William Hix (Hicks; Hux) workpage 1600s-1820

William Hix (Hicks; Hux) workpage 1600s-1820

[This is a workpage- confusion reigns!!! Arranged somewhat chronologically.]
Of the Virginia early immigrants, listed are: William Hix, 1638 by Richard Fludd, York County;

William Hux, John Hux, Mary Hux; John Jr.

thomas Hux was called Thomas Hix in court documents. Whether the Hux family changed their name to Hix is unknown and may not have happened.

Hux land Surry Co. 1600s

two parcels ... Ind. between Wm. Hux, Surry Co., and George Proctor of sd county. . .parcell of land at Croos Creek to Grey's Creek.

Surry County Records, Surry County, Virginia, 1652-1684
 By Eliza Timberlake Davis

High family notes: descendants of Thomas High, Surry ... - Page 700

"Indenture between Wm. Hux and George Proctor for a parcell of land at Croos Creek to Grey's Creek. Wit: Thomas Ironmonger and Richard Green" (p99) From Wills and Administrations of Surry Co., VA, 1671-1750 by Eliza Timberlake Davis:

Ironmonger Family by Mrs. J. Wesley Ironmonger
The William and Mary Quarterly, Second Series, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Jan., 1940), pp. 138-146

Teste: Wm. Foreman
John Emerson.'

Att an orphants Courte holden att South-wark for the County of Surry the 10th day of June 1672 Annoque Car: 2d: 24 and C.
Upon the pet. of Thomas Ironmunger itt is ordd that Joh: Harlow late guardian of John Hux, dec'd forthwith delivr unto the sd
Ironmungr in the right of his wife a Mare and Colt a gun and a saw which was the sd John Huxes with costs alais exon.[5]
. . .I, William Hux of Surry County in Virginia ... doe make this my last Will and Testamt as followth:
I bequeathe my Soule to God allmighty trusting prfectly in the mediation and satisfaction of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for my everlasting happiness, And my body to decent Christian Buriall, and for what God hath bestowed upon me, I dispose of as followeth:
It: I give a gun well fixed to Samll Thompson the son of Mr. Thompson,
It: I give to the daughter of William Forman one three yeare old browne heifer with her increase;
It: I give to the two daughters of my brother Ironmonger . . .
The land that Thomas Ironmonger lives on to Susannah Ironmonger, And land that I live on to Mary Ironmonger . . . and if both dye,
If my Sister Ironmunger have any more children to them and theire heires for Ever.
It: All the rest of my Estate . . . after my due debts are paid I give to my Brother Thomas Ironmunger whome I ordayne
and appoynte with his Brother Jno. Ironmonger to be my Exors.
And after my just debts are paid, the whole to be dividedbetwixt his two daughters. In witness hereof I have sett my hand
this 31st, October 1676.
William x Hux
Witness: Wm. Thompson Senr:
Samuell Thomson
Surry County, May 1st, 1677. The above mentioned Will was proved in Cort by the oaths of the Witnesses [6]

3 Greer's Early Virginia Immigrants, p. 175.
4 Surry County Records, Guardian's Book, 1, p. 3.
5. Ibid., p. 1.


William Hux born about 1648 (William Hux Will 1693) living with Thomas Wicks (Hicks?) in 1669. Hux deeded 25 acres in 1673 to David Andrews, perhaps the 25 acres that his mother had been given from Thomas Gates's land (Surry Bk.2, p. 25).

NOV. 20, 1783.-Wm Hix & Sarah his wife to Pettus Ragland 51 acres road by Mr. John Hix on Falling creek.
William Hix, will in Surry Co. by Elizabeth Hix (prob. wife) 1711, probably son of John Hix made will in 1721 but left nothing to william only William's son also William.

Hays and Breeze ancestors: a genealogy of the parents of ... - Page 159 Eugene Thomas Hays - 1993

Amherst county personal property tax list B, 1787 - William Hix Sr. = 1 horse, 5 cattle. ... counties: Wm. & Mary Hix, John & Mary Hix, Joseph & Anne Hix, Robert & Mary Hix, John & Elizabeth Hix, Tubal & Hannah Hix, James & Elizabeth Hix.

William Hix b. c. 1745
In Goochland County Court 20 July 1818 th. On this 20 day of July 1818 personally appeared in Court William Hix aged seventy three years resident in the

Nov. 17, 1781 House of delegates: Ordered, That John Creagh, William Drinkard, Daniel Hicks, and William Hicks, be appointed door-keepers do this House; and that they give their attendance accordingly.

May 11, 1778.  William Hix m. to Elizabeth Harris; sec., John Fulcher; witn., Val Wood.


Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia, 1733-1815

Dec,. 15, 1800 Nancy Hicks (Hix) (dau. of william Hix) m William Singleton


MRS. CARRIE JENKINS HARRIS. 13242 Born in North Carolina. Wife of Cicero W. Harris.

Descendant of Capt. Benjamin Norwood and of Capt. William Hicks, Of North Carolina.

Daughter of Robert Alexander Jenkins and Elizabeth Tatum Hicks, his wife.

Granddaughter of Robert Alexander Jenkins and Mary Norwood, his wife; Jasper Hicks and Mary Hicks, his wife.

Gr.-granddaughter of Benjamin Norwood; William Hicks and Elizabeth Ann Tatum, his wife (m. 1778).

William Hicks served as lieutenant in the Ninth Regiment, Continental Line. He commanded a company at Guilford Court House, and his bravery at the battle is a matter of record. He was born at Brooklyn, N. Y., about 1750, and died at Oxford, N. C.

Benjamin Norwood served in the militia at Guilford Court House and was commended for daring and courage. He was born in Virginia, about 1745, and died in Granville county.

   Elizabeth[2] Jane (Jennie) 1779
    Jaspar  1782
    John (Franklin Jack)
    James Thomas


But back to the William>>Abner Hicks line...
A grandson of Abner Hicks & Elizabeth Harris (per their son, Benjamin Willis Hicks) was Thurston Titus Hicks. Thurston Titus Hicks privately published a book in Henderson (Vance Co) in 1926 entitled "Sketches of William Hicks, Abner Hicks, Jasper Hicks, George Harris, James Crews and John Earl.."

