David Hix (Hicks) b. 1719- d. 1792-- Father of "Big Sammy"

David Hix (Hicks) b. 1719- d. 1792-- Father of "Big Sammy"

[David's father was Samuel Hicks b. 1695 who lived on Tuckahoe Creek, Goochland Co., Virginia. This is proven by an affidavit given by Nathaniel Whitlow's son, Solomon.  In Goochland Court Records David was exempted from paying county levies when he turned 21 in 1737. He was appointed to road crew in 1745 and later that year fails to appear in court to contest "Case of trespass" and was fined - which was held against his properties. After this he disappears, probably moving away from the family. Rumored to be a loyalist, was David trying to avoid the rising tensions with England which resulted in war? We know his nephew Harris Hicks served in the Revolutionary War for him and he moved about that time to Valle Crucis (Watagua County) North Carolina. We know his eldest son "Big Sammy" Hicks (b. 1753) also moved to the same area about that time.

They were among the first settlers in the area known by my grandfather as Beech Mountain and it's likely that David and Big Sammy brought some ballads and songs from the Hicks family at Tuckahoe Creek with them.

R. Matteson 2014]

David Hicks was the father of "Big Sammy" (Samuel Hicks) and settled in the Beech Mountain, NC area around 1777 with his son. His father was Samuel Hix (Hicks) 1695- c.1772 and his mother Diana Willis. Samuel Sr.'s will was written March 17, 1770, and recorded November 1772. He died around 1772. In his will, Absolom is his son and Absolom's son as Bishop, that Nathaniel Witlow married Diana (Hix) and their son is Solomon. That he has a grandson David from his son, Samuel Jr.; that Jacob Woodall (Woodhall) married his daughter Agnes Hix and they had a son, James; And that the had a son Henry.

Their children were:

David Hicks (Sr.) 1719 – 1793
Samuel Hicks Jr.
    Absolom Jr.
Diana m. Nathaniel Witlow (son of William Witlow) on Sept. 7, 1756.
    Solomon Witlow
        Solomon Witlow Jr. b. August 20, 1800 (Granville Co. NC) m. Mary about 1820, moved from Granville Co. NC about 1817 with his father
Agnes m. Jacob Woodal

David has a second residence near Banner Elk, called the "improvement" which was referred top as a camp. [Smith] He got his nickname "The Tory" because of his alignment with the British he (and his son Big Sammy) moved to Valle Crucis around 1776 when the Revolutionary War began. This account was written in Harman Genealogy with Biographical Sketches': David Hix (The article incorrectly had Sammy HIX throughout- I've changed it) was the first to settle in Watauga County, North Carolina. He owned all of Valle Crucis and was there during the Revolutionary War. He concealed himself in his shanty, which he pointed out as his 'improvement'. Later, he sold Valle Crucis 'for a rifle, a dog and a sheepskin to Benjamin WARD', who sold it to Reuben MAST. David then got land at the mouth of Cove Creek, but Ward also got this and sold it to a man named SUMMERS. SUMMERS, his wife and five children, were drowned one night in a freshet of Watauga River called the 'Summer Fresh'. In 1816, David HIX obtained 126 acres. His gravestone is below St. Judes Post Office a quarter of a mile below Antioch Baptist Church. He seemed not to be reconciled to the American Government and continued to hide during the day, only going home at dark for supplies. His five sons were mischievious, and delighted in frightening him.

[The purchase on 126 acres was likely done by his son David Jr.-- since he was dead.]


At the outbreak of the Revolution he lived on Peters Creek in Surry (now Stokes) County, North Carolina. He was a Loyalist, and -- not wishing to moved to Canada, Florida, or the British Islands -- he left his property in Surry County, settling in the Watauga area in 1777. The Oath of Allegiance was also being demanded of the residents of the Watauga area, but the population was generally more tolerant of Loyalists than in the Surry County area. He established a homestead at Valle Crucis in what is now Watauga County, North Carolina. For reasons of safety, he established a second residence near what is now Banner Elk. Banner Elk was in Burke County, North Carolina, from 1777 to 1833, when it became part of the newly-formed Yancey County. The area was later part of Mitchell County, and is presently in Avery County. David never acquired formal title to his Banner Elk property, although he appears to have lived there most of the time. He acquired title to the Valle Crucis property only in 1791, when he received it in a state grant. The Valle Crucis property was part of Washington County, Tennessee, until 1792, at which times it became part of Wilkes County, North Carolina. In David's will, which was probated in Wilkes County, he describes himself as a resident of Washington County.
It is thought that he had more children than are documented, and some of his near neighbors in Burke County in 1790 may have been sons or relatives. These include Willis Hicks, a lieutenant in the Tennessee militia, who later moved to Christian County, Kentucky, and Claiborn Hicks, who later settled in Russell County, Virginia.
His memory has become vague among his descendants, many of whom confuse him with his son, Big Sammy; in some branches of the family, it is Big Sammy who is remembered as "the Tory." There are some hints that David had been a British soldier, including a story that he insisted on being buried in his British Army uniform, but no evidence of such service has been found. John Henry and Mattie Hicks and Barnabas Hicks, authors of The Hicks Families of Western North Carolina (Watauga River Lines) (Boone, North Carolina: Minor's Printing, 1991) consider it more likely that he served in the Virginia militia and may have served in the French and Indian War or Lord Dunmore's War. In both of these wars, large militia contingents from Virginia served along with the British regulars. The militia units had various uniforms which differed from those of the regulars.

