selling stock as best determined by my executor and by the collection of a Bond on Thomas Claibourne of Brunswick County in the hands of Benjamin Hix and to collect, also three pounds eight shillings due from George Elliott of this county.
I lend unto my well beloved wife Frances Hix during here widowhood 4 working negros VIZ: Andrew, Hannah, Sarah and Peter, only that Peter be sold if required. Also to my wife possession of the lands and improvements where I now live during her widowhood, also my riding horse, 10 choice cows, 15 head of sheep, all of my working tools, all household furniture except 1 feather bed and furniture which I give to my wife and for her to dispose of as she thinks proper.
The land where I now live after the decease of my wife, I give to my son Miles Hicks (Hix) to be directed by the executor until he comes of age.
Son Miles when he comes of age shall pay to the child with which his mother Frances Hix is now pregnant, one hundred fifty pounds on the child coming of age, whether the child be a son or daughter. Should the child not live, the money to be divided amongst the other surviving children and their heirs: Nancy Hix, Elizabeth Hix, Franky Hix, Dolly Hix, the daughters of the said James Hix.
Also to my son Miles Hix, a negro boy Abraham. Should Miles not live to enjoy the estate, the same boy to be sold and the money divided among my living children and the residue of my negros to wit: Andrew, Charlotte, Tazzy, Ben, Amea - I will to the first of my daughters that comes of age and divide the last mentioned negros into equal lots and the eldest daughter to have the first choice.
After the decease of my wife Frances, all things lent to her to be sold and the funds equally divided among all of my children. Appoint my wife and my brother, Benjamin Hix of Brunswick County my executors. Signed by James Hix. Witnesses were John Salmon, Elisha Harbour, David Lanier, and Thomas Jamison.
Security for the executors are John Salmon, James Shelton, Jesse Chandler, and David Lanier.
Deeds & Will Book 5, pages 416-418, Pittsylvania County, Virginia [Abstract from ABSTRACTS OF PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA WILLS, 1767-1820, compiled by Lela C. Adams, page 11-12 (Southern Historical Press, Inc., 1986).]
Indenture made 22 July 1776 betw. Lewis Hicks and Sarah his wife of the Parish of Meherrin in Brunswick County and William Harrison junior of Saint Andrew's Parish in same County, for One hundred and ninety Pounds four Shillings, sell to William Harrison, All that Tract or parcel of Land situate in Meherrin Parish in the said County of Brunswick on both sides of the Great Creek and within the Bounds following to wit, Beginning at a Corner several Trees chopt inwards Thence East a new line to the Church Road to a black Jack Thence North down the said Road to a small Hickory at the old Fort Road Thence West to several small Persimmon Trees in the head of a small North fork of a Branch Thence down the said Fork and Branch as it meanders to a white Oak on the edge of the low Grounds of the Great Creek Thence up the said low Grounds South to a Corner several small saplins chopt inwards Thence across the Great Creek West to a Corner Spanish Oak Thence South to the Beginning and being part of a Tract of Nine hundred and thirty Acres of Land Granted unto Benjamin Seawell by Letters Patent bearing date under the Seal of the Colony the twelfth Day of May one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine be the same three hundred Acres more or less. Signed Lewis Hicks and Sarah Hicks. Witnesses: Nelson Cole, Simon Pellance, Henry Bishop. Court 22 July 1776, Indenture acknowledged by Lewis Hicks and Sarah his wife. [Deed Book 12, page 68, Brunswick County, Virginia]
Indenture dated October 29, 1766, from James Hicks Planter of Brunswick County, Virginia, and George Hicks, Planter of Craven County, South Carolina, for £100 current money of South Carolina, conveys 200 acres in Craven County, all sides on vacant land, generally known by the name of the Sand Hill plantation, originally granted January 16, 1761 to George Hicks, Esq. The above sd. 200 acres of land doth revert unto his eldest son the above said James Hicks planter being his heir at law. Witnesses: Isaac Collier, Jr., Charles Irbe, Chas. Hicks. Proved Craven County, SA 27 December 1776, recorded 8 June 1773. [Deed Book 4, page 286, Charleston, Craven County, South Carolina.]
Will of William Hix. (Wife Mary; sons, Kinchen, James, Thomas, daug. Mary, Elizabeth, July 11, 1779)
I William Hix of the county of Sussix in Va. being very sick & weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my last will & testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & recomend my soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my exectors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, & as touching such wordly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give device & form; First I give to my wife during her life the plantation where as I now live. After her death to my son Kinchen Hix, if he dies without child then to my son Thomas Hix according to my wife, one feather bed, & furniture together with all my house hold & kitchen furniture only. To my daughter Mary Hix, I give one feather bed, & furniture, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, I give one feather bed & furniture, like wise to to my son Kinchin Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son Thomas Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son James Hix, one large pot, & hand mill. After her death the remainder part of my house hold goods & kitchen furniture to be equally divided between Mealy, Kinchen, & Thomas Hix. Thirdly to my daughter Mary Hix, one cow, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, one cow, also to my son William Hix, one cow, likewise to my daughter Jane Furbush Hix, one cow, & to my son Thomas Hix, one horse called Jack with my bridle & saddle & the remaining part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Hix.
I likewise constitute make & ordain my son James Hix the whole execution of this my last will and testament I do here by utterly disallow, revoke and disnul all and every other prior testaments and wills and exactors by me in anywise before will and bequeath. Ratifying & confirming, this & no other to be my last will & testament in witness where of I have here into all my hand & seal this Eleventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred seventy nine, signed sealed (William Hix) (seal) & published pronounced & declared by the said William Hix as his last will & testament in the presence of who in his presence & in the presence of each other, have here into subscribed our names-Robert Hix Clement Hix, Mary Barker.
At a court held for Sussix County the 21th day of February 1782 the last will & testament of William Hix deced was exhibited in court by James Hix the exactors there in named proved by the oath of Mary Barker & by the affirmation of Clement Hix & Robert Hix, Quakers, the witnesses there to & ordered to be seconded & on the motion of the said exactors who made oath according to the law & with Clement Hix, Robert Hix, & Jesse Wallis [Willis] his secrutery entired into & acknowledged their bond & the penality of ten thousand pounds conditioned by the law directa certificates is granted him for entering probate there of in due form. TEST Jn.Cocke Cls. court.
1782- Will of Robert Hicks [Son of John Hicks/Rebecca Rives] In the name of God Amen I Robert Hicks of the parish of St. Andrews and the County of Brunswick being in health and sound memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following: Imprimis My will and desire is first that all my just debts be duly paid and discharged. Item I give and bequeath to my son Nathan Hicks five pounds current money of Virginia to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Paul Tatum my coopers tools to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Benjamin Bass my turners and joiners tools to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary one feather bed and furniture, Likewise one cow and Calf to her and her heirs forever, also one Iron Pott and one ewe lamb and one spinning wheel and one loom to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Tabitha one feather bed and furniture Likewise one cow and calf and also one Iron pott, and one ewe and lamb and one linen wheel to her and her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law James Vaughan two sheep to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law James Bruce two sheep to him and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son-in-law Lewis Peebles two sheep to him and his heir forever. Item I give and desire all the remainder and residue of my estate not before given in legacies to be sold by my executors hereafter named and money arising from such sale after paying my just debts to be equally divided between Paul Tatum, Mary Hicks, Tabitha Hicks, James Vaughan, James Bruce and Lewis Peebles, and lastly I constitute and appoint my son-in-law Paul Tatum my whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made, and do acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal this twenty second day of January in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and eighty. Signed by Robert Hicks. Signed sealed and published and declared as the testators last will and Testament in the presence of John B. Goldsberry, Jesse B. Berryman, and Judith Berryman. [Brunswick County Court 28th January, 1782. This will was proved by John Goldsberry and Jesse Berryman witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and upon a motion of Paul Tatum an executor therein appointed and he having given bond with security and taken oath according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining probate thereof in due form. [Order Book 2, page 231, Brunswick County, Virginia]
On the Motion of Benjamin Hicks Certificate was granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the Estate of Thomas Hicks deceased he having made Oath thereto and together with Benjamin Edwards his Security entered into & acknowledged their Bond according to Law. Court for July 24, 1783. [Order Book 1, page 81, Greensville County, Virginia]
Ordered that Robert Hicks, Executor of Nathaniel Hicks pay unto Frederick Davis four hundred pounds of nett Tobacco for sixteen Days attendance as a witness for him at the Suit of Burwell Bass according to Law. Court for March 22, 1787. [Order Book 1, page 315, Greensville County, Virginia]
Will of James Hicks, Aug. 16, 1787 In the name of God Amen.I James Hix of Sussex Co. VA, being of sound mind and memory do dispose of my Worldly Estate as follows. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lucy Renn five Shillings. I give and bequeath my daughter Fanny His feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves and two heifers, four head sheep, spinning wheel and pair cotton cards. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rhoda Hix one feather bed and furniture, two cows and calves and two heifers, four head of sheep, one spining wheel and one pair cotton cards. I desire that all my just debts be paid and for my wife & son Clements to have the use of all the remainder of my Estate during the life of my said wife (Elizabeth Clements) and after her decease, I give whole both land and personal Estate to my son Clements Hix and his heirs forever, also my desire is that my estate should not be appraised nor Inventoried. I likewise appoint my brother Robert Hix and son Clements Hix executors of this my last Will and Testament given under my hand and seal this 16 day August 1787 James Hix (Seal) signed sealed and published.and acclaimed to be the last Will and Testament of the above named James Hix, John Hamlin, Nicolas Jarrad, Charles Hamlin.