This book is the source for most of my Hicks and early Harris information, and I expect you'll find it's the source for many researchers of Hicks of Granville. I cannot say I've tried to "reprove" or verify much of this, so if we discover errors along the way, so be it. It should be mentioned, however, that Thurston Titus Hicks was a prominent lawyer, and clearly made good use of his access to records at the courthouse. In addition to recollections of his father, Benjamin Willis Hicks, Thurston Titus cites numerous wills, deeds and such...and having lived his whole life in the immedidate vicinity of his ancestor's land - land which apparently was bequeathed from William to Abner to Benjamin (Thurston Titus' father), surely gave him an advantage in this research.

Of the origins of his lines, Thurston T. Hicks writes the following: "My father told me that two brothers of William Hicks, Thomas and Robert, came with William from Long Island. I have since learned that Westbury, Long Island, was, long before 1749, the terminus a quo for the Hickses of this section."

Thurston follows the line of William Hicks whom he cites was granted by Lord Granville on 5 March 1749 two tracts aggregating 502 acres "on the waters" of Tabbs Creek. Thurston notes, "In those days all lands that comprised a part of the watershed of a stream were described as located on said stream."

He further notes "the only adjoining owners called for the in the deeds from Earl Granville to William Hicks were MEDLOCK, REAVIS and Tabbs Creek."
He notes William Hicks bought many other tracts between 1749-1799, that he conveyed to his daughters and his son William.
According to T.T. Hicks, the will of William Hicks was written 14 May 1796, proved in August Court 1799, Granville County, naming sons William Hicks Jr. and Abner (the land devised to Abner) and daughters Mary DEBRULA, Anne MATTHEWS, Martha TATUM, Priscilla DUNCAN, and Susanna WILKINS.
The will was attested to by Reuben TALLY, John HICKS and Samuel ALLEN Jr. Thurston Titus Hicks says "none of these daughters or their descendants were known to my father [Benjamin Willis] who was born Oct 15, 1828, nor are any of them known to me." He also asks who were Reuben Tally, John Hicks and Samuel Allen Jr, who attested William Hicks' will.

Thurston Titus Hicks says of the brothers of William (who apparently all came from NY)....
brother Thomas settled just north of where Oxford now is. His son Iverson succeeded him there, and Edward Hubbell HIcks, a son of Iverson, succeeded him.

brother Robert, he says, settled two miles east of Oxford on what since has been known as the John C. Taylor, later Henry Hester place. Robert's _son_ Robert was the father of Dr. J.R. or Jack Hicks.

According to T.T. Hicks, William Hicks Jr. (son of William, brother of Abner) "the records show owned the lands between Tabbs creek and Harrisburg, back to where his son Jasper Hicks later resided." He lists as children of William Jr:
"Franklin" Jack, who resided in Franklin County
Thomas Hicks, removed to Wake and was a doctor and had a large family, some of whom removed to Texas;
Theodore Hicks, lived in Franklin County;
Jasper, who settled about two miles northeast from Oxford, reared a large family and was an ardent Whig.

T.T. Hicks lists as the children of Abner HICKS and Elizabeth HARRIS:
1. William Rufus, b. 8 Dec 1801, m. ___? CHEATHAM, removed to Maury Co, TN
2. James, died in infancy
3. Mary A.F., b. 4 Apr 1805 - m. Daniel STONE, a Virginian;
4. George Newton, b. 23 Dec 1807, m. Mary Bradford JUDGE of Edgecombe Co; (three of their sons: Samuel, Solon and Sidney, all died in the War of the Confederacy)
5. John B., b. 29 May 1810, m. (1) Sally MONTGOMERY of Warren Co; (2) Sally MALLORY, daur of Rev. James Mallory of Tally Ho.
6. Samuel Simpson, b. 30 Dec 1812 d. 1881; m. Nancy, daur of Wyatt CANNADY and lived for awhile near Young's Crossroads, bef 1866 bought land and built home six miles w. of Henderson; no children;
7. Joseph Martin - b. 17 Apr 1815, m. (1) Eveline, daur of William HORNER and sisters of J.H. and Thomas J. Horner; died without issue; m. (2) Euphemia YANCEY of Clarksville, VA; again no children;
8. Harriet, died in infancy 1817
9. Elizabeth H. b 31 Oct 1819, d 9 Oct 1846; never married;
10. Keziah, died in infancy 1822
11. Robert A. - b. 22 April 1824; removed to the neighborhood of Youngsville, then called Pacific, m. Miss WINSTON...three sons: Joseph, Frank and Wilson;
12. Benjamin Willis, b. 15 Oct 1828, bought and lived until his death 30 Dec 1899 the William-Abner Hicks home place, which he renamed "White Oak Villa."
married (1) Susan A. HESTER who died of pneumonia 15 months later;
(2) Isabella Jane, daur of James and Sarah Earl CREWS.
This was T.T. Hicks' father.

As I say, this all comes from Thurston Titus Hicks' book, "Sketches...." I haven't attempted to "reprove" any of it, but thought it would be helpful to other Hicks researchers in trying to sort out the various Hicks of Granville Co. and surrounds. I'd be interested to know if anyone finds information which tends to dispute or cast doubt upon parts of it, however.

I'd also love to hear from anyone researching the George HARRIS lines...as well as anyone who knows anything of Elzey HICKS over in Warren.

I do find in the 1790 Granville tax lists (which have been used to reconstruct the burned census) the following
HICKS listed:
Oxford District:
Thomas Hicks
Robert Hicks

Ragland District:
Harris Hicks
Bishop Hicks
William Hicks, Jr.
Thomas Hicks

Tabbs Creek District:
Samuel Hicks
William Hicks
David Hicks

It would _SEEM_ that the William Hicks listed in Tabbs Creek would be William (father of Abner and Wm Jr) whose will was probated Aug 1799. I'm not sure if the William Jr. listed over in Ragland District would be his son or not, as I don't know how old Wm Jr. would be in 1790. Abner was born 1777, and does not seem to yet have a separate listing of his own. This makes sense as he did not marry until 1800.

George Harris (who should be the father of Elizabeth who marries Abner Hicks in 1800), seems to be listed in Ragland District. A "Darnin"(?) Harris is also listed in Ragland District, and I don't have the foggiest idea who that would be, but does not seem to be among the children listed of George Harris + Keziah Earl. I have no clue who George Harris's siblings might be. George is said to be the son of a John Harris + Elizabeth WATTS, but I've not yet found anything to prove this.