4. David ("the Tory") Hicks, born ca. 1719 in Goochland Co., Virginia "on Tuckahoe Creek which is now within the City of Richmond." He died in 1792 or 1793 in Wilkes Co., NC. His wife was Sarah Dennis and he was the father of five children:

   1. Samuel, "Big Sammy" 1753
   2. David Jr. (1756-1840) Married Nancy Thomas (b.1753) in 1778. David served in the Virginia Militia, in 1777 joined Corbett's Regiment during the Revolutionary War, becoming a Sargent. In Oct. 20, 1780 joined Col. George Rogers Clarks Illinois Regiment has he went up the Kaskaskia River in Illinois.
   3. Catherine, m. John Holzclaw.
   4. Sarah (b. ca. 1760), 1st m. Charles Asher, Jr., and 2nd James D. Holzclaw.
   5. Dinah (b. ca. 1764), m. 1st Thomas Asher and 2nd Henry Heatley.
David's Will 1792- He leaves land to Samuel (Big Sammy) and David Jr. as well as his daughters' husbands.

Below is the Will of Samuel Hix, who is not David's father but lived in Goochland, Virginia at the same time (b. 1695) David was growing up. There is confusion between these two lines.


On June 5, 1732/33, according to Will and Deed Book 1 of Goochland County, VA Samuel Hicks, planter of that county and state, mortgaged his 69 acres of land for five shillings sterling money of Great Britain. In the mortgage, mention is made of a quarry being on the property.

The 1747 List of Tithables in Goochland Co. VA named three white males age 16 and over in the home of Samuel Hicks, Sr. These were: Samuel Hicks, Snr; his eldest son Henry Hicks; and his son Samuel Hicks, Jnr. [This means that if Absalom was a son and living at home, he would have been under age 16.]

The children listed in this profile for Samuel and Diana need verification.

1.The first-listed Henry (b. 1699) and William (b. 1700) both have birthdates before Samuel's marriage to Diana Willis. 2. Stephen, Catherine, and Frederick were all born after 1738; since Diana turned 50 in 1736, it is highly unlikely they were her children. (They have been removed; see note on this page). 3. The following children are explicitly mentioned in Samuel's will (see below): Samuel Jr., Henry, Diana (Whitlow), and Agnes (Woodal). Also Adslom (Absalom) is mentioned but only as the father of Bishop. Possible that Absalom was a son. Also named are five grandchildren: Bishop, son of Adslom (Absalom); James Woodal, Nan[c]y Hix Whitlow, Solomon Whitlow, and David, son of Samuel Jr.

Sometime during the year of 1764 Samuel Hicks bought land in North Carolina. We know this from the records of Granville Co. NC. On October 22, 1764, Robert Harris, Snr. Esquire, brother and executor of the estate of Captain Sherwood Harris, Snr., for an unknown sum of money, granted 100 acres of land to Samuel Hicks, Snr. This land was located on Tabbs Creek, Granville County, NC. Two of the witnesses to the deed were Absalom Hicks and Mary Harris Hicks, his wife.

Source: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC
Written: March 17, 1770
Recorded: November 1772

Will of Samuel Hix

Granville County, NC Original Wills, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC; Recorded Copy, Granville County, NC Will Book 1, p. 4.

In the name of God Amen, I, Samuel Hix of Granvile County In the Province of North Carolina being in Perfect Health Mind and Memory but being Well Stricken in years and Calling to mind that I am Mortall and am one Day to Die and being willing to Bestow what Little almighty God hath given me as followeth after My Just Debts and funeral Charges be Paid.