At a court held for Sussex Co. VA the 17th day of April. The last Will and Testament of James Hix, died, was exhibited into the Court by Clements Hix one of the Executors therein name, I therein proved by the affirmation of Charles Hamlin and John Hamlin two of the witnesses there to and ordered to be recorded and on motion of the Executor who made affermation there to according to law and with Charles Hamlin and John Hamlin his securities entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of two Thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs. Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form. Test-Michael Bailey C. Court.
DB 15, p. 6, Robert Hicks of Brunswick to Abner Hill of Greensville Co. VA pofa to receive what is owed to my son Harrison Hicks, dec. late of S.C. D. 8 Feb. 1790 R. 22 Nov. 1790 witn. Lewis Hicks, Geo. Hicks, Binns Jones.
John Hicks, of Brunswick County, to John Flood Edmunds of same county, £117:13:0, 6 negroes, cattle, household goods, Feb. Oct 1, 1790. Recd. Feb 28, 1791.
This Indenture made this 2nd day of June 1792 between Charles Hicks of the County of Brunswick and Commonwealth of Virginia of the one part and Isaac Hicks of the said County & Commonwealth of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of Forty Seven Pounds 10/6. . . which the said Charles Hicks owes and is justly indebted to the said Isaac Hicks of the County of Brunswick and State of Virginia and which the said Charles Hicks honestly . . . wishes and desires to secure satisfy and pay to the said Isaac Hicks and in consideration of the further sum of Five Shillings . . . doth grant give sell alien and absolutely confirm to the said Isaac Hicks . . . one large sorrel horse saddle and bridle one gunn a cart and wheels one sorrel filly four head of cattle including a yoake of oxen the said Charles Hicks purchased of James Smith two feather beds & furniture one walnut desk and walnut folding table . . . upon trust nevertheless that the said Isaac Hicks . . . shall and will after the first day of January One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight when he the said Isaac Hicks shall think proper or the said Charles Hicks shall request the same which ever of these circumstances may first happen shall sell after giving ten days previous public notice and advertisement for the best price that can be had for the same the said horses cattle sheep feather bed and the other above mentioned property and out of the money arising had or paid by the sale of the said property to be sold pay or cause to be paid to the said Isaac Hicks . . . the said just & full sum of Forty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings and Six Pence with lawful interest thereon from this day . . . Signed by Charles Hicks. Brunswick County Court July 23rd 1792. This Indenture of Deed in Trust was acknowledged by Charles Hicks party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded. Deed Book 15, page 267.
[20 Aug 1795 Indenture Thomas Poythress to George Hicks, 85 acres]
This Indenture Made this Twentieth day of August One thousand Seven hundred & ninety five Between Thomas Poythress of Brunswick County of the one part & George Hicks of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of Fifty pounds Current Money of Virginia to me in Hand paid by the said George Hicks the Receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge have Bargained & sold & Confirmed & by these presents doth Bargain, sell & Confirm unto the said George Hicks & his Heirs forever One certain Tract or parcel of Land containing eighty five Acres more or less lying & being in the County aforesaid & is bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at Wesson's Corner white Oak on Rattle snake Creek the white oak being down have made a Corner of a Hickory thence by his line to a Corner Hiccory thence by George Hearn's Line West to a Corner Red Oak on John Sewards line thence by the said John Sewards Line to a Corner sweet Gum on the said Creek as aforesaid thence by the Meanders of the said Creek to the Beginning To have & to hold the said Land & other premises to the said George Hicks & his heirs forever against the Claim & Demand of him the said Thomas Poythress & his Heirs forever against the Claim of every other person or persons forever unto the said George Hicks & to his Heirs forever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day & date first above written.
Sealed Signed & Delivered; In the presents of Thos. Poythress (LS)
Christr. Thrower; Henry Mangum Brunswick County Court Septr. 28 1795
[Brunswick County Court January 23rd 1797] This Commission for taking the acknowledgment & Privy examination of Martha Poythress wife of Thos Poythress to an Indenture of bargain and sale between Thos Poythress & Martha his wife of the one part & George Hicks of the other part was returned together with a certificate of the Execution thereof is ordered to be recorded Teste CB Jones CBC; Deed Book 16, page 396, 397, Brunswick County, Virginia
Grant to Charles and John Hicks, Executors of James Hicks, dec'd., dated March 30, 1799, for 154 acres, Henry County, on the waters of Beaver Creek, adjoining James Hick's own land. Virginia Grant Book 42, page 286.
Will of Martha Ann Hicks: [Daughter of Clement Hix]
Wilson Co., Tenn. 1802 - 1814
In the name of God amen: I Mary Ann Hicks of the County of Wilson and State of Tennessee, being very sick and weak of body, but perfect in mind and memory, thanks be unto God, calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all persons to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burial at the descretion of my surviving friends, nothing doubting , I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
First, I bequeath to PHILIP KOONCE and my beloved daughter ANNE KOONCE, wife of PHILIP, four negroes, namely a girl Phillis, and a boy Norrice, to be theirs during their natural lives and at their deaths to give the to their children as they think proper and equitable. Also, I give and bequeath to THOMAS WHITWORTH and my beloved daughter, MARTHA wife of THOMAS, four negros during their natural lives, namely; Charles, Mingo, Samuel and the child that the negro woman Fanny, being pregnant with at this time, and at their deaths to give them to theirchildren as they shall think proper and equitable. Also, I bequeath to PHILIP KOONCE and his wife ANNE KOONCE during their natural lives the said negro woman Fanny above mentioned, and at their deaths to be given to their children with the rest of the property that I have . . .
I hereto set my hand and SEAL this 7 day of July in the year Of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Two
Signed MARY ANN HICKS; Witnessed by Christopher Koonce, Caty Willson, Polly Koonce.
Will of Clements Hicks [b. 1760 Surry, Virginia m. Mary Bailey]
Know all men by these present that I Clements Hicks of Sussex Co. VA am held and firmly bound unto my mother Elizabeth Hicks of the afore county in the just and full sum of one hundred pounds current money to what payment will and truely to be paid unto said Elizabeth Hicks, heir executor and administratior, I bind myself my heirs Executors and Administrators family by these present, Sealed withmy Seal and dated this second day of the second month eighteen hundred & four. The condition of the above obligation is such whereas Elizabeth Hicks widow of James Hicks hath this day given up to her above named son Clements Hicks all the Estate that she had for life that the above bound Clements Hicks had a right to claim after her death by vertue of his fathers Will. Now if the above bound Clements Hicks his heirs Executors or Admimistors shall well and truely maintain his said mother Elizabeth Hicks in the common and ordinary necessaries of life in comfortable manner during her the said Elizabeth Hicks life and to idientify the said Clements Hicks in the presense then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue.----Clements Hicks (Seal)Signed and sealed in presence of us...Charles Hamlin and James Briggs----Feb. 2, 1804.
Will of Clements Hicks, Feb. 5th 1804. I, Clements Hicks of Sussex Co. VA, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form as followth to wit- First it is my will and desire that all my personal estate be sold to the best adantage and out of the money arising there from first pay my just debts and the balance I leave to my wife Mary Hicks....during her natural life in order for the support of herself and my children, but if my personal Estate should not be sufficient to satisfy my just debts and leave my family a comfotable support. It is then my desire that, part of my land lying on Jeremys Swamp above the great road, all that end of my land bounded by said road be sold in order therefore as my hereafter mentioned executor may see most proper, but if it be so that my debts can be otherwise settled and my family supported without maknig sale of that part of my land above mentioned. Then it is my desire that it be not sold. Second I leave to my wife Mary Bailey Hicks the other part of my land during her life with all the improvements thereon and at her death it is my will and desire that all my lands (with such part of my estate as may remain at my said wifes death) be sold and equally divided between my children. (Namely)--Labon Hicks, James Hicks, Asa hicks, Rachel Hicks, Joseph Hicks, Able Hicks, Robert Hicks and Joanna Hicks, which I give to them and their heirs forever lastly. I constitute and appoint Joseph Bailey to be my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament in witness there of, I have here to set my hand and affixed my seal, this fifth day of the second month eighteen hundred and four---Clements Hisks (seal).Signed and sealed and acknowledged in present of us...Zachariah Bailey, James Briggs and John Bailey.
Will of Jeremiah Hix, of Brunswick County, W. Mar 27, 1810. P, August 27, 1810. To son Jordan Hix 1 dollar also I lend to him & my wife Lucy his house with acres of land adjoining Griffin Stith's line during whatever space of time they may chuse to live thereon, and no longer; to song Archie Hix 1 doallr; to wife Susannah during her natural life residue of my land and plantation, also my stock of all kinds, household and kitchen furniture of every kind hoping that my daughters may live with her if they chuse, at death of my wife Susannah land & plantation lent with the stock & furniture I give to my children Joyce Hicks, Susannah Hix, Nancy Hix, Lucy Hix, Sally Hix, Betsy Hix & Jesse Hix ; also the land lent Jordan Hix & wife, at their death or removal from the same, but if any of my children should die before their mother without marrying then an equal division between those that survive. Wf. Susannah & friend Featherstone Sadler, exors. Wt. Edmund Eldridge, Robert Lucy, Miles Williams.
Will of Nancy Hicks, of Brunswick County, W Sept 7, 1809 Proved Jan. 28, 1811. Exor. George Hardaway may hire out my negroes, Clarissy & Sterling until their heir pay all my debts, then I wish my executor to hire out my said negroes for the benefit of my sisters Rebecca Hicks, Catherine & my brother Charles until said brother arrives to the age of 21. Then executor to sell said negroes & their increase, if any, and money from sale of same to be equally divided between my 2 sisters Rebecca Hicks & Catherine Hicks & my brother Charles Hicks. Wt. : Charles Hicks, John Hicks, Sally Harwell.