According to T.T. Hicks, William Hicks Jr. (son of William, brother of Abner) "the records show owned the lands between Tabbs creek and Harrisburg, back to where his son Jasper Hicks later resided." He lists as children of William Jr:
"Franklin" Jack, who resided in Franklin County
Thomas Hicks, removed to Wake and was a doctor and had a large family, some of whom removed to Texas;
Theodore Hicks, lived in Franklin County;
Jasper, who settled about two miles northeast from Oxford, reared a large family and was an ardent Whig.

T.T. Hicks lists as the children of Abner HICKS and Elizabeth HARRIS:
1. William Rufus, b. 8 Dec 1801, m. ___? CHEATHAM, removed to Maury Co, TN
2. James, died in infancy
3. Mary A.F., b. 4 Apr 1805 - m. Daniel STONE, a Virginian;
4. George Newton, b. 23 Dec 1807, m. Mary Bradford JUDGE of Edgecombe Co; (three of their sons: Samuel, Solon and Sidney, all died in the War of the Confederacy)
5. John B., b. 29 May 1810, m. (1) Sally MONTGOMERY of Warren Co; (2) Sally MALLORY, daur of Rev. James Mallory of Tally Ho.
6. Samuel Simpson, b. 30 Dec 1812 d. 1881; m. Nancy, daur of Wyatt CANNADY and lived for awhile near Young's Crossroads, bef 1866 bought land and built home six miles w. of Henderson; no children;
7. Joseph Martin - b. 17 Apr 1815, m. (1) Eveline, daur of William HORNER and sisters of J.H. and Thomas J. Horner; died without issue; m. (2) Euphemia YANCEY of Clarksville, VA; again no children;
8. Harriet, died in infancy 1817
9. Elizabeth H. b 31 Oct 1819, d 9 Oct 1846; never married;
10. Keziah, died in infancy 1822
11. Robert A. - b. 22 April 1824; removed to the neighborhood of Youngsville, then called Pacific, m. Miss WINSTON...three sons: Joseph, Frank and Wilson;
12. Benjamin Willis, b. 15 Oct 1828, bought and lived until his death 30 Dec 1899 the William-Abner Hicks home place, which he renamed "White Oak Villa."
married (1) Susan A. HESTER who died of pneumonia 15 months later;
(2) Isabella Jane, daur of James and Sarah Earl CREWS.
This was T.T. Hicks' father.

As I say, this all comes from Thurston Titus Hicks' book, "Sketches...."

Bedford County, Virginia Will Book 1

Will of Hambrus MEADOR
Page : 161
July 16, 1795
Wife: Frankey
Sons: Thomas, William
Daughters: Drusiller BANDY, Frankey DOWELL
Exec: wife Frankey
Witnesses: William HIX, Jesse HIX, David PAGEN
Recorded: September 28, 1795 Teste James STEPTOE

Inventory Of Estate Of William MORGAN
Page 92
By: William BRATCHER, William HIX
Recorded: February 27, 1770 Ben HOWARD CBC

Inventory Of Estate Of John BROWN
Page 323
By: Thomas WATTS, William HIX, Stephen GOGGINS
Recorder: September 28, 1778 Teste James STEPTOE

Appraisement Of Estate Of Jonas JORDAN
Page 495
June 29, 1785
By: Joseph PATTERSON, William HIX, William TERRY
Recorded: July 25, 1785, Teste James STEPTOE

Appraisement Of Estate Of Jonas JORDAN
Page 501
December 3, 1785
By: William HIX, Joseph PATTERSON, W. TERRY
Recorded: December 26, 1785 Teste James STEPTOE

Bedford County, Virginia Will Book 2
Inventory Of Estate Of John BOARD
Page 1
By: William HIX, Nathaniel TATE, Walter MOSELEY
Recorded: January 28, 1788 Teste James STEPTOE


WILL OF WILLIAM HIX (Sons, Kitchen, James Thomas, daug. Mary, Elizabeth)
July 11, 1779

I William Hix of the county of Sussix in Va. being very sick & weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given
to God calling to mind the mortality of my body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this
my last will & testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & recomend my soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my exectors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, & as touching such wordly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life I give device & form; First I give to my wife during her life the plantation where as I now live. After her death to my son Kinchen Hix, if he dies without child then to my son Thomas Hix according to my wife, one feather bed, & furniture together with all my house hold & kitchen furniture only. To my daughter Mary Hix, I give one feather bed, & furniture, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, I give one feather bed & furniture, like wise to to my son Kinchin Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son Thomas Hix, one feather bed & furniture, likewise to my son James Hix, one large pot, & hand mill. After her death the remainder part of my house hold goods & kitchen furniture to be equally divided between Mealy, Kinchen, & Thomas Hix. Thirdly to my daughter Mary Hix, one cow, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix, one cow, also to my son William Hix, one cow, likewise to my daughter Jane Furbush Hix, one cow, & to my son Thomas Hix, one horse called Jack with my bridle & saddle & the remaining part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Hix.

I likewise constitute make & ordain my son James Hix the whole execution of this my last will and testament I do here by utterly disallow, revoke and disnul all and every other prior testaments and wills and exactors by me in anywise before will and bequeath. Ratifying & confirming, this & no other to be my last will & testament in witness where of I have here into all my hand & seal this Eleventh day of July in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred seventy nine, signed sealed (William Hix) (seal) & published pronounced & declared by the said William Hix as his last will & testamentin the presence of who in his presence & in the presence of each other, have here into subscribed our names-Robert Hix Clement Hix, Mary Barker.

At a court held for Sussix County the 21th day of February 1782 the last will & testament of William Hix deced was exhibited
in court by James Hix the exactors there in named proved by the oath of Mary Barker & by the affirmation of Clement Hix & Robert Hix, Quakers, the witnesses there to & ordered to be seconded & on the motion of the said exactors who made oath according to the law & with Clement Hix, Robert Hix, & Jesse Wallis [Willis] his secrutery entired into & acknowledged their bond & the penality of ten thousand pounds conditioned by the law directa certificates is granted him for entering probate there
of in due form.

Cls. court.