I lend unto my loving wife Daina [Diana] Hix the Plantation whereon I now live During Her life which sd Plantation Begins at a Poplar upon the West of Tabs Creek from the poplar along a line of of choped trees it runs West to Pine from thence to the graet Branch and Down the Branch to the Creek and hence up the Creek to the sd Poplar. I likewise Lend to my sd wife all my whole Personal Estate Besides the sd land During the time of her widow hood & in Case of Mariage only one third of the sd Estate & after her Deceas I lend to Jacob Woodal and his Wife Agnes the sd land During their live[s] upon Condition they pay Quit rents & I give it to the sd Jacob Wodals Son James & his Heirs forever & after my wifes Deacease I give to Agnes Woodal a feather Bed and all that Bellongeth thereto.

I lend to Nathaniel Whitlow and his Wife Diana the other part of the land viz from the great Branch mov up to the Back line frome thence along the line to a corner Pine from thence to [to crossed out] along the line to a black Wallnut upon the Creek from thence up the Creek to the great Branches Mouth Upon Condition the[y] Pay Quit rents if required.

I give and Bequaeth to Agnes [Agnes crossed out] nany hix Whitlow Dauhter to Nathaniel Whitlow a feather Bed and all Belonging thearto.

I next give and Bequaeth to David Hix Son to Samuel hix Junr one Cow and Calf after the Deaceas of my wife like wise one Riphel Gun: one Sow.

I give and Bequaeth to Beeshop [Bishop] Hix Son to Adslom Hix one Heifer at the Deacease of my wife The land I lent to Nathaniel Whitlow I give and Bequaeth to his Son Sollomon after at the Deaceas of his sd Parents Nathaniel & Diana Whitlows
All my Cattle and Hogs and Houshold goods Exept the before Mentioned legacies I at my sd wifes Decease I Desire to be equaly Divided Bettwen Samuel & Henry Hixs whom I apoint as Executors To this my last will and testament in Wittness Whereof I have Set Hereunto Set my hand and Seal to this my last will this 17th Day of March 1770.

Robert Allison Wittness Jurat his John Allison witness Samuel (S) Hix Mark
[signature mark is an S turned horizontally]

Granville County November Court Anno Dom. 1772
This Will was prov’d by the Oath of Robert Allison a Subscribing Witness thereto and on Motion was Order'd to be Recorded. then Samuel Hix Qualified as Executor which was Order’d to be Certified.
Test. Reuben Searcy C. C.

Additional Comments:
Transcribed verbatim from the original Granville County, NC will of Samuel Hix
(Devised March 17, 1770, Proven November Court, 1772), North Carolina State
Archives, Raleigh, NC.


Solomon Whitlow, aged 70 years on April 22, 1832 [thus born April 22, 1762], made an affidavit on September 11, 1832 in Orange County, NC Superior Court on behalf of his first cousin Harris Hicks, son of Absalom Hicks, regarding Harris Hicks' Revolutionary War service [Revolutionary War Pension Application W4989]. Solomon Whitlow stated:

"That at about the age of three years his parents removed from Hanover County in the State of Virginia and settled on Tabbs Creek in the County of Granville & State of North Carolina. That his mother was the sister of Absalom Hicks who had married and settled in the neighborhood of his father and within about a mile or mile and a half of him – That said Absalom Hicks died and left 3 sons, Bishop Hicks, Absalom Hicks, and Harris Hicks. . . he well remembers that said Harris Hicks, being a young active man without a wife or family or other encumbrance, he was, with but little or at least very short animation in service, almost in constant service in the Army either by draft or as a substitute – This affiant well remembers that he performed a tour of 3 months duty for Jeremiah Frazier Senior but where he was called in this service, he is unable to say but he knows that said Harris received of the said Frazier a mare and 2 cows and calves for taking his place in the Army. He also remembers that Harris Hicks performed part of another tour as a substitute for David Hicks his uncle – David Hicks was in service and desirous of going home to his family. A tour of Harris had just expired and he was prevailed upon to take his uncle's place and did so for some compensation but what this affiant cannot remember – The Term of service of Harris in this Tour this affiant thinks was for 2 months."


Solomon Whitlow was the son of Nathaniel Whitlow and Diana Hicks/Hix, and is named as Nathaniel Whitlow's son in the March 17, 1770 will of Samuel Hix of Granville County, NC (Proven November, 1772). His affidavit establishes that his mother Diana (Hicks) Whitlow was the sister of Absalom Hicks, who had sons Bishop, Absalom, and Harris Hicks. It also indicates that David Hicks was the uncle of Harris Hicks, and thus the brother of Absalom Hicks and Diana (Hicks) Whitlow.