Will of Isaac Hicks of Brunswick County written May 10, 1817 proven June 23, 1817. To daughter Rebecca Booth, slaves Merrick, Charles, Dilcey and her children Gilbert, Phil Nancy and Edmunds, also Hannah, Lucy and Moses with their increase ; also $75.00 to be raised out of my personal estate, which I shall hereafter direct to be sold ; to daughter Elizabeth B. Booth, slaves Gabriel, Nat, Milly & her children Lavinia, Nancy, Maria also Suky, Harrison & nelly & their increase; to daughter Sally Booth, slaves Jerry, Charles, Ned, Judy 7 her five children, Isham, Patsey, Lizzy, Mary and Selly Call, also Betsey and her child Polly Mitty with their increase, also $200.00 to be raised out of the personal estate, etc: to daughter Minerva Hicks, slaves, Peter, Will, John, Matilda, & child, Alfred, Clarissa, Amanda, Robert, Almira, Minera & Lucinda with their increase, 1 feather bed and furniture to son Reuben B. Hicks slaves Jim, Will, Peg and and her 3 children, Polly, Edwin & Jincey, Pauline & Darb with their increase, also balance of my land lying in the east side of Hall's creek 107 acres, adjoining the late Burwell Wilkes, Charles Cordle, the Reuben B. Hicks, & Hall's creek; to son Thomas Hicks, slaves. Doctor, Lewis, Aggy and her three Children Isabel, Sally & Betty; also Sylvia, Milley, Dicey, & Tom, with their increase, also my negro boy Henry eight day clock, all my lands on west side of Hall's creek, 567 acres adjoining said Thomas Hicks, Meherrin river, Hall's creek. My part of my grist mill on Meherrin River to be sold and money arising to be equally divided between all of my children, Rebecca Booth, Elizabeth Booth, Sally Booth, Minerva Hicks, Reuben B. Hicks, Thomas Hicks. Proceeds arising from the residue of my estate already
disposed of together with the debts & money due me after paying my just debts and after paying my daughter Sally Booth the $200.00 and my daughter Rebecca Booth the $70.00, the balance to be equally divided between my four daughters Rebecca Booth, Elizabeth B Booth, Sally Booth and Minerva Hicks.
WILL OF CHARLES HICKS. Written Sept. 6, 1805. Partly proved March 26th 1821.
In the name of god amen I Charles Hicks of Brunswick County; being in health.
Item my will and desire is that my Brother John Hicks may have the use of my houses and plantation on avens creek and the
land Bounded as follows during his life viz beginging on Allan Laniers line on the road that leads from Blacks ferry to Gees
Bridge thence along the said Laniers line to beech lick creek to William Spains land thence dox-jn Beech lick creek to John
Longbottoms line thence down the said creek to where the line crosses the creek thence along sd. Longbottoms line line to
William Walkers line thence along his line to Avens creek thence up the sd. creek to the Bridge on Avens Creek at the road thence up the creek to where the line crosses the Creek thence up the road to the old road thence up the old road to the road
thats used now thence up the said road to Allan Laniers to the beging Likewise my will and desire is that the above named
John Hicks may have the use of Spring called for fur Spring towards the indian Branch.
Item My will and desire is that my Brother John Hick's wife Nancey Hicks may have the use of my houses & plantation & land
as is mentioned above during her widowhood.
Item my will and desire is that after the death of my Brother John Hicks & his wife Nancey Hick's widowhood Ceases that the
above mentioned plantation & above bounded land may sold the money to be Equally devided betxveen my Brother John Hick's
three sons Namly Benjamin H. Hicks James Ransom Hicks & Charles Hicks.
Item my will and desire is that my Brother James Hicks may have the use of all the residue of my land lying on Both sides of Avens creek Bounded as follows during his life Viz beginging on the Indian Branch on William Walkers line thence down the
said Branch to Buckner Overbeys line thence down the said Branch to avens Creek on David Mosses land thence down the said creek to where the line crosses the creek thence along sd. Mosses line to Reuben Malones line thence along his line to William
Walkers line at the road & thence along William Walkers to the creek thence up the sd. creek to where the line crosses the creek near the road & thence up the road to the old road thence along the old road to William Walkers Corner on a small
drean thence along sd. Walkers line to the Indian Branch to the begining.
Item my will and desire is that my Brother James Hick's wife Judah Hicks may have the use of the above bounded land during
her widowhood.
Item my will and desire is that after the death of my Brother James Hicks & his wife Judah Hicks widowhood ceases that the
land before mentioned to My Brother James Hicks in this will may be sold and the money Equally devided Between my Brother
James Hick's two sons Namly Thomas Hicks & James Hicks and lastley I appoint my two Brothers Namley John Hicks & James
Hicks Executors of this my Last will and Testament In X witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this sixth day of
September one thousand Eight hundred. & five.
Item likewise my will & desire is that my negro man Samson should be sold So all the residue of my property to pay my Just & Lawful debts John Saunders. Test: Frances Winfield Edward Winfield; John Saunders Thos. Winfield (26th March 1821)
Letter to Thomas Jefferson from Reuben B. Hicks, 10 August 1821
Darvills 10 Augt 1821
Having a nephew now prepared for College and wishing him to graduate at the Central College of Virginia unless he would loose too much time in waiting for the operations of that institution, I deem it expedient to request of you information respecting when you suppose it will be ready for the reception of students—My particular desire to have my own children and those under my care educated in their native State is the only apology I have to offer as a stranger for troubleing you on this occasion
I am Dr Sir Respectfully Yr Obt Sevt
R B Hicks
WILL OF CAPT. JOHN HICKS. (No docket). 1825
In the name of God amen. I John Hicks in sound mind and memory do constitute and make this my last will and testament
in the manner and form following. Item. I lend to my beloved wife Nancy Hicks all of my estate that I may die possesed of
both real and personal during her natural life and at her death I give and bequeath the same the same to my son Charles Hicks
to him and his heirs forever and lastly I nominate and appoint my friend Reubin B. Hicks my executor to this my last will
and testament signed sealed and delivered the third day of July eighteen hundred and twenty five in the presents of
Thomas Hicks.
Nancy V. Walker John Hicks
Sarah Hardaway
Some Marriage Records of Brunswick County, VA 1730-1852
6 Jan 1796 Edmund Collier m. Judith Hicks /dau of John Hicks
23 Mar 1789 Thomas Dunn m. Elizabeth Collier /Isaac Hicks sec.
27 Feb 1805 William Harwell m. Sally Hicks
8 Jul 1771 ??? Hicks m. Judith Collier dau of Isaac Collier [James Hicks mess]
26 Nov 1787 James Hicks m. Judith Collier dau of Charles Collier
18 Sep 1810 John Hicks m. Nancy Bennett
5 Apr 1793 John Sturdivant m. Susanna Collier /James Hicks, Jr. sec.
12 Aug 1803 James Webb m. Frances Hicks
Hickses listed in the "Register of Albemarle Parish, Surrey & Sussex Counties, 1739-1778":
Amy, Anne, Christian, Elisa/Eliza, Faith, Hannah, Hardy, James, Jemima, John, Joseph, Littleberry, Lorana, Mary, Micajah, Naaman, Nathan, Priscilla, Reuben, Robert, Sarah, Sally, Tubal, William
Eliz. daughter of Wm. & Mary Hicks, b. Feb. 24, 1740/1 christened April 12, 1741. Godparents: Joseph Hicks, Eliza Jones, Eliza Harw--(?)
James, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Sept. 3, christened 1735. [no godparents listed]
James, son of Wm & Mary, b. Sept 3, christened 1735. [no godparents listed]
Mary, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Dec. 19, christened 1738
Naamah, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Oct 15, christened 15 Dec 1745. godparents Daniel Roberts, Caecilia Stokes, Hannah Roberts
Joseph, son of Joseph Hix & Anne, b. Aug 29, christened Dec 7, 1755. Godparents Simon Stacy, Ephraim Justice, Mary Wallace
Sarah, daughter of Wm. & Mary, b. Dec 22, chr 1737
Tubal, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Nov 22, 1743, christened Jan 1, 1743/4. George Long, Robert Bullock, Eliza Loyd.
Wm. S., son of Joseph & Anne, b. Dec 22, 1744, christened Jan. 26, 1745/6. John McGarraty, Jas. Massingale Jr, Priscilla Davison
Sarah, dau of Wm. & Mary, b Sept 1, christened Oct 29, 1751
Wm, son of Wm. & Mary, b. July 5, christened Aug. 17, 1760. godparents Wm Willie, Geo. Hogwood, Mary Hicks
Micajah, son of Wm. & Mary, b. Nov 17, christened Dec 16, 1753. Edward Shelton, John Bullock, Anne King
1705 Quit Rents of Virginia
Joseph Hix James City County
John Hix James City County
John Hix Prince George County
Robert Hix Prince George County
Richard Hix King and Queen County
1720 Census of Virginia
Giles Hicks Richmond County
John Hicks Surry County
Sarah Hicks Elizabeth City County
John Hix Surry County
1730 Census of Virginia
Charles Hicks Brunswick County
Elizabeth Hicks Brunswick County
Elizabeth Hicks Surry County
Sussex County, Virginia wills: Wm Hix, 1763 Wm. Hix, 1782 Wm. Hicks, 1786 Jos. Hicks, 1787 Jas. Hix, 1788
Surry County, Virginia wills: Jno. Hicks, 1729 Jno. Hicks, 1732 York County, Virginia wills listed: Thomas Hix, 1711 inventory.
Southside Virginia Families - Volume 1 - Page 330
Boddie, John Bennett Boddie - 2009
In 1724 John Hicks obtained a grant in Surry adjacent to James Massengill (John Hicks Denias Christiana)
On June 23, 1708 Michl. Harris Harris and John x_Hicks witnessed the will of John Gray of Southwarke Parish, Surry County.518 The Harris family were closely associated with John Hicks, father of Cary Clark. Listed in the Virginia Quit Rolls of land in James City in 1704, ...