Bedford County, Virginia Will Book 2
Inventory Of Estate Of John BOARD Page 1
By: William HIX, Nathaniel TATE, Walter MOSELEY
Recorded: January 28, 1788 Teste James STEPTOE

Line from ancestry- undocumented

1. Joseph Hicks
    Birth 1682 in Blisland Parish, James City, Virginia, United States
    Death 1711 in Hanover, Virginia, United States

    m. Susana Pewed
    Birth 1688 in Virginia, United States
    Death in Hanover, Virginia, United States

2. William Hicks
    Birth 1714 in Hanover, Virginia, United States
    Death 19 Dec 1822 in Kanawha, Virginia, United States

     m. Ann Jarret
    Birth 1745 in Rockingham, Virginia, United States
    Death 1760 in Rockingham, Virginia, United States

3. Joseph Hicks
    Birth 1737 in Hanover, Virginia, United States
    Death 23 Feb 1761 in Monroe, Amherst, Virginia, United States

    m. Sarah Haynes
    Birth 1718 in Hanover, Virginia, United States
4. William Hix
    Birth 1757 in Christiansburg, Montgomery, Virginia, United States
    Death 1812 in Kanawha City, Kanawha, West Virginia, United States

   m. [Melvina Cole
    Birth 1739 in Drapers Meadow, Virginia, United States

5. William Hix
    1783 18 Jun Age: 21
    Greenbrier, West Virginia, United States

    m. Hannah Jarrett
    Birth 1762 in Rockingham, Virginia, United States


The Frosts and Related Families of Bedford County, TN ... - Page 291

Wright Wilson Frost - 1962 - ‎Snippet view
Womble Billie is the name by which William P. Hix's contemporaries distinguished him from his uncle Billie Hix — William Hix, older brother of John Hix. Since the statement concerning the marriage of Nick (Nicholas) Newton and Sallie (Sarah

John hix widow Sibeller; eight children
  John Hix

William Hix, Paternal (1774-1839)

William Hix, his first wife, his second wife, and the families of both wives. Upon seeing William Hix's marriage bond with Alcey Dews, his first wife, I ordered a photo-copy and was planning to read in detail from the copy after my return ...


William Hicks and his wife Sarah are believed to have had at least four children:

1: Sarah Hicks (b. 14 Nov. 1757-12 Sept. 1810) who married Samuel Curtis (8 Jan. 1751-24 Jan 1846)
2. Charles Hicks who some sources show marrying Susannah Curtis, daughter of Nathaniel Curtis who was killed in the Revolution in 1780).
3. Daniel Hicks (b. 1759) who married Sarah ______.
4. Benjamin Hicks

William's father John Hicks, Sr. (d. 1760) was appointed one of the first group of Justices of Anson County when the county was formed from Bladen County in 1749. Francis Young, father of Isam Young was a very prosperous land owner who had considerable property holdings in South Carolina and North Carolina.

It is family tradition that Sarah (Hicks) Curtis, daughter of William and Sarah (____)Young Hicks was a cousin of her husband Samuel Curtis's 2nd wife (Whom Samuel married in Tennessee around 1812, about a year and half after Sarah's death.), a widow, Elizabeth W. (Kennon) Alston (1778 - Sept. 1852). Elizabeth's first husband had been John Alston whom she married 28 Jan 1797 in Orange County, North Carolina. There are also claims by some researchers, again unsubstantiated with documentation, that the "W" initial in Elizabeth's name is for "Watkins."

I've been trying to "crack this nut" for about 30 years and would appreciate very much learning if someone else has had better success. THANKS --- JAY

I am of the understanding that the wife of William Hicks, son of John Hicks, Sr. and Obedience, was Sarah Elizabeth Rives. I was given the names of Sara, Charles, and Elizabeth as their children...there may have been other children as well.

Elizabeth Hicks was my ggg-grandmother, and she married John Geuin/Gewin. I have from the Anson County Register of Deeds, a copy of a land indenture dated 1750 between John Hicks to William Hicks. It pertains to a tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres, lying & being in Anson County in the Province of North Carolina, & on the North side of the Pee Dee River. I also have a copy of a land indenture dated March 22, 1797 between Joshua Prout to Charles Hicks and John Geuin (only it was spelled Gewing in the book) This land was in the state of North Carolina & County of Anson...on the So. Wt. side of the Pee Dee River. I have used these land transactions as evidence that William was the son of John Hicks Sr., and that Charles Hicks was a brother to my Elizabeth Hicks-Geuin/Gewin.


Hicks, William: entered service 1776 in Spotsylvania Co, VA; pensioned at age 72 in Greene Co., AL, in 1829 when resided there for about 5 years. His wife at the time was deceased and his married children are mentioned, but not named. A letter of query was received dated 1933 from descendant Connie (Mrs. C.G.) Spencer of Selma, AL, who was also a descendant of Barfield Jackson and wife Ellen Noble and also a descendant of War of 1812 soldiers James and John Craig of SC. F-S38027 R1269

Hicks, William: entered service in 1781 from Goochland Co., VA; pensioned there in 1818 at age 73. Was a resident there in 1820 with wife Ann, age 73. Resident there in 1829; grandchildren are mentioned but not named. A letter of query was received in 1912 from Annas Stout, Georgetown, KY, descendant of VA Rev War soldier William Hicks, who md. 5/11/1778 Mary Elizabeth Harris, Goochland Co., VA. He died in KY, possibly in Woodford Co. F-S7016 R1269

Hicks, William: entered service in 1776 in Berkeley Co., VA; pensioned at age 66 in Fayette Co., KY in 1818; resided there in 1820 with wife, daughter age 18 and grandchild age 5 or 6; died 11/20/22 in Jessamine Co., KY F-S35410 R1269

Hicks, William: entered service in 1776 VA; pensioned about age 62 in Garrard Co., KY in 1818; died there in 1822; married 1/2/1784 Mary Swanger; widow pensioned at age 72 in Jessamine Co, KY in 1838; she died there 8/24/47; daughter Suffiah (widow of Edward Combs, who died 10/1825), b. 9/20/1790 as the 4th child, resided 1838 in Jessamine Co, KY. Other children's births: Moses 9/7/86, Abraham 10/30/88, Samuel 1/16/92, William 12/4/94 and Abigail 5/20/96; in 1847 John Cornman Sr. was the administrator of the soldier's widow's estate. F-W8931 R1269

Hix, William b. 1740    Va. Battalion of Goochland. Private in VA. Continental and VA Militia. Pension started April 4, 1833 at age 90


Old New Kent County [Virginia]: Some Account of the Planters ..., Volume 1
 By Malcolm Harris

New Kent land 1782
William Hix  50 (acres)
Nancy Hix m. William Singleton 12-15-1800 daughter of William Hix
William Hicks (son of Mary) m Elizabeth harris . d. Of Harrisons Harris May, 11, 1778
Dec. 1795 John Hicks and Catey (Katy) Herndon
William Hix m. Prudence Farmer--Chesterfield County, Virginia