Solomon Whitlow also applied for a Revolutionary War Pension in Person County, NC on December 19, 1832 (W8218).


The Hix(e) family was in eastern-VA in the 1600s and 1700s, and several of them were then in Goochland Co., VA on the 1746/1747 tithe lists there. A Samuel Hix, Senior married a Diane Willis around 1700 in eastern-VA, and that Samuel Hix, Senior was apparently the older Samuel Hix who was in Goochland by the 1740s (living with him was a Samuel Hix, Junior and a Henry Hix, as I recall).

There was also a Robert Willis and a William Willis on the Goochland tithe lists, and I understand from another researcher that a David Willis was also there about that same time (though I don't see David Willis on my copy of the tithe lists).

Per other data that I have seen (unverified by me), a Henry Willis from this "Goochland Willis family" moved to Caswell Co., NC. MAYBE some of the Hix family members moved there, as well. It appears from your post that there was a man named Willis Hix who was a brother of Nancy and Elizabeth Hix (correct?), and records show that Samuel Hix, Senior and Diane Willis had one or more descendants named Willis Hix.

It appears that one of the daughters of Samuel Hix, Senior and Diana Willis in Goochland married a William Davidson from my family. William and his Hix wife had a son named Goulder Davidson, and Samuel Hix, Senior and Diane Willis had a son named Goulder Hix (who also appeared on the Goochland Co., VA tithe list in the 1740s, and Goulder Hix lived only two houses away from William Willis). William Davidson and his Hix wife also named sons Richard and John, and these names also came from the "Hix side of the family."

In 1795, a William Willis married a granddaughter of William Davidson's named Levinia Davidson. This marriage was in Patrick Co., VA, and the "William Davidson family" had moved to that general area of VA in the late-1760s (from Buckingham Co., VA). I do not know, however, if that William Willis in Patrick Co., VA in 1795 was also a member/descendant of the "Goochland Co., VA Willis family" (but I certainly suspect that he was).

The oldest known Samuel Hix, Senior was apparently a son of a John Hixe (born in the 1600s) and his wife Sarah Preston. One of John and Sarah (Preston) Hixe's several other sons was named Thomas Hix, and Thomas was closely associated with my ancestor David Davidson back in Chrales City Co., VA in the 1730s.

One of the branches of this Hix(e) family had other/later men named Samuel Hix who moved to NC, and one was known as "Little Sammy Hix." If you go to the Avery County message board for NC on RootsWeb, there are a couple of long posts there by an Audrey Franklin. You can also find these by just doing a search for "Goulder" on that message board. She lists many Hix/Hicks, including yet another/later Goulder Hicks (1790-1860). A Goulder Harmon, son of Sabra Hicks and Andrew Harmon, is also listed.

The above-mentioned posts start with a Samuel Hicks (1753-1835), and it shows that he married Sarah Nancy Harmon. I had thought at first that he was probably the Samuel Hix, Jr. who lived with Samuel Hix, Senior in Goochland in the 1740s, but that Samuel "Junior" in Goochland is shown as being having been married to a Frances Wyatt (versus a Harmon) on another record that I found, plus Samuel "Junior" was shown as having died in 1789 (versus 1835) in that record. As such, I'm not exactly sure who the father of the Samuel Hix who married Sarah Nancy Harmon was. In any case, it is interesting to note that the unusual name of "Goulder" was also used in this "NC branch" of the Hix/Hixe family.


1. ?1 HICKS1,2.
Children of ? HICKS are:
2.     i.           HENRY2 HICKS, b. Bef. 1650, Tetherington, England.
3.     ii.           STEPHEN HICKS.

Generation No. 2

2. HENRY2 HICKS (?1)3,4 was born Bef. 1650 in Tetherington, England5,6.
Child of HENRY HICKS is:
4.     i.           SAMUEL3 HICKS, b. 1695, Granville, North Carolina; d. 1772, Granville, North Carolina.

3. STEPHEN2 HICKS (?1)7,8.
Child of STEPHEN HICKS is:
5.     i.           DANIEL3 HICKS.


Generation No. 3

4. SAMUEL3 HICKS (HENRY2, ?1)9,10 was born 1695 in Granville, North Carolina11,12, and died 1772 in Granville, North Carolina13,14. He married DIANA WILLIS15,16 1726 in Granville, North Carolina.

