Robert Hicks- Ester Luten; Chowan Co. NC

Robert Hicks- Ester Luten; Chowan Co. NC

[Early settlers Chowan Co before 1850. Thomas Hicks, Robert's son moved to Virginia about 1745 with his wife and small son Daniel.]

Robert Hicks of Edenton and Sandy Point, Chowan Co. NC; this Robert was the precinct registrar of Chowan Co. NC and does appear on many deeds. He married Esther Luten and had two children, Thomas (b. ca. 1710, mar. Elizabeth Jordan; this is my line) and Mary (mar. Daniel Halsey). I placed the marriage of Robert Hicks and Esther Luten about 1686 in Chowan Co. NC and believe that Esther was one of the oldest children of Maj. Thomas Luten (and Mary Currier?). Albemarle Co NC was an original county formed in 1664. In 1668 Albemarle County was divided into Chowan, Currituck, Pasquotank and Perquimans. Albemarle ceased being recognized as a unit of government in 1689.

Chowan was formed in 1670 as a precinct in Albemarle County. It was named in honor of the Indian tribe Chowan, which lived in the northeastern part of the Colony. It is in the northeastern section of the State and is bounded by Albemarle Sound, Chowan River, and Bertie, Hertford, Gates and Perquimans counties. The present land area is 172.64 square miles and the 2000 population was 14,150. In 1720, Edenton, which was named in honor of Governor Charles Eden, was established. In 1722 it was designated and has continued to be the county seat

1. Will of Robert Hicks of Sandy Point Chowan Precinct. 25 Nov 1733; Jan Court 1734. Names son Thomas, son-in-law Daniel Halsey, wife Esther Hicks. A footnote says Robert Hicks married Esther Luten, dau of Thomas.

Esther Luten was probably b. ca. 1673 and still alive in 1754. I saw Larry's mention of Africa McGregory d. 1711 as the first wife of this Robert Hicks, but I have no info on her or any children she may have had and have not yet studied this possibility. But note that this Robert Hicks left a will in Chowan Co. NC dated 25 Nov 1733 which was probated January 1734, so I don't believe he died in 1738 or 1739 as stated elsewhere, unless thes!
e will and probate dates have been given incorrectly (the ref. is NC Hist. and Gen. Register, v. I, p. 49; note that an abstract of this will in Boddie's Historical Southern Families v. 5 is partially incorrect). The descendants of this Robert's son Thomas Hicks include the Hicks families of Montgomery Co. NC and Hickman Co. TN, and most of the Hicks families of Fayette Co. IL and Carroll Co. TN (18th district, not those in the 8th district). This line is connected to Jordan and Butler families in several different generations.

A 1997 inquiry asked who Major Thomas Luten's wife was. She was Mary Wilkinson, the daughter of Col. William Wilkinson and Esther Sweatman. I expect that Col. William Wilkinson was married prior to Esther Sweatman as he was about 45 years old when he married Esther. Esther had been married prior to William. After William Wilkinson's death in 1705/1706, she maried Governor Thomas Pollock.

It was very interesting to me that Robert Hicks was married to Ester Luten as I could not figure why the Hicks lived in the near vicinity and seemed to tangle into my family records. What part of England was Robert Hicks from. He shows in eastern NC in the early 1600's.

Also of interest is Sarah Luten, who is probably Ester's sister. Sarah married William Bonner.

I have some records of the Hicks, Luten's, and Wilkinson, Pollock's.

Thomas Luten's wife, Mary. I know he was married to Mary Cullen Currer, in 1684,

I have a Robert Hicks, b. ABT 1670, d. in 1733 who was married to Esther Luten in 1709 in Chowan County, NC. Robert was born in Cornwall, England. His father is listed as Thomas Ichs/Hicks born in England. Robert and Esther have two children listed, Thomas born in 1710 in Chowan County, NC and Mary Hicks w/no info.That's all I have and can't get back any further. Any suggestions from you would be appreciated....thanks.
Jo Ann Frost

Some researchers have determined that Thomas was married to Mary Cullen who was a widow of John Currer.

Major Patrick Hicks (Hix) 1730 – 1792. He died in Chowan County, NC. His wife was Elinder. Their son was Jobe Hix who married Thamer Bacchus in 1788 in Chowan, NC. I believe Jobe moved to Sumner County, TN by 1800.

September 9, 1732. December 23, 1732. Son-in-law: THOMAS ASHLY, JB. Daughter: LUCRETIA. Wife and Executrix: ELIZABETH. Other children: mentioned, but not named. All land to be divided among children. Witnesses: MART. FRED RASOR, THOMAS ASHLY, LAMB HARDY. Will proven before GEORGE BURRINGTON.
(Source: Abstracts of North Carolina Wills, By: J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, 1910, Page 163)


Robert was county clerk in Chowan County, NC 1712-1728, the first deed book was in his handwriting. Robert Hicks was Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Deeds for Chowan County from about 1712-1722.  He died in 1738, leaving a will in which he named son Thomas Hicks and Daughter Mary (Hicks) Halsy.