Hicks Famliy Bible Record
Brunswick County, Virginia
[7 leaves; Bible record (5 leaves) and genealogical notes (2 leaves). Area covered is Brunswick County, Virginia. Bible printed in 1817. Accession No. 29683, Library of Virginia; Note: This record is continued in Accession No. 29685]
Daniel Hicks married Fanny Delony 22d Sepr. 1788
Edward B. Hicks was married to Elizabeth Stone 3d of October 1822
Edward B. Hick was married to Elizabeth Stone 3d of October 1822 (in both places the word "October" has been stricken through and the word "November" written over top)
Edward B. Hicks born 11th July 1789
Martha Hicks Born 21st February 1791
Daniel Hicks Born 17 Septm. 1792
William Hicks Born 22 June 1794
Rebecca Hicks Born 31st October 1795
Fanny E. Hicks Born 16 Dec 1797
Henry D. Hicks Born 6 January 1800
Thomas Hicks Born 9th Nov. 1801
Robert Lewis Hicks Born 21st Sepr. 1803
Lewis F. Hicks Born 1 Octr. 1805
Robert S. Hicks Born 23 May 1807
Rebecca Hicks daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Hicks was born 18th of November 1823. two O'clock in the morning
David S. Hicks son of Edw. & Elizabeth Hicks was born 11th May 1826
Henry E. Jones Born 27th August 1820
Thomas L. Jones Born the 26th June 1822
Robert S. Hicks died the 13th of March 1836
married Dr. Benj. Hicks -> Rebecca A. Hicks
Robert L. Hicks died March 25th 1805
Thomas Hicks died Sept. 26th 1815
Fanny Hicks died April 12th 1840
Daniel Hicks Jrn. died July 25th 1844
Rebecca A. Hicks died sudenly February 20th 1854
Fanny E. Hicks died on the 22 of February 1854 in full assurance of a blisful immortality
Edward B. Hicks oldest son of Daniel & Fanny Hicks died the 27th of November 1858 age 69
Fanny Hicks wife of Daniel Hicks died April 12th 1840
Daniel Hicks died November 1857 at the advanced age of ninety nine
Martha Hicks Daughter of Daniel & Frances Hicks died Sunday Morning at 4 o'clock the 17th day of February 1861. age ___ years
[NOTE in Bible provides that Rebecca Hicks who married Benjamin Isaac Hicks Dec. 17, 1844, was born Nov. 16, 1823, daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Hicks, and is mentioned in her father's (E.B. Hicks) Will dated October 20, 1852, and codicils thereto dated 1852, 1855 and 1858.]
Jeremiah Hicks witnessed legal transactions in Brunswick County on 06 March 1780 (Thomas Proctor Indenture); 13 October 1786 (Thomas Proctor Indenture); and 08 October 1788 (Thomas Sadler Sr. Indenture). Jeremiah Hicks appears in 1788 & 1798 personal Property Tax list of Brunswick Co Va.
I believe his son, Jordan Hicks m. Lucy Pettit bond April 22, 1799 Brunswick Co Va.
By 1816 Jordan Hicks & wife Lucy sold their property & left the county (Deed book 23, p 134). The couple next appears on the 1820 Giles County, Tennessee census.
Will of Jeremiah Hicks in Brunswick Co Va
This Indenture made the thirteenth day of October 1786 BETWEEN Thomas Proctor, Senior, of the County of Brunswick
and State of Virginia of the one part and Thomas More of the County of Dinwiddie and State aforesaid on the other part . . .
for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy six pounds eight shillings . . . doth grant bargain and sell alien
release and confirm unto the said Thomas More . . . one Certain Tract of Land whereon Thomas Proctor, Senior, now lives
situate lying and being in Brunswick County on the fork of the middle creek and gum branch and bounded as followeth to wit
BEGINNING at a small black gum where Sadler's line crosses the gum branch, thence down the gum branch to the mouth
and thence up the middle creek to a corner red oak on the said Creek, thence South eighty seven degrees east fourteen poles
to a corner hickory joining Thomas Edmunds's line, thence north twenty six degrees West fifty six poles to a Spanish oak on
the said Creek, thence up the said creek to a corner maple joining the Sadler's line, thence along the said line north seventy
four degrees West ninety poles to a corner Spanish oak on Sadler's line, thence South twelve and half degrees West forty
four poles to red oak, thence North eighty three West twelve to a corner pine, thence by Sadler's line South sixty six degrees
West eighty eight poles to the BEGINNING . . . Signed by Thomas Proctor (his mark) and witnessed by Joseph Browder,
Jeremiah Hicks and George Vaughan. Brunswick County Court 22d January 1787. This Deed was proved by the oaths of
Joseph Browder, Jeremiah Hicks, and George Vaughan, witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Deed Book 14, page
"Will of Jeremiah Hix (Hicks)" Brunswick County, VA, dated 27 Mar, 1810 and proved 27 Aug 1810. Will Bk 7, p. 426.
(Abstract) To son Jordon Hix 1 dollar also I lend to him & [his] wife Lucy his house with acres of land adjoining Griffin Stith's line during whatever space of time they may chuse to live thereon, and no longer; to son Archie Hix 1 dollar; to wife Susannah during her natural life, residueof my land and plantation; also my stock of all kinds, household and kitchen furnture of every kind hoping that my daughers may live with her if they chuse, at death of my wife Susannah .... I gve to my children Joyce Hicks [notice the spelling] and Susannah Hix, Nancy Hix, Lucy Hix, Sally Hix, Besty Hix & Jesse Hix; also the land lent to Jordan Hix & wife, at their death or removal from same, if if any of my children should die before their mother without marring the equal division between those that survive.
Wife Susannah & frien Featherstone Sadlerm Exexs.
witness: Edmund Eldridge, Robert Lucy, Miles Williams
Deed of Sale to Jeremiah Hicks of Brunswick County, VA, from Thomas Proctor, Sr. of Brunswick County, .... 98 acres in Brunswick County, adjoining Brutner [Buckner] Stith, Henry Saddler, Featherstone Sadler date 16 Feb 1779, rec's 23 Aug 1779 deed Bk 13, p. 336.
From Albemarle Parish Register, Surry & Sussex Counties;
Littleberry, son of Jerimah Hicks, born 2 Jan 1770, baptised 15 Apr 1770.
My 3rd great grandfather was named James G Hicks. He was born in burnswick co va in 1790 or 1793 he moved to Meade Co Ky where he was a doctor. Do you have any records on this Hicks family? I do not know his father. He married a Elizabeth. Had 2 sons George W Hicks and Henry C Hicks--2 daughters Julie Hicks & Martha Hicks (she married a Madden)
I am trying to find John Hicks. I have no idea who he was married to, but I do know that he had a son James George Hicks b. March 2, 1790, according to census records in NC. I know that he arrived in the Sullivan Co. area of Tennessee in 1795 (at which time it was still NC). I don't know if James George was born in what is now NC or what was NC and is now TENN. I have info that says John Hicks was a Virginian by birth of English descent and was married to a woman of German descent.
The way that statement was written in the book that I read, was stated in such a way, that the author could have been referring to John Hick as being married to a woman of German descent, but it also could have been talking about James George as being married to a woman of German descent (which he was).
I have read several deeds, wills, etc from Brunswick Co., Va and the Hicks that lived there had a lot of the same names as were in my Hicks family, such as James, John, George, Henry, etc. I just can't seem to get a fix on John Hicks and was wondering what marriage records that you have for any John Hicks that could have made it possible to have has a son born March 2, 1790. I don't have the name of a wife, so I would need any John Hicks you could find.
James George Hicks settled in Sullivan Co., TN and had 5 sons: James George Jr.; Henry C.; David Adam; Wesley Fletcher; and Nelson.Anything at all you can find for me, will be greatly appreciated.
John Hicks who married Rebecca Rives/Reives. They moved from James City County. One son Robert married a Mary???, he was born in Surry County and married in that county. He supposedly died in Brunswick County.
page 491 aug 14,1779 from Benjamin Ezell of Brunswick,to robert nance of same,for 800 pbs. abt. 200 acres in meck. and bounded by JohnBuggs and navel Gee.s corner, thence to James Hicks land a new line of john buggs, john ballard, buggs line near taylors creek signed Benjamin ezell wit-- chislen curtis,george hicks,william ezell, buckner ezell. recorded oct 11 1779
page-101 oct 13 1777 from james hicks and judieth his wife of brunswick county to abraham marimoon of meck. for 20 pds. about 50 acres in meck. and bounded by the south side of stiths corner., wilson creek, pennington. this land was granted to john twitty by patent dated apr 1o 1751 signed james hicks, judieth hicks wit wi;;iam bowing william bowing,jr david bowing recorded oct 13 1777
James Hicks ,John B.Hicks, Isaac Hicks and Francis B.Hicks need anything at all I do need their parents names and chidrenand if they stayed in VA.or moved?
This seems to be my Hicks/Hix lineage:
1. John Hix b 1636 Charles City Co, VA
2. John Hix b 1660 Charles City Co, VA
3. William Hix b 1684 Charles City Co, Va
4. Richard Hix b 1797 Surry Co, VA
The above appear to be related to a Vaughan family, a Richard Ingram, and possibly a McKinney family, etc.
I found an Isaac Hix in a book on the INGRAM FAMILY HISTORY. So Isaac appears to be also connected to Ingram.
If you know anything of the above, I would like to hear from you. Helen
* Communicated by Mrs. Gulie C. Harrison, of Brandon. This Benjamin Harrison, was the second of the name, and was great-grandfather of Benjamin Harrison, signer of the Declaration of Independence. His tombstone is at Cabin Point.