Samuel moved from Henrico County, Virginia to Goochland County, Virginia before moving to Granville, where he lived and died. In Goochland, he was located in the midst of the rest of his Hix family on Tuckaho Creek. Will was proved in Granville.[243929.ftw]


Samuel moved from Henrico County, Virginia to Goochland County, Virginia before moving to Granville, where he lived and died. In Goochland, he was located in the midst of the rest of his Hix family on Tuckaho Creek. Will was proved in Granville.

Died after 1764 in Granville, N. C.[243929.ftw]


Died after 1764 in Granville, N. C.
Children of SAMUEL HICKS and DIANA WILLIS are:
6.     i.           ABSOLOM4 HICKS, b. 1734, Virginia; d. March 1770, Granville County, North Carolina.
      ii.           HENRY HICKS17,18.
7.     iii.           SAMUEL HICKS, JR..
8.     iv.           AGNES HICKS.
9.     v.           DIANAH HICKS.
10.     vi.           DAVID HIX, b. 1719, Goochland County, Virginia; d. 1792, Watauga County, North Carolina.

5. DANIEL3 HICKS (STEPHEN2, ?1)19,20. He married JOAN HICKS21,22.
      i.           WINIFRED4 HICKS23,24, b. July 3, 1729, Goochland County, Virginia; d. February 7, 1790, Halifax County, Virginia; m. JAMES WILLIAM BATES25,26, November 11, 1746, Goochland County, Virginia.

6. ABSOLOM4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)27,28 was born 1734 in Virginia29,30, and died March 1770 in Granville County, North Carolina31,32. He married MARY HARRIS33,34 April 20, 1760, daughter of SHERWOOD HARRIS and JANE ?.
Children of ABSOLOM HICKS and MARY HARRIS are:
11.     i.           BISHOP5 HICKS, b. 1756, Granville County, North Carolina; d. September 1798, Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina.
12.     ii.           ABSOLOM HICKS, JR..
13.     iii.           HARRIS HICKS.
      iv.           JEANNIE HICKS35,36, b. April 20, 176037,38.
      v.           DIANAH HICKS39,40, b. December 5, 176141,42.
      vi.           AGNES HICKS43,44, m. THOMAS PARHAM45,46, April 19, 1785, Granville County, North Carolina.

7. SAMUEL4 HICKS, JR. (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)47,48. He married FRANCIS WYATT49,50.
      i.           DAVID5 HICKS51,52.
      ii.           ABSOLOM HICKS53,54.

8. AGNES4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)55,56. She married JACOB WOODALL57,58.
      i.           JAMES5 WOODALL59,60.

9. DIANAH4 HICKS (SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)61,62. She married NATHANIEL WHITLOW63,64.
      i.           NANCY HICKS5 WHITLOW65,66.
      ii.           SOLOMON WHITLOW67,68.

10. DAVID4 HIX (SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)69,70 was born 1719 in Goochland County, Virginia71,72, and died 1792 in Watauga County, North Carolina73,74.
Children of DAVID HIX are:
      i.           SARAH5 HIX75,76.
      ii.           DINAH HIX77,78.
      iii.           UNKNOWN HIX79,80.
14.     iv.           SAMUEL HIX, b. 1755, Goochland County, Virginia; d. 1835, Ash County, North Carolina.
      v.           DAVID HIX, JR.81,82, b. 175883,84.
      vi.           CATHERINE HIX85,86, b. 175987,88.


Descendants of ? Hicks

Generation No. 5

11. BISHOP5 HICKS (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)89,90 was born 1756 in Granville County, North Carolina91,92, and died September 1798 in Horse Creek, Wake County, North Carolina93,94. He married CATHERINE JETER95,96 Abt. 1780, daughter of SAMUEL JETER and MARY DUDLEY.

Went by the name of "Caty".[243929.ftw]


Went by the name of "Caty".
      i.           JAMES MADISON6 HICKS97,98.
      ii.           JOSIAH RUX HICKS99,100, m. PRISSILLA JONES101,102, January 29, 1819, Wake County, North Carolina.
     Notes for JOSIAH RUX HICKS:
Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1827 from North Carolina.
A Robert Crenshaw is listed in Josiah R. Hicks's estate.[243929.ftw]


Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1827 from North Carolina.
A Robert Crenshaw is listed in Josiah R. Hicks's estate.

      iii.           MARY HICKS103,104.
      iv.           MARTHA HICKS105,106, b. 1786107,108; m. BENJAMIN ALLEN109,110.
15.     v.           ANDERSON HICKS, b. 1788, North Carolina; d. Bef. 1840.
16.     vi.           JETER HICKS, b. 1797, Virginia; d. June 1863, Marion County, Missouri.
      vii.           WILLIS BISHOP HICKS111,112, b. January 22, 1798113,114; m. DOROTHY B. NANCE115,116.
Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1836 from North Carolina.[243929.ftw]


Went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1836 from North Carolina.