8. MARK4 FARMER (JOHN3, HENRY2, THOMAS1) was born Abt. 1718 in Henrico
County, Virginia, and died Aft. 08 October 1771 in Cumberland County,
Virginia7. He married AMEY BOWMAN, daughter of JOHN BOWMAN. She was born
Abt. 1725 in Henrico, later Chesterfield County, Virginia, and died Aft. 1771.
Notes for MARK FARMER:
HENRICO COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DEEDS, 1737-1750 by Benjamin B. Weisiger III
(1985) abstracts a deed dated 7 November 1748: "John Farmer, Sr. of County
and Parish of Henrico, to his son Mark Farmer of same, for 1 shilling, 150
acres on north side of Swift Creek, bounded by Colonel William Bird."
Witnesses were Joseph Farmer, William Adkins, and Frederick Farmer. John and
Susanna Farmer both signed the deed, which was recorded on the first Monday
in November 1748 (p. 44).
Children of MARK FARMER and AMEY BOWMAN are:
i. DANIEL5 FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico-Chesterfield county, Virginia;
d. Aft. 1771.
ii. ELIZABETH FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico-Chesterfield county,
Virginia; d. Aft. 1771; m. -?- TRUEMAN; b. Abt. 1745.
iii. SAMUEL FARMER, b. Abt. 1745, Henrico (later Chesterfield) County,
Virginia; d. Aft. 1772; m. PEGGY BINNS; b. Abt. 1750, Henrico County,
iv. PRUDENCE FARMER, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.
1771; m. WILLIAM HIX, Abt. 1777, Chesterfield County, Virginia; b. Abt. 1750,
Chesterfield County, Virginia.
The marriage bond for William Hix and Prudence Farmer is signed by
William Hix and Daniel Farmer. It is undated but refers to £50 and the
Governor of Virginia, so probably dates from Revolutionary days.
v. PHEBE FARMER8, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.
vi. MARY ANN FARMER, b. Abt. 1755, Chesterfield County, Virginia; d. Aft.


Louisa County, Va. Deed Records

 Book: H, Page: 269, Grantor: Carpenter, Phillip & Anne, Grantee: Hix, William, Date: 08-Dec-1783
Phillip CARPENTER & Anne his wife of Louisa to William HIX of Spotsylvania for diverse considerations & L40 for tract on branches of North East Creek containing 100 acres. Sig. Phillip CARPENTER & ANNA CARPENTER. no wit. Rec. 8 Dec 1783

Book: H, Page: 269, Grantor: Phillip Carpenter and Anne his wife, Grantee: William Hix, Date: 08-Dec-1783
Phillip Carpenter and Anne his wife of Louisa to William Hix of Spotsylvania for diverse considerations and 40 for tract on branches of North East Creek containing 100 acres. Sig. Phillip Carpenter and Anna Carpenter. No. wit. Rec. 8 Dec 1783.

Book: H, Page: 269, Grantor: Phillip Carpenter, Grantee: William Hix, Date: 08-Dec-1783
Phillip Carpenter of Louisa to William Hix of Spotsylvania for 40 gold for tract on North East Creek containing 100 acres. Sig. Phillip Carpenter and Anna Carpenter. Rec. 8 Dec 1783. branches of N
Nancy hicks daught of william hix m, William Singleton 12-15-1800


[? son of william 2, son of John 1 and Denias Christiana [will]

 Will of Wm Hix July 11, 1779}  I William Hix of the County of Sussex in VA being very sick and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to God calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is aoooined for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent manner at the disretion of my execuors nothing doubting but at the general resurrection.  I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate.  Where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life.  I give devise and dispse of in the following manner and form.  First I give to my wife during her life the plantation where on I now live.  After her death, to my son Kinchen Hix, if he dies without child then to my son Thomas.  Secondly- to my wife one feather bed and furniture together with all my household and kitchen furniture only.  To my daughter Mary Hix I give one feather bed and furniture.  Also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix I give one feather bed and furniture.  Likewise to my daughter Mealy Hix one feather bed and furniture. Likewise to my son Kinchen Hix one feather bed and furniture.  Also to my son Thomas Hix one feather bed and furniture.  Likewise to my son James Hix one large pot and hand mill.After  her death, the remainder part of my house-hold goods and kitchen furiture to be equally divided between MealyHix and Thomas Hix.  Thirdly to my daughter Mary Hix one cow, also to my daughter Elizabeth Hix one cow, also to my son William Hix one cow.  Likewisw to my daughter Jane Furbush Hix one cow and to my son Thomas Hix one horse called Jack with my bridle and saddle and the remaining of part of my estate to my beloved wife Mary Hix.  I likewise constitute, make and ordain my son James Hix the whole executor of this my last Will and Testament.  I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other prior testamente and Wills and exacuted by me in anywise before Will and bequeathed.  Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament in witness where of I have here unto all my hand and seal this eleventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred seventy nine,  William Hix sighed sealed and published  pronounced and declared by the said William Hix as his last Will and Testament, in the oresence of who in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names--Robert Hix, Clements Hix, Mary Barker.  At a court held for Sussex County, the 21st day of Febuary 1782 the last Will and Testament of William Hix deced was exhibited in court by James Hix the Executor-therein named proved by the oath of Mary Barker and by the affermation of Clement Hix and Robert Hix, Quakers.  The witness there- to and ordered to be seconded and on the motion of the said executor who made oath according to law and with Clement Hix, Robert Hix and Jesse Wallis his securities entered into and acknowledged thier bond in the penalty of ten thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining a Probate there of in due form---Jn Cocke  circute court.


Pastor in charge of the M. E. Church, South, in the East Abingdon district, was born in Washington county, May 11, 1849. He married in Tazewell county, Virginia, October 3, 1872, Mary A. Bane, who was' born in that county, October 10, 1850. The issue of this union is seven children,born in the order named: Charles E.. N. E. May, Maud, William Bane, Marguerite A., Spiller, Ellen Stuart.

The father of William Ward Hicks is Rev. William Hicks, son of William Hicks from Maryland, whose father came from England. His mother is Elizabeth M., daughter of William Ward of Wythe county, Virginia, whose father came from Ireland. William Ward, of Wythe county, married a Miss Young of Tennessee.