In the Name of God Amen. I Benjamin Harrison of Surry County Knowing ye Uncertainty of mans Life & how unfitt we
are when pains & sickness comes upon us to settle our worldly affairs I Do therefore with Due Consideration make & Ordain
this to be my Last Will & Testament hereby revoaking making void & null all other former Wills by me made ; First I bequeath
my soul to Almighty God that gave it me steadfastly believing through -f merritts of my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ I shall
receive full & Absolute Pardon for all my sins my body I Committ to y this Earth from whence it was taken to be Decently buryed at ye Discression of my Executor & for y 13 worldly Estate that God of his mercy & Goodness he has bestowed upon me,
I- Dispose of that in manner following. I give unto my son Nathaniel One hundred Acres of Land whereon his Mill Now stands half an acre of Land in y e Town at Plowrerdy hundred & all my Land in Martins brandon in Prince George County all which par-
cells of Land I give to my said son & to his Heirs for ever. I give unto my son Henry ye Plantation whereon I now live with
y e remaining part of y 6 Land I bought of John Barker which is not already Conveyed to him I do also give him four hundred &
fifty Acres of Land in one Pattent & one hundred & fifteen Acres of Land in one other Pattent & all my Land at Cabbin Point all
Joyning to my Plantation Land which severall parcells or tracts of Land I give unto my said son & to his Heirs for Ever : I also
give to my said son all y 13 negroes & other slaves that shall belong to my Plantation at y e time of my Death & all y° slaves that live at Cabbin point I also give him all my Cattell Horses mares sheep & hogs that belong to y e s d two Plantation I also Give him all my Plate & household Goods as furniture Linen Woolen Pewter Brass Iron &c: with all my beding and all my Books I also give him my new sloop Henry with all my Boates & y e sailes & what Else I have sent for, for y e use of y e said sloop if it please God it Corns safe in, but my will is that in Case my son Henry should Dey without an Heir of his body Lawfully begotten ; then my will is that all y e Beal Estate that I have Given to my son Henry should Goe to my son Nathaniell & to his heirs for Ever he paying my Grandson Benjamin Harrison one hundred pounds Current mony out of y e said Estate.
I give unto William Stringor my three hundred & fifty Acres of Land on ye south side of Blackwater swamp where my Quarter
now is to him & to y e Lawful Heirs male of his body for Ever but for want of such Heir or in Case he remove out of the County
then my will is that y e said Land Do go unto my son Henry & to ye Lawfull Heirs of his body for Ever, & for want of such Heir
I give it to my son Nathaniell & to his Heirs for Ever I also Give unto ye s a Stringor One male Negro not under fifteen nor
above thirty Years of Age & two Cowes & Calves.
I give unto Joel Barker that part of my Land at y 6 wild Catt that Leyes on y e south side y e branch whereon he now Lives to him & to his Heirs for Ever.
I give twenty pounds sterling to buy Ornaments for y 6 Chappell & that my Exeeuf. take Care to provide them so soon as may
be after ye new Chappell is built & my will is that five acres of my Land be Laid out where y e old Chappell now stands & that it be held for that use for ever.
I give unto my Daughter Sarah four hundred pounds Current mony or sterling.
I give unto my Daughter Hannah four hundred pounds Currant mony or sterling.
I give unto my Grandson Benjamin Harrison four hundred pounds Currant mony or sterling to be paid to him when he Comes to age.
I give to Every one of my Grand Children one hundred pounds Currant mony or sterling apiece to be paid to Each of them as
they come of age or Marry which shall first happen my Grandson Benjamin Harrison only accepted he being already provided for. My will is that after my Just Debts & Legacys above mentioned with my funerall Charges be fully satisfyed then I give all y 6 rest of my Estate unto my son Nathaniell whom I Do appoint my full & Sole Executor; wheather mony in England or Barbados: Debts here in y e Country Goods in y e store or what Else sower it be of what Kind or Quallity soever that is not already Given by this my Will In Witness thereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seales this 16 th Day of April 1711 :
Signed & sealed in
y e presence of Benjamin Harrison Sealed
Thomas Cocke with a wafer
William Short
George Rochill
John Tyus
I give to my son Henry besides what is above Exprest these
following Debts viz'. John Simons his Debt Eichard Hamlin
His Debts John Vaughon his Debts Cap 4 . Clements his Debts ye Debt Due from William Hunts Estate & all my Crops.
Att a Court held at Southwark for the County of Surry February ye 18th 1712. The above mentioned Will of Benjamin Harrison Esq: was presented in Court by Nathaniell Harrison Execuf: thereof who made Oath thereto & being proved by the Oaths of Thomas Cocke William Short & John Tyus Witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be Eecorded & is Recorded by
Jno. Allen CI Cur a: A Copy. Teste: A. S. Edwards, Clerk.]
All information from Norman Zezula
BIRTH: 1800 census ,Surry Co., NC (#662) indicates he is over 45
MARRIAGE: no record found; prob. 1770 or before due to estimated ages of sons.
!DEATH: alive in Surry Co., NC in May 1806 when he acknowledged a land sale.
On 14 Oct 1809, a Samuel HICKS married Lucy James (in Surry Co.) It is not known if this i s the same Samuel.
CENSUS--1800: Surry Co., NC (#662)
Samuel HICKS b. BEF 1745
Son b. 1745-1764 [William?]
CENSUS--1810: Surry Co., NC (p 648)
Samuel HICKS b. BEF 1765
Wife b. 1765-1784 [Lucy Jones ?]
(No children; it is not known if this is the same Samuel, but
the age range is consistent.)
1790: No Samuel HICKS in NC or Va. census, or in any Surry record
1791: Taxed in Surry on 600 acres (first Surry record found for him)
1792-1794: " " " " 600 acres
1795: " " " " 400 acres
1796: " " " " 600 acres
1797-1798: " " " " 400 acres
1799: " " " " 300 acres
1800: " " " " 300 acres; sold 2 parcels of land (one to
William HICKS; the other to Benjamin HICKS (probably his sons) (100 acres to each); appeare d in census 1804: Sold 42 acres in Surry; was a witness for a 8 May 1804 land transaction.
1805: Sold 400 acres in Surry to James HICKS (probably his son).
(this apparently was the remainder of his land holdings.
1806: In the May term, in open court, he acknowledged his mark
on the sale document for the 400 acres sold in 1805.
LAND: Samuel HICKS had a 242 acre land parcel on Hunting Creek in Surry Co.
After putting together a sketch based on the land description of
several subsequent transactions, the following description of the
original parcel has been concluded:
From Jefferies' corner, N. 120 poles to a pine on Johnson's corner;
then E. 56 poles to an oak ? on Laban HICKS line; then N. 40 poles;
then E. 226 poles; then 17 degrees W. of due south to the "old line"
(which line runs east and west thru Jefferies' corner); and then
west along this "old line" back to the begining (at Jefferies'
In 1800, Samuel sold the eastern 100 acres to William HICKS; the central 100 acres to William HICKS, and retained the eastern 42 acres. The
dividing lines were parallel to the 120 pole line that forms the western
boundary of the original parcel. These dividing lines intersect the "old line" (the souther n boundary of the original parcel) at 56 poles and at 156 poles east of the oak at Jefferies ' corner. These dividing lines are perpendicular to the "old line." All 3 parcels are on Hu nting Creek.
On 8 May 1804, Benjamin HICKS sold the eastern 22 acres of his land to
William HICKS (thus moving their common border to the west). In 1805 (3 Aug), William HICKS (by then "of Iredell Co.") sold his land to William JEFFERY****. On 17 Oct of 1805, Benjamin HICKS sold his land to William Jefferies. In Dec 1804, Samuel HICKS sold his 42 acres (remain ing to him of the original 242 acres) to Isaac Jones.
On 17 Mar 1805, Samuel HICKS sold 400 acres to James HICKS. This land was on Deep Cre ek. However, it apparently wasn't far from the Hunting Creek parcel. Laban HICKS's land wa s also on Deep Creek; yet it appears that his land and Samuel's have a point of contact (an o ak on Laban HICKS line). Samuel HICKS 400 acres may even have ajoined the 244 acre parcel o n Hunting Creek. At any rate, the transaction for the 400 acres sold to James follows:
17 Mar 1805 for 100 pounds "On the waters of Deep Creek begining at a blac k oak; runs south 17 degrees west 75 chains to a stake; west 45 chains to a ____ oak; north 7 1 chains to a pine; east to the begining; containing in the whole 400 acres. Signed Samuel HICKS (by mark) (acknowledged in open court by Samuel HICKS in the May term of 1806, and orde red to be duely registered."