12. ABSOLOM5 HICKS, JR. (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)117,118. He married ELIZABETH ?119,120.
Children of ABSOLOM HICKS and ELIZABETH ? are:
      i.           ABSOLOM6 HICKS III121,122, m. HANNAH ?123,124.
      ii.           WILLIS HICKS125,126, m. G. ELIZA ?127,128.
     Notes for WILLIS HICKS:
"The Preemptors, Middle Tennessee's First Settlers" Vol.1 of a series of Early Tennessee Land Records by Irene Griffey. According to the book, when North Carolina promised to pay the Rev. War soldiers in land and in 1782 made most of Middle Tennessee including what is now Dickson County a Military Reservation, the government found that settlers were already living on some of the land before it could be given in "land grants" to the soldiers. So the state of North Carolina sent three men, Anthony Bledsoe, Isaac Shelby and Absalom Tatum to survey the boundaries and to settle up with the current settlers by granting them "pre-emption" certificates. Each head of family and single male over the age of 21 and living on the land before June of 1780 was entitled to a grant of 640 acres. The author cautions that it may not even have been the "original" settler on the land, but it was the person that the appointed trio found on the land in 1782-3 and determined that person to be eligible. The second part of the book lists the PAYROLL OF MILITIA OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS ON AN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE CHICAMAUGA INDIANS IN 1787 from what was to be Davidson and Sumner Counties.
Willis Hicks is mentioned in the above book: Willis Hicks is listed in Davidson County as paid in 1790 for service in the 1787 expedition.

      iii.           JAMES MADISON HICKS129,130, m. H. SARAH ?131,132.
      iv.           YOUNG E. HICKS133,134, m. I. MARTHA ?135,136.
      v.           SUSANNAH HICKS137,138, m. J. JENNETTE ?139,140.
17.     vi.           SARAH (SALLY) HICKS.

13. HARRIS5 HICKS (ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)141,142. He married TEMPERANCE SEARS143,144 April 10, 1784 in Granville County, North Carolina.
      i.           ABSALOM6 HICKS145,146, b. June 10, 1786147,148; m. SARAH ANN ALLEN149,150, December 7, 1809, Warren County, North Carolina.
      ii.           JANE HICKS151,152, b. July 1, 1788153,154; m. MILLS TAYLOR155,156, February 18, 1808, Granville County, North Carolina.
      iii.           JOHN HICKS157,158, b. May 20, 1790159,160; m. POLLY LAMAR161,162, October 23, 1816, Granville County, North Carolina.
      iv.           ELIZABETH HICKS163,164, b. September 1, 1794165,166; m. JOSEPH HOWELL167,168, November 26, 1819, Granville County, North Carolina.
      v.           WILLIS HICKS169,170, b. May 4, 1797171,172; m. POLLY HARRIS173,174, September 10, 1817, Granville County, North Carolina.
      vi.           MARY HICKS175,176, b. January 20, 1799177,178; m. RANSOM SMITH179,180, November 29, 1820, Granville County, North Carolina.
      vii.           ROBERT HICKS181,182, b. October 17, 1802183,184; m. SARAH GRISHAM185,186, December 21, 1821, Granville County, North Carolina.
      viii.           WILLIAM HICKS187,188, b. August 29, 1805189,190; m. JANE CRETH191,192, May 17, 1825, Granville County, North Carolina.
      ix.           PEYTON HICKS193,194, b. March 7, 1808195,196; m. ELIZA JOURDAN197,198, April 13, 1831, Halifax County, North Carolina.

14. SAMUEL5 HIX (DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)199,200 was born 1755 in Goochland County, Virginia201,202, and died 1835 in Ash County, North Carolina203,204. He married SARAH NANCY HARMON205,206 Abt. 1776.
Children of SAMUEL HIX and SARAH HARMON are:
      i.           SEBRA6 HIX207,208,209.
     More About SEBRA HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001209

      ii.           GOULDER HIX210,211,212, b. Abt. 1785213,214,215.
     More About GOULDER HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001215

18.     iii.           DAVID HIX, b. 1795, Watauga County, North Carolina; d. Abt. 1840, Ash County, North Carolina.
      iv.           FANNY HIX216,217,218, b. 1795219,220,221.
     More About FANNY HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001221