Rev. William Hicks, pastor in the M. E. Church, South, was a prominent member of the Holston conference, and several times a member of the general conference. He was the Hayward county delegate to the North Carolina convention at Raleigh that passed the ordinance of secession, and during the war was chaplain of the 6th North Carolina Infantry. Before the war he was editor of the Herald of Truth; subsequently edited the HnMon Advoi-IIti', in Virginia; also served as superintendent of public schools in Bland county, Virginia.

The wife of Rev. William Ward Hicks is a daughter of William R. Bane, Esq. of Tazewell county, whose father, Howard Bane, came from Giles county to Tazewell county, the family of Scotch extraction. Her mother was Nancy, daughter of Howard Haven, of Tazewell county.


Hicks, William: b. 1757 entered service 1776 in Spotsylvania Co, VA; pensioned at age 72 in Greene Co., AL, in 1829 when resided there for about 5 years. His wife at the time was deceased and his married children are mentioned, but not named. A letter of query was received dated 1933 from descendant Connie (Mrs. C.G.) Spencer of Selma, AL, who was also a descendant of Barfield Jackson and wife Ellen Noble and also a descendant of War of 1812 soldiers James and John Craig of SC. F-S38027 R1269

Hicks, William: b. circa 1745; entered service in 1781 from Goochland Co., VA; pensioned there in 1818 at age 73. Was a resident there in 1820 with wife Ann, age 73. Resident there in 1829; grandchildren are mentioned but not named. A letter of query was received in 1912 from Annas Stout, Georgetown, KY, descendant of VA Rev War soldier William Hicks, who md. 5/11/1778 Mary Elizabeth Harris, Goochland Co., VA. He died in KY, possibly in Woodford Co. F-S7016 R1269

Hicks, William: b. 1752 entered service in 1776 in Berkeley Co., VA; pensioned at age 66 in Fayette Co., KY in 1818; resided there in 1820 with wife, daughter age 18 and grandchild age 5 or 6; died 11/20/22 in Jessamine Co., KY F-S35410 R1269

Hicks, William: entered service in 1776 VA; pensioned about age 62 in Garrard Co., KY in 1818; died there in 1822; married 1/2/1784 Mary Swanger; widow pensioned at age 72 in Jessamine Co, KY in 1838; she died there 8/24/47; daughter Suffiah (widow of Edward Combs, who died 10/1825), b. 9/20/1790 as the 4th child, resided 1838 in Jessamine Co, KY. Other children's births: Moses 9/7/86, Abraham 10/30/88, Samuel 1/16/92, William 12/4/94 and Abigail 5/20/96; in 1847 John Cornman Sr. was the administrator of the soldier's widow's estate. F-W8931 R1269
William HICKS born abt 1780; place of birth: No.Carolina (according to dau., Rebecca BOYD on the 1880 C. Crawford Co. IL. She was the only ch. living in 1880 of fifteen.)
(1) wife - name unknown (maybe, Mary "Polly"); place of birth: No. Carolina
1817 - Resident of Crawford Co., Illinois
1843 - Died Crawford Co., Illinois
Polly HICKS b. abt 1802 md William FOWLER
William HICKS b. abt 1803 md Elizabeth MONTGOMERY
Rebecca HICKS b. 1804 KY md (1)James Wm. DOYLE (2)Thomas N. BOYD
Tillethe HICKS b. 1807 NC md William FOWLER
daughter HICKS b. abt 1811
Joicey HICKS b. abt 1813 KY md Thomas KENNEDY
Greenberry HICKS b. abt 1814 md Lucinda SANDERS
Jesse HICKS b. abt 1816 md Lavina DONNELL
Permelia HICKS b. abt 1818 IL md (1) William MADDOX (2) John TAYLOR
daughter HICKS b. abt 1820 IL
daughter HICKS b. abt 1825 IL
(2) wife - Sarah MADDOX md 22 Jan 1832
Stephen F. HICKS b. 1833 IL
Elizabeth HICKS b. 1836 IL md William IVEY
William HICKS b. 1840 IL
daughter HICKS b. abt 1841 IL
All of the above Illinois births were in Crawford Co. All of the
marriages were also in Crawford Co.

Hannah born 18 /June /1783 Greenbriar Co Va/Wva. and was the daughter of David Jacob Jarrett/Garrard he was born 1740 Bucks Co.Pa. died 8/Oct/1811 Kanawha Co.Va/Wva.Her mother was Jane (Graham)Griffith a widow.Hanna married William Hicks/Hix the son of Joseph Hicks and Melvina Cole. William was born about 1760 in Rockingham Co. Va. and died abt 1815 in Kanawha Co. West Virginia. The family used both spellings. Some of them moved to Kentucky some stayed in Greenbriar Co and Kanawha Co. West Virginia.Their son William Hicks 2nd married Rachael Howe their son Benjamin D. Hicks (b abt.1840 died aft 1870) married Mary L. King 11 April 1861 in Kanawha Co., W Va. Mary was born about 1846 in Kanawha Co. W Va. daughter of John King and Elizabeth Fisher. David Hicks born in Putnam Co.W Va. married Mildred Huddleston 3 Mar., 1805 in Kanawha Co. Wva.


    William Hix was born about 1765. He married Hannah Garrard/Jarrett. Children of William and Hannah Garrard/Jarrett.
  2.  (1). David     b.c.     1784         m. Mildred Huddleston
  3.  (2). Ellis   b.c.     1786         m. Mary A. Story
  4.  (3). Jesse   b.c.     1788      m. Sarah Standley
  5.  (4).Joseph Stephen   b.c.   1790   m. Margaret "Peggy" Boggs 1815
  6.  (6). Mary  b.c.     1792   m. James Melvin
  7.  (6). Achilles    b.c.     1794     m. Delilah Lykins      m. Harriet Jenkins
  8.  (7). William     b.c.     1796      m. Rachel Howes 
  9.  (8). Elizabeth    b.c.     1798       m. Reason Wiley
  10  (9). Thomas   b.c.     1800     m. Sally Coon

2. DAVID HIX    (1.WILLIAM HIX)  David Hix, a son of William and Hannah (Garrard/Jarrett) Hix, was born about 1786. He married Mildred Huddleston. Children of David and Mildred (Huddleston) Hix.
  11. (1). George        M. Angeline CARTER
  12. (2). Ahas         m. Rebecca Latheman
 13. (3). Achilles
 14. (4). Merritt
 15. (5). David Jr.     m. Isabella Beckett
 16. (6). John    M. Eliza Elken