LAND: Summary:
28 Feb 1791 Laban HICKS enters 200 acres in Surry Co. on the waters of Hunting Creek and Deep Creek adjoining Edward Woolridge. (p 492, Land Entries)
Nov 1792 Laban HICKS enters 200 acres on the waters of Hunting Creek adjoining W illiam Woodridge and himself (p 547, Land Entries)
24 Dec 1792 Laban HICKS rec'd 200 acres on Deep Creek
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to Benjamin HICKS: 100 acres on Hunting
Creek (Samuel signs by mark; wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS: 100 acres (Samuel signs by mark; wit . James & Joshua HICKS)
8 May 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William HICKS: 22 acres (Benjamin
signs; wit. Samuel HICKS by mark, and Laban HICKS)
17 Oct 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William Jeffery, on the waters of
North Hunting Creek: (Benjamin signs; wit Joshua HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones: (Samuel signs by mark;
wit. Laban HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Laban HICKS sells 100 acres
12 Dec 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones: (Samuel signs by mark;
wit. Laban HICKS
17 Mar 1805 Samuel HICKS to James HICKS: 400 acres (Samuel signs by mark; late r acknowledged by him in open court)
3 Aug 1805 William HICKS of Iredell Co. to William Jeffery:
(William by mark)
11 Nov 1807 Laban HICKS obtains 100 acres from the state on Cobbs Creek at 50 sh illings per hundred acres
LAND: Deeds: 24 Dec 1792 Grant of 200 acres (10 pounds/ acre) to Laban HICKS [in Surry Co. ] "on the waters of Deep Creek, begining at a black oak, William Woolridges begining corner , and runs North on Richard Bealock's? line 28 chains to a stake in William Terrel's [divisio n?] line, known by the name of Aymes? Old Place; thence West on the same [heading?] by his co rner 28 chains; and so on the same course 43 chains more to a pine; thence South 28 chains t o a stake on the piney nobbs; thence East to the begining." (has 12 months to register thi s deed)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to Benjamin HICKS, both of Surry Co.,
100 acres; cost 50 pounds: "On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a ____ oak, William H ICKS corner oak, West 100 poles to a ____ oak in that line; thence ______ [therewith?] said l ine South 160 poles to a ____ oak thru
[old?] corner; then East 100 poles to a stake, William HICKS corner; then North with his lin e to the begining." (wit. James & Joshua HICKS)
26 Jul 1800 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS, both of Surry Co.
100 acres; cost 50 pounds: " On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a white oak, run s West 126 poles to a ___ oak; then South 160 poles to a stake in the old line; then along sa id line East 78 poles to a stake in the old
corner; thence North 17 degrees East with the old line to the begining." (wit. James & Josh ua HICKS)
8 May 1804 Benjamin HICKS to William HICKS, 22 acres; cost 15
pounds: "On the waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a [post at?] William HICKS corner; run s West 10 poles to a post oak at Thomas Coffin's corner, then South 8 degrees West 164 pole s to a stake in Woodridge's old line; thence East 33 poles to a stake: thence South 163 pole s to the Beginning." (wit. Laban HICKS, Samuel HICKS)
17 Oct 1804 "Benjamin HICKS sells 80 acres on Hunting Creek to
William Jeffery for 50 pounds current money of [NC?]: On the waters of North Hunting Creek a djoining Samuel HICKS and Issac Jones and John Brown, including the plantation whereon Thoma s Coffin (?) now lives and bounded as follows: begining at a ____ oak, running North 163 [po les?] to ____oak; then East 90 poles to a ____ oak; then South ___ degrees West 164 poles t o a stake in the original line; then west to the begining." (wit. Joshua HICKS)
10 Nov 1804 Laban HICKS sells 100 acres: "On the waters of Deep Creek contain ing 100 acres, begining at a pine (?), Henry Jefferies (?) corner, runs West to said HICKS co rner pine (?); then North (?) on his line 28 chains to his corner stake in William Woodridge' s line; then West on the same 11.5 chains to a stake on Hill's line; then North on the same [ heading?] ____ corner 58 chains to a pine; thence East 22.5 chains to a stake on Speer's lin e; thence on the same to the begining.
12 Dec 1804 Samuel HICKS to Issac Jones, 42 acres: "On the
waters of Hunting Creek, begining at a ____ oak, [Jefferies corner ?], runs North 120 poles t o a pine, Johnson's corner; then East 56 poles to a post (?) oak on Laban HICKS line; then So uth 120 poles to a Spanish oak in said _____ line; then west to the begining; containing in t he whole 42 acres." (wit. Laban HICKS)
3 Aug 1805 William HICKS of Iredell Co. to William Jeffery, 100 acres: "On the waters o f Hunting Creek joining Samuel HICKS', John Brown's, Richard Mesick's (?) line, begining a t a white oak, runs West 126 poles to a ___ oak; then South 160 poles to a stake in the old l ine; thence along the old line East 78 poles to a stake, the old corner; thence North 17 (? ) degrees with the old line to the begining."
17 Mar 1805 Samuel HICKS to William HICKS 400 acres; cost 100 pounds: "On the waters o f Deep Creek, begining at a black oak, runs South 17 degrees West 75 chains to a stake; Wes t 45 chains to a ____ oak; North 71 chains to a pine; East to the begining." "acknowledge d in open court May term, 1806 by Samuel HICKS and ordered to be duely registered."
11 Nov 1807 Laban HICKS from the state for 50 shillings per 100 acres; 100 acres N 252 8 (M:327): "On Cobb's Creek begining at creek, stout oak in Spark's line; runs West one hund red and ___ poles to a black oak; thence South 114 (?) poles to a short oak; thence East 67 p oles to a red oak; thence N 5 poles to a pine, John Rose's corner; then with his line 73 pole s to a black oak; thence North to the begining."
LITERACY: Samuel & William HICKS sign by mark. Apparently, Laban, Joshua, James, and Benjamin can write their own name.
LABIN HICKS: He is a neighbor of Samuel HICKS and his sons. His land and that of Samuel's o riginal parcel touch at a corner (at least). Also, he is a witness for several land tansacti ons involving Samuel and his sons. (two sales of Samuel to non family; Laban also is a co-wi tness with Samuel in the Benjamin to William sale. This all implies that they are related; L aban may be another son of Samuel. There are references to "Laban Sen." and "Laban Jun." i n the records. Only a Laban Sr. is listed in the 1800 Census for Surry; However, only Laba n Jr., (or just "Laban") is mentioned in the tax, deed and grant indexes. Clearly, Laban Jr . is the son of Laban Senior. The 1800 census lists only one Laban (in the 26-44 age group. ) If this is Laban Jr., Laban Sr. is probably Samuel's brother, or possibly Samuel's father.
If this is Laban Sr., he is probably an older son of Samuel. It should be noted that bot h Laban and Samuel appear first in Surry in 1791 (Laban entered land; both were taxed on thei r land). Additional members of this extended HICKS family do not appear in Surry Co. record s until 1792 or later.
Chronology: 1791: enters 200 acres (fron state); taxed on 400 acres
1792: enters 100 acres; bought 200 acres
1794: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1795: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1796: Laban Jr. taxed on 300 acres
1797-1800: Laban (no Jr. or Sr.) taxed on 300 acres
1800: Laban Sr., Surry census (26-44); no Laban Jr.
1804: Laban sells 100 acres; wit. to 3 land transactions involving Samuel, Benj . and Wm.
1807: Laban obtains 100 acres on Cobb's Creek from the state for 50 shillings.
CHILDREN: Benjamin, James, Joshua, and William are taken to be Samuel's sons
because of their close involvement in land transactions. The father sells 3 land parcels t o 3 of his sons (James, Benjamin, and William). Benjamin sells part of his to William. The y act as witnesses in the sales between father and son and between 2 brothers. Benjamin sign s Joshua's marriage bond (in Rowan Co.). Only the "Laban Sr.-Laban Jr. problem prevents lis ting Laban as another son at this time.
The two possible daughters, Eliza and Polly, were obtained from Surry Co. marriage bonds . It is not certain that Samuel, and not Laban (or even Thomas, Nathanial, or John -- see " Other HICKS") is their father. This is a preliminary assumption because the marriage dates are consistent with this family.
OTHER HICKS: None of the Laban-Samuel HICKS family appears in Surry Co. prior to 1791. However, 5 other HICKS or HIX are listed in the county in previous records. None were in the Hunting Creek-Deep Creek area, except for James. The names of these five are: Thomas, Nathaniel , John, James, and Frederick HICKS.
1771-1772: Frederick HICKS in tax list: in 1771 with a "1" in a column
(heading illegible); in 1772 with a "2" in a similar column (from the clerk of the House of Burgesses)
1782: James HICKS in tax list. No data is given for him; however, he is listed among pe ople who are designated "Deep Creek." The names for "Capt. Wright's district" include: Philimon Halcourt(400 acres), Peter Myers (160 acres), Greenburg, Patterson (640), John Catten? , John Door?, James HICKS,
George Hol____, ______, Thomas Gallium?, Lawrence Halcomb, Darrel? ______, ...
1787: Thomas HIX listed in state census (no data)
1790: Census (Surry Co.):
Nathaniel HICKS: 1 son under 16; 4 daughters; wife
John HICKS: 1 Son over 16; 3 under; no daughters; wife
Thomas HICKS: 7 sons over 16; 1 daughter; wife
1790-1793: John taxed; (1791 - on 23 acres; 1794 - on 150 acres)
1790-1791: Nathaniel taxed on 640 acres
1794: Nathaniel " " " " (did not check him for later years)
1800: Census (Surry Co.):
Nathaniel HICKS Jr.: He & wife (both over 45); 3 young sons; 3 daughters
1800: Census (Iredel Co.)
Henry HICKS: he over 45, wife 26-44; 1 son, 1 dau under 10; 1 son 10-16.