19.     v.           SAMUEL HIX, b. Abt. 1800, Valle Crucis, North Carolina.
      vi.           SALLY HIX222,223,224, b. 1801225,226,227.
     More About SALLY HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001227

      vii.           HARMON HIX228,229,230, b. 1802231,232,233.
     More About HARMON HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001233

      viii.           WILLIAM HIX234,235,236, b. 1805237,238,239.
     More About WILLIAM HIX:
Record Change: November 20, 2001239
Generation No. 6

15. ANDERSON6 HICKS (BISHOP5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)240,241 was born 1788 in North Carolina242,243, and died Bef. 1840244,245. He married (1) ELIZABETH GILL246,247, daughter of ISAAC GILL and ELIZABETH MOBLEY. He married (2) JANE CRENSHAW248,249 October 26, 1820 in Wake County, North Carolina.

Anderson went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1832 from North Carolina, and soon died.[243929.ftw]


Anderson went to Clarke County, Alabama in 1832 from North Carolina, and soon died.
20.     i.           FABIAN LUCIUS7 HICKS, b. April 16, 1828, Forrestville, North Carolina; d. January 2, 1899, Bandera, Bandera County, Texas.
      ii.           JAMES ANDERSON HICKS250,251.
      iii.           ANNIE HICKS252,253.
      iv.           BURTON HICKS254,255, m. ELIZABETH DANIEL256,257, December 29, 1869, Thomas County, Georgia.
      v.           LAURA HICKS258,259.
      vi.           MARY ELIZABETH HICKS260,261.

16. JETER6 HICKS (BISHOP5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)262,263 was born 1797 in Virginia264,265, and died June 1863 in Marion County, Missouri266,267. He married JULIA A. D. NELSON268,269 July 21, 1819 in Washington County, Tennessee.

Notes for JETER HICKS:
Was living in Marion County, Missouri in 1840. Bought a farm from Catherine Nelson, Susan R. Nelson, W.H. Nelson, and John R. Nelson (assuming this is Jr.), property being owned by John R. Nelson, deceased. The deed was executed on July 15, 1857 in Memphis, Tennessee.[243929.ftw]


Was living in Marion County, Missouri in 1840. Bought a farm from Catherine Nelson, Susan R. Nelson, W.H. Nelson, and John R. Nelson (assuming this is Jr.), property being owned by John R. Nelson, deceased. The deed was executed on July 15, 1857 in Memphis, Tennessee.

Notes for JULIA A. D. NELSON:
Was living near Philadelphia, Missouri when her husband, Jeter Hicks died in June 1863.[243929.ftw]


Was living near Philadelphia, Missouri when her husband, Jeter Hicks died in June 1863.
Children of JETER HICKS and JULIA NELSON are:
      i.           MARTHA L.7 HICKS270,271, b. 1834, Missouri272,273.
      ii.           JOHN NELSON HICKS274,275, b. November 13, 1835, Alabama276,277.
     Notes for JOHN NELSON HICKS:
John Nelson Hicks returned from Nevada in the late 1870's, and was in Shelby County, Tennessee until about 1855 when he moved to Idaho.[243929.ftw]


John Nelson Hicks returned from Nevada in the late 1870's, and was in Shelby County, Tennessee until about 1855 when he moved to Idaho.

      iii.           SAMUEL K. HICKS278,279, b. 1837, Missouri280,281.
      iv.           CATHERINE E. HICKS282,283, b. 1839, Missouri284,285.
      v.           ANN J. HICKS286,287, b. 1843, Missouri288,289.

17. SARAH (SALLY)6 HICKS (ABSOLOM5, ABSOLOM4, SAMUEL3, HENRY2, ?1)290,291. She married SILAS A. RIGGS292,293 March 18, 1819 in Howard County, Missouri.

Notes for SILAS A. RIGGS:
Boone County History - "In the spring of 1817, the next settlement was begun, in Perche Bottom, in the southwestern portion of the county, by John Hickam, Anthony Head, Peter and Robert Austin, John McMickel, Jacob Maggard, Silas Riggs, and Abraham N. Foley.

...was a justice of the peace for twenty years and one of the most prominent citizens of the county.

Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."[243929.ftw]


Boone County History - "In the spring of 1817, the next settlement was begun, in Perche Bottom, in the southwestern portion of the county, by John Hickam, Anthony Head, Peter and Robert Austin, John McMickel, Jacob Maggard, Silas Riggs, and Abraham N. Foley.

...was a justice of the peace for twenty years and one of the most prominent citizens of the county.

Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."
Children of SARAH HICKS and SILAS RIGGS are:
      i.           JAMES S.7 RIGGS294,295, b. November 19, 1819, Howard County, Missouri296,297; d. August 30, 1884, Boone County, Missouri298,299.
      ii.           ELIZABETH D. RIGGS300,301, b. January 1, 1820, Boone County, Missouri302,303; d. July 10, 1857304,305.
      iii.           ABSOLOM H. RIGGS306,307, b. February 1, 1821, Boone County, Missouri308,309; d. May 15, 1894, Weatherby, Missouri310,311.
      iv.           WILLIAM WARREN RIGGS312,313, b. October 15, 1822, Boone County, Missouri314,315; d. June 21, 1899, DeKalb County, Missouri316,317.
      v.           SARAH S. RIGGS318,319, b. August 31, 1823, Boone County, Missouri320,321; d. 1833, Boone County, Missouri322,323.
      vi.           ZADOC TOMKINS RIGGS324,325, b. February 29, 1824, Boone County, Missouri326,327; d. January 11, 1901, Boone County, Missouri328,329.
      vii.           JOHN WILLIAM RIGGS330,331, b. March 7, 1828, Boone County, Missouri332,333; d. April 5, 1906334,335.
      viii.           ELIZA RIGGS336,337, b. December 17, 1830, Boone County, Missouri338,339; d. April 25, 1859, Boone County, Missouri340,341; m. SAMUEL B. FURNISH342,343, November 19, 1851, Boone County, Missouri.
      ix.           HANNAH G. RIGGS344,345, b. June 22, 1832, Boone County, Missouri346,347; d. June 27, 1907, Audrain County, Missouri348,349; m. JOHN DAVENPORT HAWKINS350,351, April 24, 1853, Boone County, Missouri.
      x.           MARY (POLLY) WARREN RIGGS352,353, b. January 31, 1833, Boone County, Missouri354,355; d. March 19, 1912, Boone County, Missouri356,357.
      xi.           YOUNG EWIN H. RIGGS358,359, b. December 3, 1834360,361; d. March 2, 1883, Riggs, Missouri362,363.
      xii.           SAMUEL A. RIGGS364,365, b. April 29, 1836, Boone County, Missouri366,367; m. (1) SARAH HALL368,369; m. (2) E. L. PERSINGER370,371, January 1, 1879, Boone County, Missouri.
      xiii.           SUSAN RIGGS372,373, b. February 11, 1838, Boone County, Missouri374,375; m. (1) WIL ROWLAND376,377; m. (2) DANIEL H. SMITH378,379, June 12, 1868.
      xiv.           ALEXANDER C. RIGGS380,381, b. January 29, 1840, Boone County, Missouri382,383; d. May 20, 1840, Boone County, Missouri384,385.
     Notes for ALEXANDER C. RIGGS:
Cemetery: Riggs Cemetery
Cem/Loc: 1998, Weatherby, Missouri
No Stone
Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."[243929.ftw]


Cemetery: Riggs Cemetery
Cem/Loc: 1998, Weatherby, Missouri
No Stone
Info from website, "Descendants of Zadock B. Riggs, Sr."

      xv.           SARAH S. RIGGS386,387, b. September 30, 1842, Boone County, Missouri388,389; m. MICHAEL WOLF390,391, February 29, 1860, Boone County, Missouri.
      xvi.           LAURA B. RIGGS392,393, b. March 11, 1844, Boone County, Missouri394,395.

18. DAVID6 HIX (SAMUEL5, DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)396,397 was born 1795 in Watauga County, North Carolina398,399, and died Abt. 1840 in Ash County, North Carolina400,401. He married SUSANNA ASHER402,403.
Children of DAVID HIX and SUSANNA ASHER are:
      i.           MARGARET7 HICKS404,405.
      ii.           DAVID HICKS, JR.406,407.
      iii.           WILLIAM HICKS408,409.
      iv.           HIRAM HICKS410,411, b. 1814, Watauga County, North Carolina412,413; d. Ash County, North Carolina414,415.

19. SAMUEL6 HIX (SAMUEL5, DAVID4, SAMUEL3 HICKS, HENRY2, ?1)416,417 was born Abt. 1800 in Valle Crucis, North Carolina418,419. He married NANCY WARD420,421.
Child of SAMUEL HIX and NANCY WARD is:
      i.           ADAM7 HICKS422,423, b. 1823, Watauga County, North Carolina424,425; d. Watauga County, North Carolina426,427.
     More About ADAM HICKS:
Burial: St. John's Episcopal Church cemetery428,429

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