3.ELLIS HIX   (1.WILLIAM HIX)   Ellis Hix, a son of William and Hannah (Garrard/Jarrett) Hix, was born about 1788. He married Mary A. Story. Children of Ellis and mary A. (Story) Hix.
 17. (1). Lucinda     m. Elston Wright
  18. (2). Hugh
  19. (3). William
  20. (4). Elizabeth    m. Ellis Hinton
  21. (4). Hannah    m. Slingsby Linthicum
  22. (5). Sarah Ann     m. William Thompson
  23. (6). Malvina       m. George Hensley
   24. (7). Ellis        m. Mary E. Wilson
  25. (8). Emeline        m. Willis Hinton

4. JESSE HIX    (1.WILLIAM HIX)  Jesse Hix, a son of William and Hannah (Garrard/Jarrett) Hix, was born about 1788. He married Sarah Standley. Known children of Jesse and Sarah (Standley) Hix.
  26. (1). Jesse HIX
5. JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS   (1.WILLIAM HIX)   Joseph Stephen Hicks, son of William and Hannah (Garrad/Jarrett) Hix, was born in VA about 1790.  He married Margaret "Peggy" Boggs in 1815 in Monroe County, VA. Margaret, a daughter of John and Susan (Drennan) Boggs, was born in 1793. Known children of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks.
  27.  (1). Nancy Joanna            b.      1815      m. William Greathouse
 28.  (2). Joseph                  b.      1817 
 29.  (3). Stephen David           b.c.     1820       m.Christina Barnhouse Apr 21 1848 
 30.    (4). William  b.c.     1822  m. Minerva Harris, 27 Sep 1849, Kanawha County WV 
 31.   (5). Samuel    m. ----- Harris
 32.  (6). George Washington   b.c.     1824   d.Aug  5 1897,   m. Delilah Burdett  m. Elizabeth McCune
 33.  (7). Laurence                b. 1827         d.May 18 1901  m. Margaret Ewing 20 Aug 1858, Nicholas County WV
         m.Synthia Ann Hinkle, 28 Aug 1862, Greenbrier County WV
  34.  (7). James                   b.c.     1829   d. 22 Oct 1893   m. Minerva Coon
 35.  (8). Margaret              b. c.    1832, Jackson County WV   m. Isaac Blosse

7. ACHILLES HIX   (1.WILLIAM HIX)  Achilles Hix, a son of William and Hannah (Garrard/Jarrett) Hix, was born about 1794. He married Delilah Lykins. His second wife was Harriet Jenkins. Children of Achilles and Delilah (Lykins) Hix.  
  36. (1). Delilah
 37. (1). Bryant D.     m. Salina A.J. -----
 38. (2). Squire
 39.  (3). Akellis Calvin     m. Josephine Thivenin     m. Almeda Gillespie
 40. (4). Elizabeth Ann
 41.  (5). Roxalena    m. Thomas N. Arthur
 42. (6). Mason
 43. (7). Amanda
 44.  (8). Calledonia   m.James F. Gilfillen
 45. (9). William C.
 46. (10). Harriet R.   m. George W Gilfillen

8. WILLIAM HIX   (1.WILLIAM HIX)    William Hix, a son of William and Hannah (Garrard/Jarrett) Hix, was born about 1786. He married Rachel Howes. Children of William and Rachel (Howes) Hix. 
 47. (1). Mary     m. A.S. Tidd
 48. (2). William C.    m. Louisa Clark
 49. (3). Sarah Margaret    m. William C. Griffith
 50. (4). Almeda     m. John Warden
 51. (5). Benjamin D.  m. Mary F. King
 52. (6). Edward C
 53. (7). Squire     m. Laura E. Mead
 54. (8). John Thomas

11. GEORGE HIX   (2.DAVID HIX    1.WILLIAM HIX)   George Hix, a son of David and Mildred (Huddleston) Hix, maried Angeline Carter. Children of George and Angeline (Carter) Hix.
 55.  (1). Augusta     m. Henry E. Swindler
 56. (2). Missouri
 57. (3). Madison W.   m. Eliza Jane Hall 
 58. (4). Milton H.     m. Maria Katherine Sims 
 59. (5). Angelina Elizabeth     m. Jacob David Ronk 
 60. (6). Mary E.

12. AHAS HIX   (2.DAVID HIX 1.WILLIAM HIX)  Ahas Hix, a son of David and Mildred (Huddleston) Hix, married Rebecca Latheman. Children of Ahas and Rebecca (Latheman) Hix.
   61. (1). Emeline
   62. (2). Roxalena F.   m. Hillery Ashworth
 63. (3). James Bradford      m. Artimicia Bums
 64. (4). Ahas Jr.      m. Mary A. Jordan
 65. (5). Wellington         m. Edna Ball

15. DAVID HIX JR.  ( 2.DAVID HIX    1.WILLIAM HIX)    David Hix Jr., a son of David and Mildred (Huddleston) Hix married
Isabella Beckett. Children of David Jr. and Isabella (Beckett) Hix.
 66. (1). John B.        m. Hannah Erwin
 67. (2). Charles H.      m. Matilda F. Turley
 68. (3). Sarah Margaret   m. William Henry Johnson
 69. (4). James Jerome
 70. (5). Andrew M.
 71. (6). Napo1eon
  72. (7). Alice

16. JOHN HIX   ( 2.DAVID HIX    1.WILLIAM HIX)   John Hix, a son of David and Mildred (Huddleston) Hix, married Eliza Elken.
Children of John and Eliza (Elken) Hix.
 73. (1). Charles S.
 74. (2). James Robert
 75. (3). Nancy M.
 76. (4). Sarah L.
 77. (5). Ann Eliza
 78. (6). Mary E.
 79. (7). John Henry

29. STEPHEN DAVID HICKS   (5.JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS   1.WILLIAM HIX)  Stephen David Hicks, a son of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks, was born in Greenbrier County VA (WV) about 1823. He married Christina Barnhouse April 21, 1848.  Christina, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (McCune) [Bush] Barnhouse, was born in Lewis County VA (WV) in 1827. Children of Stephen David and Christina (Barnhouse) Hicks.
 80.  (1). David b.Apr 18 1850   d.Apr 18 1924          m.Diana Jarvis Oct 20 1869
 81.  (2). Lora J.                 b.       1853      m.George Jarvis Aug 12 1869
 82.  (3). Mary Ellen              b.c.     1864

30.WILLIAM HICKS   (5.JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS   1.WILLIAM HIX)       William Hicks, a son of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks, was born about 1822. He married Minerva Harris, September 27, 1849 in Kanawha County WV.  Children of William and Minerva (Harris) Hicks.
 83. (1). Sophia
 84. (2). Thomas        m. Ida ----
 85. (3). Margaret S.
 86.  (4). Hannah M.