1801: Nathaniel HIX and wife buys 640 acres on Fall Creek from John August (Thomas HIX a witness) (I 202)
NOTE: HICKS, Elizabeth Jane: an account (under heading: "Accounts, Inventories, and Settleme nts") May 1894, agent-Sam'l Davis (gdsn?); file #691. (This probably is not a relative or a wife of the Samuel HICKS family)
NOTE: 1810 census: (#686) Surry Co.: John Hix: 1 son, 1 dau under 10; 4 sons 16-18; wife 26 -44; his age apparently not given
1820 census: (#231) Iredell Co.: Henry Hicks over 45, his wife 26-44, 2 sons 16-18 , 1 dau 10-16; 2 slaves
1830 census: (#031) Iredell Co.: Henry Hicks 50-60, son 20-30, female
50-60, 10-15, 20-30
(#032) Iredell: Elijah Hicks--males: 2 (under 5); 2 (5-10), 1 (30-40); female: 2 (5 -10), 1 (30-40)
(#121) Surry: Daniel Hicks--males: 1 (under 5), 1 (30-40), female: 2 (under 5), 2 (5 -10), 1 (20-30)
Change Date: 9 DEC 1998 at 21:48:15
Marriage 1 Unknown HICKS
Joshua HICKS b: ABT 1765 in ,(Surry?),NC
Benjamin HICKS b: 1768 in ,(Surry?),NC
James HICKS b: ABT 1770 in of Surry,(Surry),NC
William HICKS b: ABT 1772 in of Surry,(Surry),NC
Eliza HICKS b: ABT 1774 in of Surry,(Surry),NC
Polly HICKS b: ABT 1776 in of Surry,(Surry),NC
Wilkes Co. Will Abstracts
29 Oct. 1792
April Term 1793
Son-in-law: John HOLSCLAW, 50ac adj tract he lives on but not to cross the river
Son: SAMUEL, 50ac across lower end of my land
Grand-children: Nancy & Thomas ASHER & Sarah & Milly ASKER, the FATHERLESS CHILDREN of my daughters Sarah & Dianah & to be delivered into the hands of James HOLSECLAW & Henry HATELEY, their STEP-FATHERS until sd children become of age
Execr: Benjamin WARD, Ezekiel BAIRD
Wits: Samuel BAIRD, Simon (x) SHULL, George (x) NO
John Parham
Ref. Pg. 13, His. Col. of the Ga. Cha. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. Vol 3--Davidson
Will of John Parham, signed Aug 2, 1804, reg. Apr 22, 1805
In the name of God Amen. I John Parham being in sound mind and memory and calling to mind the state of mortality in which I dayly am, make and ordain this my will and testament and hereby revoke all other will or wills heretofore made by me.
Item 1. My will is first of all that my just debts be paid.
Item 2. I lend my wife Mary Parham both real and personal during her natural life or widowood. Except two horses, one to my son Thomas Parham, and the other to my son Dickson Parham. Priced to eighty dollars each.
Item 3. My will further is that after the death of my wife above mentioned, my estate then to equaily divided between my several children, Viz: Elizabeth Bennett, Cannon Parham, John Parham, Isam Parham, Nancy Sargent, Mary Upshaw, Thomas Parham, HOLEBERRY HICKS, Mildred Parham, Dickson Parham, Frances Parham and Lucy Parham.
Item 4. My estate consists of one small tract of land on the water of Doves Creek, it being the place I now live on, six negroes named, Viz: Len, Anthony, Jane, James, and Delilia, a small stock of horses, cows, and hogs together with my household plantation tools and citery.
Item 5. My will further is that my several daughters, Viz: Mary, Mildred, Holeberry, Frances and Lucy have each of them a bed before the division of my estate, priced to thirty five dollars each. My wife has the power to give those beds when she shall or may find it convenient.
Item 6. I do now constitute and appoint my son John Parham and friend Wm Davis, Executors to this Last Will and Testament in whom I repose Real Confidence. Made, Signed and Sealed this second day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.
John Parham
Test: Edmond Shachelford, David Hicks, Thomas Parham
Registered the 22nd day of April 1805
W. Higginbotham C.C.O.
Warren Co. Deeds
Aug. 26, 1799
James ELLIS proved a Deed from Ralph SAILS*** and wife to John HICKS***, and on motion the same is ordered to be registered.
DB-3, page 514. 28 July 1772. WILLIAM WALKER, SR. & JAMES LAUGHTER to HENRY FOOTE***, all of Bute Co. 34 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Bute Co. on Howells Branch, adj. LAUGHTER & COLMAN. Wit: JOHN BRADLEY, ARNOLD EDWARD, JOHN HICKS***, ALEXANDER BURNHAM. Proved by JOHN HICKS, Bute August Court 1772, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 30 October 1772, by JAMES JOHNSON, P.R.
Wills and Administrations of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, 1647-1800
To my wife MARY, the whole estate which came into my possession by my last marriage.
Entries: 941 Updated: 2005-09-14 17:37:01 UTC (Wed) Contact: Betty Jo Stockton Home Page: Glenn & Betty Jo's Home Page
Name: Benjamin HICKS
Surname: Hicks
Given Name: Benjamin
Sex: M
Birth: 1768 in (Surry?), NC 1
Death: AFT 1804
All information from Norman Zezula
M. abt 1790
Birth: a preliminary estimate based on an attempt to assemble the family.
He first appears in 1794 when he signs Joshua's marriage bond (Rowan Co., NC). Thus he was b orn before 1773. In the 1800 census, he is in the 26-45 age group--he is listed as married w ith 6 children under 10. Since he had 4 more children than did Joshua, while James had none a nd William was apparently living with his father, and unmarried, Benjamin is presumed to be t he oldest of four sons. Since the 1800 census indicates that all four were born 1755-1774, B enjamin's birth year is estimated to be ABT 1769. The other sons are put in order of their m arriage dates. The two HICKS girls are assumed to have married a few years younger than di d their brothers. With this adjustment, they were listed in probable birth order behind thei r four brothers.
Marriage: marriage date estimated based on his 6 children in the 1800 census He was probabl y married about or before 1790. His marriage does not appear in the Surry Co. marriage bond s. It is possible that he married before he came to Surry Co.
Death: AFT 1804 (He sold his land in Surry Co. in Oct 1804)
Census--1800: Surry Co., NC (#662)
Benjamin HICKS b. 1755-1774 [prob. BEF 1770]
Wife b. 1774-1784
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Son b. 1790-1800
Daughter b. 1790-1800
Daughter b. 1790-1800
Census--1810: Benjamin apparently left Surry Co. about 1805, having sold his land in la te 1804. He does not appear in the 1810 or later censuses for Surry. His father, his brothers (Joshua and William), and his "relative?" Laban HICKS all appear to have sold their land and left the county about this time. Only James appears to have stayed; he appears in th e 1810-1830 Surry Co. census records. William apparently went to Iredell Co., NC; Joshua we nt to Clermont Co., OH; the others haven't been traced.
Land: See Notes for his father, Joshua HICKS.
CHRONOLOGY: 1794: First appears on the Surry Co. tax rolls
1799: Taxed on 100 acres
1800: bought 100 acres; taxed on 100 acres (prob. the 1799 land
was this same parcel, ie. he had 100 acres total)
Census: with wife & 6 children under 10
1804: sold his land in an 80 acre and a 22 acre parcel
*Note: A different Benjamin Hicks is in the 1850 census (Surry Co., NC (P207)
HICKS, Benjamin 69 M (could be the son of the Benj. b. in 1768)
Sarah 60 F
Solomon 25 M
Martha 23 F
Sally 18 F
Benjamin 17 M
Change Date: 11 Aug 2002 at 10:28:44
Father: Samuel HICKS b: ABT 1745 in (Surry?), NC
Mother: Unknown HICKS b: EST 1745
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Married: ABT 1790
Father: Samuel Hicks b: ABT 1740
Mother: Ruth??? Charlotte??? Eldridge???
Marriage 1 XX b: BET 1774 AND 1784
Married: ABT 1790
Entries: 941 Updated: 2005-09-14 17:37:01 UTC (Wed) Contact: Betty Jo Stockton Home Page: Glenn & Betty Jo's Home Page
ID: I50
Name: Joshua HICKS
Surname: Hicks
Given Name: Joshua
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 1765 in (Surry?), NC 1 2 3 4 5
Death: 1848 in (Clermont) OH
Reference Number: 99
!Most information from Norman Zezula and from Orville Jones notes - his family #100
! Birth: Paid taxes on land in 1792 (Surry Co., N.C.) Thus he was at least 21 then. Censu s records of 1830 & 1840 for Clermont Co., OH indicate he was born between 1760-1770
Marriage: Rowan Co. marriage bond (Benjamin Hicks also signs) 19 Sep 1794. State of North C arolina, Rowan county. "Know all men by these presents, that we Joshua Hicks & Benjamin Hick s of said county are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency Richd. D. Spaight Esquire, Gov ernor Captain-General and Commander in Chief of the state aforesaid, in the full and just su m of 500 pounds current money of the state aforesaid to be paid to his Excellency the governo r, his successors or assigns: To the which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bin d ourselves, our heirs, Ex C___, Administrators and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly b y ____ Sealed with our ___ and dated this nineteenth day of Sept in the nineteenth year of I ndependence of this state. Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. The cond ition of the above Obligation is such, That whereas the above bound Joshua Hicks has made app lication for a licence of marriage to be clelbrated between him and Diana Adams of the count y aforesaid: now in sase it shall not appear hearafter, that there is any lawful cause to obs truct the said marriage intended to be _ad and solemn ___ then the above Obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and ______. Joshua Hicks [seal]
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of J. Troy, D. C.; Benj Hicks [seal]
!Death: His son, Joshua, his son's wife, Sarah, and his wife (or widow) sold 73.5 acres in 18 45. This was apparently the family homestead that he and Diana sold to Joshua Jr. in 1840 . It is concluded that Diana held a mortgage on it as Joshua's widow. The death of Joshua S r. is concluded from the fact that he didn't sign. Administration papers for Joshua are indic ated for the year 1848 in Clermont Co., OH. The actual papers are missing except for a few r eceipts. (Orville Jones' Notes)
Children: Surmised from study of the Hicks family in Clermont Co., OH. Records correlate d include marriage, land, census, and death records of the children.
1792-1797: taxes paid in Surry Co., NC
1793: First taxed specifically on land in Surry Co., NC
1794: Marriage in Rowan Co., NC -- Benjamin Hicks witnessed
1798: taxed on 250 acres of land in Surry Co.
1799-1800: taxed on 300 acres of land in Surrey Co.
1800: Census--Surry Co., NC (same page as Samuel, James, Benjamin, and Laban Hicks)
1800: Witnessed land transaction in Surry Co.
1804: Witnessed land transaction in Surry Co.
1805: Probable date of move to OH
1806: Daughter (Mary Hicks Robinson) born in OH according to her death record. (14 Feb)
1810: Not in the NC census. The 1810 census for OH was destroyed.