Robert Hicks was a prominent man in Chowan.  His wife was Esther Luton, the daughter of Thomas and Mary Luton, also prominent citizens.  Robert obtained 3 land grants in 1715.  He owned land on which part of the town of Edenton is named.  One street carries his name.  One grant for himself (in 1713) was in Rockybock.  Rockybock and Sandy Point are in the same area--across the creek from Edenton.

1791-Robert Hicks of Chowan to John Robertson L5080A  Wit:  Edw Howcott.  DBC Pg 1.  2 Mar 1791
Will of Robert Hicks of Sandy Point Chowan Precinct, 25  Nov 1733;  Jan Court 1734.  Names son Thomas, son-in-law Daniel Halsey, wife Esther Hicks.  A footnote says Robert Hicks married Esther Hicks, dau of Thomas.


Chowan Co., NC Records

David Hicks Will
wife: Elizabeth
Daughter: Lucrecia
signed Sept. 9, 1732

Patrick Hicks Will
Aug. 18, 1792
wife: Eleanor
son: Job
cousin: Samuel Hicks
Executors: William Hicks, Eleanor Hicks, Nicholas Stalling
witnesses: Ninah Byrum, John Stalling

1732 David Hicks
1733 Robert Hicks p100 24.801.2
1792 Patrick Hicks (A-74) p.99 24.801.2
1825 William Hix

Guardian Bonds
10 March 1800
William Hix
Bond Jameson & Joseph Jordan bound unto Samuel Dickinson, chairman
sum of 500 pounds
bond for Samuel Hicks, orphan of
William Hicks

John Ballard & wife power of atty. to Thomas Hicks, 1702 book "H", p. 46, 67
same to Hicks, 1706
deed Arthur Kavernaugh to Thomas Hicks, 1715 p.169
pwr. of atty Sarah Hindevant to Robert Hicks, 1716 p.334
assignment Robert Hicks to Jonathon Bapete, 1718 book "B" p.690
assignment Bapete, _____ to Robert Hicks, 1719 book "C", p. 234
Deed Robert hicks to commissioners of Edenton
assignment Robert Hicks to Adams Cockeburne, 1722 "C", p. 232 & 234
" Robert Hicks to John Jernigan, 1722 "C", p. 239
Deed Robert Hicks Wm. Bailhaw, 1723 "C", p.341
" " " John White, 1723 " , p. 383
Deed John Hix to John Cockrile, 1725 " p.450

Deed Patrick Hicks to Nicholas Ferule, 1746 "E" p.189
" Esther & Robert Hicks to __________, 1748 "E" p.346
" Lasgeriel Hicks to _________, 1761 "K" p. 258
" Patrick Hicks to ___________, 1772 "P" p.148
" Patrick & Job Hicks to _____, 1775 "Q" p.246
Release William Hicks, 1783 "R" p.493
deed " " , 1785 "R" p.74
" Job Hicks 1789 "R" p.20
Deed William Hicks to Joseph Boyce, 1805 "C" p.287
" William Hicks 1817 "R" p.136
Sale Deborah Hicks 1829 "R" p.177


Descendants of Robert Hicks

Generation No. 1

1. ROBERT1 HICKS was born Abt. 1650 in England, and died 1738 in Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina. He married ESTER LUTTON. She was born Abt. 1673 in England.

Occupation-------From 1712 to 1728 was County Clerk of Chowan County , North Carolina, First deed books are in his Handwriting
2.     i.           THOMAS2 HICKS, b. Abt. 1709, Edenton, Chowan Co,North Carolina; d. Abt. 1775, Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia.

Generation No. 2

2. THOMAS2 HICKS (ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1709 in Edenton, Chowan Co,North Carolina, and died Abt. 1775 in Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia. He married ELIZABETH JORDAN Abt. 1735 in Chowan Co, Virginia.

Thomas Hicks moved from North Carolina up to Lunenburg Co, Virgina Abt 1745, He lived on modest creek just south of Nottoway Co, Nutbush, Virginia line, Thomas was a Ranger during the French and Indian war, sometime around 1759 or 1761 he moved the family a few miles southwest to Charlotte Co, Virginia where they lived near Wyliesburgon sandy creek Several families from this vicinity started moving down to Montgomery Co, North Carolina, in the middle of the 1760's. So many of them were neighbors in North Carolina as well as Virginia. Thomas married Elizabeth Jordan Dau of Charles Jordan abt 1735 in Chowan Co, North Carolina. It is theory that Charles Jordan was the father of John Jordan who went to Montgomery Co, North Carolina around 1754 and john had sons Francis and Rueben. Francis was the father of Sarah Jordan who married Robert Hicks. He also had a Dau Agnes Jordan who married Littleberry "Berry" Hicks. If this theeory is correct [ which I believe it is] then Robert and Sarah would be 2nd cousins as would be Berry and Agnes , It is also suspect that Rueben Hicks may have been named after his uncle Rueben Jordan , It is believed that Thomas Hicks stayed in Virginia and did not migrate to North Carolina with others including the Butlers.
3.     i.           DANIEL3 HICKS, b. Abt. 1739, Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina; d. Unknown.