32.GEORGE WASHINGTON HICKS  ( 5.JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS   1.WILLIAM HIX)    George Washington Hicks, a son of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks, was born in VA about 1824 and died in Calhoun County WV August 24, 1897. He married Delilah (Burdett) Nicholas.    He married Elizabeth McCune. Elizabeth was born in VA in 1844 and died in Calhoun County after 1900.   Elizabeth is listed in the 1900 Calhoun County census as a 56 year old widow. She is the mother of 3 children, all living.
  Known children of George Washington and Delilah (Burdett) [Nicholas] Hicks.

 87. (1). John
 88. (2). Benjamin Armstrong       b.c.     1847          m. Ann Carpenter
 89. (3). James David              b.c.     1850         m. Annie B. Summers
 90.  (4).Owen Lewis               b.c.     1853    m. Elizabeth Ellen Summers   m. Elizabeth Hall
 91.  (5). Joseph Steven           b.c.     1857    m. Mildred Fitzwater
 92. (6). Margaret Jane        m. Abraham Greathouse

Children of George Washington and Elizabeth (McCune) Hicks.
 93.  (1). William Henry      b. Jun 21 1866   D.Jul  7 1942  m. Margaret L. Ellison 16 Dec 1883 in Calhoun County WV
 94.  (2). John                    b.       1869         m. Margaret "Maggie" E. Yost
 95.  (3). Laurence                b.Mar    1880        m. Minnie Lee Shaver

33.LAURENCE HICKS   (5.JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS  1.WILLIAM HIX)   Laurence Hicks, a son of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks, was born in 1836 and died in Calhoun County WV May 18, 1901.  He married Margaret (Ewing) Nicholas August 20, 1858 in Nicholas County VA (WV). Margaret died and Laurence married Synthia Ann Hinkle August 28,1862 in Greenbrier County, VA (WV).  Synthia, a daughter of John and Nancy (Payne) Hinkle, was born Greenbrier County VA (WV) January 4, 1842 and died in Calhoun County  May 27, 1901. Children of Laurence and Margaret (Ewing) [Nicholas] Hicks.
 96.  (1). Frank
 97.  (2). Mary
 98.  (3). Allen L
 99.  (4). Elizabeth
Children of Laurence and Synthia Ann (Hinkle) Hicks.
100.  (2). Lizzie E.               b.c.     1864     m. Henry J. Summerville 19 Sep 1899 in Roane County WV
101.  (1). Nancy E.                b. c.    1866  m. John W. Showen 11 Jan 1882 in Roane County WV
102.  (2). Leonard S.              b.Jan    1867   m. Eva Cooper on 5 Aug 1892 in Calhoun County WV
103.  (3). Edgar W.                b.c.     1869
104.  (4). Henry Clay  b.Mar  7 1870   d.Jul 15 1935   m.Jerusha Ellen Jarvis on 23 Aug 1890 in Calhoun County WV
105.  (5). Joseph Brown            b.Jul    1873   m.Stella Jarvis Oct  2 1893, Calhoun County WV m. Rosie O'Brien 17 Nov  1900,    Roane County WV
106.  (6). Luther E.               b.Sep    1875         m. Florence Witt, 14 Jul 1899, Calhoun County WV        m. Ida B. Murphy, 21 Jan 1909, Clay County WV
107.  (7). Oklahoma "Dick"
108.  (8). Laura              b.17 Dec 1881   d.May 30 1955,      m. Nelson Jarvis, 12 Jul 1902, Calhoun County WV

34. JAMES HICKS   5.JOSEPH STEPHEN HICKS   1.WILLIAM HIX)     James Hicks, a son of Joseph Stephen and Margaret (Boggs) Hicks, was born about 1829. He married Minerva Coon. Children of James and Minerva (Coon) Hicks.
109.  (1). George S.
110.  (2). Charles W.
111.  (3). James
112.  (4). Julia A.
113.  (5). Minnie F.
114.  (6). Luella
115.  (7). William H.
116.  (8). Malissa

37.BRYANT D. HIX   7.ACHILLES HIX    1.WILLIAM HIX)    Bryant D. Hix, a son of Achilles and Harriet (Jenkins) Hix, married
Salina A.J. ----. Children of Bryant D. and Salina A.J. Hix.
117.  (1). Ira Clay
118.  (2). William A.
119.  (3). Wesley
120.  (4). Minerva I.
121.  (5). Charles F. HIX
[see complete chart attached to this page]

William Hix , Jr.     
  Born: ABT 1771 - Virginia?
  Marr: -
  Died: ABT 1822 - Garrard Co. KY
Father: William Hix , Sr.
Mother: Mrs. Unknown
Other Spouses:

Polly McDaniel   
  Born: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

1. Allen Hicks   
  Born: ABT 1799 -
  Marr: 1821 - Polly Martin
  Died: - 2. Elizabeth Hicks      
  Born: ABT 1800 - Garrard Co. KY
  Marr: 1817 - Cornelius Hicks
  Died: ABT 1877 - 3. Angus Hicks   
  Born: ABT 1800 -
  Marr: 1821 - Ann White
  Died: - 4. William Henry Hicks      
  Born: ABT 1804 -
  Marr: 1826 - Bathiah Acres
  Died: NOV 1853 - Garrard Co. KY 5. Stephana Hicks   
  Born: ABT 1806 -
  Marr: 1833 - Matilda Ison (other spouses)
  Died: -


William Hix , Sr.   
  Born: ABT 1750 -
  Marr: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

Mrs. Unknown
  Born: -
  Died: -
Other Spouses:

1. Sarah Hix   
  Born: 1770 - Virginia
  Marr: 1793 - James Taylor
  Died: AFT 1860 - 2. William Hix , Jr.      
  Born: ABT 1771 - Virginia?
  Marr: - Polly McDaniel
  Died: ABT 1822 - Garrard Co. KY 3. Joseph B. Hix      
  Born: ABT 1772 - Amherst Co. VA
  Marr: 1792 - Lucretia Childress
  Died: ABT 1835 - Garrard Co. KY 4. John Hix      
  Born: ABT 1773 -
  Marr: -
  Died: -

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