1815: bought 126 acres from Jas. Kerr in Clermont Co., OH
One of 4 families mentioned by Everts as having settled in Franklin twp. "early after th e War of 1812"--HIST OF CLERMONT CO., OHIO, Everts.
1816,1817,1819: taxed on 100 acres (John Neville, orig. proprietor)
1820: Census--Clermont Co., OH
1826: landowner in Franklin twp., Clermont Co., OH--Everts, ibid.
1827: land sale to Henry Hicks of 59 acres (fron Joshua and Diana Hicks)
(In 1843, Henry sold this same land to William Hicks.)
1830: Census--Clermont Co., OH
1840: Census, Clermont Co.
1840: land sale of 73.5 acres to Joshua Hicks Jr. (Joshua and Diana Hicks both sign) (Pl atting done by Orville Jones shows that this is the remaining portion of the 1815 purchase o f 126 acres)
1845: land sale of this 73.5 acres ("Joshua and Sarah Ann and Diana Hicks sign--Sarah An n apparently is the wife of Joshua Jr. and his mother, Diana is apparently a widow who hel d a mortgage as the survivor of Joshua Sr. Sold to Chris Houser, Deed signed by Joshua, Sara h [his wife] and Diana [his mother]
1845: Probable date of death of Joshua Hicks.
1848: administration papers of Joshua's estate are indicated for this date. However, th e papers are missing.
1854: land sale (sheriff's sale) of 8 acres belonging to Joshua Hicks and others not name d. This was sold by the sheriff as a result of a suit (no details given) Only a few receipt s survive, one of which is a receipt for court costs in a suit brought by Elijah Hicks agains t Alex Johnson, Joshua's administrator (and son-in-law). The sheriff described the land as 1 0 acres less 2 acres previously sold to Elijah.
1800: Surry Co., NC Joshua HICKS b. 1755-1774 [Joshua b. abt 1765]; Wife b. 1774-17 84 [Diana b. 1768]; Son b. 1790-1800 [Henry b. abt 1795]; Daughter b. 1790-1800 [Rut h b. 28 Aug 1797]; Son b. 1790-1800 [Elijah b. 2 Apr 1799]
1810: (This census no longer exists for OH)
1820: Franklin Twp., Clermont, OH (p 019) Joshua HICKS b. BEF 1785; Wife b. 1785-179 4 [Diana b. 1768]; Son b. 1794-1804 [Henry b. ABT 1795]; Daughter b. 1794-1804 [Rut h b. 28 Aug 1797]; Son b. 1794-1804 [Elijah b. 2 Apr 1799]; Daughter b. 1794-1804 [Lydi a b. 1 Sep 1802]; Daughter b. 1804-1810 [Betsy b.1804]; Daughter b. 1804-1810 [Mary b. 1 4 Feb 1806]; Son b. 1804-1810 [William b. ABT 1810]; Son b. 1810-1820 [James b. 30 Oct 1 811]; Daughter b. 1810-1820 [Margaret b. 1812]; Son b. 1810-1820 [Joshua b. 1815] ; Daughter b. 1810-1820 [Nancy b. 1817]; Daughter b. 1810-1820 [ ? b. ABT 1819] (No te: 3 persons of this household engaged in agriculture)
1830: Franklin Twp., Clermont, OH (#258) Joshua HICKS b. 1760-1770; Wife b. 1770-178 0 [Diana b.1768]; Daughter b. 1810-1815 [Mary b. 14 Feb 1806]; Son b. 1800-1810 [Wil liam b. ABT 1810]; Son b. 1810-1815 [James b. 30 Oct 1811]; Son b .1815-1820 [Joshua b . 1815]; Daughter b. 1815-1820 [Nancy b. 1817]; Daughter b. 1815-1820 [b. ABT 1819]
(Note: 5 older children and Margaret married prior to 1830 according to their marriag e records. Apparently, a daughter was born after 1815. She is assigned the birth year of 18 19 until further information is obtained.
1840: Franklin Twp., Clermont, OH (#176) Joshua HICKS b. 1760-1770; Wife b. 17 70-1780 [Diana b. 1768]; Son b. 1800-1810 [William b. ABT 1810]; Son b. 1810-1820 [Jo shua b. 1815]; Daughter b. 1810-1820 [Nancy b. 1817]; Daughter b. 1820-1825
(Note: Henry HICKS, Joshua HICKS, and Alexander JOHNSON are listed consectutively in th e census roll-- this implies they are neighbors. James HICKS is listed 2 pages previously i n the census. Henry, Mrs. Margaret JOHNSON, and James are Joshua's children.) (It is possib le that the last-unnamed-daughter is in fact Joshua Jr.'s wife Sarah. Their marriage date ha s not been found. Joshua Jr. did buy his parents 73.5 acre homestead in 1840; presumably, hi s parents continued to reside there. Joshua Jr. and his wife, Sarah sold this land in 1845.
1850: Joshua HICKS Sr. died about 1848, but his wife, Diana Hicks is listed at age 82 wit h the Nelson Newkirk family (see notes on Diana Adams and Nancy Hicks).
*Note: Unidentified Mary Hicks d. July 1874 in Batavia, Clermont Co, OH, age 84y. She was b orn in Wash. twp., Clermont Co, OH.--Clermont Co death rec, p 100. She probably is no rela tion to our family.
*Note: Could find no record of Joshua buying or selling land in Surry Co., NC.
Change Date: 13 Aug 2002 at 20:08:04
Father: Samuel HICKS b: ABT 1745 in (Surry?), NC
Mother: Unknown HICKS b: EST 1745
Marriage 1 Diana ADAMS b: 1768 in , VA
Married: 19 Sep 1794 in (Rowan), NC 6 7
Henry*HICKS b: ABT 1795 in (Surry), NC
RUTH* HICKS b: 28 Aug 1797 in (Surry), NC
Elijah HICKS b: 2 Apr 1799 in (Surry?), NC
Lydia HICKS b: 1 Sep 1802 in (Surry), NC
Mary HICKS b: 12 Feb 1803 in (Clermont) OH
Elizabeth 'Betsy' HICKS b: 4 Dec 1804 in (Surry), NC
Margaret HICKS b: 29 Oct 1810 in (Clermont) OH
James HICKS b: 30 Oct 1811 in (Clermont) OH
William HICKS b: ABT 1816 in OH?
Nancy HICKS b: 1817 in (Clermont) OH
Joshua HICKS b: 1815 in OH
daughter HICKS b: ABT 1819 in OH
Father: Samuel Hicks b: ABT 1740
Mother: Ruth??? Charlotte??? Eldridge???
Marriage 1 Diana Adams b: ABT 1775
Married: 19 SEP 1794 in Rowan Co., NC
Henry Hicks b: ABT 1795
Ruth Hicks b: 28 AUG 1797
Elijah Hicks b: 2 APR 1799
Lydia Hicks b: 1 SEP 1801
Mary Hicks b: 12 FEB 1803 in Clermont Co., OH
Elizabeth Hicks b: 4 DEC 1804
Margaret Hicks b: 29 OCT 1810
James Hicks b: 30 OCT 1811
Joshua Hicks b: ABT 1813
William Hicks b: ABT 1815
Nancy Hicks b: ABT 1817
dau Hicks b: ABT 1819
by J. C. Kolbe (continued from Vol.2 p. 157)
To the worshipfull Court of Cumberland County The Return of
the Tiths in John Watts Presinks is as followeth:
Archer Hix -13
John Hix- 1
William Hix- 2
William Hix Jr. -2
by L.H. Hart
Robert Hicks 5
DB O, p. 304 Mary Hicks widow of Clement Hicks dec. and Laban, James, Asa, Hicks , Rachel Parson, Joseph Hicks, Robert Hicks surviving heirs of Clement Hicks - all of Belmont Co., OH PoA to James Hicks (aforesaid) of same place to receive from James C. Clk of Ct all now owing to us.
Att: Belmont Co., OH Dec. 25, 1824 Witn: Porter Land, Jas. S. Alexander D. Dec. 25, 1824
They were sons of James and Winifred Hicks Bates of Halifax Co Va.
Lineage Book - Volume 20 - Page 187
Daughters of the American Colonists - 1976 -
4. Robert Hicks (1804-63) m. 1823 Elizabeth Polley (1805-41). 5. Robert Hicks (1783-1845) m. 1802 Nancy Bell (Combs) Hill (1787-1838). 6. Robert Hicks (1759-1829) m. 1st Mary Dudley (1761-85). 7. Robert Hicks m. 1757 Sarah Revenal (b.
Captain James Robert Hicks
Died 1782
Mary Frances Harrison (daught. Benjamin Harrison, d. 1789)
Married Lived in Brunswick County, Virginia
+ 1. Nancy Hicks, b. Charlotte County, Virginia d. Bef 1831, PROBABLY, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
2. Patsy Hicks
Sons of the Revolution in State of Virginia
1927 -
167 Hix, Robert, Jr., of Brunswick county from William Browne, Sr., of Surry County, 5 s., 115 acres in Brunswick county, now in possession of said ... 227 Hicks, Robert, of Surry county, from John Jackson and wife Rebecca of Brunswick county.
[Amos Hicks] John JEFFRIES b 5 Sep 1707 in Henrico Co. VA d 8 Feb 1792 in Mecklenburg Co. VA. This John married Anne Swepson. His daughter Susannah married Daniel Hicks 12 Apr 1784 Mecklenburg Co.
I have this on Daniel HIX (Hicks) ( son of Amos Hix) was born October 08, 1761 in Lunenburg Co VA, and died January 13, 1822 in Clark Co GA. He married Susannah Jeffries April 12, 1784 in Mecklenburg Co VA. Child of Daniel Hicks and Susannah Jeffries is:
Amos Hicks, died in Little River Co. Ark.