Generation No. 3

3. DANIEL3 HICKS (THOMAS2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1739 in Rockybock, Chowan County North Carolina, and died Unknown. He married LUCY BUTLER Abt. 1764.

notes for Daniel Hicks

As a small child Daniel moved up to lunenburg Co, Virginia, He married Lucy Butler Abt 1764 in Charlotte Co, Virginia, The Butlers came from Culpper Co, Virginia they were neighbors of the Hicks on Sandy Dreek in Charlotte County. They started migrating down to Troy, North Carolina in the late1760's. Daniel and Lucy's oldest children were all born in Charlotte County, including Littleberry, William and Robert. Son Joshua was born in North Carolina after the family moved down to Montgomery County, North Carolina shortly before the Revolutionary War, Daniel and his family were there by 1773 while the Butlers had moved several years earlier. Daniel bought land on Dicks Creek near present day Star, North Carolina, which adjoins the county airport. It is thought that neither Daniel or any of his ancestors served in the Revolutionary War as no records can be found, It is not known when and where Daniel died but it is thought that he may have moved down to South Carolina in later life[ some of the Butlers had moved there earlier] and died around 1807, It is also believed that Daniel may have had brothers Shadrack, Thomas and John.
Children of DANIEL HICKS and LUCY BUTLER are:
4.     i.           LITTLEBERRY BERRY4 HICKS, b. Abt. 1765, Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia; d. Abt. 1839, Hickman Co, Tenn.
      ii.           WILLIAM HICKS.
      iii.           ROBERT HICKS, b. Abt. 1770.

Descendants of Robert Hicks

Generation No. 4

4. LITTLEBERRY BERRY4 HICKS (DANIEL3, THOMAS2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1765 in Wyliesburg Charlotte Co, Virginia, and died Abt. 1839 in Hickman Co, Tenn. He married AGNES JORDAN Abt. 1784.
5.     i.           JAMES THOMAS5 HICKS, b. February 25, 1801, North Carolina; d. May 11, 1882, Little Hickory Cemetery, Fayette Co, IL.
      ii.           ELIJAH HICKS.
      iii.           TEMPLE HICKS.
      iv.           CLAIBORN HICKS.
      v.           LITTLEBERRY HICKS JR..
      vi.           JOHN HICKS, b. Abt. 1792, Troy Montgomery Co,North Carolina; d. Abt. 1846, Aetna Hickman County, Tenn; m. ELIZABETH BANDFIELD, Abt. 1814.
     Notes for JOHN HICKS:
John Hicks was in Hickman Co, Tenn by 1820 and is listed in the 1830 census. At this point we loose track of him but he may have moved to Alabama, Although there is no record of him being with his kin in Hardeman or Mcnairy Co, Tenn He may have lived there anyway renting his land rather than buying .

Descendants of Robert Hicks

Generation No. 5

5. JAMES THOMAS5 HICKS (LITTLEBERRY BERRY4, DANIEL3, THOMAS2, ROBERT1) was born February 25, 1801 in North Carolina, and died May 11, 1882 in Little Hickory Cemetery, Fayette Co, IL. He married (1) CATHERINE "CATY" HARRIS Bef. 1822. She was born November 06, 1800 in RutherfordCo, North Carolina, and died October 05, 1856 in Fayette Co, IL. He married (2) CYNTHIA [LANDERS] CEARLOCK March 29, 1857.
6.     i.           ALFRED R.6 HICKS, b. December 03, 1822, Maury, Tenn; d. October 26, 1868, Little Hickory Cemetery, Fayette Co, IL.
7.     ii.           MARY HICKS, b. March 16, 1824, Maury Co, Tenn; d. December 12, 1897, Fayette Co, IL.
      iii.           MAHALA HICKS, b. January 18, 1826, Maury Co, Tenn; d. January 20, 1879, Fayette Co, IL; m. JAMES HARRIS, October 29, 1842.
8.     iv.           MARTHA JANE HICKS, b. December 28, 1826, Maury Co, Tenn; d. November 11, 1890, Fayette Co, IL.
9.     v.           JAMES JORDAN HICKS, b. July 28, 1828, Maury Co, Tenn; d. January 19, 1889, Fayette Co, IL Bur Little Hickory Cemetery.
10.     vi.           WILLIAM BERRY HICKS, b. October 16, 1837, Ramsey, Fayette Co, IL; d. November 14, 1910.
11.     vii.           CATHERINE HICKS, b. Abt. 1839.
12.     viii.           FRANCES HICKS, b. December 28, 1840, Bingham, IL Fayette Co, IL; d. December 20, 1891, Bingham, IL Fayette Co,IL.


Theophilus Hill of Edgecombe nC Nov.  8, 1763, to Samuel Hicks, 200 A. of land in Chowan Co., known as the Punch Bowl (now Centre Hill) part of a relapsed patent bearing date 1718.

History of Perquimans County - Page 160

Ellen Goode Rawlings Winslow, ‎Winslow - 1931

Will of Elizabeth Caruthers feb. 20 1753 100a on n. side of  Yeopim River, adj Jacob Caruthers Sen, & Mr Thos Hicks, "if sd Nathaniel should die without issue, I give same to Jacob Caruthers, or next male heir by Ann his wife